Example #1
MStatus arcLen::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;
	if( plug == output )
		MDataHandle inputData = data.inputValue( inputCurve, &status );

		if( !status ) {
			status.perror("ERROR getting data");
		} else {
			MObject curve = inputData.asNurbsCurveTransformed();
			MFnNurbsCurve curveFn( curve, &status ); 
			if( !status ) {
				status.perror("ERROR creating curve function set");
			} else {
				double result = curveFn.length();
				MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue( arcLen::output );
				outputHandle.set( result );
	} else {
		return MS::kUnknownParameter;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Example #2
// The span is being setup for evaluation.  Just store the start time
// and time range over the span.  
void interpHalf::initialize(const MObject &animCurve, unsigned int interval)
	// Determine whether the span before and span after this span has this
	// tangent type.  If so, begin the interpolation halfway between the
	// starting keyframe value of this span and the starting keyframe value
	// of the previous span.  Otherwise, just begin this span at the starting
	// key value.  Likewise for the ending key.

	// Determine the starting time and value.
	MFnAnimCurve curveFn(animCurve);
	sTime = curveFn.time(interval).as(MTime::kSeconds);
	bool isBeforeHalf = false;
	int beforeInd = interval - 1;
	if (beforeInd < 0)
		beforeInd = 0;
		// Check the previous span's tangent type to see if it is this type.
		MFnAnimCurve::TangentType beforeType = curveFn.outTangentType(beforeInd);
		if (beforeType == MFnAnimCurve::kTangentShared1)
			isBeforeHalf = true;
	if (isBeforeHalf)
		beforeVal = 0.5 * curveFn.value(beforeInd) + 0.5 * curveFn.value(interval);
		beforeVal = curveFn.value(interval);
	// Determine the ending value based on its tangent type.
	int afterInd = interval + 1;
	MFnAnimCurve::TangentType afterType = curveFn.outTangentType(afterInd);
	if (afterType == MFnAnimCurve::kTangentShared1)
		afterVal = 0.5 * curveFn.value(interval) + 0.5 * curveFn.value(afterInd);
		afterVal = curveFn.value(afterInd);

	// Set the time range.
	range = curveFn.time(afterInd).as(MTime::kSeconds) - sTime;
Example #3
MStatus helix2::undoIt()
	MStatus		status;

	MFnNurbsCurve	curveFn( fDagPath );
	status = curveFn.setCVs( fCVs );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != status)
		cerr << "undoIt: array length is " << fCVs.length()
		     << "bad status: " << status << endl;
		return status;

	status = curveFn.updateCurve();
	if ( MS::kSuccess != status )
		cerr << "undoIt: updateCurve() failed status: " << status << endl;
		return status;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Example #4
MStatus helix2::redoIt()
	unsigned		i, numCVs;
	MStatus			status;
	MFnNurbsCurve   curveFn( fDagPath );

	numCVs = curveFn.numCVs();
	status = curveFn.getCVs( fCVs );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != status )
		cerr << "redoIt: could not get cvs status: " << status << endl;
		return MS::kFailure;

	MPointArray		points(fCVs);
	for (i = 0; i < numCVs; i++)
		points[i] = MPoint( radius * cos( (double)i ),
							pitch * (double)i,
							radius * sin( (double)i ) );
	status = curveFn.setCVs( points );
	if ( MS::kSuccess != status )
		cerr << "redoIt: could not setCVs status: " << status << endl;
		return status;

	status = curveFn.updateCurve();
	if ( MS::kSuccess != status )
		cerr << "redoIt: updateCurve() failed status: " << status << endl;
		return status;

	return MS::kSuccess;
Example #5
// virtual
bool MayaNurbsCurveWriter::writeNurbsCurveAttrs(const UsdTimeCode &usdTime, UsdGeomNurbsCurves &primSchema)
    MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;

    // Write parent class attrs
    writeTransformAttrs(usdTime, primSchema);

    // Return if usdTime does not match if shape is animated
    if (usdTime.IsDefault() == isShapeAnimated() ) {
        // skip shape as the usdTime does not match if shape isAnimated value
        return true; 

    MFnDependencyNode fnDepNode(getDagPath().node(), &status);
    MString name = fnDepNode.name();

    MFnNurbsCurve curveFn( getDagPath(), &status );
    if (!status) {
        MGlobal::displayError("MFnNurbsCurve() failed for MayaNurbsCurveWriter");
        return false;

    // Get curve attrs ======
    unsigned int numCurves = 1; // Assuming only 1 curve for now
    VtArray<int> curveOrder(numCurves);
    VtArray<int> curveVertexCounts(numCurves);
    VtArray<float> curveWidths(numCurves);
    VtArray<GfVec2d> ranges(numCurves);

    curveOrder[0] = curveFn.degree()+1;
    curveVertexCounts[0] = curveFn.numCVs();
    TF_AXIOM(curveOrder[0] <= curveVertexCounts[0] );
    curveWidths[0] = 1.0; // TODO: Retrieve from custom attr

    double mayaKnotDomainMin;
    double mayaKnotDomainMax;
    status = curveFn.getKnotDomain(mayaKnotDomainMin, mayaKnotDomainMax);
    TF_AXIOM(status == MS::kSuccess);
    ranges[0][0] = mayaKnotDomainMin;
    ranges[0][1] = mayaKnotDomainMax;

    MPointArray mayaCurveCVs;
    status = curveFn.getCVs(mayaCurveCVs, MSpace::kObject);
    TF_AXIOM(status == MS::kSuccess);
    VtArray<GfVec3f> points(mayaCurveCVs.length()); // all CVs batched together
    for (unsigned int i=0; i < mayaCurveCVs.length(); i++) {
        points[i].Set(mayaCurveCVs[i].x, mayaCurveCVs[i].y, mayaCurveCVs[i].z);

    MDoubleArray mayaCurveKnots;
    status = curveFn.getKnots(mayaCurveKnots);
    TF_AXIOM(status == MS::kSuccess);
    VtArray<double> curveKnots(mayaCurveKnots.length()); // all knots batched together
    for (unsigned int i=0; i < mayaCurveKnots.length(); i++) {
        curveKnots[i] = mayaCurveKnots[i];

    // Gprim
    VtArray<GfVec3f> extent(2);
    UsdGeomCurves::ComputeExtent(points, curveWidths, &extent);
    primSchema.CreateExtentAttr().Set(extent, usdTime);

    // Curve
    primSchema.GetOrderAttr().Set(curveOrder);   // not animatable
    primSchema.GetCurveVertexCountsAttr().Set(curveVertexCounts); // not animatable
    primSchema.GetWidthsAttr().Set(curveWidths); // not animatable
    primSchema.GetKnotsAttr().Set(curveKnots);   // not animatable
    primSchema.GetRangesAttr().Set(ranges); // not animatable
    primSchema.GetPointsAttr().Set(points, usdTime); // CVs

    // TODO: Handle periodic and non-periodic cases

    return true;
Example #6
MStatus ropeGenerator::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
	MStatus status;

	if ( plug == outMesh )
		//Get Curve
		MDataHandle inCurve_Hdl = data.inputValue( inCurve, &status );
		if (status != MS::kSuccess ){
			MGlobal::displayError( "Node ropeGenerator needs an Input Curve" );
			return MS::kSuccess;
		MObject inCurveObj = inCurve_Hdl.asNurbsCurve();
		MFnNurbsCurve curveFn( inCurveObj );
		//Get Attributes
		int inDiv = data.inputValue( divisions ).asInt();
		bool inCreateRope = data.inputValue( createRope ).asBool();
		int inRopesCount = data.inputValue( ropesCount ).asInt();
		int inPointsPerRope = data.inputValue( pointsPerRope ).asInt();
		int inPointsCount = data.inputValue( pointsCount ).asInt();
		float inRopesStrength = data.inputValue( ropesStrength ).asFloat();
		float inRadius = data.inputValue( radius ).asFloat();
		MRampAttribute inRadRamp( thisMObject(), taperRamp );
		float inTwist = data.inputValue( twist ).asFloat();
		MRampAttribute inTwistRamp( thisMObject(), twistRamp );
		float inUvWidth = data.inputValue( uvWidth ).asFloat();
		float inUvHeight = data.inputValue( uvHeight ).asFloat();
		float inUvCapSize = data.inputValue( uvCapSize ).asFloat();

		MFnMesh fnMesh;
		MFnMeshData dataCreator;
		MObject outMeshData;
		outMeshData = dataCreator.create();
		MDataHandle outputHandle = data.outputValue(outMesh);
		MIntArray faceCounts, faceConnects, uvIds;
		MFloatArray uArray, vArray;
		MFloatPointArray points;
		if (inCreateRope)
			inPointsCount = ( inPointsPerRope + 2 ) * inRopesCount;
		int numVertices = ( inDiv + 1 ) * inPointsCount;
		int numFaces = ( inPointsCount * inDiv ) + 2;
		float param;
		float lengPerDiv = curveFn.length() / inDiv;
		PrevNormal = MVector( curveFn.normal( 0.0, MSpace::kWorld ).normal() );
		float baseLeng = lengPerDiv;
		float baseParamForRamp = 0;
		float paramForRamp = 1.0 / float( inDiv );
		float uDivNumber = inUvWidth / float( inPointsCount );
		float vDivNumber = inUvHeight / float( inDiv );
		for (int d = 0; d < inDiv + 1; d++)
			if (d == 0)
				param = 0;
				faceCounts.append( inPointsCount );
				for ( int i = inPointsCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
					faceConnects.append( i );
				for ( int i = 0; i < inPointsCount; i++ )
					uvIds.append( i );
				MFloatArray uTmpArray, vTmpArray;
				if (inCreateRope)
					createRopesUvs( inRopesCount, inPointsPerRope, inRopesStrength, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, 1.0 );
					createCircleUvs( inPointsCount, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, 1.0 );
				for ( int u = uTmpArray.length() - 1; u >= 0 ; u-- )
					uArray.append( uTmpArray[u] + 1.0 );
					vArray.append( vTmpArray[u] );
				for ( int i = 0; i < inPointsCount + 1; i++ )
					uArray.append( uDivNumber * float( i ) );
					vArray.append( vDivNumber * float( d ) );
				param = curveFn.findParamFromLength( baseLeng );
				for ( int i = 0; i < inPointsCount + 1; i++ )
					uArray.append( uDivNumber * float( i ) );
					vArray.append( vDivNumber * float( d ) );
				for ( int f = 0; f < inPointsCount; f++ )
					faceCounts.append( 4 );
					if( f == ( inPointsCount - 1 ))
						faceConnects.append( ( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) ) - inPointsCount - inPointsCount );
						faceConnects.append( ( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) - inPointsCount ) );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount )  - 1 );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) - inPointsCount - 1 );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + 1 + f );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + 1 + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + f);
						faceConnects.append( ( f + ( d * inPointsCount ) ) - inPointsCount );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) - inPointsCount );
						faceConnects.append( f + 1 + ( d * inPointsCount ) );
						faceConnects.append( ( f + ( d * inPointsCount )) );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d - 1 )) + 1 + f );
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + 1 + f);
						uvIds.append( inPointsCount + (( inPointsCount + 1 ) * float( d )) + f);
				if ( d == inDiv )
					faceCounts.append( inPointsCount );
					for ( int i = 0; i <  inPointsCount; i++ )
						faceConnects.append( ( inPointsCount * inDiv ) + i );
						uvIds.append( ( inPointsCount * ( inDiv + 2)) + i + inDiv + 1 );
					MFloatArray uTmpArray, vTmpArray;
					if (inCreateRope)
						createRopesUvs( inRopesCount, inPointsPerRope, inRopesStrength, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, -1.0 );
						createCircleUvs( inPointsCount, inUvCapSize, uTmpArray, vTmpArray, -1.0 );
					for ( int u = 0; u < uTmpArray.length(); u++ )
						uArray.append( uTmpArray[u] + 2.0 );
						vArray.append( vTmpArray[u] );
				baseLeng += lengPerDiv;
			float divTwist;
			inTwistRamp.getValueAtPosition( baseParamForRamp, divTwist );
			float divTaper;
			inRadRamp.getValueAtPosition( baseParamForRamp, divTaper );
			baseParamForRamp += paramForRamp;
			if (inCreateRope)
				createRopesRings( inRopesCount, 
								getMatrixFromParamCurve( curveFn, param, inTwist, MAngle( divTwist, MAngle::kDegrees )  ),
								points, inPointsPerRope, inRopesStrength, inRadius * divTaper);
				createCriclePoints( inPointsCount, 
									getMatrixFromParamCurve( curveFn, param, inTwist, MAngle( divTwist, MAngle::kDegrees ) ),
									points, inRadius * divTaper );
		fnMesh.create( numVertices, numFaces, points, faceCounts, faceConnects, uArray, vArray, outMeshData );
		fnMesh.assignUVs( faceCounts, uvIds );
	return MS::kSuccess;