Example #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  if (argc == 1) {
    printf("%s\n", L_NAME);
    printf("usage: ./insertion [data_init type]\n");
    printf(" data_init type : random, sorted, reverse\n");

  if (argc != 2) {
    printf("Error! The number of argument is wrong.\n");
  int i;
  long long start;
  long long end;

  /* ----- Initialization ----- */
  printf("# sort elements n = %d\n",  DATANUM);
  for (i = 0; i < SHOWNUM; i++) printf("%d ", data[i]);

  /* ----- Measurement of Sort Process Time ----- */
  start = get_time();
  InsertionSort(data, 0, DATANUM-1);
  end = get_time();

  /* ----- Show Results ----- */
  for (i = 0; i < SHOWNUM; i++) printf("%d ", data[i]);
  printf("# elasped time:%9.3f sec\n", (end - start)/1000000.0);
  return 0;
Example #2



  line5(5,5,18,9, 3);
  line5(10,18,3,9, 4);


  circ3(11,10,3, 1,1);
  circ3(10,10,9, 3,0);

  circ3(10,10,8, 8,0);

  return 0;
Example #3
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	ssize_t readen;
	int have_data = 1;
	int ntimeouts = 0;
	time_t timeout_start = time(NULL);
	int rtp_hdr_pos = 0, num_packets = 0;
	struct rlimit rl;

	if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &rl) == 0) {
		if (rl.rlim_cur > THREAD_STACK_SIZE) {
			rl.rlim_cur = THREAD_STACK_SIZE;
			setrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &rl);

	memset(rtp_hdr[0], 0, RTP_HDR_SZ);
	memset(rtp_hdr[1], 0, RTP_HDR_SZ);



	parse_options(&ts, argc, argv);

	if (ts.pidfile)

	if (ts.syslog_active) {
		if (ts.syslog_remote) {
			log_init(ts.ident, 1, 1, ts.syslog_host, ts.syslog_port);
			remote_syslog = 1;
		} else {
			openlog(ts.ident, LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID, LOG_USER);
			local_syslog = 1;

	ts.notify = notify_alloc(&ts);

	ts_LOGf("Start %s\n", program_id);
	notify(&ts, "START", "Starting %s", program_id);

	if (ts.input.type == NET_IO && udp_connect_input(&ts.input) < 1)
		goto EXIT;
	if (ts.output.type == NET_IO && udp_connect_output(&ts.output) < 1)
		goto EXIT;

	signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
	signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

	signal(SIGINT , signal_quit);
	signal(SIGTERM, signal_quit);

	if (ts.threaded) {
		pthread_create(&ts.decode_thread, &ts.thread_attr, &decode_thread, &ts);
		pthread_create(&ts.write_thread , &ts.thread_attr, &write_thread , &ts);

	ts.emm_last_report = time(NULL) + FIRST_REPORT_SEC;
	ts.ecm_last_report = time(NULL) + FIRST_REPORT_SEC;

	if (packet_from_file) {
		uint8_t tmp[2048];
		ts_hex_dump_buf((char *)tmp, sizeof(tmp), packet_buf, packet_buflen, 16);
		ts_LOGf("%s | Processing packet with CAID 0x%04x\n", packet_type == ECM_MSG ? "ECM" : "EMM", ts.forced_caid);
		ts_LOGf("%s | Packet dump:\n%s\n", packet_type == ECM_MSG ? "ECM" : "EMM", tmp);
		camd_process_packet(&ts, camd_msg_alloc(packet_type, ts.forced_caid, ts.forced_service_id, packet_buf, packet_buflen));
		goto EXIT;

	do {
		if (!ts.camd.constant_codeword)

		if (ts.input.type == NET_IO) {
			if (!ts.rtp_input) {
				readen = fdread_ex(ts.input.fd, (char *)ts_packet, FRAME_SIZE, 250, 4, 1);
			} else {
				readen = fdread_ex(ts.input.fd, (char *)ts_packet, FRAME_SIZE + RTP_HDR_SZ, 250, 4, 1);
				if (readen > RTP_HDR_SZ) {
					memcpy(rtp_hdr[rtp_hdr_pos], ts_packet, RTP_HDR_SZ);
					memmove(ts_packet, ts_packet + RTP_HDR_SZ, FRAME_SIZE);
					readen -= RTP_HDR_SZ;
					uint16_t ssrc  = (rtp_hdr[rtp_hdr_pos][2] << 8) | rtp_hdr[rtp_hdr_pos][3];
					uint16_t pssrc = (rtp_hdr[!rtp_hdr_pos][2] << 8) | rtp_hdr[!rtp_hdr_pos][3];
					rtp_hdr_pos = !rtp_hdr_pos;
					if (pssrc + 1 != ssrc && (ssrc != 0 && pssrc != 0xffff) && num_packets > 2)
						if (ts.ts_discont)
							ts_LOGf("--- | RTP discontinuity last_ssrc %5d, curr_ssrc %5d, lost %d packet\n",
								pssrc, ssrc, ((ssrc - pssrc)-1) & 0xffff);
			if (!keep_running)
			if (readen < 0) {
				ts_LOGf("--- | Input read timeout.\n");
				if (!ntimeouts) {
					timeout_start = time(NULL);
					notify(&ts, "INPUT_TIMEOUT", "Read timeout on input %s://%s:%s/",
							ts.rtp_input ? "rtp" : "udp",
							ts.input.hostname, ts.input.service);
				ts.no_input = 1;
			} else {
				if (ntimeouts && readen > 0) {
					time_t now = time(NULL);
					ts_LOGf("+++ | Input OK after %ld sec timeout.\n", (now - timeout_start) + 2);
					notify(&ts, "INPUT_OK", "Data is available on input %s://%s:%s/ after %ld seconds timeout.",
							ts.rtp_input ? "rtp" : "udp",
							ts.input.hostname, ts.input.service,
							(now - timeout_start) + 2); // Timeout is detected when ~2 seconds there is no incoming data
					ts.no_input = 0;
					ntimeouts = 0;
		} else {
			readen = read(ts.input.fd, ts_packet, FRAME_SIZE);
			have_data = !(readen <= 0);
		if (readen > 0) {
			if (ts.input_dump_file)
				fwrite(ts_packet, readen, 1, ts.input_dump_file);
			process_packets(&ts, ts_packet, readen);
	} while (have_data && keep_running);

	// If pthread_join failes make sure we exit...
	signal(SIGINT , SIG_DFL);
	signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
	signal(SIGALRM, signal_alarm);
	if (ts.threaded) {
		ts.decode_stop = 1;
		ts.write_stop = 1;

		if (ts.decode_thread)
			pthread_join(ts.decode_thread, NULL);
		if (ts.write_thread)
			pthread_join(ts.write_thread, NULL);


	notify_sync(&ts, "STOP", "Stopping %s", program_id);
	ts_LOGf("Stop %s\n", program_id);

	if (ts.syslog_active) {
		if (ts.syslog_remote)

	if (ts.input_dump_file)

	if (ts.pidfile)

	if (log_file)


int main (int argc, char *argv[])

  SUCCESS_OR_DIE (gaspi_proc_init (GASPI_BLOCK));

  gaspi_rank_t iProc, nProc;
  SUCCESS_OR_DIE (gaspi_proc_rank (&iProc));
  SUCCESS_OR_DIE (gaspi_proc_num (&nProc));

  // number of threads
  const int NTHREADS = 2;

  // number of buffers
  const int NWAY     = 2;

  gaspi_segment_id_t const segment_id = 0;

  // allocate segment for array for local vector, left halo and right halo
  SUCCESS_OR_DIE ( gaspi_segment_create
      ( segment_id, NWAY * (NTHREADS + 2) * 2 * VLEN * sizeof (double)
  gaspi_pointer_t array;
  SUCCESS_OR_DIE ( gaspi_segment_ptr ( segment_id, &array) );

  // initial buffer id
  int buffer_id = 0;

  // set notification values
  gaspi_notification_id_t left_data_available[NWAY];
  gaspi_notification_id_t right_data_available[NWAY];
  for (gaspi_notification_id_t id = 0; id < NWAY; ++id)
    left_data_available[id] = id;
    right_data_available[id] = NWAY + id;

  // set queue id
  gaspi_queue_id_t queue_id = 0;

  // initialize data
  data_init (NTHREADS, iProc, buffer_id, array);

  omp_set_num_threads (NTHREADS);

  double time = -now();

#pragma omp parallel default (shared) firstprivate (buffer_id)

    const int tid = omp_get_thread_num();

    for (int k = 0; k < NITER; ++k)
      for ( int i = 0; i < nProc * NTHREADS; ++i )

	const int left_halo   = 0;
	const int slice_id    = tid + 1;
	const int right_halo  = NTHREADS+1;
        if (tid == 0)
	  // issue write
          wait_for_queue_max_half (&queue_id);
          SUCCESS_OR_DIE ( gaspi_write_notify
              ( segment_id, array_OFFSET_left (buffer_id, left_halo + 1, 0), LEFT(iProc, nProc) 
              , segment_id, array_OFFSET_left (buffer_id, right_halo, 0), VLEN * sizeof (double)
              , right_data_available[buffer_id], 1 + i, queue_id, GASPI_BLOCK));

	  // issue write
          wait_for_queue_max_half (&queue_id);
          SUCCESS_OR_DIE ( gaspi_write_notify
              ( segment_id, array_OFFSET_right (buffer_id, right_halo - 1, 0), RIGHT(iProc, nProc)
              , segment_id, array_OFFSET_right (buffer_id, left_halo, 0), VLEN * sizeof (double)
              , left_data_available[buffer_id], 1 + i, queue_id, GASPI_BLOCK));

	  // wait for data notification
          wait_or_die (segment_id, right_data_available[buffer_id], 1 + i);

	  // wait for data notification
          wait_or_die (segment_id, left_data_available[buffer_id], 1 + i);

#pragma omp barrier

	// compute data, read from id "buffer_id", write to id "1 - buffer_id"
	data_compute ( NTHREADS, array, 1 - buffer_id, buffer_id, slice_id);

#pragma omp barrier

	// alternate the buffer
	buffer_id = 1 - buffer_id;


  time += now();

  data_verify (NTHREADS, iProc, (NITER * nProc * NTHREADS) % NWAY, array);

  printf ("# gaspi %s nProc %d vlen %i niter %d nthreads %i nway %i time %g\n"
         , argv[0], nProc, VLEN, NITER, NTHREADS, NWAY, time

  gaspi_proc_term (GASPI_BLOCK);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #5
void main_init() {
	PALETTE * palette;
	FILE * fp;
	int i, n;


	palette = (PALETTE *)gData[PAL].dat;

	// make sure a high score table exists (write a new one if it doesn't)
	if (!file_exists("hiscore.tbl", 0, NULL))

	// read in the high score table
	fp = fopen("hiscore.tbl", "rb");

	for (n = 0; n != 10; ++n) {
		// write the player's name
		fread(&gTable[n].name[0], sizeof(char), NAMELEN, fp);
		// write the player's score
		fread(&gTable[n].score, sizeof(unsigned long int), 1, fp);



	// seed random number generator

	gPlayers = 1;

	p[0].key_left  = get_config_int("player1", "key_left",  P1_KEY_LEFT);
	p[0].key_right = get_config_int("player1", "key_right", P1_KEY_RIGHT);
	p[0].key_down  = get_config_int("player1", "key_down",  P1_KEY_DOWN);
	p[0].key_rotl  = get_config_int("player1", "key_rotl",  P1_KEY_ROTL);
	p[0].key_rotr  = get_config_int("player1", "key_rotr",  P1_KEY_ROTR);

	p[1].key_left  = get_config_int("player2", "key_left",  P2_KEY_LEFT);
	p[1].key_right = get_config_int("player2", "key_right", P2_KEY_RIGHT);
	p[1].key_down  = get_config_int("player2", "key_down",  P2_KEY_DOWN);
	p[1].key_rotl  = get_config_int("player2", "key_rotl",  P2_KEY_ROTL);
	p[1].key_rotr  = get_config_int("player2", "key_rotr",  P2_KEY_ROTR);

	n = get_config_int("options", "show_next", 1);

	if (n == 0)
		gNext.visible = FALSE;
		gNext.visible = TRUE;

	for (i = 0; i != gPlayers; ++i) {


	install_int(t1_proc, 20);
	install_int(t2_proc, 25);
	install_int(t3_proc, 4);
	void	net_global_data_impl<gl_implicit_cl_data>::init()		
			data_init( );//init as new data
// Reset entry point for your code.
// Sets up a simple runtime environment and initializes the C/C++
// library.
ResetISR(void) {

  // ******************************
  // Modify CREG->M0APPMAP so that M0 looks in correct place
  // for its vector table when an exception is triggered.
  // Note that we do not use the CMSIS register access mechanism,
  // as there is no guarantee that the project has been configured
  // to use CMSIS.
  unsigned int *pCREG_M0APPMAP = (unsigned int *) 0x40043404;
  // CMSIS : CREG->M0APPMAP = <address of vector table>
  *pCREG_M0APPMAP = (unsigned int)g_pfnVectors;

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
  unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen;
  unsigned int *SectionTableAddr;

  // Load base address of Global Section Table
  SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table;

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
  while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end) {
    LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
    ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
    SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
    data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen);
  // At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table;
  // Zero fill the bss segment
  while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end) {
    ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
    SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
    bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen);

// **********************************************************
// No need to call SystemInit() here, as master CM4 cpu will
// have done the main system set up before enabling CM0.
// **********************************************************

#if defined (__cplusplus)
  // Call C++ library initialisation

#if defined (__REDLIB__)
  // Call the Redlib library, which in turn calls main()
  __main() ;

  // main() shouldn't return, but if it does, we'll just enter an infinite loop
  while (1) {
// Reset entry point for your code.
// Sets up a simple runtime environment and initializes the C/C++
// library.
void ResetISR(void) {

// *************************************************************
// The following conditional block of code manually resets as
// much of the peripheral set of the LPC43 as possible. This is
// done because the LPC43 does not provide a means of triggering
// a full system reset under debugger control, which can cause
// problems in certain circumstances when debugging.
// You can prevent this code block being included if you require
// (for example when creating a final executable which you will
// not debug) by setting the define 'DONT_RESET_ON_RESTART'.

    // Disable interrupts
    __asm volatile ("cpsid i");
    // equivalent to CMSIS '__disable_irq()' function

    unsigned int *RESET_CONTROL = (unsigned int *) 0x40053100;
    // LPC_RGU->RESET_CTRL0 @ 0x40053100
    // LPC_RGU->RESET_CTRL1 @ 0x40053104
    // Note that we do not use the CMSIS register access mechanism,
    // as there is no guarantee that the project has been configured
    // to use CMSIS.

    // Write to LPC_RGU->RESET_CTRL0
    *(RESET_CONTROL + 0) = 0x10DF1000;

    // Write to LPC_RGU->RESET_CTRL1
    *(RESET_CONTROL + 1) = 0x01DFF7FF;

    // Clear all pending interrupts in the NVIC
    volatile unsigned int *NVIC_ICPR = (unsigned int *) 0xE000E280;
    unsigned int irqpendloop;
    for (irqpendloop = 0; irqpendloop < 8; irqpendloop++) {
        *(NVIC_ICPR + irqpendloop) = 0xFFFFFFFF;

    // Reenable interrupts
    __asm volatile ("cpsie i");
    // equivalent to CMSIS '__enable_irq()' function

#endif  // ifndef DONT_RESET_ON_RESTART
// *************************************************************

#if defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen;
    unsigned int *SectionTableAddr;

    // Load base address of Global Section Table
    SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table;

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end) {
        LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen);
    // At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table;
    // Zero fill the bss segment
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end) {
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen);

#if !defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)
// LPCOpen init code deals with FP and VTOR initialisation
#if defined (__VFP_FP__) && !defined (__SOFTFP__)
     * Code to enable the Cortex-M4 FPU only included
     * if appropriate build options have been selected.
     * Code taken from Section 7.1, Cortex-M4 TRM (DDI0439C)
    // CPACR is located at address 0xE000ED88
    asm("LDR.W R0, =0xE000ED88");
    // Read CPACR
    asm("LDR R1, [R0]");
    // Set bits 20-23 to enable CP10 and CP11 coprocessors
    asm(" ORR R1, R1, #(0xF << 20)");
    // Write back the modified value to the CPACR
    asm("STR R1, [R0]");
#endif // (__VFP_FP__) && !(__SOFTFP__)
    // ******************************
    // Check to see if we are running the code from a non-zero
    // address (eg RAM, external flash), in which case we need
    // to modify the VTOR register to tell the CPU that the
    // vector table is located at a non-0x0 address.

    // Note that we do not use the CMSIS register access mechanism,
    // as there is no guarantee that the project has been configured
    // to use CMSIS.
    unsigned int * pSCB_VTOR = (unsigned int *) 0xE000ED08;
    if ((unsigned int *) g_pfnVectors != (unsigned int *) 0x00000000) {
        // CMSIS : SCB->VTOR = <address of vector table>
        *pSCB_VTOR = (unsigned int) g_pfnVectors;

#if defined (__USE_CMSIS)

#if defined (__cplusplus)
    // Call C++ library initialisation

#if defined (__REDLIB__)
    // Call the Redlib library, which in turn calls main()

    // main() shouldn't return, but if it does, we'll just enter an infinite loop
    while (1) {
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

  SUCCESS_OR_DIE (gaspi_proc_init (GASPI_BLOCK));

  gaspi_rank_t iProc, nProc;
  SUCCESS_OR_DIE (gaspi_proc_rank (&iProc));
  SUCCESS_OR_DIE (gaspi_proc_num (&nProc));

  // number of threads
  const int NTHREADS = 2;

  // number of buffers
  const int NWAY     = 2;

  // allocate segment for array for local vector, left halo and right halo
  gaspi_segment_id_t const segment_id = 0;
  SUCCESS_OR_DIE ( gaspi_segment_create
      ( segment_id, NWAY * (NTHREADS + 2) * 2 * VLEN * sizeof (double)
  gaspi_pointer_t array;
  SUCCESS_OR_DIE ( gaspi_segment_ptr ( segment_id, &array) );

  // initial buffer id
  int buffer_id = 0;

  // set notification values
  gaspi_notification_id_t left_data_available[NWAY];
  gaspi_notification_id_t right_data_available[NWAY];
  for (gaspi_notification_id_t id = 0; id < NWAY; ++id)
    left_data_available[id] = id;
    right_data_available[id] = NWAY + id;

  // set queue id
  gaspi_queue_id_t queue_id = 0;

  // initialize slice data structures
  slice *ssl = (slice *) malloc (NTHREADS * sizeof (slice));
  ASSERT (ssl);
  init_slices (ssl, NTHREADS);

  // initialize data
  data_init (NTHREADS,iProc, buffer_id, array);

  const int right_halo  = NTHREADS+1;
  const int left_halo   = 0;

  // issue initial write to left ngb
  wait_for_queue_max_half (&queue_id);
  SUCCESS_OR_DIE ( gaspi_write_notify
		   ( segment_id, array_OFFSET_left (buffer_id, left_halo + 1, 0), LEFT(iProc, nProc) 
		     , segment_id, array_OFFSET_left (buffer_id, right_halo, 0), VLEN * sizeof (double)
		     , right_data_available[buffer_id], 1, queue_id, GASPI_BLOCK));
  // issue initial write to right ngb
  wait_for_queue_max_half (&queue_id);
  SUCCESS_OR_DIE ( gaspi_write_notify
		   ( segment_id, array_OFFSET_right (buffer_id, right_halo - 1, 0), RIGHT(iProc, nProc)
		     , segment_id, array_OFFSET_right (buffer_id, left_halo, 0), VLEN * sizeof (double)
		     , left_data_available[buffer_id], 1, queue_id, GASPI_BLOCK));

  // set total number of iterations per slice
  const int num = nProc * NTHREADS * NITER;

  omp_set_num_threads (NTHREADS);

  double time = -now();

#pragma omp parallel default (none) firstprivate (buffer_id, queue_id)  \
  shared (array, left_data_available, right_data_available, ssl, stderr)
    slice* sl;

    while ((sl = get_slice_and_lock (ssl, NTHREADS, num)))
      handle_slice ( sl, array, left_data_available, right_data_available
        , segment_id, queue_id, NWAY, NTHREADS, num);
	- Which functionality do we need in 'handle_slice' ?
	(asynchronous dataflow for 1-D halo-exchange)
	- Discuss.
	- Bonus question:
          Can we be at different iteration stages for left and right halo ?
	  if yes: Why ?	
      omp_unset_lock (&sl->lock);
#pragma omp barrier

  time += now();

  data_verify (NTHREADS, iProc, (NITER * nProc * NTHREADS) % NWAY, array);

  printf ("# gaspi %s nProc %d vlen %i niter %d nthreads %i nway %i time %g\n"
         , argv[0], nProc, VLEN, NITER, NTHREADS, NWAY, time

  gaspi_proc_term (GASPI_BLOCK);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
ResetISR(void) {

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
	unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen;
	unsigned int *SectionTableAddr;

	// Load base address of Global Section Table
	SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table;

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
	while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end) {
		LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
		ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
		SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
		data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen);
	// At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table;
	// Zero fill the bss segment
	while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end) {
		ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
		SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
		bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen);
	// Use Old Style Data and BSS section initialization.
	// This will only initialize a single RAM bank.
	unsigned int * LoadAddr, *ExeAddr, *EndAddr, SectionLen;

    // Copy the data segment from flash to SRAM.
	LoadAddr = &_etext;
	ExeAddr = &_data;
	EndAddr = &_edata;
	SectionLen = (void*)EndAddr - (void*)ExeAddr;
	data_init((unsigned int)LoadAddr, (unsigned int)ExeAddr, SectionLen);
	// Zero fill the bss segment
	ExeAddr = &_bss;
	EndAddr = &_ebss;
	SectionLen = (void*)EndAddr - (void*)ExeAddr;
	bss_init ((unsigned int)ExeAddr, SectionLen);

#if defined (__VFP_FP__) && !defined (__SOFTFP__)
 * Code to enable the Cortex-M4 FPU only included
 * if appropriate build options have been selected.
 * Code taken from Section 7.1, Cortex-M4 TRM (DDI0439C)
//	asm(".syntax unified");
	  // CPACR is located at address 0xE000ED88
	asm("LDR.W R0, =0xE000ED88");
	  // Read CPACR
	asm("LDR R1, [R0]");
	  // Set bits 20-23 to enable CP10 and CP11 coprocessors
	asm(" ORR R1, R1, #(0xF << 20)");
	  // Write back the modified value to the CPACR
	asm("STR R1, [R0]");
//	asm(".syntax divided");
#endif // (__VFP_FP__) && !(__SOFTFP__)

#ifdef __USE_CMSIS

#if defined (__cplusplus)
	// Call C++ library initialisation

#if defined (__REDLIB__)
	// Call the Redlib library, which in turn calls main()
	__main() ;

	// main() shouldn't return, but if it does, we'll just enter an infinite loop
	while (1) {
Example #11
	void Data_init(void)
            if(dau.srm.tp) data_init(dau.srm.rec,dau.srm.tp);
Example #12
static void init(void) {
ResetISR(void) {

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen;
    unsigned int *SectionTableAddr;

    // Load base address of Global Section Table
    SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table;

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end) {
        LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen);
    // At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table;
    // Zero fill the bss segment
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end) {
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen);
    // Optionally enable Cortex-M3 SWV trace (off by default at reset)
    // Note - your board support must also set up the switch matrix 
    // so that SWO is output on the appropriate pin for your hardware
	// Write 0x00000001 to TRACECLKDIV – Trace divider
	volatile unsigned int *TRACECLKDIV = (unsigned int *) 0x400740D8;

#if defined (__USE_CMSIS) || defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)

#if defined (__cplusplus)
    // Call C++ library initialisation

#if defined (__REDLIB__)
    // Call the Redlib library, which in turn calls main()
    __main() ;

    // main() shouldn't return, but if it does, we'll just enter an infinite loop
    while (1) {
void ResetISR(void)
    // remove warning

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen;
    unsigned int *SectionTableAddr;

    // Load base address of Global Section Table
    SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table;

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end)
        LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen);
    // At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table;
    // Zero fill the bss segment
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end)
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen);
    // Use Old Style Data and BSS section initialization.
    // This will only initialize a single RAM bank.
    unsigned int * LoadAddr, *ExeAddr, *EndAddr, SectionLen;

    // Copy the data segment from flash to SRAM.
    LoadAddr = &_etext;
    ExeAddr = &_data;
    EndAddr = &_edata;
    SectionLen = (void*)EndAddr - (void*)ExeAddr;
    data_init((unsigned int)LoadAddr, (unsigned int)ExeAddr, SectionLen);
    // Zero fill the bss segment
    ExeAddr = &_bss;
    EndAddr = &_ebss;
    SectionLen = (void*)EndAddr - (void*)ExeAddr;
    bss_init ((unsigned int)ExeAddr, SectionLen);

#if defined (__cplusplus)
    // Call C++ library initialization

    // Functions defined externally to this file:
    extern void lowLevelInitialize(void);
    extern void highLevelInitialize(void);
    extern int main();

    lowLevelInitialize();   // Initialize minimal system, such as Clock & UART
    highLevelInitialize();  // Initialize any user desired items
    int exit_code = main(); // Finally call main()

    // In case main() exits:
    uart0Init(UART0_DEFAULT_RATE_BPS, (getCpuClock() / 4));
    printf("main() exited with return code %i\n", exit_code);
    printf("main() should never exit on an Embedded System\n");
    while (1)
Example #15
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    int i;
    int rv;
    double time0, time1;

    int c, opt_i;
    int nloops = 0;
    char* gt = "";
    char* fname = "";

    static struct option long_opts[] = {
        {"help",   no_argument,       0, 0},
        {"type",   required_argument, 0, 0},
        {"nloops", required_argument, 0, 0},
        {"file",   required_argument, 0, 0}

    /* Parse command-line arguments */
    while (1) {
        c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", 
                long_opts, &opt_i);

        if (c == -1) {

        if (c == 0) {
            switch (opt_i) {
                case 0:
                case 1:
                    gt = optarg;
                case 2:
                    nloops = atoi(optarg);
                case 3:
                    fname = optarg;
        } else {

    /* check for errors */
    if (gt == NULL || nloops < 1) {

    // initialize data structures
    rv = graph_init(gt, fname);
    if (rv < 0) {
        printf("Error creating graph. \n");

    // initialize data structures

    // loop
    time0 = timer();
    for (i = 0; i < nloops; i++) {
        edge_gather(NEDGES, &gr, pt_data, edge_data);
        edge_compute(NEDGES, &gr);
        edge_scatter(NEDGES, &gr, pt_data);
    time1 = timer();

    // print results
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        printf("%i : %f %f %f \n", i, pt_data[i][0], pt_data[i][1], pt_data[i][2]);

    printf("Time: %f s \n", (time1 - time0) / ((float) nloops));

    return 0;
	void	net_global_data_impl<gl_detail_cl_data>::init()		
			data_init( );//init as new data
Example #17
ResetISR(void) {

    // Optionally enable RAM banks that may be off by default at reset
    volatile unsigned int *SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL = (unsigned int *) 0x40048080;
    // Ensure that RAM1(26) and USBSRAM(27) bits in SYSAHBCLKCTRL are set
    *SYSCON_SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1 << 26) | (1 <<27);

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen;
    unsigned int *SectionTableAddr;

    // Load base address of Global Section Table
    SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table;

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end) {
        LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen);
    // At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table;
    // Zero fill the bss segment
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end) {
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen);

    // Patch the AEABI integer divide functions to use MCU's romdivide library
    // Get address of Integer division routines function table in ROM
    unsigned int *div_ptr = (unsigned int *)((unsigned int *)*(PTR_ROM_DRIVER_TABLE))[4];
    // Get addresses of integer divide routines in ROM
    // These address are then used by the code in aeabi_romdiv_patch.s
    pDivRom_idiv = (unsigned int *)div_ptr[0];
    pDivRom_uidiv = (unsigned int *)div_ptr[1];

#if defined (__USE_CMSIS) || defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)

#if defined (__cplusplus)
    // Call C++ library initialisation

#if defined (__REDLIB__)
    // Call the Redlib library, which in turn calls main()
    __main() ;
    // main() shouldn't return, but if it does, we'll just enter an infinite loop
    while (1) {
Example #18
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int exit_status = 0, ret, flags = 0, i;
    int exec_argc = 0, user_argc = 0;
    char **exec_argv = NULL, **user_argv = NULL;
    char *exec_command, *base_argv0 = NULL;
    bool disable_flags = true;
    bool real_flag = false;

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_init_util(&argc, &argv))) {
        return ret;

     * Setup compiler information

    base_argv0 = opal_basename(argv[0]);
#if defined(EXEEXT)
    if( 0 != strlen(EXEEXT) ) {
        char extension[] = EXEEXT;
        char* temp = strstr( base_argv0, extension );
        char* old_match = temp;
        while( NULL != temp ) {
            old_match = temp;
            temp = strstr( temp + 1, extension );
        /* Only if there was a match of .exe, erase the last occurence of .exe */
        if ( NULL != old_match ) {
            *old_match = '\0';
#endif  /* defined(EXEEXT) */

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = data_init(base_argv0))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing data file %s: %s\n", base_argv0, opal_strerror(ret));
        return ret;

    for (i = 1 ; i < argc && user_data_idx < 0 ; ++i) {
        user_data_idx = find_options_index(argv[i]);
    /* if we didn't find a match, look for the NULL (base case) options */
    if (user_data_idx < 0) {
        user_data_idx = default_data_idx;
    /* if we still didn't find a match, abort */
    if (user_data_idx < 0) {
        char *flat = opal_argv_join(argv, ' ');
        opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "no-options-support", true,
                       base_argv0, flat, NULL);

    /* compiler */
    load_env_data(options_data[user_data_idx].project_short, options_data[user_data_idx].compiler_env, &options_data[user_data_idx].compiler);

    /* preprocessor flags */
    load_env_data_argv(options_data[user_data_idx].project_short, "CPPFLAGS", &options_data[user_data_idx].preproc_flags);

    /* compiler flags */
    load_env_data_argv(options_data[user_data_idx].project_short, options_data[user_data_idx].compiler_flags_env,

    /* linker flags */
    load_env_data_argv(options_data[user_data_idx].project_short, "LDFLAGS", &options_data[user_data_idx].link_flags);

    /* libs */
    load_env_data_argv(options_data[user_data_idx].project_short, "LIBS", &options_data[user_data_idx].libs);

     * Sanity Checks
    if (NULL != options_data[user_data_idx].req_file) {
        /* make sure the language is supported */
        if (0 == strcmp(options_data[user_data_idx].req_file, "not supported")) {
            opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "no-language-support", true,
                           options_data[user_data_idx].language, base_argv0, NULL);
            exit_status = 1;
            goto cleanup;

        if (options_data[user_data_idx].req_file[0] != '\0') {
            char *filename;
            struct stat buf;
            filename = opal_os_path( false, options_data[user_data_idx].path_libdir, options_data[user_data_idx].req_file, NULL );
            if (0 != stat(filename, &buf)) {
                opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "file-not-found", true,
                               base_argv0, options_data[user_data_idx].req_file, options_data[user_data_idx].language, NULL);

     * Parse user flags

    user_argv = opal_argv_copy(argv + 1);
    user_argc = opal_argv_count(user_argv);

    for (i = 0 ; i < user_argc ; ++i) {
        if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme", strlen("-showme")) ||
            0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme", strlen("--showme")) ||
            0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-show", strlen("-show")) ||
            0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--show", strlen("--show"))) {
            bool done_now = false;

            /* check for specific things we want to see.  First three
               still invoke all the building routines.  Last set want
               to parse out certain flags, so we don't go through the
               normal build routine - skip to cleanup. */
            if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:command", strlen("-showme:command")) ||
                0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:command", strlen("--showme:command"))) {
                flags = COMP_WANT_COMMAND;
                /* we know what we want, so don't process any more args */
                done_now = true;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:compile", strlen("-showme:compile")) ||
                0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:compile", strlen("--showme:compile"))) {
                flags = COMP_WANT_PREPROC|COMP_WANT_COMPILE;
                /* we know what we want, so don't process any more args */
                done_now = true;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:link", strlen("-showme:link")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:link", strlen("--showme:link"))) {
                flags = COMP_WANT_COMPILE|COMP_WANT_LINK;
                /* we know what we want, so don't process any more args */
                done_now = true;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:incdirs", strlen("-showme:incdirs")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:incdirs", strlen("--showme:incdirs"))) {
                print_flags(options_data[user_data_idx].preproc_flags, OPAL_INCLUDE_FLAG);
                goto cleanup;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:libdirs", strlen("-showme:libdirs")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:libdirs", strlen("--showme:libdirs"))) {
                print_flags(options_data[user_data_idx].link_flags, OPAL_LIBDIR_FLAG);
                goto cleanup;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:libs", strlen("-showme:libs")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:libs", strlen("--showme:libs"))) {
                print_flags(options_data[user_data_idx].libs, "-l");
                goto cleanup;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:version", strlen("-showme:version")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:version", strlen("--showme:version"))) {
                char * str;
                str = opal_show_help_string("help-opal-wrapper.txt",
                                            "version", false,
                                            argv[0], options_data[user_data_idx].project, options_data[user_data_idx].version, options_data[user_data_idx].language, NULL);
                if (NULL != str) {
                    printf("%s", str);
                goto cleanup;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:help", strlen("-showme:help")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:help", strlen("--showme:help"))) {
                char *str;
                str = opal_show_help_string("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "usage", 
                                            false, argv[0],
                if (NULL != str) {
                    printf("%s", str);

                exit_status = 0;
                goto cleanup;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:", strlen("-showme:")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:", strlen("--showme:"))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[0],
                fprintf(stderr, "Type '%s --showme:help' for usage.\n",
                exit_status = 1;
                goto cleanup;

            flags |= (COMP_DRY_RUN|COMP_SHOW_ERROR);
            /* remove element from user_argv */
            opal_argv_delete(&user_argc, &user_argv, i, 1);

            if (done_now) {
                disable_flags = false;

        } else if (0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-c")) {
            flags &= ~COMP_WANT_LINK;
            real_flag = true;
        } else if (0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-E") || 
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-M")) {
            flags &= ~(COMP_WANT_COMPILE | COMP_WANT_LINK);
            real_flag = true;
        } else if (0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-S")) {
            flags &= ~COMP_WANT_LINK;
            real_flag = true;
        } else if (0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-lpmpi")) {
            flags |= COMP_WANT_PMPI;

            /* remove element from user_argv */
            opal_argv_delete(&user_argc, &user_argv, i, 1);
        } else if (0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-static") ||
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "--static") ||
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-Bstatic") ||
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-Wl,-static") ||
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-Wl,--static") ||
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-Wl,-Bstatic")) {
            flags |= COMP_WANT_STATIC;
        } else if (0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-dynamic") ||
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "--dynamic") ||
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-Bdynamic") ||
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-Wl,-dynamic") ||
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-Wl,--dynamic") ||
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-Wl,-Bdynamic")) {
            flags &= ~COMP_WANT_STATIC;
        } else if (0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "--openmpi:linkall")) {
            /* This is an intentionally undocummented wrapper compiler
               switch.  It should only be used by Open MPI developers
               -- not end users.  It will cause mpicc to use the
               static library list, even if we're compiling
               dynamically (i.e., it'll specifically -lopen-rte and
               -lopen-pal (and all their dependent libs)).  We provide
               this flag for test MPI applications that also invoke
               ORTE and/or OPAL function calls.

               On some systems (e.g., OS X), if the top-level
               application calls ORTE/OPAL functions and you don't -l
               ORTE and OPAL, then the functions won't be resolved at
               link time (i.e., the implicit library dependencies of
               libmpi won't be pulled in at link time), and therefore
               the link will fail.  This flag will cause the wrapper
               to explicitly list the ORTE and OPAL libs on the
               underlying compiler command line, so the application
               will therefore link properly. */
            flags |= COMP_WANT_LINKALL;

            /* remove element from user_argv */
            opal_argv_delete(&user_argc, &user_argv, i, 1);
        } else if ('-' != user_argv[i][0]) {
            disable_flags = false;
            flags |= COMP_SHOW_ERROR;
            real_flag = true;
        } else { 
            /* if the option flag is one that we use to determine
               which set of compiler data to use, don't count it as a
               real option */
            if (find_options_index(user_argv[i]) < 0) {
                real_flag = true;

    /* clear out the want_flags if we got no arguments not starting
       with a - (dash) and -showme wasn't given OR -showme was given
       and we had at least one more non-showme argument that started
       with a - (dash) and no other non-dash arguments.  Some examples:

       opal_wrapper                : clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -v             : clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -E a.c         : don't clear our flags
       opal_wrapper a.c            : don't clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -showme        : don't clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -showme -v     : clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -showme -E a.c : don't clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -showme a.c    : don't clear our flags
    if (disable_flags && !((flags & COMP_DRY_RUN) && !real_flag)) {

     * Assemble the command line

    /* compiler (may be multiple arguments, so split) */
    if (flags & COMP_WANT_COMMAND) {
        exec_argv = opal_argv_split(options_data[user_data_idx].compiler, ' ');
        exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);
    } else {
        exec_argv = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char*));
        exec_argv[0] = NULL;
        exec_argc = 0;

    /* This error would normally not happen unless the user edits the 
       wrapper data files manually */
    if (NULL == exec_argv) {
        opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "no-compiler-specified", true);
        return 1;

    if (flags & COMP_WANT_COMPILE) {
        opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc,
        exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);

    /* Per https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/ticket/2201, add all the
       user arguments before anything else. */
    opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc, user_argv);
    exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);

    /* preproc flags */
    if (flags & COMP_WANT_PREPROC) {
        opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc, options_data[user_data_idx].preproc_flags);
        exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);

    /* compiler flags */
    if (flags & COMP_WANT_COMPILE) {
        opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc, options_data[user_data_idx].comp_flags);
        exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);

    /* link flags and libs */
    if (flags & COMP_WANT_LINK) {
        bool have_static_lib;
        bool have_dyn_lib;
        bool use_static_libs;
        char *filename1, *filename2;
        struct stat buf;

        opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc, options_data[user_data_idx].link_flags);
        exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);

        /* Are we linking statically?  If so, decide what libraries to
           list.  It depends on two factors:

           1. Was --static (etc.) specified?
           2. Does OMPI have static, dynamic, or both libraries installed?

           Here's a matrix showing what we'll do in all 6 cases:

           What's installed    --static    no --static
           ----------------    ----------  -----------
           ompi .so libs       -lmpi       -lmpi
           ompi .a libs        all         all
           ompi both libs      all         -lmpi


        filename1 = opal_os_path( false, options_data[user_data_idx].path_libdir, options_data[user_data_idx].static_lib_file, NULL );
        if (0 == stat(filename1, &buf)) {
            have_static_lib = true;
        } else {
            have_static_lib = false;

        filename2 = opal_os_path( false, options_data[user_data_idx].path_libdir, options_data[user_data_idx].dyn_lib_file, NULL );
        if (0 == stat(filename2, &buf)) {
            have_dyn_lib = true;
        } else {
            have_dyn_lib = false;

        /* Determine which set of libs to use: dynamic or static.  Be
           pedantic to make the code easy to read. */
        if (flags & COMP_WANT_LINKALL) {
            /* If --openmpi:linkall was specified, list all the libs
               (i.e., the static libs) if they're available, either in
               static or dynamic form. */
            if (have_static_lib || have_dyn_lib) {
                use_static_libs = true;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "The linkall option has failed as we were unable to find either static or dynamic libs\n"
                        "Files looked for:\n  Static: %s\n  Dynamic: %s\n",
                        filename1, filename2);
        } else if (flags & COMP_WANT_STATIC) {
            /* If --static (or something like it) was specified, if we
               have the static libs, then use them.  Otherwise, use
               the dynamic libs. */
            if (have_static_lib) {
                use_static_libs = true;
            } else {
                use_static_libs = false;
        } else {
            /* If --static (or something like it) was NOT specified
               (or if --dyanic, or something like it, was specified),
               if we have the dynamic libs, then use them.  Otherwise,
               use the static libs. */
            if (have_dyn_lib) {
                use_static_libs = false;
            } else {
                use_static_libs = true;

        if (use_static_libs) {
            opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc, options_data[user_data_idx].libs_static);
        } else {
            opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc, options_data[user_data_idx].libs);
        exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);

     * Execute the command

    if (flags & COMP_DRY_RUN) {
        exec_command = opal_argv_join(exec_argv, ' ');
        printf("%s\n", exec_command);
    } else {
        char *tmp;

#if 0
        exec_command = opal_argv_join(exec_argv, ' ');
        printf("command: %s\n", exec_command);

        tmp = opal_path_findv(exec_argv[0], 0, environ, NULL);
        if (NULL == tmp) {
            opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "no-compiler-found", true,
                           exec_argv[0], NULL);
            errno = 0;
            exit_status = 1;
        }  else {
            int status;

            exec_argv[0] = tmp;
            ret = opal_few(exec_argv, &status);
            exit_status = WIFEXITED(status) ? WEXITSTATUS(status) :
                              (WIFSIGNALED(status) ? WTERMSIG(status) :
                                  (WIFSTOPPED(status) ? WSTOPSIG(status) : 255));
            if( (OPAL_SUCCESS != ret) || ((0 != exit_status) && (flags & COMP_SHOW_ERROR)) ) {
                char* exec_command = opal_argv_join(exec_argv, ' ');
                if( OPAL_SUCCESS != ret ) {
                    opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "spawn-failed", true,
                                   exec_argv[0], strerror(status), exec_command, NULL);
                } else {
#if 0
                    opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "compiler-failed", true,
                                   exec_argv[0], exit_status, exec_command, NULL);

     * Cleanup

    if (NULL != base_argv0) free(base_argv0);

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = data_finalize())) {
        return ret;

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_finalize_util())) {
        return ret;

    return exit_status;
Example #19
int main (int argc, char ** argv ) 
    int i;
    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_dup (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &nproc);

    if (processArgs(argc, argv)) {
        return 1;

    if (!rank) {
        printf ("Setup parameters:\n");
        printf ("  # of steps (outputs):     %d\n", nsteps);
        printf ("  # of iterations per step: %d\n", niterations);
        printf ("  # of computation units in each iteration:   %d\n", ncomp);
        printf ("  # of communication units in each iteration: %d\n", ncomm);
        printf ("  output size per process: %d x %d doubles = %lld bytes\n", 
                nx, ny, sizeof(double) * nx * (uint64_t) ny);
        printf ("  output size per step: %lld bytes\n", 
                nproc * sizeof(double) * nx * (uint64_t) ny);

    //2D array with 1D decomposition
    offs_x = rank * nx;
    offs_y = 0;
    gnx = nproc * nx;
    gny = ny;

    data = (double*) malloc (sizeof(double) * nx * (size_t) ny);

    int bufsizeMB = nx*ny*sizeof(double)/1048576 + 1;
    output_init(comm, bufsizeMB);
    output_define(nx, ny, gnx, gny, offs_x, offs_y);

    int it, step, icomp, icomm;

    /* Warm up a bit */
    if (!rank) printf ("Warm up for 1 steps, %d iterations per step...\n", niterations);
    for (step=0; step < 1; step++) {
        for (it=0; it < niterations; it++) {
            for (icomp=0; icomp < ncomp; icomp++) {
                do_calc_unit (data, nx, ny);
            for (icomm=0; icomm < ncomm; icomm++) {
                do_comm_unit (comm);

    /* Do the steps with output now */
    if (!rank) printf ("Start running with I/O and measurements...\n");
    double Tcalc_it, Tcomm_it;
    double Truntime; //to print total time for the loop below (for overhead calculation)
    char filename[256];

    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    Truntime = MPI_Wtime();

    for (step=0; step < nsteps; step++) {
        if (!rank) printf ("Start step %d\n", step);
        Tcalc[step] = 0;
        Tcomm[step] = 0;
        for (it=0; it < niterations; it++) {
            // spend some time with computation
            Tcalc_it = MPI_Wtime();
            for (icomp=0; icomp < ncomp; icomp++) {
                do_calc_unit (data, nx, ny);
            Tcalc_it = MPI_Wtime() - Tcalc_it;
            Tcalc[step] += Tcalc_it;

            // spend some time with communication
            Tcomm_it = MPI_Wtime();
            for (icomm=0; icomm < ncomm; icomm++) {
                do_comm_unit (comm);
            Tcomm_it = MPI_Wtime() - Tcomm_it;
            Tcomm[step] += Tcomm_it;
        // output per step
        snprintf (filename, sizeof(filename), "data%6.6d", step);
        if (!rank) printf ("Output to %s\n", filename);
        MPI_Barrier (comm);
        output_dump(filename, step, data);

    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    Truntime = MPI_Wtime() - Truntime;

    if (!rank) printf ("Finalize...\n");
    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    output_finalize (rank);

    timing_report(nsteps, comm);
    double Truntime_max;
    MPI_Reduce (&Truntime, &Truntime_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, 0, comm);
    if (!rank) printf ("Total runtime of main loop: %9.3f\n", Truntime);
    free (data);

    MPI_Barrier (comm);
    MPI_Finalize ();
    return 0;
Example #20
void Reset_Handler(void) {
    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
	unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen;
	unsigned int *SectionTableAddr;

	// Load base address of Global Section Table
	SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table;

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
	while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end) {
		LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
		ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
		SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
		data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen);
	// At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table;
	// Zero fill the bss segment
	while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end) {
		ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
		SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
		bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen);

        volatile unsigned int i;
        for(i=0; i<STARTUP_DELAY; i++);
    // Set clock mode, DEFAULT_CLOCK is defined in config.h, and the default behaviour
    // is to set the clock to 72MHz from the external crystal.  Using defines here to
    // reduce code space
    #elif DEFAULT_CLOCK == IRC72
    #elif DEFAULT_CLOCK == IRC12
    LPC_SYSCON->SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (1 << 6) | (1 << 16);

    // Set all pins to digital inputs (except P0[0] which is the reset button)
        Port0Init(ALL & ~PIN0);	

    // Initialise and start the system tick timer if allowed by the SYSTICK_EN
    // definition in config.h, if the system tick timer is running, then the Delay()
    // function will use it, otherwise Delay() will use a fixed loop which is not
    // accurate when there are interrupts running, as any interrupt would stop the
    // loop and cuase the delay to be longer than expected

    // Run the user-supplied setup() function if it exists
	if(setup) {
    // Run the user-supplied main() function if it exists
	if(main) {
    // Loop the user-supplied setup() function if it exists
	if(loop) {
		while(1) loop();
    // Do nothing (except handle interrupts)
Example #21
ResetISR(void) {

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen;
    unsigned int *SectionTableAddr;

    // Load base address of Global Section Table
    SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table;

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end) {
        LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen);
    // At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table;
    // Zero fill the bss segment
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end) {
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen);

    // Patch the AEABI integer divide functions to use MCU's romdivide library
    // Get address of Integer division routines function table in ROM
    unsigned int *div_ptr = (unsigned int *)((unsigned int *)*(PTR_ROM_DRIVER_TABLE))[4];
    // Get addresses of integer divide routines in ROM
    // These address are then used by the code in aeabi_romdiv_patch.s
    pDivRom_idiv = (unsigned int *)div_ptr[0];
    pDivRom_uidiv = (unsigned int *)div_ptr[1];

#if defined (__USE_CMSIS) || defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)

#if defined (__cplusplus)
    // Call C++ library initialisation

#if defined (__REDLIB__)
    // Call the Redlib library, which in turn calls main()
    __main() ;

    // main() shouldn't return, but if it does, we'll just enter an infinite loop
    while (1) {
Example #22
int main(int argc, char** argv){
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

  MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
  int nProc, iProc;

  MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &iProc);
  MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nProc);

  // number of threads
  const int NTHREADS = 6;

  // number of buffers
  const int NWAY     = 2;

  // left neighbour
  const int left  = LEFT(iProc, nProc);

  // right neighbour
  const int right = RIGHT(iProc, nProc);

  // allocate array of for local vector, left halo and right halo
  double* array = malloc (NWAY * (NTHREADS+2) * 2 * VLEN * sizeof (double));
  ASSERT (array != 0);

  // initial buffer id
  int buffer_id = 0;

  // initialize data
  data_init (NTHREADS, iProc, buffer_id, array);
  omp_set_num_threads (NTHREADS);


  double time = -now();

#pragma omp parallel default (shared) firstprivate (buffer_id)
    const int tid = omp_get_thread_num();

    for (int k = 0; k < NITER; ++k)
      for ( int i = 0; i < nProc * NTHREADS; ++i )

	const int slice_id    = tid + 1;
	const int left_halo   = 0;
	const int right_halo  = NTHREADS+1;

	if (tid == 0)

	    MPI_Request send_req[2];
	    MPI_Request recv_req[2];

	    // post recv
	    MPI_Irecv ( &array_ELEM_right (buffer_id, left_halo, 0), VLEN, MPI_DOUBLE
		       , left, i, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_req[0]);

	    // post recv
	    MPI_Irecv ( &array_ELEM_left (buffer_id, right_halo, 0), VLEN, MPI_DOUBLE
		       , right, i, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &recv_req[1]);

	    // issue send
	    MPI_Isend ( &array_ELEM_right (buffer_id, right_halo - 1, 0), VLEN, MPI_DOUBLE
			 , right, i, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &send_req[0]);

	    // issue send
	    MPI_Isend ( &array_ELEM_left (buffer_id, left_halo + 1, 0), VLEN, MPI_DOUBLE
			 , left, i, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &send_req[1]);

	    // free send request

	    // wait for Irecv, Isend
	    MPI_Waitall (2, recv_req, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);


#pragma omp barrier

	// compute data, read from id "buffer_id", write to id "1 - buffer_id"
	data_compute (NTHREADS, array, 1 - buffer_id, buffer_id, slice_id);

#pragma omp barrier

	// alternate the buffer
	buffer_id = 1 - buffer_id;

  time += now();

  data_verify (NTHREADS, iProc, ( NITER * nProc * NTHREADS ) % NWAY, array);

  printf ("# mpi %s nProc %d vlen %i niter %d nthreads %i nway %i time %g\n"
         , argv[0], nProc, VLEN, NITER, NTHREADS, NWAY, time

  free (array);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Example #24
ResetISR(void) {
    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen;
    unsigned int *SectionTableAddr;

    // Load base address of Global Section Table
    SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table;

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end) {
        LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen);
    // At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table;
    // Zero fill the bss segment
    while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end) {
        ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
        SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
        bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen);
#if !defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)
// LPCOpen init code deals with FP and VTOR initialisation
#if defined (__VFP_FP__) && !defined (__SOFTFP__)
     * Code to enable the Cortex-M4 FPU only included
     * if appropriate build options have been selected.
     * Code taken from Section 7.1, Cortex-M4 TRM (DDI0439C)
    // CPACR is located at address 0xE000ED88
    asm("LDR.W R0, =0xE000ED88");
    // Read CPACR
    asm("LDR R1, [R0]");
    // Set bits 20-23 to enable CP10 and CP11 coprocessors
    asm(" ORR R1, R1, #(0xF << 20)");
    // Write back the modified value to the CPACR
    asm("STR R1, [R0]");
#endif // (__VFP_FP__) && !(__SOFTFP__)
    // ******************************
    // Check to see if we are running the code from a non-zero
    // address (eg RAM, external flash), in which case we need
    // to modify the VTOR register to tell the CPU that the
    // vector table is located at a non-0x0 address.

    // Note that we do not use the CMSIS register access mechanism,
    // as there is no guarantee that the project has been configured
    // to use CMSIS.
    unsigned int * pSCB_VTOR = (unsigned int *) 0xE000ED08;
    if ((unsigned int *) g_pfnVectors != (unsigned int *) 0x00000000) {
        // CMSIS : SCB->VTOR = <address of vector table>
        *pSCB_VTOR = (unsigned int) g_pfnVectors;
#if defined (__USE_CMSIS) || defined (__USE_LPCOPEN)

#if defined (__cplusplus)
    // Call C++ library initialisation

#if defined (__REDLIB__)
    // Call the Redlib library, which in turn calls main()
    __main() ;

    // main() shouldn't return, but if it does, we'll just enter an infinite loop
    while (1) {
ResetISR(void) {

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
	unsigned int LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen;
	unsigned int *SectionTableAddr;

	// Load base address of Global Section Table
	SectionTableAddr = &__data_section_table;

    // Copy the data sections from flash to SRAM.
	while (SectionTableAddr < &__data_section_table_end) {
		LoadAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
		ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
		SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
		data_init(LoadAddr, ExeAddr, SectionLen);
	// At this point, SectionTableAddr = &__bss_section_table;
	// Zero fill the bss segment
	while (SectionTableAddr < &__bss_section_table_end) {
		ExeAddr = *SectionTableAddr++;
		SectionLen = *SectionTableAddr++;
		bss_init(ExeAddr, SectionLen);
	// Use Old Style Data and BSS section initialization.
	// This will only initialize a single RAM bank.
	unsigned int * LoadAddr, *ExeAddr, *EndAddr, SectionLen;

    // Copy the data segment from flash to SRAM.
	LoadAddr = &_etext;
	ExeAddr = &_data;
	EndAddr = &_edata;
	SectionLen = (void*)EndAddr - (void*)ExeAddr;
	data_init((unsigned int)LoadAddr, (unsigned int)ExeAddr, SectionLen);
	// Zero fill the bss segment
	ExeAddr = &_bss;
	EndAddr = &_ebss;
	SectionLen = (void*)EndAddr - (void*)ExeAddr;
	bss_init ((unsigned int)ExeAddr, SectionLen);

#ifdef __USE_CMSIS

#if defined (__cplusplus)
	// Call C++ library initialisation

#if defined (__REDLIB__)
	// Call the Redlib library, which in turn calls main()
	__main() ;

	// main() shouldn't return, but if it does, we'll just enter an infinite loop
	while (1) {
Example #26
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int exit_status = 0, ret, flags = 0, i;
    int exec_argc = 0, user_argc = 0;
    char **exec_argv = NULL, **user_argv = NULL;
    char *exec_command, *base_argv0 = NULL;
    bool disable_flags = true;
    bool real_flag = false;

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_init_util())) {
        return ret;

     * Setup compiler information

    base_argv0 = opal_basename(argv[0]);
#if defined(EXEEXT)
    if( 0 != strlen(EXEEXT) ) {
        char extension[] = EXEEXT;
        char* temp = strstr( base_argv0, extension );
        char* old_match = temp;
        while( NULL != temp ) {
            old_match = temp;
            temp = strstr( temp + 1, extension );
        /* Only if there was a match of .exe, erase the last occurence of .exe */
        if ( NULL != old_match ) {
            *old_match = '\0';
#endif  /* defined(EXEEXT) */

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = data_init(base_argv0))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing data file %s: %s\n", base_argv0, opal_strerror(ret));
        return ret;

    for (i = 1 ; i < argc && user_data_idx < 0 ; ++i) {
        user_data_idx = find_options_index(argv[i]);
    /* if we didn't find a match, look for the NULL (base case) options */
    if (user_data_idx < 0) {
        user_data_idx = default_data_idx;
    /* if we still didn't find a match, abort */
    if (user_data_idx < 0) {
        char *flat = opal_argv_join(argv, ' ');
        opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "no-options-support", true,
                       base_argv0, flat, NULL);

    /* compiler */
    load_env_data(options_data[user_data_idx].project_short, options_data[user_data_idx].compiler_env, &options_data[user_data_idx].compiler);

    /* preprocessor flags */
    load_env_data_argv(options_data[user_data_idx].project_short, "CPPFLAGS", &options_data[user_data_idx].preproc_flags);

    /* compiler flags */
    load_env_data_argv(options_data[user_data_idx].project_short, options_data[user_data_idx].compiler_flags_env,

    /* linker flags */
    load_env_data_argv(options_data[user_data_idx].project_short, "LDFLAGS", &options_data[user_data_idx].link_flags);

    /* libs */
    load_env_data_argv(options_data[user_data_idx].project_short, "LIBS", &options_data[user_data_idx].libs);

     * Sanity Checks
    if (NULL != options_data[user_data_idx].req_file) {
        /* make sure the language is supported */
        if (0 == strcmp(options_data[user_data_idx].req_file, "not supported")) {
            opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "no-language-support", true,
                           options_data[user_data_idx].language, base_argv0, NULL);
            exit_status = 1;
            goto cleanup;

        if (options_data[user_data_idx].req_file[0] != '\0') {
            char *filename;
            struct stat buf;
            filename = opal_os_path( false, options_data[user_data_idx].path_libdir, options_data[user_data_idx].req_file, NULL );
            if (0 != stat(filename, &buf)) {
                opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "file-not-found", true,
                               base_argv0, options_data[user_data_idx].req_file, options_data[user_data_idx].language, NULL);

     * Parse user flags

    user_argv = opal_argv_copy(argv + 1);
    user_argc = opal_argv_count(user_argv);

    for (i = 0 ; i < user_argc ; ++i) {
        if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme", strlen("-showme")) ||
            0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme", strlen("--showme")) ||
            0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-show", strlen("-show")) ||
            0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--show", strlen("--show"))) {
            bool done_now = false;

            /* check for specific things we want to see.  First three
               still invoke all the building routines.  Last set want
               to parse out certain flags, so we don't go through the
               normal build routine - skip to cleanup. */
            if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:command", strlen("-showme:command")) ||
                0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:command", strlen("--showme:command"))) {
                flags = COMP_WANT_COMMAND;
                /* we know what we want, so don't process any more args */
                done_now = true;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:compile", strlen("-showme:compile")) ||
                0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:compile", strlen("--showme:compile"))) {
                flags = COMP_WANT_PREPROC|COMP_WANT_COMPILE;
                /* we know what we want, so don't process any more args */
                done_now = true;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:link", strlen("-showme:link")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:link", strlen("--showme:link"))) {
                flags = COMP_WANT_COMPILE|COMP_WANT_LINK;
                /* we know what we want, so don't process any more args */
                done_now = true;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:incdirs", strlen("-showme:incdirs")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:incdirs", strlen("--showme:incdirs"))) {
                print_flags(options_data[user_data_idx].preproc_flags, OPAL_INCLUDE_FLAG);
                goto cleanup;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:libdirs", strlen("-showme:libdirs")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:libdirs", strlen("--showme:libdirs"))) {
                print_flags(options_data[user_data_idx].link_flags, OPAL_LIBDIR_FLAG);
                goto cleanup;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:libs", strlen("-showme:libs")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:libs", strlen("--showme:libs"))) {
                print_flags(options_data[user_data_idx].libs, "-l");
                goto cleanup;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:version", strlen("-showme:version")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:version", strlen("--showme:version"))) {
                opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "version", false,
                               argv[0], options_data[user_data_idx].project, options_data[user_data_idx].version, options_data[user_data_idx].language, NULL);
                goto cleanup;
            } else if (0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "-showme:", strlen("-showme:")) ||
                       0 == strncmp(user_argv[i], "--showme:", strlen("--showme:"))) {
                opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "usage", true,
                               argv[0], options_data[user_data_idx].project, NULL);
                goto cleanup;

            flags |= (COMP_DRY_RUN|COMP_SHOW_ERROR);
            /* remove element from user_argv */
            opal_argv_delete(&user_argc, &user_argv, i, 1);

            if (done_now) {
                disable_flags = false;

        } else if (0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-c")) {
            flags &= ~COMP_WANT_LINK;
            real_flag = true;
        } else if (0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-E") || 
                   0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-M")) {
            flags &= ~(COMP_WANT_COMPILE | COMP_WANT_LINK);
            real_flag = true;
        } else if (0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-S")) {
            flags &= ~COMP_WANT_LINK;
            real_flag = true;
        } else if (0 == strcmp(user_argv[i], "-lpmpi")) {
            flags |= COMP_WANT_PMPI;

            /* remove element from user_argv */
            opal_argv_delete(&user_argc, &user_argv, i, 1);
        } else if ('-' != user_argv[i][0]) {
            disable_flags = false;
            flags |= COMP_SHOW_ERROR;
            real_flag = true;
        } else { 
            /* if the option flag is one that we use to determine
               which set of compiler data to use, don't count it as a
               real option */
            if (find_options_index(user_argv[i]) < 0) {
                real_flag = true;

    /* clear out the want_flags if we got no arguments not starting
       with a - (dash) and -showme wasn't given OR -showme was given
       and we had at least one more non-showme argument that started
       with a - (dash) and no other non-dash arguments.  Some examples:

       opal_wrapper                : clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -v             : clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -E a.c         : don't clear our flags
       opal_wrapper a.c            : don't clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -showme        : don't clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -showme -v     : clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -showme -E a.c : don't clear our flags
       opal_wrapper -showme a.c    : don't clear our flags
    if (disable_flags && !((flags & COMP_DRY_RUN) && !real_flag)) {

    /* sanity check */
    if (flags & COMP_WANT_PMPI) {
	    opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "no-profiling-support", true,
		               argv[0], NULL);

     * Assemble the command line

    /* compiler (may be multiple arguments, so split) */
    if (flags & COMP_WANT_COMMAND) {
        exec_argv = opal_argv_split(options_data[user_data_idx].compiler, ' ');
        exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);
    } else {
        exec_argv = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char*));
        exec_argv[0] = NULL;
        exec_argc = 0;

    /* Per https://svn.open-mpi.org/trac/ompi/ticket/2201, add all the
       user arguments before anything else. */
    opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc, user_argv);
    exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);

    /* preproc flags */
    if (flags & COMP_WANT_PREPROC) {
        opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc, options_data[user_data_idx].preproc_flags);
        exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);

    /* compiler flags */
    if (flags & COMP_WANT_COMPILE) {
        opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc, options_data[user_data_idx].comp_flags);
        /* Deal with languages like Fortran 90 that have special
           places and flags for modules or whatever */
        if (options_data[user_data_idx].module_option != NULL) {
            char *line;
            asprintf(&line, "%s%s", options_data[user_data_idx].module_option, options_data[user_data_idx].path_libdir);
            opal_argv_append_nosize(&exec_argv, line);
        exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);

    /* link flags and libs */
    if (flags & COMP_WANT_LINK) {
        opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc, options_data[user_data_idx].link_flags);
        exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);

        opal_argv_insert(&exec_argv, exec_argc, options_data[user_data_idx].libs);
        exec_argc = opal_argv_count(exec_argv);

     * Execute the command

    if (flags & COMP_DRY_RUN) {
        exec_command = opal_argv_join(exec_argv, ' ');
        printf("%s\n", exec_command);
    } else {
        char *tmp;

#if 0
        exec_command = opal_argv_join(exec_argv, ' ');
        printf("command: %s\n", exec_command);

        tmp = opal_path_findv(exec_argv[0], 0, environ, NULL);
        if (NULL == tmp) {
            opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "no-compiler-found", true,
                           exec_argv[0], NULL);
            errno = 0;
            exit_status = 1;
        }  else {
            int status;

            exec_argv[0] = tmp;
            ret = opal_few(exec_argv, &status);
            exit_status = WIFEXITED(status) ? WEXITSTATUS(status) :
                              (WIFSIGNALED(status) ? WTERMSIG(status) :
                                  (WIFSTOPPED(status) ? WSTOPSIG(status) : 255));
            if( (OPAL_SUCCESS != ret) || ((0 != exit_status) && (flags & COMP_SHOW_ERROR)) ) {
                char* exec_command = opal_argv_join(exec_argv, ' ');
                if( OPAL_SUCCESS != ret ) {
                    opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "spawn-failed", true,
                                   exec_argv[0], strerror(status), exec_command, NULL);
                } else {
#if 0
                    opal_show_help("help-opal-wrapper.txt", "compiler-failed", true,
                                   exec_argv[0], exit_status, exec_command, NULL);

     * Cleanup

    if (NULL != base_argv0) free(base_argv0);

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = data_finalize())) {
        return ret;

    if (OPAL_SUCCESS != (ret = opal_finalize_util())) {
        return ret;

    return exit_status;