void solver (int n) {
  int i, lda, ldb, nrhs, info, *ipiv;
  double *a, *b;

  // Get matrix dimension and allocate arrays
  lda = n;
  ldb = n;
  nrhs = 1;
  a    = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * n * n);
  b    = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * n);
  ipiv = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * n);

  // Fill matrix a and vector b with random values
  for (i=0; i<n*n; i++)
    a[i] = drand48();
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    b[i] = drand48();
  dgesv(&n, &nrhs, a, &lda, ipiv, b, &ldb, &info);


int main(void)
    int n=4096;
    int nrhs = n;
    int lda = n;
    int ldb = n;
    int info = 0;

    // Define matrix variables
    double *A;
    int *ipiv;
    double *B;

    // Allocate matrices
    A = (double*) malloc(lda*n*sizeof(double));
    ipiv = (int*) malloc(n*sizeof(int));
    B = (double*) malloc(ldb*nrhs*sizeof(double));

    // Add some random data
    fillRandomDouble(lda, n, A, -10.0f, 10.0f);
    fillRandomDouble(ldb, nrhs, B, -10.0f, 10.0f);

    // Solve the system A*X=B using Intel MKL libraries
    dgesv(&n, &nrhs, A, &lda, ipiv, B, &ldb, &info);

    // Free the memory

Example #3
void lusolve(Matrix A, Vector x, int** ipiv)
  if (*ipiv == NULL)
    *ipiv = malloc(x->len*sizeof(int));
  int one=1;
  int info;
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )

	/* mex interface to LAPACK functions dsysvx and zhesvx */

    int m, n, bnrhs, lda, *ipiv, ldb, info;
    double *A,*b, *AT, *bT, *ret;
	int i;
    if (nrhs != 2) {
      mexErrMsgTxt("Expect 2 input arguments and return 1 output argument");

    A = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
    b = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
    m = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
    n = mxGetN(prhs[0]); 
    bnrhs = mxGetN(prhs[1]);
    AT = (double *)mxCalloc(m*n,sizeof(double));
    bT = (double *)mxCalloc(m*bnrhs,sizeof(double));
    ipiv = (int *)mxCalloc(m,sizeof(int));
    for(i=0;i<m*bnrhs;i++) {
        bT[i] = b[i];
    for(i=0;i<m*n;i++) AT[i] = A[i];
    lda = m;
    ldb = m;
    dgesv(&m, &bnrhs, AT, &lda, ipiv, bT, &ldb, &info);      
    plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m,bnrhs,mxREAL);
    ret = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    for(i=0;i<m*bnrhs;i++) ret[i] = bT[i];
Example #5
// ================================
// solve linear equations   C = A\B
// ================================
void solve(double* C, double* A, double* B,
				   const int rA, const int cA, const int rB, const int cB, 
               const char *mod, double *W, const int LW, ptrdiff_t *S) {
#ifdef USE_BLAS
   int i, j, rank;
   char  uplo = 'U', side = 'L', trans = 'N', unit = 'N';
   double one = 1.0, rcond = 0.000000001;
   ptrdiff_t rA0 = rA, cA0 = cA,  cB0 = cB, Lwork=LW, info;
   ptrdiff_t rC0 = (rA>cA) ? rA : cA;
   //ptrdiff_t ptr_S = S;

   switch (mod[0]){
      case 'L':
      case 'U':
         uplo = mod[0];
         dtrsm(&side, &uplo, &trans, &unit, &rC0, &cB0, &one, A, &rA0, C, &rC0);
      case 'P':
         dposv(&uplo, &rA0, &cB0, W, &rA0, C,  &rA0, &info);// A has already been copied into W
         if (rA == cA) {
            //dgesv(&rA0, &cB0, W, &rA0, S, C,  &rA0, &info);// A has already been copied into W
            dgesv(&rA0, &cB0, W, &rA0, (ptrdiff_t*)S, C,  &rA0, &info);// A has already been copied into W
            for( i=0; i<cB; i++ )
               for( j=0; j<rB; j++ )
                  C[i*rC0+j] = B[i*rB+j];
            //dgelsy(&rA0, &cA0, &cB0, A, &rA0, C, &rC0, S, &rcond, &rank, W, &Lwork, &info);
            dgelsy(&rA0, &cA0, &cB0, A, &rA0, C, &rC0,
                    (ptrdiff_t*)S, &rcond, (ptrdiff_t*)&rank, W, &Lwork, &info);
Example #6
int bundle_qp_solve_mask (bundle_t *bundle, uint64_t mask)
	* Attempts to solve the penalized bundle QP assuming the zero/nonzero constraint multiplier combination specified in 'mask' is correct:
	* max z - 1/2t <x^T,x>
	* s.c
	*     z - <A_i,x> <= b_i,   i = 1,...,m : mul
	*     z scalar, x n-dimensional vector
	*  This QP is convex, therefore solving it is equivalent to solving the KKT conditions system.
	*  For all possible values of mask,
	*    if the i-th bit of mask is 1:
	*      => z* - <A_i,x*> = b_i.
	*    if the i-th bit of mask is 0:
	*      => mul*_i = 0.
	*  Also, supposing the KKT conditions are verified, we have, with k iterating over all 1-bits of mask,
	*    grad(z* - 1/2t <x^T,x*>) = sum over k of (mul*_k . grad(z* - <A_k,x*>))
	*      <=> [1 | -1/t x*] = sum over i of (mul*_k . [1 | -A_k])
	*      <=> t . sum over k of (mul*_k . A_k) = x*
	*          and sum over k of mul*_k         = 1.
	*  Therefore by substituting x* we obtain the system:
	*    z* - <A_i, t . sum over k of (mul*_k . A_k)> = b_i,  for all i with the i-th bit of 'mask' is 1
	*      <=>  | -t(A'.A'^T) e |  . | mul | = | b |,         with e = (1, ..., 1) and dim(e) = number of bits of mask set to 1
	*           |      e^T    0 |    |  z  |   | 1 |,         and with A' = A with the rows corresponding to the bits set to 0 in mask removed.
	*  If the system is not linearly independent, then the optimal solution cannot be found with this mask.
	*  Otherwise, having mul* and z*, we verify dual feasibility, for all i set to 1 in mask:
	*     <=> mul_i* >= 0 
	*  Also, we verify dual optimality:
	*     <=> z* is minimal for all dual-feasible z* found with other masks
	*  Finally, we verify primal feasibility, for all i set to 0 in mask:
	*     <=> z* - <A_i,x*> <= b_i, and substituting x*,
	*     <=> z* - t . sum over k of mul*_k <A_i, A_k^T> <= b_i
	*  If these hold then all KKT conditions are verified and z* is optimal.
	double z;
	int info, isize;
	uint64_t bit;
	int i, j, k;

	// get system size (in bundle->kkt_m) and active constraint indices (in bundle->kkt_i[])
	// set system rhs (in bundle->kkt_mul[])
	for (bundle->kkt_m = i = 0, bit = 1; i < bundle->m; i++, bit <<= 1) 
		if (mask & bit) {
			bundle->kkt_i[bundle->kkt_m] = i;
			bundle->kkt_mul[bundle->kkt_m] = bundle->b[i];
	bundle->kkt_mul[bundle->kkt_m] = 1.0;
	isize = 1 + bundle->kkt_m; // set matrix dimension size for LAPACK

	// set system lhs (in bundle->kkt_a[][])
	for (i = 0; i < bundle->kkt_m; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < bundle->kkt_m; j++) 
			bundle->kkt_a[i * isize + j] = bundle->kkt_a[j * isize + i] = - (bundle->aat[bundle->kkt_i[i] * bundle->max_m + bundle->kkt_i[j]] / bundle->scale);
		bundle->kkt_a[i * isize + bundle->kkt_m] = 1.0;
		bundle->kkt_a[bundle->kkt_m * isize + i] = 1.0;
	bundle->kkt_a[bundle->kkt_m * isize + bundle->kkt_m] = 0.0;

	// solve system using LAPACK, to retrieve mul* and z* (in bundle->kkt_mul[])
	info = dgesv(isize, bundle->kkt_a, bundle->ipiv, bundle->kkt_mul);

	// check if system has full rank
	if (info > 0)
		return 0;

	// system is linearly independent and has a unique solution
	z = bundle->kkt_mul[bundle->kkt_m];
	// check dual feasibility
	for (i = 0; i < bundle->kkt_m; i++) 
		if (bundle->kkt_mul[i] < 0.0)
			return 0;

	// check dual optimality
	if (z > bundle->kkt_z * 1.01)
		return 0;
	else if (z < bundle->kkt_z)
		bundle->kkt_z = z;

	// check primal feasibility
	for (k = i = 0, bit = 1; i < bundle->m; i++, bit <<= 1) {
		if (mask & bit) {
			bundle->next_b[i] = z;
		else {
			bundle->next_b[i] = 0.0;
			for (j = 0; j < bundle->kkt_m; j++)
				bundle->next_b[i] += bundle->kkt_mul[j] * bundle->aat[i * bundle->max_m + bundle->kkt_i[j]];
			bundle->next_b[i] /= bundle->scale;
			bundle->next_b[i] += bundle->b[i];
			if (z > bundle->next_b[i] + bundle->epsilon)
				return 0;

	// the KKT conditions are all verified
	return 1;
Example #7
/* Return information if the solution was computed */
ptrdiff_t Basis_Solve(PT_Basis pB, double *q, double *x, T_Options options)
/*   Basis B */
/*     I = W union (Z+m) -> ordered */
/*     X = M_/W,Z        <- invertible */
/*     G = M_W,Z */
/*   Bx_B = q -> x = [w_W;z_Z] */
/*     z_Z = iX*q_/W */
/*     w_W = q_W - G*x_/W */

	ptrdiff_t i, incx=1, nb, m, diml, info;
	char T;
	double alpha=-1.0, beta=1.0;

	/* x(1:length(W)) = q(W) */
	for(i=0;i<Index_Length(pB->pW);i++) x[i] = q[Index_Get(pB->pW, i)];

	/* X = [] */
	if(Index_Length(pB->pWc) == 0)
		return 0;

	/* z = q(B.Wc) */
	for(i=0;i<Index_Length(pB->pWc);i++) pB->z[i] = q[Index_Get(pB->pWc, i)];

	/* because the right hand side will be overwritten in dgesv, store it into 
	   temporary vector r */
	dcopy(&(Index_Length(pB->pWc)), pB->z, &incx, pB->r, &incx);

	/* printf("x :\n"); */
	/* Vector_Print_raw(pB->z,Index_Length(pB->pW)); */

	/* printf("z :\n"); */
	/* Vector_Print_raw(pB->z,Index_Length(pB->pWc)); */
	/* x = [x1;x2] */
	/* x2 = inv(X)*q(Wc) = inv(X)*z */
	nb = 1; /* number of right hand side in A*x=b is 1 */
	m = Matrix_Rows(pB->pF);

	/* Find solution to general problem A*x=b using LAPACK
	   All the arguments have to  be pointers.  A and b will be altered on exit. */
	switch (options.routine) {
	case 1:
		/* DGESV method implements  LU factorization of A. */		
		dgesv(&m, &nb, pMAT(pB->pF), &((pB->pF)->rows_alloc), 
		      pB->p, pB->r, &m, &info);
	case 2: 
		/*  DGELS solves overdetermined or underdetermined real linear systems
		    involving an M-by-N matrix A, or its transpose, using a QR or LQ
		    factorization of A.  It is assumed that A has full rank. */
		T = 'n'; /* Not transposed */
		diml = 2*m;
		dgels(&T, &m, &m, &nb, pMAT(pB->pF), &((pB->pF)->rows_alloc),
		      pB->r, &m, pB->s, &diml, &info );
	default : 
		/* solve with factors F or U */

		/* solve using LUMOD (no checks) */
		/* LU_Solve0(pB->pLX, pB->pUX, pB->z, &(x[Index_Length(pB->pW)])); */

		/* solve using LAPACK (contains also singularity checks) */
		/* need to pass info as a pointer, otherwise weird numbers are assigned */
		LU_Solve1(pB->pLX, pB->pUt, pB->z, &(x[Index_Length(pB->pW)]), &info);

		/* if something went wrong, refactorize and solve again */
		if (info!=0) {
			/* printf("info=%ld,  refactoring\n", info); */

			/* Matrix_Print_row(pB->pLX); */
			/* Matrix_Print_utril_row(pB->pUX); */
			/* Matrix_Print_col(pB->pUt); */

			/* if this fails again, then no minimum ratio is found -> exit with
			 * numerical problems flag */
			LU_Solve1(pB->pLX, pB->pUt, pB->z, &(x[Index_Length(pB->pW)]), &info);			


	/* x1 = -G*x2 + q(W) */
	/*  y = alpha*G*x + beta*y */
	/* alpha = -1.0; */
	/* beta  =  1.0; */
	T     = 'n'; /* Not transposed */
	if (options.routine>0) {
		/* take LAPACK solution */

		/* printf("lapack solution z:\n"); */
		/* Vector_Print_raw(pB->r,Index_Length(pB->pWc)); */

		/* matrix F after solution is factored in [L\U], we want the original format for the next call
		   to dgesv, thus create a copy F <- X */
		Matrix_Copy(pB->pX, pB->pF, pB->w);
		/* printf("x after lapack solution:\n"); */
		/* Vector_Print_raw(x,Index_Length(pB->pW)+Index_Length(pB->pWc)); */

		/* recompute the remaining variables according to basic solution */
		dgemv(&T, &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pG)), &(Matrix_Cols(pB->pG)),
		      &alpha, pMAT(pB->pG), &((pB->pG)->rows_alloc),
		      pB->r, &incx, &beta, x, &incx);
		/* append the basic solution at the end of x vector */
		dcopy(&(Index_Length(pB->pWc)), pB->r, &incx, &(x[Index_Length(pB->pW)]), &incx);
	} else {
		/* take LUmod solution */
		dgemv(&T, &(Matrix_Rows(pB->pG)), &(Matrix_Cols(pB->pG)),
		      &alpha, pMAT(pB->pG), &((pB->pG)->rows_alloc),
		      &(x[Index_Length(pB->pW)]), &incx,
		      &beta, x, &incx);
	/* printf("y:\n"); */
	/* Vector_Print_raw(x,Matrix_Rows(pB->pG)); */

	return info;

void PolynomialInterp::InterpolateCoeffs(
	int nPoints,
	const double * dX,
	const double * dY,
	double * dA,
	double dXmid,
	double * dWorkspace,
	int * iPivot
) {
	// Check if an external workspace is specified
	bool fExternalWorkspace = (dWorkspace == NULL)?(false):(true);
	if (!fExternalWorkspace) {
		dWorkspace = new double[nPoints*nPoints];

	// Check if an external pivot vector is specified
	bool fExternalPivot = (iPivot == NULL)?(false):(true);
	if (!fExternalPivot) {
		iPivot = new int[nPoints];

	// Construct the Vandermonde matrix
	int i;
	int j;

	int k = 0;
	for (j = 0; j < nPoints; j++) {
		dWorkspace[k] = 1.0;

	for (i = 1; i < nPoints; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < nPoints; j++) {
		dWorkspace[k] = (dX[j] - dXmid) * dWorkspace[k-nPoints];


	// Initialize A
	memcpy(dA, dY, nPoints * sizeof(double));

	// Store CLAPACK parameters
	int n     = nPoints;
	int nRHS  = 1;
	int nLDA  = nPoints;
	int nLDB  = nPoints;

	int nInfo;

	// Call the matrix solve
	dgesv(n, nRHS, dWorkspace, nLDA, iPivot, dA, nLDB, &nInfo);
	// Call the matrix solve
	dgesv(n, nRHS, dWorkspace, nLDA, iPivot, dA, nLDB, nInfo);
	// Call the matrix solve
	dgesv_(&n, &nRHS, dWorkspace, &nLDA, iPivot, dA, &nLDB, &nInfo);

	// Delete workspace
	if (!fExternalWorkspace) {
		delete[] dWorkspace;
	if (!fExternalPivot) {
		delete[] iPivot;
Example #9
File: dgWhat.c Project: ykmizu/src
void dgWhat(Utype *What, Utype *Vhat, Utype *U, double beta){
  extern void dgesv( int* n, int* nrhs, double* a, int* lda, int* ipiv,
                     double* b, int* ldb, int* info );

  int i;  //initialization for iteration
    int j;  //initialization for iteration
    int k;  //initialization for iteration
	int po;
    //Initialization for Lapack function DGESV_           
    //see http://www.netlib.no/netlib/lapack/double/dgesv_.f for more information
	int n= 3*(What->basis.r+1);    //Num of lin equ, order of the matrix A. N>=0
    int nrhs = 1;                 //Num of rhs, i.e., num of columns of matrix B
    int lda=3*(What->basis.r+1);           //Leading dimen of A. LDA >= max(1,N)
    int ldb = n;                                    //Leading dimen of the array
    int info = -1;       //Parameter that tells if DGESV_ operation was succesful
    int ipiv[3*(What->basis.r+1)];  //pivot indices define permutation matrix P 
    //Initialize Residual, Jacobian, and w arrays           
    double *R = (double* ) malloc ((What->basis.r+1)*3*sizeof(double));
    double **dRkdU = (double **) malloc ((What->basis.r+1)*3*sizeof(double*));
    double **dRdU = (double **) malloc ((What->basis.r+1)*3*sizeof(double*));
    //Contains difference in states after the linear dG operation via DGESV_  
    double w[(What->basis.r+1)*3];   //Solution to the Raphson Newton system
    // Next section continues to finish initializing dRkdU, dRdU such that
    //the memory is all in one place and in a way that works for DGESV_ function
    dRdU[0] = (double *) malloc
    for (i=1; i<3*(What->basis.r+1); i++){
    dRkdU[0]= (double*)
        malloc ((What->basis.r+1)*3*(What->basis.r+1)*3*sizeof(double));
    for (i=1; i<3*(What->basis.r+1); i++){

	for (i=0; i<What->basis.r+1; i++){
		//Make an initialial guess of x, y, z at r+1 points for t=0 window   
	for (i=What->tSpan.size-1; i-->0;){ //Iterate through all the time intervals
		//Starting from the last time interval, solving backwards
		for ( j=0; j<What->basis.r+1; j++){
				What->tSpan.array[i]-(xiL(What->basis.r, j)+1)/2.0*What->dt;
		residualLgrng(U, Vhat, What, i, R, beta); //Calc residual 4 current t
		jacobianLgrng(U, Vhat, What, i, dRdU, dRkdU);//Calc jacobian 4 current t
		for (j=0; j<3*(What->basis.r+1); j++){  //Residual R to w and neg
		//Calculation of the update vectors; magic happens here
		dgesv(&n,&nrhs, dRdU[0], &lda, ipiv, w, &ldb, &info ); //w = update
		//Need to update the solution now
		for (j=0; j<(What->basis.r+1); j++){ //Iterate and add w to the solution
		//Need to update the solution now
		if (i>What->tSpan.size-2){
			for (j=0; j<What->basis.r+1; j++){
    //Free everything!
Example #10
File: dgVhat.c Project: ykmizu/src
void dgVhat(Utype *Vhat, Utype *U){
	//==============Initialization of Parameters and Variables==================
  extern void dgesv( int* n, int* nrhs, double* a, int* lda, int* ipiv,
                     double* b, int* ldb, int* info );

  int i;  //initialization for iteration
    int j;  //initialization for iteration
    int k;  //initialization for iteration
	//Initialization for Lapack function DGESV
	//see http://www.netlib.no/netlib/lapack/double/dgesv.f for more information
    int n= 3*(Vhat->basis.r+1);    //Num of lin equ, order of the matrix A. N>=0
	int nrhs = 1;                 //Num of rhs, i.e., num of columns of matrix B
	int lda=3*(Vhat->basis.r+1);           //Leading dimen of A. LDA >= max(1,N)
	int ldb = n;                                    //Leading dimen of the array
	int info = -1;       //Parameter that tells if DGESV operation was succesful
	int ipiv[3*(Vhat->basis.r+1)];  //pivot indices define permutation matrix P
    //Initialize Residual, Jacobian, and w arrays
	double *R = (double* ) malloc ((Vhat->basis.r+1)*3*sizeof(double));
	double **dRkdU = (double **) malloc ((Vhat->basis.r+1)*3*sizeof(double*));
	double **dRdU = (double **) malloc ((Vhat->basis.r+1)*3*sizeof(double*)); 
    //Contains difference in states after the linear dG operation via DGESV
	double w[(Vhat->basis.r+1)*3];   //Solution to the Raphson Newton system
    // Next section continues to finish initializing dRkdU, dRdU such that 
	//the memory is all in one place and in a way that works for DGESV function
	dRdU[0] = (double *) malloc 
	for (i=1; i<3*(Vhat->basis.r+1); i++){
	dRkdU[0]= (double*) 
		malloc ((Vhat->basis.r+1)*3*(Vhat->basis.r+1)*3*sizeof(double));
	for (i=1; i<3*(Vhat->basis.r+1); i++){
	for (i=0; i<Vhat->basis.r+1; i++){
		Vhat->solution.x.array[i]=1.1; //Initial guess x at r+1 pts 4 1st window
		Vhat->solution.y.array[i]=1.1; //Initial guess y at r+1 pts 4 1st window
		Vhat->solution.z.array[i]=1.1; //Initial guess z at r+1 pts 4 1st window
	for (i=0; i<Vhat->tSpan.size-1; i++){   //Iterate through all time intervals
		//find the time array that is associate with r+1 points
		for (j = 0; j<Vhat->basis.r+1; j++){  
				Vhat->tSpan.array[i]+(xiL(Vhat->basis.r, j)+1)/2.0*Vhat->dt;
		residualTan(U, Vhat, i, R); //Calculate residual for current time
		jacobianTan(U, Vhat, i, dRdU, dRkdU); //Calc jacobian for current t
		for (j=0; j<3*(Vhat->basis.r+1); j++){  //Residual R to w and neg
		//Calculation of the update vectors; magic happens here
		dgesv(&n,&nrhs, dRdU[0], &lda, ipiv, w, &ldb, &info );// w = update
		//Need to update the solution now
		for (j=0; j<(Vhat->basis.r+1); j++){  //Update initial guesses

 		residualTan(U, Vhat, i, R); //Calculate residual for current time//This will be the guess for the next element
		//		for (j=0; j<3*(Vhat->basis.r+1); j++){  //Residual R to w and neg   
		//	printf("%g\n", R[j]);
		//	}
		if (i<Vhat->tSpan.size-2){
			for (j=0; j<(Vhat->basis.r+1); j++){
    //Free everything!
Example #11
double nmf_neals(double * a, double * w0, double * h0, int * pm, int * pn, \
		      int * pk, int * maxiter, const double * pTolX, const double * pTolFun) 

// code added to be able to call from R
int m = * pm;
int n = * pn;
int k = * pk;
const double TolX = * pTolX;
const double TolFun = * pTolFun;
// also: changed w0, h0 to simple pointer (instead of double)
// // end code added

	struct timeval start, end;
	gettimeofday(&start, 0);
#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2
	printf("Entering nmf_neals\n");

  errno = 0;

  double * help1 = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*k*k);
  double * help2 = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*k*n);
  double * help3 = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*k*m);


  // definition of necessary dynamic data structures
  //...for calculating matrix h
  double* h = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*k*n);
  int* jpvt_h = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)*k);
  int info;
  //...for calculating matrix w
   double* w = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*m*k);

  //...for calculating the norm of A-W*H
  double* d = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*m*n);					//d = a - w*h
  double dnorm0 = 0;
  double dnorm = 0;
  const double eps = dlamch('E');					//machine precision epsilon
  const double sqrteps = sqrt(eps);					//squareroot of epsilon


  if (errno) {
    perror("Error allocating memory in nmf_neals");
    return -1;

  // declaration of data structures for switch to als algorithm
  // ----------------------------------------------------------

  int als_data_allocated = 0;					// indicates wheter data structures were already allocated
  // factor matrices for factorizing matrix w
  double * q;
  double * r;
  // factor matrices for factorizing matrix h
  double * q_h;
  double * r_h;

  double* tau_h;                   //stores elementary reflectors of factor matrix Q
  double* work_w;            //work array for factorization of matrix w
  int lwork_w;
  double* work_h;            //work array for factorization of matrix h  
  int lwork_h;
  double * work_qta;	     //work array for dorgqr
  int lwork_qta;
  double * work_qth;	     //work array for dorgqr
  int lwork_qth;

  //query for optimal workspace size for routine dgeqp3...
  double querysize;


  int iter, i;

  //variable for storing if fallback happened in current iteration
  int fallback;

  // factorisation step in a loop from 1 to maxiter
  for (iter = 1; iter <= *maxiter; ++iter) {

    //no fallback in this iteration so far
    fallback = 0;

    // calculating matrix h
    //help1 = w0'*w0
    dgemm('T', 'N', k, k, m, 1.0, w0, m, w0, m, 0., help1, k);
    //help2 = w0'*a
    dgemm('T', 'N', k, n, m, 1.0, w0, m, a, m, 0., help2, k);
    //LU-Factorisation of help1 to solve equation help1 * x = help2
    dgesv(k, n, help1, k, jpvt_h, help2, k, &info);
    // if factor matrix U is singular -> switch back to als algorithm to compute h
    if( info > 0) {

	//set fallback to 1 to  indicate that fallback happened
	fallback = 1;

	// do dynamic data structures need to be allocated?
	if (!als_data_allocated) {
	  als_data_allocated = 1;

  	  // factor matrices for factorizing matrix w
	  q = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*m*k);
	  r = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*m*k);
	  // factor matrices for factorizing matrix h
	  q_h = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*n*k);
	  r_h = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*n*k);

	  tau_h = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*k);                   //stores elementary reflectors of factor matrix Q

          //query for optimal workspace size for routine dgeqp3...
	  //for matrix w
	  dgeqp3(m, k, q, m, jpvt_h, tau_h, &querysize, -1, &info);
	  lwork_w = (int) querysize;
	  work_w = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*lwork_w);            //work array for factorization of matrix help1 (dgeqp3)
	  //for matrix h
	  dgeqp3(n, k, q_h, n, jpvt_h, tau_h, &querysize, -1, &info);
	  lwork_h = (int) querysize;
	  work_h = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*lwork_h);            //work array for factorization of matrix h

	  //query for optimal workspace size for routine dorgqr...
	  //for matrix w
	  dorgqr(m, k, k, q, m, tau_h, &querysize, -1, &info);
	  lwork_qta = (int)querysize;
	  work_qta = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*lwork_qta);	  //work array for dorgqr
	  //for matrix h
	  dorgqr(n, k, k, q_h, n, tau_h, &querysize, -1, &info);
	  lwork_qth = (int)querysize;
	  work_qth = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*lwork_qth);


        // calculating matrix h

        //copy *w0 to q
        dlacpy('A', m, k, w0, m, q, m);

        //initialise jpvt_h to 0 -> every column free
        for (i = 0; i<k; ++i)
          jpvt_h[i] = 0;

        // Q-R factorization with column pivoting
        dgeqp3(m, k, q, m, jpvt_h, tau_h, work_w, lwork_w, &info);

        //copying upper triangular factor-matrix r out of q into r
        dlacpy('U', m, k, q, m, r, k);

        //Begin of least-squares-solution to w0 * x = a

        //generate explicit matrix q (m times k) and calculate q' * a
        dorgqr(m, k, k, q, m, tau_h, work_qta, lwork_qta, &info);
        dgemm('T', 'N', k, n, m, 1.0, q, m, a, m, 0.0, q_h, k);

        //solve R * x = (Q'*A)

        //copy matrix q to h, but permutated according to jpvt_h
        for (i=0; i<k; ++i) {
          dcopy(n, q_h + i, k, h + jpvt_h[i] - 1, k);

        //transform negative and very small positive values to zero for performance reasons and to keep the non-negativity constraint
        for (i=0; i<k*n; ++i) {
        if (h[i] < ZERO_THRESHOLD)
          h[i] = 0.;

    else {
      //h = max(ZERO_THRESHOLD, help1\help2)
      for (i=0; i < k*n; ++i)
        h[i] = (help2[i] > ZERO_THRESHOLD ? help2[i] : 0.);

	    // calculating matrix w = max(0, help1\help3)'
	    //help1 = h*h'
	    dgemm('N', 'T', k, k, n, 1.0, h, k, h, k, 0., help1, k);
	    //help3 = h*a'
	    dgemm('N', 'T', k, m, n, 1.0, h, k, a, m, 0., help3, k);
	    //LU-Factorisation of help1
	    dgesv(k, m, help1, k, jpvt_h, help3, k, &info);
	    if( info > 0) {
		// do dynamic data structures need to be allocated?
	        if (!als_data_allocated) {
	          als_data_allocated = 1;

	          // factor matrices for factorizing matrix w
	          q = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*m*k);
	          r = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*m*k);
	          // factor matrices for factorizing matrix h
	          q_h = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*n*k);
	          r_h = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*n*k);
	          tau_h = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*k);                   //stores elementary reflectors of factor matrix Q
	          //query for optimal workspace size for routine dgeqp3...
		  //for matrix w
        	  dgeqp3(m, k, q, m, jpvt_h, tau_h, &querysize, -1, &info);
	          lwork_w = (int) querysize;
        	  work_w = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*lwork_w);            //work array for factorization of matrix help1 (dgeqp3)
		  //..for matrix h
		  dgeqp3(n, k, q_h, n, jpvt_h, tau_h, &querysize, -1, &info);
		  lwork_h = (int) querysize;
		  work_h = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*lwork_h);            //work array for factorization of matrix h
        	  //query for optimal workspace size for routine dorgqr...
		  //for matrix w
	          dorgqr(m, k, k, q, m, tau_h, &querysize, -1, &info);
	          lwork_qta = (int)querysize;
	          work_qta = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*lwork_qta);          //work array for dorgqr
		  // ... for matrix h
		  dorgqr(n, k, k, q_h, n, tau_h, &querysize, -1, &info);
		  lwork_qth = (int)querysize;
		  work_qth = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*lwork_qth);

		//calculating matrix w
	        //copy original matrix h to q_h, but transposed
	        for (i=0; i<k; ++i) {
	          dcopy(n, h + i, k, q_h + i*n, 1);

        	//initialise jpvt_a to 0 -> every column free
	        for (i = 0; i<k; ++i)
	          jpvt_h[i] = 0;
        	//Q-R factorization
	        dgeqp3(n, k, q_h, n, jpvt_h, tau_h, work_h, lwork_h, &info);

	        //copying upper triangular factor-matrix r_h out of q into r_h
	        dlacpy('U', n, k, q_h, n, r_h, k);

	        //Begin of least-squares-solution to w0 * x = a
	        //generate explicit matrix q (n times k) and calculate *a = q' * a'
	        dorgqr(n, k, k, q_h, n, tau_h, work_qth, lwork_qth, &info);
	        dgemm('T', 'T', k, m, n, 1.0, q_h, n, a, m, 0.0, q, k);

	        //solve R_h * x = (Q'*A')
	        dtrtrs('U', 'N', 'N', k, m, r_h, k, q, k, &info);

        	//jpvt_h*(R\(Q'*A')) permutation and transposed copy to w
	        for (i=0; i<k; ++i) {
	          dcopy(m, q + i, k, w + m * (jpvt_h[i] - 1), 1);

	        //transform negative and very small positive values to zero for performance reasons and to keep the non-negativity constraint
        	for (i=0; i<k*m; ++i) {
	          if (w[i] < ZERO_THRESHOLD)
	        	    w[i] = 0.;


	    else {
	        //w = max(0, help3)'
	        for (i=0; i<k; ++i) {
	          dcopy(m, help3 + i, k, w + i*m, 1);
	        for (i=0; i<m*k; ++i) {
	          if (w[i] < ZERO_THRESHOLD)
	            w[i] = 0.;

    // calculating the norm of D = A-W*H
    dnorm = calculateNorm(a, w, h, d, m, n, k);

    // calculating change in w -> dw
    double dw;
    dw = calculateMaxchange(w, w0, m, k, sqrteps);

    // calculating change in h -> dh
    double dh;
    dh = calculateMaxchange(h, h0, k, n, sqrteps);

    //Max-Change = max(dh, dw) = delta
    double delta;
    delta = (dh > dw) ? dh : dw;


    // storing the matrix results of the current iteration
    swap(&w0, &w);
    swap(&h0, &h);

    // storing the norm results of the current iteration
    dnorm0 = dnorm;

#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 1
  printf("iter: %.6d\t dnorm: %.16f\t delta: %.16f\n", iter, dnorm, delta);

    //Check for Convergence
    if (iter > 1) {
      if (delta < TolX) {
        *maxiter = iter;
        if (dnorm <= TolFun*dnorm0) {
        *maxiter = iter;

  } //end of loop from 1 to maxiter

#if DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2
	printf("Exiting nmf_neals\n");
	gettimeofday(&end, 0);
	outputTiming("", start, end);

  // freeing memory if used

    if(als_data_allocated) {

  // returning calculated norm
  return dnorm;