void Window::keyboardUpFunc(unsigned char key, int, int) { Window& win = currentWindow(); Key k = asciiToKey(key); win.mKeys.erase(k); win.keyReleased(k); }
void Window::keyboardFunc(unsigned char key, int, int) { Window& win = currentWindow(); Key k = asciiToKey(key); win.mKeys.insert(k); win.keyPressed(k); }
QDesignerPropertySheetExtension *QMdiAreaPropertySheet::currentWindowSheet() const { QWidget *cw = currentWindow(); if (cw == 0) return 0; return qt_extension<QDesignerPropertySheetExtension*>(core()->extensionManager(), cw); }
QVariant QMdiAreaPropertySheet::property(int index) const { switch (mdiAreaProperty(propertyName(index))) { case MdiAreaSubWindowName: if (QWidget *w = currentWindow()) return w->objectName(); return QVariant(QString()); case MdiAreaSubWindowTitle: if (QWidget *w = currentWindow()) return w->windowTitle(); return QVariant(QString()); case MdiAreaNone: break; } return QDesignerPropertySheet::property(index); }
void OSXStyle::closeWindow() { QWidget *w=currentWindow(); if (w) { w->close(); } }
void OSXStyle::minimizeWindow() { QWidget *w=currentWindow(); if (w) { w->showMinimized(); } }
void Window::passiveMotionFunc(int x, int y) { Window& win = currentWindow(); win.mPreviousMousePos = win.mMousePos; win.mMousePos.setX(x); win.mMousePos.setY(y); win.mMouseMoved = true; win.mouseMoved({x, y}); }
void Mac::OSXStyle::zoomWindow() { QWidget *w=currentWindow(); if (w) { if (w->isMaximized()) { w->showNormal(); } else { w->showMaximized(); } } }
bool QMdiAreaPropertySheet::isEnabled(int index) const { switch (mdiAreaProperty(propertyName(index))) { case MdiAreaSubWindowName: case MdiAreaSubWindowTitle: return currentWindow() != 0; case MdiAreaNone: break; } return QDesignerPropertySheet::isEnabled(index); }
void Window::mouseFunc(int button, int state, int, int) { Window& win = currentWindow(); MouseButton but = glut2MouseButton(button); if (state == GLUT_DOWN) { win.mMouseButtons.insert(but); win.mousePressed(but); } else if (state == GLUT_UP) { win.mMouseButtons.erase(but); win.mouseReleased(but); } }
void Window::displayFunc() { Window& win = currentWindow(); if (win.mMouseMoved) win.mMouseForce = win.mMousePos - win.mPreviousMousePos; else win.mMouseForce = Vector2i(0, 0); win.mMouseMoved = false; win.frame(); glutSwapBuffers(); glutPostRedisplay(); }
void LTaskButton::triggerWindow(){ LWinInfo win = currentWindow(); //Check which state the window is currently in and flip it to the other LX11::WINDOWSTATE state = LX11::GetWindowState(win.windowID()); if(state == LX11::ACTIVE){ qDebug() << "Minimize Window:" << this->text(); LX11::IconifyWindow(win.windowID()); }else if(state == LX11::VISIBLE){ qDebug() << "Activate Window:" << this->text(); LX11::ActivateWindow(win.windowID()); }else{ qDebug() << "Restore Window:" << this->text(); LX11::RestoreWindow(win.windowID()); } cWin = LWinInfo(); //clear the current }
void QMdiAreaPropertySheet::setProperty(int index, const QVariant &value) { switch (mdiAreaProperty(propertyName(index))) { case MdiAreaSubWindowName: if (QWidget *w = currentWindow()) w->setObjectName(value.toString()); break; case MdiAreaSubWindowTitle: // Forward to window title of subwindow if (QDesignerPropertySheetExtension *cws = currentWindowSheet()) { const int index = cws->indexOf(m_windowTitleProperty); cws->setProperty(index, value); cws->setChanged(index, true); } break; default: QDesignerPropertySheet::setProperty(index, value); break; } }
bool QMdiAreaPropertySheet::isChanged(int index) const { bool rc = false; switch (mdiAreaProperty(propertyName(index))) { case MdiAreaSubWindowName: rc = currentWindow() != 0; break; case MdiAreaSubWindowTitle: if (QDesignerPropertySheetExtension *cws = currentWindowSheet()) { const int index = cws->indexOf(m_windowTitleProperty); rc = cws->isChanged(index); } break; default: rc = QDesignerPropertySheet::isChanged(index); break; } return rc; }
static int append_cluster_connections(std::vector<MEI_event>& insertion_events, ControlState& current_state, UserDefinedSettings* userSettings) { // Setup maps for base read names of mates we need to collect. Also setup 'exclude_names' holding // the original read names (we don't want those, only their mates, which fall inside the event). std::map<std::string, size_t> fwd_name_links, rev_name_links, exclude_names; std::string tmp_basename; for (size_t i = 0; i < insertion_events.size(); i++) { MEI_event event = insertion_events.at(i); for (size_t j = 0; j < event.fwd_cluster_bp.associated_reads.size(); j++) { tmp_basename = base_read_name(event.fwd_cluster_bp.associated_reads.at(j).name); fwd_name_links.insert(std::make_pair(tmp_basename, i)); exclude_names.insert(std::make_pair(event.fwd_cluster_bp.associated_reads.at(j).name, i)); } for (size_t j = 0; j < event.rev_cluster_bp.associated_reads.size(); j++) { tmp_basename = base_read_name(event.rev_cluster_bp.associated_reads.at(j).name); rev_name_links.insert(std::make_pair(tmp_basename, i)); exclude_names.insert(std::make_pair(event.rev_cluster_bp.associated_reads.at(j).name, i)); } } // Loop over whole genome to find mates of discordant reads near DD breakpoints. g_genome.reset(); MEI_data mei_data; int result; // Make dummy BED-records spanning the whole genome. std::vector<BED> dummy_beds; for (unsigned index = 0; index < g_ChrNameAndSizeAndIndex.size(); index++) { BED OneBedRecord; OneBedRecord.ChrName = g_ChrNameAndSizeAndIndex[index].ChrName; OneBedRecord.Start = 1; OneBedRecord.End = g_ChrNameAndSizeAndIndex[index].ChrSize; dummy_beds.push_back(OneBedRecord); } // Loop over BED-regions. for (unsigned bed_index = 0; bed_index < dummy_beds.size(); bed_index++) { std::string Bed_ChrName = dummy_beds[bed_index].ChrName; unsigned Bed_start = dummy_beds[bed_index].Start; unsigned Bed_end = dummy_beds[bed_index].End; const Chromosome* currentChromosome = g_genome.getChr(Bed_ChrName); if (currentChromosome == NULL) { return 1; } LOG_INFO(*logStream << time_log() << "Discordant read collection for current window: " << Bed_ChrName << ", " << Bed_start << "--" << Bed_end << std::endl); CurrentChrMask.resize(currentChromosome->getCompSize()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < currentChromosome->getCompSize(); i++) { CurrentChrMask[i] = 'N'; } userSettings->getRegion()->SetRegion(Bed_ChrName, Bed_start, Bed_end); LoopingSearchWindow currentWindow( userSettings->getRegion(), currentChromosome, WINDOW_SIZE, Bed_start, Bed_end ); // loop over one bed region do { result = load_discordant_reads(mei_data, current_state.bams_to_parse, currentChromosome->getName(), currentWindow, userSettings); if (result) { // something went wrong loading the reads, return error code. return result; } std::map<std::string, size_t>::iterator name_match; size_t disc_read_count = mei_data.discordant_reads.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < disc_read_count; i++) { // Determine event and strand for which mate is evidence. tmp_basename = base_read_name(mei_data.discordant_reads.at(i)->name); int event_idx = -1; char strand = Plus; name_match = fwd_name_links.find(tmp_basename); if (name_match != fwd_name_links.end()) { // Current read referenced by a DD event near bp on fwd strand. event_idx = (*name_match).second; } else { name_match = rev_name_links.find(tmp_basename); if (name_match != rev_name_links.end()) { // Current read referenced by a DD event near bp on rev strand. event_idx = (*name_match).second; strand = Minus; } } if (event_idx == -1) { // No match found, this read is not related to an event. continue; } if (exclude_names.find(mei_data.discordant_reads.at(i)->name) != exclude_names.end()) { // read name in exlude list, this is one of the reads we used for calling // the breakpoint, skip it! continue; } if (strand == Plus) { insertion_events.at(event_idx).fwd_mapping_reads.push_back(*(mei_data.discordant_reads.at(i))); } else { insertion_events.at(event_idx).rev_mapping_reads.push_back(*(mei_data.discordant_reads.at(i))); } } cleanup_reads(mei_data.discordant_reads); currentWindow.next(); } while (!currentWindow.finished()); } return 0; }
void StackedWindow::popWindow() { if (StackedWindow *w = currentWindow()) { w->close(); } }
void Window::closeFunc() { currentWindow().mClosed = true; }
void LTaskButton::closeWindow(){ if(winMenu->isVisible()){ winMenu->hide(); } LWinInfo win = currentWindow(); LX11::CloseWindow(win.windowID()); cWin = LWinInfo(); //clear the current }
// This function is based on Pindel's main function. Todo: integrate with pindel's main structure. int searchMEImain(ControlState& current_state, Genome& genome, UserDefinedSettings* userSettings) { // Reset genome before traversal. g_genome.reset(); std::ofstream file_output(userSettings->getMEIOutputFilename().c_str()); MEI_data mei_data; int result; std::string CurrentChrName; std::string PreviousChrName = ""; // Loop over BED-regions defined in control state. for (unsigned bed_index = 0; bed_index < current_state.IncludeBed.size(); bed_index++) { std::string Bed_ChrName = current_state.IncludeBed[bed_index].ChrName; unsigned Bed_start = current_state.IncludeBed[bed_index].Start; unsigned Bed_end = current_state.IncludeBed[bed_index].End; const Chromosome* currentChromosome = g_genome.getChr(Bed_ChrName); if (currentChromosome == NULL) { std::cout << "There is no " << CurrentChrName << " in the reference file." << std::endl; return 1; } LOG_INFO(*logStream << time_log() << "Dispersed Duplication detection current window: " << Bed_ChrName << ", " << Bed_start << "--" << Bed_end << std::endl); CurrentChrMask.resize(currentChromosome->getCompSize()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < currentChromosome->getCompSize(); i++) { CurrentChrMask[i] = 'N'; } userSettings->getRegion()->SetRegion(Bed_ChrName, Bed_start, Bed_end); LoopingSearchWindow currentWindow( userSettings->getRegion(), currentChromosome, WINDOW_SIZE, Bed_start, Bed_end ); // loop over one bed region do { result = load_discordant_reads(mei_data, current_state.bams_to_parse, currentChromosome->getName(), currentWindow, userSettings); if (result) { // something went wrong loading the reads, return error code. return result; } searchMEIBreakpoints(mei_data, current_state.bams_to_parse, currentChromosome, userSettings); cleanup_reads(mei_data.discordant_reads); currentWindow.next(); } while (!currentWindow.finished()); } // Reset genome for subsequent traversals. g_genome.reset(); std::map<int, std::string> seq_name_dictionary = get_sequence_name_dictionary(current_state); searchMEI(mei_data, genome, seq_name_dictionary, userSettings, current_state, file_output); file_output.close(); return 0; }
void Window::reshapeFunc(int, int) { currentWindow().resized(); }