Example #1
void registry_free(void) {
    if(!registry.enabled) return;

    // we need to destroy the dictionaries ourselves
    // since the dictionaries use memory we allocated

    while(registry.persons->values_index.root) {
        REGISTRY_PERSON *p = ((NAME_VALUE *)registry.persons->values_index.root)->value;

    while(registry.machines->values_index.root) {
        REGISTRY_MACHINE *m = ((NAME_VALUE *)registry.machines->values_index.root)->value;

        // fprintf(stderr, "\nMACHINE: '%s', first: %u, last: %u, usages: %u\n", m->guid, m->first_t, m->last_t, m->usages);

        while(m->machine_urls->values_index.root) {
            REGISTRY_MACHINE_URL *mu = ((NAME_VALUE *)m->machine_urls->values_index.root)->value;

            // fprintf(stderr, "\tURL: '%s', first: %u, last: %u, usages: %u, flags: 0x%02x\n", mu->url->url, mu->first_t, mu->last_t, mu->usages, mu->flags);

            //debug(D_REGISTRY, "Registry: destroying persons dictionary from url '%s'", mu->url->url);

            debug(D_REGISTRY, "Registry: deleting url '%s' from person '%s'", mu->url->url, m->guid);
            dictionary_del(m->machine_urls, mu->url->url);

            debug(D_REGISTRY, "Registry: unlinking url '%s' from machine", mu->url->url);

            debug(D_REGISTRY, "Registry: freeing machine url");

        debug(D_REGISTRY, "Registry: deleting machine '%s' from machines registry", m->guid);
        dictionary_del(registry.machines, m->guid);

        debug(D_REGISTRY, "Registry: destroying URL dictionary of machine '%s'", m->guid);

        debug(D_REGISTRY, "Registry: freeing machine '%s'", m->guid);

    // and free the memory of remaining dictionary structures

    debug(D_REGISTRY, "Registry: destroying persons dictionary");

    debug(D_REGISTRY, "Registry: destroying machines dictionary");
Example #2
 * key の値が存在していれば取得
 * @param self
 * @param key
 * @return
hash_item *dictionary_get(hash *self, char *key) {
    dictionary *it = dictionary_new(self);
    hash_item *pair;

    while ((pair = dictionary_next(it))) {
        if (strcmp(key, pair->key) == 0) {
            return pair;

    return NULL;
int main (int argc, char **argv){
		perror("No se puede crear el semaforo");

	printf("\n\n EL PID DE ESTA CPU ES: %d\n\n",(int)getpid());

	pthread_create(&conexion_umv, NULL, (void*) &core_conexion_umv, NULL);
	pthread_create(&conexion_kernel, NULL, (void*) &core_conexion_kernel, NULL);

	pthread_join(conexion_umv, NULL);
		log_escribir(archLog,"Cerrar Conexion",ERROR,"No se pudo conectar a la UMV");

	return 0;
Example #4
void replication_task_balance_files_in_dir(ReplicationTask_t *task) {

    EXLog(REPL, DBG, "Task: Balance files in directory [%s]", task->path);

    /* Sanity */
    if (!task->path) return;

    /* Strategy:
    	* Iterate through directory
    		* For each file, check conflicts
    		* If no conflicts exist, add task to balance it to front of queue
    	* If conflicts exists, put task to balance directory back on the front of the task list
    	* If no conflicts existed, iterate through directory again
    		* Put each subdir up for balancing

    /* Get all the DIR entries for the active volumes */
    DIR **entries = volume_active_dir_entries(task->path);
    DIR **entries_start = entries;

    ReplicationTask_t child_task;
    child_task.opcode = REP_OP_BALANCE_FILE;
    child_task.volume_basepath[0] = 0;

    int saw_conflict = 0;

    if (entries) {
        /* create a hash table that will help detect duplicate entries */
        Dictionary_t *dic = dictionary_create_with_size(512);
        int64_t tmp;
        while (*entries) {
            /* For each DIR, iterate through and grab entries */
            DIR *entry = *entries;
            struct dirent *dent = readdir(entry);
            while (dent) {

                if (dent->d_type != DT_DIR && strcmp("..", dent->d_name) && strcmp(".", dent->d_name)) {
                    /* For each entry, add it to the list if it doesn't exist in the hash table */
                    if (!dictionary_get_int(dic, dent->d_name, &tmp)) {
                        dictionary_set_int(dic, dent->d_name, tmp);

                        snprintf(child_task.path, PATH_MAX-1, "%s/%s", task->path, dent->d_name);

                        mode_t mode = 0;
                        int    mode_conflict = 0;

                        /* Perform diagnostics on the path */
                        volume_diagnose_raid_file_posession(child_task.path, NULL, NULL, &mode, &mode_conflict, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

                        if (!mode_conflict) {
                            /* No conflict, add task for it */
                            replication_queue_task(&child_task, OP_PRI_SYNC_FILE, 1);
                        } else {
                            /* Conflict? Resolve it */
                            EXLog(REPL, DBG, " > Conflict detected on file [%s]", child_task.path);
                            saw_conflict = 1;

                dent = readdir(entry);
            closedir(entry); /* Don't forget to close the DIR after use! */
        /* Free memory */

    /* Now, did we see a conflict?  If so, re-queue the current tast */
    if (saw_conflict) {
        EXLog(REPL, DBG, " > Conflicts detected; restarting sync");
        replication_queue_task(task, OP_PRI_SYNC_FILE, 1);

    /* Otherwise, go through the directory and queue up balancing for all subdirectories */
    entries = volume_active_dir_entries(task->path);
    entries_start = entries;

    child_task.opcode = REP_OP_BALANCE_FILES_IN_DIR;
    child_task.volume_basepath[0] = 0;

    if (entries) {
        /* create a hash table that will help detect duplicate entries */
        Dictionary_t *dic = dictionary_create_with_size(512);
        int64_t tmp;
        while (*entries) {
            /* For each DIR, iterate through and grab entries */
            DIR *entry = *entries;
            struct dirent *dent = readdir(entry);
            while (dent) {

                if (dent->d_type == DT_DIR && strcmp("..", dent->d_name) && strcmp(".", dent->d_name)) {
                    /* For each entry, add it to the list if it doesn't exist in the hash table */
                    if (!dictionary_get_int(dic, dent->d_name, &tmp)) {
                        dictionary_set_int(dic, dent->d_name, tmp);

                        snprintf(child_task.path, PATH_MAX-1, "%s/%s", task->path, dent->d_name);
                        replication_queue_task(&child_task, OP_PRI_SYNC_FILE, 1);

                dent = readdir(entry);
            closedir(entry); /* Don't forget to close the DIR after use! */
        /* Free memory */

Example #5
void replication_task_mirror_directory(ReplicationTask_t *task) {

    int    absences      = 0;
    mode_t mode          = 0;
    int    mode_conflict = 0;

    EXLog(REPL, DBG, "Task: mirror directory [%s]", task->path);

    /* Sanity */
    if (!task->path) return;

    /* Perform diagnostics on the path */
    volume_diagnose_raid_file_posession(task->path, NULL, &absences, &mode, &mode_conflict, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    /* If this isn't a directory, just exit */
    if (!mode_conflict && (mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) {
        EXLog(REPL, DBG, " > Path is not a directory");

    /* Conflict?  Resolve */
    if (mode_conflict) {
        EXLog(REPL, DBG, " > Detected mode conflicts");

        /* Perform diagnostics on the path again */
        volume_diagnose_raid_file_posession(task->path, NULL, &absences, &mode, &mode_conflict, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

        /* If this isn't a directory, just exit */
        if (!mode_conflict && (mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) {
            EXLog(REPL, DBG, " > Path is not a directory [after conflict resolution]");

    /* Absences? Make directories */
    if (absences) {
        EXLog(REPL, DBG, " > Absences found; mirroring");
        volume_mkdir_path_on_active_volumes(task->path, (mode & 0xFFFF) | S_IFDIR);

    /* Now we should queue up child directories */
    /* Get all the DIR entries for the active volumes */
    DIR **entries = volume_active_dir_entries(task->path);
    DIR **entries_start = entries;

    ReplicationTask_t child_task;
    child_task.opcode = REP_OP_MIRROR_DIRECTORY;
    child_task.volume_basepath[0] = 0;

    if (entries) {
        /* create a hash table that will help detect duplicate entries */
        Dictionary_t *dic = dictionary_create_with_size(512);
        int64_t tmp;
        while (*entries) {
            /* For each DIR, iterate through and grab entries */
            DIR *entry = *entries;
            struct dirent *dent = readdir(entry);
            while (dent) {

                if (dent->d_type == DT_DIR && strcmp("..", dent->d_name) && strcmp(".", dent->d_name)) {
                    /* For each entry, add it to the list if it doesn't exist in the hash table */
                    if (!dictionary_get_int(dic, dent->d_name, &tmp)) {
                        dictionary_set_int(dic, dent->d_name, tmp);
                        snprintf(child_task.path, PATH_MAX-1, "%s/%s", task->path, dent->d_name);
                        replication_queue_task(&child_task, OP_PRI_SYNC_DIR, 1);

                dent = readdir(entry);
            closedir(entry); /* Don't forget to close the DIR after use! */
        /* Free memory */

Example #6
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	if(argc || argv) {;}

	if(!dict) fatal("Cannot create dictionary.");

	struct rusage start, end;
	unsigned long long dt;
	char buf[100 + 1];
	struct myvalue value, *v;
	int i, max = 100000, max2;

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
	dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
	fprintf(stderr, "Inserting %d entries in the dictionary\n", max);
	for(i = 0; i < max; i++) {
		value.i = i;
		snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", i);

		dictionary_set(dict, buf, &value, sizeof(struct myvalue));
	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
	dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
	fprintf(stderr, "Added %d entries in %llu nanoseconds: %llu inserts per second\n", max, dt, max * 1000000ULL / dt);
	fprintf(stderr, " > Dictionary: %llu inserts, %llu deletes, %llu searches\n\n", dict->stats->inserts, dict->stats->deletes, dict->stats->searches);

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
	dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
	fprintf(stderr, "Retrieving %d entries from the dictionary\n", max);
	for(i = 0; i < max; i++) {
		value.i = i;
		snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", i);

		v = dictionary_get(dict, buf);
			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot get value %d from the dictionary\n", i);
		else if(v->i != i)
			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected %d but got %d\n", i, v->i);
	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
	dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
	fprintf(stderr, "Read %d entries in %llu nanoseconds: %llu searches per second\n", max, dt, max * 1000000ULL / dt);
	fprintf(stderr, " > Dictionary: %llu inserts, %llu deletes, %llu searches\n\n", dict->stats->inserts, dict->stats->deletes, dict->stats->searches);

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
	dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
	fprintf(stderr, "Resetting %d entries in the dictionary\n", max);
	for(i = 0; i < max; i++) {
		value.i = i;
		snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", i);

		dictionary_set(dict, buf, &value, sizeof(struct myvalue));
	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
	dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
	fprintf(stderr, "Reset %d entries in %llu nanoseconds: %llu resets per second\n", max, dt, max * 1000000ULL / dt);
	fprintf(stderr, " > Dictionary: %llu inserts, %llu deletes, %llu searches\n\n", dict->stats->inserts, dict->stats->deletes, dict->stats->searches);

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
	dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
	fprintf(stderr, "Searching  %d non-existing entries in the dictionary\n", max);
	max2 = max * 2;
	for(i = max; i < max2; i++) {
		value.i = i;
		snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", i);

		v = dictionary_get(dict, buf);
			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: cannot got non-existing value %d from the dictionary\n", i);
	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
	dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
	fprintf(stderr, "Searched %d non-existing entries in %llu nanoseconds: %llu not found searches per second\n", max, dt, max * 1000000ULL / dt);
	fprintf(stderr, " > Dictionary: %llu inserts, %llu deletes, %llu searches\n\n", dict->stats->inserts, dict->stats->deletes, dict->stats->searches);

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
	dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
	fprintf(stderr, "Deleting %d entries from the dictionary\n", max);
	for(i = 0; i < max; i++) {
		value.i = i;
		snprintf(buf, 100, "%d", i);

		dictionary_del(dict, buf);
	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
	dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
	fprintf(stderr, "Deleted %d entries in %llu nanoseconds: %llu deletes per second\n", max, dt, max * 1000000ULL / dt);
	fprintf(stderr, " > Dictionary: %llu inserts, %llu deletes, %llu searches\n\n", dict->stats->inserts, dict->stats->deletes, dict->stats->searches);

	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &start);
	dict->stats->inserts = dict->stats->deletes = dict->stats->searches = 0ULL;
	fprintf(stderr, "Destroying dictionary\n");
	getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &end);
	dt = (end.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + end.ru_utime.tv_usec) - (start.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + start.ru_utime.tv_usec);
	fprintf(stderr, "Destroyed in %llu nanoseconds\n", dt);

	return 0;
Example #7
int main()
	 * Initialize the dictionary data structure.
	dictionary_t dictionary;

	 * Preform some basic actions
	int result;
	const char *s;

	/* _add() */
	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key", "value");
	if (result != 0) { printf("_add() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }
	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key2", "value");
	if (result != 0) { printf("_add() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }

	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key3", "value");
	if (result != 0) { printf("_add() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }

	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key", "value2");
	if (result == 0) { printf("_add() was successful, and it should've failed.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }
	/* _remove() */
	dictionary_remove(&dictionary, "key3");

	/* _get() */
	s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "non-existant");
	if (s != NULL) { printf("_get() was successful, and it should've failed.\n"); }
	else { printf("_get(): OKAY!\n"); }

	s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "key");
	if (s == NULL || strcmp(s, "value") != 0) { printf("_get() failed or was not the expected result.\n"); }
	else { printf("_get(): OKAY!\n"); }
	/* _parse() */
	char *s1 = malloc(100);
	strcpy(s1, "key3: value");
	result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s1);
	if (result != 0) { printf("_parse() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_parse(): OKAY!\n"); }
	//if(dictionary_remove(&dictionary, "key3")!=0) printf("unsuccesfull\n");//added
	char *s2 = malloc(100);
	strcpy(s2, "bad key-value");
	result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s2);
	if (result == 0) { printf("_parse() was successful, and it should've failed.\n"); }
	else { printf("_parse(): OKAY!\n"); }


	/* _get() */
	s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "key3");
	if (s == NULL || strcmp(s, "value") != 0) { printf("_get() failed or was not the expected result.\n"); }
	else { printf("_get(): OKAY!\n"); }

	 * Free up the memory used by the dictionary and close the file.

	return 0;
Example #8
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *prgm = *argv;
  argv++; argc--;

  dictionary_t dictionary;

  if(argc < 1) {
    printf("Usage: %s [options]\n",prgm);
    printf("Use any combination of the following:\n");
    printf("  -i: Initialize the dictionary\n");
    printf("  -a [key] [value]: Add a key/value to the dictionary\n");
    printf("  -p [string]: Parse a string into the dictionary\n");
    printf("  -g [key]: Get a value by its key from the dictionary\n");
    printf("  -r [key]: Remove a key from the dictionary\n");
    printf("  -d: Destroy the dictionary\n");

  char *key, *value, *string;

  while(argc > 0) {
    if(strcmp(*argv,"-i") == 0) { //Initialize
      printf("Running init()\n");
      printf("  completed\n");
    } else if(strcmp(*argv,"-a") == 0) {
      if(argc < 3) {
	printf("Not enough parameters to -a\n");
	return 2;
      key = mstrcpy(argv[1]);
      value = mstrcpy(argv[2]);
      printf("Running add(\"%s\",\"%s\")\n",argv[1],argv[2]);
      d_retint(dictionary_add(&dictionary, key, value));
      argv += 2; argc -= 2;
    } else if(strcmp(*argv,"-p") == 0) {
      if(argc < 2) {
	printf("Not enough parameters to -p\n");
	return 2;
      string = mstrcpy(argv[1]);
      printf("Running parse(\"%s\")\n",argv[1]);
      d_retint(dictionary_parse(&dictionary, string));
      argv += 1; argc -= 1;
    } else if(strcmp(*argv,"-g") == 0) {
      if(argc < 2) {
	printf("Not enough parameters to -g\n");
	return 2;
      key = mstrcpy(argv[1]);
      printf("Running get(\"%s\")\n",argv[1]);
      d_retstr(dictionary_get(&dictionary, key));
      argv += 1; argc -= 1;
    } else if(strcmp(*argv,"-r") == 0) {
      if(argc < 2) {
	printf("Not enough parameters to -r\n");
	return 2;
      key = mstrcpy(argv[1]);
      printf("Running remove(\"%s\")\n",argv[1]);
      d_retint(dictionary_remove(&dictionary, key));
      argv += 1; argc -= 1;
    } else if(strcmp(*argv,"-d") == 0) {
      printf("Running destroy()\n");
      printf("  completed\n");
    } else {
      printf("Did not understand parameter: %s\n",*argv);
      return 3;
    argv++; argc--;
Example #9
int main()
	 * Initialize the dictionary data structure.
	dictionary_t dictionary;

	 * Preform some basic actions
	int result;
	const char *s;

	/* _add() */
	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key", "value");
	if (result != 0) { printf("_add() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }

	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key2", "value");
	if (result != 0) { printf("_add() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }

	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key3", "value");
	if (result != 0) { printf("_add() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }

	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key", "value2");
	if (result == 0) { printf("_add() was successful, and it should've failed.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }

	/* _remove() */
	dictionary_remove(&dictionary, "key3");

	/* _get() */
	s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "non-existant");
	if (s != NULL) { printf("_get() was successful, and it should've failed.\n"); }
	else { printf("_get(): OKAY!\n"); }

	s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "key");
	if (s == NULL || strcmp(s, "value") != 0) { printf("_get() failed or was not the expected result.\n"); }
	else { printf("_get(): OKAY!\n"); }

	/* _parse() */
	char *s1 = malloc(100);
	strcpy(s1, "key3: value");
	result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s1);
	if (result != 0) { printf("_parse() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_parse(): OKAY!\n"); }

	char *s2 = malloc(100);
	strcpy(s2, "bad key-value");
	result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s2);
	if (result == 0) { printf("_parse() was successful, and it should've failed.\n"); }
	else { printf("_parse(): OKAY!\n"); }

	/* _get() */
	s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "key3");
	if (s == NULL || strcmp(s, "value") != 0) { printf("_get() failed or was not the expected result.\n"); }
	else { printf("_get(): OKAY!\n"); }

    result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, "hola, :senor");
    if(result == 0) printf("Bad!\r\n");
    else printf("Success\r\n");

    strcpy(s1, "w00t: d00ddd");
    result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s1);
    //char * z = "w00t: d00ddd";
    s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "w00t");
    if(s == 0 || strcmp(s, "d00ddd") != 0) printf("Bad: %s\r\n", s);
    else printf("Success\r\n");

    char * s3 = (char*)malloc(100);
    strcpy(s3, "    : sdasda");
    result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s3);
    s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "");
    if(s != 0) printf("Bad: %s\r\n", s);
    else printf("Success\r\n");

    char* s4 = (char*)malloc(100);
    strcpy(s1, "ad: (&DAS^\\x");
    if(dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s1) != 0)
    s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "ad");
    strcpy(s1, "w00t1: test");
    dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s1);
 strcpy(s4, "w00t1");
    s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, s4);
    if(s == 0 || strcmp(s, "test") != 0)

    strcpy(s1, "w00t1: test2324334");
    if((result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s1)) != KEY_EXISTS)
        printf("Error: %d\r\n", result);
    else printf("Success\r\n");

    /**** BEGIN "Robust" Test Cases ****/
    // Test 1
    printf("\r\n\r\n=== BEGIN ROBUST ===\r\n\r\n");
    char x[] = "Test Me: 57 ad9 X";
    result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, x);
    if(result != 0) printf("Error: Test 1, %d\r\n", result);
    else printf("Test 1 Passed!\r\n");

    // Test 2
    s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "Test Me");
    if(s != 0 && strcmp(s, "57 ad9 X") == 0) printf("Test 2 Passed!\r\n");
    else printf("Error: Test2\r\n");

    // Test 3
    result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "Test me", "test_value");
    s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "tESt mE");
    if(result != KEY_EXISTS || strcmp(s, "57 ad9 X") != 0) printf("Error: Test 3, %d, %s\r\n", result, s);
    else printf("Test 3 Passed!\r\n");

    // Test 4
    char y[] = "TeSt Me: d00d another one <3";
    result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, y);
    if(result != KEY_EXISTS) printf("Error: Test 4\r\n");
    else printf("Test 4 Passed!\r\n");

    // Test 5
    dictionary_remove(&dictionary, "TeSt ME");
    s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "test me");
    if(s != 0) printf("Error: Test 5\r\n");
    else printf("Test 5 Passed!\r\n");

	 * Free up the memory used by the dictionary and close the file.

	return 0;
Example #10
int main()
 	 * Set the start time
	clock_t start, end;
	double time_spent;
	start = clock();

	 * Initialize the dictionary data structure.
	dictionary_t dictionary;

	int i=0;
	char** key_values = (char**)malloc(MAX_ENTRIES*sizeof(char*));
	for(i=0; i<MAX_ENTRIES; i++){
	    key_values[i] = (char*)malloc(50*sizeof(char));
	    sprintf(key_values[i], "%d: %d", i, i); 
	    if(dictionary_parse(&dictionary, key_values[i])!=0)
		return 1;

        for(i=0; i<MAX_ENTRIES; i++){
	    char tmp[30];
            sprintf(tmp, "%d", i);
            if(strcmp(tmp, dictionary_get(&dictionary, tmp))!=0)
	        return 1;

        for(i=0; i<MAX_ENTRIES; i++){
            if(dictionary_parse(&dictionary, key_values[i])==0)
                return 1;

	for(i=0; i<MAX_ENTRIES; i++){
            char tmp[30];
            sprintf(tmp, "%d", i);
	    if(dictionary_remove(&dictionary, tmp)!=0){
                printf("NOT_OK...THE ITEM TO REMOVE SHOULD IN DICTIONARY\n");
                return 1;

	 * Free up the memory used by the dictionary and close the file.

	for(i=0; i<MAX_ENTRIES; i++)

 	 * Set the end time
        end = clock();
	time_spent = (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
	printf("The running time for your dictionary is: %f seconds\n", time_spent);

	return 0;
Example #11
int main()
	 * Initialize the dictionary data structure.
	dictionary_t dictionary;

	 * Preform some basic actions
	int result;
	const char *s;

	/* _add() */
	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key", "value");
	if (result != 0) { printf("_add() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }

	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key2", "value");
	if (result != 0) { printf("_add() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }

	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key3", "value");
	if (result != 0) { printf("_add() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }

	result = dictionary_add(&dictionary, "key", "value2");
	if (result == 0) { printf("_add() was successful, and it should've failed.\n"); }
	else { printf("_add(): OKAY!\n"); }

	/* _remove() */
	dictionary_remove(&dictionary, "key3");

	/* _get() */
	s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "non-existant");
	if (s != NULL) { printf("_get() was successful, and it should've failed.\n"); }
	else { printf("_get(): OKAY!\n"); }

	s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "key");
	if (s == NULL){printf("NULL");}
	if (s == NULL || strcmp(s, "value") != 0) { printf("_get() failed or was not the expected result.\n"); }
	else { printf("_get(): OKAY!\n"); }

	/* _parse() */
	char *s1 = malloc(100);
	strcpy(s1, "key3: value");
	result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s1);
	if (result != 0) { printf("_parse() failed, and it should have been successful.\n"); }
	else { printf("_parse(): OKAY!\n"); }
	char *s2 = malloc(100);
	strcpy(s2, "a:: b");
	result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s2);
	if (result == 0) { printf("_parse() was successful, and it should've failed.\n"); }
	else { printf("_parse(): OKAY!\n"); }
	 * - ": www.cs.uiuc.edu", since the KEY is zero-length
 * - "MyKey, MyValue", since no colon, space exists
 * - "a:b", since no colon, space exists.
 * - "a:: b", since the first colon isn't followed by a space.
 * - ": key: value"
 * - " : "
 * - "         :  "
	char *s3 = malloc(100);
	strcpy(s3, " :  ");
	result = dictionary_parse(&dictionary, s3);
	printf("The result is %d\n",result);
	/* _get() */
	s = dictionary_get(&dictionary, "key3");
	if (s != NULL){printf("ITS NOT NULL");} 
	if (s = NULL){printf("ITS NULL");}
	if (strcmp(s,"value") == 0){printf("Its 0");}
	if (strcmp(s,"value") != 0){printf("Its NOT 0");}
	if (s == NULL || strcmp(s, "value") != 0) { printf("_get() failed or was not the expected result.\n"); }
	else { printf("_get(): OKAY!\n"); }
	//printf("Im Here\n");
	 * Free up the memory used by the dictionary and close the file.

	return 0;
F_SECUNDARIA: Creando un BSON del archivo, para insertalo en la DB                 TESTEADO =)
bson_t * crearDocumentoParaLaDB(char * nombreDelArchivo, long tamanioDelArchivo, int dirPadreDelArchivo, t_dictionary * diccionarioDeBloques)
//Va eliminando el diccionario que ingresa por parametro :D
	bson_t child; bson_t child2; bson_t child3; bson_t child4;
	bson_oid_t oid;

	int cantidadTotalDeBloques;
	int identificadorDelBloque = 0;

	t_dictionary* copiasDelBloqueX;
	t_copiaX* copiaX;

	char * iDelBloque;

	bson_t * documento = bson_new();
	// ::: Estructura BASICA del documento :::
		bson_oid_init (&oid, NULL);
        BSON_APPEND_OID (documento, "_id", &oid);
		BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (documento, "nombreDelArchivo", nombreDelArchivo);
	 	BSON_APPEND_INT32 (documento, "tamanio", tamanioDelArchivo);
	 	BSON_APPEND_INT32 (documento, "dirPadre", dirPadreDelArchivo);
		BSON_APPEND_INT32 (documento, "estado", 1);

	cantidadTotalDeBloques = dictionary_size(diccionarioDeBloques);

		BSON_APPEND_INT32 (documento, "cantidadDeBloques", cantidadTotalDeBloques);
	// ::: Estructura de BLOQUES del documento :::
	//Guardando los N bloques con copias 3
	bson_append_document_begin (documento, "Bloques", 7, &child);

		while(identificadorDelBloque < cantidadTotalDeBloques)
			iDelBloque = string_itoa(identificadorDelBloque);

			bson_append_document_begin (&child, iDelBloque, 1, &child2);

				copiasDelBloqueX = (t_dictionary*) dictionary_get( diccionarioDeBloques, iDelBloque );

				//Guardando la cantidad de copias del bloque X
					BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&child2, "cantidadDeCopias", 3);

				//Guardando las 3 copias para el bloque X
				bson_append_array_begin (&child2, "copias", 6, &child4);

					copiaX = (t_copiaX*) dictionary_get( copiasDelBloqueX, "1" );

					int Guachin= dictionary_size(copiasDelBloqueX);
					bson_append_document_begin (&child4, "0", 1, &child3);
						bson_append_int32(&child3,"IP", 2, (*copiaX).IP);
						bson_append_int32(&child3, "puerto", 6, (*copiaX).puerto);
						bson_append_int32(&child3, "numBloque", 9, (*copiaX).numBloque);
					bson_append_document_end (&child4, &child3);

					copiaX = (t_copiaX*) dictionary_get( copiasDelBloqueX, "2" );

					bson_append_document_begin (&child4, "1", 1, &child3);
						bson_append_int32(&child3,"IP", 2, (*copiaX).IP);
						bson_append_int32(&child3, "puerto", 6, (*copiaX).puerto);
						bson_append_int32(&child3, "numBloque", 9, (*copiaX).numBloque);
					bson_append_document_end (&child4, &child3);

					copiaX = (t_copiaX*) dictionary_get( copiasDelBloqueX, "3" );

					bson_append_document_begin (&child4, "2", 1, &child3);
						bson_append_int32(&child3,"IP", 2, (*copiaX).IP);
						bson_append_int32(&child3, "puerto", 6, (*copiaX).puerto);
						bson_append_int32(&child3, "numBloque", 9, (*copiaX).numBloque);
					bson_append_document_end (&child4, &child3);

				bson_append_array_end (&child2, &child4);


			//Anido las 3 copias al bloque X
			bson_append_document_end (&child, &child2);

	//::Estructura BASICA + estructura BLOQUES::
	bson_append_document_end (documento, &child);

	//Elimino el diccionarioDeBloques

	return documento;