CAMLprim value caml_init_vmnet(value v_mode) { CAMLparam1(v_mode); CAMLlocal3(v_iface_ref,v_res,v_mac); xpc_object_t interface_desc = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_uint64(interface_desc, vmnet_operation_mode_key, Int_val(v_mode)); uuid_t uuid; uuid_generate_random(uuid); xpc_dictionary_set_uuid(interface_desc, vmnet_interface_id_key, uuid); __block interface_ref iface = NULL; __block vmnet_return_t iface_status = 0; __block unsigned char *mac = malloc(6); if (!mac) caml_raise_out_of_memory (); __block unsigned int mtu = 0; __block unsigned int max_packet_size = 0; dispatch_queue_t if_create_q = dispatch_queue_create("org.openmirage.vmnet.create", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); dispatch_semaphore_t iface_created = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); iface = vmnet_start_interface(interface_desc, if_create_q, ^(vmnet_return_t status, xpc_object_t interface_param) { iface_status = status; if (status != VMNET_SUCCESS || !interface_param) { dispatch_semaphore_signal(iface_created); return; } //printf("mac desc: %s\n", xpc_copy_description(xpc_dictionary_get_value(interface_param, vmnet_mac_address_key))); const char *macStr = xpc_dictionary_get_string(interface_param, vmnet_mac_address_key); unsigned char lmac[6]; if (sscanf(macStr, "%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx:%hhx", &lmac[0], &lmac[1], &lmac[2], &lmac[3], &lmac[4], &lmac[5]) != 6) errx(1, "Unexpected MAC address received from vmnet"); memcpy(mac, lmac, 6); mtu = xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(interface_param, vmnet_mtu_key); max_packet_size = xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(interface_param, vmnet_max_packet_size_key); dispatch_semaphore_signal(iface_created); });
void OSXAddEntry(platform_work_queue* Queue, platform_work_queue_callback* Callback, void* Data) { // TODO(casey): Switch to InterlockedCompareExchange eventually // so that any thread can add? uint32 NewNextEntryToWrite = (Queue->NextEntryToWrite + 1) % ArrayCount(Queue->Entries); Assert(NewNextEntryToWrite != Queue->NextEntryToRead); platform_work_queue_entry *Entry = Queue->Entries + Queue->NextEntryToWrite; Entry->Callback = Callback; Entry->Data = Data; ++Queue->CompletionGoal; OSMemoryBarrier(); // Not needed: _mm_sfence(); Queue->NextEntryToWrite = NewNextEntryToWrite; dispatch_semaphore_signal(Queue->SemaphoreHandle); #if 0 int r = dispatch_semaphore_signal(Queue->SemaphoreHandle); if (r > 0) { printf(" dispatch_semaphore_signal: A thread was woken\n"); } else { printf(" dispatch_semaphore_signal: No thread was woken\n"); } #endif }
static void finalize_thread(void* _state) { SnDispatchThreadState* s = (SnDispatchThreadState*)_state; dispatch_semaphore_signal(s->gc_barrier); // when finalizing a thread during gc, we don't want to wait for this. dispatch_semaphore_wait(state_lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); if (s->next) s->next->previous = s->previous; if (s->previous) s->previous->next = s->next; state = s->next; dispatch_semaphore_signal(state_lock); dispatch_release(s->gc_barrier); snow_free(s); }
void *consumerFunc(void * arg) // 消费者线程 { while(true) { dispatch_semaphore_wait(full, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); dispatch_semaphore_wait(mutex, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); remove_item(); print_items(); dispatch_semaphore_signal(mutex); dispatch_semaphore_signal(empty); sleep(5); } }
static void rb_semaphore_finalize(void *rcv, SEL sel) { if (RSemaphore(rcv)->sem != NULL) { while (dispatch_semaphore_signal(RSemaphore(rcv)->sem) != 0) {} while (--RSemaphore(rcv)->count >= 0) { dispatch_semaphore_signal(RSemaphore(rcv)->sem); } dispatch_release(RSemaphore(rcv)->sem); } if (rb_semaphore_finalize_super != NULL) { ((void(*)(void *, SEL))rb_semaphore_finalize_super)(rcv, sel); } }
void *producerFunc(void *arg) // 生产者线程 { int item; while(true) { dispatch_semaphore_wait(empty, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); dispatch_semaphore_wait(mutex, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); item = product_NO++; insert_item(item); print_items(); dispatch_semaphore_signal(mutex); dispatch_semaphore_signal(full); sleep(3); } }
static void trigger_jobs(void) { time_t now = time(NULL); while (1) { struct heim_event_data *e = rk_UNCONST(heap_head(timer_heap)); if (e != NULL && e->t < now) { heap_remove_head(timer_heap); e->hptr = HEAP_INVALID_PTR; /* if its already running, lets retry 10s from now */ if (e->flags & RUNNING) { e->t = now + 10; heap_insert(timer_heap, e, &e->hptr); continue; } e->flags |= RUNNING; _heim_ipc_suspend_timer(); dispatch_async(timer_job_q, ^{ e->callback(e, e->ctx); dispatch_async(timer_sync_q, ^{ e->flags &= ~RUNNING; if (e->running) dispatch_semaphore_signal(e->running); _heim_ipc_restart_timer(); }); });
char * Digest_File(CCDigestAlg algorithm, const char *filename, char *buf) { int fd; __block CCDigestCtx ctx; dispatch_queue_t queue; dispatch_semaphore_t sema; dispatch_io_t io; __block int s_error = 0; /* dispatch_io_create_with_path requires an absolute path */ fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { return NULL; } (void)fcntl(fd, F_NOCACHE, 1); (void)osx_assumes_zero(CCDigestInit(algorithm, &ctx)); queue = dispatch_queue_create("", NULL); osx_assert(queue); sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); osx_assert(sema); io = dispatch_io_create(DISPATCH_IO_STREAM, fd, queue, ^(int error) { if (error != 0) { s_error = error; } (void)close(fd); (void)dispatch_semaphore_signal(sema); });
void RTMPSession::streamStatusChanged(StreamStatus_t status) { if(status & kStreamStatusConnected && m_state < kClientStateConnected) { setClientState(kClientStateConnected); } if(status & kStreamStatusReadBufferHasBytes) { dataReceived(); } if(status & kStreamStatusWriteBufferHasSpace) { if(m_state < kClientStateHandshakeComplete) { handshake(); } else { #ifdef __APPLE__ dispatch_semaphore_signal(m_networkWaitSemaphore); #else m_networkMutex.unlock(); m_networkCond.notify_one(); #endif } } if(status & kStreamStatusEndStream) { setClientState(kClientStateNotConnected); } if(status & kStreamStatusErrorEncountered) { setClientState(kClientStateError); } }
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { dispatch_group_t mg = dispatch_group_create(); dispatch_semaphore_t ds; __block int numRunning = 0; int qWidth = 5; int numWorkBlocks = 100; if (argc >= 2) { qWidth = atoi(argv[1]); // use the command 1st line parameter as the queue width if (qWidth==0) qWidth=1; // protect against bad values } if (argc >=3) { numWorkBlocks = atoi(argv[2]); // use the 2nd command line parameter as the queue width if (numWorkBlocks==0) numWorkBlocks=1; // protect against bad values } printf("Starting dispatch semaphore test to simulate a %d wide dispatch queue\n", qWidth ); ds = dispatch_semaphore_create(qWidth); int i; for (i=0; i<numWorkBlocks; i++) { // synchronize the whole shebang every 25 work units... if (i % 25 == 24) { dispatch_group_async(mg,dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,0), ^{ // wait for all pending work units to finish up... for (int x=0; x<qWidth; x++) dispatch_semaphore_wait(ds, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); // do the thing that is critical here printf("doing something critical...while %d work units are running \n",numRunning); // and let work continue unimpeeded for (int x=0; x<qWidth; x++) dispatch_semaphore_signal(ds); }); } else {
void __Platform_Red_Threading_Semaphore_Post ( __Platform_Semaphore_t & Target, uint32_t PostCount ) { for ( uint32_t I = 0; I < PostCount; I ++ ) dispatch_semaphore_signal ( Target ); }
void ResourceHandleCFURLConnectionDelegateWithOperationQueue::releaseHandle() { ResourceHandleCFURLConnectionDelegate::releaseHandle(); m_requestResult = nullptr; m_cachedResponseResult = nullptr; m_boolResult = false; dispatch_semaphore_signal(m_semaphore); }
static void cred_iter(void *ctx, gss_OID moid, gss_cred_id_t cred) { struct cred_iter_ctx *context = (struct cred_iter_ctx *)ctx; if (cred == GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL) { dispatch_semaphore_signal(context->s); return; } smb_gss_add_cred(context->clist, moid, cred); }
static int vmnet_get_mac_address_from_uuid(char *guest_uuid_str) { /* * from vmn_create() in */ xpc_object_t interface_desc; uuid_t uuid; __block interface_ref iface; __block vmnet_return_t iface_status; dispatch_semaphore_t iface_created; dispatch_queue_t if_create_q; uint32_t uuid_status; interface_desc = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_uint64(interface_desc, vmnet_operation_mode_key, VMNET_SHARED_MODE); uuid_from_string(guest_uuid_str, &uuid, &uuid_status); if (uuid_status != uuid_s_ok) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid UUID\n"); return -1; } xpc_dictionary_set_uuid(interface_desc, vmnet_interface_id_key, uuid); iface = NULL; iface_status = 0; if_create_q = dispatch_queue_create("org.xhyve.vmnet.create", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); iface_created = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); iface = vmnet_start_interface(interface_desc, if_create_q, ^(vmnet_return_t status, xpc_object_t interface_param) { iface_status = status; if (status != VMNET_SUCCESS || !interface_param) { dispatch_semaphore_signal(iface_created); return; } printf("%s\n", xpc_dictionary_get_string(interface_param, vmnet_mac_address_key)); dispatch_semaphore_signal(iface_created); });
// Signal //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Semaphore::Signal() { #if defined( __WINDOWS__ ) VERIFY( ReleaseSemaphore( m_Semaphore, 1, nullptr ) ); #elif defined( __APPLE__ ) dispatch_semaphore_signal( m_Semaphore ); #elif defined( __LINUX__ ) VERIFY( sem_post( &m_Semaphore ) == 0 ); #endif }
static void * spinning_thread(void *semp) { T_QUIET; T_ASSERT_NOTNULL(semp, "semaphore passed to thread should not be NULL"); dispatch_semaphore_signal(*(dispatch_semaphore_t *)semp); while (running_threads); return NULL; }
int OSMemoryNotificationTimedWait(OSMemoryNotificationRef note, OSMemoryNotificationLevel *level, const struct timeval *abstime) { dispatch_semaphore_t sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); dispatch_retain(sema); dispatch_source_t memoryNotificationSource = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_VM, 0, DISPATCH_VM_PRESSURE, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)); dispatch_source_set_event_handler(memoryNotificationSource, ^{ dispatch_semaphore_signal(sema); dispatch_release(sema); });
bool SemHelper::post() { #ifdef WIN32 return ReleaseSemaphore(_hSem, 1, NULL) ? true : false; #elif defined(__APPLE__) return dispatch_semaphore_signal(_semid) == 0; #else return (sem_post(&_semid) == 0); #endif }
static void acquire_cred_complete(void *ctx, OM_uint32 maj, gss_status_id_t status __unused, gss_cred_id_t creds, gss_OID_set oids, OM_uint32 time_rec __unused) { uint32_t min; struct smb_gss_cred_ctx *aq_cred_ctx = ctx; gss_release_oid_set(&min, &oids); aq_cred_ctx->creds = creds; aq_cred_ctx->maj = maj; dispatch_semaphore_signal(aq_cred_ctx->sem); }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { fprintf(stderr, "start\n"); done = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); dispatch_queue_t q = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0); my_global = 10; dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(10 * NSEC_PER_MSEC)), q, ^{ my_global = 42; dispatch_semaphore_signal(done); });
static bool clearAllKVS(CFErrorRef *error) { __block bool result = false; const uint64_t maxTimeToWaitInSeconds = 30ull * NSEC_PER_SEC; dispatch_queue_t processQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0); dispatch_semaphore_t waitSemaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); dispatch_time_t finishTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, maxTimeToWaitInSeconds); SOSCloudKeychainClearAll(processQueue, ^(CFDictionaryRef returnedValues, CFErrorRef cerror) { result = (cerror != NULL); dispatch_semaphore_signal(waitSemaphore); });
void dispatch_semaphore_blocks() { static size_t total; dispatch_semaphore_t dsema; MU_BEGIN_TEST(dispatch_semaphore_blocks); dsema = dispatch_semaphore_create(1); MU_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(dsema); dispatch_apply(LAPS, dispatch_queue_create(0,0), ^(size_t idx) { dispatch_semaphore_wait(dsema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); total++; dispatch_semaphore_signal(dsema); });
int main(void) { static long total; dispatch_semaphore_t dsema; dispatch_test_start("Dispatch Semaphore"); dsema = dispatch_semaphore_create(1); assert(dsema); dispatch_apply(LAPS, dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0), ^(size_t idx __attribute__((unused))) { dispatch_semaphore_wait(dsema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); total++; dispatch_semaphore_signal(dsema); });
long heim_ipc_semaphore_signal(heim_isemaphore s) { #ifdef HAVE_GCD return dispatch_semaphore_signal((dispatch_semaphore_t)s); #elif !defined(ENABLE_PTHREAD_SUPPORT) heim_assert(0, "no semaphore support w/o pthreads"); return EINVAL; #else int wakeup; HEIMDAL_MUTEX_lock(&s->mutex); wakeup = (++s->counter == 0) ; HEIMDAL_MUTEX_unlock(&s->mutex); if (wakeup) pthread_cond_signal(&s->cond); return 0; #endif }
/* * pj_sem_post() */ PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pj_sem_post(pj_sem_t *sem) { #if PJ_HAS_THREADS int result; PJ_LOG(6, (sem->obj_name, "Semaphore released by thread %s", pj_thread_this(sem->inst_id)->obj_name)); #if defined(PJ_DARWINOS) && PJ_DARWINOS!=0 result = dispatch_semaphore_signal(sem->sem); #else result = sem_post( sem->sem ); #endif if (result == 0) return PJ_SUCCESS; else return PJ_RETURN_OS_ERROR(pj_get_native_os_error()); #else pj_assert( sem == (pj_sem_t*) 1); return PJ_SUCCESS; #endif }
static SnDispatchThreadState* init_thread() { ASSERT(pthread_getspecific(state_key) == NULL); SnDispatchThreadState* s = (SnDispatchThreadState*)snow_malloc(sizeof(SnDispatchThreadState)); s->current_task = NULL; s->gc_barrier = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); // starts locked s->previous = NULL; // prepend this state to the list of thread states dispatch_semaphore_wait(state_lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); s->next = state; if (s->next) { ASSERT(s->next->previous == NULL); s->next->previous = s; } state = s; dispatch_semaphore_signal(state_lock); pthread_setspecific(state_key, s); return s; }
static void _dispatch_apply2(void *_ctxt) { struct dispatch_apply_s *da = _ctxt; size_t const iter = da->da_iterations; dispatch_function_apply_t func = da->da_func; void *const ctxt = da->da_ctxt; size_t idx; _dispatch_workitem_dec(); // this unit executes many items // Striding is the responsibility of the caller. while (fastpath((idx = dispatch_atomic_inc((intptr_t*)&da->da_index) - 1) < iter)) { func(ctxt, idx); _dispatch_workitem_inc(); } if (dispatch_atomic_dec((intptr_t*)&da->da_thr_cnt) == 0) { dispatch_semaphore_signal(da->da_sema); } }
/* * 'cups_gss_acquire()' - Kerberos credentials callback. */ static void cups_gss_acquire( void *ctx, /* I - Caller context */ OM_uint32 major, /* I - Major error code */ gss_status_id_t status, /* I - Status (unused) */ gss_cred_id_t creds, /* I - Credentials (if any) */ gss_OID_set oids, /* I - Mechanism OIDs (unused) */ OM_uint32 time_rec) /* I - Timestamp (unused) */ { uint32_t min; /* Minor error code */ _cups_gss_acquire_t *data; /* Callback data */ (void)status; (void)time_rec; data = (_cups_gss_acquire_t *)ctx; data->major = major; data->creds = creds; gss_release_oid_set(&min, &oids); dispatch_semaphore_signal(data->sem); }
int gbDB_IncDecrementWithSemaphore(int* x, dispatch_semaphore_t sema, const bool isInc, const bool isDec) { int retVal = -1; dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); if (isInc) { *x = *x + 1; }//if else if (isDec) { *x = *x - 1; }//else if retVal = *x; dispatch_semaphore_signal(sema); return retVal; }//gbDB_IncDecrementWithSemaphore
/* * call-seq: * sema.signal => true or false * * Signals the semaphore to wake up any waiting threads * * Returns true if no thread is waiting, false otherwise * * gcdq ='doc') * sema = * gcdq.async { sleep 0.1; sema.signal } #=> false * sema.wait * */ static VALUE rb_semaphore_signal(VALUE self, SEL sel) { return dispatch_semaphore_signal(RSemaphore(self)->sem) == 0 ? Qtrue : Qfalse; }