void TierWindow::openCategoryEdit(TierCategory *c) { helper = new ConfigForm("Delete Category", "Apply", this); currentEdit = c->name(); currentType = CategoryT; currentTierCat = c; helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigLine("Name", currentEdit)); { QStringList parents; parents << ""; QList<TierCategory *> cats = dataTree->gatherCategories(); foreach(TierCategory *c, cats) { parents << c->name(); } parent = dataTree->getParentCategory(c)->name(); helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigCombo<QString>("Parent Category", parent, parents, parents)); } helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigSpin("Category display order", c->displayOrder, -100, 100)); internalWidget = helper->generateConfigWidget(); updateInternalWidget(); connect(helper, SIGNAL(button1()), SLOT(deleteCurrent())); connect(helper, SIGNAL(button2()), SLOT(updateCategory())); }
RemoteCommandConfigWidget::RemoteCommandConfigWidget(Transport* t, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::RemoteCommandConfigWidget) { Q_ASSERT(t); qDebug() << "RemoteCommandConfigWidget::RemoteCommandConfigWidget for" << t->getDescription(); current = NULL; transport = t; ui->setupUi(this); connect(ui->commandTable, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(commandTableClicked(QModelIndex))); connect(ui->saveCommandButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveCurrent())); connect(ui->addCommandButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addNewCommand())); connect(ui->removeCommandButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteCurrent())); connect(ui->testCommandButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(testCurrent())); connect(ui->commandEdit, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(madeUpdate())); connect(ui->timeoutSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(madeUpdate())); connect(ui->reconnectCheck, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(madeUpdate())); connect(ui->retiesSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(madeUpdate())); model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "Section" << "Remote Command Description"); ui->commandTable->setModel(&model); ui->commandTable->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); populateTable(); if (model.rowCount()>0) { ui->commandTable->selectRow(0); commandTableClicked(ui->commandTable->currentIndex()); } }
void Q3DataBrowser::del() { QSqlRecord* buf = d->frm.record(); Q3SqlCursor* cur = d->cur.cursor(); if (!buf || !cur) return; QSql::Confirm conf = QSql::Yes; switch (d->dat.mode()){ case QSql::Insert: if (confirmCancels()) conf = confirmCancel(QSql::Insert); if (conf == QSql::Yes) { cur->editBuffer(true); /* restore from cursor */ readFields(); d->dat.setMode(QSql::Update); } else d->dat.setMode(QSql::Insert); break; default: if (confirmDelete()) conf = confirmEdit(QSql::Delete); switch (conf) { case QSql::Yes: emit primeDelete(buf); deleteCurrent(); break; case QSql::No: case QSql::Cancel: break; } d->dat.setMode(QSql::Update); break; } }
/* BFS */ void BFS(GraphRef G, int s){ ListRef Q = newList(); int v, w, i; G->source = s; insertFront(Q, s); G->color[s] = 2; G->distance[s] = 0; while(getLength(Q) > 0){ moveTo(Q, 0); v = getCurrent(Q); G->color[v] = 3; deleteCurrent(Q); if(!isEmpty(G->adj[v])){ moveTo(G->adj[v], 0); for(i=0;i<getLength(G->adj[v]);i++){ w = getCurrent(G->adj[v]); if(G->color[w] < 2){ G->color[w] = 2; G->parent[w] = v; G->distance[w] = G->distance[v]+1; insertBack(Q, w); } if(i<getLength(G->adj[v])-1){ moveNext(G->adj[v]); } } } } freeList(&Q); }
void XSLExpress::settingsChosen( const QString & text ) { if( text.isEmpty() || !mSettings->contains(text) ) return; QStringList settings = mSettings->value(text,"").toString().split("\n", QString::KeepEmptyParts ); if( settings.count() < 3 ) return; QString xslFilename = settings.at(2); if( !QFile::exists(xslFilename) ) { if( QMessageBox::question(this,tr("XSLExpress"),tr("The XSL file specified in these settings cannot be found. Do you wish to delete these settings?"), QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::Yes ) deleteCurrent(); return; } ui->replaceThis->setText( settings.at(0) ); ui->replaceWith->setText( settings.at(1) ); ui->xslFile->setText( xslFilename ); for(int i=0; i < qMin(aParameterValues.count(),(settings.count()-3)/2); i++) { aParameterNames.at(i)->setText( settings.at(3 + 2*i) ); aParameterValues.at(i)->setText( settings.at(3 + 2*i + 1) ); } if( aParameterValues.count() != (settings.count()-3)/2 ) { QMessageBox::information(this,tr("XSLExpress"),tr("The number of parameters in the XSL file and in the saved settings does not match. You should recheck the values to see if they are correct.")); } }
int main(){ /*make list and output file*/ ListHndl TheList = newList(); FILE *out = fopen("out.out", "w"); /*test empty in empty case*/ if(isEmpty(TheList)) printf("Empty\n"); else printf("not Empty\n"); printf("testing insert one number\n"); insertAtFront(TheList,(unsigned long*)25728); printf("%lu\n",(unsigned long)getFirst(TheList)); printf("%lu\n",(unsigned long)getLast(TheList)); /*should have same value*/ printf("testing list with three numbers\n"); insertAtFront(TheList,(unsigned long*)1589458); insertAtBack(TheList,(unsigned long*)35762111234); printf("%lu\n",(unsigned long)getFirst(TheList)); /*test empty in full case*/ if(isEmpty(TheList)) printf("Empty\n"); else printf("not Empty\n"); /*test moving the current pointer around*/ moveFirst(TheList); moveNext(TheList); printf("%lu\n",(unsigned long)getCurrent(TheList)); moveLast(TheList); movePrev(TheList); printf("%lu\n",(unsigned long)getCurrent(TheList)); /*test printList*/ printList(out, TheList); /*test makeEmpty*/ makeEmpty(TheList); if(isEmpty(TheList)) printf("Empty\n"); else printf("not Empty\n"); /*test inserting functions*/ insertAtFront(TheList,(unsigned long*)2); insertAtFront(TheList,(unsigned long*)1); insertAtFront(TheList,(unsigned long*)4); insertAtBack(TheList,(unsigned long*)4); moveLast(TheList); insertBeforeCurrent(TheList,(unsigned long*)3); printList(out,TheList); deleteFirst(TheList); deleteCurrent(TheList); deleteLast(TheList); printList(out,TheList); makeEmpty(TheList); printList(out,TheList); /*free list and close output file*/ freeList(&TheList); fclose(out); return 0; }
bool g_scheduler::applySwitch() { g_address_space::switch_to_space(current->value->process->pageDirectory); g_gdt_manager::setTssEsp0(current->value->kernelStackEsp0); // Eliminate if dead if (!current->value->alive) { // If the current task is not a process, we can immediately remove it. // Otherwise, we have to check if all the processes child threads are dead, // once this is done, the process is also kill. if (current->value->type != g_thread_type::THREAD_MAIN || g_tasking::killAllThreadsOf(current->value->process)) { deleteCurrent(); } return false; } /* TODO Hier war das Problem, dass wenn ich einen IDLE-Prozess übersprungen hab während alle anderen "waiting" oder nicht "alive" waren, alles komplett gefreggt ist. Allerdings hab ich grad keinen Nerv mir das weiter anzuschauen, deswegen bleibt das hier ^-^ */ // Skip idler if possible if (current->value->priority == g_thread_priority::IDLE) { // Check if any other process is available (not idling or waiting) g_list_entry<g_thread*> *n = taskList; while (n) { if (n->value->priority != g_thread_priority::IDLE && n->value->alive && !n->value->isWaiting()) { // skip the idler return false; } n = n->next; } } // Waiting must be done after the switch because it accesses userspace data bool keepWaiting = handleWaiting(); if (keepWaiting) { return false; } // Set segments for user thread, set segment to user segment g_gdt_manager::setUserThreadAddress(current->value->user_thread_addr); current->value->cpuState->gs = 0x30; // User pointer segment // Switch successful return true; }
void deleteHashNode(HashTable H, char* name){ assert (H != NULL); ListHndl slot = H->array[hash((unsigned char*)name) % H->tableSize]; if(isEmpty(slot)) return; moveFirst(slot); while(!offEnd(slot)){ HashNode temp = getCurrent(slot); if(strcmp(name, temp->name) == 0){ ListHndl L = temp->L; freeList(&L); deleteCurrent(slot); }else moveNext(slot); } }
bool g_scheduler::eliminateIfDead(g_thread* thread) { // Eliminate if dead if (!thread->alive) { // Threads can be deleted immediately. For processes, all associated threads must be deleted first. // This checks if the task is either no main thread, or all associated threads are already dead. if ((thread->type != g_thread_type::THREAD_MAIN) || g_tasking::killAllThreadsOf(thread->process)) { deleteCurrent(); } return true; } return false; }
void deleteListNode(HashTable H, char* name, int num){ assert (H != NULL); ListHndl L = lookup(H, name); if(L == NULL) return; moveFirst(L); while(!offEnd(L)){ ListNode temp = getCurrent(L); if(temp->num == num){ deleteCurrent(L); break; } moveNext(L); } /* if library list of book ends up being empty, delete the book */ if(isEmpty(L)) deleteHashNode(H, name); }
NewStreamView::NewStreamView() : mStreams(SettingsManager::getSettingsManager()->getStreams()) { setupUi(this); nameLineEdit->setDisabled(true); urlLineEdit->setDisabled(true); setWindowTitle("Add new stream"); for (auto it(mStreams.begin()); it != mStreams.end(); ++it) { listWidget->addItem (it->first); } connect(newButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addNew())); connect(deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteCurrent())); connect(mStoreButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(storeStreams())); connect(nameLineEdit, SIGNAL(textEdited(const QString &)), this, SLOT(storeName(const QString &))); connect(urlLineEdit, SIGNAL(textEdited(const QString &)), this, SLOT(storeUrl(const QString &))); connect(listWidget, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(updateEdits())); }
DataDisplayEditorForm::DataDisplayEditorForm(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::DataDisplayEditorForm), current(NULL) { ui->setupUi(this); connect(ui->displayTable, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(displayTableClicked(QModelIndex))); connect(ui->saveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveCurrent())); connect(ui->addButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addNewDataDisplay())); connect(ui->removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteCurrent())); connect(ui->testButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(testCurrent())); connect(&GnosticApp::getInstance(), SIGNAL(configUpdated(GnosticApp::ConfigType)), this, SLOT(externalUpdate(GnosticApp::ConfigType))); model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << "Section" << "Display Description"); ui->displayTable->setModel(&model); ui->displayTable->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true); populateTable(); ui->saveButton->setEnabled(false); }
XSLExpress::XSLExpress(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::XSLExpressClass) { ui->setupUi(this); mSettings = new QSettings("AdamBaker","XSLExpress"); setParameterBoxVisibility(); populateCombo(); connect( ui->process, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(process()) ); connect( ui->inputFiles, SIGNAL(drop()), this, SLOT(autoProcess()) ); connect( ui->saveCurrent, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveCurrent()) ); connect( ui->deleteCurrent, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(deleteCurrent()) ); connect( ui->savedSettings, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(settingsChosen(QString)) ); connect( ui->getParametersWithDefaults, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadParametersWithDefaults())); connect( ui->clearValues, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearValues()) ); connect( ui->xslFile, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(loadParametersWithDefaults()) ); connect( ui->copyButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(copyCall()) ); }
dialog::RESULT textInput::run() { if (!init(size_)) { return dialog::R_NCREAT; } refresh(); bool cont = true; keyMapping::KEYLABEL label = keyMapping::K_UNDEF; t_uint key = 0; while (cont) { key = readAnyKey(); if (!handleKeyboard(key, label)) { // Got something that is not recognized as one of // the keys that are used. enterKey(key); continue; } switch (label) { case keyMapping::K_QUITSCREEN: { cont = false; break; } case keyMapping::K_HELP: { if (showHelp()) { // Resized. return dialog::R_RESIZE; } refresh(); break; } case keyMapping::K_DELETE: { deleteCurrent(); refresh(); break; } case keyMapping::K_SELECT: { // Done setting session name. cont = false; text_entered = true; break; } case keyMapping::K_RESIZE: { return dialog::R_RESIZE; break; } default: { refresh(); break; } } } return dialog::R_QUIT; }
// Queries the use to find out what actions they want to perform. // Runs continuously until the user selects 'Quit'. Contains basic // operations for manipulating a doubly linked list, except adding // a new node. int query(ring *r) { printf("What would you like to do?\n"); printf("1 - View previous website\n"); printf("2 - View next website\n"); printf("3 - View latest website\n"); printf("4 - View first website\n"); printf("5 - Open current website\n"); printf("6 - Remove from history\n"); printf("7 - Print number of links stored\n"); printf("8 - Print all links (from last to first)\n"); printf("9 - Quit\n"); char option, nl; char link[120] = "open "; scanf("%c%c", &option, &nl); switch(option) { case '1': shiftForward(r); printf("Previous:\n%s\n", getCurrent(r)); return 1; break; case '2': shiftBackward(r); printf("Next:\n%s\n", getCurrent(r)); return 1; break; case '3': setFirst(r); printf("Latest:\n%s\n", getCurrent(r)); return 1; break; case '4': setLast(r); printf("First:\n%s\n", getCurrent(r)); return 1; break; case '5': printf("Opening:\n%s\n", getCurrent(r)); strcat(link, getCurrent(r)); system(link); return 1; break; case '6': deleteCurrent(r); printf("Previous:\n%s\n", getCurrent(r)); return 1; break; case '7': printf("There are %d links stored.\n", getLength(r)); printf("Current: \n%s\n", getCurrent(r)); return 1; break; case '8': printAll(r); printf("\nCurrent: \n%s\n", getCurrent(r)); return 1; break; case '9': return 0; break; default: printf("Please enter a valid option!\n"); return 1; } }
void LogViewWindow::rightButtonClicked(QTreeWidgetItem * pItem, const QPoint &) { if(!pItem) return; m_pListView->setCurrentItem(pItem); QMenu * pPopup = new QMenu(this); if(((LogListViewItem *)pItem)->childCount()) { //pPopup->addAction(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KviIconManager::UserList)),__tr2qs_ctx("Export all log files to","log"),m_pExportLogPopup); pPopup->addAction(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KviIconManager::Discard)),__tr2qs_ctx("Remove all log files within this folder","log"),this,SLOT(deleteCurrent())); } else { pPopup->addAction(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KviIconManager::Floppy)),__tr2qs_ctx("Export log file to","log"))->setMenu(m_pExportLogPopup); pPopup->addAction(*(g_pIconManager->getSmallIcon(KviIconManager::Discard)),__tr2qs_ctx("Remove log file","log"),this,SLOT(deleteCurrent())); } pPopup->exec(QCursor::pos()); }
void RendererWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { if(event->key() == Qt::Key_F11) emit F11_pressed(); if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Shift) _shiftPressed=true; if(_editMode == SCENE_EDITOR && _rightMouse && _stateReady == NO_INTERACTION) { if(event->key() == Qt::Key_W) _renderer->setMoveDirection(0, true); else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_A) _renderer->setMoveDirection(1, true); else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_S) _renderer->setMoveDirection(2, true); else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_D) _renderer->setMoveDirection(3, true); else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Shift) _renderer->setSpeedBoost(true); // else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_G) // { // _stateReady = TRANSLATE_MODE; // emit startEdit(); // emit stateChanged(_stateReady); // } // else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_F) // { // _stateReady = SCALE_MODE; // emit startEdit(); // emit stateChanged(_stateReady); // } // else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_R) // { // _stateReady = ROTATE_MODE; // emit startEdit(); // emit stateChanged(_stateReady); // } event->accept(); } else if(_editMode == SCENE_EDITOR && _stateReady == NO_INTERACTION) { if(event->key() == Qt::Key_G && _stateReady != TRANSLATE_MODE) { _stateReady = TRANSLATE_MODE; emit startEdit(); emit stateChanged(_stateReady); } else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_F && _stateReady != SCALE_MODE) { _stateReady = SCALE_MODE; emit startEdit(); emit stateChanged(_stateReady); } else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_R && _stateReady != ROTATE_MODE) { _stateReady = ROTATE_MODE; emit startEdit(); emit stateChanged(_stateReady); } else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Shift) _renderer->setSpeedBoost(true); else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) emit escapePressed(); else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Delete) emit deleteCurrent(); event->accept(); } else if(_editMode == SCENE_EDITOR && _stateReady >= TRANSLATE_MODE && _stateReady <= TRANSLATE_Z_MODE) { int newState = _stateReady; if(event->key() == Qt::Key_X) newState = TRANSLATE_X_MODE; else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Y) newState = TRANSLATE_Y_MODE; else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Z) newState = TRANSLATE_Z_MODE; if(newState != _stateReady) { _stateReady = newState; emit stateChanged(_stateReady); } event->accept(); } else if(_editMode == SCENE_EDITOR && _stateReady >= SCALE_MODE && _stateReady <= SCALE_Z_MODE) { int newState = _stateReady; if(event->key() == Qt::Key_X) newState = SCALE_X_MODE; else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Y) newState = SCALE_Y_MODE; else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Z) newState = SCALE_Z_MODE; if(newState != _stateReady) { _stateReady = newState; emit stateChanged(_stateReady); } event->accept(); } else if(_editMode == SCENE_EDITOR && _stateReady >= ROTATE_MODE && _stateReady <= ROTATE_Z_MODE) { int newState = _stateReady; if(event->key() == Qt::Key_X) newState = ROTATE_X_MODE; else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Y) newState = ROTATE_Y_MODE; else if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Z) newState = ROTATE_Z_MODE; if(newState != _stateReady) { _stateReady = newState; emit stateChanged(_stateReady); } event->accept(); } }
int main (){ /***Exercise List constructor***/ ListHndl List; List = NULL; List = newList (); if(List){ printf("List Created\n"); }else{ printf("List Not Created\n"); } printf("isEmpty %d\n",isEmpty(List)); /*should print 1*/ /***Populate with test data***/ int i; for(i=0; i<=4; i++){ insertAtFront(List,i); } printList(stdout, List); printf("isEmpty %d\n",isEmpty(List)); /*should print 0*/ int j; for(j=5; j<=9; j++){ insertAtBack(List,j); } printList(stdout, List); /***Exercise all access functions***/ printf("offEnd %d\n",offEnd(List));/*should print 0*/ printf("atFirst %d\n",atFirst(List));/*should print 0*/ printf("atLast %d\n",atLast(List));/*should print 0*/ printf("getFirst %d\n", getFirst(List));/*should print 4*/ printf("getLast %d\n", getLast(List));/*should print 9*/ printf("getCurrent %d\n", getCurrent(List));/*should print 0*/ /***Exercise all removal manipulation functions***/ deleteLast(List); printList(stdout, List); printf("getLast %d\n", getLast(List));/*should print 8*/ deleteFirst(List); printList(stdout, List); printf("getFirst \n", getFirst(List));/*should print 3*/ deleteCurrent(List); printList(stdout, List); moveLast(List); printList(stdout, List); movePrev(List); printList(stdout, List); moveNext(List); printList(stdout, List); /***Exercise various edge cases***/ makeEmpty(List); insertAtFront(List, 40); moveFirst(List); deleteCurrent(List); insertAtFront(List, 41); insertAtBack(List, 42); moveFirst(List); insertBeforeCurrent(List, 43); printList(stdout, List); /***Exercise List destructors***/ deleteCurrent(List); printList(stdout, List); makeEmpty(List); printf("offEnd %d\n",offEnd(List));/*should print 1*/ freeList(&List); return(0); }
void TierWindow::openTierEdit(Tier *t) { helper = new ConfigForm("Delete Tier", "Apply", this); currentEdit = t->name(); currentType = TierT; currentTier = t; helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigLine("Name", currentEdit)); { QStringList parents; parents << ""; QList<TierCategory *> cats = dataTree->gatherCategories(); foreach(TierCategory *c, cats) { parents << c->name(); } parent = dataTree->getParentCategory(t)->name(); helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigCombo<QString>("Parent Category", parent, parents, parents)); } { QStringList parents; parents << ""; QList<Tier *> tiers = dataTree->gatherTiers(); foreach(Tier *t, tiers) { parents << t->name(); } helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigCombo<QString>("Parent Tier", t->banParentS, parents, parents)); } QStringList genS = QStringList() << "Any"; QList<Pokemon::gen> gens; gens.push_back(0); for (int i = GenInfo::GenMin(); i <= GenInfo::GenMax(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < GenInfo::NumberOfSubgens(i); j++) { gens << Pokemon::gen(i, j); genS << QString("%1 (%2)").arg(GenInfo::Gen(gens.back().num), GenInfo::Version(gens.back())); } } helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigCombo<Pokemon::gen>("Generation", t->m_gen, genS, gens )); helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigCheck("Ban pokemon/moves/items (uncheck to restrict the choice to them instead)", t->banPokes)); helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigSpin("Max number of pokemon", t->numberOfPokemons, 1, 6)); helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigText("Pokemon", pokemons)); helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigLine("Moves", moves)); helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigLine("Items", items)); helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigSpin("Max number of restricted pokemon", t->maxRestrictedPokes, 0, 6)); helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigLine("Restricted Pokemon", restrPokemons)); helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigSpin("Pokemon's max level", t->maxLevel, 1, 100)); pokemons = t->getBannedPokes(); moves = t->getBannedMoves(); items = t->getBannedItems(); restrPokemons = t->getRestrictedPokes(); helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigCombo<int>("Battle Mode in Find Battle", t->mode, QStringList() << "Singles" << "Doubles" << "Triples" << "Rotation Battles", QList<int>() << ChallengeInfo::Singles << ChallengeInfo::Doubles << ChallengeInfo::Triples << ChallengeInfo::Rotation)); int clauses = t->clauses; for (int i = 0; i < ChallengeInfo::numberOfClauses; i++) { this->clauses[i] = (clauses >> i) % 2; helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigCheck(ChallengeInfo::clause(i), this->clauses[i])); } helper->addConfigHelper(new ConfigSpin("Tier display order", t->displayOrder, -100, 100)); internalWidget = helper->generateConfigWidget(); internalWidget->layout()->setMargin(0); internalWidget->layout()->setSpacing(0); updateInternalWidget(); connect(helper, SIGNAL(button1()), SLOT(deleteCurrent())); connect(helper, SIGNAL(button2()), SLOT(updateTier())); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i; ListRef A = newList(); ListRef B = newList(); ListRef ACopy = NULL; ListRef AB_Cat = NULL; insertBack(A, 10); insertBack(A, 20); insertBack(A, 30); insertBack(A, 40); insertBack(A, 50); insertBack(A, 60); printf("equals(A,B) : %d\n", equals(A, B)); insertBack(B, 10); insertBack(B, 20); insertBack(B, 30); insertBack(B, 40); insertBack(B, 50); insertBack(B, 60); AB_Cat = catList(A, B); printf("printLIST(AB_Cat) : "); printLIST(AB_Cat); ACopy = copyList(A); printf("printLIST(A) : "); printLIST(A); printf("printLIST(ACopy) : "); printLIST(ACopy); printf("equals(A,ACopy) : %d\n", equals(A, ACopy)); printf("equals(A,B) : %d\n", equals(A, B)); printf("printLIST(A) : "); printLIST(A); moveTo(A, getLength(A)); printf("offEnd(A) : %d\n", offEnd(A)); moveTo(A, 3); insertBeforeCurrent(A, 35); insertAfterCurrent(A, 45); printf("printLIST(A) : "); printLIST(A); printf("getCurrent(A) : %d\n", getCurrent(A)); movePrev(A); printf("getCurrent(A) : %d\n", getCurrent(A)); deleteCurrent(A); printf("printLIST(A) : "); printLIST(A); makeEmpty(B); deleteFront(A); printf("printLIST(A) : "); printLIST(A); printf("getLength(A) : %d\n", getLength(A)); printf("isEmpty(A) : %d\n", isEmpty(A)); makeEmpty(A); printf("isEmpty(A) : %d\n", isEmpty(A)); printf("getLength(A) : %d\n", getLength(A)); /* printf("printLIST(A) : "); printLIST(A); */ insertFront(B, 50); insertBack(B, 60); insertFront(B, 40); insertBack(B, 70); insertFront(B, 30); insertBack(B, 80); insertFront(B, 20); insertBack(B, 90); insertFront(B, 10); printf("printLIST(B) : "); printLIST(B); printf("offEnd(B) : %d\n", offEnd(B)); moveTo(B, 5); printf("offEnd(B) : %d\n", offEnd(B)); printf("getCurrent(B) : %d\n", getCurrent(B)); deleteCurrent(B); printf("printLIST(B) : "); printLIST(B); /* printf("getCurrent(B) : %d\n", getCurrent(B));*/ moveTo(B, 0); printf("getFront(B) : %d\n", getFront(B)); printf("getCurrent(B) : %d\n", getCurrent(B)); deleteFront(B); printf("printLIST(B) : "); printLIST(B); printf("getFront(B) : %d\n", getFront(B)); /* printf("getCurrent(B) : %d\n", getCurrent(B)); */ moveTo(B, (getLength(B)-1)); printf("getCurrent(B) : %d\n", getCurrent(B)); printf("getBack(B) : %d\n", getBack(B)); deleteBack(B); printf("getBack(B) : %d\n", getBack(B)); /* printf("getCurrent(B) : %d\n", getCurrent(B)); */ moveTo(B, (getLength(B)-1)); printf("getCurrent(B) : %d\n", getCurrent(B)); printf("getBack(B) : %d\n", getBack(B)); deleteBack(B); printf("getBack(B) : %d\n", getBack(B)); printf("getCurrent(B) : %d\n", getCurrent(B)); return(0); }