Example #1
void compute_planar_homography_n_points(float *x0, float *y0, float *x1, float *y1, int n, float **H)

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Normalize points to have baricenter [0][0] and standard deviation sqrt(2.0f)

	//if (DEBUG) printf("Compute homography with %d matches\n", n);

////////////////// Compute Baricenter
	float lx = 0.0,  ly = 0.0;
	float rx = 0.0,  ry = 0.0;

	for (int i=0; i< n; i++) {

		lx += x0[i]; 
		ly += y0[i]; 

		rx += x1[i]; 
		ry += y1[i]; 

	lx /= (float) n; 
	ly /= (float) n; 
	rx /= (float) n; 
	ry /= (float) n; 

/////////////// Normalize points without modifying original vectors

	float *px0 = new float[n];
	float *py0 = new float[n];

	float *px1 = new float[n];
	float *py1 = new float[n];

	float spl= 0.0f, spr = 0.0f;
	for(int i=0; i < n; i++)

		px0[i] = x0[i] - lx;
		py0[i] = y0[i] - ly;

		px1[i] = x1[i] - rx;
		py1[i] = y1[i] - ry;

		spl += sqrtf(px0[i] * px0[i] + py0[i]*py0[i]);
		spr += sqrtf(px1[i] * px1[i] + py1[i]*py1[i]);


	spl = sqrtf(2.0f) / spl;
	spr = sqrtf(2.0f) / spr;

	for (int i=0; i< n; i++) {

		px0[i] *= spl;
		py0[i] *= spl;

		px1[i] *= spr;
		py1[i] *= spr;


/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Minimization problem || Ah ||

	float **Tpl = allocate_float_matrix(3,3);
	float **Timinv = allocate_float_matrix(3,3);

	// similarity transformation of the plane 
	Tpl[0][0] = spl; Tpl[0][1] = 0.0; Tpl[0][2] = -spl*lx;
	Tpl[1][0] = 0.0; Tpl[1][1] = spl; Tpl[1][2] = -spl*ly;
	Tpl[2][0] = 0.0; Tpl[2][1] = 0.0; Tpl[2][2] = 1.0;
	// inverse similarity transformation of the image
	Timinv[0][0] = 1.0/spr; Timinv[0][1] =   0.0  ; Timinv[0][2] = rx;
	Timinv[1][0] =   0.0  ; Timinv[1][1] = 1.0/spr; Timinv[1][2] = ry;
	Timinv[2][0] =   0.0  ; Timinv[2][1] =   0.0  ; Timinv[2][2] = 1.0;

///////////////// System matrix

	float **A = allocate_float_matrix(2*n,9);
	for(int i=0, eq=0; i < n; i++, eq++) {

		float	xpl = px0[i], ypl = py0[i],
			xim = px1[i], yim = py1[i];

		A[eq][0] = A[eq][1] = A[eq][2] = 0.0;
		A[eq][3] = -xpl;
		A[eq][4] = -ypl;
		A[eq][5] = -1.0;
		A[eq][6] =  yim * xpl;
		A[eq][7] =  yim * ypl;
		A[eq][8] =  yim;


		A[eq][0] =  xpl;
		A[eq][1] =  ypl;
		A[eq][2] =  1.0;
		A[eq][3] = A[eq][4] = A[eq][5] = 0.0;
		A[eq][6] = -xim * xpl;
		A[eq][7] = -xim * ypl;
		A[eq][8] = -xim;

///////////////// SVD
	float **U = allocate_float_matrix(2*n,9);
	float **V = allocate_float_matrix(9,9);
	float *W = new float[9];


	// Find the index of the least singular value
	int imin = 0;
	for (int i=1; i < 9; i++) 
		if ( W[i] < W[imin] ) imin = i;

////////////////// Denormalize H = Timinv * V.col(imin)* Tpl;
	float **matrix = allocate_float_matrix(3,3);
	float **result = allocate_float_matrix(3,3);

	int k=0;
	for(int i=0; i < 3; i++)
		for(int j=0; j < 3; j++, k++)
			matrix[i][j] = V[k][imin];



	desallocate_float_matrix(U ,2*n,9);
	delete[] W;

	delete[] px0;
	delete[] py0;
	delete[] px1;
	delete[] py1;

Example #2
/// Compute homography using svd + Ransac
void compute_ransac_planar_homography_n_points(float *x0, float *y0, float *x1, float *y1, int n, int niter, float tolerance, float **H)

	// Initialize seed		
	srand( (long int) time (NULL));	
	float tolerance2 = tolerance * tolerance;

	float **Haux = allocate_float_matrix(3,3);

	int *accorded = new int[n];	
	int *paccorded = new int[n];	
	int naccorded = 0;
	int pnaccorded = 0;

	for(int iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++)

		// Choose 4 indexos from 1..n without repeated values
		int indexos[4];
		int acceptable = 0;
		while (!acceptable)
			acceptable = 1;
			for(int i=0; i < 4; i++) indexos[i] = (int)  floor(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX * (double) n);

			// Check if indexos are repeated
			for(int i=0; i < 4; i++)
				for(int j=i+1; j < 4; j++)
					if (indexos[i] == indexos[j]) acceptable = 0; 


		// Store selected matches 
		float px0[4] , py0[4], px1[4] , py1[4];
		for(int i=0; i < 4; i++)
			px0[i] = x0[indexos[i]];
			py0[i] = y0[indexos[i]];

			px1[i] = x1[indexos[i]];
			py1[i] = y1[indexos[i]];

		// Compute planar homography
		compute_planar_homography_n_points(px0, py0, px1, py1, 4, Haux);

		// Which matches are according to this transformation
		pnaccorded = 0;
		for(int i=0; i < n; i++)

			float vec[3];
			vec[0] = x0[i];
			vec[1] = y0[i];
			vec[2] = 1.0f;
			float res[3];
			float_vector_matrix_product(Haux, vec ,res , 3);

			if (res[2] != 0.0f) {

				res[0] /= res[2]; res[1] /= res[2];

				float dif = (res[0] - x1[i]) * (res[0] - x1[i]) + (res[1] - y1[i]) * (res[1] - y1[i]);
				if (dif < tolerance2) {  paccorded[pnaccorded] = i; pnaccorded++; }

		if (DEBUG) printf("%d: %d %d %d %d --> %d \n", iter, indexos[0],indexos[1],indexos[2],indexos[3], pnaccorded);

		if (pnaccorded > naccorded)

			naccorded = pnaccorded;
			for(int i=0; i < naccorded; i++) accorded[i] = paccorded[i];
			for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) for(int j=0; j < 3; j++) H[i][j] = Haux[i][j];




Example #3
void compute_moisan_planar_homography_n_points(float *x0, float *y0, float *x1, float *y1, int n, int niter, float &epsilon, float **H, int &counter, int recursivity)

	// Initialize seed		
	srand( (long int) time (NULL) );	

	float **Haux = allocate_float_matrix(3,3);

	float *dist = new float[n];
	float *dindexos = new float[n];

	int nselected = 0;
	float *i0selected = new float[n];
	float *j0selected = new float[n];

	float *i1selected = new float[n];
	float *j1selected = new float[n];

  	/* tabulate logcombi */
	float loge0 = (float)log10((double)(n-4));
  	float *logcn = makelogcombi_n(n);
	float *logc4 = makelogcombi_k(4,n); 

	// Normalize points using minimum and maximum coordinates 
	float xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
	xmin = xmax = x1[0];
	ymin = ymax = x1[0];

	for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
		if (x1[i] < xmin) xmin = x1[i];
		if (y1[i] < ymin) ymin = y1[i];

		if (x1[i] > xmax) xmax = x1[i];
		if (y1[i] > ymax) ymax = y1[i];


	float mepsilon = 10000000.0f;
	for(int iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++)

		// Initializing distances and indexos for the whole vector
		for(int i=0; i < n ; i++)

			dist[i] = 0.0;
			dindexos[i] = (float) i;

		// Choose 4 indexos from 1..n without repeated values
		int indexos[4];
		int acceptable = 0;
		while (!acceptable)
			acceptable = 1;
			for(int i=0; i < 4; i++) indexos[i] = (int)  floor(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX * (double) n);

			// Check if indexos are repeated
			for(int i=0; i < 4; i++)
				for(int j=i+1; j < 4; j++)
					if (indexos[i] == indexos[j]) acceptable = 0; 


		// Store selected matches 
		float px0[4] , py0[4], px1[4] , py1[4];
		for(int i=0; i < 4; i++)
			px0[i] = x0[indexos[i]];
			py0[i] = y0[indexos[i]];

			px1[i] = x1[indexos[i]];
			py1[i] = y1[indexos[i]];

		// Compute planar homography
		compute_planar_homography_n_points(px0, py0, px1, py1, 4, Haux);

		for(int i=0; i < n; i++)

			float vec[3];
			vec[0] = x0[i];
			vec[1] = y0[i];
			vec[2] = 1.0f;
			float res[3];
			float_vector_matrix_product(Haux, vec ,res , 3);

			if (res[2] != 0.0f) {

				res[0] /= res[2]; res[1] /= res[2];

				float dif = (res[0] - x1[i]) * (res[0] - x1[i]) + (res[1] - y1[i]) * (res[1] - y1[i]);
				dist[i] = dif;

				//if (dif < tolerance2) {  paccorded[pnaccorded] = i; pnaccorded++; }
			} else dist[i] = 100000000.0f;


		// Order distances

		// Look for most meaningful subset
		for(int i=4 ; i < n; i++)

			float rigidity = dist[i];	
			float logalpha = 0.5f*(float)log10((double) rigidity);
			float nfa = (float)  loge0  +  (float)(i-3) * logalpha + logcn[i+1] + logc4[i+1] ;

			if (nfa < mepsilon) 

				mepsilon = nfa;
				for(int ki=0; ki < 3; ki++) for(int kj=0; kj < 3; kj++) H[ki][kj] = Haux[ki][kj];

				nselected = i;
				for(int ki=0; ki < nselected; ki++) {
						i0selected[ki] = x0[(int) dindexos[ki]];
						j0selected[ki] = y0[(int) dindexos[ki]];
						i1selected[ki] = x1[(int) dindexos[ki]];
						j1selected[ki] = y1[(int) dindexos[ki]];



	epsilon = mepsilon;

	if (counter < recursivity) 								

	delete[] dist;
	delete[] dindexos;

	delete[] i0selected;
	delete[] j0selected;
	delete[] i1selected;
	delete[] j1selected;

/* Apply the method developed by Matthew Brown (see BMVC 02 paper) to
   fit a 3D quadratic function through the DOG function values around
   the location (s,r,c), i.e., (scale,row,col), at which a peak has
   been detected.  Return the interpolated peak position as a vector
   in "offset", which gives offset from position (s,r,c).  The
   returned value is the interpolated DOG magnitude at this peak.
float FitQuadratic(float offset[3], flimage* dogs, int s, int r, int c)
	float g[3];
	flimage *dog0, *dog1, *dog2;
	int i;

	//s = 1; r = 128; c = 128;

	float ** H =  allocate_float_matrix(3, 3);

	/* Select the dog images at peak scale, dog1, as well as the scale
	   below, dog0, and scale above, dog2. */
	dog0 = &dogs[s-1];
	dog1 = &dogs[s];
	dog2 = &dogs[s+1];

	/* Fill in the values of the gradient from pixel differences. */
	g[0] = ((*dog2)(c,r) - (*dog0)(c,r)) / 2.0;
	g[1] = ((*dog1)(c,r+1) - (*dog1)(c,r-1)) / 2.0;
	g[2] = ((*dog1)(c+1,r) - (*dog1)(c-1,r)) / 2.0;

	/* Fill in the values of the Hessian from pixel differences. */
	H[0][0] = (*dog0)(c,r)   - 2.0 * (*dog1)(c,r) + (*dog2)(c,r);
	H[1][1] = (*dog1)(c,r-1) - 2.0 * (*dog1)(c,r) + (*dog1)(c,r+1);
	H[2][2] = (*dog1)(c-1,r) - 2.0 * (*dog1)(c,r) + (*dog1)(c+1,r);
	H[0][1] = H[1][0] = ( ((*dog2)(c,r+1) - (*dog2)(c,r-1)) -
					((*dog0)(c,r+1) - (*dog0)(c,r-1)) ) / 4.0;
	H[0][2] = H[2][0] = ( ((*dog2)(c+1,r) - (*dog2)(c-1,r)) -
					((*dog0)(c+1,r) - (*dog0)(c-1,r)) ) / 4.0;
	H[1][2] = H[2][1] = ( ((*dog1)(c+1,r+1) - (*dog1)(c-1,r+1)) -
					((*dog1)(c+1,r-1) - (*dog1)(c-1,r-1)) ) / 4.0;

	/* Solve the 3x3 linear sytem, Hx = -g. Result, x, gives peak offset.
	   Note that SolveLinearSystem destroys contents of H. */
	offset[0] = - g[0];
	offset[1] = - g[1];
	offset[2] = - g[2];

// 	for(i=0; i < 3; i++){
// 		for(j=0; j < 3; j++) printf("%f  ", H[i][j]);
// 		printf("\n");
// 	}

// 	printf("\n");
// 	for(i=0; i < 3; i++) printf("%f  ", offset[i]);
// 	printf("\n");

	float solution[3];
	lusolve(H, solution, offset,3);

// 	printf("\n");
// 	for(i=0; i < 3; i++) printf("%f  ", solution[i]);
// 	printf("\n");

	delete[] H; /*memcheck*/

	/* Also return value of DOG at peak location using initial value plus
	   0.5 times linear interpolation with gradient to peak position
	   (this is correct for a quadratic approximation).
	for(i=0; i < 3; i++) offset[i] = solution[i];

	return ((*dog1)(c,r) + 0.5 * (solution[0]*g[0]+solution[1]*g[1]+solution[2]*g[2]));