Example #1
/* If this returns NULL then an exception is pending */
pathToNTPath(JNIEnv *env, jstring path, jboolean throwFNFE) {
    int pathlen = 0;
    WCHAR *pathbuf = NULL;
    int max_path = 248; /* CreateDirectoryW() has the limit of 248 */

    WITH_UNICODE_STRING(env, path, ps) {
        pathlen = (int)wcslen(ps);
        if (pathlen != 0) {
            if (pathlen > 2 &&
                (ps[0] == L'\\' && ps[1] == L'\\' ||   //UNC
                 ps[1] == L':' && ps[2] == L'\\'))     //absolute
                 if (pathlen > max_path - 1) {
                     pathbuf = prefixAbpath(ps, pathlen, pathlen);
                 } else {
                     pathbuf = (WCHAR*)malloc((pathlen + 6) * sizeof(WCHAR));
                     if (pathbuf != 0) {
                         wcscpy(pathbuf, ps);
            } else {
                /* If the path came in as a relative path, need to verify if
                   its absolute form is bigger than max_path or not, if yes
                   need to (1)convert it to absolute and (2)prefix. This is
                   obviously a burden to all relative paths (The current dir/len
                   for "drive & directory" relative path is cached, so we only
                   calculate it once but for "drive-relative path we call
                   _wgetdcwd() and wcslen() everytime), but a hit we have
                   to take if we want to support relative path beyond max_path.
                   There is no way to predict how long the absolute path will be
                   (therefor allocate the sufficient memory block) before calling
                   _wfullpath(), we have to get the length of "current" dir first.
                WCHAR *abpath = NULL;
                int dirlen = currentDirLength(ps, pathlen);
                if (dirlen + pathlen + 1 > max_path - 1) {
                    pathbuf = prefixAbpath(ps, pathlen, dirlen + pathlen);
                } else {
                    pathbuf = (WCHAR*)malloc((pathlen + 6) * sizeof(WCHAR));
                    if (pathbuf != 0) {
                        wcscpy(pathbuf, ps);
    } END_UNICODE_STRING(env, ps);
Example #2
 WITH_UNICODE_STRING(env, pathname, path) {
     /*we estimate the max length of memory needed as
       "currentDir. length + pathname.length"
     int len = wcslen(path);
     len += currentDirLength(path, len);
     if (len  > MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1) {
         WCHAR *cp = (WCHAR*)malloc(len * sizeof(WCHAR));
         if (cp != NULL) {
             if (wcanonicalize(path, cp, len) >= 0) {
                 rv = (*env)->NewString(env, cp, wcslen(cp));
     } else
     if (wcanonicalize(path, canonicalPath, MAX_PATH_LENGTH) >= 0) {
         rv = (*env)->NewString(env, canonicalPath, wcslen(canonicalPath));
 } END_UNICODE_STRING(env, path);