__host__ __device__
cudaError_t triple_chevrons(void* kernel, ::dim3 grid_dim, ::dim3 block_dim, int shared_memory_size, cudaStream_t stream, const Args&... args)
  // reference the kernel to encourage the compiler not to optimize it away

#if __cuda_lib_has_cudart
#  ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
  cudaConfigureCall(grid_dim, block_dim, shared_memory_size, stream);
  setup_kernel_arguments(0, args...);
  return cudaLaunch(kernel);
#  else
  // XXX generalize to multiple arguments
  if(sizeof...(Args) != 1)
    return cudaErrorNotSupported;

  using Arg = typename first_type<Args...>::type;

  void *param_buffer = cudaGetParameterBuffer(std::alignment_of<Arg>::value, sizeof(Arg));
  std::memcpy(param_buffer, &first_parameter(args...), sizeof(Arg));
  return cudaLaunchDevice(kernel, param_buffer, grid_dim, block_dim, shared_memory_size, stream);
#  endif // __CUDA_ARCH__
#else // __cuda_lib_has_cudart
  return cudaErrorNotSupported;
        __host__ __device__
        static void supported_path(unsigned int num_blocks, unsigned int block_size, size_t num_dynamic_smem_bytes, cudaStream_t stream, task_type task)
#  ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__
          cudaConfigureCall(dim3(num_blocks), dim3(block_size), num_dynamic_smem_bytes, stream);
          cudaSetupArgument(task, 0);
          bulk::detail::throw_on_error(cudaLaunch(super_t::global_function_pointer()), "after cudaLaunch in triple_chevron_launcher::launch()");
#  else
          void *param_buffer = cudaGetParameterBuffer(alignment_of<task_type>::value, sizeof(task_type));
          std::memcpy(param_buffer, &task, sizeof(task_type));
          bulk::detail::throw_on_error(cudaLaunchDevice(reinterpret_cast<void*>(super_t::global_function_pointer()), param_buffer, dim3(num_blocks), dim3(block_size), num_dynamic_smem_bytes, stream),
                                       "after cudaLaunchDevice in triple_chevron_launcher::launch()");
#  endif // __CUDA_ARCH__
#endif // __BULK_HAS_CUDART__
void HostReflectionHost::BootUp::_launchNextKernel()
    KernelLaunch& launch = _launches.front();

    report("  launching kernel " << launch.ctas << " ctas, "
           << launch.threads << " threads, kernel: '" << launch.name
           << "' in module: '" << _module << "'");

    cudaConfigureCall(launch.ctas, launch.threads, 0, 0);

    cudaSetupArgument(&launch.arguments, sizeof(PayloadData), 0);
    ocelot::launch(_module, launch.name);

    report("   kernel '" << launch.name << "' finished");

    report("Destroying host reflection");

    // kill the thread
    _kill = true;
    delete _thread;

    // destroy the device queues
    cudaConfigureCall(dim3(1, 1, 1), dim3(1, 1, 1), 0, 0);

    ocelot::launch(_module, "_teardownHostReflection");

    // destroy the host queues
    delete _hostToDeviceQueue;
    delete _deviceToHostQueue;

    // delete the queue memory
    delete[] _deviceHostSharedMemory;
bool TestInstructionThroughput::testu32InstructionThroughput()
    unsigned int* input;
    unsigned int k=5;

    cudaMalloc( ( void** ) &input, sizeof( unsigned int ) );
    cudaMemcpy( input, &k, sizeof( unsigned int ), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );

    cudaConfigureCall( dim3( ctas, 1, 1 ), dim3( threads, 1, 1 ), 0, 0 );
    cudaSetupArgument( &input, sizeof( long long unsigned int ), 0 );

    std::stringstream program;

    program << ".version 2.1\n";

    program << ".target sm_21, map_f64_to_f32\n\n";
    program << ".entry testu32InstructionThroughput( .param .u64 input )\n";
    program << "{\n";
    program << " .reg .u64 %r<7>;\n";
    program << " .reg .u32 %sum;\n";
    program << " .reg .u32 %initial;\n";
    program << " .reg .pred %p0;\n";
    program << " Entry:\n";
    program << "  ld.param.u64 %r0, [input];\n";
    program << "  ld.global.u32 %initial, [%r0];\n";
    program << " mov.u64 %r2,  " << iterations <<";\n";
    program << " mov.u64 %r3, 0; \n";
    program << " mov.u32 %sum, 0; \n";
    program << " setp.eq.u64 %p0, %r3, %r2;\n";
    program << " @%p0 bra Exit;\n";

    program << " Begin_iter:\n";
    for(int i=0; i<unroll; ++i )
        program << "  add.u32 %sum, %sum, %initial;\n";

    program << " add.u64 %r3, %r3, 1; \n";
    program << " setp.lt.u64 %p0, %r3, %r2;\n";
    program << " @%p0 bra Begin_iter;\n";

    program << " End_loop:";
    program << "  st.global.u32 [%r0], %sum;\n";

    program << " Exit:\n";
    program << "  exit;";
    program << "}\n";

    ocelot::registerPTXModule( program, "u32throughput" );

    hydrazine::Timer timer;

    ocelot::launch( "u32throughput", "testu32InstructionThroughput" );

    status << "u32 Operations/sec "
           << ( (threads * ctas * iterations * unroll) / timer.seconds() )
           << " seconds. \n";
    unsigned int result;

    cudaMemcpy( &result, input, sizeof( unsigned int ),
                cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );

    bool pass = true;

    if( result != k * iterations * unroll && threads == 1 && ctas == 1 )
        status << "Program generated incorrect output " << result
               << ", expecting " << (k * iterations * unroll ) << "\n";
        pass = false;

    cudaFree( input );

    return pass;
Example #6
cudaError_t WINAPI wine_cudaConfigureCall( dim3 gridDim, dim3 blockDim, size_t sharedMem, cudaStream_t stream ) {
    return cudaConfigureCall( gridDim, blockDim, sharedMem, stream );
HostReflectionHost::BootUp::BootUp(const std::string& module)
    : _module(module)
    report("Booting up host reflection...");

    // add message handlers

    // allocate memory for the queue
    size_t queueDataSize = maxMessageSize() * 2;
    size_t size = 2 * (queueDataSize + sizeof(QueueMetaData));

    _deviceHostSharedMemory = new char[size];

    // setup the queue meta data
    QueueMetaData* hostToDeviceMetaData =
    QueueMetaData* deviceToHostMetaData =
        (QueueMetaData*)_deviceHostSharedMemory + 1;

    char* hostToDeviceData = _deviceHostSharedMemory +
                             2 * sizeof(QueueMetaData);
    char* deviceToHostData = _deviceHostSharedMemory +
                             2 * sizeof(QueueMetaData) + queueDataSize;

    hostToDeviceMetaData->hostBegin = hostToDeviceData;
    hostToDeviceMetaData->size      = queueDataSize;
    hostToDeviceMetaData->head      = 0;
    hostToDeviceMetaData->tail      = 0;
    hostToDeviceMetaData->mutex     = (size_t)-1;

    deviceToHostMetaData->hostBegin = deviceToHostData;
    deviceToHostMetaData->size      = queueDataSize;
    deviceToHostMetaData->head      = 0;
    deviceToHostMetaData->tail      = 0;
    deviceToHostMetaData->mutex     = (size_t)-1;

    // Allocate the queues
    _hostToDeviceQueue = new HostQueue(hostToDeviceMetaData);
    _deviceToHostQueue = new HostQueue(deviceToHostMetaData);

    // Map the memory onto the device
    cudaHostRegister(_deviceHostSharedMemory, size, 0);

    char* devicePointer = 0;

                             _deviceHostSharedMemory, 0);

    // Send the metadata to the device
    QueueMetaData* hostToDeviceMetaDataPointer =
    QueueMetaData* deviceToHostMetaDataPointer =
        (QueueMetaData*)devicePointer + 1;

    hostToDeviceMetaData->deviceBegin = devicePointer +
                                        2 * sizeof(QueueMetaData);
    deviceToHostMetaData->deviceBegin = devicePointer +
                                        2 * sizeof(QueueMetaData) + queueDataSize;

    cudaConfigureCall(dim3(1, 1, 1), dim3(1, 1, 1), 0, 0);

    cudaSetupArgument(&hostToDeviceMetaDataPointer, 8, 0 );
    cudaSetupArgument(&deviceToHostMetaDataPointer, 8, 8 );
    ocelot::launch(_module, "_bootupHostReflection");

    // start up the host worker thread
    _kill   = false;
    _thread = new boost::thread(_runThread, this);