char *dStrnew(const char *src)
   char *buffer = new char[dStrlen(src) + 1];
   dStrcpy(buffer, src);
   return buffer;
void GFXGLDevice::enumerateAdapters( Vector<GFXAdapter*> &adapterList )
   AssertFatal( SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_VIDEO), "");

   PlatformGL::init(); // for hints about context creation

    // Create a dummy window & openGL context so that gl functions can be used here
   SDL_Window* tempWindow =  SDL_CreateWindow(
        "",                                // window title
        SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,           // initial x position
        SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,           // initial y position
        640,                               // width, in pixels
        480,                               // height, in pixels
        SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN // flags - see below

   SDL_GLContext tempContext = SDL_GL_CreateContext( tempWindow );
   if( !tempContext )
       const char *err = SDL_GetError();
       Con::printf( err );
       AssertFatal(0, err );

   SDL_GL_MakeCurrent( tempWindow, tempContext );

   const char *err = SDL_GetError();
   if( err && err[0] )
       Con::printf( err );
       AssertFatal(0, err );

   //check minimun Opengl 3.2
   int major, minor;
   glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION, &major);
   glGetIntegerv(GL_MINOR_VERSION, &minor);
   if( major < 3 || ( major == 3 && minor < 2 ) )
      Con::errorf("GFXGLDevice: Error! Need OpenGL 3.2 at least, have %i.%i.", major, minor);

   GFXAdapter *toAdd = new GFXAdapter;
   toAdd->mIndex = 0;

   const char* renderer = (const char*) glGetString( GL_RENDERER );
   AssertFatal( renderer != NULL, "GL_RENDERER returned NULL!" );

   if (renderer)
      dStrcpy(toAdd->mName, renderer);
      dStrncat(toAdd->mName, " OpenGL", GFXAdapter::MaxAdapterNameLen);
      dStrcpy(toAdd->mName, "OpenGL");

   toAdd->mType = OpenGL;
   toAdd->mShaderModel = 0.f;
   toAdd->mCreateDeviceInstanceDelegate = mCreateDeviceInstance;

   // Enumerate all available resolutions:

   // Add to the list of available adapters.

   // Cleanup window & open gl context
   SDL_DestroyWindow( tempWindow );
   SDL_GL_DeleteContext( tempContext );
char *dStrdup_r(const char *src, const char *file, dsize_t line)
   char *buffer = (char *) dMalloc_r(dStrlen(src) + 1, file, line);
   dStrcpy(buffer, src);
   return buffer;
bool Net::stringToAddress(const char *addressString, NetAddress  *address)
   if(!dStrnicmp(addressString, "ipx:", 4))
      // ipx support deprecated
      return false;

   if(!dStrnicmp(addressString, "ip:", 3))
      addressString += 3;  // eat off the ip:

   sockaddr_in ipAddr;
   char remoteAddr[256];
   if(strlen(addressString) > 255)
      return false;

   dStrcpy(remoteAddr, addressString);

   char *portString = dStrchr(remoteAddr, ':');
      *portString++ = '\0';

   if(!dStricmp(remoteAddr, "broadcast"))
      ipAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_BROADCAST);
      ipAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(remoteAddr);

      if (ipAddr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) // error
         // On the Xbox, 'gethostbyname' does not exist so...
         struct hostent *hp;
         if((hp = gethostbyname(remoteAddr)) == 0)
            return false;
            memcpy(&ipAddr.sin_addr.s_addr, hp->h_addr,  sizeof(in_addr));
         // On the Xbox do XNetDnsLookup
         XNDNS *pxndns = NULL;
         HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL);
         XNetDnsLookup(remoteAddr, hEvent, &pxndns);

         // Wait for event (passing NULL as a handle to XNetDnsLookup will NOT
         // cause it to behave synchronously, so do not remove the handle/wait
         while(pxndns->iStatus == WSAEINPROGRESS) 
            WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);

         bool foundAddr = pxndns->iStatus == 0 && pxndns->cina > 0;
            // Lets just grab the first address returned, for now
            memcpy(&ipAddr.sin_addr, pxndns->aina,  sizeof(IN_ADDR));


         // If we didn't successfully resolve the DNS lookup, bail after the
         // handles are released
            return false;
      ipAddr.sin_port = htons(dAtoi(portString));
      ipAddr.sin_port = htons(defaultPort);
   ipAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
   IPSocketToNetAddress(&ipAddr, address);
   return true;
NetSocket Net::openConnectTo(const char *addressString)
   if(!dStrnicmp(addressString, "ipx:", 4))
      // ipx support deprecated
      return InvalidSocket;
   if(!dStrnicmp(addressString, "ip:", 3))
      addressString += 3;  // eat off the ip:
   char remoteAddr[256];
   dStrcpy(remoteAddr, addressString);

   char *portString = dStrchr(remoteAddr, ':');

   U16 port;
      *portString++ = 0;
      port = htons(dAtoi(portString));
      port = htons(defaultPort);

   if(!dStricmp(remoteAddr, "broadcast"))
      return InvalidSocket;

      U32 ret;
      return NetSocket(ret);
   NetSocket sock = openSocket();
   setBlocking(sock, false);

   sockaddr_in ipAddr;
   dMemset(&ipAddr, 0, sizeof(ipAddr));
   ipAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(remoteAddr);

   if(ipAddr.sin_addr.s_addr != INADDR_NONE)
      ipAddr.sin_port = port;
      ipAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
      if(::connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&ipAddr, sizeof(ipAddr)) ==  -1)
         S32 err = getLastError();
         if(err != Net::WouldBlock)
            Con::errorf("Error connecting %s: %s",
               addressString, strerror(err));
            sock = InvalidSocket;
      if(sock != InvalidSocket) 
         // add this socket to our list of polled sockets
         addPolledSocket(sock, ConnectionPending);
      // need to do an asynchronous name lookup.  first, add the socket
      // to the polled list
      addPolledSocket(sock, NameLookupRequired, remoteAddr, port);
      // queue the lookup
      gNetAsync.queueLookup(remoteAddr, sock);
   return sock;
Example #6
// preload
bool ParticleData::preload(bool server, String &errorStr)
   if (Parent::preload(server, errorStr) == false)
      return false;

   bool error = false;
      // Here we attempt to load the particle's texture if specified. An undefined
      // texture is *not* an error since the emitter may provide one.
      if (textureName && textureName[0])
        textureHandle = GFXTexHandle(textureName, &GFXDefaultStaticDiffuseProfile, avar("%s() - textureHandle (line %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__));
        if (!textureHandle)
          errorStr = String::ToString("Missing particle texture: %s", textureName);
          error = true;

      if (animateTexture) 
        // Here we parse animTexFramesString into byte-size frame numbers in animTexFrames.
        // Each frame token must be separated by whitespace.
        // A frame token must be a positive integer frame number or a range of frame numbers
        // separated with a '-'. 
        // The range separator, '-', cannot have any whitspace around it.
        // Ranges can be specified to move through the frames in reverse as well as forward.
        // Frame numbers exceeding the number of tiles will wrap.
        //   example:
        //     "0-16 20 19 18 17 31-21"

        S32 n_tiles = animTexTiling.x * animTexTiling.y;
        AssertFatal(n_tiles > 0 && n_tiles <= 256, "Error, bad animTexTiling setting." );


        char* tokCopy = new char[dStrlen(animTexFramesString) + 1];
        dStrcpy(tokCopy, animTexFramesString);

        char* currTok = dStrtok(tokCopy, " \t");
        while (currTok != NULL) 
          char* minus = dStrchr(currTok, '-');
          if (minus)
            // add a range of frames
            *minus = '\0';
            S32 range_a = dAtoi(currTok);
            S32 range_b = dAtoi(minus+1);
            if (range_b < range_a)
              // reverse frame range
              for (S32 i = range_a; i >= range_b; i--)
                animTexFrames.push_back((U8)(i % n_tiles));
              // forward frame range
              for (S32 i = range_a; i <= range_b; i++)
                animTexFrames.push_back((U8)(i % n_tiles));
            // add one frame
            animTexFrames.push_back((U8)(dAtoi(currTok) % n_tiles));
          currTok = dStrtok(NULL, " \t");

        // Here we pre-calculate the UVs for each frame tile, which are
        // tiled inside the UV region specified by texCoords. Since the
        // UVs are calculated using bilinear interpolation, the texCoords
        // region does *not* have to be an axis-aligned rectangle.

        if (animTexUVs)
          delete [] animTexUVs;

        animTexUVs = new Point2F[(animTexTiling.x+1)*(animTexTiling.y+1)];

        // interpolate points on the left and right edge of the uv quadrangle
        Point2F lf_pt = texCoords[0];
        Point2F rt_pt = texCoords[3];

        // per-row delta for left and right interpolated points
        Point2F lf_d = (texCoords[1] - texCoords[0])/(F32)animTexTiling.y;
        Point2F rt_d = (texCoords[2] - texCoords[3])/(F32)animTexTiling.y;

        S32 idx = 0;
        for (S32 yy = 0; yy <= animTexTiling.y; yy++)
          Point2F p = lf_pt;
          Point2F dp = (rt_pt - lf_pt)/(F32)animTexTiling.x;
          for (S32 xx = 0; xx <= animTexTiling.x; xx++)
            animTexUVs[idx++] = p;
            p += dp;
          lf_pt += lf_d;
          rt_pt += rt_d;

        // cleanup
        delete [] tokCopy;
        numFrames = animTexFrames.size();

   return !error;
Example #7
static void _printf(ConsoleLogEntry::Level level, ConsoleLogEntry::Type type, const char* fmt, va_list argptr)
   if (!active)
   Con::active = false; 

   char buffer[8192];
   U32 offset = 0;
   if( gEvalState.traceOn && gEvalState.getStackDepth() > 0 )
      offset = gEvalState.getStackDepth() * 3;
      for(U32 i = 0; i < offset; i++)
         buffer[i] = ' ';

   if (useTimestamp)
      static U32 startTime = Platform::getRealMilliseconds();
      U32 curTime = Platform::getRealMilliseconds() - startTime;
      offset += dSprintf(buffer + offset, sizeof(buffer) - offset, "[+%4d.%03d]", U32(curTime * 0.001), curTime % 1000);
   dVsprintf(buffer + offset, sizeof(buffer) - offset, fmt, argptr);

   for(S32 i = 0; i < gConsumers.size(); i++)
      gConsumers[i](level, buffer);

   if(logBufferEnabled || consoleLogMode)
      char *pos = buffer;
         if(*pos == '\t')
            *pos = '^';
      pos = buffer;

         char *eofPos = dStrchr(pos, '\n');
            *eofPos = 0;

         if(logBufferEnabled && !consoleLogLocked)
            ConsoleLogEntry entry;
            entry.mLevel  = level;
            entry.mType   = type;
#ifndef TORQUE_SHIPPING // this is equivalent to a memory leak, turn it off in ship build            
            entry.mString = (const char *)consoleLogChunker.alloc(dStrlen(pos) + 1);
            dStrcpy(const_cast<char*>(entry.mString), pos);
            // This prevents infinite recursion if the console itself needs to
            // re-allocate memory to accommodate the new console log entry, and 
            // LOG_PAGE_ALLOCS is defined. It is kind of a dirty hack, but the
            // uses for LOG_PAGE_ALLOCS are limited, and it is not worth writing
            // a lot of special case code to support this situation. -patw
            const bool save = Con::active;
            Con::active = false;
            Con::active = save;
         pos = eofPos + 1;

   Con::active = true;
Example #8
U32 tabComplete(char* inputBuffer, U32 cursorPos, U32 maxResultLength, bool forwardTab)
   // Check for null input.
   if (!inputBuffer[0]) 
      return cursorPos;

   // Cap the max result length.
   if (maxResultLength > MaxCompletionBufferSize) 
      maxResultLength = MaxCompletionBufferSize;

   // See if this is the same partial text as last checked.
   if (dStrcmp(tabBuffer, inputBuffer)) 
      // If not...
      // Save it for checking next time.
      dStrcpy(tabBuffer, inputBuffer);
      // Scan backward from the cursor position to find the base to complete from.
      S32 p = cursorPos;
      while ((p > 0) && (inputBuffer[p - 1] != ' ') && (inputBuffer[p - 1] != '.') && (inputBuffer[p - 1] != '('))
      completionBaseStart = p;
      completionBaseLen = cursorPos - p;
      // Is this function being invoked on an object?
      if (inputBuffer[p - 1] == '.') 
         // If so...
         if (p <= 1) 
            // Bail if no object identifier.
            return cursorPos;

         // Find the object identifier.
         S32 objLast = --p;
         while ((p > 0) && (inputBuffer[p - 1] != ' ') && (inputBuffer[p - 1] != '(')) 

         if (objLast == p) 
            // Bail if no object identifier.
            return cursorPos;

         // Look up the object identifier.
         dStrncpy(completionBuffer, inputBuffer + p, objLast - p);
         completionBuffer[objLast - p] = 0;
         tabObject = Sim::findObject(completionBuffer);
         if (tabObject == NULL) 
            // Bail if not found.
            return cursorPos;
         // Not invoked on an object; we'll use the global namespace.
         tabObject = 0;

   // Chop off the input text at the cursor position.
   inputBuffer[cursorPos] = 0;

   // Try to find a completion in the appropriate namespace.
   const char *newText;

   if (tabObject != 0)
      newText = tabObject->tabComplete(inputBuffer + completionBaseStart, completionBaseLen, forwardTab);
      // In the global namespace, we can complete on global vars as well as functions.
      if (inputBuffer[completionBaseStart] == '$')
         newText = gEvalState.globalVars.tabComplete(inputBuffer + completionBaseStart, completionBaseLen, forwardTab);
         newText = Namespace::global()->tabComplete(inputBuffer + completionBaseStart, completionBaseLen, forwardTab);

   if (newText) 
      // If we got something, append it to the input text.
      S32 len = dStrlen(newText);
      if (len + completionBaseStart > maxResultLength)
         len = maxResultLength - completionBaseStart;
      dStrncpy(inputBuffer + completionBaseStart, newText, len);
      inputBuffer[completionBaseStart + len] = 0;
      // And set the cursor after it.
      cursorPos = completionBaseStart + len;

   // Save the modified input buffer for checking next time.
   dStrcpy(tabBuffer, inputBuffer);

   // Return the new (maybe) cursor position.
   return cursorPos;