Example #1
int property_change_all_system_value()
	char *file = g_property_file_name;
	int h;
	int kc;
	char *ki[15];
	int rel = -1;
	char buf[100];

	h = (int)df_open( file, 0 );
	if( h == 0 )
		return -1;
	while( 1 ){
		if( df_read_line( (void*)h, buf, sizeof(buf) ) == -1 )
		kc = analysis_string_to_strings_by_decollator( buf, "=", ki, 15 );
		if( kc != 2 )
		s_chop( ki[1] );
		property_change_system_value( ki[0], ki[1] );
	df_close( (void*)h );
	return rel;
Example #2
    int i;
    int columns;
    int columnsread;
    double v[2];
    static char *file_name = NULL;

    /* Vars to hold data and results */
    long n;                /* number of records retained */
    long max_n;

    static double *data_x = NULL;
    static double *data_y = NULL;   /* values read from file */
    long invalid;          /* number of missing/invalid records */
    long blanks;           /* number of blank lines */
    long doubleblanks;     /* number of repeated blank lines */
    long out_of_range;     /* number pts rejected, because out of range */

    struct file_stats res_file;
    struct sgl_column_stats res_x, res_y;
    struct two_column_stats res_xy;
    float *matrix;            /* matrix data. This must be float. */
    int nc, nr;               /* matrix dimensions. */
    int index;

    /* Vars for variable handling */
    static char *prefix = NULL;       /* prefix for user-defined vars names */

    /* Vars that control output */
    TBOOLEAN do_output = TRUE;     /* Generate formatted output */ 

    /* Parse ranges */

    /* Initialize */
    columnsread = 2;
    invalid = 0;          /* number of missing/invalid records */
    blanks = 0;           /* number of blank lines */
    doubleblanks = 0;     /* number of repeated blank lines */
    out_of_range = 0;     /* number pts rejected, because out of range */
    n = 0;                /* number of records retained */
    nr = 0;               /* Matrix dimensions */
    nc = 0;
    max_n = INITIAL_DATA_SIZE;
    data_x = vec(max_n);       /* start with max. value */
    data_y = vec(max_n);

    if ( !data_x || !data_y )
      int_error( NO_CARET, "Internal error: out of memory in stats" );

    n = invalid = blanks = doubleblanks = out_of_range = nr = 0;

    /* Get filename */
    free ( file_name );
    file_name = try_to_get_string();

    if ( !file_name )
	int_error(c_token, "missing filename");

    /* ===========================================================
    v923z: insertion for treating matrices 
      EAM: only handles ascii matrix with uniform grid,
           and fails to apply any input data transforms
      =========================================================== */
    if ( almost_equals(c_token, "mat$rix") ) {
	df_open(file_name, 3, NULL);
	index = df_num_bin_records - 1;
	/* We take these values as set by df_determine_matrix_info
	See line 1996 in datafile.c */
	nc = df_bin_record[index].scan_dim[0];
	nr = df_bin_record[index].scan_dim[1];
	n = nc * nr;
	matrix = (float *)df_bin_record[index].memory_data;
	/* Fill up a vector, so that we can use the existing code. */
	if ( !redim_vec(&data_x, n ) ) {
	    int_error( NO_CARET, 
		   "Out of memory in stats: too many datapoints (%d)?", n );
	for( i=0; i < n; i++ ) {
	    data_y[i] = (double)matrix[i];  
	/* We can close the file here, there is nothing else to do */
	/* We will invoke single column statistics for the matrix */
	columns = 1;

    } else { /* Not a matrix */
	columns = df_open(file_name, 2, NULL); /* up to 2 using specs allowed */

	if (columns < 0)
	    int_error(NO_CARET, "Can't read data file"); 

	if (columns > 2 )
	    int_error(c_token, "Need 0 to 2 using specs for stats command");

	/* If the user has set an explicit locale for numeric input, apply it
	   here so that it affects data fields read from the input file. */
	/* v923z: where exactly should this be? here or before the matrix case? 
	 * I think, we should move everything here to before trying to open the file. 
	 * There is no point in trying to read anything, if the axis is logarithmic, e.g.

	/* For all these below: we could save the state, switch off, then restore */
	if ( axis_array[FIRST_X_AXIS].log || axis_array[FIRST_Y_AXIS].log )
	    int_error( NO_CARET, "Stats command not available with logscale active");

	if ( axis_array[FIRST_X_AXIS].datatype == DT_TIMEDATE || axis_array[FIRST_Y_AXIS].datatype == DT_TIMEDATE )
	    int_error( NO_CARET, "Stats command not available in timedata mode");

	if ( polar )
	    int_error( NO_CARET, "Stats command not available in polar mode" );

	if ( parametric )
	    int_error( NO_CARET, "Stats command not available in parametric mode" );

	/* The way readline and friends work is as follows:
	 - df_open will return the number of columns requested in the using spec
	   so that "columns" will be 0, 1, or 2 (no using, using 1, using 1:2)
	 - readline always returns the same number of columns (for us: 1 or 2)
	 - using 1:2 = return two columns, skipping lines w/ bad data
	 - using 1   = return sgl column (supply zeros (0) for the second col)
	 - no using  = return two columns (first two), fail on bad data 

	 We need to know how many columns to process. If columns==1 or ==2
	 (that is, if there was a using spec), all is clear and we use the
	 value of columns. 
	 But: if columns is 0, then we need to figure out the number of cols
	 read from the return value of readline. If readline ever returns
	 1, we take that; only if it always returns 2 do we assume two cols.
	while( (i = df_readline(v, 2)) != DF_EOF ) {
	    columnsread = ( i > columnsread ? i : columnsread );

	    if ( n >= max_n ) {
		max_n = (max_n * 3) / 2; /* increase max_n by factor of 1.5 */
		/* Some of the reallocations went bad: */
		if ( 0 || !redim_vec(&data_x, max_n) || !redim_vec(&data_y, max_n) ) {
		    int_error( NO_CARET, 
		       "Out of memory in stats: too many datapoints (%d)?",
		       max_n );
	    } /* if (need to extend storage space) */

	    switch (i) {
	    case DF_MISSING:
	    case DF_UNDEFINED:
	      /* Invalids are only recognized if the syntax is like this:
		     stats "file" using ($1):($2)
		 If the syntax is simply:
		     stats "file" using 1:2
		 then df_readline simply skips invalid records (does not
		 return anything!) Status: 2009-11-02 */
	      invalid += 1;
	    case DF_FIRST_BLANK: 
	      blanks += 1;

	    case DF_SECOND_BLANK:      
	      blanks += 1;
	      doubleblanks += 1;
	    case 0:
	      int_error( NO_CARET, "bad data on line %d of file %s",
	  		df_line_number, df_filename ? df_filename : "" );

	    case 1: /* Read single column successfully  */
	      if ( validate_data(v[0], FIRST_Y_AXIS) )  {
		data_y[n] = v[0];
	      } else {

	    case 2: /* Read two columns successfully  */
	      if ( validate_data(v[0], FIRST_X_AXIS) &&
		  validate_data(v[1], FIRST_Y_AXIS) ) {
		data_x[n] = v[0];
		data_y[n] = v[1];
	      } else {
	} /* end-while : done reading file */

	/* now resize fields to actual length: */
	redim_vec(&data_x, n);
	redim_vec(&data_y, n);

	/* figure out how many columns where really read... */
	if ( columns == 0 )
	    columns = columnsread;

    }  /* end of case when the data file is not a matrix */

    /* Now finished reading user input; return to C locale for internal use*/

    /* PKJ - TODO: similar for logscale, polar/parametric, timedata */

    /* No data! Try to explain why. */
    if ( n == 0 ) {
	if ( out_of_range > 0 )
	    int_error( NO_CARET, "All points out of range" );
	    int_error( NO_CARET, "No valid data points found in file" );

    /* Parse the remainder of the command line: 0 to 2 tokens possible */
    while( !(END_OF_COMMAND) ) {
	if ( almost_equals( c_token, "out$put" ) ) {
		do_output = TRUE;

	} else if ( almost_equals( c_token, "noout$put" ) ) {
		do_output = FALSE;

	} else if ( almost_equals(c_token, "pre$fix") 
	       ||   equals(c_token, "name")) {
	    free ( prefix );
	    prefix = try_to_get_string();
	    if (!legal_identifier(prefix) || !strcmp ("GPVAL_", prefix))
		int_error( --c_token, "illegal prefix" );

	}  else {
	    int_error( c_token, "Expecting [no]output or prefix");


    /* Set defaults if not explicitly set by user */
    if (!prefix)
	prefix = gp_strdup("STATS_");
    i = strlen(prefix);
    if (prefix[i-1] != '_') {
	prefix = gp_realloc(prefix, i+2, "prefix");

    /* Do the actual analysis */
    res_file = analyze_file( n, out_of_range, invalid, blanks, doubleblanks );
    if ( columns == 1 ) {
	res_y = analyze_sgl_column( data_y, n, nr );

    if ( columns == 2 ) {
	/* If there are two columns, then the data file is not a matrix */
	res_x = analyze_sgl_column( data_x, n, 0 );
	res_y = analyze_sgl_column( data_y, n, 0 );
	res_xy = analyze_two_columns( data_x, data_y, res_x, res_y, n );

    /* Store results in user-accessible variables */
    /* Clear out any previous use of these variables */
    del_udv_by_name( prefix, TRUE );

    file_variables( res_file, prefix );

    if ( columns == 1 ) {
	sgl_column_variables( res_y, prefix, "" );
    if ( columns == 2 ) {
	sgl_column_variables( res_x, prefix, "_x" );
	sgl_column_variables( res_y, prefix, "_y" );
	two_column_variables( res_xy, prefix );

    /* Output */
    if ( do_output ) {
	file_output( res_file );
	if ( columns == 1 )
	    sgl_column_output( res_y, res_file.records );
	    two_column_output( res_x, res_y, res_xy, res_file.records );

    /* Cleanup */

    data_x = NULL;
    data_y = NULL;
    free( file_name );
    file_name = NULL;
    free( prefix );
    prefix = NULL;