Example #1
bool DirectCommands::IsObjectOutdated(ProjectBuildTarget* target, const pfDetails& pfd, wxString* errorStr)
    // If the source file does not exist, then do not compile.
    time_t timeSrc;
    depsTimeStamp(pfd.source_file_absolute_native.mb_str(), &timeSrc);
    if (!timeSrc)
        if (errorStr)
            *errorStr = _("WARNING: Can't read file's timestamp: ") + pfd.source_file_absolute_native;

        if (wxFileExists(pfd.source_file_absolute_native))
            return true;

        return false;

    // If the object file does not exist, then it must be built. In this case
    // there is no need to scan the source file for headers.
    time_t timeObj;
    Compiler* compiler = target ? CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(target->GetCompilerID()) : m_pCompiler;
    wxString ObjectAbs = (target->GetUseFlatObjects())?pfd.object_file_flat_absolute_native:pfd.object_file_absolute_native;

    depsTimeStamp(ObjectAbs.mb_str(), &timeObj);
        wxString ramld = pfd.source_file_native;
            depsTimeStamp(ramld.mb_str(), &timeObj);
            time_t ramldstamp = m_pCompilerPlugin->GetRamLDTimestamp();
            if(timeObj > ramldstamp)
            return (timeObj > ramldstamp );
    if (!timeObj)
        return true;

    // If the source file is newer than the object file, then the object file
    // must be built. In this case there is no need to scan the source file
    // for headers.
    if (timeSrc > timeObj)
        return true;

    // Scan the source file for headers. Result is NULL if the file does
    // not exist. If one of the descendent header files is newer than the
    // object file, then the object file must be built.
    depsRef ref = depsScanForHeaders(pfd.source_file_absolute_native.mb_str());
    if (ref)
        time_t timeNewest;
        (void) depsGetNewest(ref, &timeNewest);
        return (timeNewest > timeObj);

    // object file is up to date with source file
    return false;
Example #2
/** external deps are manualy set by the user
  * e.g. a static library linked to the project is an external dep (if set as such by the user)
  * so that a re-linking is forced if the static lib is updated
bool DirectCommands::AreExternalDepsOutdated(const wxString& buildOutput, const wxString& additionalFiles, const wxString& externalDeps)
    // array is separated by ;
    wxArrayString deps = GetArrayFromString(externalDeps, _T(";"));
    wxArrayString files = GetArrayFromString(additionalFiles, _T(";"));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < deps.GetCount(); ++i)
        if (deps[i].IsEmpty())

        time_t timeSrc;
        depsTimeStamp(deps[i].mb_str(), &timeSrc);
        // if external dep doesn't exist, no need to relink
        if (!timeSrc)
            return false;

        // let's check the additional output files
        for (size_t x = 0; x < files.GetCount(); ++x)
            if (files[x].IsEmpty())

            time_t addT;
            depsTimeStamp(files[x].mb_str(), &addT);
            // if additional file doesn't exist, we can skip it
            if (!addT)

            // if external dep is newer than additional file, relink
            if (timeSrc > addT)
                return true;

        // if no output, probably a commands-only target; nothing to relink
        if (buildOutput.IsEmpty())
            return false;

        // now check the target's output
        // this is moved last because, for "commands only" targets,
        // it would return before we had a chance to check the
        // additional output files (above)
        wxString output = buildOutput;
        time_t timeExe;
        depsTimeStamp(output.mb_str(), &timeExe);
        // if build output doesn't exist, relink
        if (!timeExe)
            return true;

        // if external dep is newer than build output, relink
        if (timeSrc > timeExe)
            return true;
    return false; // no force relink
bool DirectCommands::IsObjectOutdated(ProjectBuildTarget* target, const pfDetails& pfd, wxString* errorStr) const
    // If the source file does not exist, then do not compile.
    time_t timeSrc;
    depsTimeStamp(pfd.source_file_absolute_native.mb_str(), &timeSrc);
    if (!timeSrc)
        if (errorStr)
            *errorStr = _("WARNING: Can't read file's timestamp: ") + pfd.source_file_absolute_native;

        if (wxFileExists(pfd.source_file_absolute_native))
            return true; // fall-back: Its better to compile in that case

        return false;

    // If the object file does not exist, then it must be built. In this case
    // there is no need to scan the source file for headers.
    time_t timeObj;
    Compiler* compiler = target ? CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(target->GetCompilerID()) : m_pCompiler;
    if (!compiler)
        return false;

    wxString ObjectAbs = (compiler->GetSwitches().UseFlatObjects)
                       ? pfd.object_file_flat_absolute_native
                       : pfd.object_file_absolute_native;
    depsTimeStamp(ObjectAbs.mb_str(), &timeObj);
    if (!timeObj)
        return true; // fall-back: Its better to compile in that case

    // If the source file is newer than the object file, then the object file
    // must be built. In this case there is no need to scan the source file
    // for headers.
    if (timeSrc > timeObj)
        return true;

    // Do the check for includes only, if not disabled by the user, e.g. in case of non C/C++ compilers
    if ( Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("compiler"))->ReadBool(_T("/skip_include_deps"), false) )
        return false;

    // Scan the source file for headers. Result is NULL if the file does
    // not exist. If one of the descendent header files is newer than the
    // object file, then the object file must be built.
    depsRef ref = depsScanForHeaders(pfd.source_file_absolute_native.mb_str());
    if (ref)
        time_t timeNewest;
        (void) depsGetNewest(ref, &timeNewest);
        return (timeNewest > timeObj);

    // object file is up to date with source file and does not depend on #includes
    return false;
Example #4
wxArrayString DirectCommands::GetTargetLinkCommands(ProjectBuildTarget* target, bool force)
    wxArrayString ret;
    wxString output = target->GetOutputFilename();
    Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(output, target);

    wxFileName out = UnixFilename(output);
    wxString linkfiles;
    wxString FlatLinkFiles;
    wxString resfiles;
    bool IsOpenWatcom = target->GetCompilerID().IsSameAs(_T("ow"));

    time_t outputtime;
    depsTimeStamp(output.mb_str(), &outputtime);
    if (!outputtime)
        force = true;
    if (AreExternalDepsOutdated(out.GetFullPath(), target->GetAdditionalOutputFiles(), target->GetExternalDeps()))
        force = true;

    Compiler* compiler = target ? CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(target->GetCompilerID()) : m_pCompiler;

    wxString prependHack; // part of the following hack
    if (target->GetTargetType() == ttStaticLib)
        // QUICK HACK: some linkers (e.g. bcc, dmc) require a - or + in front of
        // object files for static library. What we 'll do here until we redesign
        // the thing, is to accept this symbol as part of the $link_objects macro
        // like this:
        // $+link_objects
        // $-link_objects
        // $-+link_objects
        // $+-link_objects
        // So, we first scan the command for this special case and, if found,
        // set a flag so that the linkfiles array is filled with the correct options
        wxString compilerCmd = compiler->GetCommand(ctLinkStaticCmd);
        wxRegEx re(_T("\\$([-+]+)link_objects"));
        if (re.Matches(compilerCmd))
            prependHack = re.GetMatch(compilerCmd, 1);

    // get all the linkable objects for the target
    MyFilesArray files = GetProjectFilesSortedByWeight(target, false, true);
    wxString allfile;
    if (files.GetCount() == 0)
        ret.Add(wxString(COMPILER_SIMPLE_LOG) + _("Linking stage skipped (build target has no object files to link)"));
        return ret;
    if (IsOpenWatcom && target->GetTargetType() != ttStaticLib)
        linkfiles << _T("file ");
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); ++i)
        ProjectFile* pf = files[i];

        // we have to test again for each file if it is to be compiled
        // and we can't check the file for existence because we 're still
        // generating the command lines that will create the files...
        wxString macro = _T("$compiler");

       // allfile = allfile + _T(" ") + pf->GetObjName().BeforeLast(_T('.'))+_T('.')+pf->file.GetExt();

        compiler->GenerateCommandLine(macro, target, pf, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString);
        if (macro.IsEmpty())

        const pfDetails& pfd = pf->GetFileDetails(target);
        wxString Object = (target->GetUseFlatObjects())?pfd.object_file_flat:pfd.object_file;

        if (FileTypeOf(pf->relativeFilename) == ftResource)
            // -----------------------------------------
            // Following lines have been modified for OpenWatcom
            if (IsOpenWatcom)
                resfiles << _T("option resource=") << Object << _T(" ");
                resfiles << Object << _T(" ");
            // ------------------------------------------
            // -----------------------------------------
            // Following lines have been modified for OpenWatcom
            if (IsOpenWatcom && target->GetTargetType() != ttStaticLib)
                linkfiles << prependHack << Object << _T(","); // see QUICK HACK above (prependHack)
                FlatLinkFiles << prependHack << pfd.object_file_flat << _T(","); // see QUICK HACK above (prependHack)
                linkfiles << prependHack << Object << _T(" "); // see QUICK HACK above (prependHack)
                FlatLinkFiles << prependHack << pfd.object_file_flat << _T(" "); // see QUICK HACK above (prependHack)
            // -----------------------------------------

        // timestamp check
        if (!force)
            time_t objtime;
            depsTimeStamp(pfd.object_file_native.mb_str(), &objtime);
            if (objtime > outputtime)
                force = true;

        // Why was this here?
//        if(m_doYield)
//            Manager::Yield();
    if (IsOpenWatcom)
        if (linkfiles.Right(1).IsSameAs(_T(",")))
            linkfiles = linkfiles.BeforeLast(_T(','));

    if (!force)
        return ret;

    if(target->GetCompilerID().Lower().Matches(_T("dsp")))  /// 2012-8-29 lcy
//            FlatLinkFiles.Replace(_T(".obj"),_T(".cln"));
            FlatLinkFiles.Replace(_T("\\"),_T(" "));
//            linkfiles.Replace(_T(".obj"),_T(".cln"));
            linkfiles.Replace(_T("\\"),_T(" "));
    // create output dir
    wxString dstname = out.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
    Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(dstname, target);
    if (!dstname.IsEmpty() && !CreateDirRecursively(dstname, 0755))
            cbMessageBox(_("Can't create output directory ") + dstname);

    // add actual link command
    wxString kind_of_output;
    CommandType ct = ctCount; // get rid of compiler warning
    switch (target->GetTargetType())
        case ttConsoleOnly:
            ct = ctLinkConsoleExeCmd;
            kind_of_output = _("console executable");

        case ttExecutable:
            ct = ctLinkExeCmd;
            kind_of_output = _("executable");

        case ttDynamicLib:
            ct = ctLinkDynamicCmd;
            kind_of_output = _("dynamic library");

        case ttStaticLib:
            ct = ctLinkStaticCmd;
            kind_of_output = _("static library");

        case ttNative:
            ct = ctLinkNativeCmd;
            kind_of_output = _("native");

        case ttCommandsOnly:
            // add target post-build commands
            AppendArray(GetPostBuildCommands(target), ret);
            return ret;
            wxString ex;
            ex.Printf(_T("Encountered invalid TargetType (value = %d)"), target->GetTargetType());
    wxString compilerCmd = compiler->GetCommand(ct);
    if(target->GetCompilerID().Lower().Matches(_T("dsp")))   /// 2012-8-29 lcy
    if (!compilerCmd.IsEmpty())
        switch (compiler->GetSwitches().logging)
            case clogFull:
                ret.Add(wxString(COMPILER_SIMPLE_LOG) + compilerCmd);

            default: // linker always simple log (if not full)
                ret.Add(wxString(COMPILER_SIMPLE_LOG) + _("Linking ") + kind_of_output + _T(": ") + output);

        // for an explanation of the following, see GetTargetCompileCommands()
        if (target && ret.GetCount() != 0)
            ret.Add(wxString(COMPILER_TARGET_CHANGE) + target->GetTitle());

        // the 'true' will make sure all commands will be prepended by
        // COMPILER_WAIT signal
        AddCommandsToArray(compilerCmd, ret, true, true);
        ret.Add(wxString(COMPILER_SIMPLE_LOG) + _("Skipping linking (no linker program set): ") + output);
    return ret;
/** external deps are manually set by the user
  * e.g. a static library linked to the project is an external dep (if set as such by the user)
  * so that a re-linking is forced if the static lib is updated
bool DirectCommands::AreExternalDepsOutdated(ProjectBuildTarget* target,
                                             const wxString& buildOutput,
                                             wxArrayString*  filesMissing) const
    Compiler* compiler = CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(target->GetCompilerID());

    // if no output, probably a commands-only target; nothing to relink
    // but we have to check other dependencies
    time_t timeOutput = 0;
    if (!buildOutput.IsEmpty())
        wxString output = buildOutput;
        depsTimeStamp(output.mb_str(), &timeOutput);
        // if build output exists, check for updated static libraries
        if (timeOutput)
            // look for static libraries in target/project library dirs
            wxArrayString libs = target->GetLinkLibs();
            const wxArrayString& prjLibs = target->GetParentProject()->GetLinkLibs();
            const wxArrayString& cmpLibs = compiler->GetLinkLibs();
            AppendArray(prjLibs, libs);
            AppendArray(cmpLibs, libs);

            const wxArrayString& prjLibDirs = target->GetParentProject()->GetLibDirs();
            const wxArrayString& cmpLibDirs = compiler->GetLibDirs();
            wxArrayString libDirs = target->GetLibDirs();
            AppendArray(prjLibDirs, libDirs);
            AppendArray(cmpLibDirs, libDirs);

            for (size_t i = 0; i < libs.GetCount(); ++i)
                wxString lib = libs[i];

                // if user manually pointed to a library, without using the lib dirs,
                // then just check the file directly w/out involving the search dirs...
                if (lib.Contains(_T("/")) || lib.Contains(_T("\\")))
                    Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(lib, target);
                    lib = UnixFilename(lib);
                    time_t timeExtDep;
                    depsTimeStamp(lib.mb_str(), &timeExtDep);
                    if (timeExtDep > timeOutput)
                        // force re-link
                        Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(_T("Forcing re-link of '%s/%s' because '%s' is newer"),
                        return true;

                if (!lib.StartsWith(compiler->GetSwitches().libPrefix))
                    lib = compiler->GetSwitches().libPrefix + lib;
                if (!lib.EndsWith(_T(".") + compiler->GetSwitches().libExtension))
                    lib += _T(".") + compiler->GetSwitches().libExtension;

                for (size_t l = 0; l < libDirs.GetCount(); ++l)
                    wxString dir = libDirs[l] + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + lib;
                    Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(dir, target);
                    dir = UnixFilename(dir);
                    time_t timeExtDep;
                    depsTimeStamp(dir.mb_str(), &timeExtDep);
                    if (timeExtDep > timeOutput)
                        // force re-link
                        Manager::Get()->GetLogManager()->DebugLog(F(_T("Forcing re-link of '%s/%s' because '%s' is newer"),
                        return true;

    // array is separated by ;
    wxArrayString extDeps  = GetArrayFromString(target->GetExternalDeps(), _T(";"));
    wxArrayString addFiles = GetArrayFromString(target->GetAdditionalOutputFiles(), _T(";"));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < extDeps.GetCount(); ++i)
        if (extDeps[i].IsEmpty())

        time_t timeExtDep;
        depsTimeStamp(extDeps[i].mb_str(), &timeExtDep);
        // if external dep doesn't exist, no need to relink
        // but we have to check other dependencies
        if (!timeExtDep)
            if (filesMissing) filesMissing->Add(extDeps[i]);

        // let's check the additional output files
        for (size_t j = 0; j < addFiles.GetCount(); ++j)
            if (addFiles[j].IsEmpty())

            time_t timeAddFile;
            depsTimeStamp(addFiles[j].mb_str(), &timeAddFile);
            // if additional file doesn't exist, we can skip it
            if (!timeAddFile)
                if (filesMissing) filesMissing->Add(addFiles[j]);

            // if external dep is newer than additional file, relink
            if (timeExtDep > timeAddFile)
                return true;

        // if no output, probably a commands-only target; nothing to relink
        // but we have to check other dependencies
        if (buildOutput.IsEmpty())

        // now check the target's output
        // this is moved last because, for "commands only" targets,
        // it would return before we had a chance to check the
        // additional output files (above)

        // if build output doesn't exist, relink
        if (!timeOutput)
            return true;

        // if external dep is newer than build output, relink
        if (timeExtDep > timeOutput)
            return true;
    return false; // no force relink
wxArrayString DirectCommands::GetTargetLinkCommands(ProjectBuildTarget* target, bool force) const
    wxArrayString ret;

    wxString output = target->GetOutputFilename();
    Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(output, target);

    wxFileName out = UnixFilename(output);
    wxString linkfiles;
    wxString FlatLinkFiles;
    wxString resfiles;
    bool IsOpenWatcom = target->GetCompilerID().IsSameAs(_T("ow"));

    time_t outputtime;
    depsTimeStamp(output.mb_str(), &outputtime);
    if (!outputtime)
        force = true;
    wxArrayString fileMissing;
    if ( AreExternalDepsOutdated(target, out.GetFullPath(), &fileMissing) )
        force = true;

    if (!fileMissing.IsEmpty())
        wxString warn;
        warn.Printf(wxT("WARNING: Target '%s': Unable to resolve %lu external dependenc%s:"),
                    target->GetFullTitle().wx_str(), static_cast<unsigned long>(fileMissing.Count()), wxString(fileMissing.Count() == 1 ? wxT("y") : wxT("ies")).wx_str());
        warn.Printf(_("WARNING: Target '%s': Unable to resolve %lu external dependency/ies:"),
                    target->GetFullTitle().wx_str(), static_cast<unsigned long>(fileMissing.Count()));
        ret.Add(COMPILER_WARNING_LOG + warn);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < fileMissing.Count(); ++i)
            ret.Add(COMPILER_NOTE_LOG + wxString(wxT(' '), 8) + fileMissing[i]);

    Compiler* compiler = target ? CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(target->GetCompilerID()) : m_pCompiler;

    wxString prependHack; // part of the following hack
    if (target->GetTargetType() == ttStaticLib)
        // QUICK HACK: some linkers (e.g. bcc, dmc) require a - or + in front of
        // object files for static library. What we 'll do here until we redesign
        // the thing, is to accept this symbol as part of the $link_objects macro
        // like this:
        // $+link_objects
        // $-link_objects
        // $-+link_objects
        // $+-link_objects
        // So, we first scan the command for this special case and, if found,
        // set a flag so that the linkfiles array is filled with the correct options
        wxString compilerCmd = compiler ? compiler->GetCommand(ctLinkStaticCmd) : wxString(wxEmptyString);
        wxRegEx re(_T("\\$([-+]+)link_objects"));
        if (re.Matches(compilerCmd))
            prependHack = re.GetMatch(compilerCmd, 1);

    // get all the linkable objects for the target
    MyFilesArray files = GetProjectFilesSortedByWeight(target, false, true);
    if (files.GetCount() == 0)
        if (target->GetTargetType() != ttCommandsOnly)
            ret.Add(COMPILER_SIMPLE_LOG + _("Linking stage skipped (build target has no object files to link)"));
        return ret;
    if (IsOpenWatcom && target->GetTargetType() != ttStaticLib)
        linkfiles << _T("file ");
    bool subseq(false);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < files.GetCount(); ++i)
        ProjectFile* pf = files[i];

        // we have to test again for each file if it is to be compiled
        // and we can't check the file for existence because we 're still
        // generating the command lines that will create the files...
        wxString macro = _T("$compiler");
        m_pGenerator->GenerateCommandLine(macro, target, pf, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString);
        if (macro.IsEmpty())

        const pfDetails& pfd = pf->GetFileDetails(target);
        wxString Object = (compiler->GetSwitches().UseFlatObjects) ? pfd.object_file_flat
                                                                   : pfd.object_file;

        if (FileTypeOf(pf->relativeFilename) == ftResource)
            if (subseq)
                resfiles << _T(" ");
            // -----------------------------------------
            // Following lines have been modified for OpenWatcom
            if (IsOpenWatcom)
                resfiles << _T("option resource=") << Object;
                resfiles << Object;
            // ------------------------------------------
            // -----------------------------------------
            // Following lines have been modified for OpenWatcom
            if (IsOpenWatcom && target->GetTargetType() == ttStaticLib)
                if (subseq)
                    linkfiles << _T(" ");
                    FlatLinkFiles << _T(" ");
                linkfiles << prependHack << Object; // see QUICK HACK above (prependHack)
                FlatLinkFiles << prependHack << pfd.object_file_flat; // see QUICK HACK above (prependHack)
                if (subseq)
                    linkfiles << compiler->GetSwitches().objectSeparator;
                    FlatLinkFiles << compiler->GetSwitches().objectSeparator;
                linkfiles << prependHack << Object; // see QUICK HACK above (prependHack)
                FlatLinkFiles << prependHack << pfd.object_file_flat; // see QUICK HACK above (prependHack)
            // -----------------------------------------
        subseq = true;

        // timestamp check
        if (!force)
            time_t objtime;
            depsTimeStamp(pfd.object_file_native.mb_str(), &objtime);
            // Honor compiler request to Use Flat Objects
            // (Settings/compiler/otherSettings/advancedOptions/Others/UseFlatObjects)
            if (compiler->GetSwitches().UseFlatObjects)
                depsTimeStamp(pfd.object_file_flat.mb_str(), &objtime);

            if (!objtime)
                force = true;
            if (objtime > outputtime)
                force = true;
    if (IsOpenWatcom)

    if (!force)
        return ret;

    // create output dir
    wxString dstname = out.GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
    Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(dstname, target);
    if (!dstname.IsEmpty() && !CreateDirRecursively(dstname, 0755))
        cbMessageBox(_("Can't create output directory ") + dstname);

    // add actual link command
    wxString kind_of_output;
    CommandType ct = ctCount; // get rid of compiler warning
    switch (target->GetTargetType())
        case ttConsoleOnly:
            ct = ctLinkConsoleExeCmd;
            kind_of_output = _("console executable");

        case ttExecutable:
            ct = ctLinkExeCmd;
            kind_of_output = _("executable");

        case ttDynamicLib:
            ct = ctLinkDynamicCmd;
            kind_of_output = _("dynamic library");

        case ttStaticLib:
            ct = ctLinkStaticCmd;
            kind_of_output = _("static library");

        case ttNative:
            ct = ctLinkNativeCmd;
            kind_of_output = _("native");

        case ttCommandsOnly:
            // add target post-build commands
            AppendArray(GetPostBuildCommands(target), ret);
            return ret;
            wxString ex;
            ex.Printf(_T("Encountered invalid TargetType (value = %d)"), target->GetTargetType());
    wxString compilerCmd = compiler->GetCommand(ct);
    if (!compilerCmd.IsEmpty())
        switch (compiler->GetSwitches().logging)
            case clogFull:
                ret.Add(COMPILER_SIMPLE_LOG + compilerCmd);

            case clogSimple: // fall-through
            case clogNone:   // fall-through
            default: // linker always simple log (if not full)
                ret.Add(COMPILER_SIMPLE_LOG + _("Linking ") + kind_of_output + _T(": ") + output);

        // for an explanation of the following, see GetTargetCompileCommands()
        if (target && ret.GetCount() != 0)
            ret.Add(COMPILER_TARGET_CHANGE + target->GetTitle());

        // the 'true' will make sure all commands will be prepended by
        // COMPILER_WAIT signal
        AddCommandsToArray(compilerCmd, ret, true, true);
        ret.Add(COMPILER_SIMPLE_LOG + _("Skipping linking (no linker program set): ") + output);

    return ret;