Example #1
 * Process an KEY_REQ message
void handle_key_req(const union sockaddr_u *src,
                    const unsigned char *packet, unsigned packetlen)
    const struct key_req_h *keyreq;
    struct timeval current_timestamp;
    char destname[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
    int rval;

    keyreq = (const struct key_req_h *)(packet + sizeof(struct uftp_h));

    if ((rval = getnameinfo((const struct sockaddr *)src, family_len(*src),
            destname, sizeof(destname), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) != 0) {
        log1(0, 0, 0, "getnameinfo failed: %s", gai_strerror(rval));
    if ((packetlen < sizeof(struct uftp_h) + (keyreq->hlen * 4U)) ||
            ((keyreq->hlen * 4U) < sizeof(struct key_req_h))) {
        log1(0,0,0,"Rejecting KEY_REQ from %s: invalid message size", destname);
    log2(0, 0, 0, "Received KEY_REQ from %s", destname);

    gettimeofday(&current_timestamp, NULL);
    if (diff_sec(current_timestamp, last_key_req) > KEY_REQ_LIMIT) {
Example #2
void refresh_stat()
   long long this_tick = gettime();
   if(diff_sec(last_refresh, this_tick) >= 1)
	time_in_section[0] = this_tick - last_start[0];
	sprintf(txtbuffer, "gfx=%f%%", 100.0f * (float)time_in_section[GFX_SECTION] / (float)time_in_section[0]);
	DEBUG_print(txtbuffer, DBG_PROFILE_GFX);
	sprintf(txtbuffer, "audio=%f%%", 100.0f * (float)time_in_section[AUDIO_SECTION] / (float)time_in_section[0]);
	DEBUG_print(txtbuffer, DBG_PROFILE_AUDIO);
	sprintf(txtbuffer, "tlb=%f%%", 100.0f * (float)time_in_section[TLB_SECTION] / (float)time_in_section[0]);
	DEBUG_print(txtbuffer, DBG_PROFILE_TLB);
	sprintf(txtbuffer, "fp=%f%%", 100.0f * (float)time_in_section[FP_SECTION] / (float)time_in_section[0]);
	DEBUG_print(txtbuffer, DBG_PROFILE_FP);
	sprintf(txtbuffer, "comp=%f%%", 100.0f * (float)time_in_section[COMPILER_SECTION] / (float)time_in_section[0]);
	DEBUG_print(txtbuffer, DBG_PROFILE_COMP);
	sprintf(txtbuffer, "interp=%f%%", 100.0f * (float)time_in_section[INTERP_SECTION] / (float)time_in_section[0]);
	DEBUG_print(txtbuffer, DBG_PROFILE_INTERP);
	sprintf(txtbuffer, "tramp=%f%%", 100.0f * (float)time_in_section[TRAMP_SECTION] / (float)time_in_section[0]);
	DEBUG_print(txtbuffer, DBG_PROFILE_TRAMP);
	int i;
	for(i=1; i<=NUM_SECTIONS; ++i) time_in_section[i] = 0;
	last_start[0] = this_tick;
	last_refresh = this_tick;
Example #3
	#ifdef HW_RVL

	now = gettime();

	if(!padsConnected && diff_sec(prev, now) < 2)

	prev = now;

	padsConnected = PAD_ScanPads();


	for(int i=3; i >= 0; i--)
		userInput[i].pad.btns_d = PAD_ButtonsDown(i);
		userInput[i].pad.btns_u = PAD_ButtonsUp(i);
		userInput[i].pad.btns_h = PAD_ButtonsHeld(i);
		userInput[i].pad.stickX = PAD_StickX(i);
		userInput[i].pad.stickY = PAD_StickY(i);
		userInput[i].pad.substickX = PAD_SubStickX(i);
		userInput[i].pad.substickY = PAD_SubStickY(i);
		userInput[i].pad.triggerL = PAD_TriggerL(i);
		userInput[i].pad.triggerR = PAD_TriggerR(i);
Example #4
long CTimerCpu::get_time_sec(){
    return get_time_ms() / 1000;
    if( isRunning == true ){
        clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t_stop);
    return diff_sec( t_start, t_stop );
Example #5
void DEBUG_update() {
	#ifdef SHOW_DEBUG
	int i;
	long long nowTick = gettime();
	for(i=0; i<DEBUG_TEXT_HEIGHT; i++){
Example #6
bool InitializeNetwork(bool silent)
#ifdef HW_RVL

	if(networkInit && net_gethostip() > 0)
		return true;

	networkInit = false;
		return true;

	int retry = 1;

		ShowAction("Initializing network...");

#ifdef HW_RVL
		u64 start = gettime();

		while (!LWP_ThreadIsSuspended(networkthread))
			usleep(50 * 1000);

			if(diff_sec(start, gettime()) > 10) // wait for 10 seconds max for net init
		networkInit = !(if_config(wiiIP, NULL, NULL, true) < 0);


		if(networkInit || silent)

		retry = ErrorPromptRetry("Unable to initialize network!");
#ifdef HW_RVL  	
		if(networkInit && net_gethostip() > 0)
			return true;
	return networkInit;
Example #7
 * Process an KEY_REQ message
void handle_key_req(const struct sockaddr_in *src,
                    const unsigned char *packet)
    struct hostent *hp;
    struct timeval current_timestamp;

    if (!noname && (hp = gethostbyaddr((char *)&src->sin_addr,
                                       sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET))) {
        log(0, 0, "Received KEY_REQ from %s (%s)",
                  hp->h_name, inet_ntoa(src->sin_addr));
    } else {
        log(0, 0, "Received KEY_REQ from %s", inet_ntoa(src->sin_addr));

    gettimeofday(&current_timestamp, NULL);
    if (diff_sec(current_timestamp, last_key_req) > KEY_REQ_LIMIT) {
Example #8
 * InitializeNetwork
 * Initializes the Wii/GameCube network interface
bool InitializeNetwork(bool silent)


	if(networkInit && net_gethostip() > 0)
		return true;

	networkInit = false;

	int retry = 1;

		ShowAction("Initializing network...");

		u64 start = gettime();

		while (!LWP_ThreadIsSuspended(networkthread))
			usleep(50 * 1000);

			if(diff_sec(start, gettime()) > 10) // wait for 10 seconds max for net init


		if(networkInit || silent)

		retry = ErrorPromptRetry("Unable to initialize network!");
		if(networkInit && net_gethostip() > 0)

			return true;
	return networkInit;
Example #9
 * Performs the Transfer phase for a particular file
 * Returns 1 if at least one client finished, 0 if all are dropped or aborted
int transfer_phase(struct finfo_t *finfo)
    unsigned char *packet, *encpacket, *data;
    char path[MAXPATHNAME];
    struct uftp_h *header;
    struct fileseg_h *fileseg;
    int max_time, alldone, numbytes, sent_blocks, current_naks;
    unsigned int pass, section, numnaks, block;
    struct timeval start_time, last_sent, current_sent;
    int64_t avgwait, waitcnt, overage, tdiff;
    f_offset_t offset, curr_offset;
    int file, i;

    if (finfo->file_id != 0) {
        // First check to see if all clients are already done for this file.
        // This can happen on a restart when the file finished on the
        // last attempt and responded to the FILEINFO with a COMPLETE
        for (i = 0, alldone = 1; (i < destcount) && alldone; i++) {
            alldone = alldone && ((destlist[i].status == DEST_DONE) ||
                        (client_error(i)) || (destlist[i].clientcnt != -1));
        if (alldone) {
            gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);
            print_status(finfo, start_time);
            return 1;

    // If rate is -1, use 100Mbps for purpose of calculating max time
    max_time = (int)floor(((double)weight / 100) *
           ((double)finfo->size / (((rate == -1) ? 100000 : rate) / 8) / 1024));
    if (max_time < min_time) {
        max_time = min_time;

    if ((finfo->file_id != 0) && (finfo->ftype == FTYPE_REG)) {
        log(0, 0, "Maximum file transfer time: %d seconds", max_time);
        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%c%s", finfo->basedir, PATH_SEP,
        if ((file = open(path, OPENREAD, 0)) == -1) {
            syserror(0, 0, "Error opening file");
            return 1;
    } else {
        // At end of group, all non-errored client are DEST_DONE from the
        // last file, so reset them to DEST_ACTIVE to get the final COMPLETE.
        for (i = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
            if (!client_error(i)) {
                destlist[i].status = DEST_ACTIVE;

    packet = calloc(mtu, 1);
    encpacket = calloc(mtu, 1);
    if ((packet == NULL) || (encpacket == NULL)) {
        syserror(0, 0, "calloc failed!");
    header = (struct uftp_h *)packet;
    fileseg = (struct fileseg_h *)(packet + sizeof(struct uftp_h));
    data = (unsigned char *)fileseg + sizeof(struct fileseg_h);
    set_uftp_header(header, FILESEG, finfo, &receive_dest);    

    pass = 1;
    alldone = 0;
    gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);
    do {
        avgwait = 0;
        waitcnt = 0;
        numnaks = 0;
        overage = 0;
        section = 1;
        curr_offset = 0;
        sent_blocks = 0;

        gettimeofday(&last_sent, NULL);
        if (finfo->file_id != 0) {
            log(0, 0, "Sending file...pass %d", pass);
            lseek_func(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
        } else {
            log(0, 0, "Finishing group");
        fileseg->func = FILESEG;
        fileseg->file_id = htons(finfo->file_id);
        fileseg->pass = pass;
        fileseg->section = htons(section);
        for (block = 0; block < finfo->blocks; block++) {
            // If all clients received this file partially on a prior attempt
            // and it's the first pass, request NAKs for all sections
            // right away and don't send any data packets.
            if (((pass == 1) || finfo->naklist[block]) &&
                    !((pass == 1) && finfo->partial)) {
                if (diff_sec(last_sent, start_time) > max_time) {
                    log0(0, 0, "Max file transfer time exceeded");
                    send_abort(finfo, "Max file transfer time exceeded",
                            &receive_dest, NULL, (keytype != KEY_NONE),
                    alldone = 1;
                    for (i = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
                        if (quit_on_error || ((destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) &&
                                               destlist[i].clientcnt == -1 )) {
                            destlist[i].status = DEST_ABORT;
                // On the first pass, go straight through the file.
                // On later passes, seek to the next packet.
                if (pass != 1) {
                    log4(0, 0, "Resending %d", block);
                    if (!seek_block(file, block, &offset, curr_offset)) {
                if ((numbytes = read(file, data, blocksize)) == -1) {
                    syserror(0, 0, "read failed");
                if (pass != 1) {
                    curr_offset = offset + numbytes;

                // Keep track of how long we really slept compared to how
                // long we expected to sleep.  If we went over, subtract the
                // time over from the next sleep time.  This way we maintain
                // the proper average sleep time.  This can result in multiple
                // packets going out at once, potentially losing packets.
                if (packet_wait > overage) {
                    usleep(packet_wait - (int32_t)overage);
                gettimeofday(&current_sent, NULL);
                tdiff = diff_usec(current_sent, last_sent);
                avgwait += tdiff;
                if (packet_wait) overage += tdiff - packet_wait;
                last_sent = current_sent;

                fileseg->seq_num = htonl(block);
                send_data(finfo, packet, numbytes, encpacket);
            if ((block % (blocksize * 8) == (blocksize * 8) - 1) ||
                    (block == finfo->blocks - 1)) {
                if ((pass == 1) || sent_blocks) {
                    current_naks = get_naks(finfo, pass, section, &alldone);
                    numnaks += current_naks;
                    if ((rate != -1) && (cc_count > 0)) {
                        if (!read_cc_config(cc_config)) {
                            log1(0, 0, "Error rereading congestion control "
                                       "config, using prior values");
                        adjust_rate(current_naks, sent_blocks);
                    overage = 0;
                    if (alldone) break;
                sent_blocks = 0;
                gettimeofday(&last_sent, NULL);
                fileseg->section = htons(++section);
        if ((finfo->size == 0) && !alldone) {
            // If it's the end of the group, or an empty file, a DONE was
            // never sent, so send it now
            numnaks += get_naks(finfo, pass, section, &alldone);
        if (finfo->file_id != 0) {
            log(0, 0, "Average wait time = %.2f us",
                       (waitcnt == 0) ? 0 : (float)avgwait / waitcnt);
            log(0, 0, "Received %d distinct NAKs for pass %d", numnaks, pass);
    } while (!alldone);

    if ((finfo->file_id != 0) && (finfo->ftype == FTYPE_REG)) {
    print_status(finfo, start_time);


    for (i = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
        if (quit_on_error) {
            // Check to see that all finished
            if ((destlist[i].status != DEST_DONE) &&
                    (destlist[i].clientcnt == -1)) {
                return 0;
        } else {
            // Check to see if at least one finished
            if (destlist[i].status == DEST_DONE) {
                return 1;
    if (quit_on_error) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;