int ConfigServer::checkConfigVersion(){ int cur = dbConfigVersion(); if ( cur == VERSION ) return 0; if ( cur == 0 ){ ScopedDbConnection conn( _primary ); conn->insert( "config.version" , BSON( "_id" << 1 << "version" << VERSION ) ); pool.flush(); assert( VERSION == dbConfigVersion( conn.conn() ) ); conn.done(); return 0; } log() << "don't know how to upgrade " << cur << " to " << VERSION << endl; return -8; }
int ConfigServer::checkConfigVersion( bool upgrade ) { int cur = dbConfigVersion(); if ( cur == VERSION ) return 0; if ( cur == 0 ) { scoped_ptr<ScopedDbConnection> conn( ScopedDbConnection::getScopedDbConnection( _primary.getConnString() ) ); // If the cluster has not previously been initialized, we need to set the version before using so // subsequent mongoses use the config data the same way. This requires all three config servers online // initially. try { conn->get()->insert( "config.version" , BSON( "_id" << 1 << "version" << VERSION ) ); } catch( DBException& ) { error() << "All config servers must initially be reachable for the cluster to be initialized." << endl; throw; } pool.flush(); verify( VERSION == dbConfigVersion( conn->conn() ) ); conn->done(); return 0; } if ( cur == 2 ) { // need to upgrade verify( VERSION == 3 ); if ( ! upgrade ) { log() << "newer version of mongo meta data\n" << "need to --upgrade after shutting all mongos down" << endl; return -9; } scoped_ptr<ScopedDbConnection> connPtr( ScopedDbConnection::getInternalScopedDbConnection( _primary.getConnString() ) ); ScopedDbConnection& conn = *connPtr; // do a backup string backupName; { stringstream ss; ss << "config-backup-" << terseCurrentTime(false); backupName = ss.str(); } log() << "backing up config to: " << backupName << endl; conn->copyDatabase( "config" , backupName ); map<string,string> hostToShard; set<string> shards; // shards { unsigned n = 0; auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = conn->query( ShardNS::shard , BSONObj() ); while ( c->more() ) { BSONObj o = c->next(); string host = o["host"].String(); string name = ""; BSONElement id = o["_id"]; if ( id.type() == String ) { name = id.String(); } else { stringstream ss; ss << "shard" << hostToShard.size(); name = ss.str(); } hostToShard[host] = name; shards.insert( name ); n++; } verify( n == hostToShard.size() ); verify( n == shards.size() ); conn->remove( ShardNS::shard , BSONObj() ); for ( map<string,string>::iterator i=hostToShard.begin(); i != hostToShard.end(); i++ ) { conn->insert( ShardNS::shard , BSON( "_id" << i->second << "host" << i->first ) ); } } // databases { auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = conn->query( ShardNS::database , BSONObj() ); map<string,BSONObj> newDBs; unsigned n = 0; while ( c->more() ) { BSONObj old = c->next(); n++; if ( old["name"].eoo() ) { // already done newDBs[old["_id"].String()] = old; continue; } BSONObjBuilder b(old.objsize()); b.appendAs( old["name"] , "_id" ); BSONObjIterator i(old); while ( i.more() ) { BSONElement e =; if ( strcmp( "_id" , e.fieldName() ) == 0 || strcmp( "name" , e.fieldName() ) == 0 ) { continue; } b.append( e ); } BSONObj x = b.obj(); log() << old << "\n\t" << x << endl; newDBs[old["name"].String()] = x; } verify( n == newDBs.size() ); conn->remove( ShardNS::database , BSONObj() ); for ( map<string,BSONObj>::iterator i=newDBs.begin(); i!=newDBs.end(); i++ ) { conn->insert( ShardNS::database , i->second ); } } // chunks { unsigned num = 0; map<string,BSONObj> chunks; auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = conn->query( ShardNS::chunk , BSONObj() ); while ( c->more() ) { BSONObj x = c->next(); BSONObjBuilder b; string id = Chunk::genID( x["ns"].String() , x["min"].Obj() ); b.append( "_id" , id ); BSONObjIterator i(x); while ( i.more() ) { BSONElement e =; if ( strcmp( e.fieldName() , "_id" ) == 0 ) continue; b.append( e ); } BSONObj n = b.obj(); log() << x << "\n\t" << n << endl; chunks[id] = n; num++; } verify( num == chunks.size() ); conn->remove( ShardNS::chunk , BSONObj() ); for ( map<string,BSONObj>::iterator i=chunks.begin(); i!=chunks.end(); i++ ) { conn->insert( ShardNS::chunk , i->second ); } } conn->update( "config.version" , BSONObj() , BSON( "_id" << 1 << "version" << VERSION ) ); conn.done(); pool.flush(); return 1; } log() << "don't know how to upgrade " << cur << " to " << VERSION << endl; return -8; }
int ConfigServer::dbConfigVersion(){ ScopedDbConnection conn( _primary ); int version = dbConfigVersion( conn.conn() ); conn.done(); return version; }
int ConfigServer::checkConfigVersion( bool upgrade ) { int cur = dbConfigVersion(); if ( cur == VERSION ) return 0; if ( cur == 0 ) { ScopedDbConnection conn( _primary ); conn->insert( "config.version" , BSON( "_id" << 1 << "version" << VERSION ) ); pool.flush(); assert( VERSION == dbConfigVersion( conn.conn() ) ); conn.done(); return 0; } if ( cur == 2 ) { // need to upgrade assert( VERSION == 3 ); if ( ! upgrade ) { log() << "newer version of mongo meta data\n" << "need to --upgrade after shutting all mongos down" << endl; return -9; } ScopedDbConnection conn( _primary ); // do a backup string backupName; { stringstream ss; ss << "config-backup-" << terseCurrentTime(false); backupName = ss.str(); } log() << "backing up config to: " << backupName << endl; conn->copyDatabase( "config" , backupName ); map<string,string> hostToShard; set<string> shards; // shards { unsigned n = 0; auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = conn->query( ShardNS::shard , BSONObj() ); while ( c->more() ) { BSONObj o = c->next(); string host = o["host"].String(); string name = ""; BSONElement id = o["_id"]; if ( id.type() == String ) { name = id.String(); } else { stringstream ss; ss << "shard" << hostToShard.size(); name = ss.str(); } hostToShard[host] = name; shards.insert( name ); n++; } assert( n == hostToShard.size() ); assert( n == shards.size() ); conn->remove( ShardNS::shard , BSONObj() ); for ( map<string,string>::iterator i=hostToShard.begin(); i != hostToShard.end(); i++ ) { conn->insert( ShardNS::shard , BSON( "_id" << i->second << "host" << i->first ) ); } } // databases { auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = conn->query( ShardNS::database , BSONObj() ); map<string,BSONObj> newDBs; unsigned n = 0; while ( c->more() ) { BSONObj old = c->next(); n++; if ( old["name"].eoo() ) { // already done newDBs[old["_id"].String()] = old; continue; } BSONObjBuilder b(old.objsize()); b.appendAs( old["name"] , "_id" ); BSONObjIterator i(old); while ( i.more() ) { BSONElement e =; if ( strcmp( "_id" , e.fieldName() ) == 0 || strcmp( "name" , e.fieldName() ) == 0 ) { continue; } b.append( e ); } BSONObj x = b.obj(); log() << old << "\n\t" << x << endl; newDBs[old["name"].String()] = x; } assert( n == newDBs.size() ); conn->remove( ShardNS::database , BSONObj() ); for ( map<string,BSONObj>::iterator i=newDBs.begin(); i!=newDBs.end(); i++ ) { conn->insert( ShardNS::database , i->second ); } } // chunks { unsigned num = 0; map<string,BSONObj> chunks; auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = conn->query( ShardNS::chunk , BSONObj() ); while ( c->more() ) { BSONObj x = c->next(); BSONObjBuilder b; string id = Chunk::genID( x["ns"].String() , x["min"].Obj() ); b.append( "_id" , id ); BSONObjIterator i(x); while ( i.more() ) { BSONElement e =; if ( strcmp( e.fieldName() , "_id" ) == 0 ) continue; b.append( e ); } BSONObj n = b.obj(); log() << x << "\n\t" << n << endl; chunks[id] = n; num++; } assert( num == chunks.size() ); conn->remove( ShardNS::chunk , BSONObj() ); for ( map<string,BSONObj>::iterator i=chunks.begin(); i!=chunks.end(); i++ ) { conn->insert( ShardNS::chunk , i->second ); } } conn->update( "config.version" , BSONObj() , BSON( "_id" << 1 << "version" << VERSION ) ); conn.done(); pool.flush(); return 1; } log() << "don't know how to upgrade " << cur << " to " << VERSION << endl; return -8; }