Example #1
static cb_ret_t
help_callback (Widget * w, Widget * sender, widget_msg_t msg, int parm, void *data)
    WDialog *h = DIALOG (w);

    switch (msg)
    case MSG_RESIZE:
            WButtonBar *bb;

            help_lines = MIN (LINES - 4, MAX (2 * LINES / 3, 18));
            dlg_set_size (h, help_lines + 4, HELP_WINDOW_WIDTH + 4);
            bb = find_buttonbar (h);
            widget_set_size (WIDGET (bb), LINES - 1, 0, 1, COLS);
            return MSG_HANDLED;

    case MSG_DRAW:
        dlg_default_repaint (h);
        help_show (h, currentpoint);
        return MSG_HANDLED;

    case MSG_KEY:
        return help_handle_key (h, parm);

    case MSG_ACTION:
        /* Handle shortcuts and buttonbar. */
        return help_execute_cmd (parm);

        return dlg_default_callback (w, sender, msg, parm, data);
Example #2
static cb_ret_t
help_callback (Widget * w, Widget * sender, widget_msg_t msg, int parm, void *data)
    WDialog *h = DIALOG (w);

    switch (msg)
    case MSG_RESIZE:
            WButtonBar *bb;

            help_lines = min (LINES - 4, max (2 * LINES / 3, 18));
            dlg_set_size (h, help_lines + 4, HELP_WINDOW_WIDTH + 4);
            bb = find_buttonbar (h);
            widget_set_size (WIDGET (bb), LINES - 1, 0, 1, COLS);
            return MSG_HANDLED;

    case MSG_DRAW:
        dlg_default_repaint (h);
        help_show (h, currentpoint);
        return MSG_HANDLED;

    case MSG_KEY:
        return help_handle_key (h, parm);

    case MSG_ACTION:
        /* shortcut */
        if (sender == NULL)
            return help_execute_cmd (parm);
        /* message from buttonbar */
        if (sender == WIDGET (find_buttonbar (h)))
            if (data != NULL)
                return send_message (data, NULL, MSG_ACTION, parm, NULL);
            return help_execute_cmd (parm);
        return MSG_NOT_HANDLED;

        return dlg_default_callback (w, sender, msg, parm, data);
Example #3
File: chown.c Project: LubkaB/mc
static void
chown_refresh (WDialog * h)
    const int y = 3;
    const int x = 7 + GW * 2;

    dlg_default_repaint (h);

    tty_setcolor (COLOR_NORMAL);

    widget_move (h, y + 0, x);
    tty_print_string (_("Name"));
    widget_move (h, y + 2, x);
    tty_print_string (_("Owner name"));
    widget_move (h, y + 4, x);
    tty_print_string (_("Group name"));
    widget_move (h, y + 6, x);
    tty_print_string (_("Size"));
    widget_move (h, y + 8, x);
    tty_print_string (_("Permission"));
Example #4
dlg_default_callback (Widget * w, Widget * sender, widget_msg_t msg, int parm, void *data)
    WDialog *h = DIALOG (w);

    (void) sender;
    (void) parm;
    (void) data;

    switch (msg)
    case MSG_DRAW:
        if (h->color != NULL)
            dlg_default_repaint (h);
            return MSG_HANDLED;
        return MSG_NOT_HANDLED;

    case MSG_IDLE:
        /* we don't want endless loop */
        widget_idle (w, FALSE);
        return MSG_HANDLED;

    case MSG_RESIZE:
        /* this is default resizing mechanism */
        /* the main idea of this code is to resize dialog
           according to flags (if any of flags require automatic
           resizing, like WPOS_CENTER, end after that reposition
           controls in dialog according to flags of widget) */
        dlg_set_size (h, w->lines, w->cols);
        return MSG_HANDLED;


    return MSG_NOT_HANDLED;
Example #5
File: achown.c Project: jskDr/mc
static void
chown_refresh (void)
    dlg_default_repaint (ch_dlg);

    tty_setcolor (COLOR_NORMAL);

    widget_move (ch_dlg, BY - 1, 8);
    tty_print_string (_("owner"));
    widget_move (ch_dlg, BY - 1, 16);
    tty_print_string (_("group"));
    widget_move (ch_dlg, BY - 1, 24);
    tty_print_string (_("other"));

    widget_move (ch_dlg, BY - 1, 35);
    tty_print_string (_("owner"));
    widget_move (ch_dlg, BY - 1, 53);
    tty_print_string (_("group"));

    widget_move (ch_dlg, BY + 1, 3);
    tty_print_string (_("Flag"));

    print_flags ();
Example #6
File: layout.c Project: m32/mc
static cb_ret_t
layout_callback (Widget * w, Widget * sender, widget_msg_t msg, int parm, void *data)
    WDialog *h = DIALOG (w);

    switch (msg)
    case MSG_DRAW:
        /* When repainting the whole dialog (e.g. with C-l) we have to
           update everything */
        dlg_default_repaint (h);

        old_output_lines = -1;

        update_split (h);

        if (old_output_lines != _output_lines)
            old_output_lines = _output_lines;
            tty_setcolor (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0' ? COLOR_NORMAL : DISABLED_COLOR);
            widget_move (h, 9, 5);
            tty_print_string (output_lines_label);
            widget_move (h, 9, 5 + 3 + output_lines_label_len);
            tty_printf ("%02d", _output_lines);
        return MSG_HANDLED;

    case MSG_POST_KEY:
        _menubar_visible = check_options[1].widget->state & C_BOOL;
        _command_prompt = (check_options[2].widget->state & C_BOOL) != 0;
        _keybar_visible = check_options[3].widget->state & C_BOOL;
        _message_visible = check_options[4].widget->state & C_BOOL;
        _xterm_title = (check_options[5].widget->state & C_BOOL) != 0;
        _free_space = check_options[6].widget->state & C_BOOL;

        if (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0')
            int minimum;

            if (_output_lines < 0)
                _output_lines = 0;
            height = LINES - _keybar_visible - (_command_prompt ? 1 : 0) -
                     _menubar_visible - _output_lines - _message_visible;
            minimum = MINHEIGHT * (1 + panels_layout.horizontal_split);
            if (height < minimum)
                _output_lines -= minimum - height;
                height = minimum;
            height = LINES - _keybar_visible - (_command_prompt ? 1 : 0) -
                     _menubar_visible - _output_lines - _message_visible;

        if (old_output_lines != _output_lines)
            old_output_lines = _output_lines;
            tty_setcolor (mc_global.tty.console_flag != '\0' ? COLOR_NORMAL : DISABLED_COLOR);
            widget_move (h, 9, 5 + 3 + output_lines_label_len);
            tty_printf ("%02d", _output_lines);
        return MSG_HANDLED;

    case MSG_ACTION:
        if (sender == WIDGET (radio_widget))
            if (panels_layout.horizontal_split != radio_widget->sel)
                int eq;

                panels_layout.horizontal_split = radio_widget->sel;

                if (panels_layout.horizontal_split)
                    eq = panels_layout.horizontal_equal;
                    if (eq)
                        panels_layout.top_panel_size = height / 2;
                    eq = panels_layout.vertical_equal;
                    if (eq)
                        panels_layout.left_panel_size = COLS / 2;

                widget_disable (WIDGET (bleft_widget), eq);
                widget_disable (WIDGET (bright_widget), eq);

                update_split (h);
                layout_change ();
                do_refresh ();
                update_split (h);

            return MSG_HANDLED;

        if (sender == WIDGET (check_options[0].widget))
            int eq;

            if (panels_layout.horizontal_split)
                panels_layout.horizontal_equal = check_options[0].widget->state & C_BOOL;
                eq = panels_layout.horizontal_equal;
                panels_layout.vertical_equal = check_options[0].widget->state & C_BOOL;
                eq = panels_layout.vertical_equal;

            widget_disable (WIDGET (bleft_widget), eq);
            widget_disable (WIDGET (bright_widget), eq);

            update_split (h);
            layout_change ();
            do_refresh ();

            return MSG_HANDLED;

        return MSG_NOT_HANDLED;

        return dlg_default_callback (w, sender, msg, parm, data);