Example #1
   Final stage of contour processing.
   Three variants possible:
      1. Contour, which was retrieved using border following, is added to
         the contour tree. It is the case when the icvSubstituteContour function
         was not called after retrieving the contour.

      2. New contour, assigned by icvSubstituteContour function, is added to the
         tree. The retrieved contour itself is removed from the storage.
         Here two cases are possible:
            2a. If one deals with plane variant of algorithm
                (hierarchical strucutre is not reconstructed),
                the contour is removed completely.
            2b. In hierarchical case, the header of the contour is not removed.
                It's marked as "link to contour" and h_next pointer of it is set to
                new, substituting contour.

      3. The similar to 2, but when NULL pointer was assigned by 
         icvSubstituteContour function. In this case, the function removes
         retrieved contour completely if plane case and 
         leaves header if hierarchical (but doesn't mark header as "link").
      The 1st variant can be used to retrieve and store all the contours from the image
      (with optional convertion from chains to contours using some approximation from 
      restriced set of methods). Some characteristics of contour can be computed in the
      same pass.
      The usage scheme can look like:

      icvContourScanner scanner;
      CvMemStorage*  contour_storage;
      CvSeq*  first_contour;
      CvStatus  result;


      icvCreateMemStorage( &contour_storage, block_size/0 );

              ( img, contour_storage,
                header_size, approx_method,
                &scanner );

          [CvSeq* contour;]
          result = icvFindNextContour( &scanner, &contour/0 );

          if( result != CV_OK ) break;

          // calculate some characteristics

      if( result < 0 ) goto error_processing;

      cvEndFindContours( &scanner, &first_contour );


      Second variant is more complex and can be used when someone wants store not
      the retrieved contours but transformed ones. (e.g. approximated with some
      non-default algorithm ).
      The scheme can be the as following:

      icvContourScanner scanner;
      CvMemStorage*  contour_storage;
      CvMemStorage*  temp_storage;
      CvSeq*  first_contour;
      CvStatus  result;


      icvCreateMemStorage( &contour_storage, block_size/0 );
      icvCreateMemStorage( &temp_storage, block_size/0 );

              ( <img_params>, temp_storage,
                header_size, approx_method,
                &scanner );

          CvSeq* temp_contour;
          CvSeq* new_contour;
          result = icvFindNextContour( scanner, &temp_contour );

          if( result != CV_OK ) break;

          <approximation_function>( temp_contour, contour_storage,
                                    &new_contour, <parameters...> );

          icvSubstituteContour( scanner, new_contour );

      if( result < 0 ) goto error_processing;

      cvEndFindContours( &scanner, &first_contour );

      Third method to retrieve contours may be applied if contours are irrelevant
      themselves but some characteristics of them are used only.
      The usage is similar to second except slightly different internal loop

          CvSeq* temp_contour;
          result = icvFindNextContour( &scanner, &temp_contour );

          if( result != CV_OK ) break;

          // calculate some characteristics of temp_contour

          icvSubstituteContour( scanner, 0 );

      new_storage variable is not needed here. 

      Two notes.
      1. Second and third method can interleave. I.e. it is possible to
         remain contours that satisfy with some criteria and reject others.
         In hierarchic case the resulting tree is the part of original tree with
         some nodes absent. But in the resulting tree the contour1 is a child 
         (may be indirect) of contour2 iff in the original tree the contour1
         is a child (may be indirect) of contour2.
static void
icvEndProcessContour( CvContourScanner scanner )
    _CvContourInfo *l_cinfo = scanner->l_cinfo;

    if( l_cinfo )
        if( scanner->subst_flag )
            CvMemStoragePos temp;

            cvSaveMemStoragePos( scanner->storage2, &temp );

            if( temp.top == scanner->backup_pos2.top &&
                temp.free_space == scanner->backup_pos2.free_space )
                cvRestoreMemStoragePos( scanner->storage2, &scanner->backup_pos );
            scanner->subst_flag = 0;

        if( l_cinfo->contour )
            cvInsertNodeIntoTree( l_cinfo->contour, l_cinfo->parent->contour,
                                  &(scanner->frame) );
        scanner->l_cinfo = 0;
Example #2
/* Moves stack pointer to next block.
   If no blocks, allocate new one and link it to the storage: */
static void
icvGoNextMemBlock( CvMemStorage * storage )
    if( !storage )
        CV_Error( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );

    if( !storage->top || !storage->top->next )
        CvMemBlock *block;

        if( !(storage->parent) )
            block = (CvMemBlock *)cvAlloc( storage->block_size );
            CvMemStorage *parent = storage->parent;
            CvMemStoragePos parent_pos;

            cvSaveMemStoragePos( parent, &parent_pos );
            icvGoNextMemBlock( parent );

            block = parent->top;
            cvRestoreMemStoragePos( parent, &parent_pos );

            if( block == parent->top )  /* the single allocated block */
                assert( parent->bottom == block );
                parent->top = parent->bottom = 0;
                parent->free_space = 0;
                /* cut the block from the parent's list of blocks */
                parent->top->next = block->next;
                if( block->next )
                    block->next->prev = parent->top;

        /* link block */
        block->next = 0;
        block->prev = storage->top;

        if( storage->top )
            storage->top->next = block;
            storage->top = storage->bottom = block;

    if( storage->top->next )
        storage->top = storage->top->next;
    storage->free_space = storage->block_size - sizeof(CvMemBlock);
    assert( storage->free_space % CV_STRUCT_ALIGN == 0 );
Example #3
CvSeq *
cvFindNextContour( CvContourScanner scanner )
    char *img0;
    char *img;
    int step;
    int width, height;
    int x, y;
    int prev;
    CvPoint lnbd;
    CvSeq *contour = 0;
    int nbd;
    int mode;
    CvStatus result = (CvStatus) 1;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvFindNextContour" );


    if( !scanner )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "" );
    icvEndProcessContour( scanner );

    /* initialize local state */
    img0 = scanner->img0;
    img = scanner->img;
    step = scanner->img_step;
    x = scanner->pt.x;
    y = scanner->pt.y;
    width = scanner->img_size.width;
    height = scanner->img_size.height;
    mode = scanner->mode;
    lnbd = scanner->lnbd;
    nbd = scanner->nbd;

    prev = img[x - 1];

    for( ; y < height; y++, img += step )
        for( ; x < width; x++ )
            int p = img[x];

            if( p != prev )
                _CvContourInfo *par_info = 0;
                _CvContourInfo *l_cinfo = 0;
                CvSeq *seq = 0;
                int is_hole = 0;
                CvPoint origin;

                if( !(prev == 0 && p == 1) )    /* if not external contour */
                    /* check hole */
                    if( p != 0 || prev < 1 )
                        goto resume_scan;

                    if( prev & -2 )
                        lnbd.x = x - 1;
                    is_hole = 1;

                if( mode == 0 && (is_hole || img0[lnbd.y * step + lnbd.x] > 0) )
                    goto resume_scan;

                origin.y = y;
                origin.x = x - is_hole;

                /* find contour parent */
                if( mode <= 1 || (!is_hole && mode == 2) || lnbd.x <= 0 )
                    par_info = &(scanner->frame_info);
                    int lval = img0[lnbd.y * step + lnbd.x] & 0x7f;
                    _CvContourInfo *cur = scanner->cinfo_table[lval - 2];

                    assert( lval >= 2 );

                    /* find the first bounding contour */
                    while( cur )
                        if( (unsigned) (lnbd.x - cur->rect.x) < (unsigned) cur->rect.width &&
                            (unsigned) (lnbd.y - cur->rect.y) < (unsigned) cur->rect.height )
                            if( par_info )
                                if( icvTraceContour( scanner->img0 +
                                                     par_info->origin.y * step +
                                                     par_info->origin.x, step, img + lnbd.x,
                                                     par_info->is_hole ) > 0 )
                            par_info = cur;
                        cur = cur->next;

                    assert( par_info != 0 );

                    /* if current contour is a hole and previous contour is a hole or
                       current contour is external and previous contour is external then
                       the parent of the contour is the parent of the previous contour else
                       the parent is the previous contour itself. */
                    if( par_info->is_hole == is_hole )
                        par_info = par_info->parent;
                        /* every contour must have a parent
                           (at least, the frame of the image) */
                        if( !par_info )
                            par_info = &(scanner->frame_info);

                    /* hole flag of the parent must differ from the flag of the contour */
                    assert( par_info->is_hole != is_hole );
                    if( par_info->contour == 0 )        /* removed contour */
                        goto resume_scan;

                lnbd.x = x - is_hole;

                cvSaveMemStoragePos( scanner->storage2, &(scanner->backup_pos) );

                seq = cvCreateSeq( scanner->seq_type1, scanner->header_size1,
                                   scanner->elem_size1, scanner->storage1 );
                if( !seq )
                    result = CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;
                    goto exit_func;
                seq->flags |= is_hole ? CV_SEQ_FLAG_HOLE : 0;

                /* initialize header */
                if( mode <= 1 )
                    l_cinfo = &(scanner->cinfo_temp);
                    result = icvFetchContour( img + x - is_hole, step,
                                              cvPoint( origin.x + scanner->offset.x,
                                                       origin.y + scanner->offset.y),
                                              seq, scanner->approx_method1 );
                    if( result < 0 )
                        goto exit_func;
                    union { _CvContourInfo* ci; CvSetElem* se; } v;
                    v.ci = l_cinfo;
                    cvSetAdd( scanner->cinfo_set, 0, &v.se );
                    l_cinfo = v.ci;

                    result = icvFetchContourEx( img + x - is_hole, step,
                                                cvPoint( origin.x + scanner->offset.x,
                                                         origin.y + scanner->offset.y),
                                                seq, scanner->approx_method1,
                                                nbd, &(l_cinfo->rect) );
                    if( result < 0 )
                        goto exit_func;
                    l_cinfo->rect.x -= scanner->offset.x;
                    l_cinfo->rect.y -= scanner->offset.y;

                    l_cinfo->next = scanner->cinfo_table[nbd - 2];
                    scanner->cinfo_table[nbd - 2] = l_cinfo;

                    /* change nbd */
                    nbd = (nbd + 1) & 127;
                    nbd += nbd == 0 ? 3 : 0;

                l_cinfo->is_hole = is_hole;
                l_cinfo->contour = seq;
                l_cinfo->origin = origin;
                l_cinfo->parent = par_info;

                if( scanner->approx_method1 != scanner->approx_method2 )
                    result = icvApproximateChainTC89( (CvChain *) seq,
                                                      scanner->approx_method2 );
                    if( result < 0 )
                        goto exit_func;
                    cvClearMemStorage( scanner->storage1 );

                l_cinfo->contour->v_prev = l_cinfo->parent->contour;

                if( par_info->contour == 0 )
                    l_cinfo->contour = 0;
                    if( scanner->storage1 == scanner->storage2 )
                        cvRestoreMemStoragePos( scanner->storage1, &(scanner->backup_pos) );
                        cvClearMemStorage( scanner->storage1 );
                    p = img[x];
                    goto resume_scan;

                cvSaveMemStoragePos( scanner->storage2, &(scanner->backup_pos2) );
                scanner->l_cinfo = l_cinfo;
                scanner->pt.x = x + 1;
                scanner->pt.y = y;
                scanner->lnbd = lnbd;
                scanner->img = (char *) img;
                scanner->nbd = nbd;
                contour = l_cinfo->contour;

                result = CV_OK;
                goto exit_func;
                prev = p;
                /* update lnbd */
                if( prev & -2 )
                    lnbd.x = x;
            }                   /* end of prev != p */
        }                       /* end of loop on x */

        lnbd.x = 0;
        lnbd.y = y + 1;
        x = 1;
        prev = 0;

    }                           /* end of loop on y */


    if( result != 0 )
        contour = 0;
    if( result < 0 )
        CV_ERROR_FROM_STATUS( result );


    return contour;