/* Use a staff. -RAK- */ void use() { int32u i; int j, k, item_val, chance, y, x; register int ident; register struct misc *m_ptr; register inven_type *i_ptr; free_turn_flag = TRUE; if (inven_ctr == 0) msg_print("But you are not carrying anything."); else if (!find_range(TV_STAFF, TV_NEVER, &j, &k)) msg_print("You are not carrying any staffs."); else if (get_item(&item_val, "Use which staff?", j, k, 0)) { i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; free_turn_flag = FALSE; m_ptr = &py.misc; chance = m_ptr->save + stat_adj(A_INT) - (int)i_ptr->level - 5 + (class_level_adj[m_ptr->pclass][CLA_DEVICE] * m_ptr->lev / 3); if (py.flags.confused > 0) chance = chance / 2; if (chance <= 0) chance = 1; if (randint(chance) < USE_DEVICE) msg_print("You failed to use the staff properly."); else if (i_ptr->p1 > 0) { i = i_ptr->flags; ident = FALSE; (i_ptr->p1)--; switch(i) { case ST_HEALING: ident = hp_player(300); if (py.flags.stun>0) { if (py.flags.stun>50) { py.misc.ptohit+=20; py.misc.ptodam+=20; } else { py.misc.ptohit+=5; py.misc.ptodam+=5; } py.flags.stun=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("You're head stops stinging."); } if (py.flags.cut>0) { py.flags.cut=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("You feel better."); } break; case ST_GENOCIDE: genocide(FALSE); ident = TRUE; break; case ST_PROBE: probing(); ident = TRUE; break; case ST_IDENTIFY: ident_spell(); ident = TRUE; break; case ST_HOLYNESS: dispel_creature(EVIL,120); protect_evil(); cure_poison(); remove_fear(); hp_player(50); if (py.flags.stun>0) { if (py.flags.stun>50) { py.misc.ptohit+=20; py.misc.ptodam+=20; } else { py.misc.ptohit+=5; py.misc.ptodam+=5; } py.flags.stun=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("You're head stops stinging."); } if (py.flags.cut>0) { py.flags.cut=0; ident = TRUE; msg_print("You feel better."); } ident = TRUE; break; case ST_MAGI: if (res_stat(A_INT)) { msg_print("You have a warm feeling."); ident = TRUE; } m_ptr = &py.misc; if (m_ptr->cmana < m_ptr->mana) { m_ptr->cmana = m_ptr->mana; ident = TRUE; msg_print("Your feel your head clear."); prt_cmana(); } break; case ST_POWER: dispel_creature(0xFFFFFFFFL,120); break; case ST_SURROUND: map_area(); ident = TRUE; break; case ST_LIGHT: ident = light_area(char_row, char_col); break; case ST_DR_LC: ident = detect_sdoor(); break; case ST_TRP_LC: ident = detect_trap(); break; case ST_TRE_LC: ident = detect_treasure(); break; case ST_OBJ_LC: ident = detect_object(); break; case ST_TELE: teleport(100); ident = TRUE; break; case ST_EARTH: ident = TRUE; earthquake(); break; case ST_SUMMON: ident = FALSE; for (k = 0; k < randint(4); k++) { y = char_row; x = char_col; ident |= summon_monster(&y, &x, FALSE); } break; case ST_DEST: ident = TRUE; destroy_area(char_row, char_col); break; case ST_STAR: ident = TRUE; starlite(char_row, char_col); break; case ST_HAST_MN: ident = speed_monsters(1); break; case ST_SLOW_MN: ident = speed_monsters(-1); break; case ST_SLEE_MN: ident = sleep_monsters2(); break; case ST_CURE_LT: ident = hp_player(randint(8)); break; case ST_DET_INV: ident = detect_invisible(); break; case ST_SPEED: if (py.flags.fast == 0) ident = TRUE; if (py.flags.fast <= 0) py.flags.fast += randint(30) + 15; else py.flags.fast += randint(5); break; case ST_SLOW: if (py.flags.slow == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.slow += randint(30) + 15; break; case ST_REMOVE: if (remove_curse()) { if (py.flags.blind < 1) msg_print("The staff glows blue for a moment.."); ident = TRUE; } break; case ST_DET_EVI: ident = detect_evil(); break; case ST_CURING: if ((cure_blindness()) || (cure_poison()) || (cure_confusion()) || (py.flags.stun>0) || (py.flags.cut>0)) ident = TRUE; if (py.flags.stun>0) { if (py.flags.stun>50) { py.misc.ptohit+=20; py.misc.ptodam+=20; } else { py.misc.ptohit+=5; py.misc.ptodam+=5; } py.flags.stun=0; msg_print("You're head stops stinging."); } else if (py.flags.cut>0) { py.flags.cut=0; msg_print("You feel better."); } break; case ST_DSP_EVI: ident = dispel_creature(EVIL, 60); break; case ST_DARK: ident = unlight_area(char_row, char_col); break; default: msg_print("Internal error in staffs()"); break; } if (ident) { if (!known1_p(i_ptr)) { m_ptr = &py.misc; /* round half-way case up */ m_ptr->exp += (i_ptr->level + (m_ptr->lev >> 1)) / m_ptr->lev; prt_experience(); identify(&item_val); i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; } }
static bool cast_priest_spell(int Ind, int spell) { player_type *p_ptr = Players[Ind]; object_type *o_ptr; int py = p_ptr->py; int px = p_ptr->px; int Depth = p_ptr->dun_depth; int dir; int plev = p_ptr->lev; switch (spell) { case PRAYER_DETECT_EVIL: { (void)detect_evil(Ind); break; } case PRAYER_CURE_LIGHT_WOUNDS: { (void)hp_player(Ind, damroll(2, 10)); (void)set_cut(Ind, p_ptr->cut - 10); break; } /* MAngband-specific: Heal Projectile */ case PRAYER_CURE_LIGHT_WOUNDS + SPELL_PROJECTED: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return FALSE; (void)heal_player_ball(Ind, dir, damroll(2, 8)); break; } case PRAYER_BLESS: { (void)set_blessed(Ind, p_ptr->blessed + randint(12) + 12); break; } case PRAYER_REMOVE_FEAR: { (void)set_afraid(Ind, 0); break; } case PRAYER_CALL_LIGHT: { msg_prayer("%s calls light."); (void)lite_area(Ind, damroll(2, (plev / 2)), (plev / 10) + 1); break; } case PRAYER_FIND_TRAPS: { (void)detect_trap(Ind);//detect_traps(Ind) break; } case PRAYER_DETECT_DOORS_STAIRS: { (void)detect_sdoor(Ind);//detect_doors(Ind); //(void)detect_stairs(); break; } case PRAYER_SLOW_POISON: { (void)set_poisoned(Ind, p_ptr->poisoned / 2); break; } case PRAYER_SCARE_MONSTER: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return (FALSE); (void)fear_monster(Ind, dir, plev); break; } case PRAYER_PORTAL: { msg_prayer("%s blinks away!"); teleport_player(Ind, plev * 3); break; } case PRAYER_CURE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS: { (void)hp_player(Ind, damroll(4, 10)); (void)set_cut(Ind, (p_ptr->cut / 2) - 20); break; } /* MAngband-specific: Heal Projectile */ case PRAYER_CURE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS + SPELL_PROJECTED: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return FALSE; (void)heal_player_ball(Ind, dir, damroll(4, 10)); break; } case PRAYER_CHANT: { (void)set_blessed(Ind, p_ptr->blessed + randint(24) + 24); break; } case PRAYER_SANCTUARY: { msg_prayer("For a brief moment, %s is enclosed by a deep blue aura."); (void)sleep_monsters_touch(Ind); break; } case PRAYER_SATISFY_HUNGER: { (void)set_food(Ind, PY_FOOD_MAX - 1); break; } case PRAYER_REMOVE_CURSE: { remove_curse(Ind); break; } case PRAYER_RESIST_HEAT_COLD: { (void)set_oppose_fire(Ind, p_ptr->oppose_fire + randint(10) + 10); (void)set_oppose_cold(Ind, p_ptr->oppose_cold + randint(10) + 10); break; } case PRAYER_NEUTRALIZE_POISON: { (void)set_poisoned(Ind, 0); break; } case PRAYER_ORB_OF_DRAINING: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return (FALSE); msg_prayer("%s fires a holy orb!"); fire_ball(Ind, GF_HOLY_ORB, dir, (damroll(3, 6) + plev + (plev / ((p_ptr->cp_ptr->flags & CF_BLESS_WEAPON) ? 2 : 4))), ((plev < 30) ? 2 : 3)); break; } case PRAYER_CURE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS: { (void)hp_player(Ind, damroll(6, 10)); (void)set_cut(Ind, 0); break; } /* MAngband-specific: Heal Projectile */ case PRAYER_CURE_CRITICAL_WOUNDS + SPELL_PROJECTED: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return FALSE; (void)heal_player_ball(Ind, dir, damroll(6, 10)); break; } case PRAYER_SENSE_INVISIBLE: { (void)set_tim_invis(Ind, p_ptr->tim_invis + randint(24) + 24); break; } case PRAYER_PROTECTION_FROM_EVIL: { (void)set_protevil(Ind, p_ptr->protevil + randint(25) + 3 * p_ptr->lev); break; } case PRAYER_EARTHQUAKE: { msg_prayer("%s murmurs, and the ground shakes!"); earthquake(Depth, py, px, 10); break; } case PRAYER_SENSE_SURROUNDINGS: { map_area(Ind); break; } case PRAYER_CURE_MORTAL_WOUNDS: { (void)hp_player(Ind, damroll(8, 10)); (void)set_stun(Ind, 0); (void)set_cut(Ind, 0); break; } /* MAngband-specific: Heal Projectile */ case PRAYER_CURE_MORTAL_WOUNDS + SPELL_PROJECTED: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return FALSE; (void)heal_player_ball(Ind, dir, damroll(8, 10)); break; } case PRAYER_TURN_UNDEAD: { msg_prayer("%s tries to turn undead."); (void)turn_undead(Ind); break; } case PRAYER_PRAYER: { (void)set_blessed(Ind, p_ptr->blessed + randint(48) + 48); break; } case PRAYER_DISPEL_UNDEAD: { msg_prayer("%s dispells undead."); (void)dispel_undead(Ind, randint(plev * 3)); break; } case PRAYER_HEAL: { (void)hp_player(Ind, 300); (void)set_stun(Ind, 0); (void)set_cut(Ind, 0); break; } /* MAngband-specific: Heal Projectile */ case PRAYER_HEAL + SPELL_PROJECTED: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return FALSE; (void)heal_player_ball(Ind, dir, 300); break; } case PRAYER_DISPEL_EVIL: { msg_prayer("%s dispells evil."); (void)dispel_evil(Ind, randint(plev * 3)); break; } case PRAYER_GLYPH_OF_WARDING: { if (warding_glyph(Ind)) { msg_prayer("%s lays down a glyph of warding."); } break; } case PRAYER_HOLY_WORD: { msg_prayer("%s shouts the holy word."); (void)dispel_evil(Ind, randint(plev * 4)); (void)hp_player(Ind, 1000); (void)set_afraid(Ind, 0); (void)set_poisoned(Ind, 0); (void)set_stun(Ind, 0); (void)set_cut(Ind, 0); break; } case PRAYER_DETECT_MONSTERS: { (void)detect_creatures(Ind, TRUE); break; } case PRAYER_DETECTION: { (void)detection(Ind);//detect_all(Ind) break; } case PRAYER_PERCEPTION: { return ident_spell(Ind); } case PRAYER_PROBING: { (void)probing(Ind); break; } case PRAYER_CLAIRVOYANCE: { msg_prayer("An image of your surroundings forms in your mind..."); wiz_lite(Ind); break; } case PRAYER_CURE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS2: { (void)hp_player(Ind, damroll(4, 10)); (void)set_cut(Ind, 0); break; } /* MAngband-specific: Heal Projectile */ case PRAYER_CURE_SERIOUS_WOUNDS2 + SPELL_PROJECTED: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return FALSE; (void)heal_player_ball(Ind, dir, damroll(4, 10)); break; } case PRAYER_CURE_MORTAL_WOUNDS2: { (void)hp_player(Ind, damroll(8, 10)); (void)set_stun(Ind, 0); (void)set_cut(Ind, 0); break; } /* MAngband-specific: Heal Projectile */ case PRAYER_CURE_MORTAL_WOUNDS2 + SPELL_PROJECTED: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return FALSE; (void)heal_player_ball(Ind, dir, damroll(8, 10)); break; } case PRAYER_HEALING: { (void)hp_player(Ind, 2000); (void)set_stun(Ind, 0); (void)set_cut(Ind, 0); break; } /* MAngband-specific: Heal Projectile */ case PRAYER_HEALING + SPELL_PROJECTED: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return FALSE; (void)heal_player_ball(Ind, dir, 2000); break; } /* With MAngband-specific addon: ressurect ghosts */ case PRAYER_RESTORATION: { if (!do_scroll_life(Ind)) { (void)do_res_stat(Ind, A_STR); (void)do_res_stat(Ind, A_INT); (void)do_res_stat(Ind, A_WIS); (void)do_res_stat(Ind, A_DEX); (void)do_res_stat(Ind, A_CON); (void)do_res_stat(Ind, A_CHR); } break; } /* With Mangband-sepcific addon: restore others */ case PRAYER_REMEMBRANCE: { if (!do_restoreXP_other(Ind)) { (void)restore_level(Ind); } break; } case PRAYER_DISPEL_UNDEAD2: { msg_prayer("%s dispells undead."); (void)dispel_undead(Ind, randint(plev * 4)); break; } case PRAYER_DISPEL_EVIL2: { msg_prayer("%s dispells evil."); (void)dispel_evil(Ind, randint(plev * 4)); break; } case PRAYER_BANISH_EVIL: { msg_prayer("%s speaks a holy curse on nearby evil!"); if (banish_evil(Ind, 100)) { msg_print(Ind, "The power of your god banishes evil!"); } break; } case PRAYER_WORD_OF_DESTRUCTION: { msg_prayer("%s unleashes a spell of great power!"); destroy_area(Depth, py, px, 15, TRUE); break; } case PRAYER_ANNIHILATION: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return (FALSE); msg_prayer("%s fires a massive bolt filled with pure energy!"); drain_life(Ind, dir, 200); break; } case PRAYER_UNBARRING_WAYS: { msg_prayer("%s sways his hands."); (void)destroy_doors_touch(Ind); break; } case PRAYER_RECHARGING: { return recharge(Ind, 15); } case PRAYER_DISPEL_CURSE: { (void)remove_all_curse(Ind); break; } case PRAYER_ENCHANT_WEAPON: { return enchant_spell(Ind, rand_int(4) + 1, rand_int(4) + 1, 0); } case PRAYER_ENCHANT_ARMOUR: { return enchant_spell(Ind, 0, 0, rand_int(3) + 2); } case PRAYER_ELEMENTAL_BRAND: { brand_weapon(Ind); break; } case PRAYER_BLINK: { msg_prayer("%s blinks away!"); teleport_player(Ind, 10); break; } case PRAYER_TELEPORT_SELF: { msg_prayer("%s teleports away!"); teleport_player(Ind, plev * 8); break; } case PRAYER_TELEPORT_OTHER: { if (!get_aim_dir(Ind, &dir)) return (FALSE); msg_prayer("%s prays for divine intervention."); (void)teleport_monster(Ind, dir); break; } case PRAYER_TELEPORT_LEVEL: { (void)teleport_player_level(Ind); break; } case PRAYER_WORD_OF_RECALL: { o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[get_spell_book(Ind, spell)]; set_recall(Ind, o_ptr); break; } case PRAYER_ALTER_REALITY: { (void)alter_reality(Ind, FALSE); break; } /* Paranoia: shouldn't happen with safe clients */ default: { msg_print(Ind, "You cannot project that spell on other players."); return (FALSE); } } /* Success */ return (TRUE); }
/* Use a staff. -RAK- */ void use() { int32u i; int j, k, item_val, chance, y, x; register int ident; register struct misc *m_ptr; register inven_type *i_ptr; free_turn_flag = TRUE; if (inven_ctr == 0) msg_print("But you are not carrying anything."); else if (!find_range(TV_STAFF, TV_NEVER, &j, &k)) msg_print("You are not carrying any staffs."); else if (get_item(&item_val, "Use which staff?", j, k, CNIL, CNIL)) { i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; free_turn_flag = FALSE; m_ptr = &py.misc; chance = m_ptr->save + stat_adj(A_INT) - (int)i_ptr->level - 5 + (class_level_adj[m_ptr->pclass][CLA_DEVICE] * m_ptr->lev / 3); if (py.flags.confused > 0) chance = chance / 2; if ((chance < USE_DEVICE) && (randint(USE_DEVICE - chance + 1) == 1)) chance = USE_DEVICE; /* Give everyone a slight chance */ if (chance <= 0) chance = 1; if (randint(chance) < USE_DEVICE) msg_print("You failed to use the staff properly."); else if (i_ptr->p1 > 0) { i = i_ptr->flags; ident = FALSE; (i_ptr->p1)--; while (i != 0) { j = bit_pos(&i) + 1; /* Staffs. */ switch(j) { case 1: ident = light_area(char_row, char_col); break; case 2: ident = detect_sdoor(); break; case 3: ident = detect_trap(); break; case 4: ident = detect_treasure(); break; case 5: ident = detect_object(); break; case 6: teleport(100); ident = TRUE; break; case 7: ident = TRUE; earthquake(); break; case 8: ident = FALSE; for (k = 0; k < randint(4); k++) { y = char_row; x = char_col; ident |= summon_monster(&y, &x, FALSE); } break; case 10: ident = TRUE; destroy_area(char_row, char_col); break; case 11: ident = TRUE; starlite(char_row, char_col); break; case 12: ident = speed_monsters(1); break; case 13: ident = speed_monsters(-1); break; case 14: ident = sleep_monsters2(); break; case 15: ident = hp_player(randint(8)); break; case 16: ident = detect_invisible(); break; case 17: if (py.flags.fast == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.fast += randint(30) + 15; break; case 18: if (py.flags.slow == 0) ident = TRUE; py.flags.slow += randint(30) + 15; break; case 19: ident = mass_poly(); break; case 20: if (remove_curse()) { if (py.flags.blind < 1) msg_print("The staff glows blue for a moment.."); ident = TRUE; } break; case 21: ident = detect_evil(); break; case 22: if ((cure_blindness()) || (cure_poison()) || (cure_confusion())) ident = TRUE; break; case 23: ident = dispel_creature(CD_EVIL, 60); break; case 25: ident = unlight_area(char_row, char_col); break; case 32: /* store bought flag */ break; default: msg_print("Internal error in staffs()"); break; } /* End of staff actions. */ } if (ident) { if (!known1_p(i_ptr)) { m_ptr = &py.misc; /* round half-way case up */ m_ptr->exp += (i_ptr->level + (m_ptr->lev >> 1)) / m_ptr->lev; prt_experience(); identify(&item_val); i_ptr = &inventory[item_val]; } }