static XP_Bool and_util_askPassword( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, const XP_UCHAR* name, XP_UCHAR* buf, XP_U16* len ) { XP_Bool result = false; UTIL_CBK_HEADER("askPassword", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;" ); jstring jname = (*env)->NewStringUTF( env, name ); jstring jstr = (*env)->CallObjectMethod( env, util->jutil, mid, jname ); deleteLocalRef( env, jname ); if ( NULL != jstr ) { /* null means user cancelled */ jsize jsiz = (*env)->GetStringUTFLength( env, jstr ); if ( jsiz < *len ) { const char* chars = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars( env, jstr, NULL ); XP_MEMCPY( buf, chars, jsiz ); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars( env, jstr, chars ); buf[jsiz] = '\0'; *len = jsiz; result = XP_TRUE; } deleteLocalRef( env, jstr ); } UTIL_CBK_TAIL(); return result; }
std::string toString( jobject obj ) { JNIEnv* env = attach(); jclass objectClass = env->FindClass( "java/lang/Object" ); if ( ! objectClass ) { string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the class, java.lang.Object."; try { helper::catchAndThrow(); } catch (JNIException& e) { msg.append("\ncaused by:\n"); msg.append(e.what()); } throw JNIException( msg ); } jmethodID toString = env->GetMethodID( objectClass, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;" ); if ( ! toString ) { string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the method, Object.toString()."; try { helper::catchAndThrow(); } catch (JNIException& e) { msg.append("\ncaused by:\n"); msg.append(e.what()); } throw JNIException( msg ); } jstring javaStr = static_cast<jstring>( env->CallObjectMethod( obj, toString ) ); const char* strBuf = env->GetStringUTFChars( javaStr, 0 ); string value = string( strBuf ); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars( javaStr, strBuf ); deleteLocalRef( env, javaStr ); deleteLocalRef( env, objectClass ); return value; }
static const XP_UCHAR* and_util_getUserString( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XP_U16 stringCode ) { XP_UCHAR* result = ""; UTIL_CBK_HEADER("getUserString", "(I)Ljava/lang/String;" ); int index = stringCode - 1; /* see LocalizedStrIncludes.h */ XP_ASSERT( index < VSIZE( util->userStrings ) ); if ( ! util->userStrings[index] ) { jstring jresult = (*env)->CallObjectMethod( env, util->jutil, mid, stringCode ); jsize len = (*env)->GetStringUTFLength( env, jresult ); XP_UCHAR* buf = XP_MALLOC( util->util.mpool, len + 1 ); const char* jchars = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars( env, jresult, NULL ); XP_MEMCPY( buf, jchars, len ); buf[len] = '\0'; (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars( env, jresult, jchars ); deleteLocalRef( env, jresult ); util->userStrings[index] = buf; } result = util->userStrings[index]; UTIL_CBK_TAIL(); return result; }
static const XP_UCHAR* and_util_getDevID( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, DevIDType* typ ) { const XP_UCHAR* result = NULL; *typ = ID_TYPE_NONE; UTIL_CBK_HEADER( "getDevID", "([B)Ljava/lang/String;" ); jbyteArray jbarr = makeByteArray( env, 1, NULL ); jstring jresult = (*env)->CallObjectMethod( env, util->jutil, mid, jbarr ); if ( NULL != jresult ) { const char* jchars = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars( env, jresult, NULL ); jsize len = (*env)->GetStringUTFLength( env, jresult ); if ( NULL != util->devIDStorage && 0 == XP_MEMCMP( util->devIDStorage, jchars, len ) ) { XP_LOGF( "%s: already have matching devID", __func__ ); } else { XP_LOGF( "%s: allocating storage for devID", __func__ ); XP_FREEP( util->util.mpool, &util->devIDStorage ); util->devIDStorage = XP_MALLOC( util->util.mpool, len + 1 ); XP_MEMCPY( util->devIDStorage, jchars, len ); util->devIDStorage[len] = '\0'; } (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars( env, jresult, jchars ); result = (const XP_UCHAR*)util->devIDStorage; jbyte* elems = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements( env, jbarr, NULL ); *typ = (DevIDType)elems[0]; (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements( env, jbarr, elems, 0 ); } deleteLocalRef( env, jbarr ); UTIL_CBK_TAIL(); return result; }
Common Common::Factory::create(){ JArguments arguments; jobject localRef = newObject(Common::staticGetJavaJniClass(), arguments); Common result = Common(localRef); JNIEnv* env = attach(); deleteLocalRef(env, localRef); return result; }
Throwable Throwable::Factory::create(){ JArguments arguments; jobject localRef = newObject(Throwable::staticGetJavaJniClass(), arguments); Throwable result = Throwable(localRef); JNIEnv* env = attach(); deleteLocalRef(env, localRef); return result; }
Throwable Throwable::Factory::create(::jace::proxy::java::lang::Throwable p0){ JArguments arguments; arguments << p0; jobject localRef = newObject(Throwable::staticGetJavaJniClass(), arguments); Throwable result = Throwable(localRef); JNIEnv* env = attach(); deleteLocalRef(env, localRef); return result; }
static void and_util_showChat( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, const XP_UCHAR const* msg ) { UTIL_CBK_HEADER("showChat", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V" ); jstring jmsg = (*env)->NewStringUTF( env, msg ); (*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, util->jutil, mid, jmsg ); deleteLocalRef( env, jmsg ); UTIL_CBK_TAIL(); }
Action Action::Factory::create(::jace::proxy::edu::stanford::graphics::parser::Mention p0, ::jace::proxy::edu::stanford::graphics::parser::Mention p1, ::jace::proxy::edu::stanford::graphics::parser::Mention p2){ JArguments arguments; arguments << p0 << p1 << p2; jobject localRef = newObject(Action::staticGetJavaJniClass(), arguments); Action result = Action(localRef); JNIEnv* env = attach(); deleteLocalRef(env, localRef); return result; }
Action Action::Factory::create(::jace::proxy::java::lang::String p0, ::jace::proxy::java::lang::String p1, ::jace::proxy::java::lang::String p2){ JArguments arguments; arguments << p0 << p1 << p2; jobject localRef = newObject(Action::staticGetJavaJniClass(), arguments); Action result = Action(localRef); JNIEnv* env = attach(); deleteLocalRef(env, localRef); return result; }
static void and_util_deviceRegistered( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, DevIDType typ, const XP_UCHAR* idRelay ) { UTIL_CBK_HEADER( "deviceRegistered", "(ILjava/lang/String;)V" ); jstring jstr = (*env)->NewStringUTF( env, idRelay ); (*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, util->jutil, mid, typ, jstr ); deleteLocalRef( env, jstr ); UTIL_CBK_TAIL(); }
static void and_util_cellSquareHeld( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XWStreamCtxt* words ) { if ( NULL != words ) { UTIL_CBK_HEADER( "cellSquareHeld", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V" ); jstring jwords = streamToJString( env, words ); (*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, util->jutil, mid, jwords ); deleteLocalRef( env, jwords ); UTIL_CBK_TAIL(); } }
static XP_Bool and_util_confirmTrade( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, const XP_UCHAR** tiles, XP_U16 nTiles ) { XP_Bool result = XP_FALSE; UTIL_CBK_HEADER("confirmTrade", "([Ljava/lang/String;)Z" ); jobjectArray jtiles = makeStringArray( env, nTiles, tiles ); result = (*env)->CallBooleanMethod( env, util->jutil, mid, jtiles ); deleteLocalRef( env, jtiles ); UTIL_CBK_TAIL(); return result; }
static void and_util_informMissing(XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XP_Bool isServer, CommsConnType connType, XP_U16 nMissing ) { UTIL_CBK_HEADER( "informMissing", "(ZL" PKG_PATH("jni/CommsAddrRec$CommsConnType") ";I)V" ); jobject jtyp = intToJEnum( env, connType, PKG_PATH("jni/CommsAddrRec$CommsConnType") ); (*env)->CallVoidMethod( env, util->jutil, mid, isServer, jtyp, nMissing ); deleteLocalRef( env, jtyp ); UTIL_CBK_TAIL(); }
static XP_S16 and_util_userPickTileBlank( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, XP_U16 playerNum, const XP_UCHAR** tileFaces, XP_U16 nTiles ) { XP_S16 result = -1; UTIL_CBK_HEADER("userPickTileBlank", "(I[Ljava/lang/String;)I" ); jobject jtexts = makeStringArray( env, nTiles, tileFaces ); result = (*env)->CallIntMethod( env, util->jutil, mid, playerNum, jtexts ); deleteLocalRef( env, jtexts ); UTIL_CBK_TAIL(); return result; }
static XP_Bool and_util_userQuery( XW_UtilCtxt* uc, UtilQueryID id, XWStreamCtxt* stream ) { jboolean result = XP_FALSE; XP_ASSERT( id < QUERY_LAST_COMMON ); UTIL_CBK_HEADER("userQuery", "(ILjava/lang/String;)Z" ); jstring jstr = NULL; if ( NULL != stream ) { jstr = streamToJString( env, stream ); } result = (*env)->CallBooleanMethod( env, util->jutil, mid, id, jstr ); deleteLocalRef( env, jstr ); UTIL_CBK_TAIL(); return result; }
jobject and_util_splitFaces( JNIUtilCtxt* jniutil, const XP_U8* bytes, jsize len, XP_Bool isUTF8 ) { jobject strarray = NULL; JNIEnv* env = *jniutil->envp; jmethodID mid = getMethodID( env, jniutil->jjniutil, "splitFaces", "([BZ)[[Ljava/lang/String;" ); jbyteArray jbytes = makeByteArray( env, len, (jbyte*)bytes ); strarray = (*env)->CallObjectMethod( env, jniutil->jjniutil, mid, jbytes, isUTF8 ); deleteLocalRef( env, jbytes ); return strarray; }
jobject and_util_makeJBitmap( JNIUtilCtxt* jniutil, int nCols, int nRows, const jboolean* colors ) { jobject bitmap; JNIEnv* env = *jniutil->envp; jmethodID mid = getMethodID( env, jniutil->jjniutil, "makeBitmap", "(II[Z)Landroid/graphics/drawable/BitmapDrawable;" ); jbooleanArray jcolors = makeBooleanArray( env, nCols*nRows, colors ); bitmap = (*env)->CallObjectMethod( env, jniutil->jjniutil, mid, nCols, nRows, jcolors ); deleteLocalRef( env, jcolors ); return bitmap; }
void printClass( jobject obj ) { JNIEnv* env = attach(); jclass objClass = env->GetObjectClass( obj ); print( objClass ); deleteLocalRef( env, objClass ); }
void catchAndThrow() { JNIEnv* env = attach(); if ( ! env->ExceptionCheck() ) { return; } jthrowable jexception = env->ExceptionOccurred(); env->ExceptionClear(); /* Find the fully qualified name for the exception type, so * we can find a matching C++ proxy exception. * * In java, this looks like: * String typeName = exception.getClass().getName(); */ jclass throwableClass = env->FindClass( "java/lang/Throwable" ); if ( ! throwableClass ) { string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the class, java.lang.Throwable."; throw JNIException( msg ); } jclass classClass = env->FindClass( "java/lang/Class" ); if ( ! classClass ) { string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the class, java.lang.Class."; throw JNIException( msg ); } jmethodID throwableGetClass = env->GetMethodID( throwableClass, "getClass", "()Ljava/lang/Class;" ); if ( ! throwableGetClass ) { string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the method, Throwable.getClass()."; throw JNIException( msg ); } deleteLocalRef( env, throwableClass ); jmethodID classGetName = env->GetMethodID( classClass, "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;" ); if ( ! classGetName ) { string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the method, Class.getName()."; throw JNIException( msg ); } jmethodID classGetSuperclass = env->GetMethodID( classClass, "getSuperclass", "()Ljava/lang/Class;" ); if ( ! classGetSuperclass ) { string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the method, Class.getSuperclass()."; throw JNIException( msg ); } deleteLocalRef( env, classClass ); jobject exceptionClass = env->CallObjectMethod( jexception, throwableGetClass ); if ( env->ExceptionOccurred() ) { env->ExceptionDescribe(); string msg = "helper::catchAndThrow()\n" \ "An error occurred while trying to call getClass() on the thrown exception."; throw JNIException( msg ); } jstring exceptionType = static_cast<jstring>( env->CallObjectMethod( exceptionClass, classGetName ) ); if ( env->ExceptionOccurred() ) { env->ExceptionDescribe(); string msg = "helper::catchAndThrow()\n" \ "An error occurred while trying to call getName() on the class of the thrown exception."; throw JNIException( msg ); } string exceptionTypeString = asString( env, exceptionType ); /* Now, find the matching factory for this exception type. */ while ( true ) { FactoryMap::iterator it = getFactoryMap()->find( exceptionTypeString ); /* If we couldn't find a match, try to find the parent exception type. */ if ( it == getFactoryMap()->end() ) { jobject superClass = env->CallObjectMethod( exceptionClass, classGetSuperclass ); if ( env->ExceptionOccurred() ) { env->ExceptionDescribe(); string msg = "helper::catchAndThrow()\n" \ "An error occurred while trying to call getSuperclass() on the thrown exception."; throw JNIException( msg ); } /* We get NULL if we've already reached java.lang.Object, in which case, * we couldn't find any match at all. */ if ( ! superClass ) { break; } deleteLocalRef( env, exceptionClass ); deleteLocalRef( env, exceptionType ); exceptionClass = superClass; exceptionType = static_cast<jstring>( env->CallObjectMethod( exceptionClass, classGetName ) ); if ( env->ExceptionOccurred() ) { env->ExceptionDescribe(); string msg = "helper::catchAndThrow()\n" \ "An error occurred while trying to call getName() on the superclass " \ "of the thrown exception."; throw JNIException( msg ); } exceptionTypeString = asString( env, exceptionType ); if ( exceptionTypeString == "java.lang.Object" ) { /* * Couldn't find a matching exception. Abort! */ break; } continue; } /* Ask the factory to throw the exception. */ jvalue value; value.l = jexception; it->second->throwInstance( value ); } exceptionClass = env->CallObjectMethod( jexception, throwableGetClass ); if ( env->ExceptionOccurred() ) { env->ExceptionDescribe(); string msg = "helper::catchAndThrow()\n" \ "An error occurred while trying to call getClass() on the thrown exception."; throw JNIException( msg ); } exceptionType = static_cast<jstring>( env->CallObjectMethod( exceptionClass, classGetName ) ); if ( env->ExceptionOccurred() ) { env->ExceptionDescribe(); string msg = "helper::catchAndThrow()\n" \ "An error occurred while trying to call getName() on the class of the thrown exception."; throw JNIException( msg ); } // Fallback: throw a JNIException with the type name and message of the Throwable. exceptionTypeString = asString( env, exceptionType ); jmethodID getMessage = env->GetMethodID(static_cast<jclass>(exceptionClass), "getMessage", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); if ( !getMessage) { throw JNIException("Could not find Throwable.getMessage() method"); } jstring jmessage = static_cast<jstring>( env->CallObjectMethod(jexception, getMessage)); if ( !jmessage) { // No message specified (or some error in the JVM), so just print the Exception type. throw JNIException(string("Exception occurred in JVM: ") + exceptionTypeString); } const char *msg = env->GetStringUTFChars(jmessage, NULL); throw JNIException( exceptionTypeString + ": " + msg ); }
void createVm( const VmLoader& loader, const OptionList& options, bool ignoreUnrecognized ) { globalLoader = std::unique_ptr<VmLoader>( loader.clone() ); globalLoader->loadVm(); JavaVM* vm; JNIEnv* env; JavaVMInitArgs vm_args; JavaVMOption* jniOptions = options.createJniOptions(); vm_args.version = globalLoader->version(); vm_args.options = jniOptions; vm_args.nOptions = jint( options.size() ); vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized = ignoreUnrecognized; jint rc = globalLoader->createJavaVM( &vm, reinterpret_cast<void**>( &env ), &vm_args ); options.destroyJniOptions( jniOptions ); if ( rc != 0 ) { string msg = "Unable to create the virtual machine. The error was " + std::to_string( rc ); throw JNIException( msg ); } jclass runtimeClass = env->FindClass( "java/lang/Runtime" ); if ( ! runtimeClass ) { string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the class, java.lang.Runtime."; throw JNIException( msg ); } jmethodID runtimeGetRuntime = env->GetStaticMethodID( runtimeClass, "getRuntime", "()Ljava/lang/Runtime;" ); if ( ! runtimeGetRuntime ) { deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass ); string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the method, Runtime.getRuntime()."; throw JNIException( msg ); } jobject runtimeObject = env->CallStaticObjectMethod( runtimeClass, runtimeGetRuntime ); if ( ! runtimeObject ) { deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass ); string msg = "Unable to invoke Runtime.getRuntime()"; try { helper::catchAndThrow(); } catch (JNIException& e) { msg.append("\ncaused by:\n"); msg.append(e.what()); } throw JNIException( msg ); } jmethodID runtimeAddShutdownHook = env->GetMethodID( runtimeClass, "addShutdownHook", "(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V" ); if ( ! runtimeAddShutdownHook ) { deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject ); deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass ); string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the method, Runtime.addShutdownHook()."; throw JNIException( msg ); } jclass shutdownHookClass = env->FindClass( "jace/util/ShutdownHook" ); if ( ! shutdownHookClass ) { deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject ); deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass ); string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the class, jace.util.ShutdownHook. Did you forget to include " "jace-runtime.jar in your classpath at runtime?"; throw JNIException( msg ); } // Register the native method jace.util.ShutdownHook.signalVMShutdown JNINativeMethod signalVMShutdown; signalVMShutdown.fnPtr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(Java_jace_util_ShutdownHook_signalVMShutdown); = const_cast<char*>("signalVMShutdown"); signalVMShutdown.signature = const_cast<char*>("()V"); jint result = env->RegisterNatives(shutdownHookClass, &signalVMShutdown, 1); if (result != JNI_OK) { deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject ); deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass ); deleteLocalRef( env, shutdownHookClass ); string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to register native method, jace.util.ShutdownHook.signalVMShutdown()"; throw JNIException( msg ); } jmethodID shutdownHookGetInstance = env->GetStaticMethodID( shutdownHookClass, "getInstance", "()Ljace/util/ShutdownHook;" ); if ( ! shutdownHookGetInstance ) { deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject ); deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass ); deleteLocalRef( env, shutdownHookClass ); string msg = "Assert failed: Unable to find the method, jace.util.ShutdownHook.getInstance()"; throw JNIException( msg ); } jobject shutdownHookObject = env->CallStaticObjectMethod( shutdownHookClass, shutdownHookGetInstance ); if ( ! shutdownHookObject ) { deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject ); deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass ); deleteLocalRef( env, shutdownHookClass ); string msg = "Unable to invoke jace.util.ShutdownHook.getInstance()"; try { helper::catchAndThrow(); } catch (JNIException& e) { msg.append("\ncaused by:\n"); msg.append(e.what()); } throw JNIException( msg ); } env->CallVoidMethod( runtimeObject, runtimeAddShutdownHook, shutdownHookObject ); try { helper::catchAndThrow(); } catch (JNIException& e) { string msg = "Exception thrown invoking Runtime.addShutdownHook(shutdownHook)"; msg.append("\ncaused by:\n"); msg.append(e.what()); throw JNIException( msg ); } deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeObject ); deleteLocalRef( env, runtimeClass ); deleteLocalRef( env, shutdownHookClass ); }