Example #1
void DataChannelMPI::allGather(std::vector<at::Tensor>& output,
                               at::Tensor& input, THDGroup group_id) {
  const auto& group_pair = _groups.at(group_id);
  const auto& comm = group_pair.first;
  if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)

  if (output.size() != group_pair.second.size())
    throw std::logic_error("allGather: number of output tensors and group size does not match");

  for (auto out_tensor : output)
    assertSameSizeAndType(out_tensor, input, "allGather");

  auto recv_buffer = _newLikeFlat(output);
  auto contig_input = input.contiguous();

    contig_input.data_ptr(), contig_input.numel(), mpi_datatype.at(contig_input.type().scalarType()),
    recv_buffer.data_ptr(), contig_input.numel(), mpi_datatype.at(recv_buffer.type().scalarType()),

  for (size_t i = 0; i < output.size(); ++i)
Example #2
void dissemble(PFBlock fb)
 Opcodes opcode;
 int rmode,rdata, k = 0;
 string name;
 Instruction *pi = fb->pstart;
 while (pi != end_of_code) {
    opcode = (Opcodes)pi->opcode;   
	// *add 1.2.4 HALT+data is not always a breakpoint!
    // (it is used as a NOP + <any useful tag data>)
    if (opcode == HALT) {
        if (pi->data < MAX_BREAKPOINTS) {
          Breakpoint *pb = Breakpoint::from_id(pi->data);
          Instruction ai = pb->saved_instruction();
          std::cout << "*";
          opcode = (Opcodes)ai.opcode;
          rmode = ai.rmode;  rdata = ai.data;
        } else { opcode = NOP; rdata = pi->data; }
    } else {
      rmode  = pi->rmode;  rdata  = pi->data;
    name =  get_opcode_name(opcode);
    std::cout << k++ << ' ' <<  name << '\t';
    if (opcode == CCALL || opcode == CALL || opcode == CALLD || opcode == CALLN) {
       FBlock* pfb;
       void *data = data_ptr(rdata);
       if (opcode == CALLN)
           pfb = Builtin::imported_fblock_from_function((void*)((NFBlock *)data)->pfn);
       else pfb = PFBlock(data_ptr(rdata));     
      if (pfb) Function::from_fun_block(pfb)->dump(std::cout);      
    } else 
    if (opcode == JSWITCH) {
      int *swb = (int *)data_ptr(rdata);
      int sz = *swb++;
      int def = *swb++;
      std::cout << '(' << sz << ',' << def << ") ";
      for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) std::cout << *swb++ << ' ' << *swb++ << ' ';
    if (opcode == TOSD || opcode == TPODS) {
       PClass pc = *(PClass *)data_ptr(rdata);
       std::cout << pc->name();
    else {
     if (rmode) 
      switch(rmode) {
      case DIRECT: std::cout << "D ";  break;
      case SREL:   std::cout << "R ";  break;
      case OREL:   std::cout << "S ";  break;
     if (rdata != 0) std::cout << rdata;
   std::cout << std::endl;  
   if (opcode == RET || opcode == RETI || opcode == RETD) break;
Example #3
void* kma_malloc(kma_size_t size)

	if(size >= PAGE_SIZE)
		return NULL;

	if(entry_page == NULL)

	kma_frame* current = (kma_frame*)entry_page->ptr;

	//go until last in the list or we find one that fits
	bool fits = (current->occupied == FREE &&  frame_size(current) >= size);
	while(current->last == NOT_LAST && !fits){
		current = current->next;
		fits = (current->occupied == FREE &&  frame_size(current) >= size);

	void* ret_addr;

	//if it fits...

		ret_addr =  data_ptr(current);

	//if not...

		//if nothing in the resource map fits, we need to allocate a new page
		//ifwe are here, current should be last

		kma_page_t* new_page = get_page();
		void* next = ((char*) new_page->ptr) + new_page->size;
 		kma_frame* new_frame = write_new_frame(new_page->ptr, new_page, current, next, FREE, LAST);


 		current->last = NOT_LAST;

 		ret_addr =  data_ptr(new_frame);

  return ret_addr;
Example #4
std::vector<BackendChunk*> SimpleBackend::Create(const std::vector<BackendChunk*>& input,
    const std::vector<Scale>& result_sizes, std::shared_ptr<ComputeFn> fn) {
  auto current_device_id = MinervaSystem::Instance().current_device_id();
  std::vector<BackendChunk*> result_chunks;
  Task* task = new Task();
  for (auto i : input) {
    auto c = CHECK_NOTNULL(dynamic_cast<SimpleChunk*>(i));
    task->inputs.emplace_back(c->data(), 0);
  for (auto s : result_sizes) {
    auto data_id = MinervaSystem::Instance().GenerateDataId();
    std::shared_ptr<PhysicalData> data_ptr( new PhysicalData(s, current_device_id, data_id),
       [&] (PhysicalData* d) { device_manager_.FreeData(d->data_id); delete d; } );
    SimpleChunk* o = new SimpleChunk(data_ptr);
    task->outputs.emplace_back(o->data(), 0);
  task->op = PhysicalOp{fn, current_device_id};
  task->id = 0;
  DLOG(INFO) << "executing task name=" << fn->Name() << " to device #" << current_device_id;
  // wait for finish
  unique_lock<mutex> ul(finish_mutex_);
  finished_flag_ = false;
  while(! finished_flag_) {
  return result_chunks;
Example #5
pic_data_p(pic_state *pic, pic_value obj, const pic_data_type *type)
  if (pic_type(pic, obj) != PIC_TYPE_DATA) {
    return false;
  return type == NULL || data_ptr(pic, obj)->type == type;
Example #6
static Tensor new_from_data(const Type & type, int device, PyObject *data) {
  if (PySequence_Check(data)) {
    return new_from_sequence(type, device, data);
  } else {
    // could use scalarTensor but using store_scalar for consistency with the sequence path;
    // this has stricter checking (i.e. a floating-point number passed to an integral type will error).
    auto tensor = type.tensor({});
    torch::utils::store_scalar((char*)tensor.data_ptr(), type.scalarType(), data);
    return tensor;
Example #7
std::vector<BackendChunk*> SimpleBackend::Create(const std::vector<BackendChunk*>& input,
    const std::vector<Scale>& result_sizes, std::shared_ptr<ComputeFn> fn) {
  auto current_device_id = MinervaSystem::Instance().current_device_id();
  std::vector<BackendChunk*> result_chunks;
  Task* task = new Task();
  task->light = true;
  //printf("Backend collecting task inputs\n");
  for (auto i : input) {
    auto c = CHECK_NOTNULL(dynamic_cast<SimpleChunk*>(i));
    task->inputs.emplace_back(c->data(), 0);
  //printf("Backend collecting %lu task outputs\n",result_sizes.size());
  for (auto s : result_sizes) {
    auto data_id = MinervaSystem::Instance().GenerateDataId();
#ifdef HAS_MPI
    int current_device_id = MinervaSystem::Instance().current_device_id();
    int currentrank = MinervaSystem::Instance().device_manager().GetDevice(current_device_id)->rank();
    //printf("[%d] Backend Creating new PhysicalData on rank %d\n",MinervaSystem::Instance().rank(),currentrank);
    std::shared_ptr<PhysicalData> data_ptr( new PhysicalData(s, currentrank,  current_device_id, data_id),
       [&] (PhysicalData* d) { device_manager_.FreeData(d->data_id); delete d; } );
    std::shared_ptr<PhysicalData> data_ptr( new PhysicalData(s, current_device_id, data_id),
       [&] (PhysicalData* d) { device_manager_.FreeData(d->data_id); delete d; } );
    SimpleChunk* o = new SimpleChunk(data_ptr);
    task->outputs.emplace_back(o->data(), 0);
  task->op = PhysicalOp{fn, current_device_id};
  task->id = MinervaSystem::Instance().GenerateTaskId();
  DLOG(INFO) << "executing task name=" << fn->Name() << " to device #" << current_device_id;
  // wait for finish
//  unique_lock<mutex> ul(finish_mutex_);
//  finished_flag_.store(false);;
//  while(! finished_flag_.load()) {
//    finish_cond_.wait(ul);
//  }
  return result_chunks;
Example #8
//C[x] += A[x]*B[x]
//(if not 4-dimensional, then indexing [x] is ignored (e.g. for weight matrices))
void affine_y_x(int x_A, Ndarray* A, int x_B, Ndarray* B,
	            int x_C, /*out*/Ndarray* C, bool transpose_A = false, bool transpose_B = false) {
	const float* data_A = data_ptr(A, x_A);
	const float* data_B = data_ptr(B, x_B);
	float* data_C = data_ptr(C, x_C);
	int A_dim[2], B_dim[2];
	lastTwoDims(A, A_dim);
	lastTwoDims(B, B_dim);

	int ldB = B_dim[1];
	int ldA = A_dim[1];
	char transA = transpose_A ? 'T' : 'N';
	char transB = transpose_B ? 'T' : 'N';
	if (transpose_A)
		std::swap(A_dim[0], A_dim[1]);
	if (transpose_B)
		std::swap(B_dim[0], B_dim[1]);

	const float alpha = 1;
	const float beta = 1;

	Ndarray_sgemm(transB, transA, B_dim[1], A_dim[0], A_dim[1], &alpha, data_B, ldB,
		data_A, ldA, &beta, data_C, B_dim[1]);
Example #9
static Tensor new_from_sequence(ScalarType scalarType, PyObject* data) {
  if (!PySequence_Check(data)) {
    throw TypeError("new(): data must be a sequence (got %s)", Py_TYPE(data)->tp_name);
  if (THPUtils_checkString(data)) {
    throw TypeError("new(): invalid data type '%s'", Py_TYPE(data)->tp_name);
  if (PyArray_Check(data)) {
    return autograd::make_variable(tensor_from_numpy(data), false);

  auto sizes = compute_sizes(data);
  auto tensor = autograd::make_variable(CPU(scalarType).tensor(sizes), false);
      (char*)tensor.data_ptr(), tensor.sizes(), tensor.strides(), 0,
      scalarType, tensor.type().elementSizeInBytes(), data);
  return tensor;
Example #10
 * Select histogram block i, store to ihist.
 * @param ihist histogram i
 * @param  i    histogram block index
 * @param  j    histogram component index (select only a component);
 *              -1 to select complete block
 * @return O_K if ok, NOT_EXEC if not executed
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CHistogram::SelectBlock(CData* ihist, INT32 i, INT32 j)
  INT32 l, rl;

  if (CheckHisto() != O_K)
    return (NOT_EXEC);
  if (ihist == NULL)
    return (NOT_EXEC);
  if (i < 0 || i >= m_nhist)
    return (NOT_EXEC);

  rl = BytesPerBlock();

  data_reset (ihist);
  if (j < 0)
    data_scopy (m_hist, ihist);
    data_arr_alloc (ihist,m_bins);
    copy_data_descr (m_hist, ihist);
    set_data_nblock (ihist, 1);
    dl_memmove ( (char*)data_ptr(ihist),
        (char*)xaddr(m_hist,i*m_bins,0), rl);
    return (O_K);

  if (j > -1 && j < data_dim(m_hist))
    comp_mdef (ihist,1,T_DOUBLE);
    data_arr_alloc (ihist,m_bins);
    copy_comp_text (m_hist, j, ihist, 0, 1);
    copy_data_descr(m_hist, ihist);
    set_data_nblock (ihist, 1);
    for (l = 0; l < m_bins; l++)
      dstore (dfetch(m_hist,i*m_bins+l,j), ihist,l,0);
    return (O_K);

  return (NOT_EXEC);
Example #11
void DataChannelMPI::gather(std::vector<at::Tensor>& output,
                            at::Tensor& input, rank_type dst_rank,
                            THDGroup group_id) {
  const auto& group_pair = _groups.at(group_id);
  const auto& comm = group_pair.first;
  if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)

  at::Tensor recv_buffer;
  void *recvbuf = nullptr;
  if (_rank != dst_rank) {
    if (output.size() > 0)
      throw std::logic_error("gather: number of input tensors should be 0 for non root");
  } else {
    if (output.size() != group_pair.second.size())
      throw std::logic_error("gather: number of output tensors and group size does not match");

    for (auto out_tensor : output)
      assertSameSizeAndType(out_tensor, input, "gather");

    recv_buffer = _newLikeFlat(output);
    recvbuf = recv_buffer.data_ptr();

  rank_type group_dst_rank = group_pair.second.mustGetGroupRank(dst_rank);
  auto contig_input = input.contiguous();

    contig_input.data_ptr(), input.numel(), mpi_datatype.at(input.type().scalarType()),
    recvbuf, input.numel(), mpi_datatype.at(input.type().scalarType()),
    group_dst_rank, comm

  // NOTE: this is a no-op in all processes except dst_rank
  for (size_t i = 0; i < output.size(); ++i)
Example #12
const unsigned char * tissuestack::imaging::DicomFileWrapper::getData()
	// the dicom image
	std::unique_ptr<DicomImage> dcmTmp(new DicomImage(this->_file_name.c_str(), CIF_AcrNemaCompatibility));

	unsigned long data_size = dcmTmp->getOutputDataSize(
		(this->getAllocatedBits() <= 8 || this->isColor()) ? 8 : 16);
	unsigned long image_size = this->getWidth() * this->getHeight();
	if (data_size == 0)
		data_size = image_size * (this->getAllocatedBits() / 2);
	if (image_size == 0)
		image_size = data_size;
	const unsigned long finished_image_size = image_size * 3;

	// we converge on an RGB format 8 bit per channel which is what our raw format is
	std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> data_ptr(new unsigned char[finished_image_size]);

	double min = pow(2, this->getAllocatedBits())-1;
	double max = 0;

	int two_power8 = static_cast<int>(pow(2, 8));
	int two_power_16 = static_cast<int>(pow(2, 16));

	if (this->isColor()) // COLOR
		if (dcmTmp->getOutputData(data_ptr.get(), data_size, 8, 0, 0) <= 0)
			return nullptr;

		return data_ptr.release();

	if (this->getAllocatedBits() <= 8) // 8 BIT
		if (this->containsSignedData()) // SIGNED
			std::unique_ptr<char[]> tmp_ptr(new char[image_size]);
			if (dcmTmp->getOutputData(tmp_ptr.get(), data_size, 8, 0, 0) <= 0)
				return nullptr;

			// convert to unsigned
			min = pow(2, this->getAllocatedBits())-1;
			max = 0;
			for (unsigned long i=0;i<image_size;i++)
				const unsigned long rgbOffset = i * 3;
				const unsigned char val =
					static_cast<unsigned char>(static_cast<int>(tmp_ptr.get()[i]) + (two_power8 / 2));
				data_ptr.get()[rgbOffset] = data_ptr.get()[rgbOffset+1] = data_ptr.get()[rgbOffset+2] = val;

				if (val < min)
					min = val;
				if (val > max)
					max = val;

			// now that we have min and max ... fit to contrast range linearly
			for (unsigned long i=0;i<finished_image_size;i++)
				data_ptr.get()[i] =
					static_cast<unsigned char>(((static_cast<double>(data_ptr.get()[i])-min) * (two_power8-1)) / (max-min));

			// return
			return data_ptr.release();

		std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> tmp_ptr(new unsigned char[image_size]);
		if (dcmTmp->getOutputData(tmp_ptr.get(), data_size, 8, 0, 0) <= 0)
			return nullptr;

		// make RGB data
		for (unsigned long i=0;i<image_size;i++)
			const unsigned long rgbOffset = i * 3;
			data_ptr.get()[rgbOffset] =
			data_ptr.get()[rgbOffset+1] =
			data_ptr.get()[rgbOffset+2] = tmp_ptr.get()[i];

		return data_ptr.release();

	if (this->getAllocatedBits() > 8) // 12/16 BITS
		std::unique_ptr<unsigned short[]> tmp_16bit_ptr(new unsigned short[finished_image_size]);

		if (this->containsSignedData()) // SIGNED
			std::unique_ptr<short[]> tmp_ptr(new short[image_size]);
			if (dcmTmp->getOutputData(tmp_ptr.get(), data_size, 16, 0, 0) <= 0)
				return nullptr;

			// convert to unsigned
			min = pow(2, this->getAllocatedBits())-1;
			max = 0;
			for (unsigned long i=0;i<image_size;i++)
				const unsigned long rgbOffset = i * 3;
				const unsigned short val =
					static_cast<unsigned short>(static_cast<int>(tmp_ptr.get()[i]) + (two_power_16 / 2));
				tmp_16bit_ptr.get()[rgbOffset] = tmp_16bit_ptr.get()[rgbOffset+1] = tmp_16bit_ptr.get()[rgbOffset+2] = val;

				if (val < min)
					min = val;
				if (val > max)
					max = val;

			// now that we have min and max ... fit to contrast range linearly to make it 8 bit
			for (unsigned long i=0;i<finished_image_size;i++)
				data_ptr.get()[i] =
					static_cast<unsigned char>(((static_cast<double>(tmp_16bit_ptr.get()[i])-min) * (two_power8-1)) / (max-min));

			return data_ptr.release();

		if (dcmTmp->getOutputData(tmp_16bit_ptr.get(), data_size, 16, 0, 0) <= 0)
			return nullptr;

		// turn 16 bit into 8 bit
		for (unsigned long i=0;i<image_size;i++)
			const unsigned long rgbOffset = i * 3;
			data_ptr.get()[rgbOffset] = data_ptr.get()[rgbOffset+1] = data_ptr.get()[rgbOffset+2] =
				static_cast<unsigned char>((static_cast<double>(tmp_16bit_ptr.get()[i]) * (two_power8-1)) / (two_power_16-1));

	return data_ptr.release();
Example #13
at::Tensor mkldnn_convolution(
    const at::Tensor& input, const at::Tensor& weight, const at::Tensor& bias,
    IntList padding, IntList stride, IntList dilation)
  auto output = input.type().tensor(conv_output_size(
    input.sizes(), weight.sizes(), padding, stride, dilation));

  auto cpu_engine = CpuEngine::Instance().get_engine();
  int32_t n = input.size(0);
  int32_t ic = input.size(1);
  int32_t ih = input.size(2);
  int32_t iw = input.size(3);

  int32_t oc = output.size(1);
  int32_t oh = output.size(2);
  int32_t ow = output.size(3);

  int32_t kh = weight.size(2);
  int32_t kw = weight.size(3);

  int32_t sh = stride[0];
  int32_t sw = stride[1];
  int32_t ph = padding[0];
  int32_t pw = padding[1];

  auto data_t = memory::data_type::f32;
  auto format_any = memory::format::any;
  auto format_nchw = memory::format::nchw;
  auto format_oihw = memory::format::oihw;
  auto format_x = memory::format::x;

  memory::dims input_tz = {n, ic, ih, iw};
  memory::dims weight_tz = {oc, ic, kh, kw};
  memory::dims bias_tz = {oc};
  memory::dims output_tz = {n, oc, oh, ow};
  memory::dims _stride = {sh, sw};
  memory::dims _padding = {ph, pw};

  auto input_md = memory::desc({input_tz}, data_t, format_any);
  auto weight_md = memory::desc({weight_tz}, data_t, format_any);
  auto bias_md = memory::desc({bias_tz}, data_t, format_any);
  auto output_md = memory::desc({output_tz}, data_t, format_any);

  std::shared_ptr<convolution_forward::desc> conv_forward_desc;
  if (bias.defined()) {
    conv_forward_desc.reset(new convolution_forward::desc(prop_kind::forward,
      convolution_direct, input_md, weight_md, bias_md, output_md,
      _stride, _padding, _padding, padding_kind::zero));
  } else {
    conv_forward_desc.reset(new convolution_forward::desc(prop_kind::forward,
      convolution_direct, input_md, weight_md, output_md,
      _stride, _padding, _padding, padding_kind::zero));

  std::shared_ptr<convolution_forward::primitive_desc> conv_forward_pd;
  conv_forward_pd.reset(new convolution_forward::primitive_desc(
    *conv_forward_desc, cpu_engine));

  auto input_usr_memory = memory({{{input_tz}, data_t, format_nchw}, cpu_engine},
  auto weight_usr_memory = memory({{{weight_tz}, data_t,  format_oihw}, cpu_engine},
  auto output_usr_memory = memory({{{output_tz}, data_t, format_nchw}, cpu_engine},

  std::vector<primitive> net;

  auto input_pd = conv_forward_pd->src_primitive_desc();
  auto input_memory = input_usr_memory;
  if (input_usr_memory.get_primitive_desc() != memory::primitive_desc(input_pd)) {
    input_memory = memory(input_pd);
    net.push_back(reorder(input_usr_memory, input_memory));

  auto weight_pd = conv_forward_pd->weights_primitive_desc();
  auto weight_memory = weight_usr_memory;
  if (weight_usr_memory.get_primitive_desc() != memory::primitive_desc(weight_pd)) {
    weight_memory = memory(weight_pd);
    net.push_back(reorder(weight_usr_memory, weight_memory));

  auto output_pd = conv_forward_pd->dst_primitive_desc();
  auto output_memory = output_usr_memory;
  if (output_usr_memory.get_primitive_desc() != memory::primitive_desc(output_pd)) {
    output_memory = memory(output_pd);

  std::shared_ptr<convolution_forward> conv_forward;
  std::shared_ptr<memory> bias_usr_memory;
  if (bias.defined()) {
    bias_usr_memory.reset(new memory({{{bias_tz}, data_t, format_x}, cpu_engine},
    conv_forward.reset(new convolution_forward(*conv_forward_pd, input_memory,
      weight_memory, *bias_usr_memory, output_memory));
  } else {
    conv_forward.reset(new convolution_forward(*conv_forward_pd, input_memory,
      weight_memory, output_memory));

  if (output_memory != output_usr_memory) {
    net.push_back(reorder(output_memory, output_usr_memory));


  return output;
Example #14
// NB: CuDNN only implements the backward algorithm for batchnorm
// in training mode (evaluation mode batchnorm has a different algorithm),
// which is why this doesn't accept a 'training' parameter.
std::tuple<Tensor, Tensor, Tensor> cudnn_batch_norm_backward(
    const Tensor& input_t, const Tensor& grad_output_t, const Tensor& weight_t,
    // Unused: but we require them to be passed so that double backwards
    // has access
    const Tensor& running_mean, const Tensor& running_var,
    const Tensor& save_mean_t, const Tensor& save_var_t,
    double epsilon)
  TensorArg input{ input_t, "input", 1 },
            grad_output{ grad_output_t, "grad_output", 2 },
            weight{ weight_t, "weight", 3 },
            save_mean{ save_mean_t, "save_mean", 4 },
            save_var{ save_var_t, "save_var", 5 };
  CheckedFrom c = "cudnn_batch_norm_backward";

  checkAllDefined(c, {input, grad_output, weight, save_mean, save_var});
  checkAllSameGPU(c, {input, grad_output, weight, save_mean, save_var});
  if (input->type().scalarType() == ScalarType::Half) {
    checkScalarType(c, weight, ScalarType::Float);
  } else {
    checkAllSameType(c, {input, weight});
  checkAllSameType(c, {input, grad_output});
  checkAllSameType(c, {weight, save_mean, save_var});
  // TODO: is weight required to be contiguous?
  checkAllContiguous(c, {input, grad_output, save_mean, save_var});
  checkDimRange(c, input, 2, 6 /* exclusive */);
  checkSameSize(c, input, grad_output);
  auto num_features = input->size(1);
  for (auto t : {weight, save_mean, save_var}) {
    checkNumel(c, t, num_features);

  cudnnBatchNormMode_t mode;
  if (input->dim() == 2) {
  } else {
#if CUDNN_VERSION >= 7003

  auto grad_input_t  = input->type().tensor(input->sizes());
  auto grad_weight_t = weight->type().tensor(weight->sizes());
  auto grad_bias_t   = weight->type().tensor(weight->sizes());

  auto handle = getCudnnHandle();
  auto dataType = getCudnnDataType(*input);

  TensorDescriptor idesc{ *input, 4 };  // input, output, grad_output descriptor
  TensorDescriptor wdesc{ expandScale(*weight, input->dim()), 4 };  // descriptor for weight, bias, save_mean, etc.

  Constant one(dataType, 1);
  Constant zero(dataType, 0);

    handle, mode, &one, &zero, &one, &zero,
    idesc.desc(), input->data_ptr(),
    idesc.desc(), grad_output->data_ptr(),
    idesc.desc(), grad_input_t.data_ptr(),
    wdesc.desc(), weight->data_ptr(),

  return std::tuple<Tensor,Tensor,Tensor>{grad_input_t, grad_weight_t, grad_bias_t};
Example #15
void *
pic_data(pic_state *PIC_UNUSED(pic), pic_value data)
  return data_ptr(pic, data)->data;
Example #16
 * Update histogram data st by data records from x
 * Uses the followong fields of class CVh:
 * hist      - histogram data       (must be double, may be empty)
 * minp      - minima-maxima        (must be double)
 * icomp     - index component      (may be -1, if not index in data x)
 * nind      - index number         (only for initialization required)
 * m_bins    - histogram resolution (only for initialization required)
 * indexlist - index list of vectors
 * if index list cannot be created, index indep. histogram is made:
 *    - no label,  no index comp. or no label file
 *    - label, but no ltab
 * mode  -  1  constant data interval           (minm->dim  == 1,
 *                                               minm->nvec == 1)
 *          2  component spec. quantization     (minm->nvec == 2)
 *          3  index - comp. spec. quantization (minm->nvec > 2)
 * @param x  Feature vector sequence
 * @param wv Weighting vector sequence (may be NULL)
 * @return O_K if ok or NOT_EXEC if not executed
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CHistogram::UpdateHist(CData* x, CData* wv)
  INT32 t, il, wdim, T;
  FLOAT64 cw;
  FLOAT64 *xp, *wvp, *p_mm;
  INT16 lflag, flag_w, mflag;
  INT32 *qx;
  INT16 ierr;

  IDENTIFY ("CVh::UpdateHist");

  /* Check input data */
  if (data_empty(x) == TRUE)
    return IERROR(this,HIS_NOINP,0,0,0);
  if (data_ndim(x) == 0)
    return IERROR(this,HIS_NODAT,0,0,0);
  T = data_nrec(x);
  m_count = 0;

  /* Check index list data */

  lflag = 0;
  if (data_empty(m_indexlist) != TRUE)
    lflag = 1;

  /* Use minp data */
  if (m_hmode <= 0)
    return NOT_EXEC;
  p_mm = (FLOAT64*) data_ptr(m_minmax);

  /* Prepare histogram array */
  Prepare(x, wv);
  if ((ierr = CheckConsist()) != O_K)
    return NOT_EXEC;

  /* Check weight data */
  flag_w = 0;
  wvp = NULL;
  wdim = data_ndim(wv);
  if (data_empty(wv) != TRUE && lflag == 0)
    if (wdim < m_nhist)
      return (NOT_EXEC);
    flag_w = 1;
    wvp = (FLOAT64*) dl_calloc (wdim,sizeof(FLOAT64),"UpdateHist");

  mflag = 0;
  if (data_empty(wv) != TRUE && lflag == 1)
    if (wdim == 1)
      mflag = 1;

  if (flag_w == 1 || mflag == 1)
    if (data_nrec(wv) < T)
      T = data_nrec(wv);
      printf("histogram update: less weights than data ... only %d records", T);

  /* Aux. arrays */
  qx = (INT32*) dl_calloc(m_hdim+2, sizeof(INT32), "UpdateHist");
  xp = (FLOAT64*) dl_calloc(m_hdim+2, sizeof(FLOAT64),"UpdateHist");

  /* Hard update, index driven */
  cw = 1.;
  if (flag_w == 0)
    il = 0;
    for (t = 0; t < T; t++)
      dvec_fetch(xp, x, t, m_hdim, m_icomp);
      if (lflag != 0)
        il = (INT32) dfetch(m_indexlist,t,0);
      if (il > -1 && il < m_nhist)
        if (mflag == 1)
          cw = dfetch(wv,t,0);
        QuantVec(xp, qx, p_mm, il);
        IncrementHisto(qx, cw, il);

  /* Soft updating weighted by w-array */
  if (flag_w == 1)
    for (t = 0; t < T; t++)
      for (il = 0; il < m_nhist; il++)
        QuantVec(xp, qx, p_mm, il);
        IncrementHisto(qx, wvp[il], il);

  /* Ending activities */dl_free(qx);
  if (flag_w == 1)
    dl_free (wvp);

  return O_K;
Example #17
double stfnum::lmFit( const Vector_double& data, double dt,
                   const stfnum::storedFunc& fitFunc, const Vector_double& opts,
                   bool use_scaling,
                   Vector_double& p, std::string& info, int& warning )
    // Basic range checking:
    if (fitFunc.pInfo.size()!=p.size()) {
        std::string msg("Error in stfnum::lmFit()\n"
                "function parameters (p_fit) and parameters entered (p) have different sizes");
        throw std::runtime_error(msg);
    if ( opts.size() != 6 ) {
        std::string msg("Error in stfnum::lmFit()\n"
                "wrong number of options");
        throw std::runtime_error(msg);

    bool constrained = false;
    std::vector< double > constrains_lm_lb( fitFunc.pInfo.size() );
    std::vector< double > constrains_lm_ub( fitFunc.pInfo.size() );

    bool can_scale = use_scaling;
    for ( unsigned n_p=0; n_p < fitFunc.pInfo.size(); ++n_p ) {
        if ( fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].constrained ) {
            constrained = true;
            constrains_lm_lb[n_p] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].constr_lb;
            constrains_lm_ub[n_p] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].constr_ub;
        } else {
            constrains_lm_lb[n_p] = -DBL_MAX;
            constrains_lm_ub[n_p] = DBL_MAX;
        if ( can_scale ) {
            if (fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].scale == stfnum::noscale) {
                can_scale = false;

    // Store the functions at global scope:

    double info_id[LM_INFO_SZ];
    Vector_double data_ptr(data);
    Vector_double xyscale(4);
    if (can_scale) {
        xyscale = get_scale(data_ptr, dt);
    // The parameters need to be separated into two parts:
    // Those that are to be fitted and those that the client wants
    // to keep constant. Since there is no native support to
    // do so in Lourakis' routines, the workaround is a little
    // tricky, making (ab)use of the *void pointer:

    // number of parameters that need to be fitted:
    int n_fitted=0;
    for ( unsigned n_p=0; n_p < fitFunc.pInfo.size(); ++n_p ) {
        n_fitted += fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].toFit;
    // parameters that need to be fitted:
    Vector_double p_toFit(n_fitted);
    std::deque<bool> p_fit_bool( fitFunc.pInfo.size() );
    // parameters that are held constant:
    Vector_double p_const( fitFunc.pInfo.size()-n_fitted );
    for ( unsigned n_p=0, n_c=0, n_f=0; n_p < fitFunc.pInfo.size(); ++n_p ) {
        if (fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].toFit) {
            p_toFit[n_f++] = p[n_p];
            if (can_scale) {
                p_toFit[n_f-1] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].scale(p_toFit[n_f-1], xyscale[0],
                                                          xyscale[1], xyscale[2], xyscale[3]);
        } else {
            p_const[n_c++] = p[n_p];
            if (can_scale) {
                p_const[n_c-1] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].scale(p_const[n_c-1], xyscale[0],
                                                          xyscale[1], xyscale[2], xyscale[3]);
        p_fit_bool[n_p] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].toFit;
    // size * dt_new = 1 -> dt_new = 1.0/size
    double dt_finfo = dt;
    if (can_scale)
        dt_finfo = 1.0/data_ptr.size();

    fitInfo fInfo( p_fit_bool, p_const, dt_finfo );

    // make l-value of opts:
    Vector_double opts_l(5);
    for (std::size_t n=0; n < 4; ++n) opts_l[n] = opts[n];
    opts_l[4] = -1e-6;
    int it = 0;
    if (p_toFit.size()!=0 && data_ptr.size()!=0) {
        double old_info_id[LM_INFO_SZ];

        // initialize with initial parameter guess:
        Vector_double old_p_toFit(p_toFit);

#ifdef _DEBUG
        std::ostringstream optsMsg;
        optsMsg << "\nopts: ";
        for (std::size_t n_p=0; n_p < opts.size(); ++n_p)
            optsMsg << opts[n_p] << "\t";
        optsMsg << "\n" << "data_ptr[" << data_ptr.size()-1 << "]=" << data_ptr[data_ptr.size()-1] << "\n";
        optsMsg << "constrains_lm_lb: ";
        for (std::size_t n_p=0; n_p < constrains_lm_lb.size(); ++n_p) 
            optsMsg << constrains_lm_lb[n_p] << "\t";
        optsMsg << "\n" << "constrains_lm_ub: ";
        for (std::size_t n_p=0; n_p < constrains_lm_ub.size(); ++n_p) 
            optsMsg << constrains_lm_ub[n_p] << "\t";
        optsMsg << "\n\n";
        std::cout << optsMsg;

        while ( 1 ) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
            std::ostringstream paramMsg;
            paramMsg << "Pass: "******"\t";
            paramMsg << "p_toFit: ";
            for (std::size_t n_p=0; n_p < p_toFit.size(); ++n_p)
                paramMsg << p_toFit[n_p] << "\t";
            paramMsg << "\n";
            std::cout << paramMsg.str().c_str();

            if ( !fitFunc.hasJac ) {
                if ( !constrained ) {
                    dlevmar_dif( c_func_lour, &p_toFit[0], &data_ptr[0], n_fitted, 
                            (int)data.size(), (int)opts[4], &opts_l[0], info_id,
                            NULL, NULL, &fInfo );
                } else {
                    dlevmar_bc_dif( c_func_lour, &p_toFit[0], &data_ptr[0], n_fitted, 
                            (int)data.size(), &constrains_lm_lb[0], &constrains_lm_ub[0], NULL,
                            (int)opts[4], &opts_l[0], info_id, NULL, NULL, &fInfo );
            } else {
                if ( !constrained ) {
                    dlevmar_der( c_func_lour, c_jac_lour, &p_toFit[0], &data_ptr[0], 
                            n_fitted, (int)data.size(), (int)opts[4], &opts_l[0], info_id,
                            NULL, NULL, &fInfo );                
                } else {
                    dlevmar_bc_der( c_func_lour,  c_jac_lour, &p_toFit[0], 
                            &data_ptr[0], n_fitted, (int)data.size(), &constrains_lm_lb[0], 
                            &constrains_lm_ub[0], NULL, (int)opts[4], &opts_l[0], info_id,
                            NULL, NULL, &fInfo );
            if ( info_id[1] != info_id[1] ) {
                // restore previous parameters if new chisqr is NaN:
                p_toFit = old_p_toFit;
            } else {
                double dchisqr = (info_id[0] - info_id[1]) / info_id[1]; // (old chisqr - new chisqr) / new_chisqr
                if ( dchisqr < 0 ) {
                    // restore previous results and exit if new chisqr is larger:
                    for ( int n_i = 0; n_i < LM_INFO_SZ; ++n_i )  info_id[n_i] = old_info_id[n_i];
                    p_toFit = old_p_toFit;
                if ( dchisqr < 1e-5 ) {
                    // Keep current results and exit if change in chisqr is below threshold
                // otherwise, store results and continue iterating:
                for ( int n_i = 0; n_i < LM_INFO_SZ; ++n_i ) old_info_id[n_i] = info_id[n_i];
                old_p_toFit = p_toFit;
            if ( it >= opts[5] )
                // Exit if maximal number of iterations is reached
            // decrease initial step size for next iteration:
            opts_l[0] *= 1e-4;
    } else {
        std::runtime_error e("Array of size zero in lmFit");
        throw e;

    // copy back the fitted parameters to p:
    for ( unsigned n_p=0, n_f=0, n_c=0; n_p<fitFunc.pInfo.size(); ++n_p ) {
        if (fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].toFit) {
            p[n_p] = p_toFit[n_f++];
        } else {
            p[n_p] = p_const[n_c++];
        if (can_scale) {
            p[n_p] = fitFunc.pInfo[n_p].unscale(p[n_p], xyscale[0],
                                                xyscale[1], xyscale[2], xyscale[3]);
    std::ostringstream str_info;
    str_info << "Passes: " << it;
    str_info << "\nIterations during last pass: "******"\nStopping reason during last pass:"******"\nStopped by small gradient of squared error.";
         warning = 0;
     case 2:
         str_info << "\nStopped by small rel. parameter change.";
         warning = 0;
     case 3:
         str_info << "\nReached max. number of iterations. Restart\n"
                  << "with smarter initial parameters and / or with\n"
                  << "increased initial scaling factor and / or with\n"
                  << "increased max. number of iterations.";
         warning = 3;
     case 4:
         str_info << "\nSingular matrix. Restart from current parameters\n"
                  << "with increased initial scaling factor.";
         warning = 4;
     case 5:
         str_info << "\nNo further error reduction is possible.\n"
                  << "Restart with increased initial scaling factor.";
         warning = 5;
     case 6:
         str_info << "\nStopped by small squared error.";
         warning = 0;
     case 7:
         str_info << "\nStopped by invalid (i.e. NaN or Inf) \"func\" values.\n";
         str_info << "This is a user error.";
         warning = 7;
         str_info << "\nUnknown reason for stopping the fit.";
         warning = -1;
    if (use_scaling && !can_scale) {
        str_info << "\nCouldn't use scaling because one or more "
                 << "of the parameters don't allow it.";
    return info_id[1];
Example #18
const float* data_ptr(const Ndarray* a, int x) {
	return data_ptr((Ndarray*) a, x);
Example #19
std::tuple<at::Tensor, at::Tensor> mkldnn_convolution_backward_weights(
    IntList weight_size, const at::Tensor& grad_output, const at::Tensor& input,
    IntList padding, IntList stride, IntList dilation, bool bias_defined)
  auto grad_weight = grad_output.type().tensor(weight_size);

  Tensor grad_bias;
  if (bias_defined) {
    grad_bias = grad_output.type().tensor({grad_output.size(1)});

  auto cpu_engine = CpuEngine::Instance().get_engine();

  int32_t n = input.size(0);
  int32_t ic = input.size(1);
  int32_t ih = input.size(2);
  int32_t iw = input.size(3);

  int32_t oc = grad_output.size(1);
  int32_t oh = grad_output.size(2);
  int32_t ow = grad_output.size(3);

  int32_t kh = grad_weight.size(2);
  int32_t kw = grad_weight.size(3);

  int32_t sh = stride[0];
  int32_t sw = stride[1];
  int32_t ph = padding[0];
  int32_t pw = padding[1];

  auto data_t = memory::data_type::f32;
  auto format_any = memory::format::any;
  auto format_nchw = memory::format::nchw;
  auto format_oihw = memory::format::oihw;
  auto format_x = memory::format::x;

  memory::dims input_tz = {n, ic, ih, iw};
  memory::dims weight_tz = {oc, ic, kh, kw};
  memory::dims bias_tz = {oc};
  memory::dims output_tz = {n, oc, oh, ow};
  memory::dims _stride = {sh, sw};
  memory::dims _padding = {ph, pw};

  memory::desc input_md({input_tz}, data_t, format_any);
  memory::desc weight_md({weight_tz}, data_t, format_any);
  memory::desc bias_md({bias_tz}, data_t, format_any);
  memory::desc output_md({output_tz}, data_t, format_any);

  // need to re-create conv_forward_pd to feed conv_backward_weight_pd
  std::shared_ptr<convolution_forward::desc> conv_forward_desc;
  if (bias_defined) {
    conv_forward_desc.reset(new convolution_forward::desc(prop_kind::forward,
      convolution_direct, input_md, weight_md, bias_md, output_md,
      _stride, _padding, _padding, padding_kind::zero));
  } else {
    conv_forward_desc.reset(new convolution_forward::desc(prop_kind::forward,
      convolution_direct, input_md, weight_md, output_md,
      _stride, _padding, _padding, padding_kind::zero));

  std::shared_ptr<convolution_forward::primitive_desc> conv_forward_pd;
  conv_forward_pd.reset(new convolution_forward::primitive_desc(
    *conv_forward_desc, cpu_engine));

  std::shared_ptr<convolution_backward_weights::desc> conv_backward_weight_desc;
  if (bias_defined) {
    conv_backward_weight_desc.reset(new convolution_backward_weights::desc(
      convolution_direct, input_md, weight_md, bias_md, output_md,
      _stride, _padding, _padding, padding_kind::zero));
  } else {
    conv_backward_weight_desc.reset(new convolution_backward_weights::desc(
      convolution_direct, input_md, weight_md, output_md,
      _stride, _padding, _padding, padding_kind::zero));

  std::shared_ptr<convolution_backward_weights::primitive_desc> conv_backward_weight_pd;
  conv_backward_weight_pd.reset(new convolution_backward_weights::primitive_desc(
    *conv_backward_weight_desc, cpu_engine, *conv_forward_pd));

  auto input_usr_memory = memory({{{input_tz}, data_t, format_nchw}, cpu_engine},
  auto grad_output_usr_memory = memory({{{output_tz}, data_t, format_nchw}, cpu_engine},
  auto grad_weight_usr_memory = memory({{{weight_tz}, data_t, format_oihw}, cpu_engine},
  std::shared_ptr<memory> grad_bias_memory;

  std::vector<primitive> net;

  auto input_pd = conv_backward_weight_pd->src_primitive_desc();
  auto input_memory = input_usr_memory;
  if (input_usr_memory.get_primitive_desc() != memory::primitive_desc(input_pd)) {
    input_memory = memory(input_pd);
    net.push_back(reorder(input_usr_memory, input_memory));

  auto grad_output_pd = conv_backward_weight_pd->diff_dst_primitive_desc();
  auto grad_output_memory = grad_output_usr_memory;
  if (grad_output_usr_memory.get_primitive_desc() != memory::primitive_desc(grad_output_pd)) {
    grad_output_memory = memory(grad_output_pd);
    net.push_back(reorder(grad_output_usr_memory, grad_output_memory));

  auto grad_weight_pd = conv_backward_weight_pd->diff_weights_primitive_desc();
  auto grad_weight_memory = grad_weight_usr_memory;
  if (grad_weight_usr_memory.get_primitive_desc() != memory::primitive_desc(grad_weight_pd)) {
    grad_weight_memory = memory(grad_weight_pd);

  std::shared_ptr<convolution_backward_weights> conv_backward_weight;
  if (bias_defined) {
    grad_bias_memory.reset(new memory({{{bias_tz}, data_t, format_x}, cpu_engine},
    conv_backward_weight.reset(new convolution_backward_weights(*conv_backward_weight_pd,
      input_memory, grad_output_memory, grad_weight_memory, *grad_bias_memory));
  } else {
    conv_backward_weight.reset(new convolution_backward_weights(*conv_backward_weight_pd,
      input_memory, grad_output_memory, grad_weight_memory));


  if (grad_weight_memory != grad_weight_usr_memory) {
    net.push_back(reorder(grad_weight_memory, grad_weight_usr_memory));


  return std::tuple<at::Tensor, at::Tensor>{grad_weight, grad_bias};