void DirectXRender::setCamera2d(IND_Camera2d *pCamera2d) {
	D3DXMATRIX mScale, mRotate, mMatLookAt, mMatView, mMatProjection;
	D3DXMatrixIdentity (&mScale);
	D3DXMatrixIdentity (&mRotate);
	D3DXMatrixIdentity (&mMatLookAt);
	D3DXMatrixIdentity (&mMatView);
	D3DXMatrixIdentity (&mMatProjection);

	//Setup point-to-pixel scale ratio on camera transform
	D3DXMATRIX mMatPointPixel;

    //Buffer D3DVec3 structs from our camera 3d vectors
	// -0.5f due to pixel to texel conversion. Done in camera to make less calculations (only on camera instead than on every vertex)
    D3DXVECTOR3 d3dpos (pCamera2d->_pos._x-0.5f,pCamera2d->_pos._y-0.5f,pCamera2d->_pos._z);
    D3DXVECTOR3 d3dlook (pCamera2d->_look._x,pCamera2d->_look._y, pCamera2d->_look._z);
    D3DXVECTOR3 d3dup (pCamera2d->_up._x,pCamera2d->_up._y, pCamera2d->_up._z);
    D3DXVECTOR3 d3dright (pCamera2d->_right._x,pCamera2d->_right._y, pCamera2d->_right._z);

	// ----- Rotation -----
	// Roll is rotation around the z axis (_look)
	D3DXMatrixRotationAxis (&mRotate, &d3dlook, D3DXToRadian(pCamera2d->_angle - pCamera2d->_prevAngle));
	//To apply roll we rotate up and right about the look vector (using our roll matrix)
	D3DXVec3TransformCoord (&d3dright, &d3dright, &mRotate); 
	D3DXVec3TransformCoord (&d3dup, &d3dup, &mRotate);
	//Put the values back again to camera.
	pCamera2d->_right._x = d3dright.x;
	pCamera2d->_right._y = d3dright.y;
	pCamera2d->_right._z = d3dright.z;
	pCamera2d->_up._x = d3dup.x;
	pCamera2d->_up._y = d3dup.y;
	pCamera2d->_up._z = d3dup.z;
	//Make prev and actual angle in camera equal

	// Build the view matrix from the camera axis
	//Utility DirectX function has use of 'at' vector instead of 'look' vector. Compute it:
	D3DXVECTOR3 d3dAt (d3dpos.x + d3dlook.x,d3dpos.y + d3dlook.y,d3dpos.z + d3dlook.z);
	D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mMatView, &mMatView, &mMatLookAt);

	// ---- Zoom ----
	if (pCamera2d->_zoom != 1.0f)
		D3DXMatrixScaling (&mScale, pCamera2d->_zoom, pCamera2d->_zoom, pCamera2d->_zoom);
		D3DXMatrixMultiply (&mMatView, &mMatView, &mScale);

	// ----- Set transformation -----
	_info._device->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &mMatView);

	// ----- Projection matrix -----
	D3DXMatrixOrthoLH(&mMatProjection, static_cast<float>( _info._viewPortWidth), static_cast<float>( _info._viewPortHeight), -2048.0f, 2048.0f);
	_info._device->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &mMatProjection);
\b Parameters:

\arg \b pCamera3d               ::IND_Camera3d object that defines a camera.

\b Operation:

This function sets a 3d camera. See the methods of ::IND_Camera3d for information on how you can manipulate the camera.
void DirectXRender::setCamera3d(IND_Camera3d *pCamera3d) {
	D3DXMATRIX mTrans, mMatView, mMatProjection;

	// ----- View matrix -----

	pCamera3d->_up      = IND_Vector3 (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	pCamera3d->_look    = IND_Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	pCamera3d->_right   = IND_Vector3 (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    //Buffer D3DVec3 structs from our camera 3d vectors
    D3DXVECTOR3 d3dpos (pCamera3d->_pos._x,pCamera3d->_pos._y,pCamera3d->_pos._z);
    D3DXVECTOR3 d3dlook (pCamera3d->_look._x,pCamera3d->_look._y, pCamera3d->_look._z);
    D3DXVECTOR3 d3dup (pCamera3d->_up._x,pCamera3d->_up._y, pCamera3d->_up._z);
    D3DXVECTOR3 d3dright (pCamera3d->_right._x,pCamera3d->_right._y, pCamera3d->_right._z);

	// Yaw is rotation around the y axis (_up)
	// Create a matrix that can carry out this rotation
	D3DXMATRIX yawMatrix;
	D3DXMatrixRotationAxis(&yawMatrix, &d3dup, D3DXToRadian(pCamera3d->_yaw));
	// To apply yaw we rotate the _look & _right vectors about the _up vector (using our yaw matrix)
	D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&d3dlook, &d3dlook, &yawMatrix);
	D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&d3dright, &d3dright, &yawMatrix);

	// Pitch is rotation around the x axis (_right)
	// Create a matrix that can carry out this rotation
	D3DXMATRIX pitchMatrix;
	D3DXMatrixRotationAxis(&pitchMatrix, &d3dright, D3DXToRadian(pCamera3d->_pitch));
	// To apply pitch we rotate the _look and _up vectors about the _right vector (using our pitch matrix)
	D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&d3dlook, &d3dlook, &pitchMatrix);
	D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&d3dup, &d3dup, &pitchMatrix);

	// Roll is rotation around the z axis (_look)
	// Create a matrix that can carry out this rotation
	D3DXMATRIX rollMatrix;
	D3DXMatrixRotationAxis(&rollMatrix, &d3dlook, D3DXToRadian(pCamera3d->_roll));
	// To apply roll we rotate up and right about the look vector (using our roll matrix)
	// Note: roll only really applies for things like aircraft unless you are implementing lean
	D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&d3dright, &d3dright, &rollMatrix);
	D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&d3dup, &d3dup, &rollMatrix);

	// Build the view matrix from the transformed camera axis
	mMatView._11 = pCamera3d->_right._x;
	mMatView._12 = pCamera3d->_up._x;
	mMatView._13 = pCamera3d->_look._x;
	mMatView._21 = pCamera3d->_right._y;
	mMatView._22 = pCamera3d->_up._y;
	mMatView._23 = pCamera3d->_look._y;
	mMatView._31 = pCamera3d->_right._z;
	mMatView._32 = pCamera3d->_up._z;
	mMatView._33 = pCamera3d->_look._z;

	mMatView._41 = - D3DXVec3Dot(&d3dright, &d3dright);
	mMatView._42 = - D3DXVec3Dot(&d3dright, &d3dup);
	mMatView._43 = - D3DXVec3Dot(&d3dright, &d3dlook);

	// ---- Zoom ----

	D3DXMatrixScaling(&mTrans, pCamera3d->_zoom, pCamera3d->_zoom, pCamera3d->_zoom);
	D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mMatView, &mTrans, &mMatView);

	_info._device->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &mMatView);

	// ----- Projection matrix -----

	// Fov projection
	if (!pCamera3d->isOrthoProjection()) {
		D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH(&mMatProjection,                         // output
		                           pCamera3d->_fov,                        // Fov vertical
		                           pCamera3d->_aspect,                     // RelaciĆ³n de aspecto del viewport
		                           pCamera3d->_nearClippingPlane,          // Near clipping plane z
		                           pCamera3d->_farClippingPlane);          // Far clipping  plane z
	// Orthographic projection
	else {
		D3DXMatrixOrthoLH(&mMatProjection, pCamera3d->_orthoWidth, pCamera3d->_orthoHeight, pCamera3d->_nearClippingPlane, pCamera3d->_farClippingPlane);

	_info._device->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &mMatProjection);