int main(int argc, char **argv) { static const daemon_winsvc_options svc_opts = { "-s", "test", "Test Service", "Service to test daemon_win32.c Module" }; return daemon_main("testd", &svc_opts, test_main, argc, argv); }
int WINAPI WinMain( __in HINSTANCE hInstance, __in_opt HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, __in_opt LPSTR lpCmdLine, __in int nShowCmd ) { // t1031 - tell dprintf not to exit if it can't write to the log // we have to do this before dprintf_config is called // (which happens inside dc_main), otherwise KBDD on Win32 will // except in dprintf_config if the log directory isn't writable // by the current user. dprintf_config_ContinueOnFailure( TRUE ); // cons up a "standard" argc,argv for daemon_main. /* Due to the risk of spaces in paths on Windows, we use the function CommandLineToArgvW to extract a list of arguments instead of parsing the string using a delimiter. */ LPWSTR cmdLine = GetCommandLineW(); // do not free this pointer! if(!cmdLine) { return GetLastError(); } int cArgs = 0; LPWSTR* cmdArgs = CommandLineToArgvW(cmdLine, &cArgs); if(!cmdArgs) { return GetLastError(); } char **parameters = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*)*cArgs + 1); ASSERT( parameters != NULL ); parameters[0] = "condor_kbdd"; parameters[cArgs] = NULL; /* List of strings is in unicode so we need to downconvert it into ascii strings. */ for(int counter = 1; counter < cArgs; ++counter) { //There's a *2 on the size to provide some leeway for non-ascii characters being split. Suggested by TJ. int argSize = ((wcslen(cmdArgs[counter]) + 1) * sizeof(char)) * 2; parameters[counter] = (char*)malloc(argSize); ASSERT( parameters[counter] != NULL ); int converted = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, WC_COMPOSITECHECK, cmdArgs[counter], -1, parameters[counter], argSize, NULL, NULL); if(converted == 0) { return GetLastError(); } } LocalFree((HLOCAL)cmdArgs); // check to see if we are running as a service, and if we are // add a Run key value to the registry for HKLM so that the kbdd // will run as the user whenever a user logs on. hack_kbdd_registry(); // call the daemon main function which is common between Windows and ! Windows. return daemon_main(cArgs, parameters); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; co_debug_start(); ret = daemon_main(argc, argv); co_debug_end(); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string config_filename = sdns::conf[sdns::CONFIG_FILE], daemon_name = "sdns"; bool daemonize = false; #ifndef WINDOWS srandom((size_t)(&sdns::conf) + time(nullptr)); for(int opt; (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "c:ds:")) != -1;) { switch(opt) { case 'c': // config filename config_filename = optarg; break; case 'd': // daemonize daemonize = true; break; case 's': // syslog daemon name daemon_name = optarg; default: // '?' std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [-c config_filename] [-d (daemonize)] [-s syslog_daemon_name]" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if(optind < argc) { eout() << "Unexpected argument: " << argv[optind]; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif sdns::conf.set_config_file(config_filename); try { if(daemonize) return daemon_start(&daemon_main, daemon_name.c_str()); else return daemon_main(); } catch(const e_exception &e) { eout() << "main() caught fatal or unhandled error: " << e; std::cerr << daemon_name << " main() caught fatal or unhandled error: " << e << std::endl; } return EXIT_FAILURE; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { pid_t pid = 0; pid_t sid = 0; pid_t pid2 = 0; int status; pid = fork(); if(pid < 0) { puts("first fork failed!"); exit(1); } else if(pid > 0) { waitpid(pid, &status, NULL); exit(0); } else { umask(0); sid = setsid(); if(sid < 0) { puts("set session id failed!"); exit(1); } chdir("/"); pid2 = fork(); if(pid2 < 0) { puts("second fork failed!"); exit(1); } else if(pid2 > 0) { exit(0); } else { daemon_main(); } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char opts[] = "dDi:"; char c; int isDebug = 0, isDaemon = 0, res = 0; char *cmd = NULL, *comp = NULL, inst[2] = {0}; progName = argv[0]; if(argc < 2) Usage(1); while((c = getopt(argc, argv, opts)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'd': isDebug = 1; // fall through case 'D': isDaemon = 1; break; case 'i': memcpy(inst, optarg, 1); break; case '?': if (optopt == 'c') fprintf(stderr, "Missing argument for option -%c\n", optopt); else if (isprint(optopt)) fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option -%c\n", optopt); Usage(0); break; } } if(optind < argc && isDaemon){ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start daemon with additional arguments.\n"); Usage(1); } while (optind < argc) { char *arg = argv[optind++]; switch(arg[0]){ case 's': switch(arg[1]){ case 't': if(strcmp(arg, "start")) cmd = "stop"; else cmd = "start"; break; case 'm': comp = "sm"; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown parameter %s\n", arg); Usage(1); } break; case 'r': if (strcmp(arg, "restart")) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown parameter %s\n", arg); Usage(1); } else { cmd = "restart"; } break; case 'f': if (strcmp(arg, "fe")) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown parameter %s\n", arg); Usage(1); } else { comp = "fe"; } break; case 'h': if (strcmp(arg, "halt")){ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown parameter %s\n", arg); Usage(1); } else { int fd; if((fd = open(OPAFMD_PIPE, O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK)) == -1){ // Daemon is already stopped exit(0); } res = write(fd, "stop\n", 5); // write stop command without parameters to named pipe to kill it softly. With our words. if(res <= 0){ //Something went wrong while writing to pipe. fprintf(stderr, "Failed to send stop command to daemon: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(fd); exit(2); } close(fd); // Wait until the pipe stops existing. while (access(OPAFMD_PIPE, F_OK) != -1) { usleep(100000); } exit(0); } default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown parameter %s\n", arg); Usage(1); } } if(isDaemon){ if (isDebug) { // don't fork if debug return daemon_main(); } // Here we fork the daemon and if successful... switch(fork()){ case 0: // daemon inits it's main loop return daemon_main(); case -1: fprintf(stderr, "Failed to fork.\n"); return 2; default: return 0; } } else { char prog[] = "/usr/lib/opa-fm/bin/opafmctrl"; if(inst[0] != 0){ if(comp != NULL) execle(prog, prog, cmd, "-i", inst, comp, NULL, nullEnv); // Call opafmctl with instance number and component, else execle(prog, prog, cmd, "-i", inst, NULL, nullEnv); // only with instance number, } else { if(comp != NULL) execle(prog, prog, cmd, comp, NULL, nullEnv); // only with component, else execle(prog, prog, cmd, NULL, nullEnv); // or without additional arguments. } } return 0; }
int neverbleed_init(neverbleed_t *nb, char *errbuf) { int pipe_fds[2] = {-1, -1}, listen_fd = -1; char *tempdir = NULL; const RSA_METHOD *default_method = RSA_PKCS1_SSLeay(); rsa_method.rsa_pub_enc = default_method->rsa_pub_enc; rsa_method.rsa_pub_dec = default_method->rsa_pub_dec; rsa_method.rsa_verify = default_method->rsa_verify; /* setup the daemon */ if (pipe(pipe_fds) != 0) { snprintf(errbuf, NEVERBLEED_ERRBUF_SIZE, "pipe(2) failed:%s", strerror(errno)); goto Fail; } fcntl(pipe_fds[1], F_SETFD, O_CLOEXEC); if ((tempdir = strdup("/tmp/openssl-privsep.XXXXXX")) == NULL) { snprintf(errbuf, NEVERBLEED_ERRBUF_SIZE, "no memory"); goto Fail; } if (mkdtemp(tempdir) == NULL) { snprintf(errbuf, NEVERBLEED_ERRBUF_SIZE, "failed to create temporary directory under /tmp:%s", strerror(errno)); goto Fail; } memset(&nb->sun_, 0, sizeof(nb->sun_)); nb->sun_.sun_family = AF_UNIX; snprintf(nb->sun_.sun_path, sizeof(nb->sun_.sun_path), "%s/_", tempdir); RAND_bytes(nb->auth_token, sizeof(nb->auth_token)); if ((listen_fd = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { snprintf(errbuf, NEVERBLEED_ERRBUF_SIZE, "socket(2) failed:%s", strerror(errno)); goto Fail; } if (bind(listen_fd, (void *)&nb->sun_, sizeof(nb->sun_)) != 0) { snprintf(errbuf, NEVERBLEED_ERRBUF_SIZE, "failed to bind to %s:%s", nb->sun_.sun_path, strerror(errno)); goto Fail; } if (listen(listen_fd, SOMAXCONN) != 0) { snprintf(errbuf, NEVERBLEED_ERRBUF_SIZE, "listen(2) failed:%s", strerror(errno)); goto Fail; } switch (fork()) { case -1: snprintf(errbuf, NEVERBLEED_ERRBUF_SIZE, "fork(2) failed:%s", strerror(errno)); goto Fail; case 0: close(pipe_fds[1]); #ifdef __linux__ prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0); #endif memcpy(daemon_auth_token, nb->auth_token, NEVERBLEED_AUTH_TOKEN_SIZE); daemon_main(listen_fd, pipe_fds[0], tempdir); break; default: break; } close(listen_fd); listen_fd = -1; close(pipe_fds[0]); pipe_fds[0] = -1; /* setup engine */ if ((nb->engine = ENGINE_new()) == NULL || !ENGINE_set_id(nb->engine, "neverbleed") || !ENGINE_set_name(nb->engine, "privilege separation software engine") || !ENGINE_set_RSA(nb->engine, &rsa_method)) { snprintf(errbuf, NEVERBLEED_ERRBUF_SIZE, "failed to initialize the OpenSSL engine"); goto Fail; } ENGINE_add(nb->engine); /* setup thread key */ pthread_key_create(&nb->thread_key, dispose_thread_data); free(tempdir); return 0; Fail: if (pipe_fds[0] != -1) close(pipe_fds[0]); if (pipe_fds[1] != -1) close(pipe_fds[1]); if (tempdir != NULL) { unlink_dir(tempdir); free(tempdir); } if (listen_fd != -1) close(listen_fd); if (nb->engine != NULL) { ENGINE_free(nb->engine); nb->engine = NULL; } return -1; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { return daemon_main(argc, argv); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char rundir[PATH_MAX]; char user[64]; char group[64]; int foreground = 0; struct stat exec_stat; memset(logfile, 0, sizeof logfile); memset(pidfile, 0, sizeof pidfile); memset(rundir, 0, sizeof rundir); memset(user, 0, sizeof user); memset(group, 0, sizeof group); static struct option opts[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "foreground", no_argument, NULL, 'f' }, { "nohup", no_argument, NULL, 'n' }, { "logfile", required_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { "pidfile", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "rundir", required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "user", required_argument, NULL, 'u' }, { "group", required_argument, NULL, 'g' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }, }; int ch; while (1) { ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "l:p:r:u:g:hvfns", opts, NULL); if (ch == -1) break; switch (ch) { case 'v': printf("Go daemon v1.2\n"); printf("\n"); return 0; case 'f': foreground = 1; break; case 'n': nohup = 1; break; case 'l': strncpy(logfile, optarg, sizeof logfile - 1); break; case 'p': strncpy(pidfile, optarg, sizeof pidfile - 1); break; case 'r': strncpy(rundir, optarg, sizeof rundir - 1); break; case 'u': strncpy(user, optarg, sizeof user - 1); break; case 'g': strncpy(group, optarg, sizeof group - 1); break; default: usage(); } } // utility is expected to be argv's leftovers. if (optind >= argc) usage(); if (*rundir != 0 && chdir(rundir) == -1) { perror("failed to switch to rundir"); return 1; } if (*user != 0 && (pwd = getpwnam(user)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to switch to user %s: %s\n", user, strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (*group != 0 && (grp = getgrnam(group)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to switch to group %s: %s\n", group, strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (*logfile != 0 && (logfp = fopen(logfile, "a")) == NULL) { perror("failed to open logfile"); return 1; } if (logfp) setvbuf(logfp, linebuf, _IOLBF, sizeof linebuf); if (*pidfile != 0 && (pidfp = fopen(pidfile, "w+")) == NULL) { perror("failed to open pidfile"); return 1; } if (grp != NULL && setegid(grp->gr_gid) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to switch to group %s: %s\n", group, strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (pwd != NULL && seteuid(pwd->pw_uid) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to switch to user %s: %s\n", user, strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (stat(argv[optind], &exec_stat) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to stat %s: %s\n", argv[optind], strerror(errno)); return 1; } if (!(exec_stat.st_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH))) { fprintf(stderr, "permission denied: %s\n", argv[optind]); return 1; } if (foreground) { daemon_main(optind, argv); } else { // Daemonize. pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid) { waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); } else if (!pid) { if ((pid = fork())) { exit(0); } else if (!pid) { close(0); close(1); close(2); daemon_main(optind, argv); } else { perror("fork"); exit(1); } } else { perror("fork"); exit(1); } } return 0; }
int ACEApp::init(int argc, ACE_TCHAR* argv[]) { // get the program name #ifdef WIN32 char* ptr = ACE_OS::strrchr(argv[0], '\\'); #else char* ptr = ACE_OS::strrchr(argv[0], '/'); #endif if (ptr) { // strip path name strcpy(program_, ptr + 1); } else { strcpy(program_, argv[0]); } #ifdef WIN32 // strip .exe extension on WIN32 ptr = strchr(program_, '.'); if (ptr) { *ptr = '\0'; } #endif int child_proc_num = 0; ACE_Get_Opt get_opt(argc, argv, "vdp:c:"); char c; while ((c = get_opt()) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'd': // run as daemon ACE::daemonize(); break; case 'p': // specified program name strcpy(program_, get_opt.opt_arg()); break; case 'c': // child process number child_proc_num = atoi(get_opt.opt_arg()); break; case 'v': //disp version info disp_version(); return 0; default: break; } } ACE_OS::signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); ACE_OS::signal (SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); ACE_OS::signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); ACE_Sig_Action sig_int((ACE_SignalHandler)daemon_quit, SIGINT); //ACE_Sig_Action sig_term((ACE_SignalHandler)daemon_quit, SIGTERM); //ACE_Sig_Action sig_chld((ACE_SignalHandler)child_sighdr, SIGCHLD); ACE_UNUSED_ARG(sig_int); //ACE_UNUSED_ARG(sig_term); //ACE_UNUSED_ARG(sig_chld); //在 init_log() 之前即可 if (init_reactor() != 0) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_ERROR, "[%D] init reactor failed, program exit\n")); return -1; } ACE_DEBUG((LM_INFO, "[%D] init reactor succ\n")); if (init_sys_path(program_) != 0) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_ERROR, "[%D] init sys path failed, program exit\n")); return -1; } if (init_conf() != 0) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_ERROR, "[%D] init conf failed, program exit\n")); return -1; } ACE_DEBUG((LM_INFO, "[%D] init conf succeed\n")); if (init_log() != 0) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_ERROR, "[%D] init log failed, program exit\n")); return -1; } ACE_DEBUG((LM_INFO, "[%D] init log succ\n")); //版本信息记录日志 disp_version(); if (init_app(argc, argv) != 0) { ACE_DEBUG((LM_ERROR, "[%D] init app failed, program exit\n")); return -1; } ACE_DEBUG((LM_INFO, "[%D] init app succ\n")); write_pid_file(); ACE_DEBUG((LM_INFO, "[%D] write pid file succ\n")); if (child_proc_num > 0) { parent_main(child_proc_num); } else { ACE_DEBUG((LM_INFO, "[%D] enter daemon main pid: %d\n", ACE_OS::getpid())); daemon_main(); ACE_DEBUG((LM_INFO, "[%D] leave daemon main pid: %d\n", ACE_OS::getpid())); } quit_app(); return 0; }
void ACEApp::child_main() { daemon_main(); }
/** * Main fake event test program. Setup, teardown and report errors. * @param argc: arg count. * @param argv: array of commandline arguments. * @return program failure if test fails. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int c, res; int pass_argc = 0; char* pass_argv[MAXARG]; char* playback_file = NULL; int init_optind = optind; char* init_optarg = optarg; struct replay_scenario* scen = NULL; /* we do not want the test to depend on the timezone */ (void)putenv("TZ=UTC"); log_init(NULL, 0, NULL); /* determine commandline options for the daemon */ pass_argc = 1; pass_argv[0] = "unbound"; add_opts("-d", &pass_argc, pass_argv); while( (c=getopt(argc, argv, "2egho:p:s")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 's': free(pass_argv[1]); testbound_selftest(); printf("selftest successful\n"); exit(0); case '2': #if (defined(HAVE_EVP_SHA256) || defined(HAVE_NSS)) && defined(USE_SHA2) printf("SHA256 supported\n"); exit(0); #else printf("SHA256 not supported\n"); exit(1); #endif break; case 'e': #if defined(USE_ECDSA) printf("ECDSA supported\n"); exit(0); #else printf("ECDSA not supported\n"); exit(1); #endif break; case 'g': #ifdef USE_GOST if(ldns_key_EVP_load_gost_id()) { printf("GOST supported\n"); exit(0); } else { printf("GOST not supported\n"); exit(1); } #else printf("GOST not supported\n"); exit(1); #endif break; case 'p': playback_file = optarg; break; case 'o': add_opts(optarg, &pass_argc, pass_argv); break; case '?': case 'h': default: testbound_usage(); return 1; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if(argc != 0) { testbound_usage(); return 1; } log_info("Start of %s testbound program.", PACKAGE_STRING); if(atexit(&remove_configfile) != 0) fatal_exit("atexit() failed: %s", strerror(errno)); /* setup test environment */ scen = setup_playback(playback_file, &pass_argc, pass_argv); /* init fake event backend */ fake_event_init(scen); pass_argv[pass_argc] = NULL; echo_cmdline(pass_argc, pass_argv); /* reset getopt processing */ optind = init_optind; optarg = init_optarg; /* run the normal daemon */ res = daemon_main(pass_argc, pass_argv); fake_event_cleanup(); for(c=1; c<pass_argc; c++) free(pass_argv[c]); if(res == 0) { log_info("Testbound Exit Success"); #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD /* dlopen frees its thread state (dlopen of gost engine) */ pthread_exit(NULL); #endif } return res; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int err = daemon_init(argc, argv); return err == 0 ? daemon_main() : 1; }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int ret; int orig_argc = argc; char **orig_argv = argv; signal(SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler); signal(SIGUSR2, sigusr2_handler); signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler); #ifdef MAINTAINER_MODE signal(SIGSEGV, rsync_panic_handler); signal(SIGFPE, rsync_panic_handler); signal(SIGABRT, rsync_panic_handler); signal(SIGBUS, rsync_panic_handler); #endif /* def MAINTAINER_MODE */ starttime = time(NULL); am_root = (MY_UID() == 0); memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); if (argc < 2) { usage(FERROR); exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX); } /* we set a 0 umask so that correct file permissions can be * carried across */ orig_umask = (int)umask(0); if (!parse_arguments(&argc, (const char ***) &argv, 1)) { /* FIXME: We ought to call the same error-handling * code here, rather than relying on getopt. */ option_error(); exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX); } signal(SIGINT,SIGNAL_CAST sig_int); signal(SIGHUP,SIGNAL_CAST sig_int); signal(SIGTERM,SIGNAL_CAST sig_int); /* Ignore SIGPIPE; we consistently check error codes and will * see the EPIPE. */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #if defined CONFIG_LOCALE && defined HAVE_SETLOCALE setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); #endif /* Initialize push_dir here because on some old systems getcwd * (implemented by forking "pwd" and reading its output) doesn't * work when there are other child processes. Also, on all systems * that implement getcwd that way "pwd" can't be found after chroot. */ push_dir(NULL); init_flist(); if ((write_batch || read_batch) && !am_server) { if (write_batch) write_batch_shell_file(orig_argc, orig_argv, argc); if (read_batch && strcmp(batch_name, "-") == 0) batch_fd = STDIN_FILENO; else { batch_fd = do_open(batch_name, write_batch ? O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC : O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); } if (batch_fd < 0) { rsyserr(FERROR, errno, "Batch file %s open error", full_fname(batch_name)); exit_cleanup(RERR_FILEIO); } if (read_batch) read_stream_flags(batch_fd); } if (write_batch < 0) dry_run = 1; if (am_daemon && !am_server) return daemon_main(); if (argc < 1) { usage(FERROR); exit_cleanup(RERR_SYNTAX); } if (am_server) { set_nonblocking(STDIN_FILENO); set_nonblocking(STDOUT_FILENO); if (am_daemon) return start_daemon(STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO); start_server(STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO, argc, argv); } ret = start_client(argc, argv); if (ret == -1) exit_cleanup(RERR_STARTCLIENT); else exit_cleanup(ret); return ret; }