Example #1
void ahf_gridinfo(gridls *grid_list, int curgrid_no)

  gridls	  *cur_grid;
  pqptr     cur_pquad;
  cqptr     cur_cquad, icur_cquad;
  nqptr     cur_nquad, icur_nquad;
  nptr      cur_node;

  int 			refinecounter;
  long			x,y,z;

  /* The colouring tools */
  int				colCounter=0;
  int				colREPLACE;
  int				currentCol;

  nptr   		tsc_nodes[3][3][3]; /* nodes to assign to */

  int              firstCOLOUR;

  SPATIALREF      *spatialRefHead;
  SPATIALREF		*tmpSpatialRef;
  SPATIALREF 		*current;

#ifdef AHFgridinfofile
  FILE          *gridinfofile;
  char          filename1[100];

  int i,tmp;
  int boundCount;
  int numWrongNodes, colRight;

  char          filename2[100];
  FILE          *fout;

  intXYZ tmpPeriodic;
  int		colour;
  SPATIALREF 		*previous;

  int iterate, startAHFgrid;
  double a, a3, omega, ovlim, rho_vir;
  double fl1dim, refine_len, refine_vol, refine_ovdens, refine_mass;

  double  cur_shift;
#ifdef VERBOSE
  fprintf(stderr,"################## ahf_gridinfo ###################\n");
  fprintf(stderr,"Number of grids           = %d\n", curgrid_no+1);
  fprintf(io.logfile,"################## ahf_gridinfo ###################\n");
  fprintf(io.logfile,"Number of grids           = %d\n", curgrid_no+1);
  /* total number of grids to consider for AHF */
  /*  ahf.no_grids = curgrid_no - global.domgrid_no + 1;*/
  ahf.no_grids = curgrid_no - global.domgrid_no;
#ifdef VERBOSE
  fprintf(stderr,"Number of refinements     = %d\n", ahf.no_grids);
  fprintf(stderr,"global.domgrid_no         = %d\n", global.domgrid_no);
  fprintf(io.logfile,"Number of refinements     = %d\n", ahf.no_grids);
  fprintf(io.logfile,"global.domgrid_no         = %d\n", global.domgrid_no);
  for(cur_grid=global.dom_grid+1; cur_grid<=global.dom_grid+ahf.no_grids; cur_grid++)
    fprintf(stderr,"writing l1dim = %ld ... ",cur_grid->l1dim);

	/* cosmology related stuff */
	a        = global.a;
	a3       = pow3(a);
	omega    = calc_omega(a);
	ovlim    = calc_virial(a);
  rho_vir  = a3 * calc_rho_vir(a); /* comoving(!) density used to normalize densities */
  /* get the number of the grid satisfying virial overdensity criterion */
  refine_mass  = simu.pmass*simu.med_weight;
  cur_grid     = global.dom_grid;
  startAHFgrid = 1;
  for ( i=0; i<=ahf.no_grids; i++) 
     fl1dim = ((double)(cur_grid->l1dim));
     refine_len    = (double)(simu.boxsize/((double)(fl1dim)));
     refine_vol    = pow3(refine_len);
     refine_ovdens = (simu.Nth_ref*refine_mass/refine_vol) / rho_vir;
#ifdef VERBOSE
     fprintf(stderr,"l1dim = %16.0f refine_ovdens = %16.4g ovlim = %16.4g\n", fl1dim,refine_ovdens,ovlim);
     fprintf(io.logfile,"l1dim = %16.0f refine_ovdens = %16.4g ovlim = %16.4g\n", fl1dim,refine_ovdens,ovlim);
     if ( refine_ovdens <  ovlim ) 
        startAHFgrid = i;     
  /* store maximum overdensity possible with current refinement hierarchy (used by ahf_halos()!) */
  global.max_ovdens = refine_ovdens;
#ifdef VERBOSE
  fprintf(stderr,"max_ovdens = %g\n",global.max_ovdens);
  fprintf(io.logfile,"max_ovdens = %g\n",global.max_ovdens);
  /* the first refinement grid to consider */
  ahf.min_ref = startAHFgrid+AHF_MIN_REF_OFFSET;
  /* total number of grids to be used with AHF */
  ahf.no_grids = ahf.no_grids - ahf.min_ref + 1; 
#ifdef VERBOSE
  fprintf(stderr,"min_ref = %d    (ahf_nogrids = %d)\n", ahf.min_ref,ahf.no_grids);
  fprintf(io.logfile,"min_ref = %d    (ahf_nogrids = %d)\n", ahf.min_ref,ahf.no_grids);
  /* Initialising important variables */
#ifdef VERBOSE
  fprintf(stderr,"  initialising force.color on all grids...\n");
  spatialRefHead = NULL; 	/* Setting the HEAD of the link list of SPATIALREF's */
  spatialRefTail = NULL;
  colREPLACE     = FALSE;
  firstCOLOUR    = 1;

  // this loop over all grids and all refinements generates a linked-list starting
  // with spatialRefHead that contains the spatially connected refinements independent
  // of the actual grid (that information is contained in spatialRefHead->refLevel)
  // to parallelize one could do this generation independently on each grid,
  // but would need to merge all linked-lists afterwards
  //#pragma omp parallel private(cur_grid, ipquad, cur_pquad, cur_cquad, icur_cquad, cur_nquad, icur_nquad, firstCOLOUR, spatialRefHead, spatialRefTail, cur_node) shared(refinecounter)
  //#pragma omp for schedule(static)
  for( refinecounter=0; refinecounter<ahf.no_grids; refinecounter++ ) 
      cur_grid = global.dom_grid+ahf.min_ref+refinecounter;
#ifdef VERBOSE
     /* fprintf() to double-check that we set min_ref and ahf.no_grids correctly! */
     fprintf(stderr,"%12d || l1dim = %12ld\n", refinecounter, cur_grid->l1dim);
     * Initialising all the colour tages in preperation for the 
     * Spatial refinement identification.
     * Therefore, we are zeroing all the colour tags on the current refinement
     for(cur_pquad=cur_grid->pquad; cur_pquad != NULL; cur_pquad=cur_pquad->next)
        for(cur_cquad = cur_pquad->loc;
            cur_cquad < cur_pquad->loc + cur_pquad->length; 
           for(icur_cquad  = cur_cquad; 
               icur_cquad != NULL; 
               icur_cquad  = icur_cquad->next)
              for(cur_nquad = icur_cquad->loc;  
                  cur_nquad < icur_cquad->loc + icur_cquad->length; 
                 for(icur_nquad  = cur_nquad; 
                     icur_nquad != NULL; 
                     icur_nquad  = icur_nquad->next)
                    for(cur_node = icur_nquad->loc; 
                        cur_node < icur_nquad->loc + icur_nquad->length; 
                       /* zeroing the colour */
                       cur_node->force.colour = 0;
     * Start looping through the refinement identifying the spatial refinements
     for(cur_pquad=cur_grid->pquad; cur_pquad != NULL; cur_pquad=cur_pquad->next)
        z = cur_pquad->z;
        for(cur_cquad = cur_pquad->loc;
            cur_cquad < cur_pquad->loc + cur_pquad->length; 
            cur_cquad++, z++)  
           for(icur_cquad  = cur_cquad; 
               icur_cquad != NULL; 
               icur_cquad  = icur_cquad->next)
              y = icur_cquad->y;
              for(cur_nquad = icur_cquad->loc;  
                  cur_nquad < icur_cquad->loc + icur_cquad->length; 
                  cur_nquad++, y++) 
                 for(icur_nquad  = cur_nquad; 
                     icur_nquad != NULL; 
                     icur_nquad  = icur_nquad->next)
                    x = icur_nquad->x;
                    for(cur_node = icur_nquad->loc; 
                        cur_node < icur_nquad->loc + icur_nquad->length; 
                        cur_node++, x++)
                       /* The current colour of the node */
                       currentCol = cur_node->force.colour;
                       /* We have finished updating the colours */
                       if ( (colREPLACE==TRUE) && (currentCol==0) )
                       /* Replacing the colours */
                       if ( colREPLACE ) 
                          if ( col.numReplace == 2 ) 
                             if (currentCol==col.holder[2])
                          else if ( col.numReplace == 3 ) 
                             if (currentCol==col.holder[2])
                          else if ( col.numReplace == 4 ) 
                             if (currentCol==col.holder[2])
                             if (currentCol==col.holder[1])
                             fprintf(stderr,"Something is wrong with colREPLACE");
                       /* New Node to check */
                          /* Getting the relevant nodes and filling colHolder 	*/
                          /* search for pointers if any are null return NULL 	*/
                          tsc_nodes[1][1][1] = cur_node;
                          get_TSCnodes(cur_grid, cur_pquad, icur_cquad, icur_nquad, tsc_nodes, &z, &y, &x);
                          /* Gathering the colour information for this node 		*/
                          /* all nodes are zero, numReplace=0 */
                          if ( col.numReplace == 0 )
                             /* Start a new colour and keep going */
                             if ( (tmpSpatialRef = malloc(sizeof(SPATIALREF))) == NULL ) 
                                fprintf(stderr,"No memory for SPATIALREF\n");
                             /* Colour the node with a unique name */
                             cur_node->force.colour = colCounter;
                             /* Point SPATIALREF to the right information */
                             tmpSpatialRef->name 			  = colCounter;
                             tmpSpatialRef->periodic.x	= 0;
                             tmpSpatialRef->periodic.y	= 0;
                             tmpSpatialRef->periodic.z	= 0;
                             tmpSpatialRef->refLevel		= refinecounter;
                             tmpSpatialRef->cur_pquad	  = cur_pquad;
                             tmpSpatialRef->cur_cquad	  = cur_cquad;
                             tmpSpatialRef->icur_cquad	= icur_cquad;
                             tmpSpatialRef->cur_nquad	  = cur_nquad;
                             tmpSpatialRef->icur_nquad	= icur_nquad;
                             tmpSpatialRef->cur_node		= cur_node;
                             tmpSpatialRef->x				    = x;
                             tmpSpatialRef->y				    = y;
                             tmpSpatialRef->z				    = z;
                             /* Join the new  SPATIALREF to the link list */
                             spatialRefTail = insertColour(tmpSpatialRef, firstCOLOUR);
                             /* Now just for the first time we need to make head also point to this newColour */
                             if ( firstCOLOUR==1 ) {
                                spatialRefHead = spatialRefTail; 
                          /* One node is non-zero, numReplace=1 */
                          if ( col.numReplace == 1 ) 
                             /* set using the current colour and keep going */
                             cur_node->force.colour = col.holder[2];
                          /* Two nodes are non-zero and are not equal, numReplace=2 */
                          if ( col.numReplace == 2 ) 
                             /* Replace the previous colours with the lowest colour */
                             /* set colour using the lowest value : in this case 1 */
                             cur_node->force.colour = col.holder[1];
                             if (!colREPLACE) 
                                /* Find and destroy the redundant SPATIALREF */
                                tmpSpatialRef=deleteColour(spatialRefHead, col.holder[2]);
                                /* STU :: This is where you start looking for the deleted colours */
                                cur_pquad	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_pquad;
                                cur_cquad	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_cquad;
                                icur_cquad	 = tmpSpatialRef->icur_cquad;
                                cur_nquad	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_nquad;
                                icur_nquad	 = tmpSpatialRef->icur_nquad;
                                cur_node 	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_node;
                                x            = tmpSpatialRef-> x;
                                y 				   = tmpSpatialRef-> y;
                                z 				   = tmpSpatialRef-> z;
                                tmpSpatialRef = NULL;
                                /* When going back to replace the colour the for loop progress
                                   the node by one - which we don't want to happen 
                                   Hence, we have to do an inital sweep on the first node with  
                                   the colour that is going to be deleted*/
                                /* Getting the relevant nodes and filling colHolder 	*/
                                /* search for pointers if any are null return NULL 	*/
                                currentCol         = cur_node->force.colour;
                                tsc_nodes[1][1][1] = cur_node;
                                get_TSCnodes(cur_grid, cur_pquad, icur_cquad, icur_nquad, tsc_nodes, &z, &y, &x);
                                /* When going back to replace the colour the for loop progress
                                   the node by one - which we don't want to happen */
                                if ( col.numReplace == 2 ) 
                                   if (currentCol==col.holder[2])
                                else if ( col.numReplace == 3 ) 
                                   if (currentCol==col.holder[2])
                                else if ( col.numReplace == 4 ) 
                                   if (currentCol==col.holder[2])
                                   if (currentCol==col.holder[1])
                                   fprintf(stderr,"Something is wrong with colREPLACE");
                          /* Two nodes are non-zero and are not equal, numReplace=2 */
                          /* With the last two colour elements equal */
                          if ( col.numReplace == 3 ) 
                             /* Replace the previous colours with the lowest colour */
                             /* set colour using the lowest value : in this case 1 */
                             cur_node->force.colour = col.holder[0];
                             if (!colREPLACE) 
                                /* Find and destroy the redendent SPATIALREF */
                                tmpSpatialRef=deleteColour(spatialRefHead, col.holder[2]);
                                cur_pquad	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_pquad;
                                cur_cquad	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_cquad;
                                icur_cquad	 = tmpSpatialRef->icur_cquad;
                                cur_nquad	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_nquad;
                                icur_nquad	 = tmpSpatialRef->icur_nquad;
                                cur_node 	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_node;
                                x 				   = tmpSpatialRef-> x;
                                y 				   = tmpSpatialRef-> y;
                                z 				   = tmpSpatialRef-> z;
                                tmpSpatialRef = NULL;
                                /* Getting the relevant nodes and filling colHolder 	*/
                                /* search for pointers if any are null return NULL 	*/
                                currentCol         = cur_node->force.colour;
                                tsc_nodes[1][1][1] = cur_node;
                                get_TSCnodes(cur_grid, cur_pquad, icur_cquad, icur_nquad, tsc_nodes, &z, &y, &x);
                                /* When going back to replace the colour the for loop progress
                                   the node by one - which we don't want to happen */
                                if ( col.numReplace == 2 ) 
                                   if (currentCol==col.holder[2])
                                else if ( col.numReplace == 3 ) 
                                   if (currentCol==col.holder[2])
                                else if ( col.numReplace == 4 ) 
                                   if (currentCol==col.holder[2])
                                   if (currentCol==col.holder[1])
                                   fprintf(stderr,"Something is wrong with colREPLACE");
                          /* Three node are non-zero and are not equal, numReplace=3*/
                          if ( col.numReplace == 4 ) 
                             /* Loop back and replace the dupulacates */
                             /* set colour using the lowest value : in this case 0 */
                             cur_node->force.colour = col.holder[0];
                             if (!colREPLACE) 
                                /* Find and destroy the redendent SPATIALREF's */
                                tmpSpatialRef=deleteColour(spatialRefHead, col.holder[2]);
                                tmpSpatialRef=deleteColour(spatialRefHead, col.holder[1]);
                                cur_pquad	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_pquad;
                                cur_cquad	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_cquad;
                                icur_cquad	 = tmpSpatialRef->icur_cquad;
                                cur_nquad	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_nquad;
                                icur_nquad	 = tmpSpatialRef->icur_nquad;
                                cur_node 	   = tmpSpatialRef->cur_node;
                                x 				   = tmpSpatialRef-> x;
                                y 				   = tmpSpatialRef-> y;
                                z 				   = tmpSpatialRef-> z;
                                /* Getting the relevant nodes and filling colHolder 	*/
                                /* search for pointers if any are null return NULL 	*/
                                currentCol         = cur_node->force.colour;
                                tsc_nodes[1][1][1] = cur_node;
                                get_TSCnodes(cur_grid, cur_pquad, icur_cquad, icur_nquad, tsc_nodes, &z, &y, &x);
                                /* When going back to replace the colour the for loop progress
                                   the node by one - which we don't want to happen */
                                if ( col.numReplace == 2 )
                                   if (currentCol==col.holder[2])
                                else if ( col.numReplace == 4 ) 
                                   if (currentCol==col.holder[2])
                                   if (currentCol==col.holder[1])
                                   fprintf(stderr,"Something is wrong with colREPLACE");
                          /* ERROR */
                          if ( col.numReplace > 4 )
                             fprintf(stderr,"ERROR with counting col.numReplace");
  /* Checking that the grid is coloured correctly */
#ifdef AHFDEBUG2
  /* Printing the PVIEW file */	
  if((fout = fopen(filename2,"w")) == NULL) 
     fprintf(stderr,"could not open %s\n", filename2);

  for( 	iterate=0, cur_grid=global.dom_grid+ahf.min_ref;  iterate<ahf.no_grids; iterate++, cur_grid++) 
     /* shift of cell centre as compared to edge of box [grid units] */
     cur_shift = 0.5/(double)cur_grid->l1dim;

     * Dealing with the extents of the periodic refinements
     numWrongNodes = 0;
     boundCount    = 0;
     for(cur_pquad=cur_grid->pquad; cur_pquad != NULL; cur_pquad=cur_pquad->next)
        z = cur_pquad->z;
        for(cur_cquad = cur_pquad->loc;
            cur_cquad < cur_pquad->loc + cur_pquad->length; 
            cur_cquad++, z++)  
           for(icur_cquad  = cur_cquad; 
               icur_cquad != NULL; 
               icur_cquad  = icur_cquad->next)
              y = icur_cquad->y;
              for(cur_nquad = icur_cquad->loc;  
                  cur_nquad < icur_cquad->loc + icur_cquad->length; 
                  cur_nquad++, y++) 
                 for(icur_nquad  = cur_nquad; 
                     icur_nquad != NULL; 
                     icur_nquad  = icur_nquad->next)
                    x = icur_nquad->x;
                    for(cur_node = icur_nquad->loc; 
                        cur_node < icur_nquad->loc + icur_nquad->length; 
                        cur_node++, x++)
                      { /* current node */
                       colour = cur_node->force.colour;
                       tsc_nodes[1][1][1] = cur_node;
                       get_TSCnodes(cur_grid, cur_pquad, icur_cquad, icur_nquad, tsc_nodes, &z, &y, &x);
                       colRight = 0;
                       colRight = checkColourInfo(tsc_nodes);
                       numWrongNodes += colRight;
#ifdef AHFDEBUG2
                       if ( colRight == 1 )
                          fprintf(fout,"p %g %g %g 0.0 1.0 0.5\n",
                                  ((float) x/(float)cur_grid->l1dim + cur_shift)*simu.boxsize,
                                  ((float) y/(float)cur_grid->l1dim + cur_shift)*simu.boxsize,
                                  ((float) z/(float)cur_grid->l1dim + cur_shift)*simu.boxsize);
                       /* PERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS */
                       /* We are on the 'bottom' boundary */
                        if ( (x == 0) || (y == 0) || (z == 0) ) {
                          /* Gathering periodic information */ 
                          tmpPeriodic = testBound(tsc_nodes,x,y,z);
                          /* This isolated refinement is also periodic */
                          if ( (tmpPeriodic.x == 1) || (tmpPeriodic.y == 1) || (tmpPeriodic.z == 1) ) {
                             /* finding the corresponding isolated spatial refinement in the spatalREF linklist */
                             while ( current != NULL ) {
                                previous = current;
                                if ( current->name == colour )
                                current = current->next;
                             /* Setting the periodic elements */
                             if ( tmpPeriodic.x == 1 )
                                previous->periodic.x = 1;
                             if ( tmpPeriodic.y == 1 )
                                previous->periodic.y = 1;
                             if ( tmpPeriodic.z == 1 )
                                previous->periodic.z = 1;
                      }/* current node */
     fprintf(stderr,"Num Boundary (%d) = %d\n",refinecounter,boundCount);
#ifdef AHFDEBUG2


   * Creating the spatial Refinement Index
   * And boundary condition information!!!

  spatialRefIndex = NULL;
  if ((spatialRefIndex = calloc(colCounter+1,sizeof(SRINDEX)))==NULL) 
    fprintf(stderr,"Error in allocating the memory for spatialRefIndex array\n");
#ifdef VERBOSE

  /* Creating a tempary counting array */
  if ((numIsoRef = calloc(ahf.no_grids,sizeof(int)))==NULL) 
     fprintf(stderr,"Error in allocating the memory for numIsoRef array\n");
  for ( i=0; i<ahf.no_grids; i++)
  /* Setting the spatialRefIndex to -1 */
  for ( i=0; i<colCounter; i++) 
     spatialRefIndex[i].refLevel = -1;
     spatialRefIndex[i].isoRefIndex = -1;

  /* Loop through the spatial refinements */
  /* Record their refinement level and isolated refinement index */
  while ( current!=NULL ) 
     spatialRefIndex[current->name].refLevel    = current->refLevel;
     spatialRefIndex[current->name].isoRefIndex = numIsoRef[current->refLevel];
     spatialRefIndex[current->name].periodic.x  = current->periodic.x;
     spatialRefIndex[current->name].periodic.y  = current->periodic.y;
     spatialRefIndex[current->name].periodic.z  = current->periodic.z;
     current 	= current->next;

   * Looping throught the Grid structure and dumping the gridInfo file
   * positions - density - spatial tag

#ifdef AHFgridinfofile
  fprintf(stderr,"### PRINTING GRIDINFO FILES\n");
  /* Note:: do this for each refinement level starting with the first refinment */
  for( 	iterate=0, cur_grid=global.dom_grid+ahf.min_ref;  iterate<ahf.no_grids; iterate++, cur_grid++) 
     /* prepare filename */
     if((gridinfofile = fopen(filename1,"w")) == NULL) 
        fprintf(stderr,"could not open %s\n", filename1);
     /* shift of cell centre as compared to edge of box [grid units] */
     cur_shift = 0.5/(double)cur_grid->l1dim;

     for(cur_pquad=cur_grid->pquad; cur_pquad != NULL; cur_pquad=cur_pquad->next)
        z = cur_pquad->z;
        for(cur_cquad = cur_pquad->loc;
            cur_cquad < cur_pquad->loc + cur_pquad->length; 
            cur_cquad++, z++)  
           for(icur_cquad  = cur_cquad; 
               icur_cquad != NULL; 
               icur_cquad  = icur_cquad->next)
              y = icur_cquad->y;
              for(cur_nquad = icur_cquad->loc;  
                  cur_nquad < icur_cquad->loc + icur_cquad->length; 
                  cur_nquad++, y++) 
                 for(icur_nquad  = cur_nquad; 
                     icur_nquad != NULL; 
                     icur_nquad  = icur_nquad->next)
                    x = icur_nquad->x;
                    for(cur_node = icur_nquad->loc; 
                        cur_node < icur_nquad->loc + icur_nquad->length; 
                        cur_node++, x++)
                       fprintf(gridinfofile,"p %lf %lf %lf 0.0 0.0 1.0 %lf %d\n",  
                               simu.boxsize*1000*((double) x/(double)cur_grid->l1dim + cur_shift),
                               simu.boxsize*1000*((double) y/(double)cur_grid->l1dim + cur_shift),
                               simu.boxsize*1000*((double) z/(double)cur_grid->l1dim + cur_shift),
                               cur_node->dens, cur_node->force.colour);
     /* Flusing and closing this grids file */

  /*	fprintf(stderr,"I'm finished here, my work is done.... time to exit :)\n");
   *	exit(1); */
  fprintf(io.logfile,"################## ahf_gridinfo finished ##################\n\n");
  /* free() all spatialRefHead memory */
  current = spatialRefHead;
  while(current != NULL)
    previous = current->next;
    current = previous;
Example #2
EWXWEXPORT(void,wxColour_SafeDelete)(wxColour* obj)
  if (!wxColour_IsStatic(obj)) {