/** * Declare the active parameters for the function */ void Voigt::declareParameters() { declareParameter(LORENTZ_AMP, 0.0, "Value of the Lorentzian amplitude"); declareParameter(LORENTZ_POS, 0.0, "Position of the Lorentzian peak"); declareParameter(LORENTZ_FWHM, 0.0, "Value of the full-width half-maximum for the Lorentzian"); declareParameter(GAUSSIAN_FWHM, 0.0, "Value of the full-width half-maximum for the Gaussian"); }
void GaussianComptonProfile::declareParameters() { // DO NOT REORDER WITHOUT CHANGING THE GETPARAMETER calls // declareParameter(WIDTH_PARAM, 1.0, "Gaussian width parameter"); declareParameter(AMP_PARAM, 1.0, "Gaussian intensity parameter"); }
void CgDeclParms( // DEFINE ARGS FOR CURRENT FN IN CORRECT ORDER FN_CTL *fctl, // - current function control pointer SCOPE scope ) // - argument scope { SYMBOL curr; SYMBOL stop; SYMBOL *psym; // - addr[ parameter symbol ] TYPE fn_type; auto VSTK_CTL sym_stack; SYMBOL ret_sym; NAME ret_name; fn_type = FunctionDeclarationType( fctl->func->sym_type ); VstkOpen( &sym_stack, sizeof( SYMBOL ), 16 ); stop = ScopeOrderedStart( scope ); ret_name = CppSpecialName( SPECIAL_RETURN_VALUE ); ret_sym = NULL; curr = NULL; for(;;) { curr = ScopeOrderedNext( stop, curr ); if( curr == NULL ) break; if( ( curr->name != NULL ) && ( ret_name == curr->name->name ) ) { ret_sym = curr; } else { psym = VstkPush( &sym_stack ); *psym = curr; } } IbpDefineParms(); declareParameter( fctl->this_sym ); declareParameter( fctl->cdtor_sym ); declareParameter( ret_sym ); switch( PcCallImpl( fn_type ) ) { case CALL_IMPL_REV_CPP : case CALL_IMPL_REV_C : for(;;) { psym = VstkPop( &sym_stack ); if( psym == NULL ) break; declareParameter( *psym ); } break; case CALL_IMPL_CPP : case CALL_IMPL_C : case CALL_IMPL_ELL_CPP : case CALL_IMPL_ELL_C : { unsigned index; // - parameter index unsigned max_parms; // - # parameters SYMBOL *psym1; // - addr[ parameter symbol ] max_parms = VstkDimension( &sym_stack ); for( index = 0; index < max_parms; ++index ) { psym1 = VstkIndex( &sym_stack, index ); declareParameter( *psym1 ); } } break; } VstkClose( &sym_stack ); CGLastParm(); }
BaseMultiPos:: BaseMultiPos(std::string const & name) : Skill(name), ee_task_(0), ee_pos_(Vector::Zero(3)), threshold_(-1), vel_threshold_(-1), cur_row_(0), forward_(true) { declareSlot("eepos", &ee_task_); declareParameter("eepos", &ee_pos_); declareParameter("threshold", &threshold_); declareParameter("vel_threshold", &vel_threshold_); }
void FunctionChangesNParams::iterationFinished() { auto np = nParams(); if (m_canChange && np < m_maxNParams) { declareParameter("A" + std::to_string(np), 0.0); throw Mantid::Kernel::Exception::FitSizeWarning(np, nParams()); } m_canChange = false; }
ParameterReflection::ParameterReflection(std::string const& type_name, std::string const& instance_name) : typeName(type_name), instanceName(instance_name), useDefaultBindings(true) { declareParameter("useDefaultBindings", &useDefaultBindings); }
/** * Reset fitting parameters after changes to some attributes. */ void BSpline::resetParameters() { if (nParams() > 0) { clearAllParameters(); } size_t np = gsl_bspline_ncoeffs(m_bsplineWorkspace.get()); for (size_t i = 0; i < np; ++i) { std::string pname = "A" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i); declareParameter(pname); } }
void IkedaCarpenterPV::init() { declareParameter("I", 0.0, "The integrated intensity of the peak. I.e. " "approximately equal to HWHM times height of " "peak"); declareParameter("Alpha0", 1.6, "Used to model fast decay constant"); declareParameter("Alpha1", 1.5, "Used to model fast decay constant"); declareParameter("Beta0", 31.9, "Inverse of slow decay constant"); declareParameter("Kappa", 46.0, "Controls contribution of slow decay term"); declareParameter("SigmaSquared", 1.0, "standard deviation squared (Voigt Guassian broadening)"); declareParameter("Gamma", 1.0, "Voigt Lorentzian broadening"); declareParameter("X0", 0.0, "Peak position"); }
ClassicTaskPostureController:: ClassicTaskPostureController(std::string const & name) : Controller(name) { declareParameter("jpos", &jpos_); declareParameter("jvel", &jvel_); declareParameter("gamma", &gamma_); declareParameter("fstar", &fstar_); declareParameter("lambda", &lambda_); declareParameter("jbar", &jbar_); declareParameter("nullspace", &nullspace_); }
GestureSkill:: GestureSkill(std::string const & name) : Skill(name), state_(STATE_OP_), eepos_task_(0), eeori_task_(0), posture_task_(0), joint_task_(0), eepos_goal_(0), eeori_goal_x_(0), eeori_goal_y_(0), eeori_goal_z_(0), posture_goal_(0), joint_goal_(0), eepos_(Vector::Zero(3)), eeori_x_(Vector::Zero(3)), eeori_y_(Vector::Zero(3)), eeori_z_(Vector::Zero(3)), posture_(Vector::Zero(7)), joint_pos_(Vector::Zero(7)), threshold_(-1), cur_row_(0), hold_count_(Vector::Zero(1)), count_(0), vel_threshold_(-1) { declareSlot("eepos", &eepos_task_); declareSlot("eeori", &eeori_task_); declareSlot("posture", &posture_task_); declareSlot("joint", &joint_task_); declareParameter("eepos", &eepos_); declareParameter("eeori_x", &eeori_x_); declareParameter("eeori_y", &eeori_y_); declareParameter("eeori_z", &eeori_z_); declareParameter("posture", &posture_); declareParameter("joint_positions", &joint_pos_); declareParameter("threshold", &threshold_); declareParameter("hold_count", &hold_count_); declareParameter("vel_threshold", &vel_threshold_); }
/** Set an attribute for the function * * @param attName :: The name of the attribute to set * @param att :: The attribute to set */ void CubicSpline::setAttribute(const std::string& attName, const API::IFunction::Attribute& att) { if (attName == "n") { //get the new and old number of data points int n = att.asInt(); int oldN = getAttribute("n").asInt(); //check that the number of data points is in a valid range if (n > oldN) { //get the name of the last x data point std::string oldXName = "x" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(oldN - 1); double oldX = getAttribute(oldXName).asDouble(); //reallocate gsl object to new size reallocGSLObjects(n); //create blank a number of new blank parameters and attributes for (int i = oldN; i < n; ++i) { std::string num = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(i); std::string newXName = "x" + num; std::string newYName = "y" + num; declareAttribute(newXName, Attribute(oldX + static_cast<double>(i - oldN + 1))); declareParameter(newYName, 0); } //flag that the spline + derivatives will now need to be recalculated m_recalculateSpline = true; } else if (n < oldN) { throw std::invalid_argument("Cubic Spline: Can't decrease the number of attributes"); } } storeAttributeValue(attName, att); }
PlanElement::PlanElement(std::string const& typeName, std::string const& instanceName) : ParameterReflection(typeName, instanceName), enableState(EnableState::ENABLED) { declareParameter("enableState", &enableState); }
/** * Initializes function parameters */ void PoldiSpectrumDomainFunction::init() { declareParameter("Area", 1.0); declareParameter("Fwhm", 1.0); declareParameter("Centre", 0.0); }
void LeBailFunction::init() { declareParameter("Dtt1", 1.0); declareParameter("Dtt2", 1.0); declareParameter("Dtt1t", 1.0); declareParameter("Dtt2t", 1.0); declareParameter("Zero", 0.0); declareParameter("Zerot", 0.0); declareParameter("Width", 1.0); declareParameter("Tcross", 1.0); declareParameter("Alph0",1.6); declareParameter("Alph1",1.5); declareParameter("Beta0",1.6); declareParameter("Beta1",1.5); declareParameter("Alph0t",1.6); declareParameter("Alph1t",1.5); declareParameter("Beta0t",1.6); declareParameter("Beta1t",1.5); declareParameter("Sig0", 1.0); declareParameter("Sig1", 1.0); declareParameter("Sig2", 1.0); declareParameter("Gam0", 0.0); declareParameter("Gam1", 0.0); declareParameter("Gam2", 0.0); declareParameter("LatticeConstant", 10.0); return; }
/// Create parameters void Laguerre::init() { declareParameter("Alpha",0.0,"The alpha parameter of the generalized Laguerre polynomial."); }
/// Constructor CrystalFieldPeaksBase::CrystalFieldPeaksBase() : API::IFunctionGeneral(), API::ParamFunction(), m_defaultDomainSize(0) { declareAttribute("Ion", Attribute("Ce")); declareAttribute("Symmetry", Attribute("Ci")); declareAttribute("ToleranceEnergy", Attribute(1.0e-10)); declareAttribute("ToleranceIntensity", Attribute(1.0e-1)); declareAttribute("MaxPeakCount", Attribute(0)); declareParameter("BmolX", 0.0, "The x-component of the molecular field."); declareParameter("BmolY", 0.0, "The y-component of the molecular field."); declareParameter("BmolZ", 0.0, "The z-component of the molecular field."); declareParameter("BextX", 0.0, "The x-component of the external field."); declareParameter("BextY", 0.0, "The y-component of the external field."); declareParameter("BextZ", 0.0, "The z-component of the external field."); declareParameter("B20", 0.0, "Real part of the B20 field parameter."); declareParameter("B21", 0.0, "Real part of the B21 field parameter."); declareParameter("B22", 0.0, "Real part of the B22 field parameter."); declareParameter("B40", 0.0, "Real part of the B40 field parameter."); declareParameter("B41", 0.0, "Real part of the B41 field parameter."); declareParameter("B42", 0.0, "Real part of the B42 field parameter."); declareParameter("B43", 0.0, "Real part of the B43 field parameter."); declareParameter("B44", 0.0, "Real part of the B44 field parameter."); declareParameter("B60", 0.0, "Real part of the B60 field parameter."); declareParameter("B61", 0.0, "Real part of the B61 field parameter."); declareParameter("B62", 0.0, "Real part of the B62 field parameter."); declareParameter("B63", 0.0, "Real part of the B63 field parameter."); declareParameter("B64", 0.0, "Real part of the B64 field parameter."); declareParameter("B65", 0.0, "Real part of the B65 field parameter."); declareParameter("B66", 0.0, "Real part of the B66 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB21", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B21 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB22", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B22 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB41", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B41 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB42", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B42 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB43", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B43 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB44", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B44 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB61", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B61 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB62", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B62 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB63", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B63 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB64", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B64 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB65", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B65 field parameter."); declareParameter("IB66", 0.0, "Imaginary part of the B66 field parameter."); setSymmetryC1(*this); }
/// This method clears all parameters and declares parameters according to the /// supplied crystal system. void PawleyParameterFunction::createLatticeSystemParameters( PointGroup::LatticeSystem latticeSystem) { clearAllParameters(); switch (latticeSystem) { case PointGroup::LatticeSystem::Cubic: declareParameter("a", 1.0); addLengthConstraint("a"); break; case PointGroup::LatticeSystem::Hexagonal: case PointGroup::LatticeSystem::Tetragonal: declareParameter("a", 1.0); declareParameter("c", 1.0); addLengthConstraint("a"); addLengthConstraint("c"); break; case PointGroup::LatticeSystem::Orthorhombic: declareParameter("a", 1.0); declareParameter("b", 1.0); declareParameter("c", 1.0); addLengthConstraint("a"); addLengthConstraint("b"); addLengthConstraint("c"); break; case PointGroup::LatticeSystem::Monoclinic: declareParameter("a", 1.0); declareParameter("b", 1.0); declareParameter("c", 1.0); addLengthConstraint("a"); addLengthConstraint("b"); addLengthConstraint("c"); declareParameter("Beta", 90.0); addAngleConstraint("Beta"); break; case PointGroup::LatticeSystem::Rhombohedral: declareParameter("a", 1.0); declareParameter("Alpha", 90.0); addLengthConstraint("a"); addAngleConstraint("Alpha"); break; default: // triclinic declareParameter("a", 1.0); declareParameter("b", 1.0); declareParameter("c", 1.0); addLengthConstraint("a"); addLengthConstraint("b"); addLengthConstraint("c"); declareParameter("Alpha", 90.0); declareParameter("Beta", 90.0); declareParameter("Gamma", 90.0); addAngleConstraint("Alpha"); addAngleConstraint("Beta"); addAngleConstraint("Gamma"); break; } declareParameter("ZeroShift", 0.0); }
/// Declares the function's single parameter A1. void PoldiSpectrumLinearBackground::init() { declareParameter("A1"); }