MayaTransformWriter::MayaTransformWriter(Alembic::AbcGeom::OObject & iParent, MDagPath & iDag, Alembic::Util::uint32_t iTimeIndex, const JobArgs & iArgs) { mVerbose = iArgs.verbose; mFilterEulerRotations = iArgs.filterEulerRotations; mJointOrientOpIndex[0] = mJointOrientOpIndex[1] = mJointOrientOpIndex[2] = mRotateOpIndex[0] = mRotateOpIndex[1] = mRotateOpIndex[2] = mRotateAxisOpIndex[0] = mRotateAxisOpIndex[1] = mRotateAxisOpIndex[2] = ~size_t(0); if (iDag.hasFn(MFn::kJoint)) { MFnIkJoint joint(iDag); MString jointName =; mName = util::stripNamespaces(jointName, iArgs.stripNamespace); Alembic::AbcGeom::OXform obj(iParent, mName.asChar(), iTimeIndex); mSchema = obj.getSchema(); Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty cp; Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty up; if (AttributesWriter::hasAnyAttr(joint, iArgs)) { cp = mSchema.getArbGeomParams(); up = mSchema.getUserProperties(); } mAttrs = AttributesWriterPtr(new AttributesWriter(cp, up, obj, joint, iTimeIndex, iArgs)); if (!iArgs.worldSpace) { pushTransformStack(joint, iTimeIndex == 0); // need to look at inheritsTransform MFnDagNode dagNode(iDag); MPlug inheritPlug = dagNode.findPlug("inheritsTransform"); if (!inheritPlug.isNull()) { if (util::getSampledType(inheritPlug) != 0) mInheritsPlug = inheritPlug; mSample.setInheritsXforms(inheritPlug.asBool()); } // everything is default, don't write anything if (mSample.getNumOps() == 0 && mSample.getInheritsXforms()) return; mSchema.set(mSample); return; } } else { MFnTransform trans(iDag); MString transName =; mName = util::stripNamespaces(transName, iArgs.stripNamespace); Alembic::AbcGeom::OXform obj(iParent, mName.asChar(), iTimeIndex); mSchema = obj.getSchema(); Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty cp; Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty up; if (AttributesWriter::hasAnyAttr(trans, iArgs)) { cp = mSchema.getArbGeomParams(); up = mSchema.getUserProperties(); } mAttrs = AttributesWriterPtr(new AttributesWriter(cp, up, obj, trans, iTimeIndex, iArgs)); if (!iArgs.worldSpace) { pushTransformStack(trans, iTimeIndex == 0); // need to look at inheritsTransform MFnDagNode dagNode(iDag); MPlug inheritPlug = dagNode.findPlug("inheritsTransform"); if (!inheritPlug.isNull()) { if (util::getSampledType(inheritPlug) != 0) mInheritsPlug = inheritPlug; mSample.setInheritsXforms(inheritPlug.asBool()); } // everything is default, don't write anything if (mSample.getNumOps() == 0 && mSample.getInheritsXforms()) return; mSchema.set(mSample); return; } } // if we didn't bail early then we need to add all the transform // information at the current node and above // copy the dag path because we'll be popping from it MDagPath dag(iDag); int i; int numPaths = dag.length(); std::vector< MDagPath > dagList; for (i = numPaths - 1; i > -1; i--, dag.pop()) { dagList.push_back(dag); // inheritsTransform exists on both joints and transforms MFnDagNode dagNode(dag); MPlug inheritPlug = dagNode.findPlug("inheritsTransform"); // if inheritsTransform exists and is set to false, then we // don't need to worry about ancestor nodes above this one if (!inheritPlug.isNull() && !inheritPlug.asBool()) break; } std::vector< MDagPath >::iterator iStart = dagList.begin(); std::vector< MDagPath >::iterator iCur = dagList.end(); iCur--; // now loop backwards over our dagpath list so we push ancestor nodes // first, all the way down to the current node for (; iCur != iStart; iCur--) { // only add it to the stack don't write it yet! if (iCur->hasFn(MFn::kJoint)) { MFnIkJoint joint(*iCur); pushTransformStack(joint, iTimeIndex == 0); } else { MFnTransform trans(*iCur); pushTransformStack(trans, iTimeIndex == 0); } } // finally add any transform info on the final node and write it if (iCur->hasFn(MFn::kJoint)) { MFnIkJoint joint(*iCur); pushTransformStack(joint, iTimeIndex == 0); } else { MFnTransform trans(*iCur); pushTransformStack(trans, iTimeIndex == 0); } // need to look at inheritsTransform MFnDagNode dagNode(iDag); MPlug inheritPlug = dagNode.findPlug("inheritsTransform"); if (!inheritPlug.isNull()) { if (util::getSampledType(inheritPlug) != 0) mInheritsPlug = inheritPlug; mSample.setInheritsXforms(inheritPlug.asBool()); } // everything is default, don't write anything if (mSample.getNumOps() == 0 && mSample.getInheritsXforms()) return; mSchema.set(mSample); }
void diamond_dag() { DAG dag("test/diamond.dag"); Engine engine(dag); if (!engine.has_ready_task()) { myfailure("Did not queue root tasks"); } Task *a = engine.next_ready_task(); if (a->"A") != 0) { myfailure("Queued non root task %s", a->name.c_str()); } if (engine.has_ready_task()) { myfailure("Queued non-root tasks"); } engine.mark_task_finished(a, 0); if (!engine.has_ready_task()) { myfailure("Marking did not release tasks"); } Task *bc = engine.next_ready_task(); if (!engine.has_ready_task()) { myfailure("Marking did not release tasks"); } Task *cb = engine.next_ready_task(); if (engine.has_ready_task()) { myfailure("Marking released too many tasks"); } if (bc->"B") != 0 && bc->"C") != 0) { myfailure("Wrong task released: %s", bc->name.c_str()); } if (cb->"B") != 0 && cb->"C") != 0) { myfailure("Wrong task released: %s", cb->name.c_str()); } engine.mark_task_finished(bc, 0); if (engine.has_ready_task()) { myfailure("Marking released a task when it shouldn't"); } engine.mark_task_finished(cb, 0); if (!engine.has_ready_task()) { myfailure("Marking all parents did not release task D"); } Task *d = engine.next_ready_task(); if (d->"D") != 0) { myfailure("Not task D"); } if (engine.has_ready_task()) { myfailure("No more tasks are available"); } if (engine.is_finished()) { myfailure("DAG is not finished"); } engine.mark_task_finished(d, 0); if (!engine.is_finished()) { myfailure("DAG is finished"); } }
int mpidag(int argc, char *argv[]) { int numprocs; program = argv[0]; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs); std::list<char *> flags; for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) { flags.push_back(argv[i]); } std::string outfile; std::string errfile; std::string logfile; std::list<std::string> args; int loglevel = LOG_INFO; bool skiprescue = false; int max_failures = 0; int tries = 1; while (flags.size() > 0) { std::string flag = flags.front(); if (flag == "-h" || flag == "--help") { usage(); return 0; } else if (flag == "-o" || flag == "--stdout") { flags.pop_front(); if (flags.size() == 0) { if (rank == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-o/--stdout requires PATH\n"); } return 1; } outfile = flags.front(); } else if (flag == "-e" || flag == "--stderr") { flags.pop_front(); if (flags.size() == 0) { if (rank == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-e/--stderr requires PATH\n"); } return 1; } errfile = flags.front(); } else if (flag == "-q" || flag == "--quiet") { loglevel -= 1; } else if (flag == "-v" || flag == "--verbose") { loglevel += 1; } else if (flag == "-L" || flag == "--logfile") { flags.pop_front(); if (flags.size() == 0) { if (rank == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-L/--logfile requires PATH\n"); } return 1; } logfile = flags.front(); } else if (flag == "-s" || flag == "--skip-rescue") { skiprescue = true; } else if (flag == "-m" || flag == "--max-failures") { flags.pop_front(); if (flags.size() == 0) { if (rank == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-m/--max-failures requires N\n"); } return 1; } std::string N = flags.front(); if (!sscanf(N.c_str(), "%d", &max_failures)) { fprintf(stderr, "N for -m/--max-failures is invalid\n"); return 1; } if (max_failures < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "N for -m/--max-failures must be >= 0\n"); return 1; } } else if (flag == "-t" || flag == "--tries") { flags.pop_front(); if (flags.size() == 0) { if (rank == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-t/--tries requires N\n"); } return 1; } std::string N = flags.front(); if (!sscanf(N.c_str(), "%d", &tries)) { fprintf(stderr, "N for -t/--tries is invalid\n"); return 1; } if (tries < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "N for -t/--tries must be >= 1\n"); return 1; } } else if (flag[0] == '-') { if (rank == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized argument: %s\n", flag.c_str()); } return 1; } else { args.push_back(flag); } flags.pop_front(); } if (args.size() == 0) { usage(); return 1; } if (args.size() > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument\n"); return 1; } std::string dagfile = args.front(); if (numprocs < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "At least one worker process is required\n"); return 1; } // Everything is pretty deterministic up until the processes reach // this point. Once we get here the different processes can diverge // in their behavior for many reasons (file systems issues, bad nodes, // etc.), so be careful how failures are handled after this point // and make sure MPI_Abort is called when something bad happens. char dotrank[25]; sprintf(dotrank, ".%d", rank); FILE *log = NULL; log_set_level(loglevel); if (logfile.size() > 0) { logfile += dotrank; log = fopen(logfile.c_str(), "w"); if (log == NULL) { failure("Unable to open log file: %s: %s\n", logfile.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } log_set_file(log); } try { if (rank == 0) { // IMPORTANT: The rank 0 process figures out the names // of these files so that we don't have 1000 workers all // slamming the file system with stat() calls to check if // the out/err/rescue files exist. The master will figure // it out here, and then broadcast it to the workers when // it starts up. // Determine task stdout file if (outfile.size() == 0) { outfile = dagfile; outfile += ".out"; } next_retry_file(outfile); log_debug("Using stdout file: %s", outfile.c_str()); // Determine task stderr file if (errfile.size() == 0) { errfile = dagfile; errfile += ".err"; } next_retry_file(errfile); log_debug("Using stderr file: %s", errfile.c_str()); // Determine old and new rescue files std::string rescuebase = dagfile; rescuebase += ".rescue"; std::string oldrescue; std::string newrescue = rescuebase; int next = next_retry_file(newrescue); if (next == 0 || skiprescue) { // Either there is no old rescue file, or the // user doesnt want to read it. oldrescue = ""; } else { char rbuf[5]; snprintf(rbuf, 5, ".%03d", next-1); oldrescue = rescuebase; oldrescue += rbuf; } log_debug("Using old rescue file: %s", oldrescue.c_str()); log_debug("Using new rescue file: %s", newrescue.c_str()); DAG dag(dagfile, oldrescue); Engine engine(dag, newrescue, max_failures, tries); return Master(engine, dag, outfile, errfile).run(); } else { return Worker().run(); } } catch (...) { // Make sure we close the log if (log != NULL) { fclose(log); } throw; } if (log != NULL) { fclose(log); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc != 6 && argc != 7) { printf("usage: rrg N n s D seed (id_string)\n"); return 1; } time_t t1,t2,tI,tF; ITensor U,Dg,P,S; Index ei; // RRG structure parameters const int N = atoi(argv[1]); // should be n*(power of 2) const int n = atoi(argv[2]); // initial blocking size int w = n; // block size (scales with m) int ll = 0; // lambda block index int m = 0; // RG scale factor // AGSP and subspace parameters const double t = 0.3; // Trotter temperature const int M = 100; // num Trotter steps const int k = 1; // power of Trotter op (just use 1) const int s = atoi(argv[3]); // formal s param const int D = atoi(argv[4]); // formal D param // computational settings const bool doI = true; // diag restricted Hamiltonian iteratively? // setup random sampling std::random_device r; const int seed = atoi(argv[5]); fprintf(stderr,"seed is %d\n",seed); std::mt19937 gen(seed); std::uniform_real_distribution<double> udist(0.0,1.0); FILE *sxfl,*syfl,*szfl,*gsfl; char id[128],sxnm[256],synm[256],sznm[256],gsnm[256]; if(argc == 6) sprintf(id,"rrg-L%d-s%d-D%d",N,s,D); else sprintf(id,"%s",argv[6]); strcat(sxnm,id); strcat(sxnm,"-sx.dat"); strcat(synm,id); strcat(synm,"-sy.dat"); strcat(sznm,id); strcat(sznm,"-sz.dat"); strcat(gsnm,id); strcat(gsnm,"-gs.dat"); sxfl = fopen(sxnm,"a"); syfl = fopen(synm,"a"); szfl = fopen(sznm,"a"); gsfl = fopen(gsnm,"a"); // initialize Hilbert subspaces for each level m = 0,...,log(N/n) vector<SpinHalf> hsps; for(int x = n ; x <= N ; x *= 2) hsps.push_back(SpinHalf(x)); SpinHalf hs = hsps.back(); // generate product basis over m=0 Hilbert space auto p = int(pow(2,n)); vector<MPS> V1; for(int i = 0 ; i < p ; ++i) { InitState istate(hsps[0],"Dn"); for(int j = 1 ; j <= n ; ++j) if(i/(int)pow(2,j-1)%2) istate.set(j,"Up"); V1.push_back(MPS(istate)); } MPS bSpaceL(hsps[0]); MPS bSpaceR(hsps[0]); makeVS(V1,bSpaceL,LEFT); makeVS(V1,bSpaceR,RIGHT); // Hamiltonian parameters const double Gamma = 2.0; vector<double> J(2*(N-1)); fprintf(stdout,"# Hamiltonian terms Jx1,Jy1,Jx2,... (seed=%d)\n",seed); for(int i = 0 ; i < N-1 ; ++i) { J[2*i+0] = pow(udist(gen),Gamma); J[2*i+1] = pow(udist(gen),Gamma); fprintf(stdout,"%16.14f,%16.14f",J[2*i],J[2*i+1]); if(i != N-2) fprintf(stdout,","); } fprintf(stdout,"\n"); fflush(stdout); // initialize H for full system and extract block Hamiltonians AutoMPO autoH(hs); std::stringstream sts; auto out = std::cout.rdbuf(sts.rdbuf()); vector<vector<MPO> > Hs(hsps.size()); for(int i = 1 ; i < N ; ++i) { autoH += (J[2*(i-1)]-J[2*(i-1)+1]),"S+",i,"S+",i+1; autoH += (J[2*(i-1)]-J[2*(i-1)+1]),"S-",i,"S-",i+1; autoH += (J[2*(i-1)]+J[2*(i-1)+1]),"S+",i,"S-",i+1; autoH += (J[2*(i-1)]+J[2*(i-1)+1]),"S-",i,"S+",i+1; } auto H = toMPO<ITensor>(autoH,{"Exact",true}); std::cout.rdbuf(out); for(auto i : args(hsps)) extractBlocks(autoH,Hs[i],hsps[i]); vector<MPO> prodSz,prodSx,projSzUp,projSzDn,projSxUp,projSxDn; for(auto& it : hsps) { auto curSz = sysOp(it,"Sz",2.0).toMPO(); prodSz.push_back(curSz); auto curSx = sysOp(it,"Sx",2.0).toMPO(); prodSx.push_back(curSx); auto curSzUp = sysOp(it,"Id").toMPO(); curSzUp.plusEq(curSz); curSzUp /= 2.0; auto curSzDn = sysOp(it,"Id").toMPO(); curSzDn.plusEq(-1.0*curSz); curSzDn /= 2.0; auto curSxUp = sysOp(it,"Id").toMPO(); curSxUp.plusEq(curSx); curSxUp /= 2.0; auto curSxDn = sysOp(it,"Id").toMPO(); curSxDn.plusEq(-1.0*curSx); curSxDn /= 2.0; projSzUp.push_back(curSzUp); projSzDn.push_back(curSzDn); projSxUp.push_back(curSxUp); projSxDn.push_back(curSxDn); } // approximate the thermal operator exp(-H/t)^k using Trotter // and MPO multiplication; temperature of K is k/t time(&tI); MPO eH(hs); twoLocalTrotter(eH,t,M,autoH); auto K = eH; for(int i = 1 ; i < k ; ++i) { nmultMPO(eH,K,K,{"Cutoff",eps,"Maxm",MAXBD}); K.Aref(1) *= 1.0/norm(K.A(1)); } // INITIALIZATION: reduce dimension by sampling from initial basis, either // bSpaceL or bSpaceR depending on how the merge will work vector<MPS> Spre; for(ll = 0 ; ll < N/n ; ll++) { auto xs = ll % 2 ? 1 : n; // location of dangling Select index auto cur = ll % 2 ? bSpaceR : bSpaceL; Index si("ext",s,Select); // return orthonormal basis of evecs auto eigs = diagHermitian(-overlapT(cur,Hs[0][ll],cur),P,S,{"Maxm",s}); cur.Aref(xs) *= P*delta(commonIndex(P,S),si); regauge(cur,xs,{"Truncate",false}); Spre.push_back(cur); } time(&t2); fprintf(stderr,"initialization: %.f s\n",difftime(t2,tI)); // ITERATION: proceed through RRG hierarchy, increasing the scale m vector<MPS> Spost; for(m = 0 ; (int)Spre.size() > 1 ; ++m,w*=2) { fprintf(stderr,"Level %d (w = %d)\n",m,w); auto hs = hsps[m]; auto DD = D;//max(4,D/(int(log2(N/n)-m))); auto thr = 1e-8; Spost.clear(); // EXPAND STEP: for each block, expand dimension of subspace with AGSP operators for(ll = 0 ; ll < N/w ; ++ll) { MPO A(hs) , Hc = Hs[m][ll]; MPS pre = Spre[ll] , ret(hs); int xs = ll % 2 ? 1 : w; // STEP 1: extract filtering operators A from AGSP K time(&t1); restrictMPO(K,A,w*ll+1,DD,ll%2); time(&t2); fprintf(stderr,"trunc AGSP: %.f s\n",difftime(t2,t1)); // STEP 2: expand subspace using the mapping A:pre->ret time(&t1); ret = applyMPO(A,pre,ll%2,{"Cutoff",eps,"Maxm",MAXBD}); time(&t2); fprintf(stderr,"apply AGSP: %.f s\n",difftime(t2,t1)); // rotate into principal components of subspace, poxsibly reducing dimension // and stabilizing numerics, then store subspace in eigenbasis of block H time(&t1); diagHermitian(overlapT(ret,ret),U,Dg,{"Cutoff",thr}); time(&t2); ei = Index("ext",int(commonIndex(Dg,U)),Select); Dg.apply(invsqrt); ret.Aref(xs) *= dag(U)*Dg*delta(prime(commonIndex(Dg,U)),ei); fprintf(stderr,"rotate MPS: %.f s\n",difftime(t2,t1)); auto eigs = diagHermitian(-overlapT(ret,Hs[m][ll],ret),P,S); ret.Aref(xs) *= P*delta(commonIndex(P,S),ei); ret.Aref(xs) *= 1.0/sqrt(overlapT(ret,ret).real(ei(1),prime(ei)(1))); regauge(ret,xs,{"Cutoff",eps}); fprintf(stderr,"max m: %d\n",maxM(ret)); Spost.push_back(ret); } // MERGE/REDUCE STEP: construct tensor subspace, sample to reduce dimension Spre.clear(); for(ll = 0 ; ll < N/w ; ll+=2) { auto spL = Spost[ll]; // L subspace auto spR = Spost[ll+1]; // R subspace // STEP 1: find s lowest eigenpairs of restricted H time(&t1); auto tpH = tensorProdContract(spL,spR,Hs[m+1][ll/2]); tensorProdH<ITensor> resH(tpH); resH.diag(s,doI); P = resH.eigenvectors(); time(&t2); fprintf(stderr,"diag restricted H: %.f s\n",difftime(t2,t1)); // STEP 2: tensor viable sets on each side and reduce dimension MPS ret(hsps[m+1]); time(&t1); tensorProduct(spL,spR,ret,P,(ll/2)%2); time(&t2); fprintf(stderr,"tensor product (ll=%d): %.f s\n",ll,difftime(t2,t1)); Spre.push_back(ret); } } // EXIT: extract two lowest energy candidate states to determine gap auto res = Spre[0]; auto fi = Index("ext",s/2,Select); vector<MPS> resSz = {res,res}; // project to Sz sectors of the eigenspace diagHermitian(overlapT(res,prodSz[m],res),U,Dg); resSz[0].Aref(N) *= U*delta(commonIndex(U,Dg),fi); diagHermitian(overlapT(res,-1.0*prodSz[m],res),U,Dg); resSz[1].Aref(N) *= U*delta(commonIndex(U,Dg),fi); vector<MPS> evecs(2); for(int i : range(2)) { auto fc = resSz[i]; // diagonalize H within the Sz sectors auto eigs = diagHermitian(-overlapT(fc,H,fc),P,S); fc.Aref(N) *= (P*setElt(commonIndex(P,S)(1))); fc.orthogonalize({"Cutoff",epx,"Maxm",MAXBD}); fc.normalize(); if(i == 0) fprintf(stderr,"RRG gs energy: %17.14f\n",overlap(fc,H,fc)); evecs[i] = fc; } time(&t2); Real vz,vx; vz = overlap(evecs[0],prodSz[m],evecs[0]); vx = overlap(evecs[0],prodSx[m],evecs[0]); fprintf(stderr,"Vz,vx of 0 is: %17.14f,%17.14f\n",vz,vx); vz = overlap(evecs[1],prodSz[m],evecs[1]); vx = overlap(evecs[1],prodSx[m],evecs[1]); fprintf(stderr,"Vz,vx of 1 is: %17.14f,%17.14f\n",vz,vx); int x1_up = (vx > 0.0 ? 1 : 0); evecs[0] = exactApplyMPO(evecs[0],projSzUp[m],{"Cutoff",epx}); evecs[0] = exactApplyMPO(evecs[0],projSxUp[m],{"Cutoff",epx}); evecs[1] = exactApplyMPO(evecs[1],projSzDn[m],{"Cutoff",epx}); evecs[1] = exactApplyMPO(evecs[1],(x1_up?projSxUp[m]:projSxDn[m]),{"Cutoff",epx}); for(auto& it : evecs) it.normalize(); fprintf(stderr,"gs candidate energy: %17.14f\nRRG BD ",overlap(evecs[0],H,evecs[0])); for(const auto& it : evecs) fprintf(stderr,"%d ",maxM(it)); fprintf(stderr,"\telapsed: %.f s\n",difftime(t2,tI)); // CLEANUP: use DMRG to improve discovered evecs vector<Real> evals(2),e_prev(2); int max_iter = 30 , used_max = 0; Real flr = 1e-13 , over_conv = 1e-1 , gap = 1.0 , conv = over_conv*gap , max_conv = 1.0; for(int i = 0 ; i < (int)evecs.size() ; ++i) evals[i] = overlap(evecs[i],H,evecs[i]); for(int i = 0 ; (i < 2 || conv < max_conv) && i < max_iter ; ++i) { e_prev = evals; time(&t1); evals = dmrgMPO(H,evecs,8,{"Penalty",0.1,"Cutoff",epx}); time(&t2); gap = evals[1]-evals[0]; max_conv = 0.0; for(auto& j : range(2)) if(fabs(e_prev[j]-evals[j]) > max_conv) max_conv = e_prev[j]-evals[j]; fprintf(stderr,"DMRG BD "); for(const auto& it : evecs) fprintf(stderr,"%3d ",maxM(it)); fprintf(stderr,"\tgap: %e\tconv=%9.2e,%9.2e\telapsed: %.f s\n",gap, e_prev[0]-evals[0],e_prev[1]-evals[1],difftime(t2,t1)); conv = max(over_conv*gap,flr); if(i == max_iter) used_max = 1; } for(int i = 0 ; i < (int)evecs.size() ; ++i) { vz = overlap(evecs[i],prodSz[m],evecs[i]); vx = overlap(evecs[i],prodSx[m],evecs[i]); fprintf(stderr,"Vz,vx of %d is: %12.9f,%12.9f\n",i,vz,vx); } evecs[0] = exactApplyMPO(evecs[0],projSzUp[m],{"Cutoff",1e-16}); evecs[0] = exactApplyMPO(evecs[0],projSxUp[m],{"Cutoff",1e-16}); evecs[1] = exactApplyMPO(evecs[1],projSzDn[m],{"Cutoff",1e-16}); evecs[1] = exactApplyMPO(evecs[1],(x1_up?projSxUp[m]:projSxDn[m]),{"Cutoff",1e-16}); for(auto& it : evecs) it.normalize(); for(auto i : range(evecs.size())) evals[i] = overlap(evecs[i],H,evecs[i]); time(&tF); auto gsR = evecs[0]; auto ee = measEE(gsR,N/2); gap = evals[1]-evals[0]; fprintf(stderr,"gs: %17.14f gap: %15.9e ee: %10.8f\n",evals[0],gap,ee); fprintf(gsfl,"# GS data (L=%d s=%d D=%d seed=%d time=%.f)\n",N,s,D,seed,difftime(tF,tI)); if(used_max) fprintf(gsfl,"# WARNING max iterations reached\n"); fprintf(gsfl,"%17.14f\t%15.9e\t%10.8f\n",evals[0],gap,ee); // Compute two-point correlation functions in ground state via usual MPS method fprintf(sxfl,"# SxSx corr matrix (L=%d s=%d D=%d seed=%d)\n",N,s,D,seed); fprintf(syfl,"# SySy corr matrix (L=%d s=%d D=%d seed=%d)\n",N,s,D,seed); fprintf(szfl,"# SzSz corr matrix (L=%d s=%d D=%d seed=%d)\n",N,s,D,seed); for(int i = 1 ; i <= N ; ++i) { gsR.position(i,{"Cutoff",0.0}); auto SxA = hs.op("Sx",i); auto SyA = hs.op("Sy",i); auto SzA = hs.op("Sz",i); for(int j = 1 ; j <= N ; ++j) { if(j <= i) { fprintf(sxfl,"%15.12f\t",0.0); fprintf(syfl,"%15.12f\t",0.0); fprintf(szfl,"%15.12f\t",0.0); } else { auto SxB = hs.op("Sx",j); auto SyB = hs.op("Sy",j); auto SzB = hs.op("Sz",j); fprintf(sxfl,"%15.12f\t",measOp(gsR,SxA,i,SxB,j)); fprintf(syfl,"%15.12f\t",measOp(gsR,SyA,i,SyB,j)); fprintf(szfl,"%15.12f\t",measOp(gsR,SzA,i,SzB,j)); } } fprintf(sxfl,"\n"); fprintf(syfl,"\n"); fprintf(szfl,"\n"); } fclose(sxfl); fclose(syfl); fclose(szfl); fclose(gsfl); return 0; }
MayaTransformWriter::MayaTransformWriter(double iFrame, Alembic::AbcGeom::OObject & iParent, MDagPath & iDag, uint32_t iTimeIndex, bool iAddWorld, bool iWriteVisibility) { if (iDag.hasFn(MFn::kJoint)) { MFnIkJoint joint(iDag); Alembic::AbcGeom::OXform obj(iParent,, iTimeIndex); mSchema = obj.getSchema(); Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty cp = obj.getProperties(); mAttrs = AttributesWriterPtr(new AttributesWriter(iFrame, cp, joint, iTimeIndex, iWriteVisibility)); if (!iAddWorld) { pushTransformStack(iFrame, joint); // need to look at inheritsTransform MFnDagNode dagNode(iDag); MPlug inheritPlug = dagNode.findPlug("inheritsTransform"); if (!inheritPlug.isNull()) { if (util::getSampledType(inheritPlug) != 0) mInheritsPlug = inheritPlug; mSample.setInheritsXforms(inheritPlug.asBool()); } // everything is default, don't write anything if (mSample.getNumOps() == 0 && mSample.getInheritsXforms()) return; mSchema.set(mSample); return; } } else { MFnTransform trans(iDag); Alembic::AbcGeom::OXform obj(iParent,, iTimeIndex); mSchema = obj.getSchema(); Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty cp = obj.getProperties(); mAttrs = AttributesWriterPtr(new AttributesWriter(iFrame, cp, trans, iTimeIndex, iWriteVisibility)); if (!iAddWorld) { pushTransformStack(iFrame, trans); // need to look at inheritsTransform MFnDagNode dagNode(iDag); MPlug inheritPlug = dagNode.findPlug("inheritsTransform"); if (!inheritPlug.isNull()) { if (util::getSampledType(inheritPlug) != 0) mInheritsPlug = inheritPlug; mSample.setInheritsXforms(inheritPlug.asBool()); } // everything is default, don't write anything if (mSample.getNumOps() == 0 && mSample.getInheritsXforms()) return; mSchema.set(mSample); return; } } // if we didn't bail early then we need to add all the transform // information at the current node and above // copy the dag path because we'll be popping from it MDagPath dag(iDag); int i; int numPaths = dag.length(); std::vector< MDagPath > dagList; for (i = numPaths - 1; i > -1; i--, dag.pop()) { dagList.push_back(dag); // inheritsTransform exists on both joints and transforms MFnDagNode dagNode(dag); MPlug inheritPlug = dagNode.findPlug("inheritsTransform"); // if inheritsTransform exists and is set to false, then we // don't need to worry about ancestor nodes above this one if (!inheritPlug.isNull() && !inheritPlug.asBool()) break; } std::vector< MDagPath >::iterator iStart = dagList.begin(); std::vector< MDagPath >::iterator iCur = dagList.end(); iCur--; // now loop backwards over our dagpath list so we push ancestor nodes // first, all the way down to the current node for (; iCur != iStart; iCur--) { // only add it to the stack don't write it yet! if (iCur->hasFn(MFn::kJoint)) { MFnIkJoint joint(*iCur); pushTransformStack(iFrame, joint); } else { MFnTransform trans(*iCur); pushTransformStack(iFrame, trans); } } // finally add any transform info on the final node and write it if (iCur->hasFn(MFn::kJoint)) { MFnIkJoint joint(*iCur); pushTransformStack(iFrame, joint); } else { MFnTransform trans(*iCur); pushTransformStack(iFrame, trans); } // need to look at inheritsTransform MFnDagNode dagNode(iDag); MPlug inheritPlug = dagNode.findPlug("inheritsTransform"); if (!inheritPlug.isNull()) { if (util::getSampledType(inheritPlug) != 0) mInheritsPlug = inheritPlug; mSample.setInheritsXforms(inheritPlug.asBool()); } // everything is default, don't write anything if (mSample.getNumOps() == 0 && mSample.getInheritsXforms()) return; mSchema.set(mSample); }