Example #1
static void region_post_process(struct rom_load_data *romdata, const struct RomModule *regiondata)
	int type = ROMREGION_GETTYPE(regiondata);
	int datawidth = ROMREGION_GETWIDTH(regiondata) / 8;
	int littleendian = ROMREGION_ISLITTLEENDIAN(regiondata);
	UINT8 *base;
	int i, j;

	debugload("+ datawidth=%d little=%d\n", datawidth, littleendian);

	/* if this is a CPU region, override with the CPU width and endianness */
	if (type >= REGION_CPU1 && type < REGION_CPU1 + MAX_CPU)
		int cputype = Machine->drv->cpu[type - REGION_CPU1].cpu_type;
		if (cputype != 0)
			datawidth = cputype_databus_width(cputype) / 8;
			littleendian = (cputype_endianess(cputype) == CPU_IS_LE);
			debugload("+ CPU region #%d: datawidth=%d little=%d\n", type - REGION_CPU1, datawidth, littleendian);

	/* if the region is inverted, do that now */
	if (ROMREGION_ISINVERTED(regiondata))
		debugload("+ Inverting region\n");
		for (i = 0, base = romdata->regionbase; i < romdata->regionlength; i++)
			*base++ ^= 0xff;

	/* swap the endianness if we need to */
#ifdef MSB_FIRST
	if (datawidth > 1 && littleendian)
	if (datawidth > 1 && !littleendian)
		debugload("+ Byte swapping region\n");
		for (i = 0, base = romdata->regionbase; i < romdata->regionlength; i += datawidth)
			UINT8 temp[8];
			memcpy(temp, base, datawidth);
			for (j = datawidth - 1; j >= 0; j--)
				*base++ = temp[j];
Example #2
int determine_bios_rom(const struct SystemBios *bios)
	const struct SystemBios *firstbios = bios;

	/* set to default */
	int bios_no = 0;

	/* Not system_bios_0 and options.bios is set  */
	if(bios && (options.bios != NULL))
		/* Allow '-bios n' to still be used */
			char bios_number[3];
			sprintf(bios_number, "%d", bios->value);

			if(!strcmp(bios_number, options.bios))
				bios_no = bios->value;


		bios = firstbios;

		/* Test for bios short names */
			if(!strcmp(bios->_name, options.bios))
				bios_no = bios->value;


	debugload("Using System BIOS: %d\n", bios_no);

	return bios_no;
Example #3
int rom_load(const struct RomModule *romp)
	const struct RomModule *regionlist[REGION_MAX];
	const struct RomModule *region;
	static struct rom_load_data romdata;
	int regnum;

	/* reset the region list */
	for (regnum = 0;regnum < REGION_MAX;regnum++)
		regionlist[regnum] = NULL;

	/* reset the romdata struct */
	memset(&romdata, 0, sizeof(romdata));
	romdata.romstotal = count_roms(romp);

	/* reset the disk list */
	memset(disk_handle, 0, sizeof(disk_handle));

	/* determine the correct biosset to load based on options.bios string */
	system_bios = determine_bios_rom(Machine->gamedrv->bios);

	/* loop until we hit the end */
	for (region = romp, regnum = 0; region; region = rom_next_region(region), regnum++)
		int regiontype = ROMREGION_GETTYPE(region);

		debugload("Processing region %02X (length=%X)\n", regiontype, ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(region));

		/* the first entry must be a region */
		if (!ROMENTRY_ISREGION(region))
			printf("Error: missing ROM_REGION header\n");
			return 1;

		/* if sound is disabled and it's a sound-only region, skip it */
		if (Machine->sample_rate == 0 && ROMREGION_ISSOUNDONLY(region))

		/* allocate memory for the region */
		if (new_memory_region(regiontype, ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(region), ROMREGION_GETFLAGS(region)))
			printf("Error: unable to allocate memory for region %d\n", regiontype);
			return 1;

		/* remember the base and length */
		romdata.regionlength = memory_region_length(regiontype);
		romdata.regionbase = memory_region(regiontype);
		debugload("Allocated %X bytes @ %08X\n", romdata.regionlength, (int)romdata.regionbase);

		/* clear the region if it's requested */
		if (ROMREGION_ISERASE(region))
			memset(romdata.regionbase, ROMREGION_GETERASEVAL(region), romdata.regionlength);

		/* or if it's sufficiently small (<= 4MB) */
		else if (romdata.regionlength <= 0x400000)
			memset(romdata.regionbase, 0, romdata.regionlength);

		/* if we're debugging, fill region with random data to catch errors */
			fill_random(romdata.regionbase, romdata.regionlength);

		/* now process the entries in the region */
			if (!process_rom_entries(&romdata, region + 1))
				return 1;
		else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region))
			if (!process_disk_entries(&romdata, region + 1))
				return 1;

		/* add this region to the list */
		if (regiontype < REGION_MAX)
			regionlist[regiontype] = region;

	/* post-process the regions */
	for (regnum = 0; regnum < REGION_MAX; regnum++)
		if (regionlist[regnum])
			debugload("Post-processing region %02X\n", regnum);
			romdata.regionlength = memory_region_length(regnum);
			romdata.regionbase = memory_region(regnum);
			region_post_process(&romdata, regionlist[regnum]);

	/* display the results and exit */
	return display_rom_load_results(&romdata);
Example #4
static int process_disk_entries(struct rom_load_data *romdata, const struct RomModule *romp)
	/* loop until we hit the end of this region */
		/* handle files */
		if (ROMENTRY_ISFILE(romp))
			struct chd_file *source, *diff = NULL;
			struct chd_header header;
			char filename[1024], *c;
			char acthash[HASH_BUF_SIZE];
			int err;

			/* make the filename of the source */
			strcpy(filename, ROM_GETNAME(romp));
			c = strrchr(filename, '.');
			if (c)
				strcpy(c, ".chd");
				strcat(filename, ".chd");

			/* first open the source drive */
			debugload("Opening disk image: %s\n", filename);
			source = chd_open(filename, 0, NULL);
			if (!source)
				if (chd_get_last_error() == CHDERR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION)
					sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%-12s UNSUPPORTED CHD VERSION\n", filename);
					sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%-12s NOT FOUND\n", filename);

			/* get the header and extract the MD5/SHA1 */
			header = *chd_get_header(source);
			hash_data_insert_binary_checksum(acthash, HASH_MD5, header.md5);
			hash_data_insert_binary_checksum(acthash, HASH_SHA1, header.sha1);

			/* verify the MD5 */
			if (!hash_data_is_equal(ROM_GETHASHDATA(romp), acthash, 0))
				sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%-12s WRONG CHECKSUMS:\n", filename);
				dump_wrong_and_correct_checksums(romdata, ROM_GETHASHDATA(romp), acthash);

			/* if not read-only, make the diff file */
			if (!DISK_ISREADONLY(romp))
				/* make the filename of the diff */
				strcpy(filename, ROM_GETNAME(romp));
				c = strrchr(filename, '.');
				if (c)
					strcpy(c, ".dif");
					strcat(filename, ".dif");

				/* try to open the diff */
				debugload("Opening differencing image: %s\n", filename);
				diff = chd_open(filename, 1, source);
				if (!diff)
					/* didn't work; try creating it instead */
					debugload("Creating differencing image: %s\n", filename);
					err = chd_create(filename, 0, 0, CHDCOMPRESSION_NONE, source);
					if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
						if (chd_get_last_error() == CHDERR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION)
							sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%-12s UNSUPPORTED CHD VERSION\n", filename);
							sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%-12s: CAN'T CREATE DIFF FILE\n", filename);

					/* open the newly-created diff file */
					debugload("Opening differencing image: %s\n", filename);
					diff = chd_open(filename, 1, source);
					if (!diff)
						if (chd_get_last_error() == CHDERR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION)
							sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%-12s UNSUPPORTED CHD VERSION\n", filename);
							sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%-12s: CAN'T OPEN DIFF FILE\n", filename);

			/* we're okay, set the handle */
			debugload("Assigning to handle %d\n", DISK_GETINDEX(romp));
			disk_handle[DISK_GETINDEX(romp)] = DISK_ISREADONLY(romp) ? source : diff;
	return 1;
Example #5
static int process_rom_entries(struct rom_load_data *romdata, const struct RomModule *romp)
	UINT32 lastflags = 0;

	/* loop until we hit the end of this region */
		/* if this is a continue entry, it's invalid */
			printf("Error in RomModule definition: ROM_CONTINUE not preceded by ROM_LOAD\n");
			goto fatalerror;

		/* if this is a reload entry, it's invalid */
			printf("Error in RomModule definition: ROM_RELOAD not preceded by ROM_LOAD\n");
			goto fatalerror;

		/* handle fills */
		if (ROMENTRY_ISFILL(romp))
			if (!fill_rom_data(romdata, romp++))
				goto fatalerror;

		/* handle copies */
		else if (ROMENTRY_ISCOPY(romp))
			if (!copy_rom_data(romdata, romp++))
				goto fatalerror;

		/* handle files */
		else if (ROMENTRY_ISFILE(romp))
			if (!ROM_GETBIOSFLAGS(romp) || (ROM_GETBIOSFLAGS(romp) == (system_bios+1))) /* alternate bios sets */
				const struct RomModule *baserom = romp;
				int explength = 0;

				/* open the file */
				debugload("Opening ROM file: %s\n", ROM_GETNAME(romp));
				if (!open_rom_file(romdata, romp))
					handle_missing_file(romdata, romp);

				/* loop until we run out of reloads */
					/* loop until we run out of continues */
						struct RomModule modified_romp = *romp++;
						int readresult;

						/* handle flag inheritance */
						if (!ROM_INHERITSFLAGS(&modified_romp))
							lastflags = modified_romp._flags;
							modified_romp._flags = (modified_romp._flags & ~ROM_INHERITEDFLAGS) | lastflags;

						explength += ROM_GETLENGTH(&modified_romp);

						/* attempt to read using the modified entry */
						readresult = read_rom_data(romdata, &modified_romp);
						if (readresult == -1)
							goto fatalerror;
					while (ROMENTRY_ISCONTINUE(romp));

					/* if this was the first use of this file, verify the length and CRC */
					if (baserom)
						debugload("Verifying length (%X) and checksums\n", explength);
						verify_length_and_hash(romdata, ROM_GETNAME(baserom), explength, ROM_GETHASHDATA(baserom));
						debugload("Verify finished\n");

					/* reseek to the start and clear the baserom so we don't reverify */
					if (romdata->file)
						mame_fseek(romdata->file, 0, SEEK_SET);
					baserom = NULL;
					explength = 0;
				while (ROMENTRY_ISRELOAD(romp));

				/* close the file */
				if (romdata->file)
					debugload("Closing ROM file\n");
					romdata->file = NULL;
				romp++; /* skip over file */
	return 1;

	/* error case */
	if (romdata->file)
	romdata->file = NULL;
	return 0;
Example #6
static int read_rom_data(struct rom_load_data *romdata, const struct RomModule *romp)
	int datashift = ROM_GETBITSHIFT(romp);
	int datamask = ((1 << ROM_GETBITWIDTH(romp)) - 1) << datashift;
	int numbytes = ROM_GETLENGTH(romp);
	int groupsize = ROM_GETGROUPSIZE(romp);
	int skip = ROM_GETSKIPCOUNT(romp);
	int reversed = ROM_ISREVERSED(romp);
	int numgroups = (numbytes + groupsize - 1) / groupsize;
	UINT8 *base = romdata->regionbase + ROM_GETOFFSET(romp);
	int i;

	debugload("Loading ROM data: offs=%X len=%X mask=%02X group=%d skip=%d reverse=%d\n", ROM_GETOFFSET(romp), numbytes, datamask, groupsize, skip, reversed);

	/* make sure the length was an even multiple of the group size */
	if (numbytes % groupsize != 0)
		printf("Error in RomModule definition: %s length not an even multiple of group size\n", ROM_GETNAME(romp));
		return -1;

	/* make sure we only fill within the region space */
	if (ROM_GETOFFSET(romp) + numgroups * groupsize + (numgroups - 1) * skip > romdata->regionlength)
		printf("Error in RomModule definition: %s out of memory region space\n", ROM_GETNAME(romp));
		return -1;

	/* make sure the length was valid */
	if (numbytes == 0)
		printf("Error in RomModule definition: %s has an invalid length\n", ROM_GETNAME(romp));
		return -1;

	/* special case for simple loads */
	if (datamask == 0xff && (groupsize == 1 || !reversed) && skip == 0)
		return rom_fread(romdata, base, numbytes);

	/* chunky reads for complex loads */
	skip += groupsize;
	while (numbytes)
		int evengroupcount = (sizeof(romdata->tempbuf) / groupsize) * groupsize;
		int bytesleft = (numbytes > evengroupcount) ? evengroupcount : numbytes;
		UINT8 *bufptr = romdata->tempbuf;

		/* read as much as we can */
		debugload("  Reading %X bytes into buffer\n", bytesleft);
		if (rom_fread(romdata, romdata->tempbuf, bytesleft) != bytesleft)
			return 0;
		numbytes -= bytesleft;

		debugload("  Copying to %08X\n", (int)base);

		/* unmasked cases */
		if (datamask == 0xff)
			/* non-grouped data */
			if (groupsize == 1)
				for (i = 0; i < bytesleft; i++, base += skip)
					*base = *bufptr++;

			/* grouped data -- non-reversed case */
			else if (!reversed)
				while (bytesleft)
					for (i = 0; i < groupsize && bytesleft; i++, bytesleft--)
						base[i] = *bufptr++;
					base += skip;

			/* grouped data -- reversed case */
				while (bytesleft)
					for (i = groupsize - 1; i >= 0 && bytesleft; i--, bytesleft--)
						base[i] = *bufptr++;
					base += skip;

		/* masked cases */
			/* non-grouped data */
			if (groupsize == 1)
				for (i = 0; i < bytesleft; i++, base += skip)
					*base = (*base & ~datamask) | ((*bufptr++ << datashift) & datamask);

			/* grouped data -- non-reversed case */
			else if (!reversed)
				while (bytesleft)
					for (i = 0; i < groupsize && bytesleft; i++, bytesleft--)
						base[i] = (base[i] & ~datamask) | ((*bufptr++ << datashift) & datamask);
					base += skip;

			/* grouped data -- reversed case */
				while (bytesleft)
					for (i = groupsize - 1; i >= 0 && bytesleft; i--, bytesleft--)
						base[i] = (base[i] & ~datamask) | ((*bufptr++ << datashift) & datamask);
					base += skip;
	debugload("  All done\n");
	return ROM_GETLENGTH(romp);
Example #7
void rom_init(running_machine *machine, const rom_entry *romp)
	const rom_entry *regionlist[REGION_MAX];
	const rom_entry *region;
	static rom_load_data romdata;
	int regnum;

	/* if no roms, bail */
	if (romp == NULL)

	/* make sure we get called back on the way out */
	add_exit_callback(machine, rom_exit);

	/* reset the region list */
	memset((void *)regionlist, 0, sizeof(regionlist));

	/* reset the romdata struct */
	memset(&romdata, 0, sizeof(romdata));
	romdata.romstotal = count_roms(romp);

	/* reset the disk list */
	memset(disk_handle, 0, sizeof(disk_handle));

	/* determine the correct biosset to load based on options.bios string */
	system_bios = determine_bios_rom(Machine->gamedrv->bios);

	/* loop until we hit the end */
	for (region = romp, regnum = 0; region; region = rom_next_region(region), regnum++)
		int regiontype = ROMREGION_GETTYPE(region);

		debugload("Processing region %02X (length=%X)\n", regiontype, ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(region));

		/* the first entry must be a region */

		/* remember the base and length */
		romdata.regionbase = new_memory_region(machine, regiontype, ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(region), ROMREGION_GETFLAGS(region));
		romdata.regionlength = ROMREGION_GETLENGTH(region);
		debugload("Allocated %X bytes @ %08X\n", romdata.regionlength, (int)romdata.regionbase);

		/* clear the region if it's requested */
		if (ROMREGION_ISERASE(region))
			memset(romdata.regionbase, ROMREGION_GETERASEVAL(region), romdata.regionlength);

		/* or if it's sufficiently small (<= 4MB) */
		else if (romdata.regionlength <= 0x400000)
			memset(romdata.regionbase, 0, romdata.regionlength);

		/* if we're debugging, fill region with random data to catch errors */
			fill_random(romdata.regionbase, romdata.regionlength);

		/* now process the entries in the region */
			process_rom_entries(&romdata, region + 1);
		else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region))
			process_disk_entries(&romdata, region + 1);

		/* add this region to the list */
		if (regiontype < REGION_MAX)
			regionlist[regiontype] = region;

	/* post-process the regions */
	for (regnum = 0; regnum < REGION_MAX; regnum++)
		if (regionlist[regnum])
			debugload("Post-processing region %02X\n", regnum);
			romdata.regionlength = memory_region_length(regnum);
			romdata.regionbase = memory_region(regnum);
			region_post_process(&romdata, regionlist[regnum]);

	/* display the results and exit */
	total_rom_load_warnings = romdata.warnings;

Example #8
static void process_disk_entries(rom_load_data *romdata, const rom_entry *romp)
	/* loop until we hit the end of this region */
		/* handle files */
		if (ROMENTRY_ISFILE(romp))
			chd_file *source, *diff = NULL;
			chd_header header;
			char filename[1024];
			char acthash[HASH_BUF_SIZE];
			chd_error err;

			/* make the filename of the source */
			sprintf(filename, "%s.chd", ROM_GETNAME(romp));

			/* first open the source drive */
			debugload("Opening disk image: %s\n", filename);
			err = open_disk_image(Machine->gamedrv, romp, &source);
			if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
					sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s UNSUPPORTED CHD VERSION\n", filename);
					sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s NOT FOUND\n", filename);

				/* if this is NO_DUMP, keep going, though the system may not be able to handle it */
				if (hash_data_has_info(ROM_GETHASHDATA(romp), HASH_INFO_NO_DUMP))

			/* get the header and extract the MD5/SHA1 */
			header = *chd_get_header(source);
			hash_data_insert_binary_checksum(acthash, HASH_MD5, header.md5);
			hash_data_insert_binary_checksum(acthash, HASH_SHA1, header.sha1);

			/* verify the MD5 */
			if (!hash_data_is_equal(ROM_GETHASHDATA(romp), acthash, 0))
				sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s WRONG CHECKSUMS:\n", filename);
				dump_wrong_and_correct_checksums(romdata, ROM_GETHASHDATA(romp), acthash);
			else if (hash_data_has_info(ROM_GETHASHDATA(romp), HASH_INFO_BAD_DUMP))
				sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s CHD NEEDS REDUMP\n", filename);

			/* if not read-only, make the diff file */
			if (!DISK_ISREADONLY(romp))
				/* make the filename of the diff */
				sprintf(filename, "%s.dif", ROM_GETNAME(romp));

				/* try to open the diff */
				debugload("Opening differencing image: %s\n", filename);
				err = chd_open(filename, CHD_OPEN_READWRITE, source, &diff);
				if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
					/* didn't work; try creating it instead */
					debugload("Creating differencing image: %s\n", filename);
					err = chd_create(filename, 0, 0, CHDCOMPRESSION_NONE, source);
					if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
							sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s UNSUPPORTED CHD VERSION\n", filename);
							sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s: CAN'T CREATE DIFF FILE\n", filename);

					/* open the newly-created diff file */
					debugload("Opening differencing image: %s\n", filename);
					err = chd_open(filename, CHD_OPEN_READWRITE, source, &diff);
					if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
							sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s UNSUPPORTED CHD VERSION\n", filename);
							sprintf(&romdata->errorbuf[strlen(romdata->errorbuf)], "%s: CAN'T OPEN DIFF FILE\n", filename);

			/* we're okay, set the handle */
			debugload("Assigning to handle %d\n", DISK_GETINDEX(romp));
			disk_handle[DISK_GETINDEX(romp)] = DISK_ISREADONLY(romp) ? source : diff;