Example #1
void testVarint(uint64_t val, std::initializer_list<uint8_t> bytes) {
  size_t n = bytes.size();
  ByteRange expected(&*bytes.begin(), n);

    uint8_t buf[kMaxVarintLength64];
    EXPECT_EQ(expected.size(), encodeVarint(val, buf));
    EXPECT_TRUE(ByteRange(buf, expected.size()) == expected);

    ByteRange r = expected;
    uint64_t decoded = decodeVarint(r);
    EXPECT_EQ(val, decoded);

  if (n < kMaxVarintLength64) {
    // Try from a full buffer too, different code path
    uint8_t buf[kMaxVarintLength64];
    memcpy(buf, &*bytes.begin(), n);

    uint8_t fills[] = {0, 0x7f, 0x80, 0xff};

    for (uint8_t fill : fills) {
      memset(buf + n, fill, kMaxVarintLength64 - n);
      ByteRange r(buf, kMaxVarintLength64);
      uint64_t decoded = decodeVarint(r);
      EXPECT_EQ(val, decoded);
      EXPECT_EQ(kMaxVarintLength64 - n, r.size());
Example #2
inline int decodeBlockHandle(BlockHandle* blockHandle,const Slice* slice)
	size_t offset = 0;
	blockHandle->offset_ = decodeVarint(slice->data_,&offset);
	blockHandle->size_ = decodeVarint(slice->data_,&offset);
	return slice->size_;
Example #3
 * 将BlockEntry转化成IndexBlockEntry
inline int blockEntryToIndexBlock(IndexBlockEntry* index,const BlockEntry* entry)
	size_t offset = 0;
	index->key_ = entry->key_;
	index->blockhandle.offset_ = decodeVarint(entry->value_.data_,&offset);
	index->blockhandle.size_ = decodeVarint(entry->value_.data_,&offset);
	return entry->value_.size_;
Example #4
** Create a description for a single cell.
** The return value is the local cell size.
static int describeCell(
  unsigned char cType,    /* Page type */
  unsigned char *a,       /* Cell content */
  int showCellContent,    /* Show cell content if true */
  char **pzDesc           /* Store description here */
  int i;
  int nDesc = 0;
  int n = 0;
  int leftChild;
  i64 nPayload;
  i64 rowid;
  int nLocal;
  static char zDesc[1000];
  i = 0;
  if( cType<=5 ){
    leftChild = ((a[0]*256 + a[1])*256 + a[2])*256 + a[3];
    a += 4;
    n += 4;
    sprintf(zDesc, "lx: %d ", leftChild);
    nDesc = strlen(zDesc);
  if( cType!=5 ){
    i = decodeVarint(a, &nPayload);
    a += i;
    n += i;
    sprintf(&zDesc[nDesc], "n: %lld ", nPayload);
    nDesc += strlen(&zDesc[nDesc]);
    nLocal = localPayload(nPayload, cType);
    nPayload = nLocal = 0;
  if( cType==5 || cType==13 ){
    i = decodeVarint(a, &rowid);
    a += i;
    n += i;
    sprintf(&zDesc[nDesc], "r: %lld ", rowid);
    nDesc += strlen(&zDesc[nDesc]);
  if( nLocal<nPayload ){
    int ovfl;
    unsigned char *b = &a[nLocal];
    ovfl = ((b[0]*256 + b[1])*256 + b[2])*256 + b[3];
    sprintf(&zDesc[nDesc], "ov: %d ", ovfl);
    nDesc += strlen(&zDesc[nDesc]);
    n += 4;
  if( showCellContent && cType!=5 ){
    nDesc += describeContent(a, nLocal, &zDesc[nDesc-1]);
  *pzDesc = zDesc;
  return nLocal+n;
Example #5
TEST(Varint, Interface) {
  // Make sure decodeVarint() accepts all of StringPiece, MutableStringPiece,
  // ByteRange, and MutableByteRange.
  char c = 0;

  StringPiece sp(&c, 1);
  EXPECT_EQ(decodeVarint(sp), 0);

  MutableStringPiece msp(&c, 1);
  EXPECT_EQ(decodeVarint(msp), 0);

  ByteRange br(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&c), 1);
  EXPECT_EQ(decodeVarint(br), 0);

  MutableByteRange mbr(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&c), 1);
  EXPECT_EQ(decodeVarint(mbr), 0);
Example #6
 * 获取重启点的key值
inline int getBlockEntryKey(const unsigned char* data,Slice* key)
	size_t offset = 0;
	//uint64_t i = 0;
	uint64_t sharedKeyLen = decodeVarint(data,&offset);
	uint64_t nosharedKeyLen = decodeVarint(data,&offset);
	uint64_t valueLen = decodeVarint(data,&offset);
	if(sharedKeyLen > 0 && key->size_ == 0){
		printf("error:This is not a restart point.\n");
		return 0;
	key->size_ = nosharedKeyLen;
	return 1;
Example #7
** Find overflow pages of a cell and describe their usage.
static void page_usage_cell(
  unsigned char cType,    /* Page type */
  unsigned char *a,       /* Cell content */
  int pgno,               /* page containing the cell */
  int cellno              /* Index of the cell on the page */
  int i;
  int nDesc = 0;
  int n = 0;
  i64 nPayload;
  i64 rowid;
  int nLocal;
  i = 0;
  if( cType<=5 ){
    a += 4;
    n += 4;
  if( cType!=5 ){
    i = decodeVarint(a, &nPayload);
    a += i;
    n += i;
    nLocal = localPayload(nPayload, cType);
    nPayload = nLocal = 0;
  if( cType==5 || cType==13 ){
    i = decodeVarint(a, &rowid);
    a += i;
    n += i;
  if( nLocal<nPayload ){
    int ovfl = decodeInt32(a+nLocal);
    int cnt = 0;
    while( ovfl && (cnt++)<mxPage ){
      page_usage_msg(ovfl, "overflow %d from cell %d of page %d",
                     cnt, cellno, pgno);
      a = getContent((ovfl-1)*pagesize, 4);
      ovfl = decodeInt32(a);
Example #8
 * 解析Block项
inline size_t decodeBlockEntry(BlockEntry* blockEntry,const unsigned char* data,Slice* lastKey)
	size_t offset = 0;
	//uint64_t i = 0;
	uint64_t sharedKeyLen = decodeVarint(data,&offset);
	uint64_t nosharedKeyLen = decodeVarint(data,&offset);
	uint64_t valueLen = decodeVarint(data,&offset);
	//printf("sharedKeyLen = %llu,nosharedKeyLen = %llu,valueLen = %llu\n",sharedKeyLen,nosharedKeyLen,valueLen);
	if(lastKey->size_ < sharedKeyLen){
		printf("lastKey length is wrong!\n");
		return 0;
	/* 读取key */
	blockEntry->key_.size_ = sharedKeyLen + nosharedKeyLen;
	offset += nosharedKeyLen;
	/* 更新lastkey */
	lastKey->size_ = blockEntry->key_.size_;
	blockEntry->value_.size_ = valueLen;

	/* 返回此blockEntry占用的字节数 */
	return offset;
Example #9
** Describe cell content.
static int describeContent(
  unsigned char *a,       /* Cell content */
  int nLocal,             /* Bytes in a[] */
  char *zDesc             /* Write description here */
  int nDesc = 0;
  int n, i, j;
  i64 x, v;
  const unsigned char *pData;
  const unsigned char *pLimit;
  char sep = ' ';

  pLimit = &a[nLocal];
  n = decodeVarint(a, &x);
  pData = &a[x];
  a += n;
  i = x - n;
  while( i>0 && pData<=pLimit ){
    n = decodeVarint(a, &x);
    a += n;
    i -= n;
    nLocal -= n;
    zDesc[0] = sep;
    sep = ',';
    if( x==0 ){
      sprintf(zDesc, "*");     /* NULL is a "*" */
    }else if( x>=1 && x<=6 ){
      v = (signed char)pData[0];
      switch( x ){
        case 6:  v = (v<<16) + (pData[0]<<8) + pData[1];  pData += 2;
        case 5:  v = (v<<16) + (pData[0]<<8) + pData[1];  pData += 2;
        case 4:  v = (v<<8) + pData[0];  pData++;
        case 3:  v = (v<<8) + pData[0];  pData++;
        case 2:  v = (v<<8) + pData[0];  pData++;
      sprintf(zDesc, "%lld", v);
    }else if( x==7 ){
      sprintf(zDesc, "real");
      pData += 8;
    }else if( x==8 ){
      sprintf(zDesc, "0");
    }else if( x==9 ){
      sprintf(zDesc, "1");
    }else if( x>=12 ){
      int size = (x-12)/2;
      if( (x&1)==0 ){
        sprintf(zDesc, "blob(%d)", size);
        sprintf(zDesc, "txt(%d)", size);
      pData += size;
    j = strlen(zDesc);
    zDesc += j;
    nDesc += j;
  return nDesc;
Example #10
int main(int argc, char **argv){
  sqlite3 *db;
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
  char *zIdx = 0;
  int rc, j, x, y, mxHdr;
  const unsigned char *aSample;
  int nSample;
  i64 iVal;
  const char *zSep;
  int iRow = 0;

  if( argc!=2 ){
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s DATABASE-FILE\n", argv[0]);
  rc = sqlite3_open(argv[1], &db);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || db==0 ){
    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open database file [%s]\n", argv[1]);
  rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db,
        "SELECT tbl||'.'||idx, nEq, nLT, nDLt, sample "
        "FROM sqlite_stat4 ORDER BY 1", -1,
        &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || pStmt==0 ){
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
  while( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
    if( zIdx==0 || strcmp(zIdx, (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0))!=0 ){
      if( zIdx ) printf("\n**************************************"
      zIdx = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0));
      iRow = 0;
    printf("%s sample %d ------------------------------------\n", zIdx, ++iRow);
    printf("  nEq    = %s\n", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,1));
    printf("  nLt    = %s\n", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,2));
    printf("  nDLt   = %s\n", sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,3));
    printf("  sample = x'");
    aSample = sqlite3_column_blob(pStmt,4);
    nSample = sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt,4);
    for(j=0; j<nSample; j++) printf("%02x", aSample[j]);
    printf("'\n          ");
    zSep = " ";
    x = decodeVarint(aSample, &iVal);
    if( iVal<x || iVal>nSample ){
      printf(" <error>\n");
    y = mxHdr = (int)iVal;
    while( x<mxHdr ){
      int sz;
      i64 v;
      x += decodeVarint(aSample+x, &iVal);
      if( x>mxHdr ) break;
      if( iVal<0 ) break;
      switch( iVal ){
        case 0:  sz = 0;  break;
        case 1:  sz = 1;  break;
        case 2:  sz = 2;  break;
        case 3:  sz = 3;  break;
        case 4:  sz = 4;  break;
        case 5:  sz = 6;  break;
        case 6:  sz = 8;  break;
        case 7:  sz = 8;  break;
        case 8:  sz = 0;  break;
        case 9:  sz = 0;  break;
        case 10:
        case 11: sz = 0;  break;
        default: sz = (int)(iVal-12)/2;  break;
      if( y+sz>nSample ) break;
      if( iVal==0 ){
        printf("%sNULL", zSep);
      }else if( iVal==8 || iVal==9 ){
        printf("%s%d", zSep, ((int)iVal)-8);
      }else if( iVal<=7 ){
        v = (signed char)aSample[y];
        for(j=1; j<sz; j++){
          v = (v<<8) + aSample[y+j];
        if( iVal==7 ){
          double r;
          memcpy(&r, &v, sizeof(r));
          printf("%s%#g", zSep, r);
          printf("%s%lld", zSep, v);
      }else if( (iVal&1)==0 ){
        printf("%sx'", zSep);
        for(j=0; j<sz; j++){
          printf("%02x", aSample[y+j]);
        printf("%s\"", zSep);
        for(j=0; j<sz; j++){
          char c = (char)aSample[y+j];
          if( ISPRINT(c) ){
            if( c=='"' || c=='\\' ) putchar('\\');
          }else if( c=='\n' ){
          }else if( c=='\t' ){
          }else if( c=='\r' ){
            printf("\\%03o", c);
      zSep = ",";
      y += sz;
  return 0;
Example #11
** Write a full decode on stdout for the cell at a[ofst].
** Assume the page contains a header of size szPgHdr bytes.
static void decodeCell(
  unsigned char *a,       /* Page content (without the page-1 header) */
  unsigned pgno,          /* Page number */
  int iCell,              /* Cell index */
  int szPgHdr,            /* Size of the page header.  0 or 100 */
  int ofst                /* Cell begins at a[ofst] */
  int i, j = 0;
  int leftChild;
  i64 k;
  i64 nPayload;
  i64 rowid;
  i64 nHdr;
  i64 iType;
  i64 nLocal;
  unsigned char *x = a + ofst;
  unsigned char *end;
  unsigned char cType = a[0];
  int nCol = 0;
  int szCol[2000];
  int ofstCol[2000];
  int typeCol[2000];

  printf("Cell[%d]:\n", iCell);
  if( cType<=5 ){
    leftChild = ((x[0]*256 + x[1])*256 + x[2])*256 + x[3];
    printBytes(a, x, 4);
    printf("left child page:: %d\n", leftChild);
    x += 4;
  if( cType!=5 ){
    i = decodeVarint(x, &nPayload);
    printBytes(a, x, i);
    nLocal = localPayload(nPayload, cType);
    if( nLocal==nPayload ){
      printf("payload-size: %lld\n", nPayload);
      printf("payload-size: %lld (%lld local, %lld overflow)\n",
             nPayload, nLocal, nPayload-nLocal);
    x += i;
    nPayload = nLocal = 0;
  end = x + nLocal;
  if( cType==5 || cType==13 ){
    i = decodeVarint(x, &rowid);
    printBytes(a, x, i);
    printf("rowid: %lld\n", rowid);
    x += i;
  if( nLocal>0 ){
    i = decodeVarint(x, &nHdr);
    printBytes(a, x, i);
    printf("record-header-size: %d\n", (int)nHdr);
    j = i;
    nCol = 0;
    k = nHdr;
    while( x+j<end && j<nHdr ){
       const char *zTypeName;
       int sz = 0;
       char zNm[30];
       i = decodeVarint(x+j, &iType);
       printBytes(a, x+j, i);
       printf("typecode[%d]: %d - ", nCol, (int)iType);
       switch( iType ){
         case 0:  zTypeName = "NULL";    sz = 0;  break;
         case 1:  zTypeName = "int8";    sz = 1;  break;
         case 2:  zTypeName = "int16";   sz = 2;  break;
         case 3:  zTypeName = "int24";   sz = 3;  break;
         case 4:  zTypeName = "int32";   sz = 4;  break;
         case 5:  zTypeName = "int48";   sz = 6;  break;
         case 6:  zTypeName = "int64";   sz = 8;  break;
         case 7:  zTypeName = "double";  sz = 8;  break;
         case 8:  zTypeName = "zero";    sz = 0;  break;
         case 9:  zTypeName = "one";     sz = 0;  break;
         case 10:
         case 11: zTypeName = "error";   sz = 0;  break;
         default: {
           sz = (int)(iType-12)/2;
           sprintf(zNm, (iType&1)==0 ? "blob(%d)" : "text(%d)", sz);
           zTypeName = zNm;
       printf("%s\n", zTypeName);
       szCol[nCol] = sz;
       ofstCol[nCol] = (int)k;
       typeCol[nCol] = (int)iType;
       k += sz;
       j += i;
    for(i=0; i<nCol && ofstCol[i]+szCol[i]<=nLocal; i++){
       int s = ofstCol[i];
       i64 v;
       const unsigned char *pData;
       if( szCol[i]==0 ) continue;
       printBytes(a, x+s, szCol[i]);
       printf("data[%d]: ", i);
       pData = x+s;
       if( typeCol[i]<=7 ){
         v = (signed char)pData[0];
         for(k=1; k<szCol[i]; k++){
           v = (v<<8) + pData[k];
         if( typeCol[i]==7 ){
           double r;
           memcpy(&r, &v, sizeof(r));
           printf("%#g\n", r);
           printf("%lld\n", v);
         int ii, jj;
         char zConst[32];
         if( (typeCol[i]&1)==0 ){
           zConst[0] = 'x';
           zConst[1] = '\'';
           for(ii=2, jj=0; jj<szCol[i] && ii<24; jj++, ii+=2){
             sprintf(zConst+ii, "%02x", pData[jj]);
           zConst[0] = '\'';
           for(ii=1, jj=0; jj<szCol[i] && ii<24; jj++, ii++){
             zConst[ii] = ISPRINT(pData[jj]) ? pData[jj] : '.';
           zConst[ii] = 0;
         if( jj<szCol[i] ){
           memcpy(zConst+ii, "...'", 5);
           memcpy(zConst+ii, "'", 2);
         printf("%s\n", zConst);
       j = ofstCol[i] + szCol[i];
  if( j<nLocal ){
    printBytes(a, x+j, 0);
    printf("... %lld bytes of content ...\n", nLocal-j);
  if( nLocal<nPayload ){
    printBytes(a, x+nLocal, 4);
    printf("overflow-page: %d\n", decodeInt32(x+nLocal));