Example #1
/* 'name' should be 1-element STRSXP or SYMSXP */
SEXP setAttrib(SEXP vec, SEXP name, SEXP val)

    if (isString(name))
	name = install(translateChar(STRING_ELT(name, 0)));
    if (val == R_NilValue) {
	return removeAttrib(vec, name);

    /* We allow attempting to remove names from NULL */
    if (vec == R_NilValue)
	error(_("attempt to set an attribute on NULL"));

    if (NAMED(val)) val = duplicate(val);
    SET_NAMED(val, NAMED(val) | NAMED(vec));

    if (name == R_NamesSymbol)
	return namesgets(vec, val);
    else if (name == R_DimSymbol)
	return dimgets(vec, val);
    else if (name == R_DimNamesSymbol)
	return dimnamesgets(vec, val);
    else if (name == R_ClassSymbol)
	return classgets(vec, val);
    else if (name == R_TspSymbol)
	return tspgets(vec, val);
    else if (name == R_CommentSymbol)
	return commentgets(vec, val);
    else if (name == R_RowNamesSymbol)
	return row_names_gets(vec, val);
	return installAttrib(vec, name, val);
Example #2
SEXP numeric_deriv(SEXP args)
    SEXP theta, expr, rho, ans, ans1, gradient, par, dimnames;
    double tt, xx, delta, eps = sqrt(DOUBLE_EPS);
    int start, i, j;

    expr = CADR(args);
    if(!isString(theta = CADDR(args)))
	error("theta should be of type character");
    if(!isEnvironment(rho = CADDDR(args)))
	error("rho should be an environment");

    PROTECT(ans = coerceVector(eval(expr, rho), REALSXP));
    PROTECT(gradient = allocMatrix(REALSXP, LENGTH(ans), LENGTH(theta)));

    for(i = 0, start = 0; i < LENGTH(theta); i++, start += LENGTH(ans)) {
	PROTECT(par = findVar(install(CHAR(STRING_ELT(theta, i))), rho));
	tt = REAL(par)[0];
	xx = fabs(tt);
	delta = (xx < 1) ? eps : xx*eps;
	REAL(par)[0] += delta;
	PROTECT(ans1 = coerceVector(eval(expr, rho), REALSXP));
	for(j = 0; j < LENGTH(ans); j++)
	    REAL(gradient)[j + start] =
		(REAL(ans1)[j] - REAL(ans)[j])/delta;
	REAL(par)[0] = tt;
	UNPROTECT(2); /* par, ans1 */

    PROTECT(dimnames = allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dimnames, 1,  theta);
    dimnamesgets(gradient, dimnames);
    setAttrib(ans, install("gradient"), gradient);
    UNPROTECT(3); /* ans  gradient  dimnames */
    return ans;
Example #3
SEXP attribute_hidden do_earg_matrix(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP arg_vals, SEXP arg_snr, SEXP arg_snc, SEXP arg_byrow, 
    SEXP arg_dimnames, SEXP arg_miss_nr, SEXP arg_miss_nc, SEXP rho)
    SEXP vals, ans, snr, snc, dimnames;
    int nr = 1, nc = 1, byrow, miss_nr, miss_nc;
    R_xlen_t lendat;

    vals = arg_vals;
    switch(TYPEOF(vals)) {
	case LGLSXP:
	case INTSXP:
	case REALSXP:
	case CPLXSXP:
	case STRSXP:
	case RAWSXP:
	case EXPRSXP:
	case VECSXP:
	    error(_("'data' must be of a vector type, was '%s'"),
    lendat = XLENGTH(vals);
    snr = arg_snr;
    snc = arg_snc;
    byrow = asLogical(arg_byrow);
    if (byrow == NA_INTEGER)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "byrow");
    dimnames = arg_dimnames;
    miss_nr = asLogical(arg_miss_nr);
    miss_nc = asLogical(arg_miss_nc);

    if (!miss_nr) {
	if (!isNumeric(snr)) error(_("non-numeric matrix extent"));
	nr = asInteger(snr);
	if (nr == NA_INTEGER)
	    error(_("invalid 'nrow' value (too large or NA)"));
	if (nr < 0)
	    error(_("invalid 'nrow' value (< 0)"));
    if (!miss_nc) {
	if (!isNumeric(snc)) error(_("non-numeric matrix extent"));
	nc = asInteger(snc);
	if (nc == NA_INTEGER)
	    error(_("invalid 'ncol' value (too large or NA)"));
	if (nc < 0)
	    error(_("invalid 'ncol' value (< 0)"));
    if (miss_nr && miss_nc) {
	if (lendat > INT_MAX) error("data is too long");
	nr = (int) lendat;
    } else if (miss_nr) {
	if (lendat > (double) nc * INT_MAX) error("data is too long");
	// avoid division by zero
	if (nc == 0) {
	    if (lendat) error(_("nc = 0 for non-null data"));
	    else nr = 0;
	} else
	    nr = (int) ceil((double) lendat / (double) nc);
    } else if (miss_nc) {
	if (lendat > (double) nr * INT_MAX) error("data is too long");
	// avoid division by zero
	if (nr == 0) {
	    if (lendat) error(_("nr = 0 for non-null data"));
	    else nc = 0;
	} else
	    nc = (int) ceil((double) lendat / (double) nr);

    if(lendat > 0) {
	R_xlen_t nrc = (R_xlen_t) nr * nc;
	if (lendat > 1 && nrc % lendat != 0) {
	    if (((lendat > nr) && (lendat / nr) * nr != lendat) ||
		((lendat < nr) && (nr / lendat) * lendat != nr))
		warning(_("data length [%d] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of rows [%d]"), lendat, nr);
	    else if (((lendat > nc) && (lendat / nc) * nc != lendat) ||
		     ((lendat < nc) && (nc / lendat) * lendat != nc))
		warning(_("data length [%d] is not a sub-multiple or multiple of the number of columns [%d]"), lendat, nc);
	else if ((lendat > 1) && (nrc == 0)){
	    warning(_("data length exceeds size of matrix"));

    if ((double)nr * (double)nc > INT_MAX)
	error(_("too many elements specified"));

    PROTECT(ans = allocMatrix(TYPEOF(vals), nr, nc));
    if(lendat) {
	if (isVector(vals))
	    copyMatrix(ans, vals, byrow);
	    copyListMatrix(ans, vals, byrow);
    } else if (isVector(vals)) { /* fill with NAs */
	R_xlen_t N = (R_xlen_t) nr * nc, i;
	switch(TYPEOF(vals)) {
	case STRSXP:
	    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
	case LGLSXP:
	    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
	case INTSXP:
	    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
	case REALSXP:
	    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
		REAL(ans)[i] = NA_REAL;
	case CPLXSXP:
		Rcomplex na_cmplx;
		na_cmplx.r = NA_REAL;
		na_cmplx.i = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
		    COMPLEX(ans)[i] = na_cmplx;
	case RAWSXP:
	    memset(RAW(ans), 0, N);
	    /* don't fill with anything */
    if(!isNull(dimnames)&& length(dimnames) > 0)
	ans = dimnamesgets(ans, dimnames);
    return ans;