Example #1
static void check_set_log_level(void **state)
    int rc;

    (void) state;

    rc = csync_set_log_level(-5);
    assert_int_equal(rc, -1);

    rc = csync_set_log_level(5);
    assert_int_equal(rc, 0);

    rc = csync_get_log_level();
    assert_int_equal(rc, 5);
Example #2
static void check_logging(void **state)
    int rc;
    csync_stat_t sb;
    mbchar_t *path;
    path = c_utf8_path_to_locale("/tmp/check_csync1/cb_called");

    (void) state; /* unused */


    rc = csync_set_log_level(1);
    assert_int_equal(rc, 0);

    rc = csync_set_log_callback(check_log_callback);
    assert_int_equal(rc, 0);

    csync_log(1, __func__, "rc = %d", rc);

    rc = _tstat(path, &sb);


    assert_int_equal(rc, 0);
Example #3
bool Folder::init()
    Account *account = AccountManager::instance()->account();
    if (!account) {
        // Normaly this should not happen, but it could be that there is something
        // wrong with the config and it is better not to crash.
        qWarning() << "WRN: No account  configured, can't sync";
        return false;

    // We need to reconstruct the url because the path need to be fully decoded, as csync will  re-encode the path:
    //  Remember that csync will just append the filename to the path and pass it to the vio plugin.
    //  csync_owncloud will then re-encode everything.
    QUrl url = remoteUrl();
    QString url_string = url.scheme() + QLatin1String("://") + url.authority(QUrl::EncodeDelimiters) + url.path(QUrl::FullyDecoded);
    // Qt4 was broken anyway as it did not encode the '#' as it should have done  (it was actually a provlem when parsing the path from QUrl::setPath
    QString url_string = remoteUrl().toString();
    url_string = Utility::toCSyncScheme(url_string);

    QString localpath = path();

    if( csync_create( &_csync_ctx, localpath.toUtf8().data(), url_string.toUtf8().data() ) < 0 ) {
        qDebug() << "Unable to create csync-context!";
        slotSyncError(tr("Unable to create csync-context"));
        _csync_ctx = 0;
    } else {
        csync_set_log_callback( csyncLogCatcher );
        csync_set_log_level( 11 );

        if (Account *account = AccountManager::instance()->account()) {
        } else {
            qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No default Account object, huh?";

        if( csync_init( _csync_ctx ) < 0 ) {
            qDebug() << "Could not initialize csync!" << csync_get_status(_csync_ctx) << csync_get_status_string(_csync_ctx);
            QString errStr = SyncEngine::csyncErrorToString(CSYNC_STATUS(csync_get_status(_csync_ctx)));
            const char *errMsg = csync_get_status_string(_csync_ctx);
            if( errMsg ) {
                errStr += QLatin1String("<br/>");
                errStr += QString::fromUtf8(errMsg);
            _csync_ctx = 0;
    return _csync_ctx;
Example #4
bool Folder::init()
    // We need to reconstruct the url because the path needs to be fully decoded, as csync will re-encode the path:
    //  Remember that csync will just append the filename to the path and pass it to the vio plugin.
    //  csync_owncloud will then re-encode everything.
    QUrl url = remoteUrl();
    QString url_string = url.scheme() + QLatin1String("://") + url.authority(QUrl::EncodeDelimiters) + url.path(QUrl::FullyDecoded);
    // Qt4 was broken anyway as it did not encode the '#' as it should have done  (it was actually a problem when parsing the path from QUrl::setPath
    QString url_string = remoteUrl().toString();
    url_string = Utility::toCSyncScheme(url_string);

    QString localpath = path();

    if( csync_create( &_csync_ctx, localpath.toUtf8().data(), url_string.toUtf8().data() ) < 0 ) {
        qDebug() << "Unable to create csync-context!";
        slotSyncError(tr("Unable to create csync-context"));
        _csync_ctx = 0;
    } else {
        csync_set_log_callback( csyncLogCatcher );
        csync_set_log_level( Logger::instance()->isNoop() ? 0 : 11 );

        Q_ASSERT( _accountState );

        if( csync_init( _csync_ctx ) < 0 ) {
            qDebug() << "Could not initialize csync!" << csync_get_status(_csync_ctx) << csync_get_status_string(_csync_ctx);
            QString errStr = SyncEngine::csyncErrorToString(CSYNC_STATUS(csync_get_status(_csync_ctx)));
            const char *errMsg = csync_get_status_string(_csync_ctx);
            if( errMsg ) {
                errStr += QLatin1String("<br/>");
                errStr += QString::fromUtf8(errMsg);
            _csync_ctx = 0;
    return _csync_ctx;
Example #5
void Folder::startSync(const QStringList &pathList)

    if (!_csync_ctx) {
        // no _csync_ctx yet,  initialize it.

        if (!_csync_ctx) {
            qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "init failed.";
            // the error should already be set
            QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotSyncFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection);
    } else if (proxyDirty()) {
    csync_set_log_level( Logger::instance()->isNoop() ? 0 : 11 );

    if (isBusy()) {
        qCritical() << "* ERROR csync is still running and new sync requested.";
    _csyncError = false;
    _csyncUnavail = false;

    _syncResult.setStatus( SyncResult::SyncPrepare );
    emit syncStateChange();

    qDebug() << "*** Start syncing " << alias() << " - client version"
             << qPrintable(Theme::instance()->version());

    if (! setIgnoredFiles())
        slotSyncError(tr("Could not read system exclude file"));
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotSyncFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection);

    // pass the setting if hidden files are to be ignored, will be read in csync_update
    _csync_ctx->ignore_hidden_files = _definition.ignoreHiddenFiles;

    _engine.reset(new SyncEngine( _accountState->account(), _csync_ctx, path(), remoteUrl().path(), remotePath(), &_journal));


    connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(rootEtag(QString)), this, SLOT(etagRetreivedFromSyncEngine(QString)));
    connect( _engine.data(), SIGNAL(treeWalkResult(const SyncFileItemVector&)),
              this, SLOT(slotThreadTreeWalkResult(const SyncFileItemVector&)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect( _engine.data(), SIGNAL(aboutToPropagate(SyncFileItemVector&)),
              this, SLOT(slotAboutToPropagate(SyncFileItemVector&)));

    connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(started()),  SLOT(slotSyncStarted()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(finished(bool)), SLOT(slotSyncFinished(bool)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(csyncError(QString)), SLOT(slotSyncError(QString)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(csyncUnavailable()), SLOT(slotCsyncUnavailable()), Qt::QueuedConnection);

    //direct connection so the message box is blocking the sync.
    connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(aboutToRemoveAllFiles(SyncFileItem::Direction,bool*)),
    connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(folderDiscovered(bool,QString)), this, SLOT(slotFolderDiscovered(bool,QString)));
    connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(transmissionProgress(ProgressInfo)), this, SLOT(slotTransmissionProgress(ProgressInfo)));
    connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(itemCompleted(const SyncFileItem &, const PropagatorJob &)),
            this, SLOT(slotItemCompleted(const SyncFileItem &, const PropagatorJob &)));
    connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(syncItemDiscovered(const SyncFileItem &)), this, SLOT(slotSyncItemDiscovered(const SyncFileItem &)));
    connect(_engine.data(), SIGNAL(newBigFolder(QString)), this, SLOT(slotNewBigFolderDiscovered(QString)));


    ConfigFile cfgFile;
    auto newFolderLimit = cfgFile.newBigFolderSizeLimit();
    quint64 limit = newFolderLimit.first ? newFolderLimit.second * 1000 * 1000 : -1; // convert from MB to B

    QMetaObject::invokeMethod(_engine.data(), "startSync", Qt::QueuedConnection);

    // disable events until syncing is done
    // _watcher->setEventsEnabled(false);
    emit syncStarted();
Example #6
void CSyncThread::startSync()
    if (!_syncMutex.tryLock()) {
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "WARNING: Another sync seems to be running. Not starting a new one.";

    if( ! _csync_ctx ) {
        qDebug() << "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FAIL: do not have csync_ctx!";
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Sync started";

    qDebug() << "starting to sync " << qApp->thread() << QThread::currentThread();
    _needsUpdate = false;

    if (!_abortRequested.fetchAndAddRelease(0)) {

    // maybe move this somewhere else where it can influence a running sync?
    MirallConfigFile cfg;

    if (!_journal->exists()) {
        qDebug() << "=====sync looks new (no DB exists), activating recursive PROPFIND if csync supports it";
        bool no_recursive_propfind = false;
        csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "no_recursive_propfind", &no_recursive_propfind);
    } else {
        // retrieve the file count from the db and close it afterwards because
        // csync_update also opens the database.
        int fileRecordCount = 0;
        fileRecordCount = _journal->getFileRecordCount();

        if( fileRecordCount == -1 ) {
            qDebug() << "No way to create a sync journal!";
            emit csyncError(tr("Unable to initialize a sync journal."));

            emit finished();

            // database creation error!
        } else if ( fileRecordCount < 50 ) {
            qDebug() << "=====sync DB has only" << fileRecordCount << "items, enable recursive PROPFIND if csync supports it";
            bool no_recursive_propfind = false;
            csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "no_recursive_propfind", &no_recursive_propfind);
        } else {
            qDebug() << "=====sync with existing DB";

    csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "csync_context", _csync_ctx);
    csync_set_userdata(_csync_ctx, this);
    // TODO: This should be a part of this method, but we don't have
    // any way to get "session_key" module property from csync. Had we
    // have it, then we could keep this code and remove it from
    // AbstractCredentials implementations.
    if (Account *account = AccountManager::instance()->account()) {
    } else {
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "No default Account object, huh?";
    // if (_lastAuthCookies.length() > 0) {
    //     // Stuff cookies inside csync, then we can avoid the intermediate HTTP 401 reply
    //     // when https://github.com/owncloud/core/pull/4042 is merged.
    //     QString cookiesAsString;
    //     foreach(QNetworkCookie c, _lastAuthCookies) {
    //         cookiesAsString += c.name();
    //         cookiesAsString += '=';
    //         cookiesAsString += c.value();
    //         cookiesAsString += "; ";
    //     }
    //     csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "session_key", cookiesAsString.to
    // }

    // csync_set_auth_callback( _csync_ctx, getauth );
    csync_set_log_callback( csyncLogCatcher );
    csync_set_log_level( 11 );


    QElapsedTimer updateTime;
    qDebug() << "#### Update start #################################################### >>";

    if( csync_update(_csync_ctx) < 0 ) {
        handleSyncError(_csync_ctx, "csync_update");
    qDebug() << "<<#### Update end #################################################### " << updateTime.elapsed();

    if( csync_reconcile(_csync_ctx) < 0 ) {
        handleSyncError(_csync_ctx, "csync_reconcile");

    slotProgress(Progress::StartSync, SyncFileItem(), 0, 0);

    _progressInfo = Progress::Info();

    _hasFiles = false;
    bool walkOk = true;

    if( csync_walk_local_tree(_csync_ctx, &treewalkLocal, 0) < 0 ) {
        qDebug() << "Error in local treewalk.";
        walkOk = false;
    if( walkOk && csync_walk_remote_tree(_csync_ctx, &treewalkRemote, 0) < 0 ) {
        qDebug() << "Error in remote treewalk.";

    // Adjust the paths for the renames.
    for (SyncFileItemVector::iterator it = _syncedItems.begin();
            it != _syncedItems.end(); ++it) {
        it->_file = adjustRenamedPath(it->_file);

    if (!_hasFiles && !_syncedItems.isEmpty()) {
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "All the files are going to be removed, asking the user";
        bool cancel = false;
        emit aboutToRemoveAllFiles(_syncedItems.first()._dir, &cancel);
        if (cancel) {
            qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Abort sync";

    if (_needsUpdate)

    ne_session_s *session = 0;
    // that call to set property actually is a get which will return the session
    // FIXME add a csync_get_module_property to csync

    csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "get_dav_session", &session);

    _propagator.reset(new OwncloudPropagator (session, _localPath, _remotePath,
                                              _journal, &_abortRequested));
    connect(_propagator.data(), SIGNAL(completed(SyncFileItem)),
            this, SLOT(transferCompleted(SyncFileItem)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
    connect(_propagator.data(), SIGNAL(progress(Progress::Kind,SyncFileItem,quint64,quint64)),
            this, SLOT(slotProgress(Progress::Kind,SyncFileItem,quint64,quint64)));
    connect(_propagator.data(), SIGNAL(progressChanged(qint64)), this, SLOT(slotProgressChanged(qint64)));
    connect(_propagator.data(), SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotFinished()));

    int downloadLimit = 0;
    if (cfg.useDownloadLimit()) {
        downloadLimit = cfg.downloadLimit() * 1000;
    _propagator->_downloadLimit = downloadLimit;

    int uploadLimit = -75; // 75%
    int useUpLimit = cfg.useUploadLimit();
    if ( useUpLimit >= 1) {
        uploadLimit = cfg.uploadLimit() * 1000;
    } else if (useUpLimit == 0) {
        uploadLimit = 0;
    _propagator->_uploadLimit = uploadLimit;
