Example #1
void SceneLoader::ImportMaterial(Scene& scene,
                                 const aiMaterial* const material) {
    aiString ai_name;
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_NAME, ai_name);
    aiColor4D diffuse_color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_DIFFUSE, diffuse_color);
    aiColor4D specular_color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_SPECULAR, specular_color);
    aiColor4D ambient_color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_AMBIENT, ambient_color);
    aiColor4D emissive_color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_COLOR_EMISSIVE, emissive_color);
    float opacity = 0.0f;
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_OPACITY, opacity);
    float reflectivity = 0.0f;
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_REFLECTIVITY, reflectivity);
    float refractivity = 0.0f;
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_REFRACTI, refractivity);
    float shininess = 0.0f;
    material->Get(AI_MATKEY_SHININESS, shininess);
    std::string name;
    name = std::string(ai_name.C_Str());
    Material mat;
    mat.kd = glm::vec3(diffuse_color[0], diffuse_color[1], diffuse_color[2]);
    mat.ks = glm::vec3(specular_color[0], specular_color[1], specular_color[2]);
    mat.ka = glm::vec3(ambient_color[0], ambient_color[1], ambient_color[2]);
    mat.ke = glm::vec3(emissive_color[0], emissive_color[1], emissive_color[2]);
    mat.kr = reflectivity;
    mat.kt = refractivity;
    mat.tr = opacity;
    mat.ns = shininess;
    scene.AddMaterial(name, mat);
Example #2
t_color		shade(t_env *e, t_obj object, t_vector3d inter, t_vector3d ray)
	t_color		final_color;
	t_vector3d	n;
	t_obj		*light;
	int			i;
	t_list		*cursor;

	i = 0;
	cursor = e->list_spot;
	final_color = set_rgb(0, 0, 0);
	while (cursor)
		light = (t_obj *)cursor->content;
		light_rotate(e, &object, &inter, light);
		n = calcul_normal(&object, &inter);
		final_color = add_rgb(final_color, diffuse_color(light, n, &object));
		final_color = add_rgb(final_color,
			specular_color(light, n, &object, ray));
		cursor = cursor->next;
	if (i > 0)
		final_color = set_rgb(final_color.r / i,
			final_color.g / i, final_color.b / i);
	return (final_color);
Example #3
void testApp::setup(){

	// this uses depth information for occlusion
	// rather than always drawing things on top of each other
	// ofBox uses texture coordinates from 0-1, so you can load whatever
	// sized images you want and still use them to texture your box
	// but we have to explicitly normalize our tex coords here
    //create a bunch of custom nodes
    for(double z = 0; z > -36*M_PI; z +=zStep){
        double x = -10;
        double y = tileLayoutFunction(z);
        double blueValue = fmod(-floor(z*2),255);

        CustomNode* node = new CustomNode();
        node->setPosition(x, y, z);
        node->red = 0;
        node->green = 60;
        node->blue = blueValue;
    firstNodePosition = customNodes[0]->getPosition();
    lastNodePosition = customNodes[customNodes.size()-1]->getPosition();
    light.setPosition(0, 0, 150);
    ofFloatColor ambient_color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0,1.0);
    ofFloatColor diffuse_color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    ofFloatColor specular_color(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);


	void main(void *arg)
		const color WHITE(1.0f);
		const color Cs(i_color());
		color diffuse_color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
		scalar diffuse_weight = i_diffuse();
		color specular_color(i_specularColor());
		scalar specular_weight= 0.2f;//cosinePower
		scalar roughness = 0.0f;
		int specular_mode = 1;//[0,3]
		scalar glossiness = 1.0f;
		color reflection_color(i_reflectedColor());
		scalar reflection_weight = 0.5f;
		color  refraction_color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
		scalar refraction_weight= 0.0f;//zero will lead a dark image
		scalar refraction_glossiness = 0.5f;
		scalar refraction_thickness= 2.0f;//surfaceThickness
		color  translucency_color(i_transparency());
		scalar translucency_weight = i_translucence();
		scalar anisotropy = 1.0f;
		scalar rotation = 0.0f;
		scalar ior = 1.5f;//refractiveIndex
		bool fresnel_by_ior = eiTRUE;
		scalar fresnel_0_degree_refl = 0.2f;
		scalar fresnel_90_degree_refl = 1.0f;
		scalar fresnel_curve= 5.0f;
		bool is_metal = eiTRUE;
		int diffuse_samples = 8;
		int reflection_samples= 4;
		int refraction_samples= 4;
		scalar cutoff_threshold = LIQ_SCALAR_EPSILON;
		eiTag bump_shader = eiNULL_TAG;
		scalar bump_factor= 0.3f;

  		if( liq_UserDefinedNormal() == 0 )
  			i_normalCamera() = N;
		vector In = normalize( I );
		normal Nn = normalize( i_normalCamera() );
		normal Nf = ShadingNormal(Nn);
		vector V = -In;

		// specular is the percentage of specular lighting
		// limit weights in range [0, 1]
		specular_weight = clamp(specular_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		refraction_weight = clamp(refraction_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		translucency_weight = clamp(translucency_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		// automatically compute Kd, Ks, Kt in an energy conserving way
		diffuse_weight = clamp(diffuse_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		reflection_weight = clamp(reflection_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		// the energy balancing between reflection and refraction is 
		// dominated by Fresnel law
		//color Kt(refraction_color * (spec * refr * (1.0f - trans)) * (is_metal?Cs:WHITE));
		// this is a monolithic shader which also serves as shadow shader
		if (ray_type == EI_RAY_SHADOW)
			main_shadow(arg, refraction_color * (specular_weight * refraction_weight * (1.0f - translucency_weight)), 
				refraction_thickness, cutoff_threshold);

		// for surface shader, we call bump shader
		eiTag shader = bump_shader;
		if (shader != eiNULL_TAG)
			call_bump_shader(shader, bump_factor);

		//color Kc(refraction_color * (spec * refr * trans) * (is_metal?Cs:WHITE));
		// non-reflected energy is absorbed
		//color Ks(specular_color * spec * (1.0f - refl) * (is_metal?Cs:WHITE));
		//color Kr(reflection_color * (spec * refl) * (is_metal?Cs:WHITE));
		// surface color will impact specular for metal material
		//const color Cs(surface_color);

//		const color Kd( Cs *(1.0f - spec) * diff );
//		const int spec_mode = clamp(specular_mode, 0, 3);

		out->Ci = o_outColor();
		out->Oi = o_outTransparency();

		// apply rotation
		scalar deg = rotation;
		if (deg != 0.0f)
			dPdu = rotate_vector(dPdu, N, radians(deg));
			dPdv = cross(dPdu, N);
			u_axis = normalize(dPdu);
			v_axis = normalize(dPdv);

		// set the glossiness scale based on the chosen BSDF
		scalar glossiness_scale = 370.37f;
		if (specular_mode == 1)
			glossiness_scale = 125.0f;
		else if (specular_mode == 3)
			// scale to make the same glossiness parameter 
			// results in similar lobe for different BSDFs
			glossiness_scale = 22.88f;

//		scalar aniso = anisotropy;
		int refl_samples = reflection_samples;
		int refr_samples = refraction_samples;

		// prepare outgoing direction in local frame
		const vector wo(normalize(to_local(V)));
		// construct BSDFs
		OrenNayar Rd(roughness);
		scalar shiny_u = glossiness;
		if (shiny_u < eiSCALAR_EPS)
			shiny_u = eiSCALAR_EPS;
			refl_samples = 1;
		shiny_u = max(0.0f, glossiness_scale / shiny_u);
		scalar shiny_v = max(0.0f, shiny_u * anisotropy);
		scalar IOR = ior;
		eiBool fresn_by_ior = fresnel_by_ior;
		scalar fresn_0_degree_refl = fresnel_0_degree_refl;
		scalar fresn_90_degree_refl = fresnel_90_degree_refl;
		scalar fresn_curve = fresnel_curve;

		union {
			eiByte by_ior[sizeof(FresnelByIOR)];
			eiByte schlick[sizeof(FresnelSchlick)];
		} F_storage;

		union {
			eiByte by_ior[sizeof(FresnelByIOR)];
			eiByte schlick[sizeof(FresnelSchlick)];
		} invF_storage;

		Fresnel *F = NULL;
		Fresnel *invF = NULL;
		if (fresn_by_ior)
			F = new (F_storage.by_ior) FresnelByIOR(IOR);
			invF = new (invF_storage.by_ior) InvFresnelByIOR(IOR);
			F = new (F_storage.schlick) FresnelSchlick(
			invF = new (invF_storage.schlick) InvFresnelSchlick(

		union {
			eiByte ward[sizeof(Ward)];
			eiByte phong[sizeof(StretchedPhong)];
			eiByte blinn[sizeof(Blinn)];
			eiByte cooktorrance[sizeof(CookTorrance)];
		} Rs_storage;

		BSDF *Rs = NULL;
		switch (specular_mode)
		case 0:
 			Rs = new (Rs_storage.ward) Ward(F, shiny_u, shiny_v);
		case 1:
			Rs = new (Rs_storage.phong) StretchedPhong(F, shiny_u);
		case 2:
			Rs = new (Rs_storage.blinn) Blinn(F, shiny_u);
		case 3:
			Rs = new (Rs_storage.cooktorrance) CookTorrance(F, 1.0f / shiny_u);

		SpecularReflection Rr(F);

		scalar refr_shiny_u = refraction_glossiness;
		if (refr_shiny_u < eiSCALAR_EPS)
			refr_shiny_u = eiSCALAR_EPS;
			refr_samples = 1;
		refr_shiny_u = max(0.0f, glossiness_scale / refr_shiny_u);
		scalar refr_shiny_v = max(0.0f, shiny_u * anisotropy);

		union {
			eiByte ward[sizeof(Ward)];
			eiByte phong[sizeof(StretchedPhong)];
			eiByte blinn[sizeof(Blinn)];
			eiByte cooktorrance[sizeof(CookTorrance)];
		} Rts_storage;

		BSDF *Rts = NULL;
		switch (specular_mode)
		case 0:
			Rts = new (Rts_storage.ward) Ward(invF, refr_shiny_u, refr_shiny_v);
		case 1:
			Rts = new (Rts_storage.phong) StretchedPhong(invF, refr_shiny_u);
		case 2:
			Rts = new (Rts_storage.blinn) Blinn(invF, refr_shiny_u);
		case 3:
			Rts = new (Rts_storage.cooktorrance) CookTorrance(invF, 1.0f / refr_shiny_u);

		scalar refr_thickness = refraction_thickness;

		// internal scale for refraction thickness, make it smaller
		BRDFtoBTDF Rt(Rts, IOR, refr_thickness * 0.1f, this);
		color Cdiffuse(0.0f);
		color Cspecular(0.0f);

		// don't integrate direct lighting if the ray hits the back face
 		if (dot_nd < 0.0f)
 			// integrate direct lighting from the front side
 			//out->Ci += integrate_direct_lighting(/*Kd*/diffuse(), Rd, wo);
 			//out->Ci *= i_diffuse() * getDiffuse(Nf, eiFALSE, eiFALSE);
			Cdiffuse += i_diffuse() * getDiffuse(Nf, eiFALSE, eiFALSE);

 			//out->Ci += integrate_direct_lighting(Ks, *Rs, wo);
 			//out->Ci += i_specularColor() * getPhong (Nf, V, i_cosinePower(), eiFALSE, eiFALSE);
			Cspecular += i_specularColor() * getPhong (Nf, V, i_cosinePower(), eiFALSE, eiFALSE);


		// integrate for translucency from the back side
		if (!almost_black( refraction_color * (specular_weight * refraction_weight * translucency_weight)*(is_metal?Cs:WHITE) ) && //almost_black(Kc)
			(refr_thickness > 0.0f || dot_nd > 0.0f))
			vector old_dPdu(dPdu);
			vector old_dPdv(dPdv);
			vector old_u_axis(u_axis);
			vector old_v_axis(v_axis);
			normal old_N(N);
			vector new_wo(wo);

			if (dot_nd < 0.0f)
				dPdu = old_dPdv;
				dPdv = old_dPdu;
				u_axis = old_v_axis;
				v_axis = old_u_axis;
				N = -N;
				new_wo = vector(wo.y, wo.x, -wo.z);
			// integrate direct lighting from the back side
			//out->Ci += Kc * integrate_direct_lighting(/*Kd*/i_diffuse(), Rd, new_wo);
			//out->Ci += i_diffuse() * getDiffuse(Nf, eiFALSE, eiFALSE);
			Cdiffuse += i_diffuse() * getDiffuse(Nf, eiFALSE, eiFALSE);

			//out->Ci += Kc * integrate_direct_lighting(Ks, *Rs, new_wo);
			//out->Ci += i_specularColor() * getPhong (Nf, V, i_cosinePower(), eiFALSE, eiFALSE);
			Cspecular += i_specularColor() * getPhong (Nf, V, i_cosinePower(), eiFALSE, eiFALSE);

			N = old_N;
			u_axis = old_u_axis;
			v_axis = old_v_axis;
			dPdu = old_dPdu;
			dPdv = old_dPdv;

		scalar cutoff_thresh = cutoff_threshold;
		color CReflectSpecular(0.0f);
 		// integrate indirect specular lighting
		if (!almost_black( specular_color * (specular_weight * (1.0f - reflection_weight))*(is_metal?Cs:WHITE) ) && dot_nd < 0.0f)//almost_black(Ks)
 			IntegrateOptions opt;
 			opt.ray_type = EI_RAY_REFLECT_GLOSSY;
 			opt.min_samples = opt.max_samples = refl_samples;
 			opt.cutoff_threshold = cutoff_thresh;

			CReflectSpecular = integrate(wo, *Rs, opt);

		color CSpecularReflection(0.0f);
		// integrate perfect specular reflection
		if (!almost_black(reflection_color * (specular_weight * reflection_weight) * (is_metal?Cs:WHITE)) && dot_nd < 0.0f)//almost_black(Kr)
			IntegrateOptions opt;
			opt.ray_type = EI_RAY_REFLECT_GLOSSY;
			opt.min_samples = opt.max_samples = 1; // force one sample for reflection
			opt.cutoff_threshold = cutoff_thresh;
			// the direct lighting of this BRDF is not accounted, 
			// so we trace lights here to compensate
			opt.trace_lights = eiTRUE;
			CSpecularReflection = integrate(wo, Rr, opt);

		color CReflectDiffuse(0.0f);
		// integrate indirect diffuse lighting (color bleeding)
		if (!almost_black( Cs *(1.0f - specular_weight) * diffuse_weight ) && dot_nd < 0.0f)//almost_black(Kd)
			IntegrateOptions opt;
			opt.ray_type = EI_RAY_REFLECT_DIFFUSE;
			opt.min_samples = opt.max_samples = diffuse_samples;
			opt.cutoff_threshold = cutoff_thresh;

			CReflectDiffuse = integrate(wo, Rd, opt);

		color CRefraction(0.0f);
		// integrate refraction
		if ( !almost_black(refraction_color * specular_weight * refraction_weight * (1.0f-translucency_weight)*(is_metal?Cs:WHITE)) ) //almost_black(Kt)
			IntegrateOptions opt;
			opt.ray_type = EI_RAY_REFRACT_GLOSSY;
			if (IOR == 1.0f)
				opt.ray_type = EI_RAY_TRANSPARENT;
			opt.min_samples = opt.max_samples = refr_samples;
			opt.cutoff_threshold = cutoff_thresh;
			// account for refractive caustics
			opt.trace_lights = eiTRUE;

			CRefraction = integrate(wo, Rt, opt);

		out->Ci *= (Cdiffuse 

					+ CReflectDiffuse *
					  Cs *(1.0f - specular_weight) * diffuse_weight//Kd

		out->Ci += (Cspecular 

					+ CReflectSpecular* 
					  specular_color   * specular_weight * (1.0f - reflection_weight)*(is_metal?Cs:WHITE)//Ks
					+ CSpecularReflection* 
					  reflection_color * specular_weight * reflection_weight * (is_metal?Cs:WHITE)//Kr
					+ CRefraction*
					  refraction_color * specular_weight * refraction_weight * (1.0f-translucency_weight) * (is_metal?Cs:WHITE)//Kt			

#ifdef USE_AOV_aov_ambient
		aov_ambient() += ( i_ambientColor() 
							*(CReflectDiffuse *
							  Cs *(1.0f - specular_weight) * diffuse_weight//Kd
						 ) * (1.0f - o_outTransparency());
#ifdef USE_AOV_aov_diffuse
		aov_diffuse() += ( Cdiffuse * i_color() ) * (1.0f - o_outTransparency());
#ifdef USE_AOV_aov_specular
		aov_specular() += (Cspecular
							+ CReflectSpecular* 
							specular_color   * specular_weight * (1.0f - reflection_weight)*(is_metal?Cs:WHITE)//Ks

							+ CSpecularReflection* 
							reflection_color * specular_weight * reflection_weight * (is_metal?Cs:WHITE)//Kr

							+ CRefraction*
							refraction_color * specular_weight * refraction_weight * (1.0f-translucency_weight) * (is_metal?Cs:WHITE)//Kt			

		if ( ! less_than( &i_transparency(), LIQ_SCALAR_EPSILON ) )
			out->Ci = out->Ci * ( 1.0f - i_transparency() ) + trace_transparent() * i_transparency();
		}//else{ opacity }
