Example #1
 * Runs the wizard.
bool CWizardAttach::Run(
    wxString strProjectURL, bool bCredentialsCached
) {
    if (strProjectURL.Length()) {

    // If credentials are not cached, then we should try one last place to look up the
    //   authenticator.  Some projects will set a "Setup" cookie off of their URL with a
    //   pretty short timeout.  Lets take a crack at detecting it.
    if (!strProjectURL.IsEmpty() && !bCredentialsCached) {
        std::string url = std::string(strProjectURL.mb_str());
        std::string authenticator;

        if (detect_setup_authenticator(url, authenticator)) {
            SetProjectAuthenticator(wxString(authenticator.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));

    if (m_ProjectPropertiesPage || m_ProjectInfoPage) {
        IsAttachToProjectWizard = true;
        IsAccountManagerWizard = false;
        if (strProjectURL.Length()) {
            return RunWizard(m_ProjectPropertiesPage);
        } else {
            return RunWizard(m_ProjectInfoPage);

    return FALSE;
 * Runs the wizard.
bool CWizardAttach::Run(
    wxString& WXUNUSED(strName), wxString& strURL, wxString& strTeamName,
    bool bCredentialsCached
) {
    m_strTeamName = strTeamName;

    if (strURL.Length()) {
        m_ProjectInfoPage->SetProjectURL( strURL );
        m_bCredentialsCached = bCredentialsCached;

    // If credentials are not cached, then we should try one last place to look up the
    //   authenticator.  Some projects will set a "Setup" cookie off of their URL with a
    //   pretty short timeout.  Lets take a crack at detecting it.
    if (!strURL.IsEmpty() && !bCredentialsCached) {
        std::string url = std::string(strURL.mb_str());
        std::string authenticator;

        if (detect_setup_authenticator(url, authenticator)) {
            m_bCredentialsDetected = true;
            close_when_completed = true;
            SetProjectAuthenticator(wxString(authenticator.c_str(), wxConvUTF8));

    if (strURL.Length() && m_ProjectPropertiesPage) {
        return RunWizard(m_ProjectPropertiesPage);
    } else if (m_WelcomePage) {
        return RunWizard(m_WelcomePage);

    return FALSE;