void Kopete::ChatSession::slotUpdateDisplayName() { if( d->customDisplayName ) return; Kopete::Contact *c = d->mContactList.first(); //If there is no member yet, don't try to update the display name if ( !c ) return; d->displayName=QString::null; do { if(! d->displayName.isNull() ) d->displayName.append( QString::fromLatin1( ", " ) ) ; if ( c->metaContact() ) d->displayName.append( c->metaContact()->displayName() ); else { QString nick=c->property(Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString(); d->displayName.append( nick.isEmpty() ? c->contactId() : nick ); } c=d->mContactList.next(); } while (c); //If we have only 1 contact, add the status of him if ( d->mContactList.count() == 1 ) { d->displayName.append( QString::fromLatin1( " (%1)" ).arg( d->mContactList.first()->onlineStatus().description() ) ); } emit displayNameChanged(); }
void Kopete::ChatSession::slotUpdateDisplayName() { if( d->customDisplayName ) return; //If there is no member yet, don't try to update the display name if ( d->contacts.isEmpty() ) return; d->displayName.clear(); for(int i = 0; i != d->contacts.size(); i++ ) { Kopete::Contact * c = d->contacts[i]; if(! d->displayName.isNull() ) d->displayName.append( QString::fromLatin1( ", " ) ) ; if ( c->metaContact() ) d->displayName.append( c->metaContact()->displayName() ); else { d->displayName.append( c->nickName() ); } } //If we have only 1 contact, add the status of him if ( d->contacts.count() == 1 ) { d->displayName.append( QString::fromLatin1( " (%1)" ).arg( d->contacts.first()->onlineStatus().description() ) ); } emit displayNameChanged(); }
void QInstallerPackage::setDisplayName(const QString &displayName) { if(m_displayName == displayName) return; m_displayName = displayName ; emit displayNameChanged(); }
void ShotgunField::setDisplayName(const QString n) { if (m_displayName != n) { m_displayName = n; emit displayNameChanged(n); } }
void AccountInterfacePrivate::setAccount(Accounts::Account *acc) { if (!acc) { qWarning() << "AccountInterface: setAccount() called with null account! Aborting operation."; return; } if (account) { qWarning() << "AccountInterface: setAccount() called but account already set! Aborting operation."; return; } account = acc; // connect up our signals. connect(account, SIGNAL(enabledChanged(QString,bool)), this, SLOT(enabledHandler(QString,bool))); connect(account, SIGNAL(displayNameChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(displayNameChangedHandler())); connect(account, SIGNAL(synced()), this, SLOT(handleSynced())); connect(account, SIGNAL(removed()), this, SLOT(invalidate())); connect(account, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(invalidate())); // first time read from db. we should be in Initializing state to begin with. // QueuedConnection to ensure that clients have a chance to connect to state changed signals. QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "asyncQueryInfo", Qt::QueuedConnection); }
void DesignDocument::updateFileName(const QString & /*oldFileName*/, const QString &newFileName) { if (m_documentModel) m_documentModel->setFileUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(newFileName)); if (m_inFileComponentModel) m_inFileComponentModel->setFileUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(newFileName)); viewManager().setItemLibraryViewResourcePath(QFileInfo(newFileName).absolutePath()); emit displayNameChanged(displayName()); }
void DesignDocumentController::setFileName(const QString &fileName) { d->fileName = fileName; if (QFileInfo(fileName).exists()) { d->searchPath = QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileName); } else { d->searchPath = QUrl(fileName); } if (d->model) d->model->setFileUrl(d->searchPath); if (d->itemLibraryView) d->itemLibraryView->widget()->setResourcePath(QFileInfo(fileName).absolutePath()); emit displayNameChanged(displayName()); }
Accounts::Account* AccountsModelPrivate::accountById(int id) { if (m_accHash.contains(id)) { return m_accHash.value(id); } Accounts::Account* account = m_manager->account(id); if (!account) { qDebug() << "\t Failed to get the account from manager"; return 0; } connect(account, SIGNAL(displayNameChanged(QString)), q, SLOT(accountUpdated())); m_accHash[id] = account; return account; }
void QDeclarativeCamera::setupDevice(const QString &deviceName) { QMediaService *service = m_camera->service(); if (!service) return; QVideoDeviceSelectorControl *deviceControl = qobject_cast<QVideoDeviceSelectorControl*>(service->requestControl(QVideoDeviceSelectorControl_iid)); if (!deviceControl) return; int deviceIndex = -1; if (deviceName.isEmpty()) { deviceIndex = deviceControl->defaultDevice(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < deviceControl->deviceCount(); ++i) { if (deviceControl->deviceName(i) == deviceName) { deviceIndex = i; break; } } } if (deviceIndex == -1) return; State previousState = cameraState(); setCameraState(UnloadedState); deviceControl->setSelectedDevice(deviceIndex); QCameraInfo oldCameraInfo = m_currentCameraInfo; m_currentCameraInfo = QCameraInfo(*m_camera); emit deviceIdChanged(); if (oldCameraInfo.description() != m_currentCameraInfo.description()) emit displayNameChanged(); if (oldCameraInfo.position() != m_currentCameraInfo.position()) emit positionChanged(); if (oldCameraInfo.orientation() != m_currentCameraInfo.orientation()) emit orientationChanged(); setCameraState(previousState); }
void Kopete::ChatSession::addContact( const Kopete::Contact *c, bool suppress ) { //kDebug( 14010 ) ; if ( d->contacts.contains( (Kopete::Contact*)c ) ) { kDebug( 14010 ) << "Contact already exists"; // emit contactAdded( c, suppress ); } else { if ( d->contacts.count() == 1 && d->isEmpty ) { kDebug( 14010 ) << " F****R ZONE "; /* We have only 1 contact before, so the status of the message manager was given from that contact status */ Kopete::Contact *old = d->contacts.first(); d->contacts.removeAll( old ); d->contacts.append( (Kopete::Contact*)c ); disconnect( old, SIGNAL(onlineStatusChanged(Kopete::Contact*,Kopete::OnlineStatus,Kopete::OnlineStatus)), this, SLOT(slotOnlineStatusChanged(Kopete::Contact*,Kopete::OnlineStatus,Kopete::OnlineStatus)) ); disconnect( old, SIGNAL(statusMessageChanged(Kopete::Contact*)), this, SIGNAL(statusMessageChanged(Kopete::Contact*)) ); if ( old->metaContact() ) { disconnect( old->metaContact(), SIGNAL(displayNameChanged(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateDisplayName()) ); disconnect( old->metaContact(), SIGNAL(photoChanged()), this, SIGNAL(photoChanged()) ); } else disconnect( old, SIGNAL(propertyChanged(Kopete::PropertyContainer*,QString,QVariant,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateDisplayName()) ); disconnect( old, SIGNAL(propertyChanged(Kopete::PropertyContainer*,QString,QVariant,QVariant)), this, SLOT(slotContactPropertyChanged(Kopete::PropertyContainer*,QString,QVariant,QVariant)) ); emit contactAdded( c, suppress ); emit contactRemoved( old, QString() ); } else {
void Kopete::ChatSession::setDisplayName( const QString &newName ) { d->displayName = newName; d->customDisplayName = true; emit displayNameChanged(); }