Example #1
void main() {
	IplImage* img;
	CvCapture* cap=cvCaptureFromCAM(0);
	cvNamedWindow("Line Counter", 1);
	CvFont* font1=new CvFont;
	CvFont* font2=new CvFont;
	cvInitFont(font1, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0, 3, 8);
	cvInitFont(font2, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0, 2, 8);
	int val=0, axx=0, bxx=0;
	char text[8];
	for (;;) {
		img = cvQueryFrame(cap);
		if (!img) break;
		IplImage* gray1=cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width, img->height), 8, 1);
		IplImage* edge1=cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width, 16), 8, 1);
		cvCvtColor(img, gray1, 7);
		extract(gray1, edge1);
		dy(edge1, edge1);
		cvThreshold(edge1, edge1, 10, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
		if (val==0&&axx==0) { axx=1; }
		if (val==2&&axx==1) { axx=0; bxx++; }
		sprintf(text, "%i", bxx);
		comb(gray1, edge1);
		cvPutText(gray1, text, cvPoint(10, 160), font1, cvScalarAll(255));
		cvPutText(gray1, text, cvPoint(10, 160), font2, cvScalarAll(0));
		cvShowImage("Line Counter", gray1);
		if (cvWaitKey(5) > 0) break;
Example #2
IplImage *ocv_histogram1(IplImage *image) {
	if (!image) { present(1, "!image"); return NULL; }

	unsigned char *src = (unsigned char *)image->imageData;
	unsigned int width = image->width;
	unsigned int height = image->height;
	unsigned int widthStep = image->widthStep;

	double frequencies[256];
	data_histogram(frequencies, src, width, height, widthStep);

	IplImage *image2 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(image), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	cvSet(image2, cvScalarAll(0), NULL);

	double spacing = (double)width / 256;
	for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
			cvPoint((int)(i *	spacing), height * (1 - frequencies[i])),
			cvPoint((int)((i+1)*spacing), height * (1 - frequencies[i])),

	return image2;
static void projectImg(IplImage *src, int64_t TRANS_X, int64_t TRANS_Y,
		IplImage *dst, CvMat *tmatrix) {
	if (tmatrix->rows == 2) {
		CvMat* result = cvCreateMat(2, 3, CV_32FC1);
		cvSetReal2D(result, 0, 0, cvGetReal2D(tmatrix, 0, 0));
		cvSetReal2D(result, 0, 1, cvGetReal2D(tmatrix, 0, 1));
		cvSetReal2D(result, 1, 0, cvGetReal2D(tmatrix, 1, 0));
		cvSetReal2D(result, 1, 1, cvGetReal2D(tmatrix, 1, 1));
		cvSetReal2D(result, 0, 2, cvGetReal2D(tmatrix, 0, 2) + TRANS_X);
		cvSetReal2D(result, 1, 2, cvGetReal2D(tmatrix, 1, 2) + TRANS_Y);
		cvWarpAffine(src, dst, result, CV_INTER_LINEAR, cvScalarAll(0));
	} else if (tmatrix->rows == 3) {
		//translate matrix
		CvMat* offset = cvCreateMat(3, 3, CV_32FC1);
		cvSetReal2D(offset, 0, 0, 1);
		cvSetReal2D(offset, 0, 1, 0);
		cvSetReal2D(offset, 0, 2, TRANS_X);
		cvSetReal2D(offset, 1, 0, 0);
		cvSetReal2D(offset, 1, 1, 1);
		cvSetReal2D(offset, 1, 2, TRANS_Y);
		cvSetReal2D(offset, 2, 0, 0);
		cvSetReal2D(offset, 2, 1, 0);
		cvSetReal2D(offset, 2, 2, 1);
		CvMat* result = cvCreateMat(3, 3, CV_32FC1);
		cvMatMul(offset, tmatrix, result);
		cvWarpPerspective(src, dst, result, CV_INTER_LINEAR, cvScalarAll(0));
Example #4
int CV_CalcHistTest::prepare_test_case( int test_case_idx )
    int code = CV_BaseHistTest::prepare_test_case( test_case_idx );

    if( code > 0 )
        CvRNG* rng = ts->get_rng();
        int i;

        for( i = 0; i <= CV_MAX_DIM; i++ )
            if( i < cdims )
                int nch = 1; //cvTsRandInt(rng) % 3 + 1;
                images[i] = cvCreateImage( img_size,
                    img_type == CV_8U ? IPL_DEPTH_8U : IPL_DEPTH_32F, nch );
                channels[i] = cvTsRandInt(rng) % nch;

                cvRandArr( rng, images[i], CV_RAND_UNI,
                    cvScalarAll(low), cvScalarAll(high) );
            else if( i == CV_MAX_DIM && cvTsRandInt(rng) % 2 )
                // create mask
                images[i] = cvCreateImage( img_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
                // make ~25% pixels in the mask non-zero
                cvRandArr( rng, images[i], CV_RAND_UNI,
                    cvScalarAll(-2), cvScalarAll(2) );

    return code;
Example #5
void on_mouse(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void*){  if(!img)

  if(event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP){
    pt = cvPoint(x, y);

    if(prev_pt.x < 0)
      prev_pt = pt;
    cvRectangle(img, prev_pt, pt, cvScalarAll(255), 2, 8, 0);
    cvShowImage("学生証スキャナー", img);

  else if(event == CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN){
    cvCopy(img0, tmp);
    cvCopy(img0, img);
    cvShowImage("学生証スキャナー", tmp);
    prev_pt = cvPoint(x, y); //set the start point

  else if(event == CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE && (flags == CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON)){
    pt = cvPoint(x, y);
    if(prev_pt.x < 0)
      prev_pt = pt;
    cvCopy(img, tmp);
    cvRectangle(tmp, prev_pt, pt, cvScalarAll(255), 2, CV_AA, 0);
    cvShowImage("学生証スキャナー", tmp);
Example #6
void CV_BaseHistTest::init_hist( int /*test_case_idx*/, int hist_i )
    if( gen_random_hist )
        CvRNG* rng = ts->get_rng();
        CvArr* h = hist[hist_i]->bins;
        if( hist_type == CV_HIST_ARRAY )
            cvRandArr( rng, h, CV_RAND_UNI,
                cvScalarAll(0), cvScalarAll(gen_hist_max_val) );
            int i, j, total_size = 1, nz_count;
            int idx[CV_MAX_DIM];
            for( i = 0; i < cdims; i++ )
                total_size *= dims[i];

            nz_count = cvTsRandInt(rng) % MAX( total_size/4, 100 );
            nz_count = MIN( nz_count, total_size );

            // a zero number of non-zero elements should be allowed
            for( i = 0; i < nz_count; i++ )
                for( j = 0; j < cdims; j++ )
                    idx[j] = cvTsRandInt(rng) % dims[j];
                cvSetRealND( h, idx, cvTsRandReal(rng)*gen_hist_max_val );
Example #7
void thinImage(IplImage *source, IplImage *destination) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        for (int i = 1; i < source->height - 2; i++) {
            for (int j = 1; j < source->width - 2; j++) {
                if (cvGet2D(destination, i, j).val[0] == BLACK_PIXEL) {
                    if (firstCondition(destination, i, j) &&
                        secondCondition(destination, i, j) &&
                        thirdCondition(destination, i, j) &&
                        fourthCondition(destination, i, j) &&
                        fifthCondition(destination, i, j) &&
                        sixthCondition(destination, i, j)
                        cvSet2D(destination, i, j, cvScalarAll(DELETED_PIXEL));
        for (int i = 0; i < source->height - 5; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < source->width - 5; j++) {
                if (cvGet2D(destination, i, j).val[0] == DELETED_PIXEL) {
                    cvSet2D(destination, i, j, cvScalarAll(WHITE_PIXEL));

Example #8
void flood(IplImage *img)
CvPoint seed=cvPoint(g,h);
CvScalar color=CV_RGB(250,0,0);
printf("ab %d  %d\n",g,h);

Example #9
int CV_CalcBackProjectTest::prepare_test_case( int test_case_idx )
    int code = CV_BaseHistTest::prepare_test_case( test_case_idx );

    if( code > 0 )
        CvRNG* rng = ts->get_rng();
        int i, j, n, img_len = img_size.width*img_size.height;

        for( i = 0; i < CV_MAX_DIM + 3; i++ )
            if( i < cdims )
                int nch = 1; //cvTsRandInt(rng) % 3 + 1;
                images[i] = cvCreateImage( img_size,
                    img_type == CV_8U ? IPL_DEPTH_8U : IPL_DEPTH_32F, nch );
                channels[i] = cvTsRandInt(rng) % nch;

                cvRandArr( rng, images[i], CV_RAND_UNI,
                    cvScalarAll(low), cvScalarAll(high) );
            else if( i == CV_MAX_DIM && cvTsRandInt(rng) % 2 )
                // create mask
                images[i] = cvCreateImage( img_size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
                // make ~25% pixels in the mask non-zero
                cvRandArr( rng, images[i], CV_RAND_UNI,
                    cvScalarAll(-2), cvScalarAll(2) );
            else if( i > CV_MAX_DIM )
                images[i] = cvCreateImage( img_size, images[0]->depth, 1 );

        cvTsCalcHist( images, hist[0], images[CV_MAX_DIM], channels );

        // now modify the images a bit to add some zeros go to the backprojection
        n = cvTsRandInt(rng) % (img_len/20+1);
        for( i = 0; i < cdims; i++ )
            char* data = images[i]->imageData;
            for( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
                int idx = cvTsRandInt(rng) % img_len;
                double val = cvTsRandReal(rng)*(high - low) + low;
                if( img_type == CV_8U )
                    ((uchar*)data)[idx] = (uchar)cvRound(val);
                    ((float*)data)[idx] = (float)val;

    return code;
void CV_MHIGlobalOrientTest::get_minmax_bounds( int i, int j, int type, CvScalar* low, CvScalar* high )
    CV_MHIBaseTest::get_minmax_bounds( i, j, type, low, high );
    if( i == INPUT && j == 2 )
        *low = cvScalarAll(min_angle);
        *high = cvScalarAll(max_angle);
Example #11
int main (int argc, char **argv)
    int width=960, height=640;
    IplImage *img=0;
    double c, f;
    f = cvGetTickFrequency()*1000;
    int cx = width/2;
    int cy = height/2;
    double radius = 100;
    double angle = 0;
    CvScalar color = cvScalarAll(255);
    CvFont font;
    cvInitFont(&font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1, CV_AA);
    cvNamedWindow ("hexagon", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    while (1) {
        // (1)allocate and initialize an image
        img = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
        if(img == 0) return -1;
        // (2) draw hexagon
        c = cvGetTickCount();
        myHexagon(img, cx, cy, radius, angle, color);
        printf("%fms\n", (cvGetTickCount()-c)/f);
        // (3)show the iamge, and press some key
        cvPutText(img, "Coordinate Right(D) Left(A) Up(W) Down(X)", cvPoint(10, 20), &font, cvScalarAll(255));
        cvPutText(img, "Rotate Right(R) Left(E)", cvPoint(10, 40), &font, cvScalarAll(255));
        cvPutText(img, "Radius Big(V) Small(C)", cvPoint(10, 60), &font, cvScalarAll(255));
        cvPutText(img, "Quit(Q, esc)", cvPoint(10, 80), &font, cvScalarAll(255));
        char s[64];
        sprintf(s, "cx:%d cy:%d radius:%f angle:%f", cx, cy, radius, angle);
        cvPutText(img, s, cvPoint(10, 110), &font, cvScalarAll(255));
        cvShowImage ("hexagon", img);
        char key = cvWaitKey (0);
        if (key == 27 || key == 'q') break;
        else if (key == 'r') angle += 5;
        else if (key == 'e') angle -= 5;
        else if (key == 'a') cx -= 5;
        else if (key == 'd') cx += 5;
        else if (key == 'w') cy -= 5;
        else if (key == 'x') cy += 5;
        else if (key == 'v') radius += 5;
        else if (key == 'c') radius -= 5;
    return 0;
void ofxCvWatershed::segment() {
    int nContours = cvFindContours( iplMarkersTempImg, storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour),
                                   CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
    int i, j, compCount = 0;
    cvZero( iplMarkers32sImg );
    for( ; contours != 0; contours = contours->h_next, compCount++ ) {
                       -1, -1, 8, 
    CvRNG rng = cvRNG(-1);
    colors = cvCreateMat( 1, compCount, CV_8UC3 );
    for( i = 0; i < compCount; i++ ) {
        uchar* ptr = colors->data.ptr + i*3;
        // no colors for now.
        ptr[0] = (uchar)0;//(cvRandInt(&rng)%180 + 50);
        ptr[1] = (uchar)0;//(cvRandInt(&rng)%180 + 50);
        ptr[2] = (uchar)0;//(cvRandInt(&rng)%180 + 50);
    cvWatershed( iplTargetImg, iplMarkers32sImg );
    // paint the watershed image
    for( i = 0; i < iplMarkers32sImg->height; i++ ) {
        for( j = 0; j < iplMarkers32sImg->width; j++ ) {
            int idx     =  CV_IMAGE_ELEM( iplMarkers32sImg, int, i, j );
            uchar* dst  = &CV_IMAGE_ELEM( iplTargetImg, uchar, i, j*3 );
            if( idx == -1 ) {
                dst[0] = dst[1] = dst[2] = (uchar)255;
            } else if( idx <= 0 || idx > compCount ){
                dst[0] = dst[1] = dst[2] = (uchar)0; // should not get here
            }else {
                uchar* ptr = colors->data.ptr + (idx-1)*3;
                dst[0] = ptr[0]; dst[1] = ptr[1]; dst[2] = ptr[2];
    //cvAddWeighted( watershed, 0.5, colorImg.getCvImage(), 0.5, 0, watershed );
    watershedImg     = iplTargetImg;
    watershedGrayImg = watershedImg;
    printf("contorus %i", contourFinder.findContours( watershedGrayImg, 10, 
                               (watershedImg.width * watershedImg.height)/ 2.f,
                               20, true));
Example #13
void setup(CvSize size) {
	BLACK1D = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	cvSet(BLACK1D, cvScalarAll(0), NULL);

	GRAY1D = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	cvSet(GRAY1D, cvScalarAll(127), NULL);
	WHITE1D = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	cvSet(WHITE1D, cvScalarAll(255), NULL);
int catcierge_haar_matcher_find_prey(catcierge_haar_matcher_t *ctx,
									IplImage *img, IplImage *thr_img,
									match_result_t *result, int save_steps)
	catcierge_haar_matcher_args_t *args = ctx->args;
	IplImage *thr_img2 = NULL;
	CvSeq *contours = NULL;
	size_t contour_count = 0;

	// thr_img is modified by FindContours so we clone it first.
	thr_img2 = cvCloneImage(thr_img);

	cvFindContours(thr_img, ctx->storage, &contours,
		sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, cvPoint(0, 0));

	// If we get more than 1 contour we count it as a prey. At least something
	// is intersecting the white are to split up the image.
	contour_count = catcierge_haar_matcher_count_contours(ctx, contours);

	// If we don't find any prey 
	if ((args->prey_steps >= 2) && (contour_count == 1))
		IplImage *erod_img = NULL;
		IplImage *open_img = NULL;
		CvSeq *contours2 = NULL;

		erod_img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(thr_img2), 8, 1);
		cvErode(thr_img2, erod_img, ctx->kernel3x3, 3);
		if (ctx->super.debug) cvShowImage("haar eroded img", erod_img);

		open_img = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(thr_img2), 8, 1);
		cvMorphologyEx(erod_img, open_img, NULL, ctx->kernel5x1, CV_MOP_OPEN, 1);
		if (ctx->super.debug) cvShowImage("haar opened img", erod_img);

		cvFindContours(erod_img, ctx->storage, &contours2,
			sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, cvPoint(0, 0));

		contour_count = catcierge_haar_matcher_count_contours(ctx, contours2);

	if (ctx->super.debug)
		cvDrawContours(img, contours, cvScalarAll(0), cvScalarAll(0), 1, 1, 8, cvPoint(0, 0));
		cvShowImage("Haar Contours", img);


	return (contour_count > 1);
Example #15
void graficarHistograma(IplImage *dst, size_t binsCount, size_t *bins) {
	static CvScalar hist_color = cvScalarAll(255);
	size_t hist_size = 256;
	//cvSet(ImagenHistorial, cvScalarAll(0), 0);

	//Actúo en función de la cantidad de colores de la imágen
	if (dst->nChannels == 1) {
		size_t max_value = 0;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < binsCount * hist_size; i++) {
			max_value = (bins[i] > max_value) ? bins[i] : max_value;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < binsCount * hist_size; i++) {
			bins[i] /= max_value;
		float w_scale = ((float)dst->width) / hist_size;

		//Graficar en la imagen
		for (int i = 0; i < hist_size; i++) {
				cvPoint(binsCount * hist_size + (int)(i       * w_scale), dst->height - bins[i]),
				cvPoint(binsCount * hist_size + (int)((i + 1) * w_scale), dst->height - bins[i]),
				hist_color, 2, 8, 0);

		//printf("Scale bw: %4.2f pixels per 100 units\r", max_value * 100 / ((float)ImagenHistorial->height));
	} else if (dst->nChannels == 3) {
		IplImage *channelA = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(dst), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
		IplImage *channelB = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(dst), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
		IplImage *channelC = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(dst), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
		cvSplit(dst, channelA, channelB, channelC, NULL);

		size_t mybins[256];
		size_t max_value = 0;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < hist_size; i++) {
			max_value = (bins[i] > max_value) ? bins[i] : max_value;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < binsCount * hist_size; i++) {
			bins[i] /= max_value;
		hist_color = cvScalar(255, 0, 0);
		graficarHistograma(channelA, binsCount, bins);

		hist_color = cvScalar(0, 255, 0);
		graficarHistograma(channelB, binsCount, bins);

		hist_color = cvScalar(0, 0, 255);
		graficarHistograma(channelC, binsCount, bins);

		hist_color = cvScalarAll(255);

Example #16
 * Paint all contours with a single OpenCV call on an image.
void test_cvDrawContours( IplImage *img, CvSeq* contours)
	IplImage* image_all_contours = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img), 8, 1);
	cvCopy(img, image_all_contours, NULL);
//		CvSeq* contour = contours; // first contour
	// TODO need for loop to iterate through sequence
	cvDrawContours( image_all_contours, contours, cvScalarAll(255), cvScalarAll(0), 0, CV_FILLED, 8, cvPoint(0,0));

	cvShowImage( "All contours", image_all_contours);
Example #17
CvKalman* initKalman(CvKalman* kalman) {
	const float A[] = {1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1};
	kalman = cvCreateKalman(4, 2, 0);
	memcpy(kalman->transition_matrix->data.fl, A, sizeof(A));//A
	cvSetIdentity(kalman->measurement_matrix, cvScalarAll(1));//H
	cvSetIdentity(kalman->process_noise_cov, cvScalarAll(1e-5));//Q w ;
	cvSetIdentity(kalman->measurement_noise_cov, cvScalarAll(1e-1));//R v
	cvSetIdentity(kalman->error_cov_post, cvScalarAll(1));//P
	return kalman;
/* Shadow Removal on the basis of Y correction and colour adjustment*/
cv::Mat LaneDetector::shadowRemoval(cv::Mat &img){
    cv::Mat original_image=img;
    int shadow_mean =0, non_shadow_mean =0 ,count_shadow=0,count_non_shadow=0, difference;
    cv::Mat binary(original_image.rows,original_image.cols,CV_8UC1,cvScalarAll(0));
    cv::Mat image_ycrcb(original_image.rows,original_image.cols,CV_8UC3,cvScalarAll(0));
    cv::Mat final(original_image.rows,original_image.cols,CV_8UC3,cvScalarAll(0));
    binary = shadowDetection(image_ycrcb);    
    if (debug_mode > 0){
    cv::Mat element = cv::getStructuringElement( cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE,
                                       cv::Size( 7,7),
                                       cv::Point( 3, 3) );
    element = cv::getStructuringElement( cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE,
                                       cv::Size( 5,5),
                                       cv::Point( 2, 2) );
    if (debug_mode > 0){
    for (int i=0;i<image_ycrcb.rows;i++){
        for (int j=0;j<image_ycrcb.cols;j++){
            if (binary.at<uchar>(i,j)==0){
                shadow_mean += image_ycrcb.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[0];
                non_shadow_mean += image_ycrcb.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[0];
    if (count_shadow != 0){
        difference = non_shadow_mean/count_non_shadow - shadow_mean/count_shadow;
        for (int i=0;i<image_ycrcb.rows;i++){
            for (int j=0;j<image_ycrcb.cols;j++){
                if (binary.at<uchar>(i,j)==0){
                    image_ycrcb.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[0] += difference/2; // Y adjustment
                    image_ycrcb.at<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[2] -= difference/6; // Colour adjustment
        return final;
Example #19
cv::Mat &RegionMask::QPolygon2Mask(cv::Mat &img, const QPolygon external, const QList<QPolygon> &holes) {
    vector<vector<cv::Point> > points;

    Utils::QPolygon2CvPointArray(external, points);
    cv::fillPoly(img, points, cvScalarAll(255), 4);

    for(const QPolygon& hole : holes){
        Utils::QPolygon2CvPointArray(hole, points);
        cv::fillPoly(img, points, cvScalarAll(0),4 );
    return img;
Example #20
struct point*
get_contour_points_from_image_with_size (const GdkPixbuf *image,
                                         int             *size)
  IplImage *ipl_image, *ipl_gray;
  CvMemStorage *contours;
  CvSeq *first_contour;
  CvScalar black, white;
  struct point *result;

  black = cvScalarAll (0);
  white = cvScalarAll (255);

  ipl_image = pixbuf2ipl (image);

  ipl_gray = cvCreateImage (cvGetSize (ipl_image),

  cvCvtColor (ipl_image, ipl_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
  cvThreshold (ipl_gray, ipl_gray, 127, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY|CV_THRESH_OTSU);
  cvSmooth (ipl_gray, ipl_gray, CV_GAUSSIAN, 15, 15, 0, 0);

  contours = cvCreateMemStorage (0);
  first_contour = NULL;
  cvFindContours (ipl_gray,
                  sizeof (CvContour),
                  cvPoint (0,0));

  result = (struct point*) malloc (sizeof (struct point) * first_contour->total);
  for (int i = 0; i < first_contour->total; ++i)
      CvPoint *contour_point;

      contour_point = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM (CvPoint, first_contour, i);

      result[i].x = contour_point->x;
      result[i].y = contour_point->y;

  *size = first_contour->total;

  cvReleaseImage (&ipl_image);
  cvReleaseImage (&ipl_gray);
  cvReleaseMemStorage (&contours);

  return result;
Example #21
unsigned char p2p4Check(IplImage *source, int i, int j, int k, int l) {
    unsigned char pixelShouldBeDeleted = YES;
    if (cvGet2D(source, i + k, j + l).val[0] == DELETED_PIXEL) {
        pixelShouldBeDeleted = NO;
        cvSet2D(source, i + k, j + l, cvScalarAll(WHITE_PIXEL));
        if (fourthCondition(source, i, j) == YES)
            pixelShouldBeDeleted = YES;
        cvSet2D(source, i+k, j+l, cvScalarAll(DELETED_PIXEL));
    return pixelShouldBeDeleted;
Example #22
void SetImageFloodFill(IplImage *img)
	CvPoint *imgPoint = new CvPoint;
	imgPoint->x = img->width / 2;
	imgPoint->y = img->height / 2;

	CvScalar *imgScalar = new CvScalar;
	imgScalar->val[0] = 215; 
	imgScalar->val[1] = 59;
	imgScalar->val[2] = 62;

	cvFloodFill(img, *imgPoint, *imgScalar, cvScalarAll(7.0), cvScalarAll(7.0), NULL, 4, NULL);
cvSegmentFGMask( CvArr* _mask, int poly1Hull0, float perimScale,
                 CvMemStorage* storage, CvPoint offset )
    CvMat mstub, *mask = cvGetMat( _mask, &mstub );
    CvMemStorage* tempStorage = storage ? storage : cvCreateMemStorage();
    CvSeq *contours, *c;
    int nContours = 0;
    CvContourScanner scanner;
    // clean up raw mask
    cvMorphologyEx( mask, mask, 0, 0, CV_MOP_OPEN, 1 );
    cvMorphologyEx( mask, mask, 0, 0, CV_MOP_CLOSE, 1 );

    // find contours around only bigger regions
    scanner = cvStartFindContours( mask, tempStorage,
        sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, offset );
    while( (c = cvFindNextContour( scanner )) != 0 ) 
        double len = cvContourPerimeter( c );
        double q = (mask->rows + mask->cols)/perimScale; // calculate perimeter len threshold
        if( len < q ) //Get rid of blob if it's perimeter is too small
            cvSubstituteContour( scanner, 0 );
        else //Smooth it's edges if it's large enough
            CvSeq* newC;
            if( poly1Hull0 ) //Polygonal approximation of the segmentation 
                newC = cvApproxPoly( c, sizeof(CvContour), tempStorage, CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, 2, 0 ); 
            else //Convex Hull of the segmentation
                newC = cvConvexHull2( c, tempStorage, CV_CLOCKWISE, 1 );
            cvSubstituteContour( scanner, newC );
    contours = cvEndFindContours( &scanner );

    // paint the found regions back into the image
    cvZero( mask );
    for( c=contours; c != 0; c = c->h_next ) 
        cvDrawContours( mask, c, cvScalarAll(255), cvScalarAll(0), -1, CV_FILLED, 8,

    if( tempStorage != storage )
        cvReleaseMemStorage( &tempStorage );
        contours = 0;

    return contours;
Example #24
// ***************************CHECKPOINT 1 Methods: Initialization**************************
// Initialization
int initialize(FILE * poseFile, struct pData * poses, char ** filenames, int file_count)
  int c, count, vecCount, matCount;
  char filename[45];
  char timeData[40];
  char poseData[200];

  poses[file_count].eye = cvScalarAll(0.0);
  poses[file_count].center = cvScalarAll(0.0);
  poses[file_count].up = cvScalarAll(0.0);
  count = 0;
  memset(filename, 0, 40);
  while((c = fgetc(poseFile)) != ' ') {
    filename[count] = (char) c;
  filename[count] = '.';
  filename[count+1] = 'j';
  filename[count+2] = 'p';
  filename[count+3] = 'g';
  filenames[file_count] = (char*) malloc((strlen(filename) + 4) * sizeof(char));
  strcpy(filenames[file_count], filename);
  count = 0;
  memset(timeData, 0, 40);
  while((c = fgetc(poseFile)) != ' ') {
    timeData[count] = (char) c;
  for (matCount = 0; matCount < 3; matCount++) {
    for (vecCount = 0; vecCount < 3; vecCount++) {
      count = 0;
      memset(poseData, 0, 200);
      while((c = fgetc(poseFile)) != ' ' && c != '\n') {
	poseData[count] = (char) c;
      if (matCount == 0) {
	poses[file_count].eye.val[vecCount] = atof(poseData);
      } else if (matCount == 1) {
	poses[file_count].center.val[vecCount] = atof(poseData);
      } else {
	poses[file_count].up.val[vecCount] = atof(poseData);
void CV_MHIBaseTest::get_minmax_bounds( int i, int j, int type, CvScalar* low, CvScalar* high )
    CvArrTest::get_minmax_bounds( i, j, type, low, high );
    if( i == INPUT && CV_MAT_DEPTH(type) == CV_8U )
        *low = cvScalarAll(cvRound(-1./silh_ratio)+2.);
        *high = cvScalarAll(2);
    else if( i == mhi_i || i == mhi_ref_i )
        *low = cvScalarAll(-exp(max_log_duration));
        *high = cvScalarAll(0.);
Example #26
void adjustHSV(IplImage *&src, int HuePosition, int SaturationPosition, int ValuePosition)
	int Hue = HuePosition;
	double Saturation = SaturationPosition * 2.55;
	double Value = ValuePosition / 100.;

	//create float image
	IplImage *temp = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_32F, src->nChannels);
	cvConvertScale(src, temp, 1.0/255.0, 0);
	IplImage* floatingH = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
	IplImage* floatingS = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
	IplImage* floatingV = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );
	cvCvtColor(temp, temp, CV_BGR2HSV);//color convert
	cvSplit( temp, floatingH, floatingS, floatingV, NULL);

	cvAddS(floatingH, cvScalarAll(Hue), floatingH);
	cvAddS(floatingV, cvScalarAll(Value), floatingV);

	cvMerge(floatingH, floatingS, floatingV, NULL, temp);
	cvCvtColor(temp, temp, CV_HSV2BGR);

	cvConvertScale( temp, src, 255, 0 );

	IplImage *HSV = convertImageRGBtoHSV(src);
	IplImage *H = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), src->depth, 1);
	IplImage *S = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), src->depth, 1);
	IplImage *V = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src), src->depth, 1);

	cvSplit(HSV, H, S, V, 0);
	cvAddS(S, cvScalarAll(Saturation), S);

	cvMerge(H, S, V, 0, HSV);

	src = convertImageHSVtoRGB(HSV);

}//end HSV
Example #27
void showContent(IplImage * img)
		temp= cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	for (int i=0;i<InitContour.size();i++)
		cvCircle(temp, InitContour[i], 2, cvScalarAll(155));	
		int j = (i+1)%InitContour.size();
		cvLine( temp,  InitContour[i],InitContour[j] , cvScalarAll(100), 1);           
	cvShowImage( "srcImage", temp );

cv::Mat applyThreshold(cv::Mat &img, int debug) {
    int bin_threshold = 180;

    cv::Mat grayscale_image(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC1, cvScalarAll(0));
    cv::Mat threshold_image(img.rows, img.cols, CV_8UC1, cvScalarAll(0));

    if (debug == 4) {
        cv::namedWindow("threshold_control_box", 1);
        cv::createTrackbar("bin_threshold", "threshold_control_box", &bin_threshold, 255);

    cv::inRange(img, cv::Scalar(bin_threshold, bin_threshold, bin_threshold), cv::Scalar(256, 256, 256), threshold_image);

    return threshold_image;
} //  converting a given image into binary using a threshold_image
void DrawResult(IplImage* pSourceImage,
				CvSize iTemplateSize,
				ShiftValue iShiftParam,
				double dColor)
	if (pSourceImage == NULL)
		printf("DrawResult input SourceImage is NULL");
	double dX = iShiftParam.dX;
	double dY = iShiftParam.dY;
	double dWidth = iTemplateSize.width;
	double dHeight = iTemplateSize.height;
	CvPoint iTopLeft, iTopRight, iBottomLeft, iBottomRight;
	iTopLeft = cvPoint(-dWidth / 2, -dHeight / 2);
	iTopRight = cvPoint(dWidth / 2,  -dHeight / 2);
	iBottomLeft = cvPoint(-dWidth / 2, dHeight / 2);
	iBottomRight = cvPoint(dWidth / 2, dHeight / 2);
	CvPoint iTmpPoint;
	GetRotatedPoint(iTopLeft, iShiftParam.dAngle, iTmpPoint);
	iTopLeft = iTmpPoint;
	GetRotatedPoint(iTopRight, iShiftParam.dAngle, iTmpPoint);
	iTopRight = iTmpPoint;
	GetRotatedPoint(iBottomLeft, iShiftParam.dAngle, iTmpPoint);
	iBottomLeft = iTmpPoint;
	GetRotatedPoint(iBottomRight, iShiftParam.dAngle, iTmpPoint);
	iBottomRight = iTmpPoint;
	iTopLeft.x += dX;
	iTopRight.x += dX;
	iBottomLeft.x += dX;
	iBottomRight.x += dX;
	iTopLeft.y += dY;
	iTopRight.y += dY;
	iBottomLeft.y += dY;
	iBottomRight.y += dY;
	cvCircle(pSourceImage, cvPoint(dX, dY), 2, cvScalarAll(dColor));
	cvCircle(pSourceImage, iTopLeft, 2, cvScalarAll(dColor));
	cvCircle(pSourceImage, iTopRight, 2, cvScalarAll(dColor));
	cvCircle(pSourceImage, iBottomLeft, 2, cvScalarAll(dColor));
	cvCircle(pSourceImage, iBottomRight, 2, cvScalarAll(dColor));
	cvLine(pSourceImage, iTopLeft, iTopRight, cvScalarAll(dColor));
	cvLine(pSourceImage, iTopRight, iBottomRight, cvScalarAll(dColor));
	cvLine(pSourceImage, iBottomRight, iBottomLeft, cvScalarAll(dColor));
	cvLine(pSourceImage, iBottomLeft, iTopLeft, cvScalarAll(dColor));
Example #30
CvSeq *reghand::filthull2(CvSeq *filted_elimhull)
    //CvSeq *filtedhullseq=cvCloneSeq(filted_elimhull);
    float maxdis=0;CvPoint **fingpt;CvScalar mean,std=cvScalarAll(0);
    CvMat *dismat=cvCreateMat(1,filted_elimhull->total,CV_32FC1);
    CvPoint2D32f center=minrect.center;
    for (int i=0;i<filted_elimhull->total;i++)
        CvPoint **data=CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM(CvPoint*,filted_elimhull,i);
        CvPoint pt=**data;
        float dis=sqrt(pow(pt.x-center.x,2)+pow(pt.y-center.y,2));
    if(filted_elimhull->total==1&&maxdis>fingerTh*0.5) return filted_elimhull;
        CvPoint startpt=**CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM(CvPoint*,filted_elimhull,0);
        CvPoint endpt=**CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM(CvPoint*,filted_elimhull,1);;
        double bfang=atan(double(startpt.y-handcenter.y)/(startpt.x-handcenter.x))*180/PI;
        double afang=atan(double(endpt.y-handcenter.y)/(endpt.x-handcenter.x))*180/PI;
        {cvClearSeq(filted_elimhull);cvSeqPush(filted_elimhull,fingpt);return filted_elimhull;}
        else	return filted_elimhull;