Example #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	// Check command arguments
	int c;
	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "v:s:o:a:t:r:")) != -1) {
		switch (c) {
			case 'v':
				DEVICE = atoi(optarg);
			case 's':
				SEGMENTATION_RATIO = atoi(optarg);
			case 'o':
				OFFSET = atoi(optarg);
			case 'a':
				ANGLE = atoi(optarg);
			case 't':
				THRESHOLD = atoi(optarg);
			case 'r':
				RESOLUTION = atoi(optarg);
			default: // '?'
				std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [-v device] [-s segmentation_ratio] [-o offset] [-a angle] [-t threshold] [-r resolution]" << std::endl;
				return -1;
	if (argc != 13) {
		std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [-v device] [-s segmentation_ratio] [-o offset] [-a angle] [-t threshold] [-r resolution]" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	r_init( Road_Detecter);
	r_hdlr( hdl);
	r_newPub( pubRoad, hdl, challenge1::road, Road, 1000);
	ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

	challenge1::road rd;

	cv::VideoCapture myVideoCapture(DEVICE);
	if (!myVideoCapture.isOpened()) {
		std::cout << "ERROR: Cannot open device " << DEVICE << std::endl;
		return -1;

	cv::namedWindow("Video Captured");
	cv::namedWindow("Road Detected");

	int imgCenter = myVideoCapture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) / 2;
	int preCenter = imgCenter;
	int movingDirection = GO_STRAIGHT;
	//while (1) {
	while( ros::ok()){
		int key = cv::waitKey(1);
		if ((key & 0xFF) == 27) // 'Esc' key
			return 0;

		cv::Mat inputFrame, segmentedInputFrame;
		myVideoCapture >> inputFrame;
		inputFrame(cv::Range(inputFrame.rows - inputFrame.rows / SEGMENTATION_RATIO, inputFrame.rows - 1), cv::Range::all()).copyTo(segmentedInputFrame);

		// Detect road. In general, there are only vertical lines
		cv::Mat road = detectRoad(segmentedInputFrame, OFFSET, ANGLE);

		// Compute the road center
		int curCenter = computeCenter(road);

		// Compute the moving direction
		movingDirection = computeMovingDirection(imgCenter, preCenter, curCenter, movingDirection, THRESHOLD, RESOLUTION);
		std::cout << movingDirection << std::endl;

		cv::imshow("Video Captured", segmentedInputFrame);
		cv::imshow("Road Detected", road);

		/*switch( movingDirection){
			case GO_STRAIGHT:
			case TURN_LEFT:
			case TURN_RIGHT:
		rd.direction = movingDirection;

		pubRoad.publish( rd);

	return 0;
//event handler for the next button to go from one image to another
void callbackBtnNext(int state, void* dataPassed)
	//increase the file counter by 1
	//if (countFile == 203)
	//	cout << "asd" << endl;
	//construct the next file names
	string countFileStr = static_cast<ostringstream*>( &(ostringstream() << countFile) )->str();
	nameImg = folderRoot + folderImg + "(" + countFileStr + ")" + fileExtImg;
	namePtsFile = folderRoot + folderPts + "(" + countFileStr + ")" + fileExtPts;
	nameResultsFile = folderWrite + prefixResultsFile + "(" + countFileStr + ")" + fileExtResult;
	nameResultsImg = folderWrite + prefixResultsFile + "(" + countFileStr + ")" + fileExtImg;

	//Read the image and store in a matrix
	//cout << nameImg << " is loading..." << endl;	
	//bgrMat = imread(nameImg, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
	//cvtColor(bgrMat, hsvMat, CV_BGR2HSV);

	//Read the pts file and store x,y,z in a matrix
	//cout << namePtsFile << " is loading..." << endl;
	//Mat xyzMat = Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_64FC3);
	//readPtsDataFromFile(namePtsFile, xyzMat);

	//Calculate the variance of Y and the max diff of Y in patches
	//cout << "Patches are constructing..." << endl;
	//cout << "Variance and Difference in Y calulcation..." << endl;
	//varPatches = calculateVarianceYforPatches(xyzMat, size_patch);
	//diffPatches = calculateDifferenceMaxYforPatches(xyzMat, size_patch);

	//Calculate image patch histograms
	//cout << "Image patch histograms are building..." << endl;
	//histsBGR = calculateHistograms(bgrMat, SIZE_PATCH, CHANNELS, 3, SIZE_HIST, RANGES);
	//histsHS = calculateHistograms(hsvMat, size_patch, channels_hs, 2, size_hist_hs, ranges_hs, false);
	//show the original image
	//imshow(nameWindowMain, bgrMat);

	//Tracbar stuff
	//create slider for training sample threshold
	//createTrackbar( nameTrackbarVarYThreshold, nameWindowMain, &thresholdVarY, threshold_var_y_max, callbackTrackbarVarYThreshold );
	//createTrackbar( nameTrackbarDiffYThreshold, nameWindowMain, &thresholdDiffY, THRESHOLD_DIFF_Y_MAX, callbackTrackbarDiffYThreshold );
	//create next button to jump to the next image
	//createButton(nameBtnNext, callbackBtnNext, NULL);
	// Show some stuff
	//callbackTrackbarVarYThreshold( thresholdVarY, 0 );
	//callbackTrackbarDiffYThreshold( thresholdDiffY, 0 );

	//Read the image and store in a matrix
	cout << nameImg << " is loading..." << endl;	
	bgrMat = imread(nameImg, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);

	//Read the pts file and store x,y,z in a matrix
	cout << namePtsFile << " is loading..." << endl;
	Mat xyzMat = Mat::zeros(height, width, CV_64FC3);
	readPtsDataFromFile(namePtsFile, xyzMat);

	//convert the variance threshold value obtained from the trackbar to double
	thresholdVarYd = ((double)thresholdVarY)/threshold_var_y_divider;

	//Get ticks before algorithm
	double t = (double)getTickCount();

	//Mat classifiedMat = detectRoadSingleSVM(bgrMat, xyzMat, trainingBuffer, trainingBufferLib, model, weights, thresholdVarYd, false, distribution);
	Mat classifiedMat = detectRoad(bgrMat, xyzMat, trainingBuffer, means, covs, weights, thresholdVarYd, false, distribution);
	//Mat classifiedMat = detectRoadDebug(bgrMat, xyzMat, trainingBuffer, means, covs, weights, thresholdVarYd, false, distribution);
	//Mat classifiedMat = detectRoadBanded(bgrMat, xyzMat, trainingBuffer, means, covs, weights, thresholdVarYd, false, distribution);

	//cout << "Number of Training Sets : " << trainingBufferLib.size() << endl;
	//for (int i = 0; i < trainingBufferLib.size(); i++)
	//	cout << "Set " << i << " : " << trainingBufferLib[i].rows << endl;
	//for (int i = 0; i < trainingBufferLib.size(); i++)
	//	cout << "Set " << i << " : " << trainingBufferLib[i] << endl;

	//Get tocks after algorithm, find the difference and write in sec form
	t = ((double)getTickCount() - t)/getTickFrequency();
	cout << "Times passed in seconds: " << t << endl;

	//Show the classification result for the Y variance
	namedWindow(nameWindowClassifiedVar, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
	imshow(nameWindowClassifiedVar, classifiedMat);

	///////////////////// WRITING THE RESULTS ////////////////////////

	//writing the classification results as image and/or text
	cout << "Writing to Image : " << nameResultsImg << endl;
	vector<int> output_params;
	imwrite(nameResultsImg, classifiedMat, output_params);
	cout << "Writing to File: " << nameResultsFile << endl;
	writeResultDataToFile(nameResultsFile, classifiedMat);
	cout << "Done..." << endl;
