Example #1
 * m_nick 
 * parv[0] = sender prefix 
 * parv[1] = nickname 
 * parv[2] = hopcount when new user; TS when nick change 
 * parv[3] = TS
 * ---- new user only below ---- 
 * parv[4] = umode 
 * parv[5] = username 
 * parv[6] = hostname 
 * parv[7] = server 
 * parv[8] = serviceid
 * parv[9] = IP
 * parv[10] = ircname
 * -- endif
int m_nick(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
    struct simBan *ban;
    aClient    *acptr, *uplink;
    Link       *lp, *lp2;
    char        nick[NICKLEN + 2];
    ts_val      newts = 0;
    int         sameuser = 0, samenick = 0;
    if (parc < 2)
	sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN),
		   me.name, parv[0]);
	return 0;
    if (!IsServer(sptr) && IsServer(cptr) && parc > 2)
	newts = atol(parv[2]);
    else if (IsServer(sptr) && parc > 3)
	newts = atol(parv[3]);
	parc = 2;
     * parc == 2 on a normal client sign on (local) and a normal client 
     * nick change 
     * parc == 4 on a normal server-to-server client nick change
     * parc == 11 on a normal TS style server-to-server NICK introduction
    if ((IsServer(sptr) || (parc > 4)) && (parc < 11))
	 * We got the wrong number of params. Someone is trying to trick
	 * us. Kill it. -ThemBones As discussed with ThemBones, not much
	 * point to this code now sending a whack of global kills would
	 * also be more annoying then its worth, just note the problem,
	 * and continue -Dianora
	sendto_realops("IGNORING BAD NICK: %s[%s@%s] on %s (from %s)", parv[1],
		       (parc >= 6) ? parv[5] : "-",
		       (parc >= 7) ? parv[6] : "-",
		       (parc >= 8) ? parv[7] : "-", parv[0]);
	return 0;
    strncpyzt(nick, parv[1], NICKLEN + 1);
     * if do_nick_name() returns a null name OR if the server sent a
     * nick name and do_nick_name() changed it in some way (due to rules
     * of nick creation) then reject it. If from a server and we reject
     * it, and KILL it. -avalon 4/4/92
    if (do_nick_name(nick) == 0 || (IsServer(cptr) && strcmp(nick, parv[1])))
	sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),
		   me.name, parv[0], parv[1], "Erroneous Nickname");
	if (IsServer(cptr))
        sendto_realops_lev(DEBUG_LEV, "Bad Nick: %s From: %s Via: %s",
			       parv[1], parv[0],
			       get_client_name(cptr, HIDEME));
	    sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Bad Nick)",
		       me.name, parv[1], me.name);
	    if (sptr != cptr) { /* bad nick change */     
		sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Bad Nick)", me.name,
				   parv[0], me.name);
		sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
		return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "BadNick");
	return 0;
     * Check against nick name collisions.
     * Put this 'if' here so that the nesting goes nicely on the screen
     * :) We check against server name list before determining if the
     * nickname is present in the nicklist (due to the way the below
     * for loop is constructed). -avalon
	if ((acptr = find_server(nick, NULL)))
	    if (MyConnect(sptr))
		sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE), me.name,
			   BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick);
		return 0;
	 * acptr already has result from find_server
	 * Well. unless we have a capricious server on the net, a nick can
	 * never be the same as a server name - Dianora
	 * That's not the only case; maybe someone broke do_nick_name
	 * or changed it so they could use "." in nicks on their network 
	 * - sedition
	if (acptr)
	     * We have a nickname trying to use the same name as a
	     * server. Send out a nick collision KILL to remove the
	     * nickname. As long as only a KILL is sent out, there is no
	     * danger of the server being disconnected.  Ultimate way to
	     * jupiter a nick ? >;-). -avalon
	    sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick collision on %s", sptr->name);
	    sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)", me.name, 
		       sptr->name, me.name);
	    sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
	    return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "Nick/Server collision");
	if (!(acptr = find_client(nick, NULL)))
	 * If acptr == sptr, then we have a client doing a nick change
	 * between *equivalent* nicknames as far as server is concerned
	 * (user is changing the case of his/her nickname or somesuch)
	if (acptr == sptr)
	    if (strcmp(acptr->name, nick) == 0) 
		return 0;
	} /* If user is changing nick to itself no point in propogating */
	 * Note: From this point forward it can be assumed that acptr !=
	 * sptr (point to different client structures).
	 * If the older one is "non-person", the new entry is just 
	 * allowed to overwrite it. Just silently drop non-person, and
	 * proceed with the nick. This should take care of the "dormant
	 * nick" way of generating collisions...
	if (IsUnknown(acptr))
	    if (MyConnect(acptr))
		exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Overridden");
	    else if (!(acptr->user))
		sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick Collision on %s", parv[1]);
		sendto_serv_butone(NULL, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",
				   me.name, acptr->name, me.name);
		acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
		/* Having no USER struct should be ok... */
		return exit_client(cptr, acptr, &me,
				   "Got TS NICK before Non-TS USER");
	if (!IsServer(cptr))
	     * NICK is coming from local client connection. Just send
	     * error reply and ignore the command.
	     * parv[0] is empty on connecting clients
	    sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE),
		       me.name, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick);
	    return 0;
	 * NICK was coming from a server connection. Means that the same
	 * nick is registered for different users by different server.
	 * This is either a race condition (two users coming online about
	 * same time, or net reconnecting) or just two net fragments
	 * becoming joined and having same nicks in use. We cannot have
	 * TWO users with same nick--purge this NICK from the system with
	 * a KILL... >;)
	 * Changed to something reasonable like IsServer(sptr) (true if
	 * "NICK new", false if ":old NICK new") -orabidoo
	if (IsServer(sptr))
	     * A new NICK being introduced by a neighbouring server (e.g.
	     * message type "NICK new" received)
	    if (!newts || !acptr->tsinfo || (newts == acptr->tsinfo))
		sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick collision on %s", parv[1]);
		sendto_one(acptr, err_str(ERR_NICKCOLLISION),
			   me.name, acptr->name, acptr->name);
		sendto_serv_butone(NULL, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",
				   me.name, acptr->name, me.name);
		acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
		return exit_client(cptr, acptr, &me, "Nick collision");
		/* XXX This looks messed up to me XXX - Raist */
		sameuser = (acptr->user) &&
		    mycmp(acptr->user->username, parv[5]) == 0 &&
		    mycmp(acptr->user->host, parv[6]) == 0;
		if ((sameuser && newts < acptr->tsinfo) || 
		    (!sameuser && newts > acptr->tsinfo))
		    return 0;
		    sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick collision on %s",parv[1]);
		    sendto_one(acptr, err_str(ERR_NICKCOLLISION),
			       me.name, acptr->name, acptr->name);
		    sendto_serv_butone(sptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",
				       me.name, acptr->name, me.name);
		    acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
		    (void) exit_client(cptr, acptr, &me, "Nick collision");
	 * * A NICK change has collided (e.g. message type * ":old NICK
	 * new". This requires more complex cleanout. * Both clients must be
	 * purged from this server, the "new" * must be killed from the
	 * incoming connection, and "old" must * be purged from all outgoing
	 * connections.
	if (!newts || !acptr->tsinfo || (newts == acptr->tsinfo) ||
	    sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick change collision: %s", parv[1]);
	    sendto_one(acptr, err_str(ERR_NICKCOLLISION),
		       me.name, acptr->name, acptr->name);
	    sendto_serv_butone(NULL, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",me.name,
			       sptr->name, me.name);
	    sendto_serv_butone(NULL, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",me.name,
			       acptr->name, me.name);
	    acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
	    (void) exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Nick collision(new)");
	    sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
	    return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "Nick collision(old)");
	    /* XXX This looks messed up XXX */
	    sameuser = mycmp(acptr->user->username, sptr->user->username) == 0
		&& mycmp(acptr->user->host, sptr->user->host) == 0;
	    if ((sameuser && newts < acptr->tsinfo) ||
		(!sameuser && newts > acptr->tsinfo)) {
		if (sameuser)
				   "Nick change collision from %s to %s",
				   sptr->name, acptr->name);
		sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)", me.name,
				   sptr->name, me.name);
		sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
		if (sameuser)
		    return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "Nick collision(old)");
		    return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "Nick collision(new)");
		sendto_realops_lev(SKILL_LEV, "Nick collision on %s", acptr->name);
		sendto_one(acptr, err_str(ERR_NICKCOLLISION),
			   me.name, acptr->name, acptr->name);
		sendto_serv_butone(sptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",me.name,
				   acptr->name, me.name);
		acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
		(void) exit_client(cptr, acptr, &me, "Nick collision");
    } while (0);
    if (IsServer(sptr))
	uplink = find_server(parv[7], NULL);
	    /* if we can't find the server this nick is on, 
	     * complain loudly and ignore it. - lucas */
	    sendto_realops("Remote nick %s on UNKNOWN server %s",
			   nick, parv[7]);
	    return 0;
	sptr = make_client(cptr, uplink);
	/* If this is on a U: lined server, it's a U: lined client. */
	if (parc > 2)
	    sptr->hopcount = atoi(parv[2]);
	if (newts)
	    sptr->tsinfo = newts;
	    newts = sptr->tsinfo = (ts_val) timeofday;
	    ts_warn("Remote nick %s introduced without a TS", nick);
	/* copy the nick in place */
	(void) strcpy(sptr->name, nick);
	(void) add_to_client_hash_table(nick, sptr);
	if (parc >= 10)
	    int *s, flag;
	    char *m;
	    /* parse the usermodes -orabidoo */
	    m = &parv[4][1];
	    while (*m)
		for (s = user_modes; (flag = *s); s += 2)
		    if (*m == *(s + 1))
			if ((flag == UMODE_o) || (flag == UMODE_O))
			sptr->umode |= flag & SEND_UMODES;
	    if (parc==10)
		return do_user(nick, cptr, sptr, parv[5], parv[6],
			       parv[7], strtoul(parv[8], NULL, 0),
			       "", parv[9]);
	    } else if (parc==11)
		return do_user(nick, cptr, sptr, parv[5], parv[6], parv[7],
			       strtoul(parv[8], NULL, 0),
			       parv[9], parv[10]);
    else if (sptr->name[0])
	if (MyConnect(sptr))
	    if ((ban = check_mask_simbanned(nick, SBAN_NICK)))
		if (!MyConnect(sptr))
		    sendto_realops("Restricted nick %s from %s on %s", nick,
				   (*sptr->name != 0 && !IsServer(sptr)) ?
				   sptr->name : "<unregistered>",
				   (sptr->user == NULL) ? ((IsServer(sptr)) ?
							   parv[6] : me.name) :
		if (MyConnect(sptr) && (!IsServer(cptr)) && (!IsOper(cptr))
		    && (!IsULine(sptr)))
		    sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME), me.name,
			       BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick,
			       BadPtr(ban->reason) ? "Erroneous Nickname" :
                    if (call_hooks(CHOOK_FORBID, cptr, nick, ban) != FLUSH_BUFFER)
			    	           "Forbidding restricted nick %s from %s",
				           nick, get_client_name(cptr, FALSE));
		    return 0;
	if (MyConnect(sptr))
	    if (IsRegisteredUser(sptr))
		/* before we change their nick, make sure they're not banned
		 * on any channels, and!! make sure they're not changing to
		 * a banned nick -sed */
		/* a little cleaner - lucas */
		for (lp = sptr->user->channel; lp; lp = lp->next)
		    if (can_send(sptr, lp->value.chptr, NULL))
			sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_BANNICKCHANGE), me.name,
				   sptr->name, lp->value.chptr->chname);
			return 0;
		    if (nick_is_banned(lp->value.chptr, nick, sptr) != NULL)
			sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_BANONCHAN), me.name,
				   sptr->name, nick, lp->value.chptr->chname);
			return 0;
		if ((sptr->last_nick_change + MAX_NICK_TIME) < NOW)
		    sptr->number_of_nick_changes = 0;
		sptr->last_nick_change = NOW;
		if (sptr->number_of_nick_changes > MAX_NICK_CHANGES && 
			       ":%s NOTICE %s :*** Notice -- Too many nick "
			       "changes. Wait %d seconds before trying again.",
			       me.name, sptr->name, MAX_NICK_TIME);
		    return 0;
		/* If it changed nicks, -r it */
		if ((sptr->umode & UMODE_r) && (mycmp(parv[0], nick) != 0))
		    unsigned int oldumode;
		    char mbuf[BUFSIZE];

		    oldumode = sptr->umode;
		    sptr->umode &= ~UMODE_r;
		    send_umode(sptr, sptr, oldumode, ALL_UMODES, mbuf);

                /* LOCAL NICKHANGE */
                 * Client just changing his/her nick. If he/she is on a
                 * channel, send note of change to all clients on that channel.
                 * Propagate notice to other servers.
                /* if the nickname is different, set the TS */
                if (mycmp(parv[0], nick))
                  sptr->tsinfo = newts ? newts : (ts_val) timeofday;

		sendto_common_channels(sptr, ":%s NICK :%s", parv[0], 
		if (sptr->user)
		    add_history(sptr, 1);
		    sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s NICK %s :%ld",
				       parv[0], nick, sptr->tsinfo);
            /* REMOTE NICKCHANGE */
             * Client just changing his/her nick. If he/she is on a
             * channel, send note of change to all clients on that channel.
             * Propagate notice to other servers.
            /* if the nickname is different, set the TS */
            if (mycmp(parv[0], nick))
              sptr->tsinfo = newts ? newts : (ts_val) timeofday;

	    sendto_common_channels(sptr, ":%s NICK :%s", parv[0], nick);
	    if (sptr->user)
		add_history(sptr, 1);
		sendto_serv_butone(cptr, ":%s NICK %s :%ld",
				   parv[0], nick, sptr->tsinfo);

	    /* If it changed nicks, -r it */
	    if (mycmp(parv[0], nick))
		sptr->umode &= ~UMODE_r;

	     * Flush the banserial for the channels the user is in, since this
	     * could be a SVSNICK induced nick change, which overrides any ban
	     * checking on the originating server.
        /* Remove dccallow entries for users who don't share common channel(s) unless they only change their nick capitalization -Kobi_S */
        if(sptr->user && mycmp(parv[0], nick))
            for(lp = sptr->user->dccallow; lp; lp = lp2)
                lp2 = lp->next;
                if(lp->flags == DCC_LINK_ME)
                if(!find_shared_chan(sptr, lp->value.cptr))
                    sendto_one(lp->value.cptr, ":%s %d %s :%s has been removed from "
                               "your DCC allow list for signing off",
                               me.name, RPL_DCCINFO, lp->value.cptr->name, parv[0]);
                    del_dccallow(lp->value.cptr, sptr, 1);
	/* Client setting NICK the first time */
	if (MyConnect(sptr))
	    if ((ban = check_mask_simbanned(nick, SBAN_NICK)))
		if (MyConnect(sptr) && (!IsServer(cptr)) && (!IsOper(cptr))
		    && (!IsULine(sptr)))
		    sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME), me.name,
			       BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick,
			       BadPtr(ban->reason) ? "Erroneous Nickname" :
                    if (call_hooks(CHOOK_FORBID, cptr, nick, ban) != FLUSH_BUFFER)
				           "Forbidding restricted nick %s from %s", nick,
				           get_client_name(cptr, FALSE));
		    return 0;
	strcpy(sptr->name, nick);
	sptr->tsinfo = timeofday;
	if (sptr->user)
	    /* USER already received, now we have NICK */
	    if (register_user(cptr, sptr, nick, sptr->user->username, NULL)
		return FLUSH_BUFFER;

    /* Finally set new nick name. */
    if (sptr->name[0])
        del_from_client_hash_table(sptr->name, sptr);
        samenick = mycmp(sptr->name, nick) ? 0 : 1;
        if (IsPerson(sptr))
            if (!samenick)
                hash_check_watch(sptr, RPL_LOGOFF);
            probability_change(sptr->name, nick);
    strcpy(sptr->name, nick);
    add_to_client_hash_table(nick, sptr);
    if (IsPerson(sptr) && !samenick)
	hash_check_watch(sptr, RPL_LOGON);
    return 0;
Example #2
/* m_dccallow:
 * Taken from bahamut 1.8.1
DLLFUNC int m_dccallow(aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[])
Link *lp;
char *p, *s;
aClient *acptr;
int didlist = 0, didhelp = 0, didanything = 0;
char **ptr;
static char *dcc_help[] =
	"/DCCALLOW [<+|->nick[,<+|->nick, ...]] [list] [help]",
	"You may allow DCCs of files which are otherwise blocked by the IRC server",
	"by specifying a DCC allow for the user you want to recieve files from.",
	"For instance, to allow the user Bob to send you file.exe, you would type:",
	"/DCCALLOW +bob",
	"and Bob would then be able to send you files. Bob will have to resend the file",
	"if the server gave him an error message before you added him to your allow list.",
	"/DCCALLOW -bob",
	"Will do the exact opposite, removing him from your dcc allow list.",
	"/dccallow list",
	"Will list the users currently on your dcc allow list.",

	if (!MyClient(sptr))
		return 0;
	if (parc < 2)
		sendnotice(sptr, "No command specified for DCCALLOW. "
			"Type '/DCCALLOW HELP' for more information.");
		return 0;

	for (p = NULL, s = strtoken(&p, parv[1], ", "); s; s = strtoken(&p, NULL, ", "))
		if (*s == '+')
			didanything = 1;
			if (!*++s)
			acptr = find_person(s, NULL);
			if (acptr == sptr)
			if (!acptr)
				sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOSUCHNICK), me.name, sptr->name, s);
			add_dccallow(sptr, acptr);
		} else
		if (*s == '-')
			didanything = 1;
			if (!*++s)
			acptr = find_person(s, NULL);
			if (acptr == sptr)
			if (!acptr)
				sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NOSUCHNICK), me.name, sptr->name, s);
			del_dccallow(sptr, acptr);
		} else
		if (!didlist && !myncmp(s, "list", 4))
			didanything = didlist = 1;
			sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %d %s :The following users are on your dcc allow list:",
				me.name, RPL_DCCINFO, sptr->name);
			for(lp = sptr->user->dccallow; lp; lp = lp->next)
				if (lp->flags == DCC_LINK_REMOTE)
				sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %d %s :%s (%s@%s)", me.name,
					RPL_DCCLIST, sptr->name, lp->value.cptr->name,
			sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_ENDOFDCCLIST), me.name, sptr->name, s);
		} else
		if (!didhelp && !myncmp(s, "help", 4))
			didanything = didhelp = 1;
			for(ptr = dcc_help; *ptr; ptr++)
				sendto_one(sptr, ":%s %d %s :%s", me.name, RPL_DCCINFO, sptr->name, *ptr);
			sendto_one(sptr, rpl_str(RPL_ENDOFDCCLIST), me.name, sptr->name, s);
	if (!didanything)
		sendnotice(sptr, "Invalid syntax for DCCALLOW. Type '/DCCALLOW HELP' for more information.");
		return 0;
	return 0;