Example #1
void Steinhardt::calculateVector( multicolvar::AtomValuePack& myatoms ) const {
  double dfunc, dpoly_ass, md, tq6, itq6, real_z, imag_z; 
  Vector dz, myrealvec, myimagvec, real_dz, imag_dz;
  // The square root of -1
  std::complex<double> ii( 0.0, 1.0 ), dp_x, dp_y, dp_z;

  unsigned ncomp=2*tmom+1;
  double sw, poly_ass, d2, dlen, nbond=0.0; std::complex<double> powered;
  for(unsigned i=1;i<myatoms.getNumberOfAtoms();++i){
      Vector& distance=myatoms.getPosition(i);  // getSeparation( myatoms.getPosition(0), myatoms.getPosition(i) );
      if ( (d2=distance[0]*distance[0])<rcut2 &&
           (d2+=distance[1]*distance[1])<rcut2 &&
           (d2+=distance[2]*distance[2])<rcut2) {
         dlen = sqrt(d2);
         sw = switchingFunction.calculate( dlen, dfunc ); 
         nbond += sw;  // Accumulate total number of bonds
         double dlen3 = d2*dlen;

         // Store derivatives of weight
         addAtomDerivatives( -1, 0, (-dfunc)*distance, myatoms );
         addAtomDerivatives( -1, i, (+dfunc)*distance, myatoms );
         myatoms.addTemporyBoxDerivatives( (-dfunc)*Tensor( distance,distance ) ); 

         // Do stuff for m=0
         poly_ass=deriv_poly( 0, distance[2]/dlen, dpoly_ass );
         // Derivatives of z/r wrt x, y, z
         dz = -( distance[2] / dlen3 )*distance; dz[2] += (1.0 / dlen);
         // Derivative wrt to the vector connecting the two atoms
         myrealvec = (+sw)*dpoly_ass*dz + poly_ass*(+dfunc)*distance;
         // Accumulate the derivatives
         addAtomDerivatives( 2 + tmom, 0, -myrealvec, myatoms );      
         addAtomDerivatives( 2 + tmom, i, myrealvec, myatoms); 
         myatoms.addBoxDerivatives( 2 + tmom, Tensor( -myrealvec,distance ) );
         // And store the vector function
         myatoms.addValue( 2 + tmom, sw*poly_ass );

         // The complex number of which we have to take powers
         std::complex<double> com1( distance[0]/dlen ,distance[1]/dlen );

         // Do stuff for all other m values
         for(unsigned m=1;m<=tmom;++m){
             // Calculate Legendre Polynomial
             poly_ass=deriv_poly( m, distance[2]/dlen, dpoly_ass );
             // Calculate powe of complex number
             powered=pow(com1,m-1); md=static_cast<double>(m);
             // Real and imaginary parts of z
             real_z = real(com1*powered); imag_z = imag(com1*powered );
             // Calculate steinhardt parameter
             tq6=poly_ass*real_z;   // Real part of steinhardt parameter
             itq6=poly_ass*imag_z;  // Imaginary part of steinhardt parameter

             // Derivatives wrt ( x/r + iy )^m
             dp_x = md*powered*( (1.0/dlen)-(distance[0]*distance[0])/dlen3-ii*(distance[0]*distance[1])/dlen3 );
             dp_y = md*powered*( ii*(1.0/dlen)-(distance[0]*distance[1])/dlen3-ii*(distance[1]*distance[1])/dlen3 );
             dp_z = md*powered*( -(distance[0]*distance[2])/dlen3-ii*(distance[1]*distance[2])/dlen3 );

             // Derivatives of real and imaginary parts of above
             real_dz[0] = real( dp_x ); real_dz[1] = real( dp_y ); real_dz[2] = real( dp_z );
             imag_dz[0] = imag( dp_x ); imag_dz[1] = imag( dp_y ); imag_dz[2] = imag( dp_z );  

             // Complete derivative of steinhardt parameter
             myrealvec = (+sw)*dpoly_ass*real_z*dz + (+dfunc)*distance*tq6 + (+sw)*poly_ass*real_dz; 
             myimagvec = (+sw)*dpoly_ass*imag_z*dz + (+dfunc)*distance*itq6 + (+sw)*poly_ass*imag_dz;

             // Real part
             myatoms.addValue( 2+tmom+m, sw*tq6 );
             addAtomDerivatives( 2+tmom+m, 0, -myrealvec, myatoms );
             addAtomDerivatives( 2+tmom+m, i, myrealvec, myatoms );
             myatoms.addBoxDerivatives( 2+tmom+m, Tensor( -myrealvec,distance ) );
             // Imaginary part 
             myatoms.addValue( 2+ncomp+tmom+m, sw*itq6 );
             addAtomDerivatives( 2+ncomp+tmom+m, 0, -myimagvec, myatoms );
             addAtomDerivatives( 2+ncomp+tmom+m, i, myimagvec, myatoms );
             myatoms.addBoxDerivatives( 2+ncomp+tmom+m, Tensor( -myimagvec,distance ) );
             // Store -m part of vector
             double pref=pow(-1.0,m); 
             // -m part of vector is just +m part multiplied by (-1.0)**m and multiplied by complex
             // conjugate of Legendre polynomial
             // Real part
             myatoms.addValue( 2+tmom-m, pref*sw*tq6 );
             addAtomDerivatives( 2+tmom-m, 0, -pref*myrealvec, myatoms );
             addAtomDerivatives( 2+tmom-m, i, pref*myrealvec, myatoms );
             myatoms.addBoxDerivatives( 2+tmom-m, pref*Tensor( -myrealvec,distance ) );
             // Imaginary part
             myatoms.addValue( 2+ncomp+tmom-m, -pref*sw*itq6 );
             addAtomDerivatives( 2+ncomp+tmom-m, 0, pref*myimagvec, myatoms );
             addAtomDerivatives( 2+ncomp+tmom-m, i, -pref*myimagvec, myatoms );
             myatoms.addBoxDerivatives( 2+ncomp+tmom-m, pref*Tensor( myimagvec,distance ) );

  // Normalize 
  updateActiveAtoms( myatoms );
  for(unsigned i=0;i<getNumberOfComponentsInVector();++i) myatoms.getUnderlyingMultiValue().quotientRule( 2+i, nbond, 2+i ); 
Example #2
void Steinhardt::calculateVector(){
  double dfunc, dpoly_ass, md, tq6, itq6, real_z, imag_z; 
  Vector distance, dz, myrealvec, myimagvec, real_dz, imag_dz;
  // The square root of -1
  std::complex<double> ii( 0.0, 1.0 ), dp_x, dp_y, dp_z;

  double sw, poly_ass, dlen, nbond=0.0; std::complex<double> powered;
  for(unsigned i=1;i<getNAtoms();++i){
     distance=getSeparation( getPosition(0), getPosition(i) );
     dlen=distance.modulo(); sw = switchingFunction.calculate( dlen, dfunc );
     if( sw>=getTolerance() ){   
         nbond += sw;  // Accumulate total number of bonds
         double dlen3 = dlen*dlen*dlen;

         // Store derivatives of weight
         MultiColvarBase::addAtomsDerivatives( 0, getAtomIndex(0), (-dfunc)*distance );
         MultiColvarBase::addAtomsDerivatives( 0, getAtomIndex(i), (+dfunc)*distance );
         MultiColvarBase::addBoxDerivatives( 0, (-dfunc)*Tensor( distance,distance ) ); 

         // Do stuff for m=0
         poly_ass=deriv_poly( 0, distance[2]/dlen, dpoly_ass );
         // Derivatives of z/r wrt x, y, z
         dz = -( distance[2] / dlen3 )*distance; dz[2] += (1.0 / dlen);
         // Derivative wrt to the vector connecting the two atoms
         myrealvec = (+sw)*dpoly_ass*dz + poly_ass*(+dfunc)*distance;
         // Accumulate the derivatives
         addAtomsDerivative( tmom, 0, -myrealvec );      
         addAtomsDerivative( tmom, i, myrealvec ); 
         addBoxDerivatives( tmom, Tensor( -myrealvec,distance ) );
         // And store the vector function
         addComponent( tmom, sw*poly_ass );

         // The complex number of which we have to take powers
         std::complex<double> com1( distance[0]/dlen ,distance[1]/dlen );

         // Do stuff for all other m values
         for(unsigned m=1;m<=tmom;++m){
             // Calculate Legendre Polynomial
             poly_ass=deriv_poly( m, distance[2]/dlen, dpoly_ass );
             // Calculate powe of complex number
             powered=pow(com1,m-1); md=static_cast<double>(m);
             // Real and imaginary parts of z
             real_z = real(com1*powered); imag_z = imag(com1*powered );
             // Calculate steinhardt parameter
             tq6=poly_ass*real_z;   // Real part of steinhardt parameter
             itq6=poly_ass*imag_z;  // Imaginary part of steinhardt parameter

             // Derivatives wrt ( x/r + iy )^m
             dp_x = md*powered*( (1.0/dlen)-(distance[0]*distance[0])/dlen3-ii*(distance[0]*distance[1])/dlen3 );
             dp_y = md*powered*( ii*(1.0/dlen)-(distance[0]*distance[1])/dlen3-ii*(distance[1]*distance[1])/dlen3 );
             dp_z = md*powered*( -(distance[0]*distance[2])/dlen3-ii*(distance[1]*distance[2])/dlen3 );

             // Derivatives of real and imaginary parts of above
             real_dz[0] = real( dp_x ); real_dz[1] = real( dp_y ); real_dz[2] = real( dp_z );
             imag_dz[0] = imag( dp_x ); imag_dz[1] = imag( dp_y ); imag_dz[2] = imag( dp_z );  

             // Complete derivative of steinhardt parameter
             myrealvec = (+sw)*dpoly_ass*real_z*dz + (+dfunc)*distance*tq6 + (+sw)*poly_ass*real_dz; 
             myimagvec = (+sw)*dpoly_ass*imag_z*dz + (+dfunc)*distance*itq6 + (+sw)*poly_ass*imag_dz;

             // Real part
             addComponent( tmom+m, sw*tq6 );
             addAtomsDerivative( tmom+m, 0, -myrealvec );
             addAtomsDerivative( tmom+m, i, myrealvec );
             addBoxDerivatives( tmom+m, Tensor( -myrealvec,distance ) );
             // Imaginary part 
             addImaginaryComponent( tmom+m, sw*itq6 );
             addImaginaryAtomsDerivative( tmom+m, 0, -myimagvec );
             addImaginaryAtomsDerivative( tmom+m, i, myimagvec );
             addImaginaryBoxDerivatives( tmom+m, Tensor( -myimagvec,distance ) );
             // Store -m part of vector
             double pref=pow(-1.0,m); 
             // -m part of vector is just +m part multiplied by (-1.0)**m and multiplied by complex
             // conjugate of Legendre polynomial
             // Real part
             addComponent( tmom-m, pref*sw*tq6 );
             addAtomsDerivative( tmom-m, 0, -pref*myrealvec );
             addAtomsDerivative( tmom-m, i, pref*myrealvec );
             addBoxDerivatives( tmom-m, pref*Tensor( -myrealvec,distance ) );
             // Imaginary part
             addImaginaryComponent( tmom-m, -pref*sw*itq6 );
             addImaginaryAtomsDerivative( tmom-m, 0, pref*myimagvec );
             addImaginaryAtomsDerivative( tmom-m, i, -pref*myimagvec );
             addImaginaryBoxDerivatives( tmom-m, pref*Tensor( myimagvec,distance ) );
     } else {
         removeAtomRequest( i, sw );

  // Normalize 
  setElementValue(0, nbond ); updateActiveAtoms();
  for(unsigned i=0;i<2*getNumberOfComponentsInVector();++i) quotientRule( 5+i, 0, 5+i ); 
  // Clear tempory stuff