public:bool analizarFlujo(IplImage *img, IplImage *imgAnterior, CvRect *rect) { cvSetImageROI(img, *rect); IplImage *imgA1 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img), img->depth, img->nChannels); cvCopy(img, imgA1); cvSetImageROI(imgAnterior, *rect); IplImage *imgB1 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(imgAnterior), imgAnterior->depth, imgAnterior->nChannels); cvCopy(imgAnterior, imgB1); cvResetImageROI(img); cvResetImageROI(imgAnterior); cvNamedWindow( "img", 1); cvNamedWindow( "imgA", 1); cvShowImage( "img", imgA1); cvShowImage( "imgA", imgB1); int py = imgA1->height; int px = imgA1->width; IplImage *imgA=cvCreateImage( cvSize(px,py),IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage *imgB=cvCreateImage( cvSize(px,py),IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); cvCvtColor( imgA1, imgA, CV_BGR2GRAY ); // cvCvtColor( imgB1, imgB, CV_BGR2GRAY ); // CvSize img_sz = cvGetSize( imgA ); ///////////////////////////// IplImage *eig_image = cvCreateImage( img_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); IplImage *tmp_image = cvCreateImage( img_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); int corner_count = MAX_CORNERS; CvSize pyr_sz; int win_size = 5; cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(imgA,eig_image,tmp_image,cornersA,&corner_count,0.01,5.0,0,3,0,0.04); cvFindCornerSubPix(imgA,cornersA,corner_count,cvSize(win_size,win_size),cvSize(-1,-1),cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,1)); // Call the Lucas Kanade algorithm pyr_sz = cvSize( imgA->width+8, imgB->height/3 ); pyrA = cvCreateImage( pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); pyrB = cvCreateImage( pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(imgA,imgB,pyrA,pyrB,cornersA,cornersB,corner_count,cvSize( win_size,win_size ),5,features_found,feature_errors,cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, .03 ),0); // Now make some image of what we are looking at: float dx=0.0; for (int i=0; i<corner_count; i++) { if( features_found[i]==0|| feature_errors[i]>100 ) {continue;} dx=sqrt((cornersA[i].x-cornersB[i].x)*(cornersA[i].x-cornersB[i].x)+(cornersA[i].y-cornersB[i].y)*(cornersA[i].y-cornersB[i].y)); if(dx>1 && dx<50){ return true; } else { return false; } } return false; }
void mexFunction(int plhs_size, mxArray *plhs[], int prhs_size, const mxArray *prhs[]) { // Load images if (prhs_size ==4) { win_size = *mxGetPr(prhs[3]); } int N = mxGetN(prhs[0]); int M = mxGetM(prhs[0]); grey0 = cvCreateImage( cvSize(N, M), 8, 1 ); grey1 = cvCreateImage( cvSize(N, M), 8, 1 ); loadImageFromMatlab(prhs[0],grey0); loadImageFromMatlab(prhs[1],grey1); // Load feature points double *fp = mxGetPr(prhs[2]); int num_pts = mxGetN(prhs[2]); points[0] = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(num_pts*sizeof(points[0][0])); points[1] = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(num_pts*sizeof(points[0][0])); char *status = (char*)cvAlloc(num_pts); float *error = (float*) cvAlloc(num_pts*sizeof(float)); for (int i = 0; i < num_pts; i++) { points[0][i].x = fp[2*i]; points[0][i].y = fp[2*i+1]; } // neni treba, urychleni z fpt 40 -> fps 200 //cvFindCornerSubPix( grey0, points[0], num_pts, cvSize(win_size,win_size), cvSize(-1,-1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03)); pyramid1 = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(grey1), 8, 1 ); pyramid0 = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(grey1), 8, 1 ); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( grey0, grey1, pyramid0, pyramid1, points[0], points[1], num_pts, cvSize(win_size,win_size), 6, status, error, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03), 0 ); // Output plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(6, num_pts, mxREAL); double *output = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); for (int i = 0; i < num_pts; i++) { output[6*i] = (double) points[0][i].x; output[6*i+1] = (double) points[0][i].y; output[6*i+2] = (double) points[1][i].x; output[6*i+3] = (double) points[1][i].y; output[6*i+4] = (double) error[i]; output[6*i+5] = (double) status[i]; //output[5*i+5] = (double) error[i]; } // Tidy up cvReleaseImage( &pyramid0 ); cvReleaseImage( &pyramid1 ); cvReleaseImage( &grey0 ); cvReleaseImage( &grey1 ); return; }
int opticalflow( char * im1fname, char * im2fname, CvPoint2D32f * &source_points, CvPoint2D32f * &dest_points, char * &status ) { int count = MAX_COUNT; double quality = 0.15; // double min_distance = 2; double min_distance = 3; int block_size = 7; int use_harris = 0; int win_size = 10; int flags = 0; source_points = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); dest_points = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); IplImage * image1 = cvLoadImage(im1fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); IplImage * eigenvalues = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image1), 32, 1); IplImage * temp = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image1), 32, 1); cvGoodFeaturesToTrack( image1, eigenvalues, temp, source_points, &count, quality, min_distance, 0, block_size, use_harris, 0.04 ); printf("%d features\n",count); setbuf(stdout, NULL); printf("Finding corner subpix..."); cvFindCornerSubPix( image1, source_points, count, cvSize(win_size,win_size), cvSize(-1,-1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03)); printf("done.\n"); cvReleaseImage(&eigenvalues); cvReleaseImage(&temp); IplImage * image2 = cvLoadImage(im2fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); status = (char*)cvAlloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_COUNT); IplImage * pyramid = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(image1), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); IplImage * second_pyramid = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(image2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); printf("Computing optical flow..."); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(image1, image2, pyramid, second_pyramid, source_points, dest_points, count, cvSize(win_size,win_size), 4, status, 0, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03), flags); printf("done.\n"); cvReleaseImage( &image1 ); cvReleaseImage( &image2 ); cvReleaseImage( &pyramid ); cvReleaseImage( &second_pyramid ); return count; }
/* track a number of KLT features with an n-stage pyramid */ void OpticalFlow::LKPyramids(IplImage* prevImage, IplImage* currImage, int prev_indx, int curr_indx) { CvTermCriteria criteria = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03); int flags = 0; if (m_num_features_tracked>0) { flags |= CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY; } /* note: m_num_pyramid_levels can only be changed before the * playback is started. To release this restriction, the m_pyramids * must be re-initialized, that is pyr0_ready set appropriately. */ // in last frame, and possibly during Get/SetFeatures, how many of // them were lost? ASSERT((int)m_feature_status.size()>=m_target_num_features); if (m_target_num_features>0) { cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevImage, // frame A currImage, // frame B m_pyramids[prev_indx], // buffer for pyramid for A m_pyramids[curr_indx], // buffer for pyramid for B // feature points to track in A (CvPoint2D32f*) &m_features[prev_indx][0], // calculated positions in B (CvPoint2D32f*) &m_features[curr_indx][0], // number of feature points to track m_target_num_features, // search window size per pyramid level cvSize(m_winsize_width, m_winsize_height), // max number of pyramid levels m_num_pyramid_levels, // array pos will be set to 1 if corresponding // feature point was found &m_feature_status[0], // may be NULL, diff btw old // and new area around features &m_errors[0], criteria, // iteration termination criteria flags // todo: put estimate, see Documentation ); int count = m_num_features_tracked = m_target_num_features; for (int cnt1=0, k=0; cnt1<count; cnt1++) { if (m_feature_status[cnt1] && m_errors[cnt1]<m_max_feature_error) { m_features[prev_indx][k] = m_features[prev_indx][cnt1]; m_features[curr_indx][k] = m_features[curr_indx][cnt1]; k++; } else { m_feature_status[cnt1] = 0; m_num_features_tracked --; } } } m_num_features_lost = m_target_num_features-m_num_features_tracked; }
// ###################################################################### Point2D<int> NeoBrain::trackObject(const Image<byte>& grey) { itsRefreshSpeechFile.setVal(false); Point2D<int> targetLoc(-1,-1); #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV if (itsAllowTracking.getVal() && itsTracking) { if (count > 0) { IplImage* tmp1 = img2ipl(prev_grey); IplImage* tmp2 = img2ipl(grey); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(tmp1, tmp2, prev_pyramid, pyramid, points[0], points[1], count, cvSize(win_size,win_size), 3, status, 0, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER |CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20,0.03), flags); cvReleaseImageHeader(&tmp1); cvReleaseImageHeader(&tmp2); flags |= CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY; //show track points int k, i; for(i = k = 0; i<count; i++) { if (!status[i]) continue; points[1][k++] = points[1][i]; targetLoc.i = std::min(grey.getWidth()-1, std::max(0, (int)points[1][i].x)); targetLoc.j = std::min(grey.getHeight()-1, std::max(0, (int)points[1][i].y)); ASSERT(grey.coordsOk(targetLoc)); } count = k; } IplImage *swap_temp; CV_SWAP( prev_pyramid, pyramid, swap_temp ); CV_SWAP( points[0], points[1], swap_points ); moveHeadToTarget(); } prev_grey = grey; #endif return targetLoc; }
// ###################################################################### std::vector<Point2D<int> > NeoBrain::getTrackersLoc(const Image<byte>& grey) { std::vector<Point2D<int> > trackersLoc; #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV if (itsAllowTracking.getVal() && itsTracking) { if (count > 0) { IplImage* tmp1 = img2ipl(prev_grey); IplImage* tmp2 = img2ipl(grey); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(tmp1, tmp2, prev_pyramid, pyramid, points[0], points[1], count, cvSize(win_size,win_size), 3, status, 0, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER |CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20,0.03), flags); cvReleaseImageHeader(&tmp1); cvReleaseImageHeader(&tmp2); flags |= CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY; //show track points int k, i; for(i = k = 0; i<count; i++) { if (!status[i]) continue; points[1][k++] = points[1][i]; Point2D<int> tracker(std::min(grey.getWidth()-1, std::max(0, (int)points[1][i].x)), std::min(grey.getHeight()-1, std::max(0, (int)points[1][i].y))); trackersLoc.push_back(tracker); } count = k; } IplImage *swap_temp; CV_SWAP( prev_pyramid, pyramid, swap_temp ); CV_SWAP( points[0], points[1], swap_points ); } prev_grey = grey; #endif return trackersLoc; }
void ofxOpticalFlow::calc(ofxCvGrayscaleImage& prevFrame, ofxCvGrayscaleImage& currentFrame){ int cornerCount = MAX_CORNERS; cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(prevFrame.getCvImage(), eigImg, tempImg, cornersPrev, &cornerCount, 0.01, 5.0, 0, 3, 0, 0.04); cvFindCornerSubPix(prevFrame.getCvImage(), cornersPrev, cornerCount, windowSize, cvSize(-1,-1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03)); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevFrame.getCvImage(), currentFrame.getCvImage(), pyrPrev, pyrCurr, cornersPrev, cornersCurr, cornerCount, windowSize, 5, featuresFound, NULL, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03), 0); flowPoints.clear(); for(int i=0; i<cornerCount; i++){ if(featuresFound[i] == 0){ continue; } flowPoints.push_back(ofxCvFlowPoint(cornersPrev[i].x, cornersPrev[i].y, cornersCurr[i].x, cornersCurr[i].y)); } }
void HarrisBuffer::OpticalFlowFromLK() { //cvCalcOpticalFlowLK(prevgray, gray, cvSize(15,15), OFx, OFy); //cvCalcOpticalFlowHS(prevgray, gray, 0, OFx, OFy, 0.1, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,100,1e5)); float subf=5; int xsz=gray->width, ysz=gray->height; int pxn=int(xsz/subf), pyn=int(ysz/subf); CvPoint2D32f *p1 = new CvPoint2D32f[pxn*pyn]; CvPoint2D32f *p2 = new CvPoint2D32f[pxn*pyn]; for (int i=0; i<pyn; i++) for (int j=0; j<pxn; j++){ p1[i*pxn+j]=cvPoint2D32f(j*subf,i*subf); p2[i*pxn+j]=cvPoint2D32f(j*subf,i*subf); } char *sts = new char[pxn*pyn]; CvTermCriteria termination = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 100, 1e5); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevgray, gray, NULL, NULL, p1, p2, int(pxn*pyn), cvSize(int(10),int(10)), 3,sts,NULL,termination,CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES); IplImage* OFxsub= cvCreateImage(cvSize(pxn,pyn),IMGTYPE,1); IplImage* OFysub= cvCreateImage(cvSize(pxn,pyn),IMGTYPE,1); IMG_ELEM_TYPE *ptrOFxsub=(IMG_ELEM_TYPE*)cvPtr2D(OFxsub,0,0); IMG_ELEM_TYPE *ptrOFysub=(IMG_ELEM_TYPE*)cvPtr2D(OFysub,0,0); for (int i=0; i<pyn; i++) for (int j=0; j<pxn; j++){ ptrOFxsub[i*pxn+j]=p2[i*pxn+j].x-p1[i*pxn+j].x; ptrOFysub[i*pxn+j]=p2[i*pxn+j].y-p1[i*pxn+j].y; } cvResize(OFxsub,OFx,CV_INTER_NN); cvResize(OFysub,OFy,CV_INTER_NN); cvReleaseImage(&OFxsub); cvReleaseImage(&OFysub); }
void KLTWrapper::RunTrack(IplImage * imgGray, IplImage * prevGray) { int i, k; int nMatch[MAX_COUNT]; if (prevGray == 0) { prevGray = imgPrevGray; } else { flags = 0; } memset(image->imageData, 0, image->imageSize); if (count > 0) { cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prevGray, imgGray, prev_pyramid, pyramid, points[0], points[1], count, cvSize(win_size, win_size), 3, status, 0, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03), flags); flags |= CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY; for (i = k = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!status[i]) { continue; } nMatch[k++] = i; } count = k; } if (count >= 10) { // Make homography matrix with correspondences MakeHomoGraphy(nMatch, count); } else { for (int ii = 0; ii < 9; ++ii) { matH[ii] = ii % 3 == ii / 3 ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } } InitFeatures(imgGray); }
cvg_bool OpticalFlow::process(IplImage *frame, cvg_int *prevFrameNumFeatures, CvPoint2D32f **prevFrameFeatures, char **foundFeaturesInCurrentFrame, CvPoint2D32f **currentFrameFeatures) { // Convert image to black & white cvConvertImage(frame, currentFrame); cvg_bool res = !firstRun; if (!firstRun) { // Find displacements of the features CvSize opticalFlowWindow = cvSize(WINDOW_SIZE, WINDOW_SIZE); CvTermCriteria terminationCriteria = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.3); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( lastFrame, currentFrame, pyramid1, pyramid2, lastFrameFeatures, newFeatures, lastFrameFeaturesCount, opticalFlowWindow, PYRAMID_LEVELS, foundFeatures, errorFeatures, terminationCriteria, 0 ); if (prevFrameNumFeatures != NULL) (*prevFrameNumFeatures) = lastFrameFeaturesCount; if (prevFrameFeatures != NULL) { memcpy(lastFrameFeaturesCopy, lastFrameFeatures, lastFrameFeaturesCount * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); (*prevFrameFeatures) = lastFrameFeaturesCopy; } if (foundFeaturesInCurrentFrame != NULL) (*foundFeaturesInCurrentFrame) = foundFeatures; if (currentFrameFeatures != NULL) (*currentFrameFeatures) = newFeatures; if (showDebug) outputDebugInfo(frame, lastFrameFeaturesCount, foundFeatures, lastFrameFeatures, newFeatures); } else firstRun = false; lastFrameFeaturesCount = maxNumFeatures; // Find good features to track in the current frame cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(currentFrame, eigImage, tempImage, lastFrameFeatures, &lastFrameFeaturesCount, MIN_FEATURE_QUALITY_TO_ACCEPT, 0.01, NULL); // Store current frame for the next iteration cvCopy(currentFrame, lastFrame); return res; }
void FeatureTracker::track_features(geometry_msgs::PoseStamped mapPose){ //set the initial number of features to the max number we want to find int feature_count=num_features; printf("pose %f %f %f\n",mapPose.pose.position.x, mapPose.pose.position.y, tf::getYaw(mapPose.pose.orientation)); int edge_pixels=5; //check if there were features from the last image to keep tracking if(last_feature_count>0){ //if there were call cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(); //find matches between last good features and current image features // store matches in featuresB cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(last_image,image_rect,pyrA,pyrB,features,featuresB, last_feature_count,cvSize(win_size,win_size) ,4,last_features_status,track_error, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,.3),0); } printf("got image flow\n"); // assign last_feature_id values for matched features and set the non matched spots to -1 //find new features and subpixel them //I SHOULD ADD THE IMAGE FLOW VALUES AS FEATURES NOW BEFORE FINDING NEW FEATURES //find all good features cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(image_rect, eigImage, tempImage, features, &feature_count, quality_level, min_distance, NULL, block_size); //subpixel good features cvFindCornerSubPix(image_rect,features,feature_count,cvSize(win_size,win_size),cvSize(-1,-1),cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03)); printf("subpixeled image\n"); //for all the features in features B, find their matches in the newly found features //add all the matches to their correct featuremanager, for the non matching, make a new //feature manager and add them to it //for all features by now we need their ray and the robot pose at that location //draw dots on image where features are //set the feature ids to a control value for(int i=0;i<num_features;i++){ current_feature_id[i]=-1; } for(int i=0;i<last_feature_count;i++){ //for the previously found features in list b if(last_features_status[i]>0){ for(int j=0;j<feature_count;j++){ //for every feature found in this image //determine if the two overlap in a meaningful way int xdiff=featuresB[i].x-features[j].x; int ydiff=featuresB[i].y-features[j].y; //if the pixels are within some margin of eachother if(sqrt(xdiff*xdiff + ydiff*ydiff)<pixel_tracking_margin){ //if they do set the current id for j to the id of i current_feature_id[j]=last_feature_id[i]; printf("feature found %d %d",last_feature_id[i],i); } } } } printf("assigned IDs image\n"); for(int i=0;i<feature_count;i++){ printf("looping\n"); if(current_feature_id[i]>=0){ printf("prev feature match\n"); //if we matched a previous feature //add our new feature to the previous features list cv::Point3d tempRay; cv::Point2d tempPoint=cv::Point2d(features[i]); cam_model.projectPixelTo3dRay(tempPoint,tempRay); if(tempPoint.x> edge_pixels && tempPoint.x < last_image->width- edge_pixels && tempPoint.y> edge_pixels && tempPoint.y<last_image->height- edge_pixels){ featureList[current_feature_id[i]].add(RawFeature(mapPose.pose.position.x, mapPose.pose.position.y, tf::getYaw(mapPose.pose.orientation), tempPoint,tempRay)); }else{ current_feature_id[i]=-1; } }else{ printf("new feature \n"); cv::Point3d tempRay; cv::Point2d tempPoint=cv::Point2d(features[i]); cam_model.projectPixelTo3dRay(tempPoint,tempRay); if(tempPoint.x> edge_pixels && tempPoint.x < last_image->width- edge_pixels && tempPoint.y> edge_pixels && tempPoint.y<last_image->height- edge_pixels){ printf("new good feature \n"); //if we didn't //create a new feature group in the list current_feature_id[i]=feature_number; //add the new feature to the feature list featureList.push_back(FeatureManager()); featureList[feature_number].add(RawFeature(mapPose.pose.position.x, mapPose.pose.position.y, tf::getYaw(mapPose.pose.orientation), tempPoint,tempRay)); ++feature_number; } } } // printf("features: "); for(int i=0;i<num_features;i++){ if(i<feature_count){ last_feature_id[i]=current_feature_id[i]; } else{ last_feature_id[i]=-1; } // printf(" %d ",current_feature_id[i]); } printf("\n"); last_feature_count=feature_count; }
// ###################################################################### Point2D<int> VisualTracker::trackObjects(const Image<byte>& grey) { Point2D<int> targetLoc(-1,-1); if (!itsTracking) return targetLoc; #ifdef HAVE_OPENCV if (itsCurrentNumPoints > 0) { IplImage* pGrey = img2ipl(itsPreviousGreyImg); IplImage* cGrey = img2ipl(grey); //flags = CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES; cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(pGrey, cGrey, itsPreviousPyramid, itsCurrentPyramid, itsPreviousPoints, itsCurrentPoints, itsCurrentNumPoints, //number of feature points cvSize(itsTrackWindowSize.getVal(),itsTrackWindowSize.getVal()), //search window size in each pyramid 3, // maximal pyramid level nummber itsTrackStatus, itsTrackError, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER |CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20,0.03), itsTrackFlags); itsTrackFlags = CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY | CV_LKFLOW_PYR_B_READY; cvReleaseImageHeader(&pGrey); cvReleaseImageHeader(&cGrey); //show track points int k, i; for(i = k = 0; i<itsCurrentNumPoints; i++) { if (!itsTrackStatus[i]) continue; itsCurrentPoints[k++] = itsCurrentPoints[i]; //LINFO("Error %i: %f", i, itsTrackError[i]); if (itsTrackError[i] < 2000) { targetLoc.i = std::min(grey.getWidth()-1, std::max(0, (int)itsCurrentPoints[i].x)); targetLoc.j = std::min(grey.getHeight()-1, std::max(0, (int)itsCurrentPoints[i].y)); ASSERT(grey.coordsOk(targetLoc)); } } itsCurrentNumPoints = k; } IplImage *swap_temp; CV_SWAP( itsPreviousPyramid, itsCurrentPyramid, swap_temp ); CvPoint2D32f* swap_points; CV_SWAP( itsPreviousPoints, itsCurrentPoints, swap_points ); itsPreviousGreyImg = grey; if (itsUseKalman && grey.coordsOk(targetLoc)) { float Z[2]; CvMat Zmat = cvMat(2,1,CV_32F, Z); Z[0] = targetLoc.i; Z[1] = targetLoc.j; cvKalmanCorrect(itsKalman, &Zmat); const CvMat* prediction = cvKalmanPredict(itsKalman, 0); //generate measurement cvMatMulAdd(itsKalman->measurement_matrix, itsKalman->state_pre, NULL, &Zmat); targetLoc.i = (int)prediction->data.fl[0]; targetLoc.j = (int)prediction->data.fl[1]; } #endif return targetLoc; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main(Number of arguments, Argument values) // Description : This is the entry point of the program. // Return value : SUCCESS:0 ERROR:-1 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { // AR.Drone class ARDrone ardrone; // Initialize if (! { printf("Failed to initialize.\n"); return -1; } // Image of AR.Drone's camera IplImage *image = ardrone.getImage(); // Variables for optical flow int corner_count = 50; IplImage *gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage *prev = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); cvCvtColor(image, prev, CV_BGR2GRAY); IplImage *eig_img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); IplImage *tmp_img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); IplImage *prev_pyramid = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image->width+8, image->height/3), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage *curr_pyramid = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image->width+8, image->height/3), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); CvPoint2D32f *corners1 = (CvPoint2D32f*)malloc(corner_count * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); CvPoint2D32f *corners2 = (CvPoint2D32f*)malloc(corner_count * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); // Main loop while (1) { // Key input int key = cvWaitKey(33); if (key == 0x1b) break; // Update if (!ardrone.update()) break; // Get an image image = ardrone.getImage(); // Convert the camera image to grayscale cvCvtColor(image, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); // Detect features int corner_count = 50; cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(prev, eig_img, tmp_img, corners1, &corner_count, 0.1, 5.0, NULL); // Corner detected if (corner_count > 0) { char *status = (char*)malloc(corner_count * sizeof(char)); // Calicurate optical flows CvTermCriteria criteria = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.3); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(prev, gray, prev_pyramid, curr_pyramid, corners1, corners2, corner_count, cvSize(10, 10), 3, status, NULL, criteria, 0); // Drow the optical flows for (int i = 0; i < corner_count; i++) { cvCircle(image, cvPointFrom32f(corners1[i]), 1, CV_RGB (255, 0, 0)); if (status[i]) cvLine(image, cvPointFrom32f(corners1[i]), cvPointFrom32f(corners2[i]), CV_RGB (0, 0, 255), 1, CV_AA, 0); } // Release the memory free(status); } // Save the last frame cvCopy(gray, prev); // Display the image cvShowImage("camera", image); } // Release the images cvReleaseImage(&gray); cvReleaseImage(&prev); cvReleaseImage(&eig_img); cvReleaseImage(&tmp_img); cvReleaseImage(&prev_pyramid); cvReleaseImage(&curr_pyramid); free(corners1); free(corners2); // See you ardrone.close(); return 0; }
void VelocityDetector::LKFlow(Image* output) { // Convert the current image to grey scale cvCvtColor(m_currentFrame->asIplImage(), m_currentGreyScale, CV_BGR2GRAY); // make it happen IplImage* last = m_lastGreyScale; IplImage* current = m_currentGreyScale; CvPoint2D32f frame1_features[m_lkMaxNumberFeatures]; int number_of_features = m_lkMaxNumberFeatures; // Choosing the features to track (Shi-Tomasi) cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(last, m_eig_image, m_temp_image, frame1_features, &number_of_features, m_lkMinQualityFeatures, m_lkMinEucDistance, NULL); CvPoint2D32f frame2_features[m_lkMaxNumberFeatures]; char optical_flow_found_feature[m_lkMaxNumberFeatures]; float optical_flow_feature_error[m_lkMaxNumberFeatures]; // To avoid "aperature problem" CvSize optical_flow_window = cvSize(3,3); // Terminates after iterations or when better epsilon is found CvTermCriteria optical_flow_termination_criteria = cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, m_lkIterations, m_lkEpsilon); // Running pyramidla L-K Optical Flow algorithm on the desired features cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(last, current, m_pyramid1, m_pyramid2, frame1_features, frame2_features, number_of_features, optical_flow_window, 5, optical_flow_found_feature, optical_flow_feature_error, optical_flow_termination_criteria, 0); // We are done copy current over to the last cvCopyImage(m_currentGreyScale, m_lastGreyScale); // needs to return m_velocity CvPoint totalP, totalQ; totalP.x = 0; totalP.y = 0; totalQ.x = 0; totalQ.y = 0; for(int i=0; i < number_of_features; i++) { // skip feature if not found if(optical_flow_found_feature[i] == 0) continue; // plots each feature frame to frame CvPoint p, q; p.x = (int) frame1_features[i].x; p.y = (int) frame1_features[i].y; q.x = (int) frame2_features[i].x; q.y = (int) frame2_features[i].y; math::Vector2 flowVector(-(q.x - p.x), q.y - p.y); // Do test double lengthDifference = fabs(flowVector.length() - m_velocity.length()); bool good = false; if ((lengthDifference / m_velocity.length()) < m_lkLengthMaxError) good = true; if (m_velocity.length() < 0.0001) good = true; if (good) { totalP.x += p.x; totalP.y += p.y; totalQ.x += q.x; totalQ.y += q.y; } // we can draw then flow field if we want, but for now we will average // Draw velocity vector //if (output) //{ // CvPoint start; // start.x = output->getWidth() / 2; // start.y = output->getHeight() / 2; // CvPoint end; // end.x = start.x + ((int)(m_velocity.x*m_phaseLineScale)); // end.y = start.y - ((int)(m_velocity.y*m_phaseLineScale)); // cvLine(output->asIplImage(), start, end, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, CV_AA, 0); if (output) { int line_thickness = 1; CvScalar line_color = CV_RGB(0,0,255); if (!good) line_color = CV_RGB(0,255,0); double angle = atan2((double) p.y - q.y, (double) p.x - q.x); double hypotenuse = sqrt(square(p.y - q.y) + square(p.x - q.x)); // Here we lengthen the arrow by a factor of three. q.x = (int) (p.x - m_lkFlowFieldScale * hypotenuse * cos(angle)); q.y = (int) (p.y - m_lkFlowFieldScale * hypotenuse * sin(angle)); cvLine(output->asIplImage(), p, q, line_color, line_thickness, CV_AA, 0); p.x = (int) (q.x + 5 * cos(angle + M_PI / 4)); p.y = (int) (q.y + 5 * sin(angle + M_PI / 4)); cvLine(output->asIplImage(), p, q, line_color, line_thickness, CV_AA, 0 ); p.x = (int) (q.x + 5 * cos(angle - M_PI / 4)); p.y = (int) (q.y + 5 * sin(angle - M_PI / 4)); cvLine(output->asIplImage(), p, q, line_color, line_thickness, CV_AA, 0); } } CvPoint avgP, avgQ; avgP.x = 0; avgP.y = 0; avgQ.x = 0; avgQ.y = 0; double outImageX = 0; double outImageY = 0; if (number_of_features != 0) { avgP.x = totalP.x/number_of_features; avgP.y = totalP.y/number_of_features; avgQ.x = totalQ.x/number_of_features; avgQ.y = totalQ.y/number_of_features; outImageX = avgQ.x - avgP.x; outImageY = avgQ.y - avgP.y; } // need to convert coordinates to place origin in center //double outX = 0; //double outY = 0; //Detector::imageToAICoordinates(m_lastFrame, outImageX, outImageY, outX, // outY); // assign velocity m_velocity = math::Vector2(-outImageX, outImageY); }
/** * Tracks Points from 1.Image to 2.Image. * Need initImgs before start and at the end of the program for cleanup. * * @param imgI previous Image source. (isn't changed) * @param imgJ actual Image target. (isn't changed) * @param ptsI points to track from first Image. * Format [0] = x1, [1] = y1, [2] = x2 ... * @param nPtsI number of Points to track from first Image * @param ptsJ container for calculated points of second Image. * Must have the length of nPtsI. * @param nPtsJ number of Points * @param level Pyramidlevel, default 5 * @param fb forward-backward confidence value. * (corresponds to euclidean distance between). * Must have the length of nPtsI: nPtsI * sizeof(float). * @param ncc normCrossCorrelation values. needs as inputlength nPtsI * sizeof(float) * @param status Indicates positive tracks. 1 = PosTrack 0 = NegTrack * needs as inputlength nPtsI * sizeof(char) * * * Based Matlab function: * lk(2,imgI,imgJ,ptsI,ptsJ,Level) (Level is optional) */ int trackLK(IplImage *imgI, IplImage *imgJ, float ptsI[], int nPtsI, float ptsJ[], int nPtsJ, int level, float * fb, float*ncc, char*status) { //TODO: watch NaN cases //double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); //double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); // tracking int I, J, winsize_ncc; CvSize pyr_sz; int i; //if unused std 5 if (level == -1) { level = 5; } I = 0; J = 1; winsize_ncc = 10; //NOTE: initImgs() must be used correctly or memleak will follow. pyr_sz = cvSize(imgI->width + 8, imgI->height / 3); PYR[I] = cvCreateImage(pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); PYR[J] = cvCreateImage(pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); // Points if (nPtsJ != nPtsI) { printf("Inconsistent input!\n"); return 0; } points[0] = (CvPoint2D32f*) malloc(nPtsI * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); // template points[1] = (CvPoint2D32f*) malloc(nPtsI * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); // target points[2] = (CvPoint2D32f*) malloc(nPtsI * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); // forward-backward //TODO:Free char* statusBacktrack = (char*) malloc(nPtsI); for (i = 0; i < nPtsI; i++) { points[0][i].x = ptsI[2 * i]; points[0][i].y = ptsI[2 * i + 1]; points[1][i].x = ptsJ[2 * i]; points[1][i].y = ptsJ[2 * i + 1]; points[2][i].x = ptsI[2 * i]; points[2][i].y = ptsI[2 * i + 1]; } //lucas kanade track cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(imgI, imgJ, PYR[I], PYR[J], points[0], points[1], nPtsI, cvSize(win_size_lk, win_size_lk), level, status, 0, cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03), CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES); //backtrack cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(imgJ, imgI, PYR[J], PYR[I], points[1], points[2], nPtsI, cvSize(win_size_lk, win_size_lk), level, statusBacktrack, 0, cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03), CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES | CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY | CV_LKFLOW_PYR_B_READY); for (i = 0; i < nPtsI; i++) { if (status[i] && statusBacktrack[i]) { status[i] = 1; }else{ status[i] = 0; } } normCrossCorrelation(imgI, imgJ, points[0], points[1], nPtsI, status, ncc, winsize_ncc, CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED); euclideanDistance(points[0], points[2], fb, nPtsI); for (i = 0; i < nPtsI; i++) { if (status[i] == 1) { ptsJ[2 * i] = points[1][i].x; ptsJ[2 * i + 1] = points[1][i].y; } else //flow for the corresponding feature hasn't been found { //Todo: shell realy write N_A_N in it? ptsJ[2 * i] = N_A_N; ptsJ[2 * i + 1] = N_A_N; fb[i] = N_A_N; ncc[i] = N_A_N; } } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { free(points[i]); points[i] = 0; } free(statusBacktrack); return 1; }
// Lucas-Kanade Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 150> lk2(IplImage* imgI, IplImage* imgJ, Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 150> const & pointsI, Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 150> const & pointsJ, unsigned int sizeI, unsigned int sizeJ, unsigned int level) { double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); int Level; if (level != 0) { Level = (int) level; } else { Level = 5; } int I = 0; int J = 1; int Winsize = 10; // Images if (IMG[I] != 0) { IMG[I] = imgI; } else { CvSize imageSize = cvGetSize(imgI); IMG[I] = cvCreateImage(imageSize, 8, 1); PYR[I] = cvCreateImage(imageSize, 8, 1); IMG[I] = imgI; } if (IMG[J] != 0) { IMG[J] = imgJ; } else { CvSize imageSize = cvGetSize(imgJ); IMG[J] = cvCreateImage(imageSize, 8, 1); PYR[J] = cvCreateImage(imageSize, 8, 1); IMG[J] = imgJ; } // Points int nPts = sizeI; if (nPts != sizeJ) { std::cout << "Inconsistent input!" << std::endl; return Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(1, 1); } points[0] = (CvPoint2D32f*) cvAlloc(nPts * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); // template points[1] = (CvPoint2D32f*) cvAlloc(nPts * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); // target points[2] = (CvPoint2D32f*) cvAlloc(nPts * sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); // forward-backward for (int i = 0; i < nPts; i++) { points[0][i].x = pointsI(0, i); points[0][i].y = pointsI(1, i); points[1][i].x = pointsJ(0, i); points[1][i].y = pointsJ(1, i); points[2][i].x = pointsI(0, i); points[2][i].y = pointsI(1, i); } float *ncc = (float*) cvAlloc(nPts * sizeof(float)); float *fb = (float*) cvAlloc(nPts * sizeof(float)); char *status = (char*) cvAlloc(nPts); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(IMG[I], IMG[J], PYR[I], PYR[J], points[0], points[1], nPts, cvSize(win_size, win_size), Level, status, 0, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03), CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(IMG[J], IMG[I], PYR[J], PYR[I], points[1], points[2], nPts, cvSize(win_size, win_size), Level, 0, 0, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03), CV_LKFLOW_INITIAL_GUESSES | CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY | CV_LKFLOW_PYR_B_READY ); normCrossCorrelation(IMG[I], IMG[J], points[0], points[1], nPts, status, ncc, Winsize, CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED); euclideanDistance(points[0], points[2], fb, nPts); // Output int M = 4; Eigen::MatrixXd output(M, 150); for (int i = 0; i < nPts; i++) { if (status[i] == 1) { output(0, i) = (double) points[1][i].x; output(1, i) = (double) points[1][i].y; output(2, i) = (double) fb[i]; output(3, i) = (double) ncc[i]; } else { output(0, i) = nan; output(1, i) = nan; output(2, i) = nan; output(3, i) = nan; } } return output; }
int FindAndTrackAllPointsOnRegistersOpenCV(unsigned int reg_new , unsigned int reg_old , unsigned int timeout) { if ( ( video_register[reg_new].pixels == 0 ) || ( video_register[reg_old].pixels == 0 ) ) { return 0; } // Load two images and allocate other structures struct VideoRegister * MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_OLD = GetTempRegister(); if (MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_OLD == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error Getting the first temporary Video Register ( TrackAllPointsOnRegistersOpenCV ) \n"); return 0; } struct VideoRegister * MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_NEW = GetTempRegister(); if (MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_NEW == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr," Error Getting the second temporary Video Register ( TrackAllPointsOnRegistersOpenCV ) \n"); return 0; } CopyRegister(&video_register[reg_new],MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_NEW,0,0); ConvertRegisterFrom3ByteTo1Byte(MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_NEW); CopyRegister(&video_register[reg_old],MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_OLD,0,0); ConvertRegisterFrom3ByteTo1Byte(MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_OLD); image_1->imageData=(char*) MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_OLD->pixels; // UGLY HACK image_2->imageData=(char*) MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_NEW->pixels; // UGLY HACK int win_size = 15; // Get the features for tracking StartTimer(FIND_CORNERS_DELAY); // STATISTICS KEEPER FOR HYPERVISOR | START int corner_count = MAX_CORNERS; cvGoodFeaturesToTrack( image_1, eig_image, tmp_image, cornersA, &corner_count, 0.05, 5.0, 0, 3, 0, 0.04 ); cvFindCornerSubPix( image_1, cornersA, corner_count, cvSize( win_size, win_size ), cvSize( -1, -1 ), cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03 ) ); EndTimer(FIND_CORNERS_DELAY); // STATISTICS KEEPER FOR HYPERVISOR | END // Call Lucas Kanade algorithm StartTimer(TRACK_CORNERS_DELAY); // STATISTICS KEEPER FOR HYPERVISOR | START char features_found[ MAX_CORNERS ]; float feature_errors[ MAX_CORNERS ]; CvSize pyr_sz = cvSize( image_1->width+8, image_2->height/3 ); IplImage* pyrA = cvCreateImage( pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); IplImage* pyrB = cvCreateImage( pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( image_1, image_2, pyrA, pyrB, cornersA, cornersB, corner_count, cvSize( win_size, win_size ), 5, features_found, feature_errors, cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.3 ), 0 ); EndTimer(TRACK_CORNERS_DELAY); // STATISTICS KEEPER FOR HYPERVISOR | END ClearFeatureList(video_register[reg_new].features); video_register[reg_new].features->last_track_time = video_register[reg_new].time; // AFTER the procedure , the feature list is up to date int i=0 ; for ( i=0; i <corner_count; i++ ) { AddToFeatureList( video_register[reg_new].features , cornersB[i].x , cornersB[i].y , 1 ,0,0,0); video_register[reg_new].features->list[i].last_x = cornersA[i].x; video_register[reg_new].features->list[i].last_y = cornersA[i].y; } unsigned int filtered_out = RemoveTrackPointsIfMovementMoreThan(video_register[reg_new].features,settings[FEATURE_TRACKING_MAX_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD]); if ( filtered_out > 0 ) { // fprintf(stderr,"Filtered %u points due to movement\n", filtered_out ); } unsigned int outside_zone = 8; filtered_out = Remove2DTrackPointsIfOutOfBounds(video_register[reg_new].features,outside_zone,outside_zone,metrics[RESOLUTION_X]-outside_zone,metrics[RESOLUTION_Y]-outside_zone); if ( filtered_out > 0 ) { // fprintf(stderr,"Filtered %u points due as out of bounds \n", filtered_out ); } cvReleaseImage(&pyrA); cvReleaseImage(&pyrB); StopUsingVideoRegister(MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_NEW); StopUsingVideoRegister(MONOCHROME_TMP_REGISTER_OLD); return corner_count; }
void CV_OptFlowPyrLKTest::run( int ) { int code = cvtest::TS::OK; const double success_error_level = 0.3; const int bad_points_max = 8; /* test parameters */ double max_err = 0., sum_err = 0; int pt_cmpd = 0; int pt_exceed = 0; int merr_i = 0, merr_j = 0, merr_k = 0; char filename[1000]; CvPoint2D32f *u = 0, *v = 0, *v2 = 0; CvMat *_u = 0, *_v = 0, *_v2 = 0; char* status = 0; IplImage* imgI = 0; IplImage* imgJ = 0; int n = 0, i = 0; sprintf( filename, "%soptflow/%s", ts->get_data_path().c_str(), "lk_prev.dat" ); _u = (CvMat*)cvLoad( filename ); if( !_u ) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "could not read %s\n", filename ); code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA; goto _exit_; } sprintf( filename, "%soptflow/%s", ts->get_data_path().c_str(), "lk_next.dat" ); _v = (CvMat*)cvLoad( filename ); if( !_v ) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "could not read %s\n", filename ); code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA; goto _exit_; } if( _u->cols != 2 || CV_MAT_TYPE(_u->type) != CV_32F || _v->cols != 2 || CV_MAT_TYPE(_v->type) != CV_32F || _v->rows != _u->rows ) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "the loaded matrices of points are not valid\n" ); code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA; goto _exit_; } u = (CvPoint2D32f*)_u->data.fl; v = (CvPoint2D32f*)_v->data.fl; /* allocate adidtional buffers */ _v2 = cvCloneMat( _u ); v2 = (CvPoint2D32f*)_v2->data.fl; /* read first image */ sprintf( filename, "%soptflow/%s", ts->get_data_path().c_str(), "rock_1.bmp" ); imgI = cvLoadImage( filename, -1 ); if( !imgI ) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "could not read %s\n", filename ); code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA; goto _exit_; } /* read second image */ sprintf( filename, "%soptflow/%s", ts->get_data_path().c_str(), "rock_2.bmp" ); imgJ = cvLoadImage( filename, -1 ); if( !imgJ ) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "could not read %s\n", filename ); code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA; goto _exit_; } n = _u->rows; status = (char*)cvAlloc(n*sizeof(status[0])); /* calculate flow */ cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( imgI, imgJ, 0, 0, u, v2, n, cvSize( 41, 41 ), 4, status, 0, cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER| CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 30, 0.01f ), 0 ); /* compare results */ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if( status[i] != 0 ) { double err; if( cvIsNaN(v[i].x) ) { merr_j++; continue; } err = fabs(v2[i].x - v[i].x) + fabs(v2[i].y - v[i].y); if( err > max_err ) { max_err = err; merr_i = i; } pt_exceed += err > success_error_level; sum_err += err; pt_cmpd++; } else { if( !cvIsNaN( v[i].x )) { merr_i = i; merr_k++; ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "The algorithm lost the point #%d\n", i ); code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY; goto _exit_; } } } if( pt_exceed > bad_points_max ) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "The number of poorly tracked points is too big (>=%d)\n", pt_exceed ); code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY; goto _exit_; } if( max_err > 1 ) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Maximum tracking error is too big (=%g) at %d\n", max_err, merr_i ); code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_BAD_ACCURACY; goto _exit_; } _exit_: cvFree( &status ); cvReleaseMat( &_u ); cvReleaseMat( &_v ); cvReleaseMat( &_v2 ); cvReleaseImage( &imgI ); cvReleaseImage( &imgJ ); if( code < 0 ) ts->set_failed_test_info( code ); }
int lk_work(CAMOBJ * st) { int i, k; float mx,my,cx,cy; // frame = cvQueryFrame( capture ); if( !frame ) return(1); if( !image ) // allocate all the buffers { image = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 3 ); image->origin = frame->origin; grey = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); prev_grey = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); save_grey = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); pyramid = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); prev_pyramid = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); save_pyramid = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame), 8, 1 ); points[0] = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT*sizeof(points[0][0])); points[1] = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT*sizeof(points[0][0])); save_points = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT*sizeof(points[0][0])); status = (char*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT); for (i=0;i<MAX_COUNT;i++) pt_mode[i]=0; flags = 0; statuscount++; } cvCopy( frame, image, 0 ); if (st->mode==1) { if (!video_writer) video_writer = cvCreateVideoWriter(st->videofilename,-1,15,cvGetSize(image)); cvWriteFrame(video_writer,image); } if (st->enable_tracking) { cvCvtColor( image, grey, CV_BGR2GRAY ); if( night_mode ) cvZero( image ); if (need_to_init) { need_to_init=0; init_flag=0; if (st->trackface) { if (detect_face()) { int x; count=2; cvFindCornerSubPix( grey, points[1], count, cvSize(win_size,win_size), cvSize(-1,-1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER,1,1.0)); // cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03)); cvCopy(grey,save_grey,0 ); cvCopy(pyramid,save_pyramid,0 ); cvCopy(grey,prev_grey,0 ); cvCopy(pyramid,prev_pyramid,0 ); for (x=0;x<count;x++) { save_points[x].x=points[1][x].x; save_points[x].y=points[1][x].y; points[0][x].x=points[1][x].x; points[0][x].y=points[1][x].y; save_pt_mode[x]=pt_mode[x]; } calc_distances(1); save_count=count; add_remove_pt = 0; flags = 0; time_to_restore=0; } } else { save_points[0].x=PT1_xpos*100; save_points[0].y=PT1_ypos*100; points[0][0].x=PT1_xpos*100; points[0][0].y=PT1_ypos*100; save_pt_mode[0]=0; count=1;MAX_COUNT=1; calc_distances(1); cvFindCornerSubPix( grey, points[1], 1, cvSize(win_size,win_size), cvSize(-1,-1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER,1,1.0)); // report("hallo"); cvCopy(grey,save_grey,0 ); cvCopy(pyramid,save_pyramid,0 ); cvCopy(grey,prev_grey,0 ); cvCopy(pyramid,prev_pyramid,0 ); save_count=1; add_remove_pt = 0; flags = 0; //time_to_restore=0; } } if(count < MAX_COUNT) need_to_init=1; else { cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( prev_grey, grey, prev_pyramid, pyramid, points[0], points[1], count, cvSize(win_size,win_size), 5, status, 0, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03), flags ); flags |= CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY; mx=0;my=0; cx=0;cy=0;mcount=0;ccount=0; for( i = k = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if( add_remove_pt ) { double dx = pt.x - points[1][i].x; double dy = pt.y - points[1][i].y; if( dx*dx + dy*dy <= 25 ) { add_remove_pt = 0; if (pt_mode[i]==1) {pt_mode[i]=0; continue;} pt_mode[i]=1; } } if( !status[i] ) { need_to_init=1; status[i]=true; } if (pt_mode[i]==1) { cx+= (points[0][i].x - points[1][i].x); cy+= (points[0][i].y - points[1][i].y); ccount++; } else { mx += (points[0][i].x - points[1][i].x); my += (points[0][i].y - points[1][i].y); mcount++; } points[1][k] = points[1][i]; pt_mode[k++]=pt_mode[i]; if (need_to_init) cvCircle( image, cvPointFrom32f(points[1][i]), 4, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 2, 8,0); else if (pt_mode[i]==1) cvCircle( image, cvPointFrom32f(points[1][i]), 4, CV_RGB(255,255,0), 2, 8,0); else cvCircle( image, cvPointFrom32f(points[1][i]), 4, CV_RGB(0,210,0), 2, 8,0); } count = k; if (k==MAX_COUNT) { if (init_flag>1) { x_move=mx/mcount; y_move=my/mcount; x_click=cx/ccount; y_click=cy/ccount; } if (st->trackface) calc_distances(0); else calc_distances(2); if ((autorestore)) // && (init_flag>5)) { if (st->trackface) { if ((dist_error>=dist_threshold) || (angle_error>=angle_threshold)) time_to_restore++; else time_to_restore=0; if (time_to_restore>threshold_time) { need_to_init=1; time_to_restore=0; } } else { if ((dist_error>=dist_threshold)) time_to_restore++; else time_to_restore=0; if (time_to_restore>threshold_time) { need_to_init=1; time_to_restore=0; } } } } } if( add_remove_pt && count < MAX_COUNT ) { points[1][count++] = cvPointTo32f(pt); cvFindCornerSubPix( grey, points[1] + count - 1, 1, cvSize(win_size,win_size), cvSize(-1,-1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03)); add_remove_pt = 0; } } CV_SWAP( prev_grey, grey, swap_temp ); CV_SWAP( prev_pyramid, pyramid, swap_temp ); CV_SWAP( points[0], points[1], swap_points ); if (init_flag<1000) init_flag++; if (st->showlive) cvShowImage( "Camera", image ); return(0); }
void vpKltOpencv::track(const IplImage *I) { if (!initialized) { vpERROR_TRACE("KLT Not initialized") ; throw(vpException(vpTrackingException::initializationError, "KLT Not initialized")) ; } if (!I) { throw(vpException(vpTrackingException::initializationError, "Image Not initialized")) ; } if (I->depth != IPL_DEPTH_8U || I->nChannels != 1) { throw(vpException(vpTrackingException::initializationError, "Bad Image format")) ; } CV_SWAP(prev_image, image, swap_temp); CV_SWAP(prev_pyramid, pyramid, swap_temp); cvCopy(I, image, 0); if(!initial_guess){ // Save current features as previous features countPrevFeatures = countFeatures; for (int boucle=0; boucle<countFeatures;boucle++) { prev_featuresid[boucle] = featuresid[boucle]; } CvPoint2D32f *swap_features = 0; CV_SWAP(prev_features, features, swap_features); } if (countFeatures <= 0) return; cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( prev_image, image, prev_pyramid, pyramid, prev_features, features, countFeatures, cvSize(win_size, win_size), pyramid_level, status, 0, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER |CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03), flags ); if(!initial_guess) flags |= CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY; else{ flags = CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY; initial_guess = false; } int i,k; for (i = k = 0; i < countFeatures ; i++) { if (!status[i]) { lostDuringTrack[i] = 1; if (OnFeatureLost) OnFeatureLost(_tid, i, featuresid[i], features[i].x, features[i].y); continue; } if (IsFeatureValid) { if (!IsFeatureValid(_tid, features[i].x, features[i].y)) { lostDuringTrack[i] = 1; if (OnFeatureLost) OnFeatureLost(_tid, i, featuresid[i], features[i].x, features[i].y); continue; } } features[k] = features[i]; featuresid[k] = featuresid[i]; if (OnMeasureFeature) OnMeasureFeature(_tid, k, featuresid[k], features[k].x, features[k].y); lostDuringTrack[i] = 0; k++; } countFeatures = k; }
static void kms_crowd_detector_compute_optical_flow (KmsCrowdDetector * crowddetector, IplImage * binary_actual_motion, CvRect container, int curve) { IplImage *eig_image; IplImage *temp_image; IplImage *frame1_1C; IplImage *frame2_1C; IplImage *pyramid1; IplImage *pyramid2; CvSize frame_size; CvPoint2D32f frame2_features[NUMBER_FEATURES_OPTICAL_FLOW]; char optical_flow_found_feature[NUMBER_FEATURES_OPTICAL_FLOW]; float optical_flow_feature_error[NUMBER_FEATURES_OPTICAL_FLOW]; CvPoint2D32f frame1_features[NUMBER_FEATURES_OPTICAL_FLOW]; int number_of_features = NUMBER_FEATURES_OPTICAL_FLOW; CvSize optical_flow_window = cvSize (WINDOW_SIZE_OPTICAL_FLOW, WINDOW_SIZE_OPTICAL_FLOW); frame_size.width = crowddetector->priv->actual_image->width; frame_size.height = crowddetector->priv->actual_image->height; eig_image = cvCreateImage (frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); frame1_1C = cvCreateImage (frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); frame2_1C = cvCreateImage (frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); cvConvertImage (crowddetector->priv->actual_image, frame1_1C, 0); cvConvertImage (crowddetector->priv->previous_image, frame2_1C, 0); temp_image = cvCreateImage (frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); cvGoodFeaturesToTrack (frame1_1C, eig_image, temp_image, frame1_features, &number_of_features, QUALITY_LEVEL, MIN_DISTANCE, NULL, BLOCK_SIZE, USE_HARRIS_DETECTOR, HARRIS_DETECTOR_K); CvTermCriteria optical_flow_termination_criteria = cvTermCriteria (CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, MAX_ITER_OPTICAL_FLOW, EPSILON_OPTICAL_FLOW); pyramid1 = cvCreateImage (frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); pyramid2 = cvCreateImage (frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK (frame2_1C, frame1_1C, pyramid1, pyramid2, frame1_features, frame2_features, number_of_features, optical_flow_window, 3, optical_flow_found_feature, optical_flow_feature_error, optical_flow_termination_criteria, 0); cvCopy (crowddetector->priv->actual_image, crowddetector->priv->previous_image, 0); kms_crowd_detector_compute_roi_direction_vector (crowddetector, number_of_features, optical_flow_found_feature, frame1_features, frame2_features, CV_RGB (255, 0, 0), binary_actual_motion, container, curve); cvReleaseImage (&eig_image); cvReleaseImage (&temp_image); cvReleaseImage (&frame1_1C); cvReleaseImage (&frame2_1C); cvReleaseImage (&pyramid1); cvReleaseImage (&pyramid2); }
void Points2::retreiveFrame(cv::Mat & frame) { bobs.clear(); double horizProp = (double) 640 / frame.cols; double vertProp = (double) 480 / frame.rows; CvSize frameSize; frameSize.width = frame.size().width; frameSize.height = frame.size().height; checkSize(frameSize); IplImage *dupa = new IplImage(frame); cvCopy(dupa,tempImage,0); cvCvtColor(tempImage, currGreyImage, CV_BGR2GRAY); int i, k; if( count > 0 ) { cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( prevGreyImage, currGreyImage, prevPyramid, currPyramid, points[0], points[1], count, cvSize(20,20), 3, status, 0, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03), flags ); flags |= CV_LKFLOW_PYR_A_READY; for( i = k = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if( add_remove_pt ) { double dx = pt.x - points[1][i].x; double dy = pt.y - points[1][i].y; if( dx*dx + dy*dy <= 25 ) { add_remove_pt = 0; continue; } } if( !status[i] ) continue; points[1][k++] = points[1][i]; cv::circle( frame, cvPointFrom32f(points[1][i]), 3, CV_RGB(0,255,0), -1, 8,0); bobs.append(BOb((quint16) (horizProp * points[1][i].x), (quint16) (vertProp * points[1][i].y), 1,1)); } count = k; } if( add_remove_pt && count < max_count ) { points[1][count++] = cvPointTo32f(pt); cvFindCornerSubPix( currGreyImage, points[1] + count - 1, 1, cvSize(10,10), cvSize(-1,-1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03)); add_remove_pt = 0; } CV_SWAP( prevGreyImage, currGreyImage, swapImage ); CV_SWAP( prevPyramid, currPyramid, swapImage ); CV_SWAP( points[0], points[1], swap_points ); delete dupa; if(!bobs.empty()) emit bobjects(&bobs); }
void calc_homography(const IplImage *src, IplImage *dst[], CvMat *hom[], int image_num) { CvSize size = cvSize(src->width, src->height); IplImage *img_prev = cvCreateImage(size, src->depth, 1);//单通道图像 IplImage *img_curr = cvCreateImage(size, src->depth, 1); cvCvtColor(src, img_prev, CV_BGR2GRAY); CvPoint2D32f features[MAX_CORNERS]; CvPoint2D32f features_curr[MAX_CORNERS]; int corner_count = MAX_CORNERS; int t1 = clock(); cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(img_prev, NULL, NULL, features, &corner_count, 0.02, 0.5, NULL, 3, 0, 0.04); //good features to track 得到的features 相当于输出 //quality_level 0.01表示一点被认为是角点的最小特征值 //min_distance 0.5角点间的距离不小于x个像素 st1 += clock()-t1; t1 = clock(); cvFindCornerSubPix(img_prev, features, corner_count, cvSize(WIN_SIZE,WIN_SIZE), cvSize(-1, -1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 20, 0.03)); //求更加精细的亚像素级角点 //window的大小21*21 st2 += clock()-t1; char feature_found[MAX_CORNERS]; float feature_error[MAX_CORNERS]; CvPoint2D32f good_src[MAX_CORNERS]; CvPoint2D32f good_dst[MAX_CORNERS]; CvSize pyr_size = cvSize(img_prev->width + 8, img_prev->height/3);//? IplImage *pyr_prev = cvCreateImage(pyr_size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);//两幅金字塔图像缓存 IplImage *pyr_curr = cvCreateImage(pyr_size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); for (int k = 0; k < image_num; ++k) { cvCvtColor(dst[k], img_curr, CV_BGR2GRAY); t1 = clock(); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(img_prev, img_curr, pyr_prev, pyr_curr, features, features_curr, corner_count, cvSize(WIN_SIZE,WIN_SIZE), 5, feature_found, feature_error, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS | CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 20, 0.03), 0); //计算光流 金字塔 level为5 //得到的最终图像为img_curr //features_found得到的长度为corner的count st3 += clock()-t1; int good_num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < corner_count; ++i) { if (feature_found[i] != 0 && feature_error[i] < 550) //比较好的feature记录 { good_src[good_num] = features[i]; good_dst[good_num] = features_curr[i]; ++good_num; } } if (good_num >= 4) { CvMat pt_src = cvMat(1, good_num, CV_32FC2, good_src); CvMat pt_dst = cvMat(1, good_num, CV_32FC2, good_dst); t1 = clock(); cvFindHomography(&pt_src, &pt_dst, hom[k], CV_RANSAC, 5, NULL); st4 += clock()-t1; } else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to calc homography : %d\n", k); } cvReleaseImage(&pyr_prev); cvReleaseImage(&pyr_curr); cvReleaseImage(&img_prev); cvReleaseImage(&img_curr); }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s image1 image2\n", argv[0]); return 1; } char * im1fname = argv[1]; char * im2fname = argv[2]; IplImage * image1 = cvLoadImage(im1fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); IplImage * eigenvalues = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image1), 32, 1); IplImage * temp = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image1), 32, 1); int count = MAX_COUNT; double quality = 0.5; // double min_distance = 2; double min_distance = 50; int block_size = 7; int use_harris = 0; int win_size = 10; int flags = 0; CvPoint2D32f * source_points = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); CvPoint2D32f * dest_points = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); CvPoint2D32f * delaunay_points = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); cvGoodFeaturesToTrack( image1, eigenvalues, temp, source_points, &count, quality, min_distance, 0, block_size, use_harris, 0.04 ); printf("%d features\n",count); setbuf(stdout, NULL); printf("Finding corner subpix..."); cvFindCornerSubPix( image1, source_points, count, cvSize(win_size,win_size), cvSize(-1,-1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03)); printf("done.\n"); cvReleaseImage(&eigenvalues); cvReleaseImage(&temp); IplImage * image2 = cvLoadImage(im2fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); char * status = (char*)cvAlloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_COUNT); IplImage * pyramid = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(image1), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); IplImage * second_pyramid = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(image2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); printf("Computing optical flow..."); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(image1, image2, pyramid, second_pyramid, source_points, dest_points, count, cvSize(win_size,win_size), 4, status, 0, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.03), flags); printf("done.\n"); int num_matches = 0; int num_out_matches = 0; int max_dist = 30; int offset = 200; CvMemStorage * storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); CvSubdiv2D * delaunay = cvCreateSubdivDelaunay2D( cvRect(0,0,image1->width,image1->height), storage); cvReleaseImage(&image1); cvReleaseImage(&image2); image1 = cvLoadImage(im1fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); image2 = cvLoadImage(im2fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); cvSet( image1, cvScalarAll(255) ); std::map<CvPoint, CvPoint> point_lookup_map; std::vector<std::pair<CvPoint, CvPoint> > point_lookup; // put corners in the point lookup as going to themselves point_lookup_map[cvPoint(0,0)] = cvPoint(0,0); point_lookup_map[cvPoint(0,image1->height-1)] = cvPoint(0,image1->height-1); point_lookup_map[cvPoint(image1->width-1,0)] = cvPoint(image1->width-1,0); point_lookup_map[cvPoint(image1->width-1,image1->height-1)] = cvPoint(image1->width-1,image1->height-1); point_lookup.push_back(std::pair<CvPoint,CvPoint>(cvPoint(0,0), cvPoint(0,0))); point_lookup.push_back(std::pair<CvPoint,CvPoint>(cvPoint(0,image1->height-1), cvPoint(0,image1->height-1))); point_lookup.push_back(std::pair<CvPoint,CvPoint>(cvPoint(image1->width-1,0), cvPoint(image1->width-1,0))); point_lookup.push_back(std::pair<CvPoint,CvPoint>(cvPoint(image1->width-1,image1->height-1), cvPoint(image1->width-1,image1->height-1))); printf("Inserting corners..."); // put corners in the Delaunay subdivision for(unsigned int i = 0; i < point_lookup.size(); i++) { cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( delaunay, cvPointTo32f(point_lookup[i].first) ); } printf("done.\n"); CvSubdiv2DEdge proxy_edge; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(status[i]) { CvPoint source = cvPointFrom32f(source_points[i]); CvPoint dest = cvPointFrom32f(dest_points[i]); if((((int)fabs((double)(source.x - dest.x))) > max_dist) || (((int)fabs((double)(source.y - dest.y))) > max_dist)) { num_out_matches++; } else if((dest.x >= 0) && (dest.y >= 0) && (dest.x < (image1->width)) && (dest.y < (image1->height))) { if(point_lookup_map.find(source) == point_lookup_map.end()) { num_matches++; point_lookup_map[source] = dest; point_lookup.push_back(std::pair<CvPoint,CvPoint>(source,dest)); delaunay_points[i] = (cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( delaunay, cvPointTo32f(source) ))->pt; cvSetImageROI( image1, cvRect(source.x-8,source.y-8,8*2,8*2) ); cvResetImageROI( image2 ); cvGetRectSubPix( image2, image1, dest_points[i] ); } /* cvSet2D( image1, source.y, source.x, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y, dest.x ) ); cvSet2D( image1, source.y, source.x+1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y, dest.x+1 ) ); cvSet2D( image1, source.y, source.x-1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y, dest.x-1 ) ); cvSet2D( image1, source.y+1, source.x, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y+1, dest.x ) ); cvSet2D( image1, source.y-1, source.x, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y-1, dest.x ) ); cvSet2D( image1, source.y+1, source.x+1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y+1, dest.x+1 ) ); cvSet2D( image1, source.y-1, source.x-1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y-1, dest.x-1 ) ); cvSet2D( image1, source.y+1, source.x-1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y+1, dest.x-1 ) ); cvSet2D( image1, source.y-1, source.x+1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y-1, dest.x+1 ) ); */ // cvCircle( image1, source, 4, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 2, CV_AA ); // cvCircle( image2, dest, 4, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 2, CV_AA ); } /* cvSetImageROI( image1, cvRect(source.x-offset,source.y-offset,offset*2,offset*2) ); cvSetImageROI( image2, cvRect(dest.x-offset,dest.y-offset,offset*2,offset*2) ); cvNamedWindow("image1",0); cvNamedWindow("image2",0); cvShowImage("image1",image1); cvShowImage("image2",image2); printf("%d,%d -> %d,%d\n",source.x,source.y,dest.x,dest.y); cvWaitKey(0); cvDestroyAllWindows(); */ } } printf("%d %d\n",num_matches,num_out_matches); printf("%d lookups\n",point_lookup_map.size()); cvResetImageROI( image1 ); cvSaveImage("sparse.jpg", image1); cvReleaseImage(&image1); image1 = cvLoadImage(im1fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); cvSet( image1, cvScalarAll(255) ); printf("Warping image..."); CvSeqReader reader; int total = delaunay->edges->total; int elem_size = delaunay->edges->elem_size; cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(delaunay->edges), &reader, 0 ); std::vector<Triangle> trivec; std::vector<CvMat *> baryinvvec; for( int i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr); if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge )) { CvSubdiv2DEdge curedge = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge; CvSubdiv2DEdge t = curedge; Triangle temptri; int count = 0; // construct a triangle from this edge do { CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t ); if(count < 3) { pt->pt.x = pt->pt.x >= image1->width ? image1->width-1 : pt->pt.x; pt->pt.y = pt->pt.y >= image1->height ? image1->height-1 : pt->pt.y; pt->pt.x = pt->pt.x < 0 ? 0 : pt->pt.x; pt->pt.y = pt->pt.y < 0 ? 0 : pt->pt.y; temptri.points[count] = cvPointFrom32f( pt->pt ); } else { printf("More than 3 edges\n"); } count++; t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT ); } while( t != curedge ); // check that triangle is not already in if( std::find(trivec.begin(), trivec.end(), temptri) == trivec.end() ) { // push triangle in and draw trivec.push_back(temptri); cvLine( image1, temptri.points[0], temptri.points[1], CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, CV_AA, 0 ); cvLine( image1, temptri.points[1], temptri.points[2], CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, CV_AA, 0 ); cvLine( image1, temptri.points[2], temptri.points[0], CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, CV_AA, 0 ); // compute barycentric computation vector for this triangle CvMat * barycen = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_32FC1 ); CvMat * baryceninv = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_32FC1 ); barycen->data.fl[3*0+0] = temptri.points[0].x; barycen->data.fl[3*0+1] = temptri.points[1].x; barycen->data.fl[3*0+2] = temptri.points[2].x; barycen->data.fl[3*1+0] = temptri.points[0].y; barycen->data.fl[3*1+1] = temptri.points[1].y; barycen->data.fl[3*1+2] = temptri.points[2].y; barycen->data.fl[3*2+0] = 1; barycen->data.fl[3*2+1] = 1; barycen->data.fl[3*2+2] = 1; cvInvert( barycen, baryceninv, CV_LU ); baryinvvec.push_back(baryceninv); cvReleaseMat( &barycen ); } } CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader ); } printf("%d triangles...", trivec.size()); cvSaveImage("triangles.jpg", image1); cvSet( image1, cvScalarAll(255) ); IplImage * clean_nonthresh = cvLoadImage( "conhull-clean.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR ); // for each triangle for(unsigned int i = 0; i < trivec.size(); i++) { Triangle curtri = trivec[i]; CvMat * curpoints = cvCreateMat( 1, 3, CV_32SC2 ); Triangle target; std::map<CvPoint,CvPoint>::iterator piter[3]; printf("Triangle %d / %d\n",i,trivec.size()); bool is_corner = false; for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { /* curpoints->data.i[2*j+0] = curtri.points[j].x; curpoints->data.i[2*j+1] = curtri.points[j].y; */ CV_MAT_ELEM( *curpoints, CvPoint, 0, j ) = curtri.points[j]; printf("%d,%d\n",curtri.points[j].x,curtri.points[j].y); /* if((curtri.points[j] == cvPoint(0,0)) || (curtri.points[j] == cvPoint(0,image1->height)) ||(curtri.points[j] == cvPoint(image1->width,0)) ||(curtri.points[j] == cvPoint(image1->width,image1->height))) { is_corner = true; break; } */ for(unsigned int k = 0; k < point_lookup.size(); k++) { std::pair<CvPoint,CvPoint> thispair = point_lookup[k]; if(thispair.first == curtri.points[j]) { target.points[j] = thispair.second; break; } } /* piter[j] = point_lookup_map.find(curtri.points[j]); if(piter[j] != point_lookup_map.end() ) { target.points[j] = piter[j]->second; } */ } // if((piter[0] != point_lookup_map.end()) && (piter[1] != point_lookup_map.end()) && (piter[2] != point_lookup_map.end())) { if(!is_corner) { CvMat * newcorners = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_32FC1 ); newcorners->data.fl[3*0+0] = target.points[0].x; newcorners->data.fl[3*0+1] = target.points[1].x; newcorners->data.fl[3*0+2] = target.points[2].x; newcorners->data.fl[3*1+0] = target.points[0].y; newcorners->data.fl[3*1+1] = target.points[1].y; newcorners->data.fl[3*1+2] = target.points[2].y; newcorners->data.fl[3*2+0] = 1; newcorners->data.fl[3*2+1] = 1; newcorners->data.fl[3*2+2] = 1; CvContour hdr; CvSeqBlock blk; CvRect trianglebound = cvBoundingRect( cvPointSeqFromMat(CV_SEQ_KIND_CURVE+CV_SEQ_FLAG_CLOSED, curpoints, &hdr, &blk), 1 ); printf("Bounding box: %d,%d,%d,%d\n",trianglebound.x,trianglebound.y,trianglebound.width,trianglebound.height); for(int y = trianglebound.y; (y < (trianglebound.y + trianglebound.height)) && ( y < image1->height); y++) { for(int x = trianglebound.x; (x < (trianglebound.x + trianglebound.width)) && (x < image1->width); x++) { // check to see if we're inside this triangle /* CvPoint v0 = cvPoint( curtri.points[2].x - curtri.points[0].x, curtri.points[2].y - curtri.points[0].y ); CvPoint v1 = cvPoint( curtri.points[1].x - curtri.points[0].x, curtri.points[1].y - curtri.points[0].y ); CvPoint v2 = cvPoint( x - curtri.points[0].x, y - curtri.points[0].y ); int dot00 = v0.x * v0.x + v0.y * v0. y; int dot01 = v0.x * v1.x + v0.y * v1. y; int dot02 = v0.x * v2.x + v0.y * v2. y; int dot11 = v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1. y; int dot12 = v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2. y; double invDenom = 1.0 / (double)(dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01); double u = (double)(dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom; double v = (double)(dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom; */ CvMat * curp = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1); CvMat * result = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1); curp->data.fl[0] = x; curp->data.fl[1] = y; curp->data.fl[2] = 1; cvMatMul( baryinvvec[i], curp, result ); // double u = result->data.fl[0]/result->data.fl[2]; // double v = result->data.fl[1]/result->data.fl[2]; if( (result->data.fl[0] > 0) && (result->data.fl[1] > 0) && (fabs(1.0 - (result->data.fl[0]+result->data.fl[1]+result->data.fl[2])) <= 0.01) ) { // if((u > 0) || (v > 0) /*&& ((u +v) < 1)*/ ) { // printf("Barycentric: %f %f %f\n", result->data.fl[0], result->data.fl[1], result->data.fl[2]); // this point is inside this triangle // printf("Point %d,%d inside %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d\n",x,y,trivec[i].points[0].x,trivec[i].points[0].y, // trivec[i].points[1].x,trivec[i].points[1].y,trivec[i].points[2].x,trivec[i].points[2].y); CvMat * sourcepoint = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1); cvMatMul( newcorners, result, sourcepoint ); double sourcex = sourcepoint->data.fl[0]/*/sourcepoint->data.fl[2]*/; double sourcey = sourcepoint->data.fl[1]/*/sourcepoint->data.fl[2]*/; if((sourcex >= 0) && (sourcey >= 0) && (sourcex < (image1->width)) && (sourcey < (image1->height))) { // printf("%d,%d %d,%d\n",x,y,(int)sourcex,(int)sourcey); cvSet2D( image1, y, x, cvGet2D( clean_nonthresh, (int)sourcey, (int)sourcex ) ); } /* if((i == 143) && (y == 3577) && (x > 2055) && (x < 2087)) { printf("%d: %f, %f, %f\t%f, %f, %f\n",x,result->data.fl[0],result->data.fl[1],result->data.fl[2], sourcepoint->data.fl[0],sourcepoint->data.fl[1],sourcepoint->data.fl[2]); } */ cvReleaseMat( &sourcepoint ); // printf("Point %d,%d inside %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d\n",x,y,trivec[i].points[0].x,trivec[i].points[0].y, // trivec[i].points[1].x,trivec[i].points[1].y,trivec[i].points[2].x,trivec[i].points[2].y); } cvReleaseMat( &result ); cvReleaseMat( &curp ); } } cvReleaseMat( &newcorners ); } cvReleaseMat( &curpoints ); } /* for(int y = 0; y < image1->height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < image1->width; x++) { CvMat * curp = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1); CvMat * result = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1); curp->data.fl[0] = x; curp->data.fl[1] = y; curp->data.fl[2] = 1; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < baryinvvec.size(); i++) { cvMatMul( baryinvvec[i], curp, result ); double u = result->data.fl[0]/result->data.fl[2]; double v = result->data.fl[1]/result->data.fl[2]; if((u > 0) && (v > 0) && (u + v < 1)) { // printf("Point %d,%d inside %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d\n",x,y,trivec[i].points[0].x,trivec[i].points[0].y, // trivec[i].points[1].x,trivec[i].points[1].y,trivec[i].points[2].x,trivec[i].points[2].y); break; } } cvReleaseMat( &result ); cvReleaseMat( &curp ); } } */ cvReleaseImage( &clean_nonthresh ); #ifdef OLD_BUSTED for(int y = 0; y < image1->height; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < image1->width; x++) { CvSubdiv2DPointLocation locate_result; CvSubdiv2DEdge on_edge; CvSubdiv2DPoint * on_vertex; CvPoint curpoint = cvPoint( x, y ); locate_result = cvSubdiv2DLocate( delaunay, cvPointTo32f( curpoint ), &on_edge, &on_vertex ); if( (locate_result != CV_PTLOC_OUTSIDE_RECT) && (locate_result != CV_PTLOC_ERROR) ) { if( locate_result == CV_PTLOC_VERTEX ) { // this point is on a vertex for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(((on_vertex->pt).x == delaunay_points[i].x) && ((on_vertex->pt).y == delaunay_points[i].y)) { cvSet2D( image1, y, x, cvGet2D( image2, cvPointFrom32f(dest_points[i]).y, cvPointFrom32f(dest_points[i]).x ) ); break; } } } else if( locate_result == CV_PTLOC_ON_EDGE ) { // this point is on an edge CvSubdiv2DPoint* org_pt; CvSubdiv2DPoint* dst_pt; CvPoint org_pt_warp; CvPoint dst_pt_warp; org_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg(on_edge); dst_pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeDst(on_edge); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(((org_pt->pt).x == delaunay_points[i].x) && ((org_pt->pt).y == delaunay_points[i].y)) { org_pt_warp = cvPointFrom32f(dest_points[i]); } if(((dst_pt->pt).x == delaunay_points[i].x) && ((dst_pt->pt).y == delaunay_points[i].y)) { dst_pt_warp = cvPointFrom32f(dest_points[i]); } } // compute vector length of original edge and current point double original_length; double cur_length; if( (int)((org_pt->pt).x) == curpoint.x ) { // vertical line original_length = fabs((org_pt->pt).y - (dst_pt->pt).y); cur_length = fabs((org_pt->pt).y - curpoint.y); } else if( (int)((org_pt->pt).y) == curpoint.y ) { // horizontal line original_length = fabs((org_pt->pt).x - (dst_pt->pt).x); cur_length = fabs((org_pt->pt).x - curpoint.x); } else { // sloped line original_length = sqrt(pow((org_pt->pt).x - (dst_pt->pt).x, 2.0) + pow((org_pt->pt).y - (dst_pt->pt).y, 2.0)); cur_length = sqrt(pow((org_pt->pt).x - curpoint.x, 2.0) + pow((org_pt->pt).y - curpoint.y, 2.0)); } // compute ratio of this point on the edge double ratio = cur_length / original_length; // copy this point from the destination edge CvPoint point_in_original; int warped_x = (int)(org_pt_warp.x - dst_pt_warp.x); int warped_y = (int)(org_pt_warp.y - dst_pt_warp.y); if( org_pt_warp.x == curpoint.x ) { // vertical line point_in_original.y = (int)(org_pt_warp.y + (ratio * (org_pt_warp.y - dst_pt_warp.y))); point_in_original.x = org_pt_warp.x; } else if(org_pt_warp.y == curpoint.y) { // horizontal line point_in_original.x = (int)(org_pt_warp.x + (ratio * (org_pt_warp.x - dst_pt_warp.x))); point_in_original.y = org_pt_warp.y; } else { // sloped line double destination_length = sqrt(pow((org_pt_warp).x - (dst_pt_warp).x, 2.0) + pow((org_pt_warp).y - (dst_pt_warp).y, 2.0)); double scaled_length = ratio * destination_length; double dest_angle = atan(fabs( (double)warped_y / (double)warped_x )); double xdist = scaled_length * cos(dest_angle); double ydist = scaled_length * sin(dest_angle); xdist = warped_x > 0 ? xdist : xdist * -1; ydist = warped_y > 0 ? ydist : ydist * -1; point_in_original.x = (int)( org_pt_warp.x + xdist); point_in_original.y = (int)( org_pt_warp.y + ydist); } if((point_in_original.x >= 0) && (point_in_original.y >= 0) && (point_in_original.x < (image1->width)) && (point_in_original.y < (image1->height))) { cvSet2D( image1, y, x, cvGet2D( image2, point_in_original.y, point_in_original.x ) ); } else { printf("Edge point outside image\n"); } // cvSet2D( image1, y, x, cvGet2D( image2, (int)(org_pt_warp.x + (ratio * (org_pt_warp.x - dst_pt_warp.x))), // (int)(org_pt_warp.y + (ratio * (org_pt_warp.y - dst_pt_warp.y))) ) ); } else if( locate_result == CV_PTLOC_INSIDE ) { // this point is inside a facet (triangle) /* printf("Point inside facet: %d, %d\n",curpoint.x,curpoint.y); int count = 0; CvPoint * origins = (CvPoint*)malloc(sizeof(CvPoint)*3); CvSubdiv2DEdge t = on_edge; // count number of edges do { CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t ); if(count < 3) { origins[count] = cvPoint( cvRound(pt->pt.x), cvRound(pt->pt.y)); printf("%d,%d\t",origins[count].x,origins[count].y); } count++; t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT ); } while(t != on_edge); printf("\n"); free(origins); */ } } } } #endif // OLD_BUSTED printf("done.\n"); cvSaveImage("fullwarp.jpg", image1); printf("Drawing subdivisions on warped image..."); draw_subdiv( image1, delaunay, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); // draw_subdiv( image1, delaunay, delaunay_points, source_points, count, status ); printf("done.\n"); cvSaveImage("edgeswarp.jpg", image1); cvReleaseImage(&image2); image2 = cvLoadImage(im2fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); // cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(image2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ); // cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( delaunay ); printf("Drawing subdivisions on unwarped image..."); draw_subdiv( image2, delaunay, delaunay_points, dest_points, count, status ); // draw_subdiv( image2, delaunay, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); printf("done.\n"); cvSaveImage("edges.jpg",image2); cvReleaseImage(&image1); cvFree(&source_points); cvFree(&dest_points); cvFree(&status); cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); cvFree(&delaunay_points); cvReleaseImage(&image2); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { //IplImage* img = cvCreateImage(imSize,IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); IplImage* img = cvLoadImage(imcd0,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); IplImage* imgA = cvLoadImage(imcd0,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); IplImage* imgB = cvLoadImage(imcd1,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); imSize = cvSize(img->width,img->height); rmax=0.8*((imSize.width>imSize.height)?imSize.height/2:imSize.width/2); rmin=0.2*((imSize.width>imSize.height)?imSize.height/2:imSize.width/2); lx=0.5*imSize.width; ly=0.5*imSize.height; int win_siz = 7; int arr_siz = NUMX*NUMY; CvPoint2D32f p0 = cvPoint2D32f(imSize.width/2,imSize.height/2); IplImage* pyr = cvCreateImage(imSize,8,1); IplImage* pyr_old = cvCreateImage(imSize,8,1); char* status =0; status = (char*)cvAlloc(arr_siz); cvNamedWindow("testWindow"); cvNamedWindow("ImgA"); cvShowImage("ImgA", imgA); cvNamedWindow("ImgB"); cvShowImage("ImgB", imgB); CvPoint2D32f* arrg = new CvPoint2D32f[arr_siz]; CvPoint2D32f* arrg_old = new CvPoint2D32f[arr_siz]; int counter=0; for(int x=0; x<NUMX; x++) { for(int y=0; y<NUMY; y++) { arrg_old[counter].x = p0.x + (-lx/2) + lx*x/NUMX; arrg_old[counter].y = p0.y + (-ly/2) + lx*y/NUMY; counter++; } } cout << "f**k-0" << endl; for(int i=0; i<arr_siz; i++) { cvLine(img,cvPointFrom32f(arrg_old[i]),cvPointFrom32f(arrg_old[i]),CV_RGB(0,0,0),4); } cvShowImage("testWindow",img); cvWaitKey(100); cout << "f**k-1" << endl; cvFindCornerSubPix(imgA, arrg_old, arr_siz, cvSize(win_siz,win_siz), cvSize(2,2), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.03)); //cvReleaseImage(&img); //img = cvLoadImage(imcd0,CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED); cout << "f**k-2" << endl; for(int i=0; i<arr_siz; i++) { cvLine(img,cvPointFrom32f(arrg_old[i]),cvPointFrom32f(arrg_old[i]),CV_RGB(255,0,255),4); } cvShowImage("testWindow",img); cvWaitKey(100); cout << "f**k-3" << endl; float errors[arr_siz]; cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(imgA,imgB, pyr_old, pyr, arrg_old, arrg, arr_siz, cvSize(win_siz,win_siz), 5, status, errors, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,20,0.3), 0); CvPoint2D32f dp, dp2; CvPoint2D32f center = cvPoint2D32f(0., 0.); bool arr_draw[arr_siz]; int count = 0; for(int i=0; i<arr_siz; i++) { cvLine(img,cvPointFrom32f(arrg[i]),cvPointFrom32f(arrg[i]),CV_RGB(0,255,0),4); CvScalar color = CV_RGB(255,0,0); dp = getDp(arrg[i],arrg_old[i]); double len = getLength(dp); // if(errors[i]<50) { if(getLength(dp)>3) { color = CV_RGB(255,0,0); } else { color = CV_RGB(100,255,100); } int nc = i+1; arr_draw[i] = false; if((nc>-1) && (nc<arr_siz) && len>3) { dp2=getDp(arrg[nc],arrg_old[nc]); if(getLength(dp2)>2) { CvPoint2D32f ctmp = getCrossPoint(arrg_old[i],getOrtoVec(dp), arrg_old[nc],getOrtoVec(dp2)); // cvLine(img,cvPointFrom32f(arrg_old[i]),cvPointFrom32f(ctmp),CV_RGB(0,0,0),1); // cvLine(img,cvPointFrom32f(arrg[i]),cvPointFrom32f(ctmp),CV_RGB(0,0,0),1); center = getSum(center,ctmp); count++; arr_draw[i] = true; } } drawArrow(img,arrg_old[i],arrg[i],color,2,15.); cout << "status=[" << (int)status[i] << "], error=[" << errors[i] << "]" << endl; // cout << "[" << arrg[i].x << "," << arrg[i].y << "]" << endl; } center=getDiv(center,count); cvCircle(img,cvPointFrom32f(center),10,CV_RGB(0,200,0),1); double df = 0; for(int i=0; i<arr_siz; i++) { if(arr_draw[i]) { cvLine(img, cvPointFrom32f(center), cvPointFrom32f(arrg_old[i]),CV_RGB(0,0,0),1); cvLine(img, cvPointFrom32f(center), cvPointFrom32f(arrg[i]),CV_RGB(0,0,0),1); df += 180.0*(getLength(getDel(arrg[i],arrg_old[i]))) /(CV_PI*getLength(getDel(arrg_old[i],center))); } } CvFont font, fontbg; cvInitFont(&font,CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, 2, 0.0, 2, CV_AA); cvInitFont(&fontbg,CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, 2, 0.0, 8, CV_AA); char buff[100]; bzero(buff,sizeof(buff)); sprintf(buff,"angle=%0.1f degres",(df/count)); cvPutText(img,buff,cvPoint(10,25),&fontbg,CV_RGB(0,0,0)); cvPutText(img,buff,cvPoint(10,25),&font,CV_RGB(255,0,0)); /* for(int r=0; r<NUMR; r++) { for(int f=0; f<NUMF; f++) { double pfi = 2*CV_PI*f/NUMF; double ro = rmin + (rmax-rmin)*r/NUMR; p1.x = p0.x + ro*cos(pfi); p1.y = p0.y + ro*sin(pfi); //cvLine(img,cvPointFrom32f(p1),cvPointFrom32f(p1),CV_RGB(0,0,255),2); drawArrow(img,p0,p1,CV_RGB(255,0,0)); } } */ cvShowImage("testWindow",img); cvWaitKey(0); cvDestroyWindow("testWindow"); cvReleaseImage(&img); cout << "Shutdown" << endl; return 0; }
void HarrisBuffer::CalculateVelocityHistories() { if (pointsToTrack.size()>0) { CvPoint2D32f* prev_features=(CvPoint2D32f*)malloc((int)pointsToTrack.size()*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); CvPoint2D32f* curr_features=(CvPoint2D32f*)malloc((int)pointsToTrack.size()*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f)); char * foundFeature=(char *)malloc((int)pointsToTrack.size()*sizeof(char)); CvTermCriteria optical_flow_termination_criteria = cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, .3 ); int i=0; std::list<DetectedTrackingPoint>::iterator it; for(it=pointsToTrack.begin();it!=pointsToTrack.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).trajectory.size()==0) (*it).trajectory.push_back(cvPoint2D32f((*it).x,(*it).y)); prev_features[i]= (*it).trajectory.back(); i++; } int tempFrameNum = pointsToTrack.begin()->t; tempFrameNum += (int) (pointsToTrack.begin()->trajectory.size()) - 1; original.GetFrame(tempFrameNum, opticalFlowLastFrame); original.GetFrame(tempFrameNum+1,opticalFlowNextFrame); cvScale(opticalFlowLastFrame, opticalFlowLastFrame8u, 255.0, 0.0); cvScale(opticalFlowNextFrame, opticalFlowNextFrame8u, 255.0, 0.0); if (pointsToTrack.size()>0) { cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(opticalFlowLastFrame8u,opticalFlowNextFrame8u,NULL,NULL,prev_features, curr_features,(int)pointsToTrack.size(),cvSize(3,3),0,foundFeature,NULL, optical_flow_termination_criteria,0); } i=0; for(it=pointsToTrack.begin();it!=pointsToTrack.end(); ++it) { if (foundFeature[i]) (*it).trajectory.push_back(cvPoint2D32f(curr_features[i].x,curr_features[i].y)); i++; } i=0; for(it=pointsToTrack.begin();it!=pointsToTrack.end(); ++it) { if (!(foundFeature[i])) { (*it).trackingFinished=true; pointsFinishedTracking.push_back(*it); } i++; } free(prev_features); free(curr_features); free(foundFeature); }// if pointsToTrack.size()>0 }
int do_example_for_optical_flow(void) { /* Create an object that decodes the input video stream. */ CvCapture *input_video = cvCaptureFromFile( //"C:\\Documents and Settings\\David Stavens\\Desktop\\223B-Demo\\optical_flow_input.avi" //"C:\\Users\\Ran_the_User\\Documents\\Technion_Studies\\2016_A_winter\\02_Aerial_Video_PROJECT\\video-examples\\AnimalsMovingZSL17_07_14.mp4" //"C:\\Users\\Ran_the_User\\Documents\\Technion_Studies\\2016_A_winter\\02_Aerial_Video_PROJECT\\\\AnimalsMovingZSL17_07_14.mp4" "C:\\Users\\Ran_the_User\\Documents\\Technion_Studies\\2016_A_winter\\02_Aerial_Video_PROJECT\\video-examples\\optical_flow_input.avi" ); if (input_video == NULL) { /* Either the video didn't exist OR it uses a codec OpenCV * doesn't support. */ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Can't open video.\n"); return -1; } /* Read the video's frame size out of the AVI. */ CvSize frame_size; frame_size.height = (int) cvGetCaptureProperty( input_video, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT ); frame_size.width = (int) cvGetCaptureProperty( input_video, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH ); /* Determine the number of frames in the AVI. */ long number_of_frames; /* Go to the end of the AVI (ie: the fraction is "1") */ cvSetCaptureProperty( input_video, CV_CAP_PROP_POS_AVI_RATIO, 1. ); /* Now that we're at the end, read the AVI position in frames */ number_of_frames = (int) cvGetCaptureProperty( input_video, CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES ); /* Return to the beginning */ cvSetCaptureProperty( input_video, CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0. ); /* Create a windows called "Optical Flow" for visualizing the output. * Have the window automatically change its size to match the output. */ cvNamedWindow("Optical Flow", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); /// ran change: CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cv::resizeWindow("Optical Flow", frame_size.width/ windowShrinkFactor, frame_size.height/ windowShrinkFactor); long current_frame = 0; while(true) { static IplImage *frame = NULL, *frame1 = NULL, *frame1_1C = NULL, *frame2_1C = NULL, *eig_image = NULL, *temp_image = NULL, *pyramid1 = NULL, *pyramid2 = NULL; //static cvResize smaller = // cv::resize(src, src, img.size()); /* Go to the frame we want. Important if multiple frames are queried in * the loop which they of course are for optical flow. Note that the very * first call to this is actually not needed. (Because the correct position * is set outsite the for() loop.) */ cvSetCaptureProperty( input_video, CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, current_frame ); /* Get the next frame of the video. * IMPORTANT! cvQueryFrame() always returns a pointer to the _same_ * memory location. So successive calls: * frame1 = cvQueryFrame(); * frame2 = cvQueryFrame(); * frame3 = cvQueryFrame(); * will result in (frame1 == frame2 && frame2 == frame3) being true. * The solution is to make a copy of the cvQueryFrame() output. */ frame = cvQueryFrame( input_video ); if (frame == NULL) { /* Why did we get a NULL frame? We shouldn't be at the end. */ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Hmm. The end came sooner than we thought.\n"); return -1; } /* Allocate another image if not already allocated. * Image has ONE channel of color (ie: monochrome) with 8-bit "color" depth. * This is the image format OpenCV algorithms actually operate on (mostly). */ allocateOnDemand( &frame1_1C, frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); /* Convert whatever the AVI image format is into OpenCV's preferred format. * AND flip the image vertically. Flip is a shameless hack. OpenCV reads * in AVIs upside-down by default. (No comment :-)) */ cvConvertImage(frame, frame1_1C, 0);// CV_CVTIMG_FLIP); /* We'll make a full color backup of this frame so that we can draw on it. * (It's not the best idea to draw on the static memory space of cvQueryFrame().) */ allocateOnDemand( &frame1, frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ); cvConvertImage(frame, frame1, 0);// CV_CVTIMG_FLIP); /* Get the second frame of video. Same principles as the first. */ frame = cvQueryFrame( input_video ); if (frame == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Hmm. The end came sooner than we thought.\n"); return -1; } allocateOnDemand( &frame2_1C, frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); cvConvertImage(frame, frame2_1C, 0);// CV_CVTIMG_FLIP); /* Shi and Tomasi Feature Tracking! */ /* Preparation: Allocate the necessary storage. */ allocateOnDemand( &eig_image, frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); allocateOnDemand( &temp_image, frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); /* Preparation: This array will contain the features found in frame 1. */ CvPoint2D32f frame1_features[NUM_OF_FEATURES]; /* Preparation: BEFORE the function call this variable is the array size * (or the maximum number of features to find). AFTER the function call * this variable is the number of features actually found. */ int number_of_features; /* I'm hardcoding this at 400. But you should make this a #define so that you can * change the number of features you use for an accuracy/speed tradeoff analysis. */ number_of_features = NUM_OF_FEATURES; /* Actually run the Shi and Tomasi algorithm!! * "frame1_1C" is the input image. * "eig_image" and "temp_image" are just workspace for the algorithm. * The first ".01" specifies the minimum quality of the features (based on the eigenvalues). * The second ".01" specifies the minimum Euclidean distance between features. * "NULL" means use the entire input image. You could point to a part of the image. * WHEN THE ALGORITHM RETURNS: * "frame1_features" will contain the feature points. * "number_of_features" will be set to a value <= 400 indicating the number of feature points found. */ cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(frame1_1C, eig_image, temp_image, frame1_features, &number_of_features, .01, .01, NULL); /* Pyramidal Lucas Kanade Optical Flow! */ /* This array will contain the locations of the points from frame 1 in frame 2. */ CvPoint2D32f frame2_features[NUM_OF_FEATURES]; /* The i-th element of this array will be non-zero if and only if the i-th feature of * frame 1 was found in frame 2. */ char optical_flow_found_feature[NUM_OF_FEATURES]; /* The i-th element of this array is the error in the optical flow for the i-th feature * of frame1 as found in frame 2. If the i-th feature was not found (see the array above) * I think the i-th entry in this array is undefined. */ float optical_flow_feature_error[NUM_OF_FEATURES]; /* This is the window size to use to avoid the aperture problem (see slide "Optical Flow: Overview"). */ CvSize optical_flow_window = cvSize(3,3); /* This termination criteria tells the algorithm to stop when it has either done 20 iterations or when * epsilon is better than .3. You can play with these parameters for speed vs. accuracy but these values * work pretty well in many situations. */ CvTermCriteria optical_flow_termination_criteria = cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, .3 ); /* This is some workspace for the algorithm. * (The algorithm actually carves the image into pyramids of different resolutions.) */ allocateOnDemand( &pyramid1, frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); allocateOnDemand( &pyramid2, frame_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); /* Actually run Pyramidal Lucas Kanade Optical Flow!! * "frame1_1C" is the first frame with the known features. * "frame2_1C" is the second frame where we want to find the first frame's features. * "pyramid1" and "pyramid2" are workspace for the algorithm. * "frame1_features" are the features from the first frame. * "frame2_features" is the (outputted) locations of those features in the second frame. * "number_of_features" is the number of features in the frame1_features array. * "optical_flow_window" is the size of the window to use to avoid the aperture problem. * "5" is the maximum number of pyramids to use. 0 would be just one level. * "optical_flow_found_feature" is as described above (non-zero iff feature found by the flow). * "optical_flow_feature_error" is as described above (error in the flow for this feature). * "optical_flow_termination_criteria" is as described above (how long the algorithm should look). * "0" means disable enhancements. (For example, the second array isn't pre-initialized with guesses.) */ cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(frame1_1C, frame2_1C, pyramid1, pyramid2, frame1_features, frame2_features, number_of_features, optical_flow_window, 5, optical_flow_found_feature, optical_flow_feature_error, optical_flow_termination_criteria, 0 ); /* For fun (and debugging :)), let's draw the flow field. */ for(int i = 0; i < number_of_features; i++) { /* If Pyramidal Lucas Kanade didn't really find the feature, skip it. */ if ( optical_flow_found_feature[i] == 0 ) continue; int line_thickness; line_thickness = 1; /* CV_RGB(red, green, blue) is the red, green, and blue components * of the color you want, each out of 255. */ CvScalar line_color; line_color = CV_RGB(255,0,250); /* Let's make the flow field look nice with arrows. */ /* The arrows will be a bit too short for a nice visualization because of the high framerate * (ie: there's not much motion between the frames). So let's lengthen them by a factor of 3. */ CvPoint p,q; p.x = (int) frame1_features[i].x; p.y = (int) frame1_features[i].y; q.x = (int) frame2_features[i].x; q.y = (int) frame2_features[i].y; double angle; angle = atan2( (double) p.y - q.y, (double) p.x - q.x ); double hypotenuse; hypotenuse = sqrt( square(p.y - q.y) + square(p.x - q.x) ); /* Here we lengthen the arrow by a factor of three. */ q.x = (int) (p.x - 3 * hypotenuse * cos(angle)); q.y = (int) (p.y - 3 * hypotenuse * sin(angle)); /* Now we draw the main line of the arrow. */ /* "frame1" is the frame to draw on. * "p" is the point where the line begins. * "q" is the point where the line stops. * "CV_AA" means antialiased drawing. * "0" means no fractional bits in the center cooridinate or radius. */ cvLine( frame1, p, q, line_color, line_thickness, CV_AA, 0 ); /* Now draw the tips of the arrow. I do some scaling so that the * tips look proportional to the main line of the arrow. */ p.x = (int) (q.x + 9 * cos(angle + pi / 4)); p.y = (int) (q.y + 9 * sin(angle + pi / 4)); cvLine( frame1, p, q, line_color, line_thickness, CV_AA, 0 ); p.x = (int) (q.x + 9 * cos(angle - pi / 4)); p.y = (int) (q.y + 9 * sin(angle - pi / 4)); cvLine( frame1, p, q, line_color, line_thickness, CV_AA, 0 ); } /* Now display the image we drew on. Recall that "Optical Flow" is the name of * the window we created above. */ cvShowImage("Optical Flow", frame1); /* And wait for the user to press a key (so the user has time to look at the image). * If the argument is 0 then it waits forever otherwise it waits that number of milliseconds. * The return value is the key the user pressed. */ int key_pressed; key_pressed = cvWaitKey(1); //0 /* If the users pushes "b" or "B" go back one frame. * Otherwise go forward one frame. */ if (key_pressed == 'b' || key_pressed == 'B') current_frame--; else current_frame++; /* Don't run past the front/end of the AVI. */ if (current_frame < 0) current_frame = 0; if (current_frame >= number_of_frames - 1) current_frame = number_of_frames - 2; if (key_pressed == 27) break; } }
void processImagePair(const char *file1, const char *file2, CvVideoWriter *out, struct CvMat *currentOrientation) { // Load two images and allocate other structures IplImage* imgA = cvLoadImage(file1, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); IplImage* imgB = cvLoadImage(file2, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); IplImage* imgBcolor = cvLoadImage(file2); CvSize img_sz = cvGetSize( imgA ); int win_size = 15; // Get the features for tracking IplImage* eig_image = cvCreateImage( img_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); IplImage* tmp_image = cvCreateImage( img_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); int corner_count = MAX_CORNERS; CvPoint2D32f* cornersA = new CvPoint2D32f[ MAX_CORNERS ]; cvGoodFeaturesToTrack( imgA, eig_image, tmp_image, cornersA, &corner_count, 0.05, 3.0, 0, 3, 0, 0.04 ); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Corner count = %d\n", file1, corner_count); cvFindCornerSubPix( imgA, cornersA, corner_count, cvSize( win_size, win_size ), cvSize( -1, -1 ), cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 50, 0.03 ) ); // Call Lucas Kanade algorithm char features_found[ MAX_CORNERS ]; float feature_errors[ MAX_CORNERS ]; CvSize pyr_sz = cvSize( imgA->width+8, imgB->height/3 ); IplImage* pyrA = cvCreateImage( pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); IplImage* pyrB = cvCreateImage( pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); CvPoint2D32f* cornersB = new CvPoint2D32f[ MAX_CORNERS ]; calcNecessaryImageRotation(imgA); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( imgA, imgB, pyrA, pyrB, cornersA, cornersB, corner_count, cvSize( win_size, win_size ), 5, features_found, feature_errors, cvTermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.3 ), 0 ); CvMat *transform = cvCreateMat(3,3, CV_32FC1); CvMat *invTransform = cvCreateMat(3,3, CV_32FC1); // Find a homography based on the gradient CvMat cornersAMat = cvMat(1, corner_count, CV_32FC2, cornersA); CvMat cornersBMat = cvMat(1, corner_count, CV_32FC2, cornersB); cvFindHomography(&cornersAMat, &cornersBMat, transform, CV_RANSAC, 15, NULL); cvInvert(transform, invTransform); cvMatMul(currentOrientation, invTransform, currentOrientation); // save the translated image IplImage* trans_image = cvCloneImage(imgBcolor); cvWarpPerspective(imgBcolor, trans_image, currentOrientation, CV_INTER_CUBIC+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS); printf("%s:\n", file1); PrintMat(currentOrientation); // cvSaveImage(out, trans_image); cvWriteFrame(out, trans_image); cvReleaseImage(&eig_image); cvReleaseImage(&tmp_image); cvReleaseImage(&trans_image); cvReleaseImage(&imgA); cvReleaseImage(&imgB); cvReleaseImage(&imgBcolor); cvReleaseImage(&pyrA); cvReleaseImage(&pyrB); cvReleaseData(transform); delete [] cornersA; delete [] cornersB; }
int main() { const int MAX_CORNERS = 400; CvCapture* cap = NULL; IplImage *frame, *frameGrey, *greyProc[2]; IplImage *tmp, *eig; IplImage *pryProc[2]; CvPoint2D32f corners[2][MAX_CORNERS]; char statusVector[MAX_CORNERS]; float errorVector[MAX_CORNERS]; int dblBuff = 0; int isReady = 0; cap = cvCreateCameraCapture(0); assert(cap); // set capture size cvSetCaptureProperty(cap, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640); cvSetCaptureProperty(cap, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 480); IMU_FD = open("/dev/i2c-1", O_RDWR); // icInit(); // pthread_create(&IMU_THREAD, NULL, imuHandler, NULL); cvNamedWindow("AVC", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); //resizable window; int cornerCount = MAX_CORNERS; while(1){ IplImage* currFrame = cvQueryFrame(cap); if(!currFrame) continue; if(!frame){ frame = cvCloneImage(cvQueryFrame(cap)); CvSize frameSize = cvSize(frame->width, frame->height); frameGrey = cvCreateImage(frameSize, 8, 1); greyProc[0] = cvCreateImage(frameSize, 8, 1); greyProc[1] = cvCloneImage(greyProc[0]); pryProc[0] = cvCloneImage(greyProc[0]); pryProc[1] = cvCloneImage(greyProc[0]); tmp = cvCreateImage(frameSize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); eig = cvCreateImage(frameSize, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1); } cvCopy(currFrame, frame, 0); // convert the frame to black and white cvCvtColor(frame, greyProc[dblBuff], CV_BGR2GRAY); // cvPyrDown(frameGrey, greyProc[dblBuff], CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5); if(isReady) cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK( greyProc[!dblBuff], greyProc[dblBuff], pryProc[!dblBuff], pryProc[dblBuff], corners[!dblBuff], corners[dblBuff], cornerCount, cvSize(3, 3), 5, // pyr level (0 not used) statusVector, // list of bools which inicate feature matches errorVector, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20, 0.01), 1 ); for(int i = cornerCount; i--;){ cvCircle( frame, cvPoint(corners[dblBuff][i].x, corners[dblBuff][i].y), 3, cvScalar(255, 0, 0, 255), 1, 8, 0 ); if(!statusVector[i]) continue; float dx = (corners[dblBuff][i].x - corners[!dblBuff][i].x) * 10; float dy = (corners[dblBuff][i].y - corners[!dblBuff][i].y) * 10; float depth = dx * dx + dy * dy; depth = pow(depth, 64); cvLine( frame, cvPoint(corners[dblBuff][i].x, corners[dblBuff][i].y), cvPoint((corners[dblBuff][i].x + dx) , (corners[dblBuff][i].y + dy)), cvScalar(depth, dy + 128, dx + 128, 255 / (errorVector[i] + 1)), 1, 8, 0 ); } cvShowImage("AVC", frame); // detect corners cornerCount = 400; cvGoodFeaturesToTrack( greyProc[dblBuff], NULL, NULL, corners[dblBuff], &cornerCount, 0.01, // quality 0.01, // min distance NULL, // mask for ROI 5, // block size 0, // use harris detector 0.04 // not used (free param of harris) ); dblBuff = !dblBuff; isReady = 1; } cvReleaseImage(&frame); cvReleaseCapture(&cap); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { IplImage* imgA = cvLoadImage( "data/OpticalFlow0.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE ); IplImage* imgB = cvLoadImage( "data/OpticalFlow1.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE ); CvSize img_sz = cvGetSize( imgA ); int win_size = 10; IplImage* imgC = cvLoadImage( "data/OpticalFlow1.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED ); IplImage* image_eig = cvCreateImage( img_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); IplImage* image_tmp = cvCreateImage( img_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); int corner_count = MAX_CORNERS; CvPoint2D32f* cornersA = new CvPoint2D32f[ MAX_CORNERS ]; CvPoint2D32f* cornersB = new CvPoint2D32f[ MAX_CORNERS ]; cvGoodFeaturesToTrack( imgA, image_eig, image_tmp, cornersA, &corner_count, 0.01, 5.0, 0, 3, 0, 0.04 ); cvFindCornerSubPix( imgA, cornersA, corner_count, cvSize(win_size, win_size), cvSize(-1, -1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20.0, 0.03) ); char features_found[ MAX_CORNERS ]; float feature_errors[ MAX_CORNERS ]; CvSize pyr_sz = cvSize( imgA->width+8, imgB->height/3 ); IplImage* pyrA = cvCreateImage( pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); IplImage* pyrB = cvCreateImage( pyr_sz, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 ); cvCalcOpticalFlowPyrLK(imgA, imgB, pyrA, pyrB, cornersA, cornersB, corner_count, cvSize(win_size, win_size), 5, features_found, feature_errors, cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER|CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 20.0, 0.3), 0 ); for( int i=0; i<corner_count; i++ ) { if( features_found[i]==0|| feature_errors[i]>550 ) { printf("Error is %f\n",feature_errors[i]); continue; } CvPoint p0 = cvPoint( cvRound( cornersA[i].x ), cvRound( cornersA[i].y ) ); CvPoint p1 = cvPoint( cvRound( cornersB[i].x ), cvRound( cornersB[i].y ) ); cvLine( imgC, p0, p1, CV_RGB(255,0,0),2 ); } cvNamedWindow("ImageA",0); cvNamedWindow("ImageB",0); cvNamedWindow("LKpyr_OpticalFlow",0); cvShowImage("ImageA",imgA); cvShowImage("ImageB",imgB); cvShowImage("LKpyr_OpticalFlow",imgC); cvWaitKey(0); return 0; }