Example #1
float SHRot::dW(const int k, const int l, const int m, const int n) {
    if(abs(m) == l || abs(m) == l-1)
        return 0.f;
    if(m > 0)
        return dP(k, l, m+1, n, 1) + dP(k, l, -m-1, n, -1);
        return dP(k, l, m-1, n, 1) - dP(k, l, -m+1, n, -1);
Example #2
QImage randomImage(int size, random_engine & rng) {
   QImage img(size, size, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
   QPainter p(&img);
   int N = std::uniform_int_distribution<>(25, 200)(rng);
   std::uniform_real_distribution<> dP(0, size);
   std::uniform_int_distribution<> dC(0, 255);
   QPointF pt1(dP(rng), dP(rng));
   for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
      QColor c(dC(rng), dC(rng), dC(rng));
      p.setPen(QPen(c, 3));
      QPointF pt2(dP(rng), dP(rng));
      p.drawLine(pt1, pt2);
      pt1 = pt2;
   return img;
Example #3
float SHRot::dV(const int k, const int l, const int m, const int n) {
    if(m > 1)
        return dP(k, l, m-1, n, 1) - dP(k, l, -m+1, n, -1);
    else if(m == 1)
        return sqrtf(2.f)*dP(k, l, 0, n, 1);
    else if(m == 0)
        return dP(k, l, 1, n, 1) + dP(k, l, -1, n, -1);
    else if(m == -1)
        return sqrtf(2.f)*dP(k, l, 0, n, -1);
        return dP(k, l, -m-1, n, -1) + dP(k, l, m+1, n, 1);
train(const vector<Mat> &images,
      const Size psize,
      const float var,
      const float lambda,
      const float mu_init,
      const int nsamples,
      const bool visi)
  int N = images.size(),n = psize.width*psize.height;

  //compute desired response map
  Size wsize = images[0].size();
  if((wsize.width < psize.width) || (wsize.height < psize.height)){
    cerr << "Invalid image size < patch size!" << endl; throw std::exception();
  int dx = wsize.width-psize.width,dy = wsize.height-psize.height;
  Mat F(dy,dx,CV_32F);
  for(int y = 0; y < dy; y++){   float vy = (dy-1)/2 - y;
    for(int x = 0; x < dx; x++){ float vx = (dx-1)/2 - x;
      F.fl(y,x) = exp(-0.5*(vx*vx+vy*vy)/var);

  //allocate memory
  Mat I(wsize.height,wsize.width,CV_32F);
  Mat dP(psize.height,psize.width,CV_32F);
  Mat O = Mat::ones(psize.height,psize.width,CV_32F)/n;
  P = Mat::zeros(psize.height,psize.width,CV_32F);

  //optimise using stochastic gradient descent
  RNG rn(getTickCount()); double mu=mu_init,step=pow(1e-8/mu_init,1.0/nsamples);
  for(int sample = 0; sample < nsamples; sample++){ int i = rn.uniform(0,N);
    I = this->convert_image(images[i]); dP = 0.0;
    for(int y = 0; y < dy; y++){
      for(int x = 0; x < dx; x++){
    Mat Wi = I(Rect(x,y,psize.width,psize.height)).clone();
    Wi -= Wi.dot(O); normalize(Wi,Wi);
    dP += (F.fl(y,x) - P.dot(Wi))*Wi;
    P += mu*(dP - lambda*P); mu *= step;
      Mat R; matchTemplate(I,P,R,CV_TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
      Mat PP; normalize(P,PP,0,1,NORM_MINMAX);
      imshow("P",PP); imshow("dP",dP); imshow("R",R); 
      if(waitKey(10) == 27)break;
Example #5
static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)
  real_T            *dx     = ssGetdX(S);
  real_T            *x      = ssGetContStates(S);
  InputRealPtrsType uPtrs   = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0);
  // double         *param0 = mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,0));

  int i, j, k;
  double u[N_INPUTS];

  // pointers to 'input structure'
  double *alf = u, *mu = alf+NS, *wt = mu+NI;

  // double a[NS], b[NI], Ko_b[NS], K_b[NS];

  double *P__ = x;
  double *dP__ = dx;
  double dp;
  double *P_[NS], *dP_[NS];	// array of pointers for lower triangular P, dP

  double A_[NS2], A_BKo_[NS2];
  double B_[NS*NI], Ko_[NI*NS];
  double Q_[NS2];

  /* index A & P with 1:NS  (NOT 0:NS-1!) */
#define A(i,j)		A_[((i)-1) + NS*((j)-1)]
#define Q(i,j)		Q_[((i)-1) + NS*((j)-1)]
#define P(i,j)	(( (j<=i) ? P_[i-1][j-1]  : P_[j-1][i-1] ))	// low tri
#define dP(i,j)	( dP_[i-1][j-1] )	// *** i <= j *** REQUIRED!
#define B(i,j)	B_[ ((i)-1) + ((j)-1)*(NS) ]	// columnwise
#define Ko(i,j)		Ko_[ ((i)-1)*NS + ((j)-1) ]	// rowwise

  // set up lower triangular structure for P and dP
  j = 0;
  for (i=0; i<NS; i++) {
    P_[i]  = P__ + j;
    dP_[i] = dP__ + j;
    j += i+1;

  /* copy inputs to u[] to ensure contiguity ... and easy access*/
  for (i=0; i<N_INPUTS; i++)
    u[i] = *uPtrs[i];

/* prontoTK spec:
dynamics(x,u,wt,ders, dx,y,  fxu_x_,fxu_u_, q,q_fxu_x_x_,q_fxu_x_u_,q_fxu_u_u_);
           ders:   dx(1),y(2), A(4),B(8),     Q(16),     S(32),     R(64)
   cost(x,u,wlt,ders, lxu,   lxu_x_,lxu_u_, lxu_x_x_,lxu_x_u_,lxu_u_u_);
           ders:      lxu(1),  a(2),b(4),     Q(8),    S(16),   R(32)

  // get A of linearization about (alf(t),mu(t))

  // get A(4)
  dynamics(alf,mu,wt, 4, NULL,NULL,  A_,NULL,  NULL, NULL,NULL,NULL);

  /* set up Q matrix --- start with zero */
  for (i=0; i<NS2; i++){
    Q_[i] = 0.0;
  /* add diagonal cost fcn terms  */
  for (i=1; i<=NS; i++){
    Q(i,i) = Qr[i-1];

  optBK(B_, Ko_, x, u);

  /* only *lower triangle* of dP */
  for (i=1; i<=NS; i++) {
    for (j=1; j<=i; j++) {
      dp = Q(i,j);
      for (k=1; k<=NS; k++) {
        dp += A(k,i)*P(k,j) + P(i,k)*A(k,j);    // A^T P + P A
      for (k=1; k<=NI; k++) {
        dp -= Ko(k,i)*Rr[k-1]*Ko(k,j);  // -P B R^-1 B^T P = -Ko^T R Ko
      dP(i,j) /* = dP(j,i) */  = dp;

#undef B
#undef K
#undef Ko
#undef dP
#undef P
#undef A
    int MaxwellCorrectionGadget::
        process(GadgetContainerMessage<ISMRMRD::ImageHeader>* m1,
        GadgetContainerMessage< hoNDArray< std::complex<float> > >* m2)
        if (maxwell_coefficients_present_) {
            //GDEBUG("Got coefficients\n");

            int Nx = m2->getObjectPtr()->get_size(0);
            int Ny = m2->getObjectPtr()->get_size(1);
            int Nz = m2->getObjectPtr()->get_size(2);

            float dx = m1->getObjectPtr()->field_of_view[0] / Nx;
            float dy = m1->getObjectPtr()->field_of_view[1] / Ny;
            float dz = m1->getObjectPtr()->field_of_view[2] / Nz;

            GDEBUG("Nx = %d, Ny = %d, Nz = %d\n", Nx, Ny, Nz);
            GDEBUG("dx = %f, dy = %f, dz = %f\n", dx, dy, dz);
            GDEBUG("img_pos_x = %f, img_pos_y = %f, img_pos_z = %f\n", m1->getObjectPtr()->position[0], m1->getObjectPtr()->position[1], m1->getObjectPtr()->position[2]);

            std::vector<float> dR(3,0);
            std::vector<float> dP(3,0);
            std::vector<float> dS(3,0);
            std::vector<float> p(3,0);

            for (int z = 0; z < Nz; z++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < Ny; y++) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < Nx; x++) {

                        dR[0] = (x-Nx/2+0.5) * dx * m1->getObjectPtr()->read_dir[0];
                        dR[1] = (x-Nx/2+0.5) * dx * m1->getObjectPtr()->read_dir[1];
                        dR[2] = (x-Nx/2+0.5) * dx * m1->getObjectPtr()->read_dir[2];

                        dP[0] = (y-Ny/2+0.5) * dy * m1->getObjectPtr()->phase_dir[0];
                        dP[1] = (y-Ny/2+0.5) * dy * m1->getObjectPtr()->phase_dir[1];
                        dP[2] = (y-Ny/2+0.5) * dy * m1->getObjectPtr()->phase_dir[2];

                        if (Nz > 1) {
                            dS[0] = (z-Nz/2+0.5) * dz * m1->getObjectPtr()->slice_dir[0];
                            dS[1] = (z-Nz/2+0.5) * dz * m1->getObjectPtr()->slice_dir[1];
                            dS[2] = (z-Nz/2+0.5) * dz * m1->getObjectPtr()->slice_dir[2];

                        p[0] = m1->getObjectPtr()->position[0] + dP[0] + dR[0] + dS[0];
                        p[1] = m1->getObjectPtr()->position[1] + dP[1] + dR[1] + dS[1];
                        p[2] = m1->getObjectPtr()->position[2] + dP[2] + dR[2] + dS[2];

                        //Convert to centimeters
                        p[0] = p[0]/1000.0;
                        p[1] = p[1]/1000.0;
                        p[2] = p[2]/1000.0;

                        float delta_phi = maxwell_coefficients_[0]*p[2]*p[2] +
                            maxwell_coefficients_[1]*(p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1]) + 
                            maxwell_coefficients_[2]*p[0]*p[2] + 

                        long index = z*Ny*Nx+y*Nx+x;
                        std::complex<float>* data_ptr = m2->getObjectPtr()->get_data_ptr();

                        std::complex<float> correction = std::polar(1.0f,static_cast<float>(2*M_PI*delta_phi));

                        data_ptr[index] *= correction;


        if (this->next()->putq(m1) < 0) {
            GDEBUG("Unable to put data on next Gadgets Q\n");
            return GADGET_FAIL;
        return GADGET_OK;
bool QMCSHLinearOptimize::run()
//size of matrix
    numParams = optTarget->NumParams();
    N = numParams + 1;

//     initialize our parameters
    vector<RealType> currentOvlp(N,0);
    vector<RealType> currentHOvlp(N,0);
    vector<RealType> currentParameters(numParams,0);

    RealType E_avg(0);
    vector<RealType> bestParameters(currentParameters);
    for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) optparm[i] = currentParameters[i] = optTarget->Params(i);

    bool acceptedOneMove(false);
    int tooManyTries(20);
    int failedTries(0);
    RealType lastCost(0);
    RealType startCost(0);
    startCost = lastCost = optTarget->Cost(false);
    app_log()<<"Starting cost: "<<startCost<<endl;
    Matrix<RealType> OM;
    for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) optdir[i]=currentOvlp[i];
    std::vector<RealType> dP(N,1);
    for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) dP[i+1]=optdir[i];
    Lambda = getNonLinearRescale(dP,OM);
    app_log()<<"rescaling factor :"<<Lambda<<endl;
    RealType bigOptVec(std::abs(optdir[0]));
    for (int i=1; i<numParams; i++) bigOptVec =std::max(std::abs(optdir[i]),bigOptVec);
//     app_log()<<"currentOvlp"<<endl;
//     for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++)
//     app_log()<<optdir[i]<<" ";
//     app_log()<<endl;
//     app_log()<<"optparam"<<endl;
//     for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++)
//     app_log()<<optparm[i]<<" ";
//     app_log()<<endl;

    if (MinMethod=="rescale")
      if (bigOptVec*std::abs(Lambda)>bigChange)
          app_log()<<"  Failed Step. Largest LM parameter change:"<<bigOptVec*std::abs(Lambda)<<endl;
        for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) bestParameters[i] = optTarget->Params(i) = currentParameters[i] + Lambda*optdir[i];
        acceptedOneMove = true;
    else if (MinMethod=="overlap")
      if (bigOptVec>bigChange)
          app_log()<<"  Failed Step. Largest LM parameter change:"<<bigOptVec<<endl;
        for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) bestParameters[i] = optTarget->Params(i) = currentParameters[i] + optdir[i];
        acceptedOneMove = true;
    else if (MinMethod=="average")
        for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) bestParameters[i] = optTarget->Params(i) = currentParameters[i] + currentHOvlp[i];
        acceptedOneMove = true;
      TOL = param_tol/bigOptVec;

      quadstep = stepsize*Lambda; //bigOptVec;
//                  initial guess for line min bracketing
      LambdaMax = quadstep;

      if (MinMethod=="quartic")
        int npts(7);
      else lineoptimization2();

      RealType biggestParameterChange = bigOptVec*std::abs(Lambda);
      if (biggestParameterChange>bigChange)
          app_log()<<"  Failed Step. Largest LM parameter change:"<<biggestParameterChange<<endl;
          for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) optTarget->Params(i) = bestParameters[i] = currentParameters[i];
        for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) optTarget->Params(i) = optparm[i] + Lambda * optdir[i];
        lastCost = optTarget->Cost(false);
        app_log()<<" Costs: "<<startCost<<" "<<lastCost<<endl;
        app_log()<<" Optimal rescaling factor :"<<Lambda<<endl;
        if (lastCost<startCost)
          acceptedOneMove = true;
          for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) optTarget->Params(i) = currentParameters[i];
          app_log()<<"  Failed Step. Cost increase "<<endl;
//     if (acceptedOneMove)
//         for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) optTarget->Params(i) = bestParameters[i];
//     else
//         for (int i=0; i<numParams; i++) optTarget->Params(i) = currentParameters[i];
//     if (W.getActiveWalkers()>NumOfVMCWalkers)
//     {
//       W.destroyWalkers(W.getActiveWalkers()-NumOfVMCWalkers);
//       app_log() << "  QMCLinearOptimize::generateSamples removed walkers." << endl;
//       app_log() << "  Number of Walkers per node " << W.getActiveWalkers() << endl;
//     }
    return (optTarget->getReportCounter() > 0);
Example #8
float SHRot::dU(const int k, const int l, const int m, const int n) {
    if(abs(m) == l)
        return 0.f;
        return dP(k, l, m, n, 0);
Example #9
File: mlr.c Project: ddugovic/nngs
mlrate(double mean, FILE *fdiag)
  double maxchange;		/* The max change of one turn. */
  size_t pcount, gcount, rcount; /* Player, game, and removed counters. */
  size_t wcount, lcount;	/* Win/loss counters. */
  double wsum, lsum;		/* Weighted sums. */
  size_t globturns = 0;		/* Counts the turns of the outer loop. */
  size_t hcount[10];		/* Handicap game counters. */
  player_t p;			/* A player. */
  piter_t piter;		/* An iterator over players. */
  char *pflags;

  assert(0.0 < mean && mean < RANK_MAXIMUM);

  pflags = (char *)malloc(player_count());
  if (pflags == NULL)
    errex("malloc(%lu) failed", player_count());
  memset(pflags, 0, player_count());

  /* Assign a start rating for every player. */
  while ((p = player_next(&piter)) != NO_PLAYER)
    if (!player_get_rated(p) && !player_get_ignore(p))
      player_set_rank(p, mean);
      player_set_rated(p, 1);

  /* Remove players with no wins or no losses against other rated 
  ** players; then again and again, until no more can be removed.
  ** While we're at it, count some statistics as well.
  do {
    pcount = gcount = rcount = 0;
    hcount[0] = hcount[1] = hcount[2] = hcount[3] = hcount[4] =
      hcount[5] = hcount[6] = hcount[7] = hcount[8] = hcount[9] = 0;
    while ((p = player_next(&piter)) != NO_PLAYER)
      if (player_get_rated(p) && !player_get_ignore(p))
	game_t g;
	giter_t giter;
	unsigned oppcount = 0;

	wcount = lcount = 0;
	wsum = lsum = 0.0;

	player_games_start(p, &giter);
	while ((g = player_games_next(&giter)) != NO_GAME)
	  if (game_weight(g) > 0.0)
	    double a = game_advantage(g);

	    if (a >= 10.0)
	      hcount[0] += 1;
	    else if (a >= 1.0)
	      hcount[(unsigned)floor(a)] += 1;
	    if (p == game_winner(g) && player_get_rated(game_loser(g)))
	      wcount += 1;
	      wsum += game_weight(g);
	      if (!pflags[game_loser(g)])
		pflags[game_loser(g)] = 1;
		oppcount += 1;
	    else if (p == game_loser(g) && player_get_rated(game_winner(g)))
	      lcount += 1;
	      lsum += game_weight(g);
	      if (!pflags[game_winner(g)])
		pflags[game_winner(g)] = 1;
		oppcount += 1;
	      game_set_weight(g, 0.0);
	    game_set_weight(g, 0.0);

	if (wsum < 0.25 || lsum < 0.25 || oppcount < 3)
	  player_set_rated(p, 0);
	  rcount += 1;
	  pcount += 1;
	  gcount += wcount + lcount;
	player_set_ratedgames(p, wcount, lcount);
	player_set_wratedgames(p, wsum, lsum);

	/* Clear flags. */
	player_games_start(p, &giter);
	while ((g = player_games_next(&giter)) != NO_GAME)
	  pflags[game_loser(g)] = pflags[game_winner(g)] = 0;
  } while (rcount > 0);


  if (fdiag)
    int i;

    fprintf(fdiag, "\nRemaining:\n%6lu players\n%6lu games\n\n",
	    (unsigned long)pcount, (unsigned long)gcount/2);
    for (i = 1 ; i <= 9 ; i++)
      fprintf(fdiag, "Advantage   %2d: %5lu games\n",
	      i, (unsigned long)hcount[i]);
    fprintf(fdiag,   "Advantage >=10: %5lu games\n\n",
	    (unsigned long)hcount[0]);
  if (pcount == 0 || gcount == 0)
    errex("No player or no games");

  ** The outer loop.
  do {	/* while (maxchange > CHANGE_LIMIT && globturns < GLOBAL_TURNS_MAX); */

    int maxp = 0;
    pcount = 0;
    maxchange = 0.0;
    globturns += 1;

    **  Loop over all players.
    while ((p = player_next(&piter)) != NO_PLAYER)
      **  We use bisection to find the root of the derivative (the maximum).
      irank_t r, oldrank;
      irank_t ileft = RANK_MINIMUM, iright = RANK_MAXIMUM;

      if (!player_get_rated(p) || player_get_ignore(p))

      ** Inner (bisection) loop.
      pcount += 1;
      r = oldrank = player_get_rank(p);
      do {			/*  while (iright - ileft > CLOSE_ENOUGH); */
	game_t g;
	double sum = 0.0;
	giter_t giter;

	player_games_start(p, &giter);
	while ((g = player_games_next(&giter)) != NO_GAME)
	  player_t opp;
	  double diff;

	  if (p == game_winner(g))
	    opp = game_loser(g);

	    if (player_get_rated(opp))
	      diff = RANK_DIFF(r, player_get_rank(opp))
		+ game_advantage(g);
	      sum += dP(diff, 1) * game_weight(g);
	    opp = game_winner(g);

	    if (player_get_rated(opp))
	      diff = RANK_DIFF(r, player_get_rank(opp))
		- game_advantage(g);
	      sum += dP(diff, 0) * game_weight(g);

	if (sum > 0.0)
	  iright = r;		/* Root's somewhere to the left. */
	  ileft = r;		/* Root's somewhere to the right. */
	r = (iright + ileft)/2;

      } while (iright - ileft > CLOSE_ENOUGH);

      if (r > oldrank)
	if (r - oldrank > maxchange)
	  maxchange = r - oldrank;
	  maxp = p;
	if (oldrank - r > maxchange)
	  maxchange = oldrank - r;
	  maxp = p;
      player_set_rank(p, r);

    }	/* while ((p = player_next())) */

#ifdef MAXP
    fprintf(stderr, "\n--- Maxp: %s rank=%g ww=%g wl=%g w=%u l=%u rg=%u\n",

    if (globturns > 100)

    if (fdiag)
      fprintf(fdiag, " %3lu: %6.3f", (unsigned long)globturns, maxchange);
      if (globturns % 5)
	fputc('\n', fdiag);

  } while (maxchange > CHANGE_LIMIT && globturns < GLOBAL_TURNS_MAX);

  if (fdiag)
    if (globturns % 5)
      fputc('\n', fdiag);
    fputc('\n', fdiag);
  if (globturns == GLOBAL_TURNS_MAX)
    errex("Aborted after maximum %u turns\n", GLOBAL_TURNS_MAX);

  if (pflags != NULL)
Example #10
void ExampleFunction::evaluateFG(const vector<double> &x, double &f, vector<double> &g)

    if(count < 0 ){count--;if(count==-3)count = 0;
   f = 0;
   for(unsigned i = 0;i<2*_placement.numModules();++i)
      g[i] = 0;
   unsigned num = _placement.numModules();
   double dx,dy,absdx,absdy;
   double Px,Py;
   double dPx,dPy;
   double D = 0;

   double a_x, b_x;
   double a_y, b_y;

   double binNum = 25.0;
   double binWidth = (_placement.boundryRight() - _placement.boundryLeft()) / sqrt(binNum);
   double binHeight = (_placement.boundryTop() - _placement.boundryBottom()) / sqrt(binNum);
   double M = 800;//0*(binWidth*binHeight - 0);

   vector<double> binCenterX,binCenterY,binCenterZ;
   vector<double> dP(2*num,0);
   vector<double> P(2*num,0);
   for(int i = 0 ; i < sqrt(binNum) ; i++){
      binCenterX.push_back(_placement.boundryLeft() + (2*i+1)*((_placement.boundryRight() - _placement.boundryLeft())/ (sqrt(binNum)*2)));
      binCenterY.push_back(_placement.boundryTop() - (2*i+1)*((_placement.boundryTop() - _placement.boundryBottom())/ (sqrt(binNum)*2)));

   for(unsigned y = 0 ; y < sqrt(binNum) ; y++){
      for(unsigned i = 0 ; i < sqrt(binNum) ; i++){
         D = 0;
         for(unsigned j = 0 ; j < num ; j++){
            // x coordinate
            a_x = 4/((_placement.module(j).width() + 2*binWidth)*(_placement.module(j).width() + 4*binWidth));
            b_x = 2/(binWidth*(_placement.module(j).width() + 4*binWidth));
            dx = x[j] - binCenterX[i];
            absdx = abs(dx);
            if(absdx >= 0 && absdx <= (_placement.module(j).width()/2 + binWidth) ){
               Px = 1 - a_x*dx*dx;
               dPx = -2*a_x*dx;
            else if (absdx >= (_placement.module(j).width()/2 + 2*binWidth)){
               Px = 0;
               dPx = 0;
               Px = b_x*(absdx - _placement.module(j).width()/2 - 2*binWidth)*(absdx - _placement.module(j).width()/2 - 2*binWidth);
                  dPx = 2*b_x*(dx - _placement.module(j).width()/2 - 2*binWidth);
                  dPx = 2*b_x*(dx + _placement.module(j).width()/2 + 2*binWidth);
            // y coordinate
            a_y = 4/((_placement.module(j).height() + 2*binHeight)*(_placement.module(j).height() + 4*binHeight));
            b_y = 2/(binHeight*(_placement.module(j).height() + 4*binHeight));
            dy = x[j+num] - binCenterY[y];
            absdy = abs(dy);
            if(absdy >= 0 && absdy <= (_placement.module(j).height()/2 + binHeight) ){
               Py = 1 - a_y*dy*dy;
               dPy = -2*a_y*dy;
            else if (absdy >= (_placement.module(j).height()/2 + 2*binHeight)){
               Py = 0;
               dPy = 0;
               Py = b_y*(absdy - _placement.module(j).height()/2 - 2*binHeight)*(absdy - _placement.module(j).height()/2 - 2*binHeight);
                  dPy = 2*b_y*(dy - _placement.module(j).height()/2 - 2*binHeight);
                  dPy = 2*b_y*(dy + _placement.module(j).height()/2 + 2*binHeight);
            dP[j] = dPx;
            dP[j+num] = dPy;
            P[j] = Px;
            P[j+num] = Py;
            D += Px*Py;
         f += (D - M)*(D - M);
         for(unsigned j = 0 ; j < num ; j++){
            g[j] += 2*(D-M)*dP[j]*P[j+num];
            g[j+num] += 2*(D-M)*dP[j+num]*P[j];
            if( x[j]+2*_placement.module(j).width() < _placement.boundryLeft() || x[j]-2*_placement.module(j).width() > _placement.boundryRight() )
               g[j] = 0;
            if( x[j+num]+2*_placement.module(j).height() < _placement.boundryBottom() || x[j+num]-2*_placement.module(j).height() > _placement.boundryTop() )
               g[j+num] = 0;
        f = 0;
        unsigned num = _placement.numModules();
        double r = 0.01*(_placement.boundryRight() - _placement.boundryLeft());

        for(unsigned i = 0;i<2*num;++i)
            g[i] = 0;

        for(unsigned i = 0 ; i<_placement.numNets();++i){
            double f_1=0.0,f_2=0.0,f_3=0.0,f_4=0.0;
            vector<unsigned> moduleID;
            Net& net = _placement.net(i);
            for(unsigned j = 0; j<net.numPins();++j){

            for(unsigned k = 0; k<moduleID.size();++k){
                    Module& module = _placement.module(moduleID[k]);
                    f_1 = f_1 + exp( (module.centerX()+net.pin(k).xOffset()) /r);
                    f_2 = f_2 + exp((-1*(module.centerX()+net.pin(k).xOffset()))/r);
                    f_3 = f_3 + exp((module.centerY()+net.pin(k).yOffset())/r);
                    f_4 = f_4 + exp((-1*(module.centerY()+net.pin(k).yOffset()))/r);
                    f_1 = f_1 + exp((x[moduleID[k]]+net.pin(k).xOffset())/r);
                    f_2 = f_2 + exp((-1*(x[moduleID[k]]+net.pin(k).xOffset()))/r);
                    f_3 = f_3 + exp((x[moduleID[k]+num]+net.pin(k).yOffset())/r);
                    f_4 = f_4 + exp((-1*(x[moduleID[k]+num])+net.pin(k).xOffset())/r);

            f = f + log(f_1) + log(f_2) + log(f_3) + log(f_4) ;

            for(unsigned k=0; k<moduleID.size();++k){
                    g[moduleID[k]]     += ( (exp((x[moduleID[k]]+net.pin(k).xOffset())/r))*(1/f_1) + (exp((-1*(x[moduleID[k]]+net.pin(k).xOffset()))/r)*(-1))*(1/f_2) ); 
                    g[moduleID[k]+num] += ( (exp((x[moduleID[k]+num]+net.pin(k).yOffset())/r))*(1/f_3) + (exp((-1*(x[moduleID[k]+num])+net.pin(k).xOffset())/r)*(-1))*(1/f_4) );

        f = f * r;
Example #11
double SegSegDist(const hrp::Vector3& u0, const hrp::Vector3& u1,
                  const hrp::Vector3& v0, const hrp::Vector3& v1)
    hrp::Vector3    u(u1 - u0);
    hrp::Vector3    v(v1 - v0);
    hrp::Vector3    w(u0 - v0);
    double    a = u.dot(u);        // always >= 0
    double    b = u.dot(v);
    double    c = v.dot(v);        // always >= 0
    double    d = u.dot(w);
    double    e = v.dot(w);
    double    D = a*c - b*b;       // always >= 0
    double    sc, sN, sD = D;      // sc = sN / sD, default sD = D >= 0
    double    tc, tN, tD = D;      // tc = tN / tD, default tD = D >= 0

    // compute the line parameters of the two closest points
#define EPS 1e-8
    if (D < EPS) { // the lines are almost parallel
        sN = 0.0;        // force using point P0 on segment S1
        sD = 1.0;        // to prevent possible division by 0.0 later
        tN = e;
        tD = c;
    else {                // get the closest points on the infinite lines
        sN = (b*e - c*d);
        tN = (a*e - b*d);
        if (sN < 0.0) {       // sc < 0 => the s=0 edge is visible
            sN = 0.0;
            tN = e;
            tD = c;
        else if (sN > sD) {  // sc > 1 => the s=1 edge is visible
            sN = sD;
            tN = e + b;
            tD = c;

    if (tN < 0.0) {           // tc < 0 => the t=0 edge is visible
        tN = 0.0;
        // recompute sc for this edge
        if (-d < 0.0)
            sN = 0.0;
        else if (-d > a)
            sN = sD;
        else {
            sN = -d;
            sD = a;
    else if (tN > tD) {      // tc > 1 => the t=1 edge is visible
        tN = tD;
        // recompute sc for this edge
        if ((-d + b) < 0.0)
            sN = 0;
        else if ((-d + b) > a)
            sN = sD;
        else {
            sN = (-d + b);
            sD = a;
    // finally do the division to get sc and tc
    sc = (fabsf(sN) < EPS ? 0.0f : sN / sD);
    tc = (fabsf(tN) < EPS ? 0.0f : tN / tD);

    hrp::Vector3 cp0(u0 + sc * u);
    hrp::Vector3 cp1(v0 + tc * v);

    // get the difference of the two closest points
    hrp::Vector3 dP(cp0 - cp1); 

    return dP.norm();   // return the closest distance