int main( void ) { halInit(); moduleInit(); printf("\r\nWriting NV Items\r\n"); result = moduleReset(); if (result == MODULE_SUCCESS) { displaySysResetInd(); // Display the contents of the received SYS_RESET_IND message } else { printf("Module Reset ERROR 0x%02X\r\n", result); } debugConsoleIsr = &handleDebugConsoleInterrupt; //call method handleDebugConsoleInterrupt() when a byte is received HAL_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(); //Enable Interrupts while (1) { uint8_t whichNvItem = getWhichNvItemToWrite(); if (whichNvItem != NO_CHARACTER_RECEIVED) { uint8_t nvItemSize = getNvItemSize(whichNvItem); printf("\r\nWriting to NV item %u, L%u:", whichNvItem, nvItemSize); printHexBytes(dataToWrite, nvItemSize); result = sysNvWrite(whichNvItem, dataToWrite); if (result != MODULE_SUCCESS) { printf("sysNvWrite ERROR 0x%02X\r\n", result); } } } }
int main( void ) { halInit(); moduleInit(); printf("\r\nResetting Module, then getting MAC Address\r\n"); HAL_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(); result = moduleReset(); if (result == MODULE_SUCCESS) { /* Display the contents of the received SYS_RESET_IND message */ displaySysResetInd(); } else { printf("ERROR 0x%02X\r\n", result); } while (1) { result = zbGetDeviceInfo(DIP_MAC_ADDRESS); if (result == MODULE_SUCCESS) { uint8_t* mac = zmBuf+SRSP_DIP_VALUE_FIELD; printf("MAC (as sent, LSB first):"); printHexBytes(mac, 8); /* Note: the MAC address comes over the wire in reverse order (LSB first) So we swap the order of the bytes so we can display it correctly. */ uint8_t temp[8]; int i; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { temp[i] = mac[7-i]; } printf("MAC (correct, MSB first):"); printHexBytes(temp, 8); printf("\r\n"); } else { printf("ERROR 0x%02X\r\n", result); } toggleLed(1); delayMs(1000); } }
int main( void ) { halInit(); moduleInit(); printf("\r\nResetting Module\r\n"); HAL_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(); moduleReset(); while (1) { printf("Module Reset: "); result = moduleReset(); if (result == MODULE_SUCCESS) { displaySysResetInd(); // Display the contents of the received SYS_RESET_IND message } else { printf("ERROR 0x%02X\r\n", result); } delayMs(3000); } }