void OrbAlm::dumpHeader(std::ostream& s) const throw( gpstk::InvalidRequest ) { if (!dataLoaded()) { InvalidRequest exc("Required data not stored."); GPSTK_THROW(exc); } s << "**************************************************************" << std::endl << " ORB/CLK ALMANAC PARAMETERS FOR " << subjectSV << std::endl; std::string tform("test"); // To do, generalize for all systems if (subjectSV.system==SatID::systemIRNSS) tform = "%02m/%02d/%Y %03j %02H:%02M:%02S %7.0s %4O %6.0g %P"; else tform = "%02m/%02d/%Y %03j %02H:%02M:%02S %7.0s %4F %6.0g %P"; s << std::endl << " MM/DD/YYYY DOY HH:MM:SS SOD WWWW SOW\n"; s << "Transmit : " << printTime(beginValid,tform) << std::endl; s << "Orbit Epoch: " << printTime(ctToe,tform) << std::endl; s << std::endl; }
bool AudioDataSet<T>::load(const std::string & absoluteFilePath, std::string & errorString) { File file(absoluteFilePath); if(!file.exists()) { errorString = "No such file exists."; return false; } FileInputStream is(file); if (is.getStatus().failed()) { errorString = "Error opening file"; return false; } auto vt = ValueTree::readFromStream(is); numSounds = vt.getProperty("NumSounds"); instancesPerSound = vt.getProperty("InstancesPerSound"); bufferSize = vt.getProperty("BufferSize"); stftFramesPerBuffer = vt.getProperty("STFTFramesPerBuffer"); numDelayedBuffers = vt.getProperty("NumDelayedBuffers"); auto featuresUsedLoaded = vt.getChildWithName("FeaturesUsed"); //Going to reset features used featuresUsed.resize(0); for(auto i = 0; i < featuresUsedLoaded.getNumChildren(); ++i) { auto featureFramePair = featuresUsedLoaded.getChild(i); auto frame = int(featureFramePair.getProperty("Frame")); auto feature = static_cast<AudioClassifyOptions::AudioFeature>(int(featureFramePair.getProperty("Feature"))); featuresUsed.push_back(std::make_pair(frame, feature)); } auto dataBlock = vt.getProperty("Data").getBinaryData(); arma::Mat<T> dataLoaded(static_cast<T*>(dataBlock->getData()), featuresUsed.size(), getTotalNumInstances()); auto soundLabelsBlock = vt.getProperty("SoundLabels").getBinaryData(); arma::Row<int> soundLabelsLoaded(static_cast<int*>(soundLabelsBlock->getData()), getTotalNumInstances()); setData(dataLoaded); setSoundLabels(soundLabelsLoaded); //Assume sounds ready if loaded as required by save for (auto& v : soundsReady) { v = true; } return true; }
void ViewWindow::onLoadFinished ( bool ) { if ( m_storedScrollbarPosition > 0 ) { page()->currentFrame()->setScrollBarValue( Qt::Vertical, m_storedScrollbarPosition ); m_storedScrollbarPosition = 0; } updateHistoryIcons(); emit dataLoaded( this ); }
void PrivateStorage::stanzaRequestResult(const Jid &AStreamJid, const Stanza &AStanza) { if (FSaveRequests.contains(AStanza.id())) { QDomElement dataElem = FSaveRequests.take(AStanza.id()); if (AStanza.isResult()) { LOG_STRM_INFO(AStreamJid,QString("Private data saved on server, ns=%1, id=%2").arg(dataElem.namespaceURI(),AStanza.id())); notifyDataChanged(AStreamJid,dataElem.tagName(),dataElem.namespaceURI()); } else { LOG_STRM_WARNING(AStreamJid,QString("Private data saved in local storage, ns=%1, id=%2: %3").arg(dataElem.namespaceURI(),AStanza.id(),XmppStanzaError(AStanza).condition())); } saveOptionsElement(AStreamJid,dataElem); emit dataSaved(AStanza.id(),AStreamJid,dataElem); } else if (FLoadRequests.contains(AStanza.id())) { QDomElement dataElem; QDomElement loadElem = FLoadRequests.take(AStanza.id()); if (AStanza.isResult()) { dataElem = AStanza.firstElement("query",NS_JABBER_PRIVATE).firstChildElement(loadElem.tagName()); LOG_STRM_INFO(AStreamJid,QString("Private data loaded from server, ns=%1, id=%2").arg(loadElem.namespaceURI(),AStanza.id())); } else { LOG_STRM_WARNING(AStreamJid,QString("Private data loaded from local storage, ns=%1, id=%2: %3").arg(loadElem.namespaceURI(),AStanza.id(),XmppStanzaError(AStanza).condition())); } if (dataElem.isNull()) dataElem = loadOptionsElement(AStreamJid,loadElem.tagName(),loadElem.namespaceURI()); emit dataLoaded(AStanza.id(),AStreamJid,insertElement(AStreamJid,dataElem)); } else if (FRemoveRequests.contains(AStanza.id())) { QDomElement dataElem = FRemoveRequests.take(AStanza.id()); if (AStanza.isResult()) { LOG_STRM_INFO(AStreamJid,QString("Private data removed from server, ns=%1, id=%2").arg(dataElem.namespaceURI(),AStanza.id())); notifyDataChanged(AStreamJid,dataElem.tagName(),dataElem.namespaceURI()); } else { LOG_STRM_WARNING(AStreamJid,QString("Private data removed from local storage, ns=%1, id=%2: %3").arg(dataElem.namespaceURI(),AStanza.id(),XmppStanzaError(AStanza).condition())); } removeElement(AStreamJid,dataElem.tagName(),dataElem.namespaceURI()); removeOptionsElement(AStreamJid,dataElem.tagName(),dataElem.namespaceURI()); emit dataRemoved(AStanza.id(),AStreamJid,dataElem); } }
template<typename T> TplModelNode *TplModelNode::addChild(T key, QString childname, NodeType childtype, QVariant childextra) { dataLoaded(); TplModelNode *foundChild = findChild(key); if (foundChild != NULL) return foundChild; //TODO: handle deletion TplModelNode *newnode = new TplModelNode(childname, key, childtype, this, model, srv); if (childextra.isValid()) newnode->extra = childextra; addChild(newnode); return newnode; }
void DataFileLoader::loadChemStationFileSingle(const QString &path) { ChemStationFileLoader::Data chData = ChemStationFileLoader::loadFile(path, true); if (!chData.isValid()) return; QDir d(path); d.cdUp(); m_lastChemStationPath = d.path(); emit dataLoaded(std::shared_ptr<Data>(new Data(chData.data, "Time", "minute", chemStationTypeToString(chData.type), chData.yUnits)), path, QFileInfo(path).fileName()); }
void MainMenuScene::startBtnCallFunc(CCObject* pSender) { CCPoint mainMenuPosition = mainMenu->getPosition(); CCParticleSystem *meteor=CCParticleSystemQuad::create("pictures/qwe.plist"); meteor->setScale(0.4); meteor->setPosition(ccp(mainMenuPosition.x,mainMenuPosition.y -50)); menuLayer->addChild(meteor,2); CCSprite * activity = CCSprite::create("pictures/loading.png"); activity->setPosition(ccp(mainMenuPosition.x,mainMenuPosition.y-50)); menuLayer->addChild(activity,2); CCRotateBy * rotateAction = CCRotateBy::create(0.5f,180.0f); activity->runAction(CCRepeatForever::create(rotateAction)); loadingCount = 0; dataLoaded(loadingCount); }
PaintWidget::PaintWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget( parent ), m_ui( new Ui::PaintWidget ) { m_ui->setupUi( this ); if ( MapData::instance()->loaded() ) { setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true ); setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true ); } #else PaintWidget::PaintWidget() { #endif m_lastMouseX = 0; m_lastMouseY = 0; m_wheelDelta = 0; m_fixed = false; setKeepPositionVisible( false ); m_mouseDown = false; m_drag = false; m_request.zoom = 0; m_request.center = RoutingLogic::instance()->source().ToProjectedCoordinate(); dataLoaded(); sourceChanged(); waypointsChanged(); trackChanged(); routeChanged(); connect( MapData::instance(), SIGNAL(dataLoaded()), this, SLOT(dataLoaded()) ); connect( RoutingLogic::instance(), SIGNAL(sourceChanged()), this, SLOT(sourceChanged()) ); connect( RoutingLogic::instance(), SIGNAL(routeChanged()), this, SLOT(routeChanged()) ); connect( RoutingLogic::instance(), SIGNAL(waypointsChanged()), this, SLOT(waypointsChanged()) ); connect( Logger::instance(), SIGNAL(trackChanged()), this, SLOT(trackChanged()) ); } PaintWidget::~PaintWidget() { #ifndef SAILFISH delete m_ui; #endif } void PaintWidget::paint(QPainter *painter) { if ( !isVisible() ) return; IRenderer* renderer = MapData::instance()->renderer(); if ( renderer == NULL ) return; if ( m_fixed ){ m_request.center = m_request.position.ToProjectedCoordinate(); if ( GlobalSettings::autoRotation() ) { //gradually change the screen rotation to match the heading double diff = m_request.rotation + m_request.heading; while ( diff <= -180 ) diff += 360; while ( diff >= 180 ) diff -=360; //to filter out noise stop when close enough if ( diff > 0 ) diff = std::max( 0.0, diff - 15 ); if ( diff < 0 ) diff = std::min( 0.0, diff + 15 ); m_request.rotation -= diff / 2; //normalize while ( m_request.rotation < 0 ) m_request.rotation += 360; while ( m_request.rotation >= 360 ) m_request.rotation -= 360; int radius = height() * 0.25; m_request.center = renderer->PointToCoordinate( 0, -radius, m_request ); } else { m_request.rotation = 0; } } else { m_request.rotation = 0; } if (m_keepPositionVisible) m_request.center = m_request.position.ToProjectedCoordinate(); Timer time; renderer->Paint( painter, m_request ); qDebug() << "Rendering:" << time.elapsed() << "ms"; } void PaintWidget::dataLoaded() { IRenderer* renderer = MapData::instance()->renderer(); if ( renderer == NULL ) return; #ifndef SAILFISH setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true ); setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true ); #endif renderer->SetUpdateSlot( this, SLOT(update()) ); update(); }
void DataFileLoader::loadCsvFile(const bool readFromClipboard) { LoadCsvFileDialog::Parameters p; QStringList filePaths; QFileDialog openDlg(nullptr, tr("Pick a text data file"), m_lastCsvPath); if (!readFromClipboard) { openDlg.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptOpen); openDlg.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFiles); if (openDlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; filePaths = openDlg.selectedFiles(); if (filePaths.length() < 1) return; } while (true) { if (m_loadCsvFileDlg->exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; p = m_loadCsvFileDlg->parameters(); if (p.delimiter.length() != 1 && (p.delimiter.compare("\\t") != 0)) { QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, QObject::tr("Invalid input"), QObject::tr("Delimiter must be a single character or '\\t' to represent TAB.")); continue; } if (p.decimalSeparator == p.delimiter) { QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, QObject::tr("Invalid input"), QObject::tr("Delimiter and decimal separator cannot be the same character.")); continue; } if (p.xColumn == p.yColumn) { QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, QObject::tr("Invalid input"), QObject::tr("X and Y columns cannot be the same")); continue; } break; } QChar delimiter; if (p.delimiter.compare("\\t") == 0) delimiter = '\t'; else delimiter = p.delimiter.at(0); const QByteArray &bom = p.readBom == true ? CsvFileLoader::SUPPORTED_ENCODINGS[p.encodingId].bom : QByteArray(); auto doLoad = [this, &p](const CsvFileLoader::Data &csvData, const QString &path) { QString xType; QString yType; QString xUnit; QString yUnit; QString fileName = ""; switch (p.header) { case LoadCsvFileDialog::HeaderHandling::NO_HEADER: xType = p.xType; yType = p.yType; xUnit = p.xUnit; yUnit = p.yUnit; break; case LoadCsvFileDialog::HeaderHandling::HEADER_WITH_UNITS: xType = csvData.xType; yType = csvData.yType; break; case LoadCsvFileDialog::HeaderHandling::HEADER_WITHOUT_UNITS: xType = csvData.xType; yType = csvData.yType; xUnit = p.xUnit; yUnit = p.yUnit; break; } if (yUnit.length() > 0) { if (yUnit.at(yUnit.length() - 1) == '\n') yUnit.chop(1); } std::shared_ptr<Data> data = std::shared_ptr<Data>(new Data(csvData.data, xType, xUnit, yType, yUnit)); if (path != "") fileName = QFileInfo(path).fileName(); emit dataLoaded(data, path, fileName); }; if (readFromClipboard) { CsvFileLoader::Data csvData = CsvFileLoader::readClipboard(delimiter, p.decimalSeparator, p.xColumn, p.yColumn, p.header != LoadCsvFileDialog::HeaderHandling::NO_HEADER, p.linesToSkip, p.encodingId); if (!csvData.isValid()) return; doLoad(csvData, ""); } else { for (const QString &path : filePaths) { CsvFileLoader::Data csvData = CsvFileLoader::readFile(path, delimiter, p.decimalSeparator, p.xColumn, p.yColumn, p.header != LoadCsvFileDialog::HeaderHandling::NO_HEADER, p.linesToSkip, p.encodingId, bom); if (!csvData.isValid()) continue; m_lastCsvPath = path; doLoad(csvData, path); } } }