void TypingCommand::doApply() { if (endingSelection().isNone()) return; if (m_commandType == DeleteKey) if (m_commands.isEmpty()) m_openedByBackwardDelete = true; switch (m_commandType) { case DeleteSelection: deleteSelection(m_smartDelete); return; case DeleteKey: deleteKeyPressed(m_granularity); return; case ForwardDeleteKey: forwardDeleteKeyPressed(m_granularity); return; case InsertLineBreak: insertLineBreak(); return; case InsertParagraphSeparator: insertParagraphSeparator(); return; case InsertParagraphSeparatorInQuotedContent: insertParagraphSeparatorInQuotedContent(); return; case InsertText: insertText(m_textToInsert, m_selectInsertedText); return; } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); }
void SymbianPhone::handleKeyEventCode(int keyCode) { switch(keyCode) { case LEFT_KEY: emit leftSoftKeyPressed(); break; case RIGHT_KEY: emit rightSoftKeyPressed(); break; case C_KEY: emit deleteKeyPressed(); break; case GREEN_KEY: emit greenKeyPressed(); break; case RED_KEY: emit redKeyPressed(); break; case NUMBER_1: emit number1KeyPressed(); break; case NUMBER_2: emit number2KeyPressed(); break; case NUMBER_3: emit number3KeyPressed(); break; case NUMBER_4: emit number4KeyPressed(); break; case NUMBER_5: emit number5KeyPressed(); break; case NUMBER_6: emit number6KeyPressed(); break; case NUMBER_7: emit number7KeyPressed(); break; case NUMBER_8: emit number8KeyPressed(); break; case NUMBER_9: emit number9KeyPressed(); break; case STAR: emit starKeyPressed(); break; case SHARP: emit sharpKeyPressed(); break; default: break; } }
void TableView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e) { if ( (e->key() == Qt::Key_Delete) || (e->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace) ) { Q_EMIT deleteKeyPressed(); e->accept(); } QTreeView::keyPressEvent(e); }
void FileSearchPathListComponent::buttonClicked (Button* button) { const int currentRow = listBox.getSelectedRow(); if (button == &removeButton) { deleteKeyPressed (currentRow); } else if (button == &addButton) { File start (defaultBrowseTarget); if (start == File::nonexistent) start = path [0]; if (start == File::nonexistent) start = File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory(); #if JUCE_MODAL_LOOPS_PERMITTED FileChooser chooser (TRANS("Add a folder..."), start, "*"); if (chooser.browseForDirectory()) path.add (chooser.getResult(), currentRow); #else jassertfalse; // needs rewriting to deal with non-modal environments #endif } else if (button == &changeButton) { returnKeyPressed (currentRow); } else if (button == &upButton) { if (currentRow > 0 && currentRow < path.getNumPaths()) { const File f (path[currentRow]); path.remove (currentRow); path.add (f, currentRow - 1); listBox.selectRow (currentRow - 1); } } else if (button == &downButton) { if (currentRow >= 0 && currentRow < path.getNumPaths() - 1) { const File f (path[currentRow]); path.remove (currentRow); path.add (f, currentRow + 1); listBox.selectRow (currentRow + 1); } } changed(); }