Example #1
	void Renderer::on_surface_changed(int width, int height, bool is_tablet)
		DLOG(INFO) << "Surface changed: " << width << "x" << height << ", tablet: " << std::boolalpha << is_tablet;
		// Устанавливаем вьюпорт принудительно, так как gl-контекст между сменами поверхности мог быть разрушен
		gl::set_viewport(rectangle_t(0, 0, width, height), true);
		// Запоминаем размеры экрана. Если размеры поверхности не изменились, матрицы не изменяем
		if (!gl::set_screen_size(dimension_t(width, height))) return;
		// Строим исходную матрицу проекции, от которой будут отталкиваться координаты объектов
		// Аспект - отношение ширины вьюпорта к его высоте
		float aspect = (float)width / (float)height;
		// Перспектива: ближняя и дальняя плоскости отсечения всегда положительные, ось Z направлена из глубины в
		// сторону экрана, позиция камеры в нулевой точке мировых координат, смотрит в глубину экрана, расположена
		// в горизонтальной плоскости осей X и Z.
		matrix().perspective(45.0f, aspect, 0.0001f, 100.0f);
		// Камеру разворачиваем вокруг оси Z в обратную сторону, чтобы смотрела по направлению оси Z. Таким образом
		// добиваемся того, что ось Z направлена от экрана в глубину, а не наоборот.
		matrix().look_at(position_t(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), position_t(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), position_t(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
		matrix().ortho(0.0f, static_cast<GLfloat>(width), static_cast<GLfloat>(height), 0.0f, -100.0f, 100.0f);
Example #2
font_face_set::dimension_t font_face_set::character_dimensions(const unsigned c)
    std::map<unsigned, dimension_t>::const_iterator itr;
    itr = dimension_cache_.find(c);
    if (itr != dimension_cache_.end()) {
        return itr->second;

    FT_Matrix matrix;
    FT_Vector pen;
    FT_Error  error;

    pen.x = 0;
    pen.y = 0;

    FT_BBox glyph_bbox;
    FT_Glyph image;

    glyph_ptr glyph = get_glyph(c);
    FT_Face face = glyph->get_face()->get_face();

    matrix.xx = (FT_Fixed)( 1 * 0x10000L );
    matrix.xy = (FT_Fixed)( 0 * 0x10000L );
    matrix.yx = (FT_Fixed)( 0 * 0x10000L );
    matrix.yy = (FT_Fixed)( 1 * 0x10000L );

    FT_Set_Transform(face, &matrix, &pen);

    error = FT_Load_Glyph (face, glyph->get_index(), FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING);
    if ( error )
        return dimension_t(0, 0, 0);

    error = FT_Get_Glyph(face->glyph, &image);
    if ( error )
        return dimension_t(0, 0, 0);

    FT_Glyph_Get_CBox(image, ft_glyph_bbox_pixels, &glyph_bbox);

    unsigned tempx = face->glyph->advance.x >> 6;

    //std::clog << "glyph: " << glyph_index << " x: " << tempx << " y: " << tempy << std::endl;
    dimension_t dim(tempx, glyph_bbox.yMax, glyph_bbox.yMin);
    //dimension_cache_[c] = dim; would need an default constructor for dimension_t
    dimension_cache_.insert(std::pair<unsigned, dimension_t>(c, dim));
    return dim;
HRESULT get_BSTR_ff(BSTR* bstr2)
    return GetFilter_new(dimension_t(), short(), bstr2);
HRESULT get_BSTR_original(BSTR* bstr1)
    return GetFilter_old(dimension_t(), short(), bstr1);
Example #5
void Application::initialize()
	music = NULL;
	m_game_turn = 1;
	m_ready = false;
	m_graph = new GraphicalController();
	m_mouse = new MouseController();

	m_GUI = new ApplicationGUI();
	m_GUI->m_position = position_t(0, 0);
	m_GUI->m_size = dimension_t(1024, 1024);
	key_press += std::bind(&Application::on_key_press, this, std::placeholders::_1);
	m_mouse->mouse_click += std::bind(&Application::on_mouse_click, this, std::placeholders::_1);
	m_mouse->mouse_down += std::bind(&Application::on_mouse_down, this, std::placeholders::_1);
	m_mouse->mouse_wheel += std::bind(&Application::on_mouse_wheel, this, std::placeholders::_1);
	m_mouse->mouse_move += std::bind(&Application::on_mouse_move, this, std::placeholders::_1);
	m_action_manager = new ActionManager();

	m_actions[0] = new action_move_step();
	m_actions[1] = new ActionClass_Push();
	m_actions[2] = new ActionClass_Turn();
	m_actions[3] = new Action_OpenInventory();
	m_actions[4] = new Action_CellInfo();

	m_GUI->MapViewer = new GUI_MapViewer(this);
	m_GUI->MapViewer->m_position.x = 0;
	m_GUI->MapViewer->m_position.y = 0;
	m_GUI->MapViewer->m_size.w = 1024;
	m_GUI->MapViewer->m_size.h = 1024;
	m_GUI->MapViewer->m_map = new GameMap(dimension_t(200,200));
	GameObject* obj = m_game_object_manager.new_object("elf");
	m_GUI->MapViewer->m_player = obj;

	int index = rand() % m_GUI->MapViewer->m_map->m_link_rooms.size();
	GameMap::block_t* room = *std::next(m_GUI->MapViewer->m_map->m_link_rooms.begin(), index);
	int rx = rand() % room->rect.w;
	int ry = rand() % room->rect.h;
	m_GUI->MapViewer->m_map->add_object(m_GUI->MapViewer->m_player, m_GUI->MapViewer->m_map->m_items[room->rect.y + ry][room->rect.x + rx]);
	rx = rand() % room->rect.w;
	ry = rand() % room->rect.h;
	m_GUI->MapViewer->m_map->add_object(Application::instance().m_game_object_manager.new_object("chest"), m_GUI->MapViewer->m_map->m_items[room->rect.y + ry][room->rect.x + rx]);

	GUI_ActionManager* AMTextBox;
	AMTextBox = new GUI_ActionManager(m_action_manager);
	AMTextBox->m_position.x = 650;
	AMTextBox->m_position.y = 710;
	AMTextBox->resize(372, 263);
	GUI_ActionPanel* ActionPanel;
	ActionPanel = new GUI_ActionPanel(2,975,898,47);
	GUI_ActionButton* ActionButton;
	ActionButton = new GUI_ActionButton();
	ActionButton->m_action = m_actions[action_e::move];
	ActionButton = new GUI_ActionButton();
	ActionButton->m_action = m_actions[action_e::push];
	ActionButton = new GUI_ActionButton();
	ActionButton->m_action = m_actions[action_e::turn];
	ActionButton = new GUI_ActionButton();
	ActionButton->m_action = m_actions[action_e::open_inventory];
	ActionButton = new GUI_ActionButton();
	ActionButton->m_action = m_actions[action_e::cell_info];
	GUI_Layer* MenuLayer;
	MenuLayer = new GUI_Layer();
	MenuLayer->m_position.x = 0;
	MenuLayer->m_position.y = 0;
	MenuLayer->m_size.w = 1024;
	MenuLayer->m_size.h = 1024;
	GUI_TextBox* TextBox = new GUI_TextBox();
	TextBox->m_position.x = 2;
	TextBox->m_position.y = 710;
	TextBox->resize(646, 263);

	m_GUI->DescriptionBox = TextBox;

	m_GUI->Timer = new GUI_Timer(902, 975, 120, 47, 0);

	GUI_Window* MiniMap = new GUI_Window(0, 0, 400, 400, "Мини-карта");
	GUI_MiniMap* mini_map = new GUI_MiniMap(position_t(5, 30), dimension_t(MiniMap->m_size.w - 10, MiniMap->m_size.h - 35), m_GUI->MapViewer);
	//MenuLayer->add(new GUI_Item(0, 0, 100,21, "4565656"));
	m_GUI->MapViewer->m_GUI = MenuLayer;

	//if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0)
	//	MessageBox(NULL, "Error", "Audio", MB_OK);
	//static Uint32 wav_length; // length of our sample
	//static Uint8 *wav_buffer; // buffer containing our audio file
	//static SDL_AudioSpec wav_spec; // the specs of our piece of music
	//static Uint32 wav_length2; // length of our sample
	//static Uint8 *wav_buffer2; // buffer containing our audio file
	//static SDL_AudioSpec wav_spec2; // the specs of our piece of music
	//if (SDL_LoadWAV("C:\\ExplorersOfSaarum\\123.wav", &wav_spec, &wav_buffer, &wav_length) == NULL){
	//	MessageBox(NULL, "Error", "Audio", MB_OK);
	//if (SDL_LoadWAV("C:\\ExplorersOfSaarum\\456.wav", &wav_spec2, &wav_buffer2, &wav_length2) == NULL){
	//	MessageBox(NULL, "Error", "Audio", MB_OK);
	//wav_spec.callback = my_audio_callback;
	//wav_spec.userdata = NULL;
	//// set our global static variables
	//audio_pos = wav_buffer; // copy sound buffer
	//audio_len = wav_length; // copy file length

	///* Open the audio device */
	//if (SDL_OpenAudio(NULL, NULL) < 0){
	//	MessageBox(NULL, "Error", "Audio", MB_OK);
	//	exit(-1);

	///* Start playing */
	//SDL_MixAudio(audio_pos, wav_buffer2, audio_len, SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME);// mix from one buffer into another
	//// wait until we're don't playing
	///*while (audio_len > 0) {
	//// shut everything down

	int audio_rate = 44100;
	Uint16 audio_format = AUDIO_S16; /* 16-bit stereo */
	int audio_channels = 2;
	int audio_buffers = 4096;

	if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0)
		MessageBox(NULL, "Error", "Audio", MB_OK);
	if (Mix_OpenAudio(audio_rate, audio_format, audio_channels, audio_buffers)) {
		MessageBox(NULL, "Error", "Audio", MB_OK);
	Mix_QuerySpec(&audio_rate, &audio_format, &audio_channels);
	if (music == NULL) {

		/* Actually loads up the music */
		music = Mix_LoadWAV((FileSystem::instance().m_resource_path+"Sounds\\Click.wav").c_str());

		/* This begins playing the music - the first argument is a
		pointer to Mix_Music structure, and the second is how many
		times you want it to loop (use -1 for infinite, and 0 to
		have it just play once) */

	m_ready = true;