/* ::cortex::Fast::StaticInitializer::define() */
cx_int16 Fast_StaticInitializer_define(Fast_StaticInitializer _this) {
/* $begin(::cortex::Fast::StaticInitializer::define) */
    cx_uint32 variable;
    cx_object o;

    /* Types are defined during 1st pass. All other objects are defined when a program starts. Defining types
     * at compile-time is required to do validity checking while parsing. On the other hand, objects cannot be
     * defined at compile-time because class constructors\destructors are not yet defined at that point. This
     * would cause object creation\destruction without calling the appropriate constructors\destructors.
    for(variable=0; variable<Fast_Initializer(_this)->variableCount; variable++) {
        o = (cx_object)Fast_Object(Fast_Initializer(_this)->variables[variable].object)->value;
        if (cx_instanceof(cx_type(cx_type_o), o)
                || (cx_checkAttr(o, CX_ATTR_SCOPED) && cx_instanceof(cx_type(cx_type_o), cx_parentof(o)))) {
            if (cx_define(o)) {
                cx_id id1, id2;
                Fast_Parser_error(yparser(), "define of variable '%s' of type '%s' failed",
                        Fast_Parser_id(o, id1),
                        Fast_Parser_id(cx_typeof(o), id2));
                goto error;
        } else {
            Fast_Expression refVar = Fast_Expression(Fast_Object__create(o));
            refVar->isReference = TRUE; /* Always treat object as reference */
            Fast_Define defineStmt = Fast_Define__create(refVar);
            Fast_Parser_addStatement(yparser(), Fast_Node(defineStmt));
            Fast_Parser_collect(yparser(), defineStmt);
            Fast_Parser_collect(yparser(), refVar);

    return 0;
    return -1;
/* $end */
Example #2
/* Define object */
static void cx_defineObject(cx_object o) {
    if (cx_define(o)) {
        cx_error("construction of builtin-object '%s' failed.", cx_nameof(o));
Example #3
/* ::cortex::lang::type::define() */
cx_int16 cx_type_define(cx_any _this) {
/* $begin(::cortex::lang::type::define) */
    return cx_define(_this.value);
/* $end */