Example #1
task control()

		int DriveFrontLeft=-1*(C1LY - C1LX - C1RX);
		int DriveFrontRight=-1*(-C1LY - C1LX - C1RX);
		int DriveBackRight=(-C1LY + C1LX - C1RX);
		int DriveBackLeft=(C1LY + C1LX - C1RX);
		float cubicPowerFrontLeft=cubicMap(DriveFrontLeft);
		float cubicPowerFrontRight=cubicMap(DriveFrontRight);
		float cubicPowerBackRight=cubicMap(DriveBackRight);
		float cubicPowerBackLeft=cubicMap(DriveBackLeft);
		RightFrontDrive = cubicPowerFrontRight;
		RightBackDrive = cubicPowerBackRight;
		LeftFrontDrive = cubicPowerFrontLeft;
		LeftBackDrive = cubicPowerBackLeft;
Example #2
// controls movement of the robot
void UC_drive() {
	if(vexRT[Btn8L]) {
  } else if (vexRT[Btn8R]) {

	oldY = channel3;

  channel1 = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch1]);
	channel3 = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch3]);
	channel4 = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch4]);

	move(channel1, channel3, channel4);
Example #3
void UC_drive() {
	if (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_LEFT)) {
		morpheus = 1;
	} else if (joystickGetDigital(1, 8, JOY_LEFT)) {
		morpheus = 0;

	// Pneumatics
	digitalWrite(RightMorpheus, morpheus);
	digitalWrite(LeftMorpheus, morpheus);

	// Basic movement
	int channel1 = cubicMap(joystickGetAnalog(1, 1));
	int channel3 = cubicMap(joystickGetAnalog(1, 3));
	int channel4 = cubicMap(joystickGetAnalog(1, 4));
	if (morpheus == 0) {
		//motor(LeftFrontMotor1) = motor(LeftBackMotor1) = motor(LeftBackMotor2) = channel3 + TURN_SPEED * channel1;
		//motor(RightFrontMotor1) = motor(RightBackMotor1) = motor(RightBackMotor2) = channel3 - TURN_SPEED * channel1;
		// tank drive
		float morpheus1 = channel3 + TURN_SPEED * channel1;
		motorSet(LeftFrontMotor1, morpheus1);
		motorSet(LeftBackMotor1, morpheus1);
		motorSet(LeftBackMotor2, morpheus1);

		float morpheus2 = channel3 - TURN_SPEED * channel1;
		motorSet(RightFrontMotor1, morpheus2);
		motorSet(RightBackMotor1, morpheus2);
		motorSet(RightBackMotor2, morpheus2);

	} else {
		// x-drive
		motorSet(LeftFrontMotor1, channel3 + channel4 + channel1);
		motorSet(RightFrontMotor1, channel3 - channel4 - channel1);
		motorSet(LeftBackMotor1, channel3 - channel4 + channel1);
		motorSet(LeftBackMotor2, channel3 - channel4 + channel1);
		motorSet(RightBackMotor1, channel3 + channel4 - channel1);
		motorSet(RightBackMotor2, channel3 + channel4 - channel1);
task main()
	while (true)
		// Setting controller override
		// Default - two controller
		/* bool override = false;
		if (vexRT[Btn7U] == 1 && vexRT[Btn8U] == 1)
		override = !override;

		// Two controllers
		// if (override == false) // Button to override
		if (nVexRCReceiveState & vrXmit2)

				/* Drive */
				motor[leftBack] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]+ vexRT[Ch4]);
				motor[leftMiddle] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]+ vexRT[Ch4]);
				motor[leftFront] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]+ vexRT[Ch4]);
				motor[rightBack] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]- vexRT[Ch4]);
				motor[rightMiddle] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]- vexRT[Ch4]);
				motor[rightFront] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]- vexRT[Ch4]);

				/* Intake and Lift [Controller 2] */
				// First Tier
				motor[firstTierLeft] = vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2];
				motor[firstTierRight] = vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2];

				// Second Tier
				motor[secondTier] = vexRT[Ch3Xmtr2];

				/* Intake Rollers [Controller 2] */
				// Intake push out
				if (vexRT[Btn6UXmtr2] == 1)
					motor[intakeRollers] = -127;
				// Intake suck in
				else if (vexRT[Btn5UXmtr2] == 1)
					motor[intakeRollers] = 127;
				// Unpressed
					motor[intakeRollers] = 0;
		// One controller

			/* Drive */
			motor[leftBack] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]+ vexRT[Ch4]);
			motor[leftMiddle] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]+ vexRT[Ch4]);
			motor[leftFront] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]+ vexRT[Ch4]);
			motor[rightBack] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]- vexRT[Ch4]);
			motor[rightMiddle] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]- vexRT[Ch4]);
			motor[rightFront] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]- vexRT[Ch4]);

			/* First Tier */
			if (vexRT[Btn6U] == 1)
				motor[firstTierLeft] = 127;
				motor[firstTierRight] = 127;
			else if (vexRT[Btn6D] == 1)
				motor[firstTierLeft] = -127;
				motor[firstTierRight] = -127;
				motor[firstTierLeft] = 0;
				motor[firstTierRight] = 0;

			/* Second Tier */
			if (vexRT[Btn5U] == 1)
				motor[secondTier] = 127;
			else if (vexRT[Btn5D] == 1)
				motor[secondTier] = -127;
				motor[secondTier] = 0;

			/* Intake */
			if (vexRT[Btn8R] == 1)
				motor[intakeRollers] = 127;
			else if (vexRT[Btn8D] == 1)
				motor[intakeRollers] = -127;
				motor[intakeRollers] = 0;
Example #5
task usercontrol()
	// User control code here, inside the loop

	bool arcade = false;

	while (true)
		// This is the main execution loop for the user control program. Each time through the loop
		// your program should update motor + servo values based on feedback from the joysticks.

		// .....................................................................................
		// Insert user code here. This is where you use the joystick values to update your motors, etc.
		// .....................................................................................

		if (vexRT[Btn7U] == 1)

		if (vexRT[Btn8U] == 1)
			arcade = true;
		else if (vexRT[Btn8D] == 1)
			arcade = false;

		if (arcade == true)
			motor[leftBack] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch3] + vexRT[Ch1]);
			motor[leftFront] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch3] + vexRT[Ch1]);
			motor[rightBack] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch3] - vexRT[Ch1]);
			motor[rightFront] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch3] - vexRT[Ch1]);
			motor[leftBack] = vexRT[Ch3];
			motor[leftFront] = vexRT[Ch3];
			motor[rightBack] = vexRT[Ch2];
			motor[rightFront] = vexRT[Ch2];
		if (abs(vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2]) > 10)
			motor[leftArmBottom] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2]);
			motor[leftArmTop] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2]);
			motor[rightArmBottom] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2]);
			motor[rightArmTop] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2]);
		else if (vexRT[Btn6U] == 1)
			motor[leftArmBottom] = 127;
			motor[leftArmTop] = 127;
			motor[rightArmBottom] = 127;
			motor[rightArmTop] = 127;
		else if (vexRT[Btn6D] == 1)
			motor[leftArmBottom] = -127;
			motor[leftArmTop] = -127;
			motor[rightArmBottom] = -127;
			motor[rightArmTop] = -127;
			motor[leftArmBottom] = 0;
			motor[leftArmTop] = 0;
			motor[rightArmBottom] = 0;
			motor[rightArmTop] = 0;

		if (abs(vexRT[Ch3Xmtr2]) > 10)
			motor[intakeLeft] = vexRT[Ch3Xmtr2];
			motor[intakeRight] = vexRT[Ch3Xmtr2];
		else if (vexRT[Btn5U] == 1)
			motor[intakeLeft] = 127;
			motor[intakeRight] = 127;
		else if (vexRT[Btn5D] == 1)
			motor[intakeLeft] = -127;
			motor[intakeRight] = -127;
task usercontrol()
	// User control code here, inside the loop

	while (true)
		while (true)
			// Setting controller override
			// Default - two controller
			/* bool override = false;
			if (vexRT[Btn7U] == 1 && vexRT[Btn8U] == 1)
			override = !override;

			// Two controllers
			// if (override == false) // Button to override
			if (nVexRCReceiveState & vrXmit2)
					/* Left Drive */
					motor[leftFront] = vexRT[Ch3];
					motor[leftMiddle] = vexRT[Ch3];
					motor[leftBack] = vexRT[Ch3];

					/* Right Drive */
					motor[rightFront] = vexRT[Ch2];
					motor[rightMiddle] = vexRT[Ch2];
					motor[rightBack] = vexRT[Ch2];

					/* Intake and Lift [Controller 2] */
					// First Tier
					motor[firstTierLeft] = vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2];
					motor[firstTierRight] = vexRT[Ch2Xmtr2];

					// Second Tier
					motor[secondTier] = vexRT[Ch3Xmtr2];

					/* Intake Rollers [Controller 2] */
					// Intake push out
					if (vexRT[Btn6UXmtr2] == 1)
						motor[intakeRollers] = -127;
					// Intake suck in
					else if (vexRT[Btn5UXmtr2] == 1)
						motor[intakeRollers] = 127;
					// Unpressed
						motor[intakeRollers] = 0;
			// One controller

				/* Drive */
				motor[leftBack] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]+ vexRT[Ch4]);
				motor[leftMiddle] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]+ vexRT[Ch4]);
				motor[leftFront] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]+ vexRT[Ch4]);
				motor[rightBack] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]- vexRT[Ch4]);
				motor[rightMiddle] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]- vexRT[Ch4]);
				motor[rightFront] = cubicMap(vexRT[Ch2]- vexRT[Ch4]);

				/* First Tier */
				if (vexRT[Btn6U] == 1)
					motor[firstTierLeft] = 127;
					motor[firstTierRight] = 127;
				else if (vexRT[Btn6D] == 1)
					motor[firstTierLeft] = -127;
					motor[firstTierRight] = -127;
					motor[firstTierLeft] = 0;
					motor[firstTierRight] = 0;

				/* Second Tier */
				if (vexRT[Btn5U] == 1)
					motor[secondTier] = 127;
				else if (vexRT[Btn5D] == 1)
					motor[secondTier] = -127;
					motor[secondTier] = 0;

				/* Intake */
				if (vexRT[Btn8R] == 1)
					motor[intakeRollers] = 127;
				else if (vexRT[Btn8D] == 1)
					motor[intakeRollers] = -127;
					motor[intakeRollers] = 0;
		// This is the main execution loop for the user control program. Each time through the loop
		// your program should update motor + servo values based on feedback from the joysticks.

		// .....................................................................................
		// Insert user code here. This is where you use the joystick values to update your motors, etc.
		// .....................................................................................
