void HMMPredictionStrategy::trainning(std::vector<int> data)
	//normalize Data
	std::vector<int> dataCopy(data);
	int max=0;
	int min=dataCopy[0];

	for(int i=0 ;i < dataCopy.size();i++)
			max = dataCopy[i];
			min = dataCopy[i];
	shift = min-1;
	for(int i =0;i < dataCopy.size();i++)

	trainningMax = dataCopy.size();
Example #2
Bool defaultConnectorPrepare(Element *elt, u_char onlyPointer)
    Data *thisData, *opositData;
    Connector *cPtr;
    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < (int) elt->out[C_IN].size; i ++) {
        thisData = _DC(elt, C_IN, i);
        cPtr = getConnection(elt->out[C_IN].group + i, 0);
        if(cPtr) {
            opositData = cPtr->elt.data;

            if(!thisData || !opositData) return False;
                *thisData = *opositData;
            else if(!dataCopy(thisData, *opositData))
                return False;

            _ptrC(elt, C_IN, i)->elt.pointer = onlyPointer;
            return False;
    return True;
Example #3
String ArduinoHttpServer::StreamHttpErrorReply::getJsonBody(const String& data)
   // Copy string since replace modifies original.
   String dataCopy(data);
   dataCopy.replace("\"", "\\\"");

   String body;
   body += "{\"Error\": \"";
   body +=dataCopy;
   body += "\"}";

   return body;
Example #4

// CompareHashTimes
void TestHash::CompareHashTimes_Large() const
	// use pseudo-random (but deterministic) data
	const uint32_t seed = 0xB1234567;
	Random r( seed );

	// fill a buffer to use for tests
	const size_t dataSize( 64 * 1024 * 1024 );
	AutoPtr< uint32_t > data( (uint32_t *)ALLOC( dataSize ) );
	for ( size_t i=0; i<dataSize / sizeof( uint32_t ); ++i )
		data.Get()[ i ] = r.GetRand();

	// baseline - sum 64 bits
		Timer t;
		uint64_t sum( 0 );
		uint64_t * it = (uint64_t *)data.Get();
		uint64_t * end = it + ( dataSize / sizeof( uint64_t ) );
		while ( it != end )
			sum += *it;
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Sum64           : %2.3fs @ %2.3f GiB/s (sum: %016llx)\n", time, speed, sum );

	// baseline - sum 32 bits
		Timer t;
		uint32_t sum( 0 );
		uint32_t * it = data.Get();
		uint32_t * end = it + ( dataSize / sizeof( uint32_t ) );
		while ( it != end )
			sum += *it;
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Sum32           : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (sum: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, sum );

    // xxHash32
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc = xxHash::Calc32( data.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "xxHash-32       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

    // xxHash64
		Timer t;
		uint64_t crc = xxHash::Calc64( data.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "xxHash-64       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: %016llx)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 32
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc = Murmur3::Calc32( data.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-32      : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 128
		Timer t;
		uint64_t hashB( 0 );
		uint64_t hashA = Murmur3::Calc128( data.Get(), dataSize, hashB );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-128     : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (%016llx, %016llx)\n", time, speed, hashA, hashB );

	// CRC32 - 8x8 slicing
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc = CRC32::Calc( data.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32 8x8       : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// CRC32 - "standard" algorithm
		Timer t;
	    uint32_t crc = CRC32::Start();
		crc = CRC32::Update( crc, data.Get(), dataSize );
		crc = CRC32::Stop( crc );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32           : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// CRC32Lower
		Timer t;
		uint32_t crc = CRC32::CalcLower( data.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "CRC32Lower      : %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );

	// Murmur3 - 32 Lower
		Timer t;

		// lower-case the data into a copy
		AutoPtr< uint32_t > dataCopy( (uint32_t *)ALLOC( dataSize ) );
		const char * src = (const char * )data.Get();
		const char * end( src + ( dataSize / sizeof( uint32_t ) ) );
		char * dst = (char *)dataCopy.Get();
		while ( src < end )
			char c = *src;
			*dst = ( ( c >= 'A' ) && ( c <= 'Z' ) ) ? 'a' + c - 'A' : c ;

		// hash it
		uint32_t crc = Murmur3::Calc32( dataCopy.Get(), dataSize );
		float time = t.GetElapsed();
		float speed = ( (float)dataSize / (float)( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ) ) / time;
		OUTPUT( "Murmur3-32-Lower: %2.3fs @ %6.3f GiB/s (hash: 0x%x)\n", time, speed, crc );
