Example #1
// create flexframesync object
//  _callback       :   callback function invoked when frame is received
//  _userdata       :   user-defined data object passed to callback
flexframesync flexframesync_create(framesync_callback _callback,
                                   void *             _userdata)
    flexframesync q = (flexframesync) malloc(sizeof(struct flexframesync_s));
    q->callback = _callback;
    q->userdata = _userdata;

    unsigned int i;

    // generate p/n sequence
    msequence ms = msequence_create(6, 0x005b, 1);
    for (i=0; i<64; i++)
        q->preamble_pn[i] = (msequence_advance(ms)) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;

    // interpolate p/n sequence with matched filter
    q->k    = 2;        // samples/symbol
    q->m    = 7;        // filter delay (symbols)
    q->beta = 0.25f;    // excess bandwidth factor
    float complex seq[q->k*64];
    firinterp_crcf interp = firinterp_crcf_create_rnyquist(LIQUID_FIRFILT_ARKAISER,q->k,q->m,q->beta,0);
    for (i=0; i<64+q->m; i++) {
        // compensate for filter delay
        if (i < q->m) firinterp_crcf_execute(interp, q->preamble_pn[i],    &seq[0]);
        else          firinterp_crcf_execute(interp, q->preamble_pn[i%64], &seq[q->k*(i-q->m)]);

    // create frame detector
    float threshold = 0.4f;     // detection threshold
    float dphi_max  = 0.05f;    // maximum carrier offset allowable
    q->frame_detector = detector_cccf_create(seq, q->k*64, threshold, dphi_max);
    q->buffer = windowcf_create(q->k*(64+q->m));

    // create symbol timing recovery filters
    q->npfb = 32;   // number of filters in the bank
    q->mf   = firpfb_crcf_create_rnyquist(LIQUID_FIRFILT_ARKAISER, q->npfb,q->k,q->m,q->beta);
    q->dmf  = firpfb_crcf_create_drnyquist(LIQUID_FIRFILT_ARKAISER,q->npfb,q->k,q->m,q->beta);

    // create down-coverters for carrier phase tracking
    q->nco_coarse = nco_crcf_create(LIQUID_NCO);
    q->nco_fine   = nco_crcf_create(LIQUID_VCO);
    nco_crcf_pll_set_bandwidth(q->nco_fine, 0.05f);
    // create header objects
    q->demod_header = modem_create(LIQUID_MODEM_BPSK);
    q->p_header   = packetizer_create(FLEXFRAME_H_DEC,

    // frame properties (default values to be overwritten when frame
    // header is received and properly decoded)
    q->ms_payload      = LIQUID_MODEM_QPSK;
    q->bps_payload     = 2;
    q->payload_dec_len = 1;
    q->check           = LIQUID_CRC_NONE;
    q->fec0            = LIQUID_FEC_NONE;
    q->fec1            = LIQUID_FEC_NONE;

    // create payload objects (overridden by received properties)
    q->demod_payload   = modem_create(LIQUID_MODEM_QPSK);
    q->p_payload       = packetizer_create(q->payload_dec_len, q->check, q->fec0, q->fec1);
    q->payload_enc_len = packetizer_get_enc_msg_len(q->p_payload);
    q->payload_mod_len = 4 * q->payload_enc_len;
    q->payload_mod     = (unsigned char*) malloc(q->payload_mod_len*sizeof(unsigned char));
    q->payload_enc     = (unsigned char*) malloc(q->payload_enc_len*sizeof(unsigned char));
    q->payload_dec     = (unsigned char*) malloc(q->payload_dec_len*sizeof(unsigned char));

    // set debugging flags, objects to NULL
    q->debug_enabled         = 0;
    q->debug_objects_created = 0;
    q->debug_x               = NULL;

    // reset state

    return q;
Example #2
// create GMSK frame synchronizer
//  _callback   :   callback function
//  _userdata   :   user data pointer passed to callback function
gmskframesync gmskframesync_create(framesync_callback _callback,
                                   void *             _userdata)
    gmskframesync q = (gmskframesync) malloc(sizeof(struct gmskframesync_s));
    q->callback = _callback;
    q->userdata = _userdata;
    q->k        = 2;        // samples/symbol
    q->m        = 3;        // filter delay (symbols)
    q->BT       = 0.5f;     // filter bandwidth-time product

    // create default low-pass Butterworth filter
    q->prefilter = iirfilt_crcf_create_lowpass(3, 0.5f*(1 + q->BT) / (float)(q->k));

    unsigned int i;

    // frame detector
    q->preamble_len = 63;
    q->preamble_pn = (float*)malloc(q->preamble_len*sizeof(float));
    q->preamble_rx = (float*)malloc(q->preamble_len*sizeof(float));
    float complex preamble_samples[q->preamble_len*q->k];
    msequence ms = msequence_create(6, 0x6d, 1);
    gmskmod mod = gmskmod_create(q->k, q->m, q->BT);

    for (i=0; i<q->preamble_len + q->m; i++) {
        unsigned char bit = msequence_advance(ms);

        // save p/n sequence
        if (i < q->preamble_len)
            q->preamble_pn[i] = bit ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
        // modulate/interpolate
        if (i < q->m) gmskmod_modulate(mod, bit, &preamble_samples[0]);
        else          gmskmod_modulate(mod, bit, &preamble_samples[(i-q->m)*q->k]);


#if 0
    // print sequence
    for (i=0; i<q->preamble_len*q->k; i++)
        printf("preamble(%3u) = %12.8f + j*%12.8f;\n", i+1, crealf(preamble_samples[i]), cimagf(preamble_samples[i]));
    // create frame detector
    float threshold = 0.5f;     // detection threshold
    float dphi_max  = 0.05f;    // maximum carrier offset allowable
    q->frame_detector = detector_cccf_create(preamble_samples, q->preamble_len*q->k, threshold, dphi_max);
    q->buffer = windowcf_create(q->k*(q->preamble_len+q->m));

    // create symbol timing recovery filters
    q->npfb = 32;   // number of filters in the bank
    q->mf   = firpfb_rrrf_create_rnyquist( LIQUID_FIRFILT_GMSKRX,q->npfb,q->k,q->m,q->BT);
    q->dmf  = firpfb_rrrf_create_drnyquist(LIQUID_FIRFILT_GMSKRX,q->npfb,q->k,q->m,q->BT);

    // create down-coverters for carrier phase tracking
    q->nco_coarse = nco_crcf_create(LIQUID_NCO);

    // create/allocate header objects/arrays
    q->header_mod = (unsigned char*)malloc(GMSKFRAME_H_SYM*sizeof(unsigned char));
    q->header_enc = (unsigned char*)malloc(GMSKFRAME_H_ENC*sizeof(unsigned char));
    q->header_dec = (unsigned char*)malloc(GMSKFRAME_H_DEC*sizeof(unsigned char));
    q->p_header   = packetizer_create(GMSKFRAME_H_DEC,

    // create/allocate payload objects/arrays
    q->payload_dec_len = 1;
    q->check           = LIQUID_CRC_32;
    q->fec0            = LIQUID_FEC_NONE;
    q->fec1            = LIQUID_FEC_NONE;
    q->p_payload = packetizer_create(q->payload_dec_len,
    q->payload_enc_len = packetizer_get_enc_msg_len(q->p_payload);
    q->payload_dec = (unsigned char*) malloc(q->payload_dec_len*sizeof(unsigned char));
    q->payload_enc = (unsigned char*) malloc(q->payload_enc_len*sizeof(unsigned char));

    // debugging structures
    q->debug_enabled         = 0;
    q->debug_objects_created = 0;
    q->debug_x               = NULL;
    q->debug_fi              = NULL;
    q->debug_mf              = NULL;
    q->debug_framesyms       = NULL;

    // reset synchronizer

    // return synchronizer object
    return q;
Example #3
// autotest helper function
//  _n      :   sequence length
//  _dt     :   fractional sample offset
//  _dphi   :   carrier frequency offset
void detector_cccf_runtest(unsigned int _n,
                           float        _dt,
                           float        _dphi)
    // TODO: validate input

    unsigned int i;

    // fixed values
    float noise_floor = -80.0f;     // noise floor [dB]
    float SNRdB       =  30.0f;     // signal-to-noise ratio [dB]
    unsigned int m    =  11;        // resampling filter semi-length
    float threshold   =  0.3f;      // detection threshold

    // derived values
    unsigned int num_samples = _n + 2*m + 1;
    float nstd = powf(10.0f, noise_floor/20.0f);
    float gamma = powf(10.0f, (SNRdB + noise_floor)/20.0f);
    float delay = (float)(_n + m) + _dt;    // expected delay

    // arrays
    float complex s[_n];            // synchronization pattern (samples)
    float complex x[num_samples];   // resampled signal with noise and offsets

    // generate synchronization pattern (two samples per symbol)
    unsigned int n2 = (_n - (_n%2)) / 2;    // n2 = floor(n/2)
    unsigned int mm = liquid_nextpow2(n2);  // mm = ceil( log2(n2) )
    msequence ms = msequence_create_default(mm);
    float complex v = 0.0f;
    for (i=0; i<_n; i++) {
        if ( (i%2)==0 )
            v = msequence_advance(ms) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
        s[i] = v;

    // create fractional sample interpolator
    firfilt_crcf finterp = firfilt_crcf_create_kaiser(2*m+1, 0.45f, 40.0f, _dt);

    // generate sequence
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        // add fractional sample timing offset
        if (i < _n) firfilt_crcf_push(finterp, s[i]);
        else        firfilt_crcf_push(finterp, 0.0f);

        // compute output
        firfilt_crcf_execute(finterp, &x[i]);

        // add channel gain
        x[i] *= gamma;

        // add carrier offset
        x[i] *= cexpf(_Complex_I*_dphi*i);

        // add noise
        x[i] += nstd * ( randnf() + _Complex_I*randnf() ) * M_SQRT1_2;
    // destroy fractional sample interpolator

    // create detector
    detector_cccf sync = detector_cccf_create(s, _n, threshold, 2*_dphi);
    // push signal through detector
    float tau_hat   = 0.0f;     // fractional sample offset estimate
    float dphi_hat  = 0.0f;     // carrier offset estimate
    float gamma_hat = 1.0f;     // signal level estimate (linear)
    float delay_hat = 0.0f;     // total delay offset estimate
    int signal_detected = 0;    // signal detected flag
    for (i=0; i<num_samples; i++) {
        // correlate
        int detected = detector_cccf_correlate(sync, x[i], &tau_hat, &dphi_hat, &gamma_hat);

        if (detected) {
            signal_detected = 1;
            delay_hat = (float)i + (float)tau_hat;
            if (liquid_autotest_verbose) {
                printf("****** preamble found, tau_hat=%8.6f, dphi_hat=%8.6f, gamma_hat=%8.6f\n",
                        tau_hat, dphi_hat, gamma_hat);
    // destroy objects

    // run tests
    // convert to dB
    gamma     = 20*log10f(gamma);
    gamma_hat = 20*log10f(gamma_hat);

    if (liquid_autotest_verbose) {
        printf("detector autotest [%3u]: signal detected? %s\n", _n, signal_detected ? "yes" : "no");
        printf("    dphi    :   estimate = %12.6f (expected %12.6f)\n", dphi_hat,  _dphi);
        printf("    delay   :   estimate = %12.6f (expected %12.6f)\n", delay_hat, delay);
        printf("    gamma   :   estimate = %12.6f (expected %12.6f)\n", gamma_hat, gamma);

    // ensure signal was detected
    CONTEND_EXPRESSION( signal_detected );

    // check carrier offset estimate
    CONTEND_DELTA( dphi_hat, _dphi, 0.01f );
    // check delay estimate
    CONTEND_DELTA( delay_hat, delay, 0.2f );
    // check signal level estimate
    CONTEND_DELTA( gamma_hat, gamma, 2.0f );