int main( int argc, char **argv ) { const char* facebaseopt="--facebase="; char* classifierbase = 0; char* aviname = 0; int auto_run = 0; if( argc > 1 && argv[argc-1][0] != '-' ) { aviname = argv[argc-1]; auto_run = 1; argc--; } if( argc > 1 && strncmp(argv[argc-1],facebaseopt,strlen(facebaseopt))==0 ) { classifierbase=argv[argc-1] + strlen(facebaseopt); argc--; } if( !InitFaceDetect(classifierbase)) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not locate face classifier base at %s\n" "Use --facebase=<classifier base path> option to specify the base\n", classifierbase ); return -1; } cpu_freq = cvGetTickFrequency(); printf("Tick frequency (*10^-6): %g\n", cpu_freq ); Fl_Window* w; { Fl_Window* o = root_window = new Fl_Window( root_w, root_h ); w = o; { Fl_Tabs* o = new Fl_Tabs( 10, 10, root_w - 20, root_h - 100 ); // camera tab { Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group( 10, 30, root_w - 20, root_h - 110, "Face Detection" ); { VideoWindow* o = new VideoWindow( 15, 35, root_w - 30, root_h - 120 ); video_window = o; o->box( FL_BORDER_BOX ); o->color(0); } o->end(); } o->end(); Fl_Group::current()->resizable(o); } { const int bwidth = 30, bheight = 30; play_button = new Fl_Button( 10, root_h - 35, bwidth, bheight, "@>" ); play_button->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_PauseResume); play_button->deactivate(); stop_button = new Fl_Button( 10 + bwidth, root_h - 35, bwidth, bheight, "@square" ); stop_button->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Stop); stop_button->deactivate(); video_button = new Fl_Button( 10 + bwidth*2, root_h - 35, bwidth, bheight, "..." ); video_button->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Open); cam_button = new Fl_Button( 10 + bwidth*3, root_h - 35, bwidth, bheight, "[o]" ); cam_button->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_StartCam); video_pos = new Fl_Value_Slider( 10 + bwidth*4 + 10, root_h - 35, 200, 20, "Position" ); video_pos->type( FL_HOR_NICE_SLIDER ); record_button = new Fl_Button( 10 + bwidth*4 + 230, root_h - 35, bwidth, bheight, "@circle" ); record_button->labelcolor(FL_RED); record_button->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_StartStopRecord ); record_button->deactivate(); fps_box = new Fl_Box( 10, root_h - 75, bwidth*4, bheight, "<No data>" ); fps_box->box( FL_DOWN_BOX ); } o->end(); } Fl::visual(FL_RGB); w->show(argc, argv); if( auto_run ) Fl::add_timeout( 0.1, cb_AutoRun, aviname ); Fl::run(); cb_Exit(0,0); return 0; }
double toc() { return ((double)cvGetTickCount() - g_tic) / ((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1e6); }
void MainWindow::updateImage() { //cap>>frame; //time1.stop(); if (receiveFlag == 0) { tempImg = cvQueryFrame(capture);//c++接口无法打开视频,利用c接口中转一下,所以需要将iplimage转换为Mat if (tempImg) rawFrame = Mat(tempImg); else { time1.stop(); return; } } if (!rawFrame.empty()) cv::resize(rawFrame,frame,Size(320,240)); else qDebug()<<"no images!"; // equalizeHist(frame,frame2); if(!frame.empty()) { //emit startSend(frame); double t=(double)cvGetTickCount(); switch (algorithmFlag) { case 0: divog.trackObject(frame,sailencyMap,motionMap); findFlag = divog.getFindAns(); break; case 1: sr.getSRsailencyMap(frame,sailencyMap,motionMap); findFlag = sr.getFindAns(); break; case 2: myft.getFTmap(frame,sailencyMap,motionMap,learnRate); findFlag = myft.getFindAns(); break; case 3: itti.getSailencyMapItti(frame,sailencyMap,motionMap); findFlag = itti.getFindAns(); break; case 4: lc.getLCsailencyMap(frame,sailencyMap,motionMap); findFlag = lc.getFindAns(); break; case 5: gmm.getGMMMap(frame,motionMap); findFlag = gmm.getFindAns(); //break; case 6: gmm.getGrayGMMMap(frame,motionMap); findFlag = gmm.getFindAns(); } if (sendFlag == 1) emit startSend(frame); if (findFlag == 1) emit detectSuccess(); else emit detectFailed(); t=((double)cvGetTickCount() - t)/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000); fpsNum = 1000/t; //qDebug()<<fpsNum; cvtColor(frame, frame, CV_BGR2RGB); //getSailencyMap(frame,sailencyMap); //qDebug()<<sailencyMap.elemSize(); //qDebug()<<frame.elemSize(); //floatMap.convertTo(sailencyMap,CV_8U); //cvtColor(sailencyMap, sailencyMap, CV_BGR2RGB); this->update(); } //time1.start(); }
void main() { char message[100]; cvNamedWindow("template"); cvNamedWindow("sampling"); cvNamedWindow("result"); // initialize sprintf_s(message, IMAGE_SEQ_FILE_NAME, 0); IplImage* saveImage = cvLoadImage(message, 0); if(GAUSSIAN_BLUR > 0) cvSmooth(saveImage, saveImage, CV_GAUSSIAN, GAUSSIAN_BLUR, GAUSSIAN_BLUR); int width = saveImage->width; int height = saveImage->height; int startX = (width-TEMPLATE_WIDTH)/2; int startY = (height-TEMPLATE_HEIGHT)/2; float q = TEMPLATE_WIDTH * TEMPLATE_HEIGHT; IplImage* inputImage = NULL; IplImage* resultImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); IplImage* templateImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(TEMPLATE_WIDTH, TEMPLATE_HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage* samplingImage = NULL; // set template image CvRect rect = cvRect(startX, startY, TEMPLATE_WIDTH, TEMPLATE_HEIGHT); cvSetImageROI(saveImage, rect); cvCopyImage(saveImage, templateImage); cvShowImage("template", templateImage); cvResetImageROI(saveImage); cvReleaseImage(&saveImage); // initial homography windage::Matrix3 homography(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); homography._13 = startX; homography._23 = startY; windage::Matrix3 e = homography; // Template based Tracking using Inverse Compositional windage::InverseCompositional* ic = new windage::InverseCompositional(TEMPLATE_WIDTH, TEMPLATE_HEIGHT); ic->AttatchTemplateImage(templateImage); ic->SetInitialHomography(e); ic->Initialize(); // homography update stack std::vector<windage::Matrix3> homographyList; cvWaitKey(); float sumTime = 0.0; int sumIter = 0; bool processing =true; int k = 0; while(processing) { if(k >= IMAGE_SEQ_COUNT) processing = false; // load image if(inputImage) cvReleaseImage(&inputImage); sprintf_s(message, IMAGE_SEQ_FILE_NAME, k); inputImage = cvLoadImage(message, 0); if(GAUSSIAN_BLUR > 0) cvSmooth(inputImage, inputImage, CV_GAUSSIAN, GAUSSIAN_BLUR, GAUSSIAN_BLUR); cvCvtColor(inputImage, resultImage, CV_GRAY2BGR); // processing int64 startTime = cvGetTickCount(); float error = 0.0; float delta = 1.0; int iter = 0; homographyList.clear(); for(iter=0; iter<MAX_ITERATION; iter++) { error = ic->UpdateHomography(inputImage, &delta); homography = ic->GetHomography(); samplingImage = ic->GetSamplingImage(); homographyList.push_back(homography); // if(delta < HOMOGRAPHY_DELTA) // break; } int64 endTime = cvGetTickCount(); k++; sumIter+= iter; // draw result int count = homographyList.size(); for(int i=0; i<count; i++) DrawResult(resultImage, homographyList[i], CV_RGB(((count-i)/(float)count) * 255.0, (i/(float)count) * 255.0, 0), 1); double processingTime = (endTime - startTime)/(cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000.0); sprintf_s(message, "%03d >> processing time : %.2lf ms (%02d iter), error : %.2lf", k, processingTime, iter, error); std::cout << message << std::endl; sumTime += processingTime; windage::Utils::DrawTextToImage(resultImage, cvPoint(5, 15), message, 0.6); // draw image cvShowImage("sampling", samplingImage); cvShowImage("result", resultImage); char ch = cvWaitKey(1); switch(ch) { case ' ': { char tempch = cvWaitKey(0); if(tempch == 's' || tempch == 'S') { cvSaveImage("ICAlgorithm.jpg", resultImage); } } break; case 'i': case 'I': k++; break; case 'o': case 'O': k-=5; break; case 'q': case 'Q': processing = false; break; } } std::cout << "average iteration : " << sumIter/(float)IMAGE_SEQ_COUNT << std::endl; std::cout << "average processing ime : " << sumTime/(float)IMAGE_SEQ_COUNT << " ms" << std::endl; cvReleaseImage(&resultImage); cvDestroyAllWindows(); }
/** * @author JIA Pei * @version 2010-02-04 * @brief Set detection configuration * @param iImg Input - input image, a face * @param faceOrient Input - face orientation * @param lefteye Input - whether to detect left eye * @param righteye Input - whether to detect right eye * @param nose Input - whether to detect nose * @param mouth Input - whether to detect mouth */ double CFaceDetectionAlgs::VO_FaceComponentsDetection( const Mat& iImg, int faceOrient, bool lefteye, bool righteye, bool nose, bool mouth) { double res = (double)cvGetTickCount(); // Emphasized by JIA Pei, make sure you update m_CVDetectedFaceWindow finally! // set the top left half to look for left eye if ( lefteye ) { this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow = CFaceDetectionAlgs::VO_SetDetectedFacePartsPossibleWindow(iImg.cols, iImg.rows, VO_FacePart::LEFTEYE, faceOrient); this->m_bLeftEyeDetected = this->VO_FacePartDetection ( iImg, this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow, this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectLeftEye, VO_FacePart::LEFTEYE); if ( this->m_bLeftEyeDetected ) { this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectLeftEye.x = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectLeftEye.x + this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow.x + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectLeftEye.y = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectLeftEye.y + this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow.y + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.y ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectLeftEye.width = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectLeftEye.width ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectLeftEye.height = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectLeftEye.height ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectLeftEye.x = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectLeftEye.x + this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectLeftEye.y = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectLeftEye.y + this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow.y ); } else { this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectLeftEye.x = ( int ) ( this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow.x + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectLeftEye.y = ( int ) ( this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow.y + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.y ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectLeftEye.width = ( int ) ( this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow.width ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectLeftEye.height = ( int ) ( this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow.height); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectLeftEye.x = ( int ) ( this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectLeftEye.y = ( int ) ( this->m_CVLeftEyePossibleWindow.y ); } } // set the top right half to look for right eye if ( righteye ) { this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow = CFaceDetectionAlgs::VO_SetDetectedFacePartsPossibleWindow(iImg.cols, iImg.rows, VO_FacePart::RIGHTEYE, faceOrient); this->m_bRightEyeDetected = this->VO_FacePartDetection ( iImg, this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow, this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectRightEye, VO_FacePart::RIGHTEYE ); if ( this->m_bRightEyeDetected ) { this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectRightEye.x = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectRightEye.x + this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow.x + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectRightEye.y = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectRightEye.y + this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow.y + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.y ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectRightEye.width = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectRightEye.width ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectRightEye.height = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectRightEye.height); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectRightEye.x = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectRightEye.x + this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectRightEye.y = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectRightEye.y + this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow.y ); } else { this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectRightEye.x = ( int ) ( this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow.x + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectRightEye.y = ( int ) ( this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow.y + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.y ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectRightEye.width = ( int ) ( this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow.width ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectRightEye.height = ( int ) ( this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow.height ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectRightEye.x = ( int ) ( this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectRightEye.y = ( int ) ( this->m_CVRightEyePossibleWindow.y ); } } if ( nose ) { this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow = CFaceDetectionAlgs::VO_SetDetectedFacePartsPossibleWindow(iImg.cols, iImg.rows, VO_FacePart::NOSE, faceOrient); this->m_bNoseDetected = this->VO_FacePartDetection ( iImg, this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow, this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose, VO_FacePart::NOSE ); if ( this->m_bNoseDetected ) { this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectNose.x = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.x + this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow.x + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectNose.y = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.y + this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow.y + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.y ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectNose.width = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.width ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectNose.height = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.height ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.x = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.x + this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.y = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.y + this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow.y ); } else { this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectNose.x = ( int ) ( this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow.x + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectNose.y = ( int ) ( this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow.y + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.y ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectNose.width = ( int ) ( this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow.width ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectNose.height = ( int ) ( this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow.height ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.x = ( int ) ( this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.y = ( int ) ( this->m_CVNosePossibleWindow.y ); } } if ( mouth ) { this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow = CFaceDetectionAlgs::VO_SetDetectedFacePartsPossibleWindow(iImg.cols, iImg.rows, VO_FacePart::LIPOUTERLINE, faceOrient); this->m_bMouthDetected = this->VO_FacePartDetection ( iImg, this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow, this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth, VO_FacePart::LIPOUTERLINE ); if ( this->m_bMouthDetected ) { this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.x += this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.width*0.1; // ensure this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.x + this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.width < iImg.cols-1 while (this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.x + this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.width >= iImg.cols-1) { this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.x--; } this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.x = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.x + this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow.x + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.y = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.y + this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow.y + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.y ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.width = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.width ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.height = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.height); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.x = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.x + this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.y = ( int ) ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.y + this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow.y ); // For mouth, we need a modification due to the reason that the mouth is not able to be well detected. // We need small adjustment. this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.y -= this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.height*0.2; this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.y -= this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.height*0.2; // ensure this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.y > 0 while (this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.y <= 0) { this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.y++; } while (this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.y <= 0) { this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.y++; } } else { this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.x = ( int ) ( this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow.x + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.y = ( int ) ( this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow.y + this->m_CVDetectedFaceWindow2SM.y ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.width = ( int ) ( this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow.width ); this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.height = ( int ) ( this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow.height ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.x = ( int ) ( this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow.x ); this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.y = ( int ) ( this->m_CVMouthPossibleWindow.y ); } } // Default logical relationship among all the above 4 face parts // According to my observation, the mouth some times goes wrong. // the nose x direction goes wrong some times, but y direction keeps correct if ( this->m_bNoseDetected && this->m_bMouthDetected ) // mouth must be lower than nose { if ( this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.y+1.0f*this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.height/2.0f <= ( this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectNose.y + this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectNose.height ) ) this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.y += this->m_VOFaceComponents.m_rectMouth.height; if ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.y+1.0f*this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.height/2.0f <= ( this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.y + this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectNose.height ) ) this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.y += this->m_VOFaceComponents0.m_rectMouth.height; } res = ((double)cvGetTickCount() - res) / ((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.); return res; }
/* ///////////////////// chess_corner_test ///////////////////////// */ void CV_ChessboardDetectorTimingTest::run( int start_from ) { int code = cvtest::TS::OK; /* test parameters */ std::string filepath; std::string filename; CvMat* _v = 0; CvPoint2D32f* v; IplImage img; IplImage* gray = 0; IplImage* thresh = 0; int idx, max_idx; int progress = 0; filepath = cv::format("%scv/cameracalibration/", ts->get_data_path().c_str() ); filename = cv::format("%schessboard_timing_list.dat", filepath.c_str() ); CvFileStorage* fs = cvOpenFileStorage( filename.c_str(), 0, CV_STORAGE_READ ); CvFileNode* board_list = fs ? cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, 0, "boards" ) : 0; if( !fs || !board_list || !CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(board_list->tag) || board_list->data.seq->total % 4 != 0 ) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "chessboard_timing_list.dat can not be readed or is not valid" ); code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA; goto _exit_; } max_idx = board_list->data.seq->total/4; for( idx = start_from; idx < max_idx; idx++ ) { int count0 = -1; int count = 0; CvSize pattern_size; int result, result1 = 0; const char* imgname = cvReadString((CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(board_list->data.seq,idx*4), "dummy.txt"); int is_chessboard = cvReadInt((CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(board_list->data.seq,idx*4+1), 0); pattern_size.width = cvReadInt((CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(board_list->data.seq,idx*4 + 2), -1); pattern_size.height = cvReadInt((CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem(board_list->data.seq,idx*4 + 3), -1); ts->update_context( this, idx-1, true ); /* read the image */ filename = cv::format("%s%s", filepath.c_str(), imgname ); cv::Mat img2 = cv::imread( filename ); img = img2; if( img2.empty() ) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "one of chessboard images can't be read: %s\n", filename.c_str() ); code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_MISSING_TEST_DATA; continue; } ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, "%s: chessboard %d:\n", imgname, is_chessboard); gray = cvCreateImage( cvSize( img.width, img.height ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); thresh = cvCreateImage( cvSize( img.width, img.height ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); cvCvtColor( &img, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY ); count0 = pattern_size.width*pattern_size.height; /* allocate additional buffers */ _v = cvCreateMat(1, count0, CV_32FC2); count = count0; v = (CvPoint2D32f*)_v->data.fl; int64 _time0 = cvGetTickCount(); result = cvCheckChessboard(gray, pattern_size); int64 _time01 = cvGetTickCount(); OPENCV_CALL( result1 = cvFindChessboardCorners( gray, pattern_size, v, &count, 15 )); int64 _time1 = cvGetTickCount(); if( result != is_chessboard ) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Error: chessboard was %sdetected in the image %s\n", result ? "" : "not ", imgname ); code = cvtest::TS::FAIL_INVALID_OUTPUT; goto _exit_; } if(result != result1) { ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Warning: results differ cvCheckChessboard %d, cvFindChessboardCorners %d\n", result, result1); } int num_pixels = gray->width*gray->height; float check_chessboard_time = float(_time01 - _time0)/(float)cvGetTickFrequency(); // in us ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, " cvCheckChessboard time s: %f, us per pixel: %f\n", check_chessboard_time*1e-6, check_chessboard_time/num_pixels); float find_chessboard_time = float(_time1 - _time01)/(float)cvGetTickFrequency(); ts->printf(cvtest::TS::LOG, " cvFindChessboard time s: %f, us per pixel: %f\n", find_chessboard_time*1e-6, find_chessboard_time/num_pixels); cvReleaseMat( &_v ); cvReleaseImage( &gray ); cvReleaseImage( &thresh ); progress = update_progress( progress, idx-1, max_idx, 0 ); } _exit_: /* release occupied memory */ cvReleaseMat( &_v ); cvReleaseFileStorage( &fs ); cvReleaseImage( &gray ); cvReleaseImage( &thresh ); if( code < 0 ) ts->set_failed_test_info( code ); }
/** * @author JIA Pei * @version 2009-10-04 * @brief Object Tracking * @param img Input - image to be searched within * @param objs Input - object to be tracked * @param smallSize Input - smallSize * @param bigSize Input - bigSize * @return detection time cost */ double CTrackingAlgs::Tracking(const cv::Mat& img, cv::Rect& obj, cv::Size smallSize, cv::Size bigSize) { double res = (double)cvGetTickCount(); if(this->m_bTrackerInitialized) { switch(this->m_iTrackingMethod) { case CAMSHIFT: { CTrackingAlgs::CamshiftTracking(img, this->m_hist, obj, this->m_bObjectTracked, smallSize, bigSize); this->m_CVTrackedObjectRect = obj; } break; case KALMANFILTER: { CTrackingAlgs::KalmanTracking( img, obj, this->m_bObjectTracked, smallSize, bigSize); this->m_CVTrackedObjectRect = obj; } break; case PARTICLEFILTER: { CTrackingAlgs::ParticleFilterTracking( img, obj, this->m_bObjectTracked, smallSize, bigSize); this->m_CVTrackedObjectRect = obj; } break; case ASMAAM: { CTrackingAlgs::ASMAAMTracking( img, obj, this->m_bObjectTracked, smallSize, bigSize); this->m_CVTrackedObjectRect = obj; } break; case NONE: default: { this->m_bObjectTracked = false; this->m_bTrackerInitialized = false; } break; } } else { this->UpdateTracker(img, obj); } res = ((double)cvGetTickCount() - res) / ((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.); return res; }
void update(double time, uint32_t* out, const uint32_t* in) { if (!cascade) { cvSetNumThreads(cvRound(threads * 100)); if (classifier.length() > 0) { cascade = (CvHaarClassifierCascade*) cvLoad(classifier.c_str(), 0, 0, 0 ); if (!cascade) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not load classifier cascade %s\n", classifier.c_str()); storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); } else { memcpy(out, in, size * 4); return; } } // sanitize parameters search_scale = CLAMP(search_scale, 0.11, 1.0); neighbors = CLAMP(neighbors, 0.01, 1.0); // copy input image to OpenCV if( !image ) image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4); memcpy(image->imageData, in, size * 4); // only re-detect periodically to control performance and reduce shape jitter int recheckInt = abs(cvRound(recheck * 1000)); if ( recheckInt > 0 && count % recheckInt ) { // skip detect count++; // fprintf(stderr, "draw-only counter %u\n", count); } else { count = 1; // reset the recheck counter if (objects) // reset the list of objects cvClearSeq(objects); double elapsed = (double) cvGetTickCount(); objects = detect(); // use detection time to throttle frequency of re-detect vs. redraw (automatic recheck) elapsed = cvGetTickCount() - elapsed; elapsed = elapsed / ((double) cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000.0); // Automatic recheck uses an undocumented negative parameter value, // which is not compliant, but technically feasible. if (recheck < 0 && cvRound( elapsed / (1000.0 / (recheckInt + 1)) ) <= recheckInt) count += recheckInt - cvRound( elapsed / (1000.0 / (recheckInt + 1))); // fprintf(stderr, "detection time = %gms counter %u\n", elapsed, count); } draw(); // copy filtered OpenCV image to output memcpy(out, image->imageData, size * 4); cvReleaseImage(&image); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { char* filename = argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : (char*)"fruits.jpg"; CvRNG rng = cvRNG(-1); if( (img0 = cvLoadImage(filename,1)) == 0 ) return 0; printf( "Hot keys: \n" "\tESC - quit the program\n" "\tr - restore the original image\n" "\tw or SPACE - run watershed algorithm\n" "\t\t(before running it, roughly mark the areas on the image)\n" "\t (before that, roughly outline several markers on the image)\n" ); cvNamedWindow( "image", 1 ); cvNamedWindow( "watershed transform", 1 ); img = cvCloneImage( img0 ); img_gray = cvCloneImage( img0 ); wshed = cvCloneImage( img0 ); marker_mask = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), 8, 1 ); markers = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_32S, 1 ); cvCvtColor( img, marker_mask, CV_BGR2GRAY ); cvCvtColor( marker_mask, img_gray, CV_GRAY2BGR ); cvZero( marker_mask ); cvZero( wshed ); cvShowImage( "image", img ); cvShowImage( "watershed transform", wshed ); cvSetMouseCallback( "image", on_mouse, 0 ); for(;;) { int c = cvWaitKey(0); if( (char)c == 27 ) break; if( (char)c == 'r' ) { cvZero( marker_mask ); cvCopy( img0, img ); cvShowImage( "image", img ); } if( (char)c == 'w' || (char)c == ' ' ) { CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); CvSeq* contours = 0; CvMat* color_tab; int i, j, comp_count = 0; //cvSaveImage( "wshed_mask.png", marker_mask ); //marker_mask = cvLoadImage( "wshed_mask.png", 0 ); cvFindContours( marker_mask, storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ); cvZero( markers ); for( ; contours != 0; contours = contours->h_next, comp_count++ ) { cvDrawContours( markers, contours, cvScalarAll(comp_count+1), cvScalarAll(comp_count+1), -1, -1, 8, cvPoint(0,0) ); } color_tab = cvCreateMat( 1, comp_count, CV_8UC3 ); for( i = 0; i < comp_count; i++ ) { uchar* ptr = color_tab->data.ptr + i*3; ptr[0] = (uchar)(cvRandInt(&rng)%180 + 50); ptr[1] = (uchar)(cvRandInt(&rng)%180 + 50); ptr[2] = (uchar)(cvRandInt(&rng)%180 + 50); } { double t = (double)cvGetTickCount(); cvWatershed( img0, markers ); t = (double)cvGetTickCount() - t; printf( "exec time = %gms\n", t/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) ); } // paint the watershed image for( i = 0; i < markers->height; i++ ) for( j = 0; j < markers->width; j++ ) { int idx = CV_IMAGE_ELEM( markers, int, i, j ); uchar* dst = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( wshed, uchar, i, j*3 ); if( idx == -1 ) dst[0] = dst[1] = dst[2] = (uchar)255; else if( idx <= 0 || idx > comp_count ) dst[0] = dst[1] = dst[2] = (uchar)0; // should not get here else { uchar* ptr = color_tab->data.ptr + (idx-1)*3; dst[0] = ptr[0]; dst[1] = ptr[1]; dst[2] = ptr[2]; } } cvAddWeighted( wshed, 0.5, img_gray, 0.5, 0, wshed ); cvShowImage( "watershed transform", wshed ); cvReleaseMemStorage( &storage ); cvReleaseMat( &color_tab ); } }
Mat HUD(Mat videoFeed, int sizex, int sizey) { // Read HUD image Mat image; if (gameOn && !peoplePicked && !cratePicked) image = imread("..\\..\\src\\resource\\hudg.png", -1); else if (gameOn && !peoplePicked && cratePicked) image = imread("..\\..\\src\\resource\\hudc.png", -1); else if (gameOn && peoplePicked && !cratePicked) image = imread("..\\..\\src\\resource\\hudp.png", -1); else if (gameOn && peoplePicked && cratePicked) image = imread("..\\..\\src\\resource\\hudpc.png", -1); else image = imread("..\\..\\src\\resource\\hud.png", -1); // Create a buffer of the image Mat buffer; videoFeed.copyTo(buffer); // Resized HUD image Mat rImage; // Resize HUD to fit window resize(image, rImage, Size(sizex, sizey), 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC); // Create a matrix to mix the video feed with the HUD image Mat result; // Overlay the HUD over the video feed OverlayImage(videoFeed, rImage, result, Point(0, 0)); // Draw the crosshair Point2f point(sizex / 2, sizey / 2); circle(buffer, point, 10, Scalar(255, 255, 0), -1); // Display info on to HUD ostringstream str; // string stream ostringstream str2; // string stream ostringstream str3; // string stream ostringstream str4; // string stream ostringstream str5; // string stream // Absolute control flag str << "Absolute control : " << absoluteControl; putText(result, str.str(), Point(10, 90), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.2, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0)); // Battery str2 << ardrone.getBatteryPercentage(); putText(result, str2.str(), Point(180, 33), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0), 2); // Altitude str3 << ardrone.getAltitude(); putText(result, str3.str(), Point(440, 33), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0), 2); // Show game info when game starts if (gameOn) { // Points str4 << points; putText(result, str4.str(), Point(WIDTH / 2.1, 45), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0), 2); // Time int now = cvGetTickCount(); int passedSinceStart = ((now - gameTimeStart) / (cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000)) / 1000; gameTimeLeft = TIME_LIMIT - passedSinceStart; str5 << gameTimeLeft; if (isDroneConnected) putText(result, str5.str(), Point(WIDTH / 2.3, HEIGHT - 25), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0), 2); else putText(result, str5.str(), Point(WIDTH / 2.2, WEBCAM_HEIGHT - 20), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 2, CV_RGB(0, 250, 0), 2); } // Combine buffer with original image + opacity double opacity = 0.2; addWeighted(buffer, opacity, result, 1 - opacity, 0, result); return result; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { char* filename = argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : (char*)"fruits.jpg"; CvTermCriteria termcrit=cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,5,1); double spRadius = 20.0, colorRadius = 40.0; int max_level = 2; if( (src = cvLoadImage(filename,-1)) == 0 ) return 0; help(); cvNamedWindow( "Image", 1 ); cvNamedWindow( "Segmented", 1); dst = cvCloneImage( src ); cvShowImage( "Image", src ); for(;;) { char c; do {//In linux, we get rid of shift codes which turn c negative. c = cvWaitKey(0); if(c < 0) c = -c; } while( (c == 30) || (c == 31)); //Shift codes // printf("c=%d\n",c); if(( (char)c == 27) || ((char)c == 'q') || ((char)c == 'Q') )//Quit break; switch(c){ case 'H': case 'h': help(); break; case's': //save image as watershed.jpg cvSaveImage("pyrMeanShiftInput.jpg",src); cvSaveImage("pyrMeanShiftOutput.jpg",dst); printf("Saved image pyrMeanShift*.jpg\n"); break; case 'm': max_level -= 1; if(max_level <0) max_level = 0; printf("max_level = %d\n",max_level); break; case 'M'://" max_level += 1; printf("max_level = %d\n",max_level); break; case 'r': spRadius -= 1.0; if(spRadius < 1.0) spRadius = 1.0; printf("spRadius = %lf\n",spRadius); break; case 'R': spRadius += 1.0; printf("spRadius = %lf\n",spRadius); break; case 'c': colorRadius -= 1.0; if(colorRadius < 1.0) colorRadius = 1.0; printf("colorRadius = %lf\n",colorRadius); break; case 'C': colorRadius += 1.0; printf("colorRadius = %lf\n",colorRadius); break; case 'p': case '\n': double t = (double)cvGetTickCount(); cvPyrMeanShiftFiltering( src, dst, spRadius, colorRadius, max_level, termcrit); t = (double)cvGetTickCount() - t; printf("For params image(x,y)=(%d,%d) max_level=%d, Radius color=%lf, space=%lf\n", src->width,src->height,max_level,colorRadius,spRadius); printf( "exec time = %gms\n", t/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) ); cvShowImage( "Segmented", dst ); break; } } return 1; }
void show_detecttime(double t ) { t = (double)cvGetTickCount() - t; printf( "detection time = %gms\n", t/((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) ); }
/** * @author JIA Pei * @version 2010-05-20 * @brief CMU ICIA AAM Fitting, for dynamic image sequence * @param iImg Input - image to be fitted * @param ioShape Input and Output - the fitted shape * @param oImg Output - the fitted image * @param epoch Input - the iteration epoch */ float VO_FittingAAMInverseIA::VO_ICIAAAMFitting(const Mat& iImg, VO_Shape& ioShape, Mat& oImg, unsigned int epoch) { this->m_VOFittingShape.clone(ioShape); this->m_VOEstimatedShape.clone(this->m_VOFittingShape); double t = (double)cvGetTickCount(); this->SetProcessingImage(iImg, this->m_VOAAMInverseIA); this->m_iIteration = 0; // Get m_MatCurrentP and m_MatCurrentQ this->m_VOAAMInverseIA->VO_CalcAllParams4AnyShapeWithConstrain( this->m_VOFittingShape, this->m_MatCurrentP, this->m_fScale, this->m_vRotateAngles, this->m_MatCenterOfGravity); this->m_VOFittingShape.ConstrainShapeInImage(this->m_ImageProcessing); this->m_MatDeltaP = Mat_<float>::zeros(this->m_MatDeltaP.size()); this->m_MatDeltaQ = Mat_<float>::zeros(this->m_MatDeltaQ.size()); this->m_MatCurrentQ = Mat_<float>::zeros(this->m_MatCurrentQ.size()); this->m_MatDeltaPQ = Mat_<float>::zeros(this->m_MatDeltaPQ.size()); // Step (1) Warp I with W(x;p) followed by N(x;q) to compute I(N(W(x;p);q)) this->VO_PParamQParam2FittingShape( this->m_MatCurrentP, this->m_MatCurrentQ, this->m_VOFittingShape, this->m_fScale, this->m_vRotateAngles, this->m_MatCenterOfGravity ); this->m_VOFittingShape.ConstrainShapeInImage(this->m_ImageProcessing); // Step (2) Compute the error image I(N(W(x;p);q))-A0(x) this->m_E_previous = this->m_E = this->VO_CalcErrorImage(this->m_ImageProcessing, this->m_VOFittingShape, this->m_VOTemplateNormalizedTexture, this->m_VOTextureError); do { ++this->m_iIteration; // Step (7) -- a bit modification cv::gemm(this->m_VOTextureError.GetTheTextureInARow(), this->m_VOAAMInverseIA->m_MatICIAPreMatrix, -1, Mat(), 0, this->m_MatDeltaPQ, GEMM_2_T); // Step (8) -- a bit modification. Get DeltaP DeltaQ respectively this->m_MatDeltaQ = this->m_MatDeltaPQ(Rect( 0, 0, this->m_MatDeltaQ.cols, 1)); this->m_MatDeltaP = this->m_MatDeltaPQ(Rect( this->m_MatDeltaQ.cols, 0, this->m_MatDeltaP.cols, 1)); // Step (9) -- CMU Inverse Compositional this->VO_CMUInverseCompositional( this->m_MatDeltaP, this->m_MatDeltaQ, this->m_VOFittingShape, this->m_VOEstimatedShape ); // Ensure Inverse Compositional still satisfies global shape constraints this->m_VOAAMInverseIA->VO_CalcAllParams4AnyShapeWithConstrain( this->m_VOEstimatedShape, this->m_MatEstimatedP, this->m_fScale, this->m_vRotateAngles, this->m_MatCenterOfGravity); this->m_VOEstimatedShape.ConstrainShapeInImage(this->m_ImageProcessing); this->m_E = this->VO_CalcErrorImage(this->m_ImageProcessing, this->m_VOEstimatedShape, this->m_VOTemplateNormalizedTexture, this->m_VOEstimatedTextureError); if (this->m_E < this->m_E_previous) { // Unlike what's happening in Basic AAM, // since m_fScale, m_vRotateAngles and m_MatCenterOfGravity have not been updated in ICIA, // m_MatCurrentT should not be assigned to 0 now! // this->m_MatCurrentQ = Mat_<float>::zeros(this->m_MatCurrentQ.size()); this->m_VOFittingShape.clone(this->m_VOEstimatedShape); this->m_VOAAMInverseIA->VO_CalcAllParams4AnyShapeWithConstrain( this->m_VOFittingShape, this->m_MatCurrentP, this->m_fScale, this->m_vRotateAngles, this->m_MatCenterOfGravity); this->m_VOFittingShape.ConstrainShapeInImage(this->m_ImageProcessing); this->m_VOTextureError.clone(this->m_VOEstimatedTextureError); this->m_E_previous = this->m_E; } else break; }while( ( fabs(this->m_E) > FLT_EPSILON ) && ( this->m_iIteration < epoch ) ); VO_Fitting2DSM::VO_DrawMesh(this->m_VOFittingShape, this->m_VOAAMInverseIA, oImg); // Recalculate all parameters finally, this is also optional. this->m_VOAAMInverseIA->VO_CalcAllParams4AnyShapeWithConstrain( this->m_VOFittingShape, this->m_MatCurrentP, this->m_fScale, this->m_vRotateAngles, this->m_MatCenterOfGravity ); // Step (10) (Option step), Post-computation. Get m_MatModelNormalizedTextureParam VO_TextureModel::VO_LoadOneTextureFromShape(this->m_VOFittingShape, this->m_ImageProcessing, this->m_vTriangle2D, this->m_vPointWarpInfo, this->m_VOFittingTexture ); // estimate the texture model parameters this->m_VOAAMInverseIA->VO_CalcAllParams4AnyTexture(this->m_VOFittingTexture, this->m_MatModelNormalizedTextureParam); ioShape.clone(this->m_VOFittingShape); t = ((double)cvGetTickCount() - t )/ (cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.); cout << "ICIA AAM fitting time cost: " << t << " millisec" << endl; this->m_fFittingTime = t; return t; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Initialize ROS ros::init(argc, argv, "ic2020_vodom"); ros::NodeHandle n; ros::Subscriber surf_sub = n.subscribe("/surf/keyframes", 5, optflowCallback); ros::Publisher vodom_pub = n.advertise<ic2020_vodom::keyframe>("/vodom/keyframes", 100); // Wait for video streams to be up BlockWhileWaitingForVideo(); // Create display images view_im = cvCreateImage( cvSize(2*newArrival->width, newArrival->height), 8, IPL_PXL_BYTES ); #ifdef VISUALIZE cvNamedWindow("VisualOdom", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); #endif // Main loop printf("Entering main loop\n"); while (ros::ok()) { char c = cvWaitKey(5); if (c == 'Q' || c == 'q') break; // Get Images ros::spinOnce(); // Check if new keyframe is available if (newArrival == NULL) { continue; } printf ("\33[2J"); // Rotate in new data RotateNewArrivalIn(); /********************************** Check we have two keyframes ***********************************/ if (kA == 0 || kB == 0) { continue; } printf("Keyframe A: %i\n", kA->keyframe_num); printf("Keyframe B: %i\n", kB->keyframe_num); // COPY IMAGE DATA TO DOUBLE SIZE IMAGE cvSetImageROI( view_im, cvRect(0, 0, kB->im->width, kB->im->height)); cvCopy( kB->im, view_im ); cvSetImageROI( view_im, cvRect(kB->im->width, 0, kA->im->width, kA->im->height)); cvCopy( kA->im, view_im ); cvResetImageROI( view_im ); // DRAW RED CIRCLES ON FEATURES for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kB->features.size(); i++) { cvCircle(view_im, cvPoint(cvRound(kB->features[i].point2D[0]), cvRound(kB->features[i].point2D[1])), 3.0f, colors[0], 2, 8); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kA->features.size(); i++) { cvCircle(view_im, cvPoint(cvRound(kA->features[i].point2D[0]) + kB->im->width, cvRound(kA->features[i].point2D[1])), 3.0f, colors[0], 2, 8); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kB->numCorn1; i++) { cvCircle(view_im, cvPoint(cvRound(kB->corn1[i].point2D[0]), cvRound(kB->corn1[i].point2D[1])), 3.0f, colors[1], 1, 8); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kA->numCorn2; i++) { cvCircle(view_im, cvPoint(cvRound(kA->corn2[i].point2D[0]) + kB->im->width, cvRound(kA->corn2[i].point2D[1])), 3.0f, colors[1], 1, 8); } /********************************** Initial RANSAC w SURF and STCorn ***********************************/ // GET SURF PAIRS tt = (double)cvGetTickCount(); std::vector<unsigned int> pairs; SURFHelper::findSURFPairs(&kA->descBuffer, &kB->descBuffer, pairs); tt = (double)cvGetTickCount() - tt; //printf( "SURF Match Time = %gms\n", tt/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.)); printf( "Found %i SURF Matches \n", pairs.size()/2); // RANSAC std::vector<unsigned int> filtered_surf_pairs; std::vector<unsigned int> filtered_corn_pairs; tt = (double)cvGetTickCount(); if (kA->numCorn2 == kB->numCorn1) { if (!VisualOdometry::RANSAC6DFast(&kA->features, &kB->features, &pairs, &filtered_surf_pairs, &kA->corn2[0], &kB->corn1[0], &kB->status[0], kB->numCorn1, &filtered_corn_pairs, kB->im->width, kB->im->height, 10, 10, 1)) //if (!VisualOdometry::RANSAC6D(&kA->features, &kB->features, &pairs, &filtered_surf_pairs, // &kA->corn2[0], &kB->corn1[0], &kB->status[0], kB->numCorn1, &filtered_corn_pairs)) //if (!VisualOdometry::RANSAC6DReproj(&kA->features, &kB->features, &pairs, &filtered_surf_pairs)) { printf("RANSAC MATCHES FEATURE # AREN'T EQUAL OR LESS THAN 7 FEATURES \n"); continue; } } else { printf("WTF KEYFRAME A's FORWARD ST FEATURES != KEYFRAME B's BACK ST FEATURES \n"); } tt = (double)cvGetTickCount() - tt; printf( "RANSAC Time = %gms\n", tt/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.)); // Create index links from B to A std::vector<int> revReferenceA; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)kA->features.size(); i++) { revReferenceA.push_back(-1); } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)filtered_surf_pairs.size()/2; i++ ) { int a = filtered_surf_pairs[2*i+0]; int b = filtered_surf_pairs[2*i+1]; kB->surfMatches[b] = a; revReferenceA[a] = b; } // Remove Useless SURF Features std::vector<feature> tfeatures; std::vector<surfdesc> tdescBuffer; std::vector<int> tsurfMatches; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kA->features.size(); i++) { if (revReferenceA[i] >= 0) { // is being matched in the next frame tfeatures.push_back(kA->features[i]); tdescBuffer.push_back(kA->descBuffer[i]); tsurfMatches.push_back(kA->surfMatches[i]); kB->surfMatches[revReferenceA[i]] = tfeatures.size() - 1; } else if (kA->surfMatches[i] >= 0) { // has a match in the previous frame tfeatures.push_back(kA->features[i]); tdescBuffer.push_back(kA->descBuffer[i]); tsurfMatches.push_back(kA->surfMatches[i]); } } kA->features = tfeatures; kA->descBuffer = tdescBuffer; kA->surfMatches = tsurfMatches; // CREATE VECTOR OF MATCHES std::vector<feature> matchesA2; std::vector<feature> matchesB2; // ADD IN SURF MATCHES for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)filtered_surf_pairs.size()/2; i++ ) { //int a = filtered_surf_pairs[2*i+0]; int b = filtered_surf_pairs[2*i+1]; int a = kB->surfMatches[b]; matchesA2.push_back(kA->features[a]); matchesB2.push_back(kB->features[b]); } // ADD IN CORNER MATCHES for(unsigned int i = 0; i < kB->numCorn1; i++ ) { if (filtered_corn_pairs[i] > 0) { matchesA2.push_back(kA->corn2[i]); matchesB2.push_back(kB->corn1[i]); } else { kB->status[i] = 0; } } // Print Green Circles Over RANSAC Points for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matchesA2.size(); i++) { float lx = matchesB2[i].point2D[0]; float ly = matchesB2[i].point2D[1]; float lx2 = matchesA2[i].point2D[0]; float ly2 = matchesA2[i].point2D[1]; cvCircle(view_im,cvPoint(cvRound(lx), cvRound(ly)), 3.0f, colors[3], 2, 8); cvCircle(view_im, cvPoint(cvRound(lx2) + kA->im->width, cvRound(ly2)), 3.0f, colors[3], 2, 8); cvLine(view_im, cvPoint(cvRound(lx), cvRound(ly)), cvPoint(cvRound(lx2), cvRound(ly2)), colors[3] ); } // Least Squares double rdata[9]; double translation[3]; VisualOdometry::ArunLeastSquares(&matchesA2, &matchesB2, rdata, translation); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { kB->rotation[i] = rdata[i]; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { kB->translation[i] = translation[i]; } /********************* ICP **********************/ // Setup Images and Contours /* // Call ICP double rdata2[9]; double translation2[3]; VisualOdometry::ICPKeyframes(kA, kB, rdata, translation, rdata2, translation2); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { kB->rotation[i] = rdata2[i]; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { kB->translation[i] = translation2[i];} */ /********************* Publish Frame **********************/ // Print Rotation and Translation double pitch = atan2(-rdata[6], sqrt(pow(rdata[0],2.0)+pow(rdata[3],2.0))); double yaw = atan2(rdata[3]/cos(pitch), rdata[0]/cos(pitch)); double roll = atan2(rdata[7]/cos(pitch), rdata[8]/cos(pitch)); printf("pit yaw rol: %f %f %f\n",pitch,yaw,roll); printf("translation: %f %f %f\n",translation[0],translation[1],translation[2]); /*double pitch2 = atan2(-rdata2[6], sqrt(pow(rdata2[0],2.0)+pow(rdata2[3],2.0))); double yaw2 = atan2(rdata2[3]/cos(pitch), rdata2[0]/cos(pitch)); double roll2 = atan2(rdata2[7]/cos(pitch), rdata2[8]/cos(pitch)); printf("icp pit yaw rol: %f %f %f\n",pitch2,yaw2,roll2); printf("icp translation: %f %f %f\n",translation2[0],translation2[1],translation2[2]); */ // Publish Point Clouds printf("publishing\n"); kA->PublishKeyframe(&vodom_pub); printf("done publishing\n"); #ifdef VISUALIZE // Show stereo image cvShowImage("VisualOdom", view_im); #endif } return 0; }
void LiveSLAMWrapper::BALoop() { ros::Rate BARate(2000) ; list<ImageMeasurement>::iterator iterImage ; std::list<visensor_node::visensor_imu>::iterator iterIMU ; cv::Mat image0 ; cv::Mat image1 ; cv::Mat gradientMapForDebug(height, width, CV_8UC3) ; sensor_msgs::Image msg; double t ; while ( nh.ok() ) { monoOdometry->frameInfoList_mtx.lock(); int ttt = (monoOdometry->frameInfoListTail - monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead); if ( ttt < 0 ){ ttt += frameInfoListSize ; } //printf("[BA thread] sz=%d\n", ttt ) ; if ( ttt < 1 ){ monoOdometry->frameInfoList_mtx.unlock(); BARate.sleep() ; continue ; } for ( int sz ; ; ) { monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead++ ; if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead >= frameInfoListSize ){ monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead -= frameInfoListSize ; } sz = monoOdometry->frameInfoListTail - monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead ; if ( sz == 0 ){ break ; } if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag ){ break ; } } ros::Time imageTimeStamp = monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].t ; monoOdometry->frameInfoList_mtx.unlock(); //Pop out the image list image1_queue_mtx.lock(); iterImage = image1Buf.begin() ; while ( iterImage->t < imageTimeStamp ){ iterImage = image1Buf.erase( iterImage ) ; } image1 = iterImage->image.clone(); image1_queue_mtx.unlock(); image0_queue_mtx.lock(); iterImage = image0Buf.begin() ; while ( iterImage->t < imageTimeStamp ){ iterImage = image0Buf.erase( iterImage ) ; } image0 = iterImage->image.clone(); image0_queue_mtx.unlock(); imu_queue_mtx.lock(); iterIMU = imuQueue.begin() ; Vector3d linear_acceleration; Vector3d angular_velocity; //std::cout << "imageTime=" << imageTimeStamp << std::endl; while ( iterIMU->header.stamp < imageTimeStamp ) { linear_acceleration(0) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.x; linear_acceleration(1) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.y; linear_acceleration(2) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.z; angular_velocity(0) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.x; angular_velocity(1) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.y; angular_velocity(2) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.z; //linear_acceleration = -linear_acceleration; //angular_velocity = -angular_velocity ; // double pre_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec(); // iterIMU = imuQueue.erase(iterIMU); // //std::cout << imuQueue.size() <<" "<< iterIMU->header.stamp << std::endl; // double next_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec(); // double dt = next_t - pre_t ; double pre_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec(); iterIMU = imuQueue.erase(iterIMU); double next_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec(); double dt = next_t - pre_t ; // std::cout << linear_acceleration.transpose() << std::endl ; // std::cout << angular_velocity.transpose() << std::endl ; monoOdometry->processIMU( dt, linear_acceleration, angular_velocity ); } imu_queue_mtx.unlock(); //propagate the last frame info to the current frame Frame* lastFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail].get(); float dt = lastFrame->timeIntegral; Vector3d T_bk1_2_b0 = lastFrame->T_bk_2_b0 - 0.5 * gravity_b0 * dt *dt + lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0*(lastFrame->v_bk * dt + lastFrame->alpha_c_k); Vector3d v_bk1 = lastFrame->R_k1_k.transpose() * (lastFrame->v_bk - lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0.transpose() * gravity_b0 * dt + lastFrame->beta_c_k); Matrix3d R_bk1_2_b0 = lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0 * lastFrame->R_k1_k; monoOdometry->insertFrame(imageSeqNumber, image1, imageTimeStamp, R_bk1_2_b0, T_bk1_2_b0, v_bk1); Frame* currentFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail].get(); Frame* keyFrame = monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame.get(); if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag ) { //prepare key frame cv::Mat disparity, depth ; monoOdometry->bm_(image1, image0, disparity, CV_32F); calculateDepthImage(disparity, depth, 0.11, fx ); currentFrame->setDepthFromGroundTruth( (float*) ) ; //pub debugMap cv::cvtColor(image1, gradientMapForDebug, CV_GRAY2BGR); monoOdometry->generateDubugMap(currentFrame, gradientMapForDebug); msg.header.stamp = imageTimeStamp; sensor_msgs::fillImage(msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8, height, width, width*3, ); monoOdometry->pub_gradientMapForDebug.publish(msg) ; //set key frame monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail] ; monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame->keyFrameFlag = true ; monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame->cameraLinkList.clear() ; //reset the initial guess monoOdometry->RefToFrame = Sophus::SE3() ; //unlock dense tracking monoOdometry->tracking_mtx.lock(); monoOdometry->lock_densetracking = false; monoOdometry->tracking_mtx.unlock(); } if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].trust ) { // cout << "insert camera link" << endl ; // cout << monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].T_k_2_c << endl ; monoOdometry->insertCameraLink(keyFrame, currentFrame, monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].R_k_2_c, monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].T_k_2_c, monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].lastestATA ); } cout << "[-BA]current Position: " << currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0.transpose() << endl; cout << "[-BA]current Velocity: " << currentFrame->v_bk.transpose() << endl; //BA t = (double)cvGetTickCount() ; monoOdometry->BA(); printf("BA cost time: %f\n", ((double)cvGetTickCount() - t) / (cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000) ); t = (double)cvGetTickCount() ; cout << "[BA-]current Position: " << currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0.transpose() << endl; cout << "[BA-]current Velocity: " << currentFrame->v_bk.transpose() << endl; //marginalziation monoOdometry->twoWayMarginalize(); monoOdometry->setNewMarginalzationFlag(); // pubOdometry(-T_bk1_2_b0, R_bk1_2_b0, pub_odometry, pub_pose ); // pubPath(-T_bk1_2_b0, path_line, pub_path ); pubOdometry(-monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->T_bk_2_b0, monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->R_bk_2_b0, monoOdometry->pub_odometry, monoOdometry->pub_pose ); pubPath(-monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->T_bk_2_b0, monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag, monoOdometry->path_line, monoOdometry->pub_path); } }
void LiveSLAMWrapper::BALoop() { ros::Rate BARate(2000) ; list<ImageMeasurement>::iterator iterImage ; std::list<visensor_node::visensor_imu>::iterator iterIMU ; cv::Mat image0 ; cv::Mat image1 ; cv::Mat gradientMapForDebug(height, width, CV_8UC3) ; sensor_msgs::Image msg; double t ; while ( nh.ok() ) { monoOdometry->frameInfoList_mtx.lock(); int ttt = (monoOdometry->frameInfoListTail - monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead); if ( ttt < 0 ){ ttt += frameInfoListSize ; } //printf("[BA thread] sz=%d\n", ttt ) ; if ( ttt < 1 ){ monoOdometry->frameInfoList_mtx.unlock(); BARate.sleep() ; continue ; } for ( int sz ; ; ) { monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead++ ; if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead >= frameInfoListSize ){ monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead -= frameInfoListSize ; } sz = monoOdometry->frameInfoListTail - monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead ; if ( sz == 0 ){ break ; } if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag ){ break ; } } ros::Time imageTimeStamp = monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].t ; monoOdometry->frameInfoList_mtx.unlock(); //Pop out the image list image1_queue_mtx.lock(); iterImage = image1Buf.begin() ; while ( iterImage->t < imageTimeStamp ){ iterImage = image1Buf.erase( iterImage ) ; } image1 = iterImage->image.clone(); image1_queue_mtx.unlock(); image0_queue_mtx.lock(); iterImage = image0Buf.begin() ; while ( iterImage->t < imageTimeStamp ){ iterImage = image0Buf.erase( iterImage ) ; } image0 = iterImage->image.clone(); image0_queue_mtx.unlock(); imu_queue_mtx.lock(); iterIMU = imuQueue.begin() ; Vector3d linear_acceleration; Vector3d angular_velocity; //std::cout << "imageTime=" << imageTimeStamp << std::endl; while ( iterIMU->header.stamp < imageTimeStamp ) { linear_acceleration(0) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.x; linear_acceleration(1) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.y; linear_acceleration(2) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.z; angular_velocity(0) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.x; angular_velocity(1) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.y; angular_velocity(2) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.z; // to_pub_info.x = angular_velocity(0)*180/PI ; // to_pub_info.y = angular_velocity(1)*180/PI ; // to_pub_info.z = angular_velocity(2)*180/PI ; // monoOdometry->pub_angular_velocity.publish( to_pub_info ) ; // outFile << to_pub_info.x << " " // << to_pub_info.y << " " // << to_pub_info.z << "\n"; double pre_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec(); iterIMU = imuQueue.erase(iterIMU); double next_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec(); double dt = next_t - pre_t ; // std::cout << linear_acceleration.transpose() << std::endl ; // std::cout << angular_velocity.transpose() << std::endl ; monoOdometry->processIMU( dt, linear_acceleration, angular_velocity ); } imu_queue_mtx.unlock(); //propagate the last frame info to the current frame Frame* lastFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail].get(); float dt = lastFrame->timeIntegral; Vector3d T_bk1_2_b0 = lastFrame->T_bk_2_b0 - 0.5 * gravity_b0 * dt *dt + lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0*(lastFrame->v_bk * dt + lastFrame->alpha_c_k); Vector3d v_bk1 = lastFrame->R_k1_k.transpose() * (lastFrame->v_bk - lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0.transpose() * gravity_b0 * dt + lastFrame->beta_c_k); Matrix3d R_bk1_2_b0 = lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0 * lastFrame->R_k1_k; monoOdometry->insertFrame(imageSeqNumber, image0, imageTimeStamp, R_bk1_2_b0, T_bk1_2_b0, v_bk1); Frame* currentFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail].get(); Frame* keyFrame = monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame.get(); if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag ) { //prepare key frame cv::Mat disparity, depth ; monoOdometry->bm_(image0, image1, disparity, CV_32F); calculateDepthImage(disparity, depth, 0.11, fx ); currentFrame->setDepthFromGroundTruth( (float*) ) ; #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO //pub debugMap cv::cvtColor(image0, gradientMapForDebug, CV_GRAY2BGR); monoOdometry->generateDubugMap(currentFrame, gradientMapForDebug); msg.header.stamp = imageTimeStamp; sensor_msgs::fillImage(msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8, height, width, width*3, ); monoOdometry->pub_gradientMapForDebug.publish(msg) ; #endif int preKeyFrameID = monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame->id() ; //set key frame monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail] ; monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame->keyFrameFlag = true ; monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame->cameraLinkList.clear() ; //reset the initial guess monoOdometry->RefToFrame = Sophus::SE3() ; //update tracking reference monoOdometry->updateTrackingReference(); #ifdef PUB_POINT_CLOUD pubPointCloud(valid_num, imageTimeStamp, R_vi_2_odometry); #endif //unlock dense tracking monoOdometry->tracking_mtx.lock(); monoOdometry->lock_densetracking = false; monoOdometry->tracking_mtx.unlock(); if ( (imageTimeStamp - lastLoopClorsureTime).toSec() > 0.18 ) { //add possible loop closure link t = (double)cvGetTickCount() ; monoOdometry->setReprojectionListRelateToLastestKeyFrame( monoOdometry->head, preKeyFrameID, monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail].get() ) ; ROS_WARN("loop closure link cost time: %f", ((double)cvGetTickCount() - t) / (cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000) ); t = (double)cvGetTickCount() ; lastLoopClorsureTime = imageTimeStamp ; } } if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].trust ) { // cout << "insert camera link" << endl ; // cout << monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].T_k_2_c << endl ; monoOdometry->insertCameraLink(keyFrame, currentFrame, monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].R_k_2_c, -monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].T_k_2_c, monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].lastestATA ); } int control_flag = 0 ; Vector3d preBAt = currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0 ; // cout << "[-BA]current Position: " << currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0.transpose() << endl; // cout << "[-BA]current Velocity: " << currentFrame->v_bk.transpose() << endl; //BA t = (double)cvGetTickCount() ; monoOdometry->BA(); printf("BA cost time: %f\n", ((double)cvGetTickCount() - t) / (cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000) ); t = (double)cvGetTickCount() ; //cout << "[BA-]current Position: " << currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0.transpose() << endl; //cout << "[BA-]current Velocity: " << currentFrame->v_bk.transpose() << endl; if ( (currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0 - preBAt ).norm() > 0.1 ){ control_flag = 1 ; //loop_closure or other sudden position change case } if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].trust == false ){ control_flag = 2 ; //only IMU link, dense tracking fails } #ifdef PUB_GRAPH pubCameraLink(); #endif //marginalziation monoOdometry->twoWayMarginalize(); monoOdometry->setNewMarginalzationFlag(); pubOdometry(monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->T_bk_2_b0, monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->v_bk, monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->R_bk_2_b0, monoOdometry->pub_odometry, monoOdometry->pub_pose, control_flag, R_vi_2_odometry, monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag, imageTimeStamp ); #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG_INFO int colorFlag = 0 ; colorFlag = monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag ; if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].trust == false ){ colorFlag = 2 ; } pubPath(monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->T_bk_2_b0, colorFlag, monoOdometry->path_line, monoOdometry->pub_path, R_vi_2_odometry); #endif #ifdef PUB_TF static tf::TransformBroadcaster br; tf::Transform transform; Vector3d t_translation = R_vi_2_odometry * monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->T_bk_2_b0 ; Quaterniond t_q(monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->R_bk_2_b0) ; transform.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(t_translation(0), t_translation(1), t_translation(2)) ); tf::Quaternion q; Quaterniond tt_q(R_vi_2_odometry * monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->R_bk_2_b0 * R_vi_2_odometry.transpose()); q.setW(tt_q.w()); q.setX(tt_q.x()); q.setY(tt_q.y()); q.setZ(tt_q.z()); transform.setRotation(q); br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "world", "densebody")); #endif // int preIndex = monoOdometry->tail - 1 ; // if ( preIndex < 0 ){ // preIndex += slidingWindowSize ; // } // Vector3d tt_dist = (monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->T_bk_2_b0 - // monoOdometry->slidingWindow[preIndex]->T_bk_2_b0) ; // Matrix3d tt_rotate = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->R_bk_2_b0.transpose() * // monoOdometry->slidingWindow[preIndex]->R_bk_2_b0 ; // Quaterniond tt_q(tt_rotate) ; // to_pub_info.x = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->v_bk(0) ; // to_pub_info.y = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->v_bk(1) ; // to_pub_info.z = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->v_bk(2) ; // monoOdometry->pub_linear_velocity.publish(to_pub_info) ; } }
/** * @brief whether the tracked shape is really a face? * If we can detect both eyes and mouth * according to some prior knowledge due to its shape, * we may regard this shape correctly describe a face. * @param iImg - input input image * @param iShape - input the current tracked shape * @param iShapeInfo - input shape info * @param iFaceParts - input face parts * @return bool whether the tracked shape is acceptable? */ bool CRecognitionAlgs::EvaluateFaceTrackedByCascadeDetection( const CFaceDetectionAlgs* fd, const Mat& iImg, const VO_Shape& iShape, const vector<VO_Shape2DInfo>& iShapeInfo, const VO_FaceParts& iFaceParts) { double t = (double)cvGetTickCount(); unsigned int ImgWidth = iImg.cols; unsigned int ImgHeight = iImg.rows; vector<unsigned int> leftEyePoints = iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::LEFTEYE).GetIndexes(); vector<unsigned int> rightEyePoints = iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::RIGHTEYE).GetIndexes(); vector<unsigned int> lipOuterLinerPoints= iFaceParts.VO_GetOneFacePart(VO_FacePart::LIPOUTERLINE).GetIndexes(); VO_Shape leftEyeShape = iShape.GetSubShape(leftEyePoints); VO_Shape rightEyeShape = iShape.GetSubShape(rightEyePoints); VO_Shape lipOuterLinerShape = iShape.GetSubShape(lipOuterLinerPoints); float dolEye = 12.0f; float dolMouth = 12.0f; unsigned int possibleLeftEyeMinX = 0.0f > (leftEyeShape.MinX() - dolEye) ? 0: (int)(leftEyeShape.MinX() - dolEye); unsigned int possibleLeftEyeMinY = 0.0f > (leftEyeShape.MinY() - dolEye) ? 0: (int)(leftEyeShape.MinY() - dolEye); unsigned int possibleLeftEyeMaxX = (leftEyeShape.MaxX() + dolEye) > ImgWidth ? ImgWidth : (int)(leftEyeShape.MaxX() + dolEye); unsigned int possibleLeftEyeMaxY = (leftEyeShape.MaxY() + dolEye) > ImgHeight ? ImgHeight : (int)(leftEyeShape.MaxY() + dolEye); unsigned int possibleLeftEyeWidth = possibleLeftEyeMaxX - possibleLeftEyeMinX; unsigned int possibleLeftEyeHeight = possibleLeftEyeMaxY - possibleLeftEyeMinY; unsigned int possibleRightEyeMinX = 0.0f > (rightEyeShape.MinX() - dolEye) ? 0: (int)(rightEyeShape.MinX() - dolEye); unsigned int possibleRightEyeMinY = 0.0f > (rightEyeShape.MinY() - dolEye) ? 0: (int)(rightEyeShape.MinY() - dolEye); unsigned int possibleRightEyeMaxX = (rightEyeShape.MaxX() + dolEye) > ImgWidth ? ImgWidth : (int)(rightEyeShape.MaxX() + dolEye); unsigned int possibleRightEyeMaxY = (rightEyeShape.MaxY() + dolEye) > ImgHeight ? ImgHeight : (int)(rightEyeShape.MaxY() + dolEye); unsigned int possibleRightEyeWidth = possibleRightEyeMaxX - possibleRightEyeMinX; unsigned int possibleRightEyeHeight = possibleRightEyeMaxY - possibleRightEyeMinY; unsigned int possibleMouthMinX = 0.0f > (lipOuterLinerShape.MinX() - dolMouth) ? 0: (int)(lipOuterLinerShape.MinX() - dolMouth); unsigned int possibleMouthMinY = 0.0f > (lipOuterLinerShape.MinY() - dolMouth) ? 0: (int)(lipOuterLinerShape.MinY() - dolMouth); unsigned int possibleMouthMaxX = (lipOuterLinerShape.MaxX() + dolMouth) > ImgWidth ? ImgWidth : (int)(lipOuterLinerShape.MaxX() + dolMouth); unsigned int possibleMouthMaxY = (lipOuterLinerShape.MaxY() + dolMouth) > ImgHeight ? ImgHeight : (int)(lipOuterLinerShape.MaxY() + dolMouth); unsigned int possibleMouthWidth = possibleMouthMaxX - possibleMouthMinX; unsigned int possibleMouthHeight = possibleMouthMaxY - possibleMouthMinY; Rect LeftEyePossibleWindow = Rect( possibleLeftEyeMinX, possibleLeftEyeMinY, possibleLeftEyeWidth, possibleLeftEyeHeight ); Rect RightEyePossibleWindow = Rect( possibleRightEyeMinX, possibleRightEyeMinY, possibleRightEyeWidth, possibleRightEyeHeight ); Rect MouthPossibleWindow = Rect( possibleMouthMinX, possibleMouthMinY, possibleMouthWidth, possibleMouthHeight ); Rect CurrentWindow = Rect( 0, 0, iImg.cols, iImg.rows ); Rect DetectedLeftEyeWindow, DetectedRightEyeWindow, DetectedMouthWindow; bool LeftEyeDetected = const_cast<CFaceDetectionAlgs*>(fd)->VO_FacePartDetection ( iImg, LeftEyePossibleWindow, DetectedLeftEyeWindow, VO_FacePart::LEFTEYE); bool RightEyeDetected = const_cast<CFaceDetectionAlgs*>(fd)->VO_FacePartDetection ( iImg, RightEyePossibleWindow, DetectedRightEyeWindow, VO_FacePart::RIGHTEYE ); bool MouthDetected = const_cast<CFaceDetectionAlgs*>(fd)->VO_FacePartDetection ( iImg, MouthPossibleWindow, DetectedMouthWindow, VO_FacePart::LIPOUTERLINE ); t = ((double)cvGetTickCount() - t ) / (cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.0f); cout << "Detection Confirmation time cost: " << t << "millisec" << endl; if(LeftEyeDetected && RightEyeDetected && MouthDetected) return true; else return false; }
void MyLable::set_scaled_button() { int i, j, comp_count = 0; CvMat* color_tab = 0; CvSeq* contours = 0; cvSave("markes.xml",marker_mask); cvClearMemStorage(storage); cvFindContours( marker_mask, storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ); cvZero( markes ); for( ; contours != 0; contours = contours->h_next, comp_count++ ) { //cvDrawContours(markers, contours, cvScalarAll(comp_count+1), //cvScalarAll(comp_count+1), -1, -1, 8, cvPoint(0,0) ); cvDrawContours(markes, contours, cvScalarAll(comp_count+1), cvScalarAll(comp_count+1), 1, -1, 8, cvPoint(0,0) ); } color_tab = cvCreateMat( 1, comp_count, CV_8UC3 );//创建随机颜色列表 for( i = 0; i < comp_count; i++ ) //不同的整数标记 { uchar* ptr = color_tab->data.ptr + i*3; ptr[0] = (uchar)(cvRandInt(&rng)%180 + 50); ptr[1] = (uchar)(cvRandInt(&rng)%180 + 50); ptr[2] = (uchar)(cvRandInt(&rng)%180 + 50); } double t = (double)cvGetTickCount(); cvSave("img0.xml",markes); cvWatershed( img0, markes ); cvSave("img1.xml",markes); // cvShowImage("imgo",img0); t = (double)cvGetTickCount() - t; printf( "exec time = %gms\n", t/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) ); /*********/ for( i = 0; i < markes->height; i++ ) for( j = 0; j < markes->width; j++ ) { int idx = CV_IMAGE_ELEM( markes, int, i, j );//markers的数据类型为IPL_DEPTH_32S uchar* dst = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( wshed, uchar, i, j*3 );//BGR三个通道的数是一起的,故要j*3 uchar* t_body = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( tongue_body, uchar, i, j*3 ); uchar* src_pic = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( img0, uchar, i, j*3 ); if( idx == -1 ) //输出时若为-1,表示各个部分的边界 { //dst[0] = dst[1] = dst[2] = (uchar)128; dst[2] = (uchar)255; } else if( idx <= 0 || idx > comp_count ) //异常情况 { //dst[0] = dst[1] = dst[2] = (uchar)0; // should not get here } else if( idx == 1 ) //异常情况 { //green first dst[0] = (uchar)255; t_body[0] = src_pic[0]; t_body[1] = src_pic[1]; t_body[2] = src_pic[2]; } else if( idx == 2 ) //异常情况 { //blue second dst[1] = (uchar)255; } else if( idx == 3 ) //异常情况 { //red third dst[2] = (uchar)255; } else //正常情况 { uchar* ptr = color_tab->data.ptr + (idx-1)*3; dst[0] = ptr[0]; dst[1] = ptr[1]; dst[2] = ptr[2]; } } cvShowImage("img_gray",img_gray); cvShowImage("wshed",wshed); cvAddWeighted( wshed, 0.5, img_gray, 0.5, 0, wshed ); //wshed.x.y=0.5*wshed.x.y+0.5*img_gray+0加权融合图像 //cvShowImage("swhed",wshed); //cvShowImage("img_gray",img_gray); //cvShowImage( "watershed transform", wshed ); //cvShowImage("img_final",img_final); cvShowImage( "watershed transform", wshed ); img = Function::CjwIplToQImg(tongue_body); image = *img; cvReleaseMat( &color_tab ); update(); clear_list(); }
// MATLAB entry point void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { if (nrhs < 2 || nrhs > 3) { mexErrMsgTxt("Improper number of input arguments.\n\n" "FLANDMARK_DETECTOR_BASE detects facial landmarks.\n" "Synopsis: \n" "flandmark_detector(face_image, fname)\n" "\n" "Input: \n" " face_image [im_H * im_W (uint8)] column vector \n" " model [(uint8)] data from flandmark_model.dat \n" "Output: \n" " landmarks [2 x M] matrix (DOUBLE) x, y coordinates of landmarks in original image\n" "\n" ); } if (!mxIsUint8(prhs[0])) { mexErrMsgTxt("Improper argument type \"face_image\"\n\n" " face image must be [im_H * im_W] uint8 matrix.\n" ); } if (!mxIsUint8(prhs[1])) { mexErrMsgTxt("Improper argument type \"face_image\"\n\n" " face image must be uint8 array loaded by flandmark_load_model.\n" ); } uint8_t * face_image = (uint8_t*)mxGetPr(prhs[0]); double start, ms; /* check input */ const mwSize *face_dim; face_dim = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]); if (face_image == NULL) { mexErrMsgTxt("Improper argument type \"face_image\"\n\n" " face image must be [im_H x im_W] uint8 matrix.\n" ); } FLANDMARK_Model * model = (FLANDMARK_Model*)mxGetPr(prhs[1]); const mwSize *mx_dim = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]); if (mx_dim[0]*mx_dim[1] != model->[0]*model->[1]) { mexErrMsgTxt("Improper argument type \"bbox\"\n\n" " bbox must be [1 x 4 (int)] int32 vector.\n" ); } start = (double)cvGetTickCount(); plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(2, model->data.options.M, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); double *landmarks = (double*)mxGetPr(plhs[0]); flandmark_detect_base(face_image, model, landmarks); start = (double)cvGetTickCount() - start; ms = cvRound( start / ((double)cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000.0) ); mexPrintf("Landmarks positions estimated in %.6f ms\n", ms); }
static int build_svm_classifier( char* data_filename, const char* filename_to_save, const char* filename_to_load ) { CvMat* data = 0; CvMat* responses = 0; CvMat* train_resp = 0; CvMat train_data; int nsamples_all = 0, ntrain_samples = 0; int var_count; CvSVM svm; int ok = read_num_class_data( data_filename, 16, &data, &responses ); if( !ok ) { printf( "Could not read the database %s\n", data_filename ); return -1; } ////////// SVM parameters /////////////////////////////// CvSVMParams param; param.kernel_type=CvSVM::LINEAR; param.svm_type=CvSVM::C_SVC; param.C=1; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf( "The database %s is loaded.\n", data_filename ); nsamples_all = data->rows; ntrain_samples = (int)(nsamples_all*0.1); var_count = data->cols; // Create or load Random Trees classifier if( filename_to_load ) { // load classifier from the specified file svm.load( filename_to_load ); ntrain_samples = 0; if( svm.get_var_count() == 0 ) { printf( "Could not read the classifier %s\n", filename_to_load ); return -1; } printf( "The classifier %s is loaded.\n", filename_to_load ); } else { // train classifier printf( "Training the classifier (may take a few minutes)...\n"); cvGetRows( data, &train_data, 0, ntrain_samples ); train_resp = cvCreateMat( ntrain_samples, 1, CV_32FC1); for (int i = 0; i < ntrain_samples; i++) train_resp->data.fl[i] = responses->data.fl[i]; svm.train(&train_data, train_resp, 0, 0, param); } // classification std::vector<float> _sample(var_count * (nsamples_all - ntrain_samples)); CvMat sample = cvMat( nsamples_all - ntrain_samples, 16, CV_32FC1, &_sample[0] ); std::vector<float> true_results(nsamples_all - ntrain_samples); for (int j = ntrain_samples; j < nsamples_all; j++) { float *s = data->data.fl + j * var_count; for (int i = 0; i < var_count; i++) {[(j - ntrain_samples) * var_count + i] = s[i]; } true_results[j - ntrain_samples] = responses->data.fl[j]; } CvMat *result = cvCreateMat(1, nsamples_all - ntrain_samples, CV_32FC1); printf("Classification (may take a few minutes)...\n"); double t = (double)cvGetTickCount(); svm.predict(&sample, result); t = (double)cvGetTickCount() - t; printf("Prediction type: %gms\n", t/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.)); int true_resp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nsamples_all - ntrain_samples; i++) { if (result->data.fl[i] == true_results[i]) true_resp++; } printf("true_resp = %f%%\n", (float)true_resp / (nsamples_all - ntrain_samples) * 100); if( filename_to_save ) filename_to_save ); cvReleaseMat( &train_resp ); cvReleaseMat( &result ); cvReleaseMat( &data ); cvReleaseMat( &responses ); return 0; }
void DetectAndDraw(IplImage* frame, HandyServer& server) { double t = (double)cvGetTickCount(); IplImage* img_nvg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame), frame->depth, 1); IplImage* img_imp = cvCloneImage(img_nvg); // Niveau de gris puis binarisation cvConvertImage(frame, img_nvg, (frame->origin!=IPL_ORIGIN_TL) ? CV_CVTIMG_FLIP : 0); cvThreshold(img_nvg, img_imp, SEUIL_BINAIRE, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV); // dilatation puis erosion IplConvKernel* noyau = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(DILATE_RADIUS, DILATE_RADIUS, DILATE_RADIUS/2, DILATE_RADIUS/2, CV_SHAPE_ELLIPSE); cvDilate(img_imp, img_imp, noyau); cvErode(img_imp, img_imp, noyau); // Detection des formes CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); CvSeq* contour = NULL; cvFindContours(img_imp, storage, &contour, sizeof(CvContour)); // Calcul du centre des doigts et envoie au server std::vector<Pos2d> positions; for(;contour != 0; contour = contour->h_next) { int max_x = -1, max_y = -1, min_x = MAX_XY, min_y = MAX_XY; for(int i = 0; i < contour->total; ++i) { CvPoint* p = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM(CvPoint, contour, i); if (p->x > max_x) max_x = p->x; if (p->y > max_y) max_y = p->y; if (p->x < min_x) min_x = p->x; if (p->y < min_y) min_y = p->y; } CvPoint center; Pos2d pos((max_x + min_x) / 2, (max_y + min_y) / 2); center.x = pos.x; center.y = pos.y; positions.push_back(pos); int szx = max_x - min_x, szy = max_y - min_y; if (szx > MIN_SZ && szy > MIN_SZ && szx < MAX_SZ && szy < MAX_SZ && szx / (float)szy < MAX_RATIO && szy / (float) szx < MAX_RATIO) cvCircle(frame, center, 16, CV_RGB(255,0,0)); } server.sendPos(positions); // Liberation de la memoire cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage); cvReleaseImage(&img_nvg); cvReleaseImage(&img_imp); // Calcul du temps ecoulé et affichage de l'image t = (double)cvGetTickCount() - t; std::cout << "detection time = " << t/((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) << "ms" << std::endl; cvShowImage("result", frame); }
int testfaceLib_sThread ( const char* str_video, int trackerType, int multiviewType, int recognizerType, const char* str_facesetxml, int threads, bool blink, bool smile, bool gender, bool age, bool recog, bool quiet, bool saveface, const char* sfolder, bool bEnableAutoCluster) { int faceimgID = 0; char driver[8]; char dir[1024]; char fname[1024]; char ext[8]; char sImgPath[1024]; if(sfolder) { char sysCommand[128]; sprintf (sysCommand, "mkdir %s", sfolder); system (sysCommand); sprintf(sImgPath, "%s//%s", sfolder, "imaginfo.txt"); sprintf(fname, "%s//%s", sfolder, "faceinfo.txt"); } else { sprintf(sImgPath, "%s", "imaginfo.txt"); sprintf(fname, "%s", "faceinfo.txt"); } FILE* fp_imaginfo = fopen( sImgPath, "wt" ); FILE* fp_faceinfo = fopen( fname, "wt" ); bool bAutoFocus = false; IplImage *imgAutoFocus = NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // init GUI window const char* str_title = "Face Tester"; if( ! quiet ) cvNamedWindow( str_title, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); char sCaptionInfo[256]=""; CvFont *pFont = new CvFont; cvInitFont(pFont, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.85, 0.85, 0, 1); // load GUI smile icon images IplImage *pImgSmileBGR; IplImage *pImgSmileMask; if(age == 0) { pImgSmileBGR = cvLoadImage( "smile.bmp" ); pImgSmileMask = cvLoadImage( "smilemask.bmp", 0 ); } else { pImgSmileBGR = cvLoadImage( "faceicon.bmp" ); pImgSmileMask = cvLoadImage( "faceiconMask.bmp", 0 ); } IplImage *pImgSmileBGRA = cvCreateImage( cvSize(pImgSmileBGR->width, pImgSmileBGR->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4 ); cvCvtColor(pImgSmileBGR, pImgSmileBGRA, CV_BGR2BGRA ); // open video source size_t len = strlen( str_video ); bool is_piclist = (0 == stricmp( str_video + len - 4, ".txt" )); CxImageSeqReader* vidcap = NULL; if( is_piclist ) vidcap = new CxPicListReader( str_video ); else vidcap = new CxVideoReader( str_video ); if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 ) { cvSetErrStatus( CV_StsOk ); return -1; } // when using camera, set to 640x480, 30fps if( isdigit(str_video[0]) != 0 && str_video[1] == '\0' ) { vidcap->width( 640 ); vidcap->height( 480 ); vidcap->fps( 30 ); } // print beginning info printf( "tracker cascade: '%s'\n", trackerType == TRA_HAAR ? "haar" : (trackerType== TRA_SURF ? "surf" : "pf tracker SURF")); printf( "face recognizer: '%s'\n", recognizerType == RECOGNIZER_BOOST_GB240 ? "boost gabor240" : "cascade gloh" ); printf( "video: '%s', %dx%d, %2.1f fps\n", str_video, vidcap->width(), vidcap->height(), vidcap->fps() ); // config face tracker const int face_max = 16; CvRectItem rects[face_max]; tagDetectConfig configParam; EnumViewAngle viewAngle = (EnumViewAngle)multiviewType; CxlibFaceDetector detector; detector.init(viewAngle, (EnumFeaType)trackerType); detector.config( configParam ); CxlibFaceTracker tracker; tracker.init(viewAngle, (EnumTrackerType)trackerType); tracker.config( configParam, TR_NLEVEL_3 ); if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 ) { cvSetErrStatus( CV_StsOk ); return -1; } // config landmark detector CvPoint2D32f landmark6[6+1]; // consider both 6-pt and 7-pt float parameters[16]; bool bLandmark = false; CxlibLandmarkDetector landmarkDetector(LDM_6PT); int size_smallface = 64; int size_bigface = 128; CxlibAlignFace cutFace(size_smallface, size_bigface); // config blink/smile/gender detector int bBlink = 0, bSmile = 0, bGender = 0, bAge = 0; //+1, -1, otherwise 0: no process float probBlink = 0, probSmile = 0, probGender = 0, probAge[4]; int nAgeID = 0; CxlibBlinkDetector blinkDetector(size_smallface); CxlibSmileDetector smileDetector(size_smallface); CxlibGenderDetector genderDetector(size_smallface); CxlibAgeDetector ageDetector(size_bigface); // config face recognizer float probFaceID = 0; if(str_facesetxml == NULL) str_facesetxml = "faceset_model.xml"; CxlibFaceRecognizer faceRecognizer( size_bigface, recognizerType ); if(recog) faceRecognizer.loadFaceModelXML(str_facesetxml); // set mouse event process CxMouseParam mouse_faceparam; mouse_faceparam.updated = false; = true; mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 0; if(! quiet) { mouse_faceparam.face_num = face_max; mouse_faceparam.rects = rects; mouse_faceparam.image = NULL; mouse_faceparam.cut_big_face= cutFace.getBigCutFace(); mouse_faceparam.typeRecognizer = 1; mouse_faceparam.faceRecognizer = &faceRecognizer; cvSetMouseCallback( str_title, my_mouse_callback, (void*)&mouse_faceparam ); } // init count ticks int64 ticks, start_ticks, total_ticks; int64 tracker_total_ticks, landmark_total_ticks, align_total_ticks, blink_total_ticks, smile_total_ticks, gender_total_ticks, age_total_ticks, recg_total_ticks; double frame_fps, tracker_fps, landmark_fps, align_fps, blink_fps, smile_fps, gender_fps, age_fps, recg_fps, total_fps; start_ticks = total_ticks = 0; tracker_total_ticks = landmark_total_ticks = align_total_ticks = 0; blink_total_ticks = smile_total_ticks = gender_total_ticks = age_total_ticks = recg_total_ticks = 0; tracker_fps = landmark_fps = align_fps = blink_fps = smile_fps = gender_fps = age_fps = recg_fps = total_fps = 0.0; // loop for each frame of a video/camera int frames = 0; IplImage *pImg = NULL; int print_faceid=-1; float print_score = 0; std::string print_facename; bool bRunLandmark = blink || smile|| gender|| age|| recog || saveface; IplImage *thumbnailImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); //dynamic clustering for smooth ID registration //bEnableAutoCluster = true; if( is_piclist ) bEnableAutoCluster = false; while( ! vidcap->eof() ) { // capture a video frame if( == true) pImg = vidcap->query(); else continue; if ( pImg == NULL ) continue; // make a copy, flip if upside-down CvImage image( cvGetSize(pImg), pImg->depth, pImg->nChannels ); if( pImg->origin == IPL_ORIGIN_BL ) //flip live camera's frame cvFlip( pImg, image ); else cvCopy( pImg, image ); // convert to gray_image for face analysis CvImage gray_image( image.size(), image.depth(), 1 ); if( image.channels() == 3 ) cvCvtColor( image, gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY ); else cvCopy( image, gray_image ); // do face tracking start_ticks = ticks = cvGetTickCount(); int face_num = 0; if( is_piclist ) face_num = detector.detect( gray_image, rects, face_max ); else face_num = tracker.track( gray_image, rects, face_max, image ); // track in a video for faster speed //face_num = tracker.detect( gray_image, rects, face_max ); // detect in an image //set param for mouse event processing if(!quiet) { mouse_faceparam.face_num = face_num; mouse_faceparam.image = image; } ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks; tracker_fps = 1000.0 / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() ); tracker_total_ticks += ticks; if( fp_imaginfo != NULL ) fprintf( fp_imaginfo, "%s %d", vidcap->filename(), face_num ); // blink/smile/gender/age/face recognize section for( int i=0; i<face_num; i++ ) //for( int i=0; i< MIN(1,face_num); i++ ) { // get face rect and id from face tracker CvRect rect = rects[i].rc; if( fp_imaginfo != NULL ) fprintf( fp_imaginfo, " %d %d %d %d %f", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, rects[i].prob ); int face_trackid = rects[i].fid; float like = rects[i].prob; int angle= rects[i].angle; // filter out outer faces if( rect.x+rect.width > gray_image.width() || rect.x < 0 ) continue; if( rect.y+rect.height > gray_image.height() || rect.y < 0 ) continue; //tracker.getThumbnail(image, rect, thumbnailImg); // detect landmark points ticks = cvGetTickCount(); if(bRunLandmark) { if( is_piclist ) bLandmark = landmarkDetector.detect( gray_image, &rect, landmark6, parameters, angle ); //detect in an image else bLandmark = landmarkDetector.track( gray_image, &rect, landmark6, parameters, angle ); // track in a video for faster speed ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks; landmark_fps = 1000.0 / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() ); landmark_total_ticks += ticks; } else bLandmark = false; if(quiet == false && bLandmark == false) { //DrawFaceRect cxlibDrawFaceRect(image, rect); continue; } // warped align face and hist eq to delighting ticks = cvGetTickCount(); cutFace.init(gray_image, rect, landmark6); ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks; if(ticks > 1) align_fps = 1000.0 / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() ); else { align_fps = 0; ticks = 0; } align_total_ticks += ticks; if(saveface) //save face icon for training later { //save cutfaces if(sfolder) { #ifdef WIN32 _splitpath(vidcap->filename(),driver,dir,fname,ext); sprintf(sImgPath, "%s//%s%s", sfolder, fname,ext); #else sprintf(sImgPath, "%s//%06d.jpg", sfolder, faceimgID++); #endif } else sprintf(sImgPath, "%s#.jpg", vidcap->filename()); cvSaveImage(sImgPath, cutFace.getBigCutFace()); } // detect blink bBlink = 0; probBlink = 0; if(blink && bLandmark) { ticks = cvGetTickCount(); float blink_threshold = blinkDetector.getDefThreshold();//0.5; int ret = blinkDetector.predict( &cutFace, &probBlink); if(probBlink > blink_threshold ) bBlink = 1; //eye close else bBlink = -1; //eye open ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks; blink_fps = 1000.0/(1e-3*ticks/cvGetTickFrequency()); blink_total_ticks += ticks; print_score = probBlink; } else blink_fps = 0; // detect smile bSmile = 0; probSmile = 0; if ( smile && bLandmark ) { ticks = cvGetTickCount(); float smile_threshold = smileDetector.getDefThreshold(); //0.48; int ret = smileDetector.predict(&cutFace, &probSmile); if(probSmile > smile_threshold) bSmile = 1; //smile else bSmile = -1; //not smile ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks; smile_fps = 1000.0 /( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() ); smile_total_ticks += ticks; print_score = probSmile; } else smile_fps = 0; //detect gender bGender = 0; probGender = 0; if(gender && bLandmark) { ticks = cvGetTickCount(); float gender_threshold = genderDetector.getDefThreshold(); // 0.42; int ret = genderDetector.predict(&cutFace, &probGender); if(probGender > gender_threshold) bGender = 1; //female else bGender = -1; //male //bGender = -1:male, 1:female, 0: null // smooth prediction result if( ! is_piclist ) bGender = genderDetector.voteLabel(face_trackid, bGender); ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks; gender_fps = 1000.0/(1e-3*ticks/cvGetTickFrequency()); gender_total_ticks += ticks; print_score = probGender; } else gender_fps = 0; //detect age nAgeID = -1; if(age && bLandmark && rect.width*rect.height > 40*40) { ticks = cvGetTickCount(); //nAgeID = 0:"Baby", 1:"Kid", 2:"Adult", 3:"Senior" nAgeID = ageDetector.predict(&cutFace, probAge); // smooth prediction result if( ! is_piclist ) nAgeID = ageDetector.voteLabel(face_trackid, nAgeID); ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks; age_fps = 1000.0/(1e-3*ticks/cvGetTickFrequency()); age_total_ticks += ticks; print_score = probAge[nAgeID]; //if( ! quiet ) cxDrawAignFace2Image(image, pCutFace2); } else { age_fps = 0; } // recognize the face id // we only do recognition every 5 frames,interval char *sFaceCaption = NULL; char sFaceCaptionBuff[256]; int face_id = 0; probFaceID = 0; if ( recog && bLandmark ) { ticks = cvGetTickCount(); float face_threshold = faceRecognizer.getDefThreshold(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int face_id = -1; if(bEnableAutoCluster & !is_piclist) { bool bAutocluster = true; if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting) bAutocluster = false; //face clustering face_id = faceRecognizer.predict(&cutFace, &probFaceID, bAutocluster, face_trackid, frames); } else//face recognition face_id = faceRecognizer.predict(&cutFace, &probFaceID); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks; recg_fps = 1000.0f / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() ); recg_total_ticks += ticks; // smooth prediction result if( ! is_piclist && !bEnableAutoCluster) { if(probFaceID > face_threshold*1.0) face_id = faceRecognizer.voteLabel(face_trackid, face_id); else face_id = faceRecognizer.voteLabel(face_trackid, -1); } else if(probFaceID <= face_threshold) { face_id =-1; } //set face name caption if(face_id >= 0) { // recognized face name const char* sFaceName = faceRecognizer.getFaceName(face_id); sprintf(sFaceCaptionBuff, "%s %.2f", sFaceName, probFaceID); //sprintf(sFaceCaptionBuff, "%s", sFaceName); //dispaly score sFaceCaption = sFaceCaptionBuff; print_score = probFaceID; print_faceid = face_id; } else { // failed to recognize //sprintf(sFaceCaptionBuff, "N\A %.2f", probFaceID); //sFaceCaption = sFaceCaptionBuff; } // collect and save unknown face exemplars if(probFaceID < face_threshold*0.9 || face_id != mouse_faceparam.ret_faceset_id ) { if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting && (face_num ==1 || face_trackid == mouse_faceparam.ret_facetrack_id)) { if( rect.x > gray_image.width()/4 && rect.x+rect.width < gray_image.width()*3/4 ) { mouse_faceparam.updated = true; int nFaceSetIdx = faceRecognizer.getFaceSetIdx(mouse_faceparam.ret_faceset_id); bool bflag = faceRecognizer.tryInsertFace(cutFace.getBigCutFace(), nFaceSetIdx); //printf("insert flag %d\n", bflag); } } } } else recg_fps = 0; if( ! quiet ) { sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "FPS: %03d Fd:%04d Ld:%04d Fa:%04d Bl:%04d Sm:%04d Ge:%04d Ag:%03d Rc:%03d", (int)frame_fps, (int)tracker_fps, (int)landmark_fps, (int)align_fps, (int)blink_fps, (int)smile_fps, (int)gender_fps, (int)age_fps, (int)recg_fps); //sprintf(sFaceCaptionBuff, "%.2f", print_score); //sFaceCaption = sFaceCaptionBuff; int trackid = -1; //face_trackid. don't display trackid if -1 cxlibDrawFaceBlob( image, pFont, trackid, rect, landmark6, probSmile, bBlink, bSmile, bGender, nAgeID, sFaceCaption, NULL, pImgSmileBGR, pImgSmileBGRA, pImgSmileMask); } // log file if( fp_faceinfo != NULL ) { // index, rect, landmark6, bBlink, probBlink, bSmile, probSmile, bGender, probGender, nAgeID, probAge[nAgeID], face_id, probFaceID //fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "#%s# @%s@ ", vidcap->filename(), sImgPath); fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "#%s# ", vidcap->filename()); fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "faceidx=( %06d %02d )", vidcap->index(), i+1 ); fprintf( fp_faceinfo, " rect=( %3d %3d %3d %3d )", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height ); fprintf( fp_faceinfo, " landmark6=(" ); int l; for( l = 0; l < 6; l++ ) fprintf( fp_faceinfo, " %3.0f %3.0f", landmark6[l].x, landmark6[l].y ); fprintf( fp_faceinfo, " )"); fprintf( fp_faceinfo, " blink=( %+d %f )", bBlink, probBlink ); fprintf( fp_faceinfo, " smile=( %+d %f )", bSmile, probSmile ); fprintf( fp_faceinfo, " gender=( %+d %f )", bGender, probGender ); fprintf( fp_faceinfo, " agegroup=( %+d %f )", nAgeID, (nAgeID >= 0 && nAgeID < 4) ? probAge[nAgeID] : 1.0f ); fprintf( fp_faceinfo, " identity=( %+d %f )", face_id, probFaceID ); fprintf( fp_faceinfo, "\n" ); } } if( fp_imaginfo != NULL ) fprintf( fp_imaginfo, "\n" ); ticks = cvGetTickCount() - start_ticks; total_ticks += (ticks); frame_fps = 1000.0f / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() ); // frame face_num frames++; //auto focus faces if(quiet == false && bAutoFocus) { if(imgAutoFocus) cvCopy(image, imgAutoFocus); else imgAutoFocus = cvCloneImage(image); cxlibAutoFocusFaceImage(imgAutoFocus, image, rects, face_num); } // next frame if quiet if( quiet ) continue; else { // draw status info for custom interaction if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting == 1) { sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "Collecting faces for track_id = %d", mouse_faceparam.ret_facetrack_id); //draw face collecting region cvLine(image, cvPoint(image.width()/4, 0), cvPoint(image.width()/4, image.height()-1), CV_RGB(255,255,0), 2); cvLine(image, cvPoint(image.width()*3/4, 0), cvPoint(image.width()*3/4, image.height()-1), CV_RGB(255,255,0), 2); } else sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "FPS: %03d Fd:%04d Ld:%04d Fa:%04d Bl:%04d Sm:%04d Ge:%04d Ag:%03d Rc:%03d", (int)frame_fps, (int)tracker_fps, (int)landmark_fps, (int)align_fps, (int)blink_fps, (int)smile_fps, (int)gender_fps, (int)age_fps, (int)recg_fps); cxlibDrawCaption( image, pFont, sCaptionInfo); } //show Image if (image.width() <= 800) { //show image cvShowImage( str_title, image ); } else { // show scaled smaller image CvImage scale_image (cvSize(800, image.height()*800/image.width()), image.depth(), 3 ); cvResize (image, scale_image); cvShowImage( str_title, scale_image ); } // user interaction int key = cvWaitKey( 30 ); //int key = cvWaitKey( ); if( key == ' ' ) // press the spacebar to pause the video play cvWaitKey( 0 ); else if( key == 27 ) break; // press 'esc' to exit else if( key == 'a' ) { // add new face name if(face_num > 0) { CvRect rect = rects[0].rc; int x = rect.x+rect.width/2; int y = rect.y+rect.height/2; addFaceSet( x, y, &mouse_faceparam); } } else if( key == 'c' ) { // collect face exemplars for current selected facename mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 1; //enable online face exemplar collecting } else if( key == 'z' ) // turn on/off the autofocus flag bAutoFocus = !bAutoFocus; else if(key >= 0) { if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting == 1) { // stop collecting faces mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 0; //disable online face exemplar collecting mouse_faceparam.ret_facetrack_id = -1; } if( key == 's') { // save face models faceRecognizer.saveFaceModelXML("faceset_model.xml"); sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "%s", "saved the face model"); cxlibDrawCaption( pImg, pFont, sCaptionInfo); cvShowImage( str_title, pImg ); cvWaitKey( 400 ); } } } // print speed info about fps float temp = 1e-6f / cvGetTickFrequency(); tracker_fps = 1.0f / ( tracker_total_ticks * temp / frames ); if (landmark_total_ticks != 0.0) landmark_fps = 1.0f / ( landmark_total_ticks * temp / frames ); if (align_total_ticks != 0.0) align_fps = 1.0f / ( align_total_ticks * temp / frames ); if (blink_total_ticks != 0.0) blink_fps = 1.0f / (blink_total_ticks * temp / frames); if (smile_total_ticks != 0.0) smile_fps = 1.0f / (smile_total_ticks * temp / frames); if (gender_total_ticks != 0.0) gender_fps = 1.0f / (gender_total_ticks * temp / frames); if (age_total_ticks != 0.0) age_fps = 1.0f / (age_total_ticks * temp / frames); if (recg_total_ticks != 0.0) recg_fps = 1.0f / (recg_total_ticks * temp / frames); total_fps = 1.0f / (total_ticks * temp / frames); printf( "Total frames:%d Speed:%.1f fps\n", frames, total_fps); printf( "FPS: Fd:%.1f Ld:%.1f Fa:%.1f Bl:%.1f Sm:%.1f Ge:%.1f Ag:%.1f Rc:%.1f", tracker_fps, landmark_fps, align_fps, blink_fps, smile_fps, gender_fps, age_fps, recg_fps); //save updated face model if(mouse_faceparam.updated == true) { sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "%s", "press key 's' to save updated face model or other keys to cancel"); cxlibDrawCaption( pImg, pFont, sCaptionInfo); cvShowImage( str_title, pImg ); int key = cvWaitKey(); if( key == 's') faceRecognizer.saveFaceModelXML("faceset_model.xml"); } //save merged face model for dynamic clustering of smoothID vFaceSet vMergedFaceSet; int minWeight = 10; faceRecognizer.getMergedFaceSet(vMergedFaceSet, minWeight); faceRecognizer.saveFaceModelXML("faceset_modelMerged.xml", &vMergedFaceSet); //faceRecognizer.saveFaceModelXML("faceset_modelMerged#.xml"); //release buff //release global GUI data if( !quiet ) cvDestroyWindow( str_title ); cvReleaseImage(&thumbnailImg); cvReleaseImage(&pImgSmileBGR); cvReleaseImage(&pImgSmileBGRA); cvReleaseImage(&pImgSmileMask); delete pFont; delete vidcap; if( fp_imaginfo != NULL ) fclose( fp_imaginfo ); if( fp_faceinfo != NULL ) fclose( fp_faceinfo ); return 0; }
double CDetectionAlgs::BoostingDetection( vector<Rect>& objs, const CascadeClassifier& cascade, const Mat& img, const Rect* confinedArea, const double scale, Size sSize, Size bSize) { double res = (double)cvGetTickCount(); objs.clear(); Mat confinedImg; if(confinedArea) confinedImg = img(*confinedArea); else confinedImg = img; Mat gray, smallImg( cvRound (confinedImg.rows/scale), cvRound(confinedImg.cols/scale), CV_8UC1 ); if(confinedImg.channels() == 3) cvtColor( confinedImg, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY ); else gray = confinedImg; resize( gray, smallImg, smallImg.size(), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR ); equalizeHist( smallImg, smallImg ); /////////////////detection///////////////////////////////////////// //t = (double)cvGetTickCount(); const_cast<CascadeClassifier&>(cascade).detectMultiScale( smallImg, objs, 1.1, 2, 0, //|CascadeClassifier::DO_CANNY_PRUNING //|CascadeClassifier::FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT //|CascadeClassifier::DO_ROUGH_SEARCH //|CascadeClassifier::SCALE_IMAGE, sSize, bSize); ///////////////////////sort/////////////////////////////////////// if (objs.size() > 0) { qsort( (void *)&(objs[0]), objs.size(), sizeof(Size), cvSizeCompare ); // re-position if (confinedArea) { for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); ++i) { objs[i].x = objs[i].x*scale+confinedArea->x; objs[i].y = objs[i].y*scale+confinedArea->y; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < objs.size(); ++i) { objs[i].x = objs[i].x*scale; objs[i].y = objs[i].y*scale; } } //scale back for ( int i = 0; i < objs.size(); ++i) { objs[i].width *= scale; objs[i].height *= scale; } } res = ((double)cvGetTickCount() - res) / ((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.); return res; }
int testfaceLib_pThread ( const char* str_video, int trackerType, int multiviewType, int recognizerType, const char* str_facesetxml, int threads, bool blink, bool smile, bool gender, bool age, bool recog, bool quiet, bool saveface, const char* sfolder, bool bEnableAutoCluster ) { FILE* fp_imaginfo = fopen( "imaginfo.txt", "w" ); bool bAutoFocus = false; IplImage *imgAutoFocus = NULL; int sampleRate =1; if(str_facesetxml == NULL) str_facesetxml = "faceset_model.xml"; int prob_estimate[7]; char sState[256]; EnumViewAngle viewAngle = (EnumViewAngle)multiviewType; //dynamic clustering for smooth ID registration //bEnableAutoCluster = true; CxlibFaceAnalyzer faceAnalyzer(viewAngle, (EnumTrackerType)trackerType, blink, smile, gender, age, recog, sampleRate, str_facesetxml, recognizerType, bEnableAutoCluster); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // init GUI window const char* str_title = "Face Tester"; if( ! quiet ) cvNamedWindow( str_title, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); char sCaptionInfo[256] = ""; CvFont *pFont = new CvFont; cvInitFont(pFont, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.85, 0.85, 0, 1); // load GUI smile icon images IplImage *pImgSmileBGR; IplImage *pImgSmileMask; if(age == 0) { // smile icon pImgSmileBGR = cvLoadImage( "smile.bmp" ); pImgSmileMask = cvLoadImage( "smilemask.bmp", 0 ); } else { // gender/age/smile icons pImgSmileBGR = cvLoadImage( "faceicon.bmp" ); pImgSmileMask = cvLoadImage( "faceiconMask.bmp", 0 ); } IplImage *pImgSmileBGRA = cvCreateImage( cvSize(pImgSmileBGR->width, pImgSmileBGR->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 4 ); cvCvtColor(pImgSmileBGR, pImgSmileBGRA, CV_BGR2BGRA ); // open video source size_t len = strlen( str_video ); bool is_piclist = (0 == stricmp( str_video + len - 4, ".txt" )); CxImageSeqReader* vidcap = NULL; if( is_piclist ) vidcap = new CxPicListReader( str_video ); else vidcap = new CxVideoReader( str_video ); if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 ) { cvSetErrStatus( CV_StsOk ); return -1; } // when using camera, set to 640x480, 30fps if( isdigit(str_video[0]) != 0 && str_video[1] == '\0' ) { vidcap->width( 640 ); vidcap->height( 480 ); vidcap->fps( 30 ); } // print beginning info printf( "tracker cascade: '%s'\n", trackerType== TRA_HAAR ? "haar" : (recognizerType== TRA_SURF ? "surf" : "pf tracker SURF")); printf( "face recognizer: '%s'\n", recognizerType == RECOGNIZER_BOOST_GB240 ? "boost gabor240" : "cascade gloh" ); printf( "video: '%s', %dx%d, %2.1f fps\n", str_video, vidcap->width(), vidcap->height(), vidcap->fps() ); // set mouse event process CxMouseParam mouse_faceparam; mouse_faceparam.updated = false; = true; mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 0; static const int MAX_FACES = 16; if(! quiet) { = true; mouse_faceparam.updated = false; mouse_faceparam.face_num = faceAnalyzer.getMaxFaceNum(); mouse_faceparam.rects = faceAnalyzer.getFaceRects(); mouse_faceparam.image = NULL; mouse_faceparam.cut_big_face= faceAnalyzer.getBigCutFace(); mouse_faceparam.typeRecognizer = 0; mouse_faceparam.faceRecognizer = &faceAnalyzer; mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 0; cvSetMouseCallback( str_title, my_mouse_callback, (void*)&mouse_faceparam ); faceAnalyzer.setMouseParam(&mouse_faceparam); } // init count ticks int64 ticks, start_ticks, total_ticks; int64 tracker_total_ticks; double tracker_fps, total_fps; start_ticks = total_ticks = 0; tracker_total_ticks = 0; // loop for each frame of a video/camera int frames = 0; IplImage *pImg = NULL; while( ! vidcap->eof() ) { // capture a video frame if( == true) pImg = vidcap->query(); else continue; if ( pImg == NULL ) break; // make a copy, flip if upside-down CvImage image( cvGetSize(pImg), pImg->depth, pImg->nChannels ); if( pImg->origin == IPL_ORIGIN_BL ) //flip live camera's frame cvFlip( pImg, image ); else cvCopy( pImg, image ); // convert to gray_image for face analysis CvImage gray_image( image.size(), image.depth(), 1 ); if( image.channels() == 3 ) cvCvtColor( image, gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY ); else cvCopy( image, gray_image ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // do face tracking and face recognition start_ticks = ticks = cvGetTickCount(); if( is_piclist ) faceAnalyzer.detect(gray_image, prob_estimate, sState); else faceAnalyzer.track(gray_image, prob_estimate, sState, image); // track face in each frame but recognize by pthread //faceAnalyzer.detect(gray_image, prob_estimate, sState);// track and recognizer face in each frame int face_num = faceAnalyzer.getFaceNum(); ticks = cvGetTickCount() - ticks; tracker_fps = 1000.0 / ( 1e-3 * ticks / cvGetTickFrequency() ); tracker_total_ticks += ticks; //set param for mouse event processing if(!quiet) { mouse_faceparam.face_num = face_num; mouse_faceparam.image = image; } if( fp_imaginfo != NULL ) fprintf( fp_imaginfo, "%s %d", vidcap->filename(), face_num ); // blink/smile/gender/age/face recognize section for( int i=0; i<face_num; i++ ) { // get face rect and id from face tracker CvRectItem rectItem = faceAnalyzer.getFaceRect(i); CvRect rect = rectItem.rc; int face_trackid = rectItem.fid; float probSmile = faceAnalyzer.getFaceSmileProb(i); int bBlink = faceAnalyzer.getFaceBlink(i); int bSmile = faceAnalyzer.getFaceSmile(i); int bGender = faceAnalyzer.getFaceGender(i); int nAgeID = faceAnalyzer.getFaceAge(i); int nFaceID = faceAnalyzer.getFaceID(i); float fFaceProb= faceAnalyzer.getFaceProb(i); char *sFaceCaption = NULL; char sFaceNameBuff[256]; char *sFaceName = faceAnalyzer.getFaceName(i); if(sFaceName[0] != '\0') { sprintf(sFaceNameBuff, "%s %.2f", sFaceName, fFaceProb); sFaceCaption = sFaceName; sFaceCaption = sFaceNameBuff; } if( ! quiet ) { CvPoint2D32f *landmark6 = NULL; sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "FPS:%04d, %s", (int)tracker_fps, sState); int trackid = -1; //face_trackid , don't display trackid if -1 cxlibDrawFaceBlob( image, pFont, trackid, rect, landmark6, probSmile, bBlink, bSmile, bGender, nAgeID, sFaceCaption, NULL, pImgSmileBGR, pImgSmileBGRA, pImgSmileMask); } if( fp_imaginfo != NULL ) fprintf( fp_imaginfo, " %d %d %d %d", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height ); } if( fp_imaginfo != NULL ) fprintf( fp_imaginfo, "\n" ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// total_ticks += (cvGetTickCount() - start_ticks); // frame face_num frames++; //auto focus faces if(quiet == false && bAutoFocus) { if(imgAutoFocus) cvCopy(image, imgAutoFocus); else imgAutoFocus = cvCloneImage(image); CvRectItem *rects = faceAnalyzer.getFaceRects(); cxlibAutoFocusFaceImage(imgAutoFocus, image, rects, face_num); } // next frame if quiet if( quiet ) continue; else { // draw status info for custom interaction if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting == 1) { sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "Collecting faces for track_id = %d", mouse_faceparam.ret_facetrack_id); //draw face collecting region cvLine(image, cvPoint(image.width()/4, 0), cvPoint(image.width()/4, image.height()-1), CV_RGB(255,255,0), 2); cvLine(image, cvPoint(image.width()*3/4, 0), cvPoint(image.width()*3/4, image.height()-1), CV_RGB(255,255,0), 2); } else sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "FPS:%04d, %s", (int)tracker_fps, sState); cxlibDrawCaption( image, pFont, sCaptionInfo); } //show Image if (image.width() <= 800) cvShowImage( str_title, image ); else { // display scaled smaller aimge CvImage scale_image (cvSize(800, image.height()*800/image.width()), image.depth(), 3 ); cvResize (image, scale_image); cvShowImage( str_title, scale_image ); } // user interaction int key = cvWaitKey(1); //int key = cvWaitKey(0); if( key == ' ' ) // press space bar to pause the video play cvWaitKey( 0 ); else if( key == 27 ) // press 'esc' to exit break; else if( key == 'a' ) { // add new face name if(face_num > 0) { CvRect rect = faceAnalyzer.getFaceRect(0).rc; int x = rect.x+rect.width/2; int y = rect.y+rect.height/2; addFaceSet( x, y, &mouse_faceparam); } } else if( key == 'c' ) { //enable flag to collect face exemplars for the selected face name mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 1; //enable online face exemplar collecting } else if( key == 'z' ) bAutoFocus = !bAutoFocus; else if(key >= 0) { if(mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting == 1) { // stop collecting face exemplars mouse_faceparam.ret_online_collecting = 0; //disable online face exemplar collecting mouse_faceparam.ret_facetrack_id = -1; } if( key == 's') { // save faceset xml model faceAnalyzer.saveFaceModelXML("faceset_model.xml"); sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "%s", "saved the face model"); cxlibDrawCaption( pImg, pFont, sCaptionInfo); cvShowImage( str_title, pImg ); cvWaitKey( 400 ); } } } // print info about fps float temp = 1e-6f / cvGetTickFrequency(); tracker_fps = 1.0f / ( tracker_total_ticks * temp / frames ); total_fps = 1.0f / (total_ticks * temp / frames); printf( "Total frames:%d Speed:%.1f fps\n", frames, total_fps); printf( "FPS: %.1f ", tracker_fps); //save updated faceset model if(mouse_faceparam.updated == true) { sprintf(sCaptionInfo, "%s", "press key 's' to save updated face model or other keys to cancel"); cxlibDrawCaption( pImg, pFont, sCaptionInfo); cvShowImage( str_title, pImg ); int key = cvWaitKey(); if( key == 's') faceAnalyzer.saveFaceModelXML("faceset_model.xml"); } //save merged face model for dynamic clustering of smoothID vFaceSet vMergedFaceSet; int minWeight =10; faceAnalyzer.getMergedFaceSet(vMergedFaceSet, minWeight); faceAnalyzer.saveFaceModelXML("faceset_modelMerged.xml", &vMergedFaceSet); //release global GUI data if( !quiet ) cvDestroyWindow( str_title ); cvReleaseImage(&pImgSmileBGR); cvReleaseImage(&pImgSmileBGRA); cvReleaseImage(&pImgSmileMask); delete pFont; delete vidcap; if( fp_imaginfo != NULL ) fclose( fp_imaginfo ); return 0; }
int main() { double time; CvScalar hsv_min; CvScalar hsv_max; #ifdef VIDEO CvCapture* capture = cvCreateFileCapture("E:\\Evan Lin\\CLUB\\PingPong\\OPENCV\\Table Tennis.flv"); //CvCapture *capture = cvCreateFileCapture("E:\\Evan Lin\\CLUB\\PingPong\\OPENCV\\Test\\motionTracking(ZC)\\bouncingBall.avi"); //CvCapture *capture = cvCreateFileCapture("E:\\Evan Lin\\CLUB\\PingPong\\OPENCV\\PingPongTest.avi"); //CvCapture *capture = cvCreateFileCapture("E:\\Evan Lin\\CLUB\\PingPong\\OPENCV\\WIN_20150803_103818.MP4");//WIN_20150803_102356.MP4 #else CvCapture* capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0); #endif if (!capture) { printf("ERROR ACQUIRING VIDEO FEED\n"); getchar(); return -1; } CvSize size = cvSize(cvGetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH), cvGetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)); IplImage* frame = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); IplImage* hsv_frame = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); IplImage* thresholded = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, 1); while (1) { #ifdef VIDEO capture = cvCreateFileCapture("E:\\Evan Lin\\CLUB\\PingPong\\OPENCV\\Table Tennis.flv"); if (!capture) { printf("ERROR ACQUIRING VIDEO FEED\n"); getchar(); return -1; } while (cvGetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) < cvGetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) - 1) { time = (double)cvGetTickCount(); frame = cvQueryFrame(capture); if (!frame) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: frame is null...\n"); getchar(); exit(1); } cvCvtColor(frame, hsv_frame, CV_BGR2HSV); hsv_min = cvScalar(H_MIN, S_MIN, S_MIN, 0); hsv_max = cvScalar(H_MAX, S_MAX, V_MAX, 0); cvInRangeS(hsv_frame, hsv_min, hsv_max, thresholded); cvErode(thresholded, thresholded, NULL, 1); cvDilate(thresholded, thresholded, NULL, 1); //cvSmooth(thresholded, thresholded, CV_GAUSSIAN, 9, 9); if (debugMode == true) { createTrackbars(); cvNamedWindow("HSV", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvShowImage("HSV", thresholded); } else { cvDestroyWindow("trackbarControl"); cvDestroyWindow("HSV"); } if (trackingEnabled) { searchForMovement(thresholded, frame); } if (showEnabled) { time = ((double)cvGetTickCount() - time) / cvGetTickFrequency(); double fps = 100000.0 / time; char str[20]; sprintf(str, "FPS:%.2f", fps); cvPutText(frame, str, cvPoint(0, 30), &font, cvScalar(255, 0, 0)); } cvShowImage("Frame1", frame); switch (cvWaitKey(33)) { case 27: //'esc' key has been pressed, exit program. //cvReleaseMemStorage(); cvReleaseCapture(&capture); cvDestroyAllWindows(); return 0; case 116: //'t' has been pressed. this will toggle tracking trackingEnabled = !trackingEnabled; if (trackingEnabled == false) printf("Tracking disabled.\n"); else printf("Tracking enabled.\n"); break; case 100: //'d' has been pressed. this will debug mode debugMode = !debugMode; if (debugMode == false) printf("Debug mode disabled.\n"); else printf("Debug mode enabled.\n"); break; case 115: //'s' has been pressed. this will debug mode showEnabled = !showEnabled; if (showEnabled == false) printf("Show mode disabled.\n"); else printf("Show mode enabled.\n"); break; case 112: //'p' has been pressed. this will pause/resume the code. pause = !pause; if (pause == true) { printf("Code paused, press 'p' again to resume\n"); while (pause == true) { //stay in this loop until switch (cvWaitKey()) { case 112: //change pause back to false pause = false; printf("Code resumed.\n"); break; } } } } } } #else time = (double)GetTickCount(); //time = (double)cvGetTickCount(); frame = cvQueryFrame(capture); if (!frame) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: frame is null...\n"); getchar(); exit(1); } cvCvtColor(frame, hsv_frame, CV_BGR2HSV); hsv_min = cvScalar(H_MIN, S_MIN, S_MIN, 0); hsv_max = cvScalar(H_MAX, S_MAX, V_MAX, 0); cvInRangeS(hsv_frame, hsv_min, hsv_max, thresholded); cvErode(thresholded, thresholded, NULL, 1); cvErode(thresholded, thresholded, NULL, 1); cvErode(thresholded, thresholded, NULL, 1); cvDilate(thresholded, thresholded, NULL, 1); //cvSmooth(thresholded, thresholded, CV_GAUSSIAN, 9, 9); if (debugMode == true) { createTrackbars(); cvNamedWindow("HSV", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvShowImage("HSV", thresholded); } else { cvDestroyWindow("trackbarControl"); cvDestroyWindow("HSV"); } if (trackingEnabled) { searchForMovement(thresholded, frame); } if (showEnabled) { //time = ((double)cvGetTickCount() - time) / cvGetTickFrequency(); //double fps = 100000.0 / time; time = (double)GetTickCount() - time; double fps = 1000.0 / time; char str[20]; sprintf(str, "FPS:%.2f", fps); cvPutText(frame, str, cvPoint(0, 30), &font, cvScalar(255, 0, 0)); } cvShowImage("Frame1", frame); }
/* ** ================ BEGIN MAIN SECTION ======================= */ void target_tracking( int argc, char** argv ) { double t1, t2, fps; int targ_selected = 0; int camera_img_height, camera_img_width, camera_img_fps; int waitkey_delay = 2; CvMat *image_gray = 0; CvMat *image_binary = 0; IplConvKernel *morph_kernel; CvSeq *contours; int i; pid = (int) getpid(); /* ** See if we can catch signals */ if ( signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); if ( signal(SIGHUP, sig_handler) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); if ( signal(SIGINT, sig_handler) == SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* ** Set the number of tracked targets to zero ** tracked targets are persistent targets for a sequence of frames/images ** detected targets are the targets detected from a single frame or image */ num_tracked_targets = 0; /* ** Capture images from webcam /dev/video0 ** /dev/video0 = 0 ** /dev/video1 = 1 */ if ( argc == 1 || (argc == 2 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && isdigit(argv[1][0]))) { printf(" Capturing image from camera\n"); camera=cvCaptureFromCAM( argc == 2 ? argv[1][0] - '0' : 0 ); } else { /* ** Capture image from file at command line ** useful for playback video and testing */ camera = cvCaptureFromFile( argv[1] ); } /* ** Check and see if camera/file capture is valid */ if (!camera) { printf("camera or image is null\n"); return; } /* ** Get camera properties */ camera_img_width = cvGetCaptureProperty(camera, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH); camera_img_height = cvGetCaptureProperty(camera, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT); camera_img_fps = cvGetCaptureProperty(camera, CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); cvSetCaptureProperty( camera, CV_CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE, 500.0); cvSetCaptureProperty( camera, CV_CAP_PROP_EXPOSURE, 500.0); cvSetCaptureProperty( camera, CV_CAP_PROP_AUTO_EXPOSURE, 0.0); /* ** Parse the config file */ // T456_parse_vision( "../config/t456-vision.ini" ); T456_parse_vision( "/usr/local/config/t456-vision.ini" ); T456_print_camera_and_tracking_settings(); /* ** Start server listening on port 8080 */ T456_start_server(); /* ** Setup graphic display windows using OpenCV */ #ifdef GRAPHICS cvNamedWindow("original", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvNamedWindow("binary image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvNamedWindow("contours", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // cvNamedWindow("original", CV_WINDOW_KEEPRATIO); printf("camera_img_fps: %d\n", camera_img_fps); if (camera_img_fps < 0 ) { camera_img_fps = 30; printf("camera_img_fps: %d\n", camera_img_fps); } waitkey_delay = (int) ((1.0f / (float) camera_img_fps) * 1000.0f); printf("waitkey_delay: %d\n", waitkey_delay); if ( (waitkey_delay > 50) || (waitkey_delay == 0) ) waitkey_delay = 2; cvInitFont( &font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1, 8); #endif /* GRAPHICS */ /* ** Construct a morphological kernel */ morph_kernel = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(3, 3, 1, 1, CV_SHAPE_RECT, NULL); /* ** */ image_gray = cvCreateMat(camera_img_height, camera_img_width, CV_8UC1); image_binary = cvCreateMat(camera_img_height, camera_img_width, CV_8UC1); /* ** Time estimation variable */ t1 = (double)cvGetTickCount(); /* ** Process images until key press */ #ifdef GRAPHICS while (cvWaitKey(waitkey_delay) < 0) #else while (1) #endif { /* ** reset detected targets */ num_detect_targets = 0; /* ** Grab initial frame from image or movie file */ image = cvQueryFrame(camera); if ( !image ) { done(); return; } /* ** Convert RGB image to Hue and Value images (local function) ** ** Threshold out the lime green color from the hue image ** it is a bracket threshold, so two images are produced ** ** (HUE_MID_THRESH - 15) < target_color < (HUE_MID_THRESH + 15) ** ** Threshold value image. Because of illumination, the targets should ** be very bright in the image. ** ** If pixel value of the image is > VAL_THRESH ** then output 255 ** else output 0 ** ** Combine hue1, hue2, and value images with an AND operation ** output = hue1 AND hue1 AND value ** if a pixel in any of these images is pixel = 0 ** then the output is 0 */ T456_change_RGB_to_binary( image, image_binary ); /* ** Use the Morph function to join broken or speckled rectangles */ cvMorphologyEx( image_binary, image_gray, NULL, morph_kernel, CV_MOP_CLOSE, tracking.morph_closing_iterations); /* ** Process contours and detect targets of interest */ contours = find_contours( image_gray ); /* ** Process raw target detections and compare with current ** tracked targets */ track_targets_over_time( frame_cnt ); /* ** Rank and select highest scoring target */ if ( num_tracked_targets > 0 ) { T456_calculate_aimpoint( frame_cnt ); targ_selected = T456_select_main_target( frame_cnt ); #ifdef GRAPHICS draw_target_dot( tracked_targets[targ_selected], image, CV_RGB(0,255,0) ); #endif } /* ** Print out tracked targets */ printf("%d ", frame_cnt); for ( i = 0; i < num_tracked_targets; i++ ) { printf("%d ", tracked_targets[i].type); printf("%.2f %.2f ", tracked_targets[i].h_angle, tracked_targets[i].v_angle); printf("%.2f %.2f ", tracked_targets[i].xcenter, tracked_targets[i].ycenter); printf("(%.2f) ", tracked_targets[i].aspect_ratio); printf("(d: %.2f) ", tracked_targets[i].distance); printf("%d ", tracked_targets[i].time_tracked); #ifdef GRAPHICS draw_target_center( tracked_targets[i], image, CV_RGB(255,255,0) ); #endif } printf("\n"); /* ** pass selected target information into target message ** for the webservice */ if ( num_tracked_targets == 0 ) { target_message_length = snprintf(target_message, sizeof(target_message), "%06d,00,000000,000000,000000,0000", frame_cnt); } else { target_message_length = snprintf(target_message, sizeof(target_message), "%06d,%02d,%06.2f,%06.2f,%06.1f,1.0", frame_cnt, tracked_targets[targ_selected].type, tracked_targets[targ_selected].aim_h_angle, tracked_targets[targ_selected].aim_v_angle, tracked_targets[targ_selected].distance); } #ifdef GRAPHICS /* ** Display images */ cvShowImage("original",image); cvShowImage("binary image",image_binary); #endif /* GRAPHICS */ /* ** keep time of processing */ t2 = (double)cvGetTickCount(); fps = 1000.0 / ((t2-t1)/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.)); fps_sum = fps_sum + fps; frame_cnt++; #ifdef DIAG printf("time: %gms fps: %.2g\n",(t2-t1)/(cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.),fps); #endif t1 = t2; /* ** If we catch a stop or kill signal */ if ( STOP ) { break; } /* ** Print out a diagnostic image every second */ #ifdef GRAPHICS if ( (frame_cnt % 15) == 0 ) { if ( tracking.diag == 1 ) { sprintf(filename,"/home/panda/Images/frame_%05d_%06d.jpg", pid,frame_cnt); cvSaveImage(filename, image, 0 ); } if ( tracking.diag == 2 ) { sprintf(filename,"/home/panda/Images/frame_%05d_%06d_gray.jpg", pid,frame_cnt); cvSaveImage(filename, image_gray, 0 ); } if ( tracking.diag == 3 ) { sprintf(filename,"/home/panda/Images/frame_%05d_%06d_bin.jpg", pid,frame_cnt); cvSaveImage(filename, image_binary, 0 ); } } #endif } cvSaveImage("framegrab.jpg", image, 0 ); cvSaveImage("framegrab_bin.jpg", image_binary, 0 ); cvSaveImage("framegrab_gray.jpg", image_gray, 0 ); /* ** Release camera resources */ cvReleaseCapture(&camera); /* ** Print out timing information */ done(); /* ** Stop server listening on port 8080 */ T456_stop_server(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { CvCapture* capture = 0; IplImage* input = 0; IplImage* gray = 0; IplImage* output = 0; IplImage* previous_gray = 0; int win_step; int template_width, template_height; CvPoint2D32f previous_point; CvPoint2D32f current_points[6][5]; double maximum_value; double minimum_value; double *znccs; int p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y; CvRect window; int tick = 0, previous_tick = 0; double now = 0.0; CvFont font; char buffer[256]; int i, j; if (argc == 1 || (argc == 2 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && isdigit(argv[1][0]))) { capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(argc == 2 ? argv[1][0] - '0' : 0); } else if (argc == 2) { capture = cvCreateFileCapture(argv[1]); } if (!capture) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: capture is NULL \n"); return (-1); } input = cvQueryFrame(capture); if (!input) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not query frame...\n"); return (-1); } gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(input), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); cvCvtColor(input, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); previous_gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(input), 8, 1); output = cvCreateImage(cvSize(input->width, input->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); output->origin = input->origin; cvNamedWindow("Optical Flow", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvMoveWindow("Optical Flow", 200, 100); cvResizeWindow("Optical Flow", 640, 480); cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1, 0); znccs = (double *) malloc(16 * 16 * sizeof(double)); template_width = 32; template_height = 32; win_step = WINDOW_STEP; for (;;) { input = cvQueryFrame(capture); if (!input) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not query frame...\n"); break; } cvCopy(input, output, NULL); cvCvtColor(input, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) { for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { previous_point.x = template_width / 2 + 8 * win_step + i * (8 * 2 * 3 + 32) + 10; previous_point.y = template_height / 2 + 8 * win_step + j * (8 * 2 * 3 + 32) + 10; p1x = (int) previous_point.x - template_width / 2 - 8 * win_step; p1y = (int) previous_point.y - template_height / 2 - 8 * win_step; p2x = (int) previous_point.x + template_width / 2 - 1 + 8 * win_step; p2y = (int) previous_point.y + template_height / 2 - 1 + 8 * win_step; cvRectangle(output, cvPoint(p1x, p1y), cvPoint(p2x, p2y), CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 1, // thickness, -1=filled 8, // line_type, 8=8-connected 0); search_template(previous_gray, gray, previous_point, ¤t_points[i][j], znccs, &maximum_value, &minimum_value, cvSize(template_width, template_height), win_step); cvLine(output, cvPoint(previous_point.x, previous_point.y), cvPoint(current_points[i][j].x, current_points[i][j].y), CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 1, 8, 0); p1x = (int) current_points[i][j].x - template_width / 2; p1y = (int) current_points[i][j].y - template_height / 2; p2x = (int) current_points[i][j].x + template_width / 2 - 1; p2y = (int) current_points[i][j].y + template_height / 2 - 1; if (maximum_value > THRESHOLD) { cvRectangle(output, cvPoint(p1x, p1y), cvPoint(p2x, p2y), CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), 1, // thickness, 1 8, // line_type, 8=8-connected 0); } else { cvRectangle(output, cvPoint(p1x, p1y), cvPoint(p2x, p2y), CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 1, // thickness, 1 8, // line_type, 8=8-connected 0); } } } cvCopy(gray, previous_gray, NULL); sprintf(buffer, "%3.1lfms", now / 1000); cvPutText(output, buffer, cvPoint(50, 150), &font, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0)); cvShowImage("Optical Flow", output); //If a certain key pressed if (cvWaitKey(10) >= 0) { break; } tick = cvGetTickCount(); now = (tick - previous_tick) / cvGetTickFrequency(); previous_tick = tick; } free(znccs); cvReleaseImage(&previous_gray); cvReleaseImage(&gray); cvReleaseImage(&output); cvReleaseCapture(&capture); cvDestroyWindow("Previous"); cvDestroyWindow("Optical Flow"); return (0); }
void main() { char message[100]; cvNamedWindow("template"); cvNamedWindow("sampling"); cvNamedWindow("result"); // initialize int width = WIDTH; int height = HEIGHT; int startX = (width-TEMPLATE_WIDTH)/2; int startY = (height-TEMPLATE_HEIGHT)/2; IplImage* inputImage = NULL; IplImage* grayImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage* resultImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); IplImage* templateImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(TEMPLATE_WIDTH, TEMPLATE_HEIGHT), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); IplImage* samplingImage = NULL; // initial template & homography CvRect rect = cvRect(startX, startY, TEMPLATE_WIDTH, TEMPLATE_HEIGHT); windage::Matrix3 homography(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); homography._13 = startX; homography._23 = startY; windage::Matrix3 e = homography; // Template based Tracking using Inverse Compositional #if USE_IC windage::InverseCompositional* tracker = new windage::InverseCompositional(TEMPLATE_WIDTH, TEMPLATE_HEIGHT); #endif #if USE_ESM windage::HomographyESM* tracker = new windage::HomographyESM(TEMPLATE_WIDTH, TEMPLATE_HEIGHT); #endif tracker->SetInitialHomography(e); // homography update stack std::vector<windage::Matrix3> homographyList; // camera CvCapture* capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(CV_CAP_ANY); bool isTrained = false; bool processing =true; while(processing) { inputImage = cvRetrieveFrame(capture); cvResize(inputImage, resultImage); cvCvtColor(resultImage, grayImage, CV_BGR2GRAY); if(GAUSSIAN_BLUR > 0) cvSmooth(grayImage, grayImage, CV_GAUSSIAN, GAUSSIAN_BLUR, GAUSSIAN_BLUR); // processing int64 startTime = cvGetTickCount(); float error = 0.0; float delta = 1.0; int iter = 0; homographyList.clear(); for(iter=0; iter<MAX_ITERATION; iter++) { error = tracker->UpdateHomography(grayImage, &delta); homography = tracker->GetHomography(); homographyList.push_back(homography); // if(delta < HOMOGRAPHY_DELTA) // break; } int64 endTime = cvGetTickCount(); samplingImage = tracker->GetSamplingImage(); // draw result int count = homographyList.size(); for(int i=0; i<count; i++) DrawResult(resultImage, homographyList[i], CV_RGB(((count-i)/(double)count) * 255.0, (i/(double)count) * 255.0, 0), 1); double processingTime = (endTime - startTime)/(cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000.0); sprintf_s(message, "processing time : %.2lf ms (%02d iter), error : %.2lf", processingTime, iter, error); std::cout << message << std::endl; #if USE_IC windage::Utils::DrawTextToImage(resultImage, cvPoint(5, 15), "Inverse Compositional", 0.6); #endif #if USE_ESM windage::Utils::DrawTextToImage(resultImage, cvPoint(5, 15), "Efficient Second-order Minimization", 0.6); #endif windage::Utils::DrawTextToImage(resultImage, cvPoint(5, 35), message, 0.6); // draw image cvShowImage("sampling", samplingImage); cvShowImage("result", resultImage); char ch = cvWaitKey(1); switch(ch) { case ' ': cvSetImageROI(grayImage, rect); cvCopyImage(grayImage, templateImage); cvShowImage("template", templateImage); cvResetImageROI(grayImage); tracker->AttatchTemplateImage(templateImage); tracker->SetInitialHomography(e); tracker->Initialize(); break; case 'r': case 'R': delete tracker; tracker = NULL; #if USE_IC tracker = new windage::InverseCompositional(TEMPLATE_WIDTH, TEMPLATE_HEIGHT); #endif #if USE_ESM tracker = new windage::HomographyESM(TEMPLATE_WIDTH, TEMPLATE_HEIGHT); #endif tracker->SetInitialHomography(e); break; case 'q': case 'Q': processing = false; break; } } cvReleaseCapture(&capture); cvReleaseImage(&grayImage); cvReleaseImage(&resultImage); cvDestroyAllWindows(); }
/* This file contain simple implementation of BlobTrackerAuto virtual interface This module just connected other low level 3 modules (foreground estimator + BlobDetector + BlobTracker) and some simple code to detect "lost tracking" The track is lost when integral of foreground mask image by blob area has low value */ #include "_cvaux.h" #include <time.h> /* list of Blob Detection modules */ CvBlobDetector* cvCreateBlobDetectorSimple(); /* Get frequency for each module time working estimation: */ static double FREQ = 1000*cvGetTickFrequency(); #if 1 #define COUNTNUM 100 #define TIME_BEGIN() \ {\ static double _TimeSum = 0;\ static int _Count = 0;\ static int _CountBlob = 0;\ int64 _TickCount = cvGetTickCount();\ #define TIME_END(_name_,_BlobNum_) \ _Count++;\ _CountBlob+=_BlobNum_;\ _TimeSum += (cvGetTickCount()-_TickCount)/FREQ;\ if(m_TimesFile)if(_Count%COUNTNUM==0)\
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { char path[1024]; IplImage* img; help(); if (argc!=2) { strcpy(path,"puzzle.png"); img = cvLoadImage( path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE ); if (!img) { printf("\nUsage: mser_sample <path_to_image>\n"); return 0; } } else { strcpy(path,argv[1]); img = cvLoadImage( path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE ); } if (!img) { printf("Unable to load image %s\n",path); return 0; } IplImage* rsp = cvLoadImage( path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR ); IplImage* ellipses = cvCloneImage(rsp); cvCvtColor(img,ellipses,CV_GRAY2BGR); CvSeq* contours; CvMemStorage* storage= cvCreateMemStorage(); IplImage* hsv = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( rsp ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ); cvCvtColor( rsp, hsv, CV_BGR2YCrCb ); CvMSERParams params = cvMSERParams();//cvMSERParams( 5, 60, cvRound(.2*img->width*img->height), .25, .2 ); double t = (double)cvGetTickCount(); cvExtractMSER( hsv, NULL, &contours, storage, params ); t = cvGetTickCount() - t; printf( "MSER extracted %d contours in %g ms.\n", contours->total, t/((double)cvGetTickFrequency()*1000.) ); uchar* rsptr = (uchar*)rsp->imageData; // draw mser with different color for ( int i = contours->total-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { CvSeq* r = *(CvSeq**)cvGetSeqElem( contours, i ); for ( int j = 0; j < r->total; j++ ) { CvPoint* pt = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM( CvPoint, r, j ); rsptr[pt->x*3+pt->y*rsp->widthStep] = bcolors[i%9][2]; rsptr[pt->x*3+1+pt->y*rsp->widthStep] = bcolors[i%9][1]; rsptr[pt->x*3+2+pt->y*rsp->widthStep] = bcolors[i%9][0]; } } // find ellipse ( it seems cvfitellipse2 have error or sth? for ( int i = 0; i < contours->total; i++ ) { CvContour* r = *(CvContour**)cvGetSeqElem( contours, i ); CvBox2D box = cvFitEllipse2( r ); box.angle=(float)CV_PI/2-box.angle; if ( r->color > 0 ) cvEllipseBox( ellipses, box, colors[9], 2 ); else cvEllipseBox( ellipses, box, colors[2], 2 ); } cvSaveImage( "rsp.png", rsp ); cvNamedWindow( "original", 0 ); cvShowImage( "original", img ); cvNamedWindow( "response", 0 ); cvShowImage( "response", rsp ); cvNamedWindow( "ellipses", 0 ); cvShowImage( "ellipses", ellipses ); cvWaitKey(0); cvDestroyWindow( "original" ); cvDestroyWindow( "response" ); cvDestroyWindow( "ellipses" ); cvReleaseImage(&rsp); cvReleaseImage(&img); cvReleaseImage(&ellipses); }