Example #1
INT frontend_init()

  // get the LabView filename
  cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL);
  if(db_find_key(hDB, 0, Alarm, &hKey) != SUCCESS){

  return CM_SUCCESS;
Example #2
File: cd_fgd.c Project: cjpl/midas
INT fgd_init(EQUIPMENT * pequipment)
   int status, size, i, j, index, offset;
   char str[256];
   HNDLE hDB, hKey, hNames, hThreshold;
   FGD_INFO *fgd_info;

   /* allocate private data */
   pequipment->cd_info = calloc(1, sizeof(FGD_INFO));
   fgd_info = (FGD_INFO *) pequipment->cd_info;

   /* get class driver root key */
   cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL);
   sprintf(str, "/Equipment/%s", pequipment->name);
   db_create_key(hDB, 0, str, TID_KEY);
   db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &fgd_info->hKeyRoot);

   /* save event format */
   size = sizeof(str);
   db_get_value(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Common/Format", str, &size, TID_STRING, TRUE);

   if (equal_ustring(str, "Fixed"))
      fgd_info->format = FORMAT_FIXED;
   else if (equal_ustring(str, "MIDAS"))
      fgd_info->format = FORMAT_MIDAS;
   else if (equal_ustring(str, "YBOS"))
      fgd_info->format = FORMAT_YBOS;

   /* count total number of channels */
   for (i = 0, fgd_info->num_channels = 0; pequipment->driver[i].name[0]; i++) {
      if (pequipment->driver[i].channels == 0) {
         cm_msg(MERROR, "fgd_init", "Driver with zero channels not allowed");
         return FE_ERR_ODB;

      fgd_info->num_channels += pequipment->driver[i].channels;

   if (fgd_info->num_channels == 0) {
      cm_msg(MERROR, "fgd_init", "No channels found in device driver list");
      return FE_ERR_ODB;

   /* Allocate memory for buffers */
   fgd_info->names = (char *) calloc(fgd_info->num_channels, NAME_LENGTH);

   fgd_info->demand = (float *) calloc(fgd_info->num_channels, sizeof(float));
   fgd_info->measured = (float *) calloc(fgd_info->num_channels, sizeof(float));

   fgd_info->temp1 = (float *) calloc(fgd_info->num_channels, sizeof(float));
   fgd_info->temp2 = (float *) calloc(fgd_info->num_channels, sizeof(float));
   fgd_info->temp3 = (float *) calloc(fgd_info->num_channels, sizeof(float));

   fgd_info->update_threshold = (float *) calloc(fgd_info->num_channels, sizeof(float));

   fgd_info->demand_mirror = (float *) calloc(fgd_info->num_channels, sizeof(float));
   fgd_info->measured_mirror = (float *) calloc(fgd_info->num_channels, sizeof(float));

   fgd_info->channel_offset = (INT *) calloc(fgd_info->num_channels, sizeof(INT));
   fgd_info->driver = (void *) calloc(fgd_info->num_channels, sizeof(void *));

   if (!fgd_info->driver) {
      cm_msg(MERROR, "hv_init", "Not enough memory");
      return FE_ERR_ODB;

   /*---- Initialize device drivers ----*/

   /* call init method */
   for (i = 0; pequipment->driver[i].name[0]; i++) {
      sprintf(str, "Settings/Devices/%s", pequipment->driver[i].name);
      status = db_find_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, str, &hKey);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
         db_create_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, str, TID_KEY);
         status = db_find_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, str, &hKey);
         if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
            cm_msg(MERROR, "hv_init", "Cannot create %s entry in online database", str);
            return FE_ERR_ODB;

      status = device_driver(&pequipment->driver[i], CMD_INIT, hKey);
      if (status != FE_SUCCESS) {
         return status;

   /* compose device driver channel assignment */
   for (i = 0, j = 0, index = 0, offset = 0; i < fgd_info->num_channels; i++, j++) {
      while (j >= pequipment->driver[index].channels && pequipment->driver[index].name[0]) {
         offset += j;
         j = 0;

      fgd_info->driver[i] = &pequipment->driver[index];
      fgd_info->channel_offset[i] = offset;

   /*---- create demand variables ----*/
   /* get demand from ODB */
   status =
       db_find_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Demand", &fgd_info->hKeyDemand);
   if (status == DB_SUCCESS) {
      size = sizeof(float) * fgd_info->num_channels;
      db_get_data(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyDemand, fgd_info->demand, &size, TID_FLOAT);
   /* let device driver overwrite demand values, if it supports it */
   for (i = 0; i < fgd_info->num_channels; i++) {
      if (fgd_info->driver[i]->flags & DF_PRIO_DEVICE) {
         device_driver(fgd_info->driver[i], CMD_GET_DEMAND,
                       i - fgd_info->channel_offset[i], &fgd_info->demand[i]);
         fgd_info->demand_mirror[i] = fgd_info->demand[i];
      } else
         fgd_info->demand_mirror[i] = -12345.f; /* use -12345 as invalid value */
   /* write back demand values */
   status =
       db_find_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Demand", &fgd_info->hKeyDemand);
   if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
      db_create_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Demand", TID_FLOAT);
      db_find_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Demand", &fgd_info->hKeyDemand);
   size = sizeof(float) * fgd_info->num_channels;
   db_set_data(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyDemand, fgd_info->demand, size,
               fgd_info->num_channels, TID_FLOAT);
   db_open_record(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyDemand, fgd_info->demand,
                  fgd_info->num_channels * sizeof(float), MODE_READ, fgd_demand,

   /*---- create measured variables ----*/
   db_merge_data(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Current Measured",
                 fgd_info->measured, sizeof(float) * fgd_info->num_channels,
                 fgd_info->num_channels, TID_FLOAT);
   db_find_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Current Measured", &fgd_info->hKeyMeasured);
   memcpy(fgd_info->measured_mirror, fgd_info->measured,
          fgd_info->num_channels * sizeof(float));

   /*---- create Temp1 measured variables ----*/
   db_merge_data(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Temp1",
                 fgd_info->temp1, sizeof(float) * fgd_info->num_channels,
                 fgd_info->num_channels, TID_FLOAT);
   db_find_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Temp1", &fgd_info->hKeyTemp1);

   /*---- create Temp2 measured variables ----*/
   db_merge_data(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Temp2",
                 fgd_info->temp2, sizeof(float) * fgd_info->num_channels,
                 fgd_info->num_channels, TID_FLOAT);
   db_find_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Temp2", &fgd_info->hKeyTemp2);

   /*---- create Temp3 measured variables ----*/
   db_merge_data(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Temp3",
                 fgd_info->temp3, sizeof(float) * fgd_info->num_channels,
                 fgd_info->num_channels, TID_FLOAT);
   db_find_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Temp3", &fgd_info->hKeyTemp3);

   /*---- get default names from device driver ----*/
   for (i = 0; i < fgd_info->num_channels; i++) {
      sprintf(fgd_info->names + NAME_LENGTH * i, "Default%%CH %d", i);
      device_driver(fgd_info->driver[i], CMD_GET_LABEL,
                    i - fgd_info->channel_offset[i], fgd_info->names + NAME_LENGTH * i);
   db_merge_data(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Names",
                 fgd_info->names, NAME_LENGTH * fgd_info->num_channels,
                 fgd_info->num_channels, TID_STRING);

   /*---- set labels form midas SC names ----*/
   for (i = 0; i < fgd_info->num_channels; i++) {
      fgd_info = (FGD_INFO *) pequipment->cd_info;
      device_driver(fgd_info->driver[i], CMD_SET_LABEL,
                    i - fgd_info->channel_offset[i], fgd_info->names + NAME_LENGTH * i);

   /* open hotlink on channel names */
   if (db_find_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Names", &hNames) == DB_SUCCESS)
      db_open_record(hDB, hNames, fgd_info->names, NAME_LENGTH*fgd_info->num_channels,
                     MODE_READ, fgd_update_label, pequipment);

   /*---- get default update threshold from device driver ----*/
   for (i = 0; i < fgd_info->num_channels; i++) {
      fgd_info->update_threshold[i] = 1.f;      /* default 1 unit */
      device_driver(fgd_info->driver[i], CMD_GET_THRESHOLD,
                    i - fgd_info->channel_offset[i], &fgd_info->update_threshold[i]);
   db_merge_data(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Update Threshold Measured",
                 fgd_info->update_threshold, sizeof(float)*fgd_info->num_channels,
                 fgd_info->num_channels, TID_FLOAT);

   /* open hotlink on update threshold */
   if (db_find_key(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Update Threshold Measured", &hThreshold) == DB_SUCCESS)
     db_open_record(hDB, hThreshold, fgd_info->update_threshold, sizeof(float)*fgd_info->num_channels,
   /*---- set initial demand values ----*/
   // fgd_demand(hDB, fgd_info->hKeyDemand, pequipment);

   /* initially read all channels */
   for (i = 0; i < fgd_info->num_channels; i++)
      fgd_read(pequipment, i);

   return FE_SUCCESS;
Example #3
INT multi_init(EQUIPMENT * pequipment)
   int status, size, i, j, index, ch_offset;
   char str[256];
   HNDLE hDB, hKey, hNamesIn, hNamesOut;
   MULTI_INFO *m_info;
   BOOL partially_disabled;

   /* allocate private data */
   pequipment->cd_info = calloc(1, sizeof(MULTI_INFO));
   m_info = (MULTI_INFO *) pequipment->cd_info;

   /* get class driver root key */
   cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL);
   sprintf(str, "/Equipment/%s", pequipment->name);
   db_create_key(hDB, 0, str, TID_KEY);
   db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &m_info->hKeyRoot);

   /* save event format */
   size = sizeof(str);
   db_get_value(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Common/Format", str, &size, TID_STRING, TRUE);

   if (equal_ustring(str, "Fixed"))
      m_info->format = FORMAT_FIXED;
   else if (equal_ustring(str, "MIDAS"))
      m_info->format = FORMAT_MIDAS;
   else if (equal_ustring(str, "YBOS"))
      m_info->format = FORMAT_YBOS;

   /* count total number of channels */
   for (i = m_info->num_channels_input = m_info->num_channels_output = 0;
        pequipment->driver[i].name[0]; i++) {
      if (pequipment->driver[i].flags & DF_INPUT)
         m_info->num_channels_input += pequipment->driver[i].channels;
      if (pequipment->driver[i].flags & DF_OUTPUT)
         m_info->num_channels_output += pequipment->driver[i].channels;

   if (m_info->num_channels_input == 0 && m_info->num_channels_output == 0) {
      cm_msg(MERROR, "multi_init", "No channels found in device driver list");
      return FE_ERR_ODB;

   /* Allocate memory for buffers */
   if (m_info->num_channels_input) {
      m_info->names_input = (char *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_input, NAME_LENGTH);
      m_info->var_input = (float *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_input, sizeof(float));
      m_info->update_threshold = (float *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_input, sizeof(float));
      m_info->offset_input = (float *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_input, sizeof(float));
      m_info->factor_input = (float *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_input, sizeof(float));
      m_info->input_mirror = (float *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_input, sizeof(float));
      m_info->channel_offset_input = (INT *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_input, sizeof(INT));
      m_info->driver_input = (void *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_input, sizeof(void *));
   if (m_info->num_channels_output) {
      m_info->names_output = (char *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_output, NAME_LENGTH);
      m_info->var_output = (float *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_output, sizeof(float));
      m_info->offset_output = (float *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_output, sizeof(float));
      m_info->factor_output = (float *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_output, sizeof(float));
      m_info->output_mirror = (float *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_output, sizeof(float));
      m_info->channel_offset_output = (INT *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_output, sizeof(DWORD));
      m_info->driver_output = (void *) calloc(m_info->num_channels_output, sizeof(void *));
   /*---- Create/Read settings ----*/

   if (m_info->num_channels_input) {
      /* Update threshold */
      for (i = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_input; i++)
         m_info->update_threshold[i] = 0.1f;       /* default 0.1 */
      db_merge_data(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Update Threshold",
                    m_info->update_threshold, m_info->num_channels_input * sizeof(float),
                    m_info->num_channels_input, TID_FLOAT);
      db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Update Threshold", &hKey);
      db_open_record(hDB, hKey, m_info->update_threshold,
                     m_info->num_channels_input * sizeof(float), MODE_READ, NULL, NULL);

      /* Offset */
      for (i = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_input; i++)
         m_info->offset_input[i] = 0.f;    /* default 0 */
      db_merge_data(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Input Offset",
                    m_info->offset_input, m_info->num_channels_input * sizeof(float),
                    m_info->num_channels_input, TID_FLOAT);
      db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Input Offset", &hKey);
      db_open_record(hDB, hKey, m_info->offset_input,
                     m_info->num_channels_input * sizeof(float), MODE_READ, NULL, NULL);

   for (i = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_output; i++)
      m_info->offset_output[i] = 0.f;

   if (m_info->num_channels_output) {
      db_merge_data(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Output Offset",
                    m_info->offset_output, m_info->num_channels_output * sizeof(float),
                    m_info->num_channels_output, TID_FLOAT);
      db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Output Offset", &hKey);
      db_open_record(hDB, hKey, m_info->offset_output,
                     m_info->num_channels_output * sizeof(float), MODE_READ, NULL, NULL);

   /* Factor */
   for (i = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_input; i++)
      m_info->factor_input[i] = 1.f;    /* default 1 */

   if (m_info->num_channels_input) {
      db_merge_data(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Input Factor",
                    m_info->factor_input, m_info->num_channels_input * sizeof(float),
                    m_info->num_channels_input, TID_FLOAT);
      db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Input factor", &hKey);
      db_open_record(hDB, hKey, m_info->factor_input,
                     m_info->num_channels_input * sizeof(float), MODE_READ, NULL, NULL);

   if (m_info->num_channels_output) {
      for (i = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_output; i++)
         m_info->factor_output[i] = 1.f;
      db_merge_data(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Output Factor",
                    m_info->factor_output, m_info->num_channels_output * sizeof(float),
                    m_info->num_channels_output, TID_FLOAT);
      db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Output factor", &hKey);
      db_open_record(hDB, hKey, m_info->factor_output,
                     m_info->num_channels_output * sizeof(float), MODE_READ, NULL, NULL);

   /*---- Create/Read variables ----*/

   /* Input */
   if (m_info->num_channels_input) {
      db_merge_data(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Input",
                    m_info->var_input, m_info->num_channels_input * sizeof(float),
                    m_info->num_channels_input, TID_FLOAT);
      db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Input", &m_info->hKeyInput);
      memcpy(m_info->input_mirror, m_info->var_input,
             m_info->num_channels_input * sizeof(float));

   /* Output */
   if (m_info->num_channels_output) {
      db_merge_data(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Output",
                    m_info->var_output, m_info->num_channels_output * sizeof(float),
                    m_info->num_channels_output, TID_FLOAT);
      db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Variables/Output", &m_info->hKeyOutput);

   /*---- Initialize device drivers ----*/

   /* call init method */
   partially_disabled = FALSE;
   for (i = 0; pequipment->driver[i].name[0]; i++) {
      sprintf(str, "Settings/Devices/%s", pequipment->driver[i].name);
      status = db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, str, &hKey);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
         db_create_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, str, TID_KEY);
         status = db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, str, &hKey);
         if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
            cm_msg(MERROR, "multi_init", "Cannot create %s entry in online database",
            return FE_ERR_ODB;

      /* check enabled flag */
      size = sizeof(pequipment->driver[i].enabled);
      pequipment->driver[i].enabled = 1;
      sprintf(str, "Settings/Devices/%s/Enabled", pequipment->driver[i].name);
      status = db_get_value(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, str, &pequipment->driver[i].enabled, &size, TID_BOOL, TRUE);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS)
         return FE_ERR_ODB;

      if (pequipment->driver[i].enabled) {
         status = device_driver(&pequipment->driver[i], CMD_INIT, hKey);
         if (status != FE_SUCCESS) {
            return status;
      } else
         partially_disabled = TRUE;

   /* compose device driver channel assignment */
   for (i = 0, j = 0, index = 0, ch_offset = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_input; i++, j++) {
      while (pequipment->driver[index].name[0] &&
             (j >= pequipment->driver[index].channels ||
              (pequipment->driver[index].flags & DF_INPUT) == 0)) {
         ch_offset += j;
         j = 0;

      m_info->driver_input[i] = &pequipment->driver[index];
      m_info->channel_offset_input[i] = ch_offset;

   for (i = 0, j = 0, index = 0, ch_offset = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_output; i++, j++) {
      while (pequipment->driver[index].name[0] &&
             (j >= pequipment->driver[index].channels ||
              (pequipment->driver[index].flags & DF_OUTPUT) == 0)) {
         ch_offset += j;
         j = 0;

      m_info->driver_output[i] = &pequipment->driver[index];
      m_info->channel_offset_output[i] = ch_offset;

   /*---- get default names from device driver ----*/
   if (m_info->num_channels_input) {
      for (i = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_input; i++) {
         sprintf(m_info->names_input + NAME_LENGTH * i, "Input Channel %d", i);
         device_driver(m_info->driver_input[i], CMD_GET_LABEL,
                       i - m_info->channel_offset_input[i], 
                       m_info->names_input + NAME_LENGTH * i);

         /* merge existing names with labels from driver */
         status = db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Names Input", &hKey);
         if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
            db_create_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Names Input", TID_STRING);
            db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Names Input", &hKey);
            db_set_data(hDB, hKey, m_info->names_input, NAME_LENGTH, 1, TID_STRING);
         } else {
            size = sizeof(str);
            db_get_data_index(hDB, hKey, str, &size, i, TID_STRING);
            if (!str[0])
               db_set_data_index(hDB, hKey, m_info->names_input+NAME_LENGTH*i, NAME_LENGTH, i, TID_STRING);

   if (m_info->num_channels_output) {
      for (i = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_output; i++) {
         sprintf(m_info->names_output + NAME_LENGTH * i, "Output Channel %d", i);
         device_driver(m_info->driver_output[i], CMD_GET_LABEL, 
                       i - m_info->channel_offset_output[i], 
                       m_info->names_output + NAME_LENGTH * i);

         /* merge existing names with labels from driver */
         status = db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Names Output", &hKey);
         if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
            db_create_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Names Output", TID_STRING);
            db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Names Output", &hKey);
            db_set_data(hDB, hKey, m_info->names_input, NAME_LENGTH, 1, TID_STRING);
         } else {
            size = sizeof(str);
            db_get_data_index(hDB, hKey, str, &size, i, TID_STRING);
            if (!str[0])
               db_set_data_index(hDB, hKey, m_info->names_input+NAME_LENGTH*i, NAME_LENGTH, i, TID_STRING);


   /*---- set labels from midas SC names ----*/
   if (m_info->num_channels_input) {
      for (i = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_input; i++) {
         device_driver(m_info->driver_input[i], CMD_SET_LABEL,
                       i - m_info->channel_offset_input[i],
                       m_info->names_input + NAME_LENGTH * i);

      /* open hotlink on input channel names */
      if (db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Names Input", &hNamesIn) ==
         db_open_record(hDB, hNamesIn, m_info->names_input,
                        NAME_LENGTH * m_info->num_channels_input, MODE_READ,
                        multi_update_label, pequipment);

   for (i = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_output; i++) {
      device_driver(m_info->driver_output[i], CMD_SET_LABEL,
                    i - m_info->channel_offset_output[i],
                    m_info->names_output + NAME_LENGTH * i);

   /* open hotlink on output channel names */
   if (m_info->num_channels_output) {
      if (db_find_key(hDB, m_info->hKeyRoot, "Settings/Names Output", &hNamesOut) ==
         db_open_record(hDB, hNamesOut, m_info->names_output,
                        NAME_LENGTH * m_info->num_channels_output, MODE_READ,
                        multi_update_label, pequipment);

      /* open hot link to output record */
      db_open_record(hDB, m_info->hKeyOutput, m_info->var_output,
                     m_info->num_channels_output * sizeof(float),
                     MODE_READ, multi_output, pequipment);

   /* set initial demand values */
   for (i = 0; i < m_info->num_channels_output; i++) {
      if (pequipment->driver[index].flags & DF_PRIO_DEVICE) {
         /* read default value directly from device bypassing multi-thread buffer */
         device_driver(m_info->driver_output[i], CMD_GET_DEMAND,
                       i - m_info->channel_offset_output[i],
      } else {
         /* use default value from ODB */
         m_info->output_mirror[i] = m_info->var_output[i] * m_info->factor_output[i] -

         device_driver(m_info->driver_output[i], CMD_SET,
                       i - m_info->channel_offset_output[i],

   if (m_info->num_channels_output)
      db_set_record(hDB, m_info->hKeyOutput, m_info->output_mirror,
                    m_info->num_channels_output * sizeof(float), 0);

   /* initially read all input channels */
   if (m_info->num_channels_input)
      multi_read(pequipment, -1);

   if (partially_disabled)
   return FE_SUCCESS;
Example #4
INT register_equipment(void)
   INT index, size, status;
   char str[256];
   EQUIPMENT_INFO *eq_info;
   EQUIPMENT_STATS *eq_stats;
   HNDLE hKey;

   /* get current ODB run state */
   size = sizeof(run_state);
   run_state = STATE_STOPPED;
   db_get_value(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo/State", &run_state, &size, TID_INT, TRUE);
   size = sizeof(run_number);
   run_number = 1;
   status = db_get_value(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo/Run number", &run_number, &size, TID_INT, TRUE);
   assert(status == SUCCESS);

   /* scan EQUIPMENT table from mevb.C */
   for (index = 0; equipment[index].name[0]; index++) {
      eq_info = &equipment[index].info;
      eq_stats = &equipment[index].stats;

      if (eq_info->event_id == 0) {
         printf("\nEvent ID 0 for %s not allowed\n", equipment[index].name);

      /* init status */
      equipment[index].status = EB_SUCCESS;

      sprintf(str, "/Equipment/%s/Common", equipment[index].name);

      /* get last event limit from ODB */
      if (eq_info->eq_type != EQ_SLOW) {
         db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &hKey);
         size = sizeof(double);
         if (hKey)
            db_get_value(hDB, hKey, "Event limit", &eq_info->event_limit, &size, TID_DOUBLE, TRUE);

      /* Create common subtree */
      status = db_check_record(hDB, 0, str, EQUIPMENT_COMMON_STR, TRUE);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
         printf("Cannot check equipment record, status = %d\n", status);
      db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &hKey);

      if (equal_ustring(eq_info->format, "FIXED"))
         equipment[index].format = FORMAT_FIXED;
      else                      /* default format is MIDAS */
         equipment[index].format = FORMAT_MIDAS;

      gethostname(eq_info->frontend_host, sizeof(eq_info->frontend_host));
      strcpy(eq_info->frontend_name, frontend_name);
      strcpy(eq_info->frontend_file_name, frontend_file_name);

      /* set record from equipment[] table in frontend.c */
      db_set_record(hDB, hKey, eq_info, sizeof(EQUIPMENT_INFO), 0);

      /* get record once at the start equipment info */
      size = sizeof(EQUIPMENT_INFO);
      db_get_record(hDB, hKey, eq_info, &size, 0);

    /*---- Create just the key , leave it empty ---------------------------------*/
      sprintf(str, "/Equipment/%s/Variables", equipment[index].name);
      db_create_key(hDB, 0, str, TID_KEY);
      db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &hKey);
      equipment[index].hkey_variables = hKey;

    /*---- Create and initialize statistics tree -------------------*/
      sprintf(str, "/Equipment/%s/Statistics", equipment[index].name);

      status = db_check_record(hDB, 0, str, EQUIPMENT_STATISTICS_STR, TRUE);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
         printf("Cannot create/check statistics record, error %d\n", status);

      status = db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &hKey);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
         printf("Cannot find statistics record, error %d\n", status);

      eq_stats->events_sent = 0;
      eq_stats->events_per_sec = 0;
      eq_stats->kbytes_per_sec = 0;

      /* open hot link to statistics tree */
      status = db_open_record(hDB, hKey, eq_stats, sizeof(EQUIPMENT_STATS)
                              , MODE_WRITE, NULL, NULL);
      if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
         cm_msg(MERROR, "register_equipment",
                "Cannot open statistics record, error %d. Probably other FE is using it", status);

    /*---- open event buffer ---------------------------------------*/
      if (eq_info->buffer[0]) {
         status = bm_open_buffer(eq_info->buffer, 2 * max_event_size, &equipment[index].buffer_handle);
         if (status != BM_SUCCESS && status != BM_CREATED) {
            cm_msg(MERROR, "register_equipment",
                   "Cannot open event buffer. Try to reduce EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE in midas.h \
          and rebuild the system.");
            return 0;

	 if (1)
	     int level = 0;
	     bm_get_buffer_level(equipment[index].buffer_handle, &level);
	     printf("Buffer %s, level %d, info: \n", eq_info->buffer, level);

         /* set the default buffer cache size */
         bm_set_cache_size(equipment[index].buffer_handle, 0, SERVER_CACHE_SIZE);
      } else {
Example #5
INT frontend_init() {

  INT   status;
  BOOL  default_justfilled = FALSE; // Assuming the worst
  DWORD default_lastfilled = 0;     // Assuming the worst
  DWORD default_timelimit  = 28000; // 8 hours between fills
  // Get handles to database keys if they exist,
  // and create otherwise with default worst-case-scenario values
  status = cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL);
  if (status != CM_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Warning: Could not connect to ODB database!\n");
    return FE_ERR_HW;

  status = db_find_key(hDB, 0, sLastFilled, &kLastFilled);
  if (status == DB_NO_KEY) {
    db_create_key(hDB, 0, sLastFilled, TID_DWORD);
    db_find_key(hDB, 0, sLastFilled, &kLastFilled);
    status = db_set_value(hDB, 0, sLastFilled, &default_lastfilled, sizeof(default_lastfilled), 1, TID_DWORD);
  if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Warning: Could not access key %s!\n", sLastFilled);
    return FE_ERR_HW;

  status = db_find_key(hDB, 0, sJustFilled, &kJustFilled);
  if (status == DB_NO_KEY) {
    db_create_key(hDB, 0, sJustFilled, TID_BOOL);
    db_find_key(hDB, 0, sJustFilled, &kJustFilled);
    status = db_set_value(hDB, 0, sJustFilled, &default_justfilled, sizeof(default_justfilled), 1, TID_BOOL);
  if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Warning: Could not access key %s!\n", sJustFilled);
    return FE_ERR_HW;

  status = db_find_key(hDB, 0, sTimeLimit, &kTimeLimit);
  if (status == DB_NO_KEY) {
    db_create_key(hDB, 0, sTimeLimit, TID_DWORD);
    db_find_key(hDB, 0, sTimeLimit, &kTimeLimit);
    status = db_set_value(hDB, 0, sTimeLimit, &default_timelimit, sizeof(default_timelimit), 1, TID_DWORD);
  if (status != DB_SUCCESS) {
    printf("Warning: Could not access key %s!\n", sTimeLimit);
    return FE_ERR_HW;

  // Check if alarm exists and, if not,create it
  // Copied from midas.c which should take care of this, but doesn't
  char str[256];
  sprintf(str, "/Alarms/Alarms/%s", sAlarmName);
  db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &kAlarm);
  if (!kAlarm) {
  ALARM_ODB_STR(alarm_odb_str); // The initial "run number too large" settings for a default alarm
  status = db_create_record(hDB, 0, str, strcomb(alarm_odb_str));
    db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &kAlarm);
    if (!kAlarm) {
      cm_msg(MERROR, "ge_ln2_init", "Cannot create alarm record");
      return FE_ERR_HW;
    BOOL al_active    = TRUE;                        // Alarm should be on
    INT  al_type      = AT_EVALUATED;                // Alarm type is evaluated; it looks for a certain ODB value to be too large
    char al_cond[256] = "";                          // Not a "conditional" alarm in the MIDAS sense
    char al_class[32] = "Alarm";                     // When triggered, the alarm will have black letters on red background
    char al_msg[80]   = "Germanium must be filled!"; // Message on banner
    db_set_value(hDB, kAlarm, "Active",        &al_active, sizeof(al_active), 1, TID_BOOL);
    db_set_value(hDB, kAlarm, "Type",          &al_type,   sizeof(al_type),   1, TID_INT);
    db_set_value(hDB, kAlarm, "Condition",      al_cond,   sizeof(al_cond),   1, TID_STRING);
    db_set_value(hDB, kAlarm, "Alarm Class",    al_class,  sizeof(al_class),  1, TID_STRING);
    db_set_value(hDB, kAlarm, "Alarm Message",  al_msg,    sizeof(al_msg),    1, TID_STRING);
  return CM_SUCCESS;