// Get depth image out of the disparity image
Matrix<double>  AncillaryMethods::GetDepthLibelas(int frame_nr, const Camera& camera, double baseline)

    // Read in the disparity image
    char dispImagePath[128];

    sprintf(dispImagePath, Globals::tempDepthL.c_str(), frame_nr);

    string path_string(dispImagePath);
    Matrix<float> image(Globals::dImWidth, Globals::dImHeight, 0.0);

    if(path_string.find(".txt") != string::npos)

    // Compute the depth map
    Matrix<double> depthMap(Globals::dImWidth, Globals::dImHeight, 0.0);

    Matrix<double> intrinsics = camera.get_K();

    double focalLength = intrinsics(0,0);

    double par = (baseline*focalLength);

    for(int i = 0; i < Globals::dImWidth; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < Globals::dImHeight; j++)
            depthMap(i,j) = max(0.0, min(30.0,(par/(image(i,j)))/1000.0));

    return depthMap;
  void runOnce (void)
    xn::SceneMetaData sceneMD;
    xn::DepthMetaData depthMD_;

    // Read next available data
    // by Heresy, wait original depth generator
    g_Context.WaitOneUpdateAll( g_DepthGenerator );

    // Process the data
    g_DepthGenerator.GetMetaData (depthMD_);
    g_DepthGenerator.GetMetaData (depthMD);
    xn::DepthMap& depthMap_ = depthMD_.WritableDepthMap();
    xn::DepthMap& depthMap = depthMD.WritableDepthMap();

    static float *buffer = 0;
    if (buffer == 0)
      std::cout << "(re)allocating depth buffer" << std::endl;
      buffer = (float*) malloc (depthMap.XRes() * depthMap.YRes() * sizeof(float));
    for (XnUInt y = 0; y < depthMap.YRes(); y++)
      for (XnUInt x = 0; x < depthMap.XRes(); x++)
        buffer [x + y * depthMap.XRes()] = depthMap (depthMap.XRes() - x - 1, y) * 0.001;

    float P[12];
    P[0] = 585.260; P[1] = 0.0;     P[2]  = 317.387; P[3]  = 0.0;
    P[4] = 0.0;     P[5] = 585.028; P[6]  = 239.264; P[7]  = 0.0;
    P[8] = 0.0;     P[9] = 0.0;     P[10] = 1.0;     P[11] = 0.0;
    double fx = P[0];
    double fy = P[5];
    double cx = P[2];
    double cy = P[6];
    double far_plane_ = 8;
    double near_plane_ = 0.1;
    double glTf[16];
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
      glTf[i] = 0.0;

    // calculate the projection matrix
    // NOTE: this minus is there to flip the x-axis of the image.
    glTf[0]= -2.0 * fx / depthMap.XRes();
    glTf[5]= 2.0 * fy / depthMap.YRes();

    glTf[8]= 2.0 * (0.5 - cx / depthMap.XRes());
    glTf[9]= 2.0 * (cy / depthMap.YRes() - 0.5);

    glTf[10]= - (far_plane_ + near_plane_) / (far_plane_ - near_plane_);
    glTf[14]= -2.0 * far_plane_ * near_plane_ / (far_plane_ - near_plane_);

    glTf[11]= -1;

    filter->filter ((unsigned char*)buffer, glTf, depthMap.XRes(), depthMap.YRes());

    GLfloat* masked_depth = filter->getMaskedDepth();

    for (XnUInt y = 0; y < depthMap.YRes(); y++)
      for (XnUInt x = 0; x < depthMap.XRes(); x++)
          depthMap_(x, y) = XnDepthPixel (masked_depth[x + y * depthMap.XRes()] * 1000); 


	publishTransforms (std::string("openni_depth_frame"));
Example #3
double GenericObjectDetector::ComputeDepthVariance(Rect win)
	cv::Scalar mean, stddev;
	meanStdDev(depthMap(win), mean, stddev);
	return 1.f / (stddev.val[0]+0.000005f);