int setup_specat_communication(gmx_domdec_t *dd, ind_req_t *ireq, gmx_domdec_specat_comm_t *spac, gmx_hash_t *ga2la_specat, int at_start, int vbuf_fac, const char *specat_type, const char *add_err) { int nsend[2], nlast, nsend_zero[2] = {0, 0}, *nsend_ptr; int d, dim, ndir, dir, nr, ns, i, nrecv_local, n0, start, indr, ind, buf[2]; int nat_tot_specat, nat_tot_prev, nalloc_old; gmx_bool bPBC; gmx_specatsend_t *spas; if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Begin setup_specat_communication for %s\n", specat_type); } /* nsend[0]: the number of atoms requested by this node only, * we communicate this for more efficients checks * nsend[1]: the total number of requested atoms */ nsend[0] = ireq->n; nsend[1] = nsend[0]; nlast = nsend[1]; for (d = dd->ndim-1; d >= 0; d--) { /* Pulse the grid forward and backward */ dim = dd->dim[d]; bPBC = (dim < dd->npbcdim); if (dd->nc[dim] == 2) { /* Only 2 cells, so we only need to communicate once */ ndir = 1; } else { ndir = 2; } for (dir = 0; dir < ndir; dir++) { if (!bPBC && dd->nc[dim] > 2 && ((dir == 0 && dd->ci[dim] == dd->nc[dim] - 1) || (dir == 1 && dd->ci[dim] == 0))) { /* No pbc: the fist/last cell should not request atoms */ nsend_ptr = nsend_zero; } else { nsend_ptr = nsend; } /* Communicate the number of indices */ dd_sendrecv_int(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirForward : dddirBackward, nsend_ptr, 2, spac->nreq[d][dir], 2); nr = spac->nreq[d][dir][1]; if (nlast+nr > ireq->nalloc) { ireq->nalloc = over_alloc_dd(nlast+nr); srenew(ireq->ind, ireq->nalloc); } /* Communicate the indices */ dd_sendrecv_int(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirForward : dddirBackward, ireq->ind, nsend_ptr[1], ireq->ind+nlast, nr); nlast += nr; } nsend[1] = nlast; } if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Communicated the counts\n"); } /* Search for the requested atoms and communicate the indices we have */ nat_tot_specat = at_start; nrecv_local = 0; for (d = 0; d < dd->ndim; d++) { /* Pulse the grid forward and backward */ if (dd->dim[d] >= dd->npbcdim || dd->nc[dd->dim[d]] > 2) { ndir = 2; } else { ndir = 1; } nat_tot_prev = nat_tot_specat; for (dir = ndir-1; dir >= 0; dir--) { if (nat_tot_specat > spac->bSendAtom_nalloc) { nalloc_old = spac->bSendAtom_nalloc; spac->bSendAtom_nalloc = over_alloc_dd(nat_tot_specat); srenew(spac->bSendAtom, spac->bSendAtom_nalloc); for (i = nalloc_old; i < spac->bSendAtom_nalloc; i++) { spac->bSendAtom[i] = FALSE; } } spas = &spac->spas[d][dir]; n0 = spac->nreq[d][dir][0]; nr = spac->nreq[d][dir][1]; if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "dim=%d, dir=%d, searching for %d atoms\n", d, dir, nr); } start = nlast - nr; spas->nsend = 0; nsend[0] = 0; for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { indr = ireq->ind[start+i]; ind = -1; /* Check if this is a home atom and if so ind will be set */ if (!ga2la_get_home(dd->ga2la, indr, &ind)) { /* Search in the communicated atoms */ ind = gmx_hash_get_minone(ga2la_specat, indr); } if (ind >= 0) { if (i < n0 || !spac->bSendAtom[ind]) { if (spas->nsend+1 > spas->a_nalloc) { spas->a_nalloc = over_alloc_large(spas->nsend+1); srenew(spas->a, spas->a_nalloc); } /* Store the local index so we know which coordinates * to send out later. */ spas->a[spas->nsend] = ind; spac->bSendAtom[ind] = TRUE; if (spas->nsend+1 > spac->ibuf_nalloc) { spac->ibuf_nalloc = over_alloc_large(spas->nsend+1); srenew(spac->ibuf, spac->ibuf_nalloc); } /* Store the global index so we can send it now */ spac->ibuf[spas->nsend] = indr; if (i < n0) { nsend[0]++; } spas->nsend++; } } } nlast = start; /* Clear the local flags */ for (i = 0; i < spas->nsend; i++) { spac->bSendAtom[spas->a[i]] = FALSE; } /* Send and receive the number of indices to communicate */ nsend[1] = spas->nsend; dd_sendrecv_int(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirBackward : dddirForward, nsend, 2, buf, 2); if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Send to rank %d, %d (%d) indices, " "receive from rank %d, %d (%d) indices\n", dd->neighbor[d][1-dir], nsend[1], nsend[0], dd->neighbor[d][dir], buf[1], buf[0]); if (gmx_debug_at) { for (i = 0; i < spas->nsend; i++) { fprintf(debug, " %d", spac->ibuf[i]+1); } fprintf(debug, "\n"); } } nrecv_local += buf[0]; spas->nrecv = buf[1]; if (nat_tot_specat + spas->nrecv > dd->gatindex_nalloc) { dd->gatindex_nalloc = over_alloc_dd(nat_tot_specat + spas->nrecv); srenew(dd->gatindex, dd->gatindex_nalloc); } /* Send and receive the indices */ dd_sendrecv_int(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirBackward : dddirForward, spac->ibuf, spas->nsend, dd->gatindex+nat_tot_specat, spas->nrecv); nat_tot_specat += spas->nrecv; } /* Allocate the x/f communication buffers */ ns = spac->spas[d][0].nsend; nr = spac->spas[d][0].nrecv; if (ndir == 2) { ns += spac->spas[d][1].nsend; nr += spac->spas[d][1].nrecv; } if (vbuf_fac*ns > spac->vbuf_nalloc) { spac->vbuf_nalloc = over_alloc_dd(vbuf_fac*ns); srenew(spac->vbuf, spac->vbuf_nalloc); } if (vbuf_fac == 2 && vbuf_fac*nr > spac->vbuf2_nalloc) { spac->vbuf2_nalloc = over_alloc_dd(vbuf_fac*nr); srenew(spac->vbuf2, spac->vbuf2_nalloc); } /* Make a global to local index for the communication atoms */ for (i = nat_tot_prev; i < nat_tot_specat; i++) { gmx_hash_change_or_set(ga2la_specat, dd->gatindex[i], i); } } /* Check that in the end we got the number of atoms we asked for */ if (nrecv_local != ireq->n) { if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Requested %d, received %d (tot recv %d)\n", ireq->n, nrecv_local, nat_tot_specat-at_start); if (gmx_debug_at) { for (i = 0; i < ireq->n; i++) { ind = gmx_hash_get_minone(ga2la_specat, ireq->ind[i]); fprintf(debug, " %s%d", (ind >= 0) ? "" : "!", ireq->ind[i]+1); } fprintf(debug, "\n"); } } fprintf(stderr, "\nDD cell %d %d %d: Neighboring cells do not have atoms:", dd->ci[XX], dd->ci[YY], dd->ci[ZZ]); for (i = 0; i < ireq->n; i++) { if (gmx_hash_get_minone(ga2la_specat, ireq->ind[i]) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, " %d", ireq->ind[i]+1); } } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); gmx_fatal(FARGS, "DD cell %d %d %d could only obtain %d of the %d atoms that are connected via %ss from the neighboring cells. This probably means your %s lengths are too long compared to the domain decomposition cell size. Decrease the number of domain decomposition grid cells%s%s.", dd->ci[XX], dd->ci[YY], dd->ci[ZZ], nrecv_local, ireq->n, specat_type, specat_type, add_err, dd_dlb_is_on(dd) ? " or use the -rcon option of mdrun" : ""); } spac->at_start = at_start; spac->at_end = nat_tot_specat; if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Done setup_specat_communication\n"); } return nat_tot_specat; }
static void set_grid_sizes(matrix box, rvec izones_x0, rvec izones_x1, real rlist, const gmx_domdec_t *dd, const gmx_ddbox_t *ddbox, t_grid *grid, real grid_density) { int i, j; gmx_bool bDD, bDDRect; rvec izones_size; real inv_r_ideal, size, add_tric, radd; for (i = 0; (i < DIM); i++) { if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "set_grid_sizes, i-zone bounds for dim %d: %6.3f %6.3f\n", i, izones_x0[i], izones_x1[i]); } izones_size[i] = izones_x1[i] - izones_x0[i]; } /* Use the ideal number of cg's per cell to set the ideal cell size */ inv_r_ideal = std::cbrt(grid_density/grid->ncg_ideal); if (rlist > 0 && inv_r_ideal*rlist < 1) { inv_r_ideal = 1/rlist; } if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "CG density %f ideal ns cell size %f\n", grid_density, 1/inv_r_ideal); } clear_rvec(grid->cell_offset); for (i = 0; (i < DIM); i++) { /* Initial settings, for DD might change below */ grid->cell_offset[i] = izones_x0[i]; size = izones_size[i]; bDD = (dd != nullptr) && (dd->nc[i] > 1); if (!bDD) { bDDRect = FALSE; } else { /* With DD grid cell jumps only the first decomposition * direction has uniform DD cell boundaries. */ bDDRect = !((ddbox->tric_dir[i] != 0) || (dd_dlb_is_on(dd) && i != dd->dim[0])); radd = rlist; if (i >= ddbox->npbcdim && (rlist == 0 || izones_x1[i] + radd > ddbox->box0[i] + ddbox->box_size[i])) { radd = ddbox->box0[i] + ddbox->box_size[i] - izones_x1[i]; if (radd < 0) { radd = 0; } } /* With DD we only need a grid of one DD cell size + rlist */ if (bDDRect) { size += radd; } else { size += radd/ddbox->skew_fac[i]; } /* Check if the cell boundary in this direction is * perpendicular to the Cartesian axis. * Since grid->npbcdim isan integer that in principle can take * any value, we help the compiler avoid warnings and potentially * optimize by ensuring that j < DIM here. */ for (j = i+1; j < grid->npbcdim && j < DIM; j++) { if (box[j][i] != 0) { /* Correct the offset for the home cell location */ grid->cell_offset[i] += izones_x0[j]*box[j][i]/box[j][j]; /* Correct the offset and size for the off-diagonal * displacement of opposing DD cell corners. */ /* Without rouding we would need to add: * box[j][i]*rlist/(dd->skew_fac[i]*box[j][j]) */ /* Determine the shift for the corners of the triclinic box */ add_tric = izones_size[j]*box[j][i]/box[j][j]; if (dd->ndim == 1 && j == ZZ) { /* With 1D domain decomposition the cg's are not in * the triclinic box, but trilinic x-y and rectangular y-z. * Therefore we need to add the shift from the trilinic * corner to the corner at y=0. */ add_tric += -box[YY][XX]*box[ZZ][YY]/box[YY][YY]; } if (box[j][i] < 0) { grid->cell_offset[i] += add_tric; size -= add_tric; } else { size += add_tric; } } } } if (!bDDRect) { /* No DD or the box is triclinic is this direction: * we will use the normal grid ns that checks all cells * that are within cut-off distance of the i-particle. */ grid->n[i] = gmx::roundToInt(size*inv_r_ideal); if (grid->n[i] < 2) { grid->n[i] = 2; } grid->cell_size[i] = size/grid->n[i]; grid->ncpddc[i] = 0; } else { /* We use grid->ncpddc[i] such that all particles * in one ns cell belong to a single DD cell only. * We can then beforehand exclude certain ns grid cells * for non-home i-particles. */ grid->ncpddc[i] = gmx::roundToInt(izones_size[i]*inv_r_ideal); if (grid->ncpddc[i] < 2) { grid->ncpddc[i] = 2; } grid->cell_size[i] = izones_size[i]/grid->ncpddc[i]; grid->n[i] = grid->ncpddc[i] + static_cast<int>(radd/grid->cell_size[i]) + 1; } if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "grid dim %d size %d x %f: %f - %f\n", i, grid->n[i], grid->cell_size[i], grid->cell_offset[i], grid->cell_offset[i]+grid->n[i]*grid->cell_size[i]); } } if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "CG ncg ideal %d, actual density %.1f\n", grid->ncg_ideal, grid_density*grid->cell_size[XX]*grid->cell_size[YY]*grid->cell_size[ZZ]); } }
void pme_loadbal_do(pme_load_balancing_t *pme_lb, t_commrec *cr, FILE *fp_err, FILE *fp_log, t_inputrec *ir, t_forcerec *fr, t_state *state, gmx_wallcycle_t wcycle, gmx_int64_t step, gmx_int64_t step_rel, gmx_bool *bPrinting) { int n_prev; double cycles_prev; assert(pme_lb != NULL); if (!pme_lb->bActive) { return; } n_prev = pme_lb->cycles_n; cycles_prev = pme_lb->cycles_c; wallcycle_get(wcycle, ewcSTEP, &pme_lb->cycles_n, &pme_lb->cycles_c); if (pme_lb->cycles_n == 0) { /* Before the first step we haven't done any steps yet */ return; } /* Sanity check, we expect nstlist cycle counts */ if (pme_lb->cycles_n - n_prev != ir->nstlist) { /* We could return here, but it's safer to issue and error and quit */ gmx_incons("pme_loadbal_do called at an interval != nstlist"); } /* PME grid + cut-off optimization with GPUs or PME ranks */ if (!pme_lb->bBalance && pme_lb->bSepPMERanks) { if (pme_lb->bTriggerOnDLB) { pme_lb->bBalance = dd_dlb_is_on(cr->dd); } /* We should ignore the first timing to avoid timing allocation * overhead. And since the PME load balancing is called just * before DD repartitioning, the ratio returned by dd_pme_f_ratio * is not over the last nstlist steps, but the nstlist steps before * that. So the first useful ratio is available at step_rel=3*nstlist. */ else if (step_rel >= 3*ir->nstlist) { if (DDMASTER(cr->dd)) { /* If PME rank load is too high, start tuning */ pme_lb->bBalance = (dd_pme_f_ratio(cr->dd) >= loadBalanceTriggerFactor); } dd_bcast(cr->dd, sizeof(gmx_bool), &pme_lb->bBalance); } pme_lb->bActive = (pme_lb->bBalance || step_rel <= pme_lb->step_rel_stop); } /* The location in the code of this balancing termination is strange. * You would expect to have it after the call to pme_load_balance() * below, since there pme_lb->stage is updated. * But when terminating directly after deciding on and selecting the * optimal setup, DLB will turn on right away if it was locked before. * This might be due to PME reinitialization. So we check stage here * to allow for another nstlist steps with DLB locked to stabilize * the performance. */ if (pme_lb->bBalance && pme_lb->stage == pme_lb->nstage) { pme_lb->bBalance = FALSE; if (DOMAINDECOMP(cr) && dd_dlb_is_locked(cr->dd)) { /* Unlock the DLB=auto, DLB is allowed to activate */ dd_dlb_unlock(cr->dd); md_print_warn(cr, fp_log, "NOTE: DLB can now turn on, when beneficial\n"); /* We don't deactivate the tuning yet, since we will balance again * after DLB gets turned on, if it does within PMETune_period. */ continue_pme_loadbal(pme_lb, TRUE); pme_lb->bTriggerOnDLB = TRUE; pme_lb->step_rel_stop = step_rel + PMETunePeriod*ir->nstlist; } else { /* We're completely done with PME tuning */ pme_lb->bActive = FALSE; } if (DOMAINDECOMP(cr)) { /* Set the cut-off limit to the final selected cut-off, * so we don't have artificial DLB limits. * This also ensures that we won't disable the currently * optimal setting during a second round of PME balancing. */ set_dd_dlb_max_cutoff(cr, fr->ic->rlistlong); } } if (pme_lb->bBalance) { /* We might not have collected nstlist steps in cycles yet, * since init_step might not be a multiple of nstlist, * but the first data collected is skipped anyhow. */ pme_load_balance(pme_lb, cr, fp_err, fp_log, ir, state, pme_lb->cycles_c - cycles_prev, fr->ic, fr->nbv, &fr->pmedata, step); /* Update constants in forcerec/inputrec to keep them in sync with fr->ic */ fr->ewaldcoeff_q = fr->ic->ewaldcoeff_q; fr->ewaldcoeff_lj = fr->ic->ewaldcoeff_lj; fr->rlist = fr->ic->rlist; fr->rlistlong = fr->ic->rlistlong; fr->rcoulomb = fr->ic->rcoulomb; fr->rvdw = fr->ic->rvdw; if (ir->eDispCorr != edispcNO) { calc_enervirdiff(NULL, ir->eDispCorr, fr); } } if (!pme_lb->bBalance && (!pme_lb->bSepPMERanks || step_rel > pme_lb->step_rel_stop)) { /* We have just deactivated the balancing and we're not measuring PP/PME * imbalance during the first steps of the run: deactivate the tuning. */ pme_lb->bActive = FALSE; } if (!(pme_lb->bActive) && DOMAINDECOMP(cr) && dd_dlb_is_locked(cr->dd)) { /* Make sure DLB is allowed when we deactivate PME tuning */ dd_dlb_unlock(cr->dd); md_print_warn(cr, fp_log, "NOTE: DLB can now turn on, when beneficial\n"); } *bPrinting = pme_lb->bBalance; }
int setup_specat_communication(gmx_domdec_t *dd, std::vector<int> *ireq, gmx_domdec_specat_comm_t *spac, gmx::HashedMap<int> *ga2la_specat, int at_start, int vbuf_fac, const char *specat_type, const char *add_err) { int nsend[2], nlast, nsend_zero[2] = {0, 0}, *nsend_ptr; int dim, ndir, nr, ns, nrecv_local, n0, start, buf[2]; int nat_tot_specat, nat_tot_prev; gmx_bool bPBC; gmx_specatsend_t *spas; if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Begin setup_specat_communication for %s\n", specat_type); } /* nsend[0]: the number of atoms requested by this node only, * we communicate this for more efficients checks * nsend[1]: the total number of requested atoms */ const int numRequested = ireq->size(); nsend[0] = ireq->size(); nsend[1] = nsend[0]; nlast = nsend[1]; for (int d = dd->ndim-1; d >= 0; d--) { /* Pulse the grid forward and backward */ dim = dd->dim[d]; bPBC = (dim < dd->npbcdim); if (dd->nc[dim] == 2) { /* Only 2 cells, so we only need to communicate once */ ndir = 1; } else { ndir = 2; } for (int dir = 0; dir < ndir; dir++) { if (!bPBC && dd->nc[dim] > 2 && ((dir == 0 && dd->ci[dim] == dd->nc[dim] - 1) || (dir == 1 && dd->ci[dim] == 0))) { /* No pbc: the fist/last cell should not request atoms */ nsend_ptr = nsend_zero; } else { nsend_ptr = nsend; } /* Communicate the number of indices */ ddSendrecv(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirForward : dddirBackward, nsend_ptr, 2, spac->nreq[d][dir], 2); nr = spac->nreq[d][dir][1]; ireq->resize(nlast + nr); /* Communicate the indices */ ddSendrecv(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirForward : dddirBackward, ireq->data(), nsend_ptr[1], ireq->data() + nlast, nr); nlast += nr; } nsend[1] = nlast; } if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Communicated the counts\n"); } /* Search for the requested atoms and communicate the indices we have */ nat_tot_specat = at_start; nrecv_local = 0; for (int d = 0; d < dd->ndim; d++) { /* Pulse the grid forward and backward */ if (dd->dim[d] >= dd->npbcdim || dd->nc[dd->dim[d]] > 2) { ndir = 2; } else { ndir = 1; } nat_tot_prev = nat_tot_specat; for (int dir = ndir - 1; dir >= 0; dir--) { /* To avoid cost of clearing by resize(), we only increase size */ if (static_cast<size_t>(nat_tot_specat) > spac->sendAtom.size()) { /* Note: resize initializes new elements to false, which is actually needed here */ spac->sendAtom.resize(nat_tot_specat); } spas = &spac->spas[d][dir]; n0 = spac->nreq[d][dir][0]; nr = spac->nreq[d][dir][1]; if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "dim=%d, dir=%d, searching for %d atoms\n", d, dir, nr); } start = nlast - nr; spas->a.clear(); spac->ibuf.clear(); nsend[0] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nr; i++) { const int indr = (*ireq)[start + i]; int ind; /* Check if this is a home atom and if so ind will be set */ if (const int *homeIndex = dd->ga2la->findHome(indr)) { ind = *homeIndex; } else { /* Search in the communicated atoms */ if (const int *a = ga2la_specat->find(indr)) { ind = *a; } else { ind = -1; } } if (ind >= 0) { if (i < n0 || !spac->sendAtom[ind]) { /* Store the local index so we know which coordinates * to send out later. */ spas->a.push_back(ind); spac->sendAtom[ind] = true; /* Store the global index so we can send it now */ spac->ibuf.push_back(indr); if (i < n0) { nsend[0]++; } } } } nlast = start; /* Clear the local flags */ for (int a : spas->a) { spac->sendAtom[a] = false; } /* Send and receive the number of indices to communicate */ nsend[1] = spas->a.size(); ddSendrecv(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirBackward : dddirForward, nsend, 2, buf, 2); if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Send to rank %d, %d (%d) indices, " "receive from rank %d, %d (%d) indices\n", dd->neighbor[d][1-dir], nsend[1], nsend[0], dd->neighbor[d][dir], buf[1], buf[0]); if (gmx_debug_at) { for (int i : spac->ibuf) { fprintf(debug, " %d", i + 1); } fprintf(debug, "\n"); } } nrecv_local += buf[0]; spas->nrecv = buf[1]; dd->globalAtomIndices.resize(nat_tot_specat + spas->nrecv); /* Send and receive the indices */ ddSendrecv(dd, d, dir == 0 ? dddirBackward : dddirForward, spac->, spac->ibuf.size(), dd-> + nat_tot_specat, spas->nrecv); nat_tot_specat += spas->nrecv; } /* Increase the x/f communication buffer sizes, when necessary */ ns = spac->spas[d][0].a.size(); nr = spac->spas[d][0].nrecv; if (ndir == 2) { ns += spac->spas[d][1].a.size(); nr += spac->spas[d][1].nrecv; } if (vbuf_fac*ns > gmx::index(spac->vbuf.size())) { spac->vbuf.resize(vbuf_fac*ns); } if (vbuf_fac == 2 && vbuf_fac*nr > gmx::index(spac->vbuf2.size())) { spac->vbuf2.resize(vbuf_fac*nr); } /* Make a global to local index for the communication atoms */ for (int i = nat_tot_prev; i < nat_tot_specat; i++) { ga2la_specat->insert_or_assign(dd->globalAtomIndices[i], i); } } /* Check that in the end we got the number of atoms we asked for */ if (nrecv_local != numRequested) { if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Requested %d, received %d (tot recv %d)\n", numRequested, nrecv_local, nat_tot_specat - at_start); if (gmx_debug_at) { for (int i = 0; i < numRequested; i++) { const int *ind = ga2la_specat->find((*ireq)[i]); fprintf(debug, " %s%d", ind ? "" : "!", (*ireq)[i] + 1); } fprintf(debug, "\n"); } } fprintf(stderr, "\nDD cell %d %d %d: Neighboring cells do not have atoms:", dd->ci[XX], dd->ci[YY], dd->ci[ZZ]); for (int i = 0; i < numRequested; i++) { if (!ga2la_specat->find((*ireq)[i])) { fprintf(stderr, " %d", (*ireq)[i] + 1); } } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); gmx_fatal(FARGS, "DD cell %d %d %d could only obtain %d of the %d atoms that are connected via %ss from the neighboring cells. This probably means your %s lengths are too long compared to the domain decomposition cell size. Decrease the number of domain decomposition grid cells%s%s.", dd->ci[XX], dd->ci[YY], dd->ci[ZZ], nrecv_local, numRequested, specat_type, specat_type, add_err, dd_dlb_is_on(dd) ? " or use the -rcon option of mdrun" : ""); } spac->at_start = at_start; spac->at_end = nat_tot_specat; if (debug) { fprintf(debug, "Done setup_specat_communication\n"); } return nat_tot_specat; }